In this episode, I am continuing my journey through Angola, towards Zambia. Along the way, I ride alongside the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), until the roads veers south towards Zambia. All goes well, until I find myself in the midst of the woods… scared.

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    #itchyboots #adventure #crf300rally

    Saurimo – ANGOLA Season 7 – Eps.87 Good morning Internet. It is 7:40 in the morning And welcome back to the channel Welcome here in Saurimo, Angola It’s another gorgeous day on my way  to Zambia But I don’t think I will reach Zambia today, because it’s still really far

    And it all has to do with what I explained in the previous video, is that I have to make a huge detour To somehow get around the Zambezi river Because I can’t cross it. So in the last video I did 640 kilometers in one day

    And I was pretty chuffed with myself and then I looked on the map And then.. oh.. Morning exercise That looks like fun And now I realize that for today, I have 560 kilometers On the.. on the plan So it’s also really far! Yeah, distances are huge here

    And there just isn’t a whole lot in between So it is what it is, um.. I did get some more intel about the road conditions though That is always good, so I know that the first part, at least 300 kilometers of that should still be paved

    So that should be no issue and then at some point the road will turn into gravel Um.. but the hardest part of this route is like, the last bit until the border the last like 150 km or so That’s pretty difficult but I don’t know if I will even reach that today I don’t think so

    Let me see I should also fill up still um.. Ah nice little square Hi! Bye! Last night I forgot to charge my tablet so that’s why you see the cable sticking out now I’m just charging it as I go Good morning Good morning So somewhere over there, that’s the DRC

    I’m still riding alongside the border, see Woo, they probably have the best vehicle for this That thing is going faster than me What’s this? I am very close to my turn to the right And that means that I am kind of turning my back on to the DRC And I’ll be facing Zambia Yes

    Oh oh oop That’s.. “no bueno” Okay, the sky is now turning black That is not so good Oh look, at this this termite mound right on top here Oh pig If I come across another village then.. I’ll see if I can wait out some of the rain there

    ‘Cause it’s still 70 kilometers to go.. so yeah, that will take me   It will take me more than an hour,  an hour and a half something like that Oh.. oh detour Does this fit? Yeah Wow, look at those lights I really don’t want to be riding out here.. in the open Crazy weather right?

    Here at one moment, I’m riding through like what feels like dry savanna Boiling hot and next I’m in this Oh wait, there’s a village there Nanguanga Just don’t know how far I don’t like this, I can’t see anything Oof, sliding again Come on Yeah, I am not going to make it to  the village

    I’m too worried about that lightning I’m riding just out here on my own It’s very close.. lightning It’s very close. There’s a path here though Maybe there’s some people here No idea.. Where this is going to.. Ah, can you hear that thunder, it is so loud

    Now I just have no idea where I am going I’m just following a single trail I don’t know I’m just going to wait here I think I have no idea where this goes to I thought maybe a village but.. It’s really close by Here I am in the pouring rain in Angola

    In the middle of a forest. Surely this.. this trail must lead somewhere But yeah, I don’t know could be kilometers, I have no idea I just don’t want to ride on that open road, when the lightning is so near I just feel like a running target I really don’t like lightning

    It’s like the rain is one thing, but this thunder is mad You hear that? It’s crazy Oi yoi yoi The skies are not happy These trees do nothing to keep me dry This is like thunder like I’ve never heard before It’s as if three thunder clouds came together or something

    And it’s just rolling. Have you ever  listened to 8D music When you put in your ear plugs and you hear the music like all around you This is 8D thunder Hi How are you? I’m good It rains a lot! I’m scared! Where are you going? Cazombo? Cazombo.. yes The rain.. it’s not worth it

    So.. I’m waiting for.. It’s okay, it’s okay You live there? Here in Lavra It’s a village? – Yes I’m going until Kabongo All good.. and your name? Me? I’m Joaquim Joaquim? I’m Noraly To Cazombo? Yes, today You arrive there today? – Yes It’s like.. one hour Two..

