#lufc #leeds #leedsunited #efl #matchreaction #championship
    Reviewing the Leeds away draw to 10 man Huddersfield

    [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] try that again how’s everyone doing my reaction at the view ay frustrating day at the office for Le United yesterday I think frustrating is the um is the best word to use it wasn’t necessarily the worst day it could have been could have been better when you look at the other

    Results that happened yesterday I think a win yesterday would have put leads what three points off Lester top top of the table with but Lester having to play sampton as well so um couple results nearly went their way at time as well sampton behind twice against Birmingham

    10 man Birmingham as well they weren’t having it easy either but did manage to get a win a 4-3 win in the end so yeah it’s a frustrating day we’ll go through it a little bit we’ll do the same as we’ve done last week in a couple weeks we’ll

    Go to the Top Line kind of messaging what we what we thought came out of the game then we look at I suppose the changes the manager situation with leads as well and we look at and the the the the incidents during the game that that

    Led to the to the result and and my own personal thoughts on what happened I think it’s a big departure from last week I think last week we’re all on a big high at this moment talking about you know how leads have come back from behind against Leicester to to Rattle

    The league leaders and to possibly put themselves in a position where they could go on and maybe win the title or at least challenge for the title it’s not gone away not at all by any by any any means at all the fact that we’re now

    Still one point closer yes lip Swit IP switch did jump us but there’s still lots of time there there’s no Panic here leads were always going to drop points between now and the end of the season it was always always always going to happen and I still believe sampton and ipswitch and

    Leicester will also drop points between now and the end of the season so I don’t think all has lost I’m not going going to overreact I’ve seen some YouTubers overreact again um but we’re not going to do that here we’re not going to overreact because there was an opportunity yesterday maybe an

    Opportunity missed rny yeah but we are still one point closer to Leicester than we were yesterday morning so there is still some hope there I still do believe ipswitch and sampton will drop points and these tactics John we get into the tactics as well in the game we’ll talk

    About that pogre nine wins in draw 2024 still believe we can go top two Sam Sam we’re still unbeaten in since the turn of the year it’s still positive it’s just you know there are other people that are ahead of us and look if hfield went out yesterday with with a plan to

    Frustrate and stifle leads and it worked and it worked so there is you know as much as you don’t like to give credit you give credit where it’s you hfield did a job on leads yesterday they absolutely did Bandy Jer as an ex coach I can tell you it was a combination of

    Our come down from Chelsea and a huge weight of 10 wins in a row yeah I do believe that as well Bandy I think I describe the Chelsea game as probably the best time time for that game to come after the Leicester game so if Leeds had

    A hangover from the adrenaline rush of Leicester it would get out of their system against Chelsea I think the performance against Chelsea and the performance against Leicester me yesterday was a bit of a hangover was very much a bit of a bit of a hangover yesterday for leads so um yeah look

    We’ve got we’ve got things to do hfield had their Cup Final yesterday they celebrated a one all draw as a win that’s third thing they’ve got to worry about themselves we’ve got to look after ourselves and do our own thing Jer wers and Kamar Sho we’ll talk about that as

    Well we’ll get into a few bits and pieces as comments come in I’ll try and get as many comments up the screen as I can we won’t be long be short enough stream as usual on a Sunday places to be we have things to do Sunday you know

    Stuff to do stuff to do we’ll get through a couple of comments Mike saying hi jar Yorkshire der’s have a habit of that type of result first 30 minutes too many back passes uh as long as we win the next ones yeah it’s a big week still

    We got a game on Wednesday and the game on at the weekend we got to make sure we get six points from those two games and then just get moving again that’s all it is if this is the blip in the road it’s a point as I said it could have been

    Worse it could have been no points and I think if you go back to earlier in the year there’s something about the 19th Place I think when we played Stoke there were 19th in the table I think we played Rod 19th in the table there’s definitely a problem with that position in the

    Table with leads but I think if this is the blip in the road we still got a point and Lester did drop points so yes Ipswich have gone slightly ahead of us but Ipswich have got games to play as well they’ve got to play sampton you know they’ve also gotta play nor just

    They have games coming up as well that they’ll have to win everyone needs to win their games everyone at the top needs to keep winning their games so there’s no Panic for me uh at all H we need to go and B sto I don’t think we

