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    If they weren’t it’s fine should they would just come sing the ver sing the himym and they would oh we came to see you our daughter and they would go so this is how I now wanted to know more about the Adventist culture and I say

    I’m enjoying itk you stay here sis stay here we didn’t plan this I mean what’s today’s topic this afternoon Health what was the theme running through her experience her journey her mom’s health Health friendship connection all the things that we talked about today I think BK would have spoken you you see the

    Thread um who would like to pray for memory anybody just a thank you memory let’s pray almighty God we thank you we praise you and we worship your Holy Name father oh Lord you make her mother give a special name Memory and she’s not the kind that

    Forgets the significance of how you can come through or you came through for them through her mother’s life and the Legacy she leave in memory’s heart we thank you for her husband and her family that the Father the exposer to the Adventist faith and dear father as you continue to

    Work with memory may she remember that you never leave know you ever forsake you will hold onto her throughout eternity you can only let go when she pull her hands away from you and I know God she wouldn’t so may your name be lifted up in her life and may she be a

    Testimony in this world for you and her family in Jesus name amen thank you thank you so much for sharing that was a typical example of how um we can connect with people and um meet them at their point of need so moving on from this

    Morning let’s just do a review the four M’s Mission what’s the mission the mission is to go the message is the Gospel of Jesus Christ I think it’s 3M sorry I’m throwing you and then the method is Christ method alone preach the well to preach but also Christ method alone yeah

    And we’re going to I thought I had it on there for a minute I thought you were I was giving your points yes so thank you and then we looked at the four alls do you remember the four alls where we got them from yeah we got it from Matthew

    28 um 18 to 21 and what were the four alls the first all was all all power is given all nation kindreds and tongues all the it’s all n no that one’s to all I don’t think you guys I even it’s gone out of my head should we review can

    Anybody else remember I know I’m with you always and L I Am With You Always there’s another all though all is it is that different though to what we said all nations that was the mark version Matthew had his version TW Matthew 28 and then Mark had a version of The

    Gospel Mark’s version of The Gospel was go make fishes of men from the minute we joined the body of Christ Our purpose should be like Christ but um I would have to flick up but it will come to me yeah and what else did we do this this

    Morning we talked about how the disciples did it in one generation no internet no cars no highe speed this that technology and uh we know that because they died in all different places didn’t they all over the world all things thank you thank you yeah um so what else did we you remember

    From this morning let me have a keep browsing through did I oh yes there were three PS although I didn’t stress on that well done sister do you remember what they were yes well done so if you don’t have the spirit if it’s not kind of burning within you like the Jeremiah experience

    Yeah you can pray for it practice it and preach yeah ask God to give you a burden for Souls um and then we have to be sincere Seekers we talked about the Bible being a fact check checker yeah and but how we need to then we came to the point of

    Saying there’s a science so we looking at the science in terms of the method uh and we said that we would look at Health moving bringing people from Health to spirituality because Health was the right arm of the Gospel it’s the arm that we tend to extend to people which

    Memory was just an amazing thank you Jesus she yeah she just kind of really summed that up very very well so we said that arise Shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you and we had quite a lot of Courts I’m

    Trying to move down so we can get to where we are today we showed the video we talked about the reasons to be involved in the gospel it will inspire your own life it will bring unity in the church it will do away with fault finding argumentativeness if there’s such a

    Word um it’s fun and it will hasten the coming of Jesus Christ and we looked at statistics do you remember 8 billion people in the world world and all the languages and all the ways that we had to get on with this job that God has given us to do

    So um Joy I’m going to use this if it’s not if it’s still working let me just go there yeah wonderful Luke 10:17 says then the 70 returned with joy so Jesus has sent them out to do a work and they returned with joy which is what we talked about today

    This work is a it’s a joyful work it’s it’s the best work that we can can do and um the reason why well I mentioned about why we do our testimonies and uh memory thank you I mean your testimony probably took about seven eight minutes but if you were

    Standing at the door with somebody or standing in the market you probably wouldn’t have that long but you could work on your testimony so you can give it within three or four minutes and and there’s always remember testimony doesn’t have to be kind of your life it

    Could be an answer to prayer I was studying with somebody this week and we’re looking at Daniel 2 and she says oh yes I remember when this happened to me and I prayed and it just she didn’t even think about it before um but yeah that was a good

    Experience so um so we’re looking at how to lead people from Health to him um as a church we do lots of activities don’t we around Health we do Health F balls promps some once a year twice a year and we’re going to look at that in a bit

