By Mike McQuaide, An American in Luxembourg

    Historic Luxembourg City is extremely beautiful and offers a wide variety of fun cycling terrains and options in a very small space. Everything in this video is less than 3K (as the crow flies) from my apartment.

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    1. These videos are so cool! Maybe you can give me some advice for biking Luxembourg as a tourist in a few months! This is definitely one of two cities in my euro travels I want to bike for at least half a  day, as long as there is no snow. How many hours of time would you recommend for biking historic Luxembourg, factoring in stopping to take pictures of the landscape and maybe stopping for a quick bite? Also do you have a suggestion for bike rental? A few I have seen don't seem to have the best bikes for biking uphill. Also, it seemed that many had prices  per hour and that just using a bike for a couple hours would be expensive. So do you know of the cheapest place to rent a bike for maybe 4-6 hours (or for a day if possible). And also, how close is historic Luxembourg by bike to the central building district? THANKS!!

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