    Need to go and B anybody I think that’s where we’re maybe not saying you necessarily Mark but I think that’s maybe where we’re kind of just gonna be carried away of going go and steamroll people we haven’t really steamrolled anybody this year lead just need to go

    And win that’s all they got to do just go get three points that’s it move on to the next game keep it Cal keep it logical keep it balanced just go win the game move on Les no panic but let’s see us play a higher Tempo yeah the tempo’s

    A big powering point and I want to talk about that a lot I’ve talked a lot about Tempo this year I want keep talking about that point of win a derby is a point earned especially again with L of dropping points yeah I agree Andy what

    Made it worse was leads can’t break down teams especially with 10 men it’s happened before but we have done it this year but we have had that habit over over a couple of years of not been able to break down 10 men stoker cheffy Wednesday we’ll now have an easier game

    Plan to upset lad Preston did it hold and cry to a lesser degree we’ll have to sharpen up and toughen up if you want six points against those yeah I completely agree let’s talk about it a little bit so as a I might miss a couple of comments and next couple of minutes

    But I’ll try and get back to as many as I can but uh we get one last win from Paul just so typical the leads are in a race with four teams and averaging two points per game any other season any other season leads to be clear to top of the

    League well clear top of the league you know think about the year we got promoted we f 10 points ahead of that already so you know we won that division we won the league that year by 10 points so that says everything and then John says the hfield team uh thought they

    Were playing rugby but they got away with it and that’s the point this is the this is the big Point um also guev not being Progressive enough but that’s not necessarily his role in the team and we can’t I suppose ask certain players to do things that they haven’t been

    Expected to do in other games that’s that’s Glen Camaro’s role in the middle of the park is to be the progressive midfielder El gr’s job is to be the defensive midfielder which I thought he was fine with I don’t think there was a lot of players came out of yesterday’s

    Game with a lot of credit after the game I think from an individual perspective I don’t blame the manager at all in this game because I thought Daniel farus substitutions were very proactive and in fact I thought Daniel James and Conor Roberts had nearly an immediate impact

    But we that it came down to decision making from the players on the pitching today as I said Topline stuff incredibly frustrating game to watch more so because we’ve talked in the past about leads maybe over carrying the ball at times certain players like AE like Georgina Willie we’ talked about players

    Over carrying the ball yesterday there was just a chronic amount of over carrying the ball right across the board which really really was for me the major issue especially playing against the low block in the first couple of minutes leads have a fantastic chance lovely football lovely football could have been

    A great goal it’s great work by Archie gray and willly nto on the right hand side they work the ball into the box it goes to Glen CRA who should shoot when he gets it it’s another pass and another pass it goes to C and then it’s blocked

    And smothered and there’s no going balls cleared that’s a golden opportunity to get a goal straight away but we pass it too much we’re trying to walk I go back to arson vengers Arsenal always with his lead team there are moments where we try and walk the ball into the net if you

    Look at the first half at Leicester as well it was exactly the same problem trying to walk the ball into the back of the net getting smothered over carrying the ball too many touches in wrong areas and a pass maybe too often at times as well

    Where a shot is on that’s been a problem second half against Leicester I think I said it at halftime dur leester game shoot the ball just sometimes shoot the ball and we did it in the second half against Leicester the problem with this game was it seemed to be one or two

    Players that were focused on shooting the ball in the second half and not everybody else and for me that’s where a lot of the problems came it’s a dominant performance like 79% possession but if you look at it from this perspective in the first half leads had 80 2%

    Possession with two shots on goal Huddersfield had five shots on goal during the same amount of time so possession is great but possession with purpose is massively important possession with an end product is hugely important and that’s that was where for me one of the main main issues came yesterday

    Um the other part with this as well was whether are we slightly overthinking the game I don’t know don’t know as well but we didn’t seem to be as sharp or as fast in the temp for me was much lower than it has been in recent weeks since the

    Turn of the year when we played against teams that were in the the bottom half of the table before Christmas we had this habit of slowing the game down with a low block the problem with a low block is you don’t slow it down when you’re

    Playing against a low block you speed it up the passes have to be fast minimum touches keep the ball moving left to right and you try and frustrate opponent you try and drag them out of positions and you wait for someone to step out and