    Of details um what is the foundation of gaining decisions of Christ and what are some of the core principles of the science of Soul winning um does anybody anybody here heard of Dr nedley he yeah Dr nedley in a nutshell uh he was a heart surgeon he’s an

    Adventist physician he was a heart surgeon and whilst he was practicing medicine he noticed there was a common Trend with people under 40 coming in and having heart attacks and uh he decided to do some research and um the common principle that he found was depression anxiety and depression and it threw him

    Into lifestyle medicine um he initially got into medicine because of his father’s own ill health but yeah so he got into medicine and what he does very very successfully and probably one of the most successful with Don Macintosh who we met trained us a couple years

    Back they do um this health they they do Health Medical missionary work lifestyle medicine and every year they have about 70 baptisms 70 plus baptisms so what is the secret it’s the health approach yeah and it’s and that’s the method that Christ has given to us isn’t it um and Christ

    Method alone is is it will bring success that’s what the text says in Ministry of healing uh 143 CHR Christ method alone will bring true success the PE Christ mingled with men as one who desired their needs um he sympathized with them and he ministered to them um

    He he bid them no he he before he did that he did something else he gained their confidence and then he bid them follow me So today we’re kind of looking at that track so the first thing we need to do to be successful is to have a good

    Plan um we talked about this morning how we do lots of activities in church we do our Sabbath school we do this we do that we do Health we do Pathfinders the food bank but actually are they connected up there’s no kind of synergy that’s where

    That’s when I was in training I kept saying gosh we’ve got it all lead’s got it all but we’re not connecting the dots you know and um I said I couldn’t wait to come back and say Lee we’re doing some really wonderful things but we have

    To connect the dots because we have a whole range of means and ways of making contact with people so that’s our first bit which is what BK was doing this morning it’s making contact but then how do we follow that through as a plan that’s the uh that’s where I think um

    Benjamin Franklin says if you fail to plan you plan to fail and also I know that there’s a statement in the book of Education it says that um success demands a definite Aim so we have to have a a plan and an aim in terms of where we’re going um

    Let’s um gospel workers says well mature plans are needed in the service of God and careful con prophets and Kings says careful consideration and well mature plans are as essential to the carrying forward of sacred Enterprise today as they were in the time of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls do you

    Remember when God told Nehemiah to go and build the walls it required skill and planning and those skills and planning are just as essential now um yeah there’s another quote that I like it’s in prophets and Kings it says that um in accordance with the perseverance and endurance in which with

    Which the work is carried forward will be the success given so we need to plan but we also need some motivation like Sam we need we need to have endurance we need to have perseverance okay and that will be that will determine the success in which the work is carried out so it’s

    A combination of things so we need to make a plan we need to follow all all parts of Christ Method All Parts again we get that word it’s not just the bits that suit us like we’re very good at making contacts I’ll putting on our events but we need to follow through and

    Develop your social and personal evangelism skills which is what we talked a little bit about this morning but I think that might be the bit that we will leave for another did you cover that as well the personal evangelism skill did you touching that this morning

    Yeah great but that Sam I think kind of needs a session in its own um so it’s just click this forward all right I have something for you to do it’s nice I like it these are conversation starters because most of the time we miss amazing opportunities golden opportunities to give Bible study

    Or to ask for somebody you know somebody wants to follow through with baptism on to make a request you know in terms of an invit we miss golden opportunities because we don’t have the skill we don’t have the knowhow so um this I like really very much where’s it

    Gone go back a bit sorry I’m working off two screens they’re conversation acronyms the first one is shirt and the second one is f so I’m going to tell you what they are how that and then you’re going to have a go at it so you’re going

    To work in twos again and one of your pairs will do the shirt and the other pair will do the for I’ll give you three minutes each if you need that long so basically this is I’ve just met brother Moses and uh brother Moses I’m going to

    Take you through the shirt um tell me about yourself um so you know your name I’ll ask you your name and um maybe just start a general conversation with you about you know what your what you do maybe your occupation uh I’ll ask you about your

    Home and your family life you know are you married you have kids you know those usual conversations um I’ll ask you about your interest and what you enjoy doing as a hobby and then we ask a question about religion when we were doing door knocking we tended to ask about

    Spirituality are you spiritual or are you religious Goodness Me was painful in Sweden I’m telling you 99% of the population there I read a spiritualist or atheist have no belief whatsoever so um so you can ask about spiritual um spiritual things or religion and then um you can give your

    Testimony okay very very short you can give so this is another opportunity again I mean because I know this I meet people on the bus and I have these conversations give two minute testimonies and I tell you not I will get a phone number I will get a contact

