It is Mothers Day in the UK so if you haven’t got owt or said owt, THINK FAST or GET SUMMAT FAST.

    00:00 Intro
    00:18 Sunday O last weeks comments
    05:28 Steve Bradshaw part 3 comments
    07:43 Steve Bradshaw part 4 comments
    11:04 Chocolate Bomb mess comments
    15:12 Top 5 inquiry Post Office Fujitsu scam scandal comments
    18:57 Ah Frah Frahday Chic-ago Meecro-wah-vey pizza comments
    22:28 Nice blossom
    22:44 SHORTS comments


    1. The Post Office are due to pay compensation for selling counterfeit stamps. Good to know where their priorities lie. I'm sure all Horizon victims are dancing with glee. 🤬🤬

    2. I can't believe it was only a few weeks ago I was saying congratulations on 9k subscribers and now you are almost touching 10k – you probably are by the time you're reading this! Well done and good on you for all the hard work especially the Post Office related ones.

    3. Hello dear. I'm relatively new to your channel and I just love that Zone of Officious Thrip you put on last weeks episode! I did comment then but I have to do so again! It's just so brilliant! Massive thanks and blessings to ALL SPMs and others affected by the scandal within a scandal within a scandal ad infinitem! The Inquiry team are amazing and are having to deal with the arrogant and ignorant hubris of POL almost on a daily basis! Sir Wynn is so not happy! The more I listen, the more horrors come out. I just can't comprehend it all! I'm 65 and remember collecting the child benefit for my children every Monday at the Post Office back in the 80s. What the hell happened! I've now decided to boycott the PO but will support the spm shops! One common theme is just how hardworking all the people were/are. I wish them the very best. 🙏🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙋

    4. Boadicea Here! Bloody lovely view from the park dear! There have been so many developments in the Inquiry its unreal! And in keeping with the regional accents theme, the racist and offensive language used by investigators AND so called helpline staff were horrendous! Peoples of Asian origin, peoples with Welsh,Irish and Scottish accents were all ridiculed in the helpline call centre! I just wish I could meet some of them and give them a wee Glasgow kiss! Och Aye! 🙏🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙋

    5. Charlie please look into Debbie staple lying lawyer she even called Mr Jenkins Dr Jenkins he wasent even a Dr she is as mad as a box of frogs 🐸 🤣 it's worth u doing something on her please 🙏 thanks love ur vlogs

    6. Hello Charlie,
      My tiredness is very odd it feels different to any other type of fatigue, just a feeling of being drained and I have insomnia which doesn’t help, even when I get a good amount of sleep I feel exhausted. Covid was extremely mild for me but after it my body hasn’t been right not just tiredness but almost a low blood sugar feeling when I haven’t eat aswell which is very scary. The human body is a piece of tat lol. I hear you have similar tiredness to me?.

    7. Imagine you and Sherlock as the new hosts of Shop On TV on ITV1. It's on every night but you and Sherlock will do weekdays (Monday to Thursday nights) from midnight to 3am

    8. I bought a wide slot toaster. So I can put 2 bread slices in each slot, and toast them only on one side. Then I make 2 cheese and pickle "toasted" sandwiches. Pile them up in the microwave on a plate, with a Pyrex lid on top to weigh them down. Then blast the pile with microwaves until the cheese melts.

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