    Then you you come in you make your your your movements then there your triggers leads slowed down every time we got to the final third it slowed the game slowed except for one incident when we scored and that was through Conor Roberts and Dan James who tried to speed

    Things up so the front four for me I think Patty was just starved of any kind of serice there was nothing going into banford really in the game that that was disappointing as well because this year since he’s come back in the linkup play with banford has been very important

    When the ball has gone into his feet it has brought other players into the game it LS players to run past him players to come short for the ball and we just didn’t get the ball into them everything seemed to go down our left hand side

    Over to fow over to chis Somerville and tre’s decision making yesterday wasn’t great there was moments in the game where he should have passed the ball when he didn’t it was it seemed to be an awful lot of cre getting the ball and cutting hiside and trying to

    Shoot on his own and keep trying to shoot and keep trying to shoot and just losing the ball or he get the ball put his foot on it stop the game Dead which allows a low block in the defensive team to get their formation to get organized

    To pick up players that may be running past them and the game slows down and there were always options for quicker passes back inside back outside keep the ball moving and we didn’t do it and the red card first half talking about huddersfield’s performance Huddersfield clearly came with a game plan to upset

    Leate 100% Jan hog gets a red card for an awful elbow I think I saw so field fan trying to say that pop banford did the exact same thing there’s a very difference between a smaller player and a hand going across a player than there

    Is for Jonathan hog who has a clear look at Junior fpo and then throws the elbow even Sky Sports and D Hing Cliff even said he knew exactly what he was doing and hog did it in the first game as well he was running around and he should have

    Been sent off in the first game as well he has a habit of this six red cards I think the players had so but again if you go back to the first half of the Season there was a formula to upset leads bully them kicked them annoyed

    Them and then capitalize on a set piece play low block capitalize on a set piece and we we’re very weak on set piece we still are and I see Daniel farus moved to a zonal marking system now to try and make leads a little bit different on set

    Pieces defending them we’re still not reactive enough so if you look at the goal the hfield scored it’s a very good header from the first Corner fair enough it’s a really really good sa by El Mal tries to kick the ball out then trying to stop the rebound but no one else

    Reacts to the second ball nobody reacts except for hel who runs through FBO does try to react to his credit but he’s a left footer and there’s a moment where you can see fpo look to swing his right foot and I think if he swings his right

    Foot he clears the ball but then there’s that think of it being right foot and left foot pops into your head and he tries to stab checks for a second tries to stab his left foot at and the ball goes in the back it’s not a Critic the

    Junior fairpo he’s the only player who even slightly reacted to that everybody else Stood Still hel wasn’t track wasn’t tracked so that’s that’s the issue there um Second Ball reaction times across the board yesterday were off breaking ball second balls being picked up lead just weren’t picking them up I always said

    It’s it’s a bad day at the office when when even Ethan ampadu is running into his own players kick the ball it’ll play you know Miss time and passes if ampadu is having an off day and everybody else is having an off day I think Joe rhoden’s probably the only player that I

    Kind of thought maybe came out that game Arie was okay um grew up defensively was fine but I think after that I think pretty much across the board it was a very below pair performance by a lot of players in the game talking about Daniel far because I’ve seen some people again

    Because this here’s this thing about people just have to criticize Daniel far I just don’t understand it sometimes um you can’t argue with Daniel farus changes for me for me as far as I’m looking at it he made proactive changes with a half an hour to go which is

    Exactly when he should be making those changes that gives the players on the park enough time to change themselves they would have got that instruction at half time oh out and change things didn’t do it makes changes Roberts and James come on and have an immediate impact on the right hand side because

    It’s a different style of buildup to what we’ve had in the whole game if you look at C Somerville willto georgin rter it’s the same kind of buildup ball and the fee they’ll turn they’ll have a run out player they’ll go inside they’ll go outside they’ll do step overs and then

    Ultimately they put their foot on the ball and stop the game Dead and that’s the problem with a low block all of a sudden a low block then reorganizes as I’ve said and they’ve got you the difference with Roberts and James was it was far more direct and the passing was

    A lot quicker and when you look at the goal that we get it’s Roberts James think I think yeah Roberts and James Brothers involved there somewhere and then the smash cross the box and then if pero doesn’t get it just misses it bamford’s there Taps it in and for me