    And I’ll probably get a Bible study honestly um so the other one is very similar asking about family occupation religion and testimony so we should should have a goal have a practice and one thing I forgot to say when I was talking about giving your testimony uh

    Using you can use a story about prayer uh the other there’s another question you can ask in this ah if you if anybody happens to go in a three you can use this one I will flash it back on the screen again it’s not there I didn’t

    Write it down um have you have you ever had a supernatural experience now a supernatural experience might sound very strange to us as Adventist but actually a supernatural experience might be an answer to prayer I lost my keys I prayed and whoo they were under the kitchen

    Sink yeah it could be something as simple as that um or sharing your story so are we we okay to go yeah so I know everybody’s probably had a lot for lunch just go turn to the person next to you and have a practice brother en Kumo how

    About working with Carol um sis why don’t you work with brother nobody’s exempt yeah if if you got a three I’ll come around Jordy you could work with Sam it’s a good chance to get to know people so one pair one person in the pair will do the shirt the other one

    Will do the fort and if you’ve got a three sum you’ll ask about um Supernatural experience remember what your end goal is this is not just a conversation for conversation sake your end goal is to try and get a Bible study okay um so I’m going to give you 60 more

    Seconds before you switch partners okay let’s switch Partners if you don’t get a Bible study no problem you at least you found out something about the person’s religious spiritual belief you could follow it up you might ask for a phone number would it be okay just another 60 seconds I’m going to

    Could you feedback to the group say what that was sucess okay getting quiet um if do people need it a little bit longer couple more seconds maybe yeah um wonderful I’ve chosen two people who will just kind of just give us an idea of what that felt like and then I’m

    Bursting to tell you about something that happened to me on the bus with this one but if anybody else has got a really burst into share please I’ll let you have an opportunity as well it’s not all about me Sam which one did you use I use shirt

    You Ed shirt okay tell us how that was about the shirt what yeah what was it like getting a conversation with JW and out a shirt okay so I explained thoughts to him well essentially me and Sammy here he were discussing with me shirt which would include self home

    Interest religion and testimony so I do believe you want me over with a Bible study I would have proceeded it was quite a powerful testimony he shared with me in regards to his hometown in erria and coming over to this country as well he does have a predominantly Catholic background

    However he did experience what would you call it following the crowd along with his guys and he was under the influence of many different external factors however as time went by he actually found adventism through 3abn initially so that was through digital procedures and moving on from there he did he did share

    His testimony with his friends however initially they weren’t as interested as such but moving forward he’s found himself a home a family and it’s staying great right now amen so you said he W you over to Bible study what what would what did he use in particular that kind

    Of made you think yeah I want I want some of this what he’s got I think it’s the connotation of being he was individualistic he wasn’t following the external pressures and influences of other people so he was on his own path Sam do you want to share how it was when

    You do you want to share your experience of what you just did with Jordan I don’t know and his brother told me that his grandma his grandma was Adventist and she was the one who from Caribbean and she was the one who introduces the whole family like 100 children grandchildren to adventism he

    He is born with silver spoon because is from his grandfather grandmother Adventist but for me adventism was difficult I got it through strug and uh uh he works in the second one occupation he works for cyber security and uh this is what I remember yeah did you ask him if he wanted to

    Meet again or a Bible study or did you get his contact how did it end because we’re not doing conversations for conversation sake right I should do you get it guys yeah guys we’re on Mission so thank you thank you very much this wasn’t conversation for convers you know

    Those conversations you have in the bus stop yeah you can use your shirt or your for or when you knock on a door or if you’re in the workplace you know so thank you you two there was a lot of discussion that went on there did anybody have a supernatural experience

    That was shared no or okay so was that a hand yeah do you want to come that that was um you took got a lot out a lot from each other um I I didn’t really ask how it felt but I’m sure you shared things with each other that you

    Would probably never had shared had you not opened up your testimony right um so happy sabath um so for me I was speaking to Sister there and we are colleagues in our class in Adventurer so um and I was just telling her that I’ve been coming to

    This church since 2003 but I’ve been hiding upstairs and my conversion I used to go to a Sund going church with um then make McCoy we met in college in London um back in the day I’m not revealing years um but MCO used to go to

    Adventist and I would go to my Sunday church so I would go to Adventist and go to my Sunday church I used to have change two days on a weekend and then eventually obviously I began to see certain things that I liked and we came