    You will arrive in one hour because the road is good Okay Yes, I’ll be fast.. woooo All good – Good luck Bye – Yes, thank you Still thunder. Anyway, so I was right, there is a village there Or I think that’s what he said, yeah he just that guy just came from there

    I just don’t know how far.. how far away. I can still hear thunder but it has to.. it has to be further away now And I think it’s also dry pretty much So I’m just slowly going to go back to the road, see how that one looks like

    See it’s getting light there. I can see some lighter sky Can also still hear thunder but okay Okay Let’s get back to the road Oh Here he is Okay Oh it looks already a bit brighter hey This is just the last bit But right there is definitely light so I can do this

    And look at that, do you see that? Yellow, pink beautiful sky Bad weather is gone Look there This is the village that I was hoping to reach But um yeah, that was nearly still 10 kms away so.. .. I wouldn’t have made that Look at this There is is See and here is the bridge

    That’s why I had to come here, because south from here.. there are no more bridges I always wonder.. why do they do this? I don’t know Here it is Hello.. good afternoon A question.. Hotel Zambezi? Hotel Zambezi? Hotel Zambezi? Just in front of there Okay In this street?

    In the street parallel to this, there Ah okay Ok, thank you Good afternoon Good afternoon Everthing okay? Hotel Zambezi? Hotel Zambezi? Uh huh Okay Good afternoon Thank you So this is my room for tonight. Look at the the size of this bed

    It is humongous and um.. yeah, maybe don’t look into that corner And then this is the bathroom and he  just filled up all the buckets Because there is no running water so it’s a bucket shower So what a day right? What a day This has to be the scariest thunderstorm I’ve ever been in

    I was.. I’ve never heard thunder like this, it was crazy And then the lightning was super intense. Uh, it all went well in the end And now I am only, only I think 150 kilometers away from the border with Zambia Um, but from here on I think the track, the road whatever it is

    Is going to get a lot more adventurous. Um, maybe difficult I don’t know, interesting for sure But hey, that is for the next ride, for now I’m glad I made it here. I’m safe and sound So that was it for today, I really hope  you like this video

    If you did please give a big thumbs up. Subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video This is for dinner!


    1. Meisje toch! Ben je nooit bang? Wil je niet liever een maatje naast je hebben die met je meerijdt?… Ik zou het zo doen, maar je doet dit nu al heel lang alleen..

    2. I live in a city which have lots of lightening and indeed that storm had a lot. Only after hear a thunder next to you, you realize the danger.

    3. you have a mixed portuguese accent, on obrigado you sounding like a Portuguese talking and on other words you sounding more liek brasilians xD

    4. Don't stand under a tree in a lightning storm. Lighting might hit trees because they are tall. If you stand under you get fried. You don't want to be tallest object in vicinity but you don't want to stand right next to a tall object either.

    5. Missing one vital simple bit of kit. A tarp or poncho. To tie to the trees as cover for such situations. Doesn't take much space to pack either. Perfect for staying dry.

    6. Mi admiración para tí Noraly. Soportar lluvia, calor, tal vez frío. Comer lo que encuentres. Debes tener buen estómago! 😅 Pero así es la vida de los aventureros. A continuar! Bendiciones!

    7. Bob Geldof was (is) such an ignorant arms dealer . . . I bet he still thinks Africa is a continent where nothing ever grows, no rain or rivers flow. LMFAO!

    8. Please never stand to close to trees in a thunderstorm. And count the seconds between the flash and the boom. If you cont 3 seconds and times i by 300, thenn the lightning stroke roughly about 900 meters away. Then you always have a measure on whether the thunderstorm is approaching or drawing away. And then again, NEVER seek shelter under trees because if they are struck,they might explode due to the water in the stem, or at least the lightning could travel down the trunk and jump unto you.

    9. Hi Noraly,do you understand the local dialect here, or what language did you communicate with the gentleman who met you in the forest while you took cover.
      Am your ardent fan, always following you

    10. I love your journey, but I must say you have some BA!!s doing it by yourself. So many secluded and very remote places for you to disappear and never been seen again.

    11. I think you could get away with a TV documentary if you could find someone to sponsor it. I bet it's even more interesting from start to finish. The planning, preparation, finances, equipment and all the "inside" stuff you don't get to see on YouTube.

    12. Hi Noraly, Do you not remember when you was child, you count the seconds between the rumbles of thunder and the flashes of lightning, 1 second = 1 mile away. From this you can tell if the storm is coming towards you or away

    13. This lady is so brave. Found it difficult to travel along to new environments however she reaches to the final destination and big thanks to Noraly❤

    14. The most scary thunder storm and lighting you will never want to encounter is the one in South African, I have never experience anything like that, you can never get use to it.

    15. it would have a little bit more wise to just driver further on the open road instead of hiding in the forest. So next time for your own safety, please just continue driving if there is a thunderstorm :)))

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