    That was the Avenue for leads to go it was a different approach than they had done in the entire game on both sides it was more direct and for whatever reason the players decided to go down the left hand side again and just continue I I saw stat from Sky Sports

    Where lead had 12% of the attack on the right hand side after James and Roberts to come on that’s where the goal came from and the rest of it was either in the middle or the left but I think there was like 60% attacking on the left hand

    Side which just wasn’t working because it was the same move all the time ball would go to Somerville pass it back to fpo pass it back into c c roll a couple yards he put his foot on the ball he turn inside he do a little step over and

    Then either pass it outside to F who gets smothered or he try and shoot and it was blocked and that’s that’s that that was the issue for me in the game Leeds needed to change the attack more often the likes of Dan James and the likes of Conor Roberts gave Leeds a

    Different style of attack changed their leads were playing and they just didn’t use it enough I thought we got a lot more agility on the right hand side than the left hand side but we didn’t use it and that was an issue for me um pop bford said no service as well I

    Just didn’t think we got the ball into him at all we just really didn’t get the ball into him as well and then Joel pero comes on he’s a bit more involved than he has been lately but not in around the Box not where you want goals to come

    From as well and I thought our overall performance and our overall style of play in the game was was very very predictable it was the same for 90 minutes and it became really easy to defend against it was just drop in get tight squeeze over to the left Man mark

    Two players up press cre make them kick the ball break simple as that and when they get set pieces try and capitalize on the set pieces we really do need to get better at attacking and defending set pie every time we see leads get a corner I’m like

    So what so so what we got a corner like it’s not like we’re gonna score from it we don’t we just don’t have the players in terms of the height and the and the and the maybe there’s some on the Ben Grell who can do that but overall there

    Isn’t anybody else that can do there and set plays against us were just really weak we just always look vulnerable from set plays um so yeah and talking about the chances I said the first half chance that nto gr on the right goes and the CRA should shoot should score doesn’t

    Second half it’s all the same attack it’s C inside shoot Jaden Anthony comes on similar type of player I would lik to see Anon come on maybe the right hand side and James come over to the left they did switch that with a couple minutes to go and but the overall thing

    For me was the tempo and I go back to this first half of the Season we talked about this an awful lot the tempo was the key for me yesterday it was too slow the buildup was too slow the players and it was all players decisions for me like

    There were options to moved the ball quickly there was options to pass the ball and move and for me it was individual decision making if you go through the whole team I just don’t think anybody really stood out yesterday players I mean um even Glen kamarra makes that mistake that they nearly

    Score from only for Archie gray fantastic piece of Defender from Archie gray that man just to block block the ball there was just mistakes everywhere it just wasn’t enough quality and lack of quality in the final third really really really hurt leads and and you’re coming to a point now where maybe this

    Is the reality check they just needed a little bit just to get them focused again that it’s not done the job isn’t done there’s still a lot of work to do here and there’s a lot of time I keep saying I’m not overreacting to this there’s plenty of time I still think

    We’ve got opportunities to get promoted here I still think we’ve got an opportunity still going win the league as I said we’re one point closer to Leicester than we were yesterday if Swit there as well so there’s pressure on Leicester as well there pressure on everybody um going just go really

    Quickly through the I wanted to go through the players as well like we did last week and just kind of have a chat about this um that one there and that one there and that one there here we go so just going to the players our players our lineup just performance- wise I

    Thought Melia was fine I thought he did very well in the first half what he had to deal with he had a lot of shots to do in the first half that he had to deal with um and I thought he did I thought he did reasonably well with all of the

    Stuff that he had to deal with yesterday so um Erie was fine looked a bit leggy in the second half you can understand that a lot of games recently as well Joe Roden thought a very good game probably one of the few players for me that did

    Have a very very strong game Ean ampadu probably one of his weakest games in terms of I the communication was an issue yesterday we saw him run into players a couple times H pass the ball a play a couple of times Miss passes very unlike Ethan ampadu

    Who’s been so solid and so consistent all season and has that little bit of a blip Fabo I thought was fine from an attacking perspective not as good as we’ve seen him from an attacker perspective that the legs weren’t there I think as well just again looked a bit