    Out here in leads and I just told her that back then Pastor Sweeney was preaching I think it was 2005 and I was sat up here with my baby how was then like a year old or something and he preached a very powerful message and I

    Got touched I was in tears I was crying and that same day he was having baptism and when he said do you want to come for baptism I was downstairs but I still went back and sat upstairs because most people think I’m new here but I’m not

    I’ve been coming here for 20 years so that was like a very a connection and a convention that so for me it was more of when he called out to say if you’ve been convicted and you want to receive Christ and you want to have this relationship

    With God and be baptized so I went for that and then after that that’s when I started having Bible study with the saddlers um a few weeks later so that was like more my testimony thank you for sharing now can I ask you how long were you sitting upstairs before or did

    Anybody in church appro ever approach you to say would you like to have Bible studies and you’re not B you know did anybody do that for you yes yeah yeah yeah okay I asked that question because do you know how many people sit in our pews year after year after year

    And come to church and nobody ever approach approaches them and says would you like to be baptized would you like to have Bible studies have you accepted the Sabbath yeah it happened um so when you’re when you have things like this up your sleeve they’re really really handy

    And we need to be more proactive about seeing what’s going on around us even in church you know as well as being outside because you were saying you were sat upstairs for years right and then you just crep back into your little corner yeah

    And yes yes um so let me give you my shirt experience very very very quickly I got on the bus the other day and there was this man on the back of the bus with the tallest you’ve probably seen him in town the biggest cross you’ve ever seen

    In your life so I went to the back of the bus so we started talking we did the shirt and um I asked him about religion and he basically said he made the cross he made it himself he became a Christian a couple of years ago and and I shared

    Before I shared my testimony I had a couple of tracks in my bag and I was thinking which one should I give him so I found the law of God so I got it out and I said do you know do you know about the law of God Etc I can’t remember how

    The conversation went and I then began to share my testimony about how I met Jesus cuz he shared his so I thought well let me share mine and I said you know I’m part of this church Etc and um he got off the bus I don’t normally get

    Off at that stop but I got off I felt impelled to get off and I stopped him and I said do you know Jesus wants you to keep the law because he told me on the bus he said I said how did you end up going to the Sunday church then he

    Said to me when he got back he knows about the Sabbath and he believes in it but he said when he came into the church everybody else was going to church on Sunday so he just went to church on Sunday so I took his number and I’ve

    Seen him in town again he carries his brown cross but yeah he’s got he gave me his Facebook page and I’ve not followed him up yet which isn’t good because I tell you why if you don’t strike within two days of a contact and making requests for visitations or anything if

    You don’t follow up within two days you will lose your contact so that sense of urgency do you remember according to the perseverance and enthusiasm with which your work is carried forth will be the success given so if you get a contact do follow up quickly any questions anything that anybody wants

    To let me go forward I’m try and get to this bit so we’ve got make a plan oh yeah I wanted to share something from Lund where I went to our church we are a church we were a church of 25 in Sweden and I think I’ve

    Mentioned to you before that Sweden is amongst the second most secular country in the whole world and um in lond 25 members in their Church um they were responsible for 20% plus of all the Bible studies and baptisms happened in Sweden why is that was that because L the area that we

    Lived in and worked in was that because the people there were more receptive to the gospel no it was because at L they run a mission school and everybody who comes through that church is trained so they knew the art of seeking Souls they knew the art of grasping golden opportunities

    They knew the art of doing things like this these K so it wasn’t business as usual so this is just to give you an idea about how it’s effective when you’re trained and you have the science um so we’re making good plans we’re following our parts of Christ method

    Developing your social and personal Evangelistic skills and knowing how to give Bible studies and Sam is working on that um so well together we’ll do that so um just in terms of the word of God U Romans 10:17 can you help me before we just go to the second part can you help

    Me to um fill in the gaps here Romans 10:17 so then faith comes by and hearing by the word sorry you I didn’t have it on the screen by the word of God so let’s fill in the other one first Peter this one might be not so familiar 1 Peter 1 verse

    23 um being my memory is playing upon me being it is being born yes not of corruptible seed but of Incorruptible by the by the no it’s by the word by the word of God which liveth and abideth in you forever let’s do the next one maybe

    People are more familiar with this one of his own will he brought us forth by can anybody think what it is I’m up here doing this so my brain’s doing too many things I can’t think anybody got it by the word is it by the word of God

    Or is it just by the word that we might be a kind of first fruit of his creatures and I think the last one is you know this one it’s sanctify them by your your word is okay so what we’re showing here is something that we did this morning the Bible’s instructions

