In this episode, I am finally covering the last 150 kilometers to the border of Angola and Zambia. Being so close to the Zambezi river, there are many small rivers that run across the road, and some very sketchy bridges to cross them…

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    Yes, but the danger is over there I walk really slowly Ah okay You are a woman? Man or woman? Woman.. Cazombo, ANGOLA Season 7 – Eps. 88 Good morning Internet, it’s 8:30 in  the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here in Cazombo In Angola

    Yeah, this is my last day in Angola because I’m hoping to cross the border into Zambia today I have been on my way to the border for a couple of days now but today I should reach it It’s uh.. it’s another 150 km but um.. as far as my intel goes

    It will be rough 150 km. So it’ll take me a while And so the Zambezi river will be on my right side And I’m kind of following it south So I don’t need a visa for Zambia so that should be easy Here is the first bridge that looks all right Second bridge

    Okay, so I waited so long with sharing the tablet that I’m using Because I was like, before I vouch for anything I want to make sure that it works perfectly And now, I finally shared my the details of my tablet and now it’s it’s not working

    The screen keeps on going, on off, on off and it’s really annoying So now I just flipped it around ’cause it’s better to look at this than uh, at that screen I’ve been trying for a while to re boot it But it’s not working I can’t get it to reboot

    I have a feeling it has something to do with that weather from yesterday Spoiler – later this day, it worked again:) When it was standing in the rain Uh, it should be waterproof but I mean it’s not the first time that I use it in the rain

    But anyway. Well, I don’t really want to dig through my bag and put my phone mount on again But I don’t think it’s necessary now because there’s only one road really And it’s this one so I think it’ll be fine And then uh.. later today I’ll see if I can get it to uh.. reboot

    Okay, some more bridges These bridges are still totally fine Another really cute village Wow I love how they are living kind of underneath the tree still Think there are some small houses here as well. See, there’s one Oh, some little shops Here come the more interesting bridges Good morning How are you?

    You will pass well Yes? You will pass fine, no problem Okay, let’s have a look, okay At the hole Oof Hm? Go slow.. go slow Yes, but the danger is over there I walk really slowly Ah okay It will move Oh yeah Slowly, very slowly and then you can pass

    You will pass here.. I will walk with the motorcycle Better Nervous. Yeah, I’m nervous too Okay and on here Left Good heavens [Dutch] Thank you! Thank you! Almost slipped there There’s another bridge But I also saw.. maybe I’m wrong Maybe I should be over there I don’t know there’s another track here on the right

    I think they’re calling out, yeah no, this is a definite.. definite no I think they were already gonna come and tell me that I was wrong On this side. I think I have to go here Or not That bridge is definitely not going to work Ah see, there’s almost no water Hello! Good morning! All good!

    You go Zambia? – Yes! And you? Where are you going? Here to the village Ah Have a good journey – Thank you! Check it first It looks all right but I just want to see the other side Pretty big holes And then here either this side or this side What would be the best way

    Or maybe I can.. I think I can ride Alaska over this one That might even be easier than to walk her Easy! Sorry to disturb you.. sorry piggies I disturbed their mud bath on the middle of the road I have 50 kilometers to go to the border Hey, there is the Zambezi

    It’s actually the first time that I see it today I mean the river was never far but there were always trees in between Oh some more pigs! Oh, calm down Calm down, it’s okay Sorry Yeah, I do got to say the road is getting rougher and rougher the closer I get to Zambia

    What a beautiful, beautiful track I can’t say it enough. I mean, it’s so awesome to ride here honestly Ugh. This water is like, this slimy green color That you’re thinking I wonder what lives in there I think There kind of comes the end to this circus of water This must be the last one no?

    No not yet Oh ah.. there was the detour Although I probably don’t even fit underneath I’ll just take this one Wow, this route is definitely competing for craziest route to the border With the one uh.. Nigeria to Cameroon. Remember that one, that was pretty hectic But this is uh, kind of in the same league

    Don’t you think? Seriously where am I Not so easy sand Oh Good heavens [Dutch] How is this bridge This is some thick sand Like no way to get any momentum Just when you think ah, I left like the difficult mud behind me You get thick, thick sand Always something

    Okay. This is better You can keep a bit more speed Even the locals struggle so I’m allowed.. to struggle too Oh, go slowly I am here Immigration I did it Oh, here’s customs also Let’s see Hi All the best – Thank you Thank you very much Careful Yes okay That was Angolan immigration and customs

    They stamped me out. That was really laid back Um Now just the Zambia side Somewhere here Or not, must be here I think. Oh no, it’s still Angola Good afternoon How are you? I’m good thank you Is that GPS? Yeah You are a woman? Man or woman? Woman..

    No, which countries did you pass.. more? Morocco – Morocco Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Angola Zambia – Hey, you speak English Yes – You’re Zambian or Angolan? Zambia Angola but this one border – Ah yeah yeah

    Yes border more people speak a bit English That’s easier for me. My Portuguese is so so God bless – Thank you, you too Thank you Okay, so now I’m really out of Angola Here’s already border with Zambia 15 minutes later… Sorry? – Keep lift – Keep left – Yes Okay thanks

    Okay. Thank you! Bye bye! I’m into Zambia Oh, I’m so happy. That went really well. Really quickly They just yeah, stamped me in and uh.. here they did my Carnet de Passage They didn’t do that in Angola but here they did, so that’s always super easy

    Keep left. Yeah, so they drive on the left side of the road here That is good that he reminded me because I would not have realized that The British were here. That’s probably why It also means that most Zambians will speak English So without further ado, welcome to Zambia! Woohoo! I made it!

    Look at this room. This is so nice! And then.. I am overlooking the Zambezi river over there I even have aircon So I’m just getting my stuff ready for charging you know, getting all my batteries charged And I look around the corner here That is one big spider I don’t like that at all

    Time to update the map as well, I’ve been a little bit behind So first I rode from Saurimo here. And then I rode here alongside the border with the DRC I rode alongside the border until here I think. No, oops too far. I went down here I think, yeah

    Because here’s Cazombo and then today uh.. this is where the border is So I think I went something like this And then crossed the border and now I am right over here, no Also not. Okay, I’m making a little bit of a mess of the map

    At least you can see that I crossed Angola and I am now in Zambia Yeah, the sun is setting.. over the Zambezi What a day, what a day hey? Anyway, I’m going to see if uh, the restaurant can whip me up some food

    Anyway that was it for today. I’m going to end this video, I’m pretty tired But I made it to Zambia. I’m super happy to be here and what an adventure again to get here I absolutely loved every minute of it. So that was it for today

    I really hope you like this video, if you did please give a big thumbs up Subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video


    1. Noraly,🙋🏼👂🏻🎶🎵🎼👂🏻
      What is the NAME of the song and musician/band/choir at closing 2 min of video please!? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
      💓😌 Soooo beautiful …brought me to tears!😭 It had a soul familiarity to it for me!🌌💫✨
      Or anyone reading this….do you know the song?!👂🏻🎶🎵🎼👂🏻🙏🏻

    2. Wel dat was tenminste off road buiten categorie respect hoor doe ik je niet na op mn Harley super vet om je avonturen te volgen sinds Radio 1 interview volg ik je en verveel me geen moment stay save

    3. LOL LOL… his face… like huh, seriously no, that many countries… only just started watching.. i should gone back in time and started way back…. very brave…amazing stuff….
      Crazy bridges… part of me love to do this part of me terrified to do it lol… for a man I'm wuss, lol… kudo's to you… awesome stuff… :).

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