    Leggy I times grew up in the middle of the park I thought he had a decent defensive game but that’s his job if we’re looking for more Progressive passes we need to get different players in there um change I thought Arie could have gone in there at some point but

    That change was decided not to be made Glen kamarra again pretty much an off day for Glenn again slowing buildup slow releasing the ball and then a couple of mistakes as well that that that one that could have definitely led to a goal against us cre Somerville H tricky day at the office

    For C didn’t use the options he had around him over carried the ball far too often kept looking to score himself and shoot instead of passing the ball to other players he needs to get that out of a system a little bit there’s a time in place for it when the over carrying

    Works you get away with it when it doesn’t it’s pointed out so it’s same with George Jor RoR again a game where not kind of came in and out of the game at times was good in moment very closely marked marked by two players nearly every suppos the front three every time

    They got the ball there was two players that went to them and that’s where the speed of transition is important here if you’re going to get doubled up especially in the second half against 10 players if there’s two players doubling up on C Somerville that means there’s

    Somebody free on the first side of the park and that’s where the speed of movement back in the Midfield and back out left or big Cross Field ball to switch it that’s where you get the overloads that’s where you get the space but again Leeds kind of played into

    Huddersfield’s Hands by two players come out the Press lead to slow the game down and the the back four could pick up and the midfielders could drop in and pick up and that was it and then banford just didn’t get the service for me in terms

    Of the subs coming on Joe pero was more involved and he has been but still not a massive impact jayen Anthony very little impact Off the Bench as well for me and Dan James and Conor Roberts I think did themselves a huge huge favor I think there’s a very strong possibility that

    Both of them could come into the starting lineup per midweek and I think you could see Archie Greg going into the middle of the park as well I think those changes needed to freshen it up a little bit and thought they they give us a different type of attack again if you’re

    Gonna have the likes of georgin R and C doing the you know out wide run up players cut inside step overs shoot you need somebody on the right hand side that or the other side that’s GNA be slightly more direct you can swap them over then change the path of attack more

    Often so that’s it for me in terms of that you go back and look at the stats in the game which is really it’s really tough to look at two shots on target for leads with 79% possession just not good enough just not good enough two WS for

    The front of goal yesterday passes massively out pass them again but then look again look at shots on target five from from Huddersfield in a game where they were dominated and that’s that’s a problem the accuracy again from most was was was good was good fils a lot less

    The red cards there as well in terms of The League table that puts us in a position where it’s it’s by it’s still very close like I mean it’s five points to Leicester now Five Points leester have to go to to sampton they got other game as well

    Dropping points yesterday will be will hurt them as well and we’re still only two points off of ipswitch they have to go to sampton as well so there’s still opportunities it’s not the end of the world iwi are playing currently their runners against about seven of the

    Bottom eight teams in the last eight this eight game block that they’re in um seven those teams in the bottom half of the table so you would expected them to go and win those games the run in is where it starts to get a little bit more

    Interesting so Lester three defeats in a row for them so what’s going on there having a bit of a wobble sampton do beat Birmingham yesterday but they were playing against 10 man Birmingham for a lot of the game and Birmingham got back in front against him with 10 men so was

    Able today for everyone at the office a 998th a 99th minute goal for sampton to win that game so they’ve done that a lot this season seon they score a lot of late goals Southampton but can they keep that going to the end of the season I

    Don’t think this is by any stretch of imagination done usted at all I think there’s still plenty plenty of time for Le to get back into it we’ll get to a couple of comments now as well trying to hold back on these we’ll come back to

    Work way back um Andy no point having possession yeah correct leads therapy H hey Paul the annoyance was 55 minutes in the first half of the ball was out of play and that’s that’s a big thing in a stop st game that ruins leads leads have got to

    Find other ways of of breaking these teams down with that that’s a hugely important part you’re not always going to get it your own Wing you can’t expect it all your own way but they did a very good job of of breaking up the game possession matter when you do something

    With it correct Les H hello Mark Johnny Five good oh yeah chatting to each other all right bar has got to change things gray is wasted I don’t think he’s wasted it right back in Craig I really don’t think that I don’t overreact to this I I

    Think Arie has been brilliant at right back when we’ve needed it we’ve now got a right back that can come in and do a job that frees up I again not blaming the manager I think you go back to a winning team this team has been winning it’s easy in hindsight