    Before leaving Earth the Bible is um it’s powerful and it’s ESS centrally placed to the process it plays in it’s Central to the process of winning souls and conversions of people the power of God’s word is God’s word is very powerful he she said in John

    663 the words that I speak to you are spirit and our life and in Hebrews 4 uh 12 it says for the word of God is living and powerful and sharper okay so we know that the word of God is very very powerful and it will bring conviction

    But we have to know how to use it um the other thing that really really is essential to Soul winning is prayer and the Holy Spirit evangelism starts on your knees uh the prayer of the righteous man avails much James chapter 5 verse 16

    Um okay so how do we leave people to God from Health to him we’re just adding one here know how to give good Bible studies and that’s something that we’re going to try and put in place and realize that Soul winning is a science so

    Um we are to learn the science we are to learn from Christ the science of Soul winning that’s a quote by Ellen G white I think it’s prophets and Kings again so I’m going to pause there because I feel like we’ve been talk I’ve been talking a

    Lot but what I want to do very quickly is I might ask you to help me BK so why not lead why not create our own Evangelistic cycle just now should we have a look at that before we finish so based on the spiral or cycle that you

    Did this morning let’s put some things in there that LE is already doing pretty well yeah CU we’re doing a lot of good things um but what I want to yeah we can look at this and how we can go through the spiral oh right okay so this is who who

    Who did this one was it the board person Ministry yeah yeah yeah but with the church yes that was the one I thought was on online yeah so I don’t think people have had a chance yes all right so why don’t we just have people have a kind of a

    Throwout conversation about what we’re already doing m okay all right all right so we’re not going to duplicate anything let brilliant it’s already there we’re not going to duplicate anything let’s just look at leads what are you already what are we already doing well in terms of the first um success was Christ’s

    Method so what did Christ do what was the first thing that he did he mingled with people so what are we doing to mingle Gina are you good at right come on you’re a teacher let’s so let’s put leads what are we already doing to mingle with

    People what do we already have available to us do you think that’s a mingling one you want to put that on the mingling you could put mingle okay then Health expose so when I talk about mingle how how what are we doing to make contact with people Health Expos are

    Good because we always get their contacts don’t we and it the soup kitchen is that still going so we’ve got look at that handwriting wow so we’ve got the soup kitchen we’ve got tracks you can decide whether the tracks does come on here but yeah we’ve got soup kitchen somebody said the

    Health Expo what else are we doing to make contact with the community food bank that’s a good mingle isn’t it yeah they’re very familiar anything else that we’re doing so is that a personal kind of what would you call that what do you call that I’m not sure so like personal

    Witness maybe yes so personal witness families anything else that we’re doing what Pathfinders is a good one isn’t it Pathfinders and Adventures I think that’s a good one um I think did we get health FB no anything else we’re doing oh yeah they’re brilliant the morning walks and um what we did

    Actually we had all of these things in Sweden we did a a Walkin Club you’ve got it there should we read it out or should we continue with this okay we’ll continue with this the morning walks are really good the health walks because you can invite your friends because it’s

    Quite daunting some people are just not ready to come into church but actually it’s about building up gaining confidence yeah so we’ve got some of these visitation that’s a good one which is what memory had these ladies were just going to memory’s House singing with her mom and leaving how skillful

    Was that visitation yeah anything else H I’m so glad you mentioned prison Ministries yeah yeah we used to do prison Ministries and actually that brings me to a point which I had on my slide but um I probably do you know why sister Emily okay we’re going to use this as an example

    Okay yeah yeah yeah we we actually guys we were so acquainted the prison was so acquainted with us the Army prison right where you live guys yeah that’s it wasn’t even the Sabbath sis yeah but basically this is how familiar we were with prison Ministries we had a

    Key to the prison and we were going in twice a week and we’d go in we’d get the inmates out all the names on the list and we bring them in but what happens and this is why we need to be skilled okay and we need to be wise because what

    Happened in one of the Bible studies was it got it was brought up that the papacy was the the the Antichrist was the Roman Catholic church and basically one of the guys in the group got offended and went and told the priest and the priest said give me

    The keys you’re not coming back and that was the end of prison ministry oh you you might have had a different but that definitely happened uh Jan yeah yeah yes yes J that was a challenge right yeah yes okay okay so you were there as an eyewitness yeah so I remember having the

    Conversation with Susan and I said why did you bring this up and she said you know it’s part of the Gospel it’s important to give it which was right but we can’t give hard food to babes so yeah I mean again it’s it’s about how we

    Share and what we share that was just that’s a far example but I think it’s a good example so yeah prison Ministries it would be great there’s so many other prisons we could go to student Fellowship we’ve got the Care Group haven’t we yeah that’s uh very

    Very good so anything else in terms of contact mingling Christ mingled with men as one who desired their good he sympathized with them what are we doing to sympathize empathize yes a gym that’s good yeah yeah yeah we tried the language school didn’t we the gym yeah

    Yeah okay I’m going to show you what we did in Sweden in a bit Jordan the survey it’s not on here did I sent it to you can I have the survey and the video please if you take it up to joah Joy please the survey in the video so

    Um I sent you the survey do you remember yeah thanks um so yeah Jim is good and I’ll show you the things that when we get the survey up I show you some of the things that we did in laan yeah yeah and you know these these are great opportunities to invite your

    Neighbors to or people that you might meet in the park to I’ll come to you sis it these a really good opportunities because again it’s your forward it’s your forward facing Ministry and then they get to know Sam and they get to know me and we get to do the shirt and

    The for while we’re walking through the park and then you get to maybe invite into something else so Christ mingled with men he sympathized with them what are we doing to sympathize and then minister to so we want to mingle then we want to be want to make contact then we

    Want to move on to more of a conviction is it confidence we want to build their confidence how can we move from where we are to building people’s confidence what do you think so we’ve got all of these things that we’re doing already to what can we do to build

    People’s confidence brother Wendy you’ve not mentioned the cooking spread the health sorry I forgot to come back yes yes brilliant excellent that’s exactly what they did with memories mom wasn’t it yeah so we’re doing we’re working on a cooking school and actually as a church I’ve not mentioned it before but um we

    Build approach from the black Health initiatives in the community who asked they asked me if I could help them with some vegan cooking classes so then we took it to um the health department and it was agreed by the board so we’re doing it online at the moment people are

    Just doing it as a voluntary thing we wanted to do it in church but there’s quite a few processes that has to happen so there’s 10 people from the community every Monday that just come and we do a cooking demo for them so yeah and they

    Give us some money so if anybody wants to do it there are six classes left but we we’re moving towards bringing people in um what else do we do to how we else are we built because okay we make contact with these people but then we have to build their

    Confidence Christ won their confidence checking in yeah yeah okay um is Jordan is it okay to get the U survey because I really want to show the survey so I can tie up the two things Joy yeah one minute he’s going to put it up anything El that we can do to build

    Confidence because we’re good at this stuff but it’s carrying it through that we’re not so good at the next step is to build people’s confidence that’s what Christ did that was his method yes empathized yes yeah I like that so mingling and showing interest in them um asking about

    Asking about their religion not it doesn’t even have to be that whatever it is the questions that you had there they worked right how many of you got a conversation going a really good conversation maybe somebody you never spoke to before um when you’re ready to

    Put down so okay so we’re going to make contact and we’re going to build their confidence and what was the next step in the cycle remind me please then he bid them follow him yeah the harvesting the harvesting and then the biding because this is the bit that

    Comes last isn’t it so soon as Joe gets the survey on I want to show you a survey we did we used to do door knocking um so that’s the training event as well and time yeah we’re going to be wrapping up in the next couple of

    Minutes just want to show you this survey so yeah spe for that’s brilliant so um yeah yeah can we get the survey a bit bigger please just so people can read it spe for does it have to be the Christian why not just have a music we it will be Christian because

    They know the comp but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it could be a story Easter’s coming yes the contact’s good that’s what we need the contact the rest will come time off yeah yeah yeah well that that’s excellent I mean but as you say it’s knowing because for example

    It’s cold and many people might not want to do the work tomorrow building their confidence yeah yes yes yes y yeah be care and then we’re going to do the survey yeah oh wow yeah yeah oh yes wow it is so we’ve got some we’ve got some really really good contacts

    That we need to build confidence with yes yeah yeah yeah and and I think that’s because so this is exactly what we’re saying isn’t it’s the knowing it’s the science of knowing so we have all these wonderful services but how are we bringing them together to win souls and that’s what we

    Need to be working on but we’re going to be wrapping up in the next couple of minutes that’s all we’ve got left but this is I just want to give you one example I wish um Jordan if you prepare the short video for me afterwards let’s

    Go for the survey yeah thank you I’m not sure if the video show you the the health factors but so basically we would knock on people’s door with this health it was a health club that’s how this church that’s what they had that was their forward- facing Ministry go back

    Down drop that down go back please where you were yes the one in Sweden so we would go out and we would knock on the door and we would ask for 120 seconds of their time to go for the survey sometimes that is all you’ve got and

    It’s all you’re going to get if you get that that much you sometimes you get more so um Jordan you’re at the bottom so scroll back up because I just can’t remember the questions yes yes definitely so uh we would say hello my name is Margaret I’m

    From the local health club because that is what we are we are a health club we have and uh then I’ll say can would you mind if I took 120 seconds of your time to ask you some questions and then we’ll go through 10 questions to see what they

    Were interested in so the first question is is Health important part of your life yes no okay um do you believe that a vegetarian diet is a positive part of Healthy Living uh can anybody see better than me how many times a week do you exercise um if is it difficult for you

    To find motivation to exercise do you think that spirituality is a healthy part of your lifestyle and that’s when you get into religion Health whatever they want to share do you consider yourself no don’t go so fast guys do you consider yourself spiritual or religious these questions are really

    Important which of the health clubs now this is where we get people to join our services which of the health clubs or activities would be of interest to you now if you look at that this these are pretty much what we’ve got here so exercise Club that’s your Sunday morning

    Club yeah they used to do morning um Outdoor Sports and Hiking you saw the the rock climbing that we did on the video this morning yeah so we used to go rock climbing we used to do picnic at beaches canoeing you name it we did it um vegetarian cooking classes that’s in

    The pipeline Christmas dinner yeah or picnic or after school whatever it might be what else did we have mental health courses so that might be your depression recovery anxiety and depression recovery which is what Dr nedley runs but some of us are trained to do that it’s an 8we

    Course stop smoking class that’s something that I had the benefit of being trained at it’s not long long so if people want to do that then you’ve got Health lectures you’ve got the eight laws of health so if you want to do you know what we do typically and bring

    People in on a Sabbath afternoon or Sunday lectures on spiritual health so again you’ve got Bible study choir Jean we talked about this um Easter’s coming up what a brilliant time what they had was a small Church it worked well I don’t know if it would work well for

    Leads the community just oh yeah I want to sing I like singing and they join the choir and that was another way of mingling or we put Easter on and we put Christmas on as witnessing volunteering we’ve got the food bank they could volunteer at or a langwich cafe Samuel

    Sam hi I’m just going to use your wife as an example today I asked your daughter where’s your mom she had I haven’t seen her for a while and she said to me she can’t come to church because she doesn’t know the language and I felt really sad because she does

    Come regularly you know she likes coming she likes the people but it must be such a a struggle we saw it last week when they did the Immigration right how we had to have so language might be something that we could help people with I don’t know how but basically at the

    End of this data protection would take their details and then when we were doing something choir practice we’d invite them so this is how we got our contacts and I think this is something that LE could possibly adopt um I must say to you that Carlos monos who you all

    Familiar with I think from a couple of years back he came to do Daniel and Revelation he’s the director of avco um throughout the world and he just came and said we don’t do the service anymore we just knock on the door and say would

    You like us to pray with you but in your community what can we do for you so he just says that’s what we do it’s far less more complicated but whatever we decided to come up with so basically in a nutshell I’ve tried to give you a bit of the experience of what

    I learned and what we did and how we move people from Health to spirituality how we got them through our doors so I hope there something you could take away Sam I don’t know if you want to close remarks we haven’t got oh yeah we’ve also got some nobul I

    Did see nobul earlier we’ve also got interest cards haven’t we nul’s got them so people can tick if you have visitors they can tick what they’re interested in as well so they’re pretty good as well shall we pray yeah if I just pray to close this section yeah heavenly father thank you

    Because we’ seen already that all things are possible if we were just believe and if we spend time in praying praying for this burden of Souls and praying to reach people and how we can be effective in this community of leads uh thank you for all the wonderful ways Lord that

    You’ve shown us through your personal Ministry how you use Health to reach people and to bring them into the gospel and we know that father many people will not receive um the Bible or they will not receive Jesus Christ unless it be through health issues and we’ve seen the

    Crisis that many people are going through whether it be physical health emotional health uh mental health we’ve seen that the world is in a crisis right now so father we know that you’re opening the flood gates of Heaven for us to go in give us confidence and um give

    Us skill and wisdom and power in Jesus name we pray amen um yeah thank you everybody for your time this is just one of our videos PR Where are we Going they stopped it a bit early but it says at the end go to Mission School everybody go to Mission School afternoon CH thank you so much for coming thank you Sister Margaret and thank you sister B and yesterday we had sister yosa I feel ashamed honestly I

    Must say I didn’t really think about this every year especially sister B does training for us and I feel I feel like as a department we’ve taken for granted for our people which is quite very common that we give others flowers and our people we do forget and this year I

    Had my family only doing training and I can tell you I didn’t think about it but the Holy Spirit not me to do today I’m so sorry I’m so sorry we should give people flowers for what they do when they are alive not to give them when

    They are gone I don’t believe in in that and I’m sorry sisters I’m sorry sisters have taken you for granted of which I shouldn’t um also please meet my personal Ministries team can you please stand and sister BK our regular trainer please my team sister Emily brother Wendy yes and Elder are you

    There oh yes so this is the personal Ministries team if you uh have anything that you feel we need to improve some something uh please approach one of us and bring your um suggestion we are not saying every suggestion will be implemented but we uh will try to look

    At it and see if it fit with the the the the projected way of evangelism uh Sister Margaret also is um offering to do a a Bible boot C it’s a way of teaching Bible study yes to uh to prepare members to give Bible studies to the community uh

    To to to to our contacts friends uh I I I want to say thank you so much church for uh for your patience for for coming out and for taking the time I I I don’t know if there are some Reflections that you want to

    Say I’ll offer one person if there is a reflection from the church it’s good to have a reflection at least we can see and think otherwise otherwise yesterday oh forgive me I was I was I was saying what was I saying I was saying yesterday and this morning we all start as the

    Multitude if you look at me is it there is a feeding of the 5,000 it comes in all four gospel The feeding of 5,000 if you look at the 5,000 really is the multitude Jesus love the multitude and he cares for the multitude he has compassion for the multitude and he loves them and he wants to gain as it was says he he won their confidence and B them follow me

    The cycle of evangelism has that impact you look at the people we don’t look at the people as um what shall I say we look at the people with compassion and we feel what can we do obviously health is failing is failing in many people even ourselves so we look

    At the people and we say what can we do to them when we do the health EXP Expos we are doing the health expose with the intention to to help them improve their lifestyle and then to uh mingle with them to gain their confidence and when we have gained their confidence we be

    Them follow Christ and they do what I was saying is as a church as a church we were once the multitudes but if were are truth with our spiritual walk we shouldn’t be the multitude how is the behavior of the multitude they expect a miracle they

    Expect things to be done for them they expect someone to do it for them if we look at the parable of the 5,000 Jesus saw the multitudes because he had dis as a church we should be at a disciple level or apostleship to disciple others it was the

    Disciples it was the disciples who were serving the multitude the church cannot remain as behaving as a multitude coming to church sitting down from sabat to Sabbath that’s a multitude mindset of expecting things to be done for us and we must transcend from the multitude mindset to A discipleship mind mindset

    Because it was the disciples that Jesus broke bread and gave and the disciples gave the multitude if you look at it analytically the multitude went home with the full stomach with nothing more than that and the disciples afterwards they pick up 12 baskets the 12 baskets was for their blessings for sustainance

    When God say seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and everything shall be added unto you is the truth the multitudes went home with empty hands but the disciples went home each with a basketful we don’t know for how long that basketful was going to sustain them but it was

    Sustainance so I pray that as we are learning these things we are not learning to remain in a multitude status if we are in there but that we are learning to be the disciple it was to the disciples that he said go ye therefore and if we all go out wherever

    We are with the mindset we are in Mission we are missionaries then we are not expecting but we are expecting to receive from Christ and to pass it to the multitudes the multitudes are those who have not had a relationship with Christ um I’ll ask uh us to stand up and have a

    Prayer um I’ll ask my husband to come and pray please just been a wonderful day inde isn’t it what do you say to the team amen let’s pray father we come to you as we end this program Lord thanking you for your loving kindness and mercies once again

    That you can call us a sinful people to take part in the salvation of mankind Lord we thank you for your long suffering with us and we thank you for the resources you have provided to equip us including this team of members and so Lord we ask that what we have been

    Taught during the course of the day May you plant that into our hearts and help us to trust and Obey it is our desire Lord that we have have eternal life and it is our desire that those surrounding us have this privilege also yet father we so fall

    Short of strength to do thy Work and we thank you for all the power and authority belongs to you and so we request father that as we move from here may we be vessels that are profited unto thy cause father we live in a world that is

    Challenging and we commit each one of us unto you for protection for sustenance for spiritual growth and maintenance and Lord we request that you help us influence the environment that we live in as we part one from another father we request that your presence continues to abide with us forever more in Jesus

    Name we pray amen may you please go in peace amen say hello hello happy Sabbath happy Sabbath that’s good

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