    To say change I’m in that same boat as well I think perro is becoming more of a liability than Anessa ASA I think more of a I still think he’s gonna have big moments between now and the end of the season I think he will get his moment

    I’m mindful not to judge lead’s players too quickly and signings too quickly because we’ve seen in the past where they do come good and we get behind them as support they can get better um but I do think maybe it was more suited to Mato Joseph coming off the bench than

    Than Joe Piro given the height that he’s on the momentum that he has I think you could have really really used that an awful lot yesterday but he isn’t doing enough Jobo when he comes on he does need to do to do more let’s have another

    Go at getting 10 wins in a row we start again we start again simple as that stats rental yeah I’ve noticed in the comments section someone said fro was lazy I don’t know how you can say that you’re making changes 60 Minutes is exactly when he should be making them no

    Issues at all on the changes again it’s decision-making go back and watch the game Daniel farer can’t pass the ball for players Daniel farer can’t score goals for players Daniel farker can’t shoot for players the players have to be able to do that job themselves it’s not

    Always the manager manager sets them out to play a certain way sets them out to do a job not Daniel far’s fault that c somville wouldn’t pass the ball it’s not Daniel far’s fault that Glen Camaro wouldn’t shoot you know that’s decision making by the players and that was poor

    And Som probably would one of his poorest games but we know this quality increased somville we know he reacts well to these kind of games so he’ll come back person car on somville should have yeah that should have been a red card I think if theor there it’s a red

    Card as well but still got to break these teams down Paul still got to break them down I’m wor that lik to M Stoke will play same they will they will but we’ve got quality we’ve got a we’ve got a team of players that should be able to

    To deal with that and we have dealt with it to be honest since the turn of the year maybe it’s just a once off um M was solid fine game and he was busy he was busy yesterday as well Z americ is not working no I agree with that as

    Well willly n just seems to end up marking Aller players I think when you got Z if you’ve done the same kind of Zone positioning for a couple of weeks teams are analyzing your setup as well and they’re looking at where where do leads position their players own

    American right but will is always in that position right well H you go on him bit predictable Paul one of the things that is frustrating was our front four players take too many touches I’m trying to walk the ball toight yeah I think the front four were all off at yesterday all

    Off it yesterday regard to the factor in the amount of football that we played yep 100% and that’s why I’m not overreacting to this that’s why I don’t think it’s I’m putting a thumbnail up that says disaster oh Le have been ruined it’s plenty of time we still pick

    Up the points would have like to see Joseph yeah I’m right there with you right there with her with you H Smith says even with the subs I was at a loss as to way more attacks didn’t come down to Robertson James especially after we got that goal it just seemed that that

    Was the avenue to go I mean again it’s players decision there was opportunities there were so many times Daniel James was in space on the right hand side because of the extra man and there was so many times Le just decided to go left back of the K as well

    It was like they decided K was goingon to be the one to win the game and he just wasn’t having his best games he carried this team for a massive amount of games this season c i supp there’s an over Reliance on him doing it he’s a lot

    Of injuries this year he’s a lot of kicks he’s been hitting off a lot of wers that stuff trying to starting to catch up with him a little bit but when you’ve got opportunities to move the ball to The Far Side bre do it move it

    Uh peris should be playing left back in the changing rooms I get the frustration yeah uh I’m hoping though against the likes of stoke when we’re home it’s we’re a different Beast yeah we are a different Beast to home I would agree with the change though I think I think

    Roberts comes into right back I think you’ve got Arie Midfield now I think that’s gonna happen Anthony has good deliveries he does but he doesn’t move the ball quick enough again at times yes he got two assists against Chelsea mid week but there were so many opportunities in that game even for him

    To release the ball quicker and it’s not a Jaden Anthony issue it’s there a group of them like rter is the same against pmit in the first half just not releasing the ball losing it in possession but then you have a moment of magic and he scores and it’s great and

    That works perfectly and it’s brilliant when it works when it works you get away with it it’s brilliant it’s like telling players you know if you want to do a bicycle kick in every single game that’s fine if it goes in the back of the net

    You’re great and I’ll give you all the credit in the world but when it doesn’t I’m going to look at where the better options were and what you should have actually done in that situation and that’s the problem that they have as well just not moving the ball when they

    Should be P’s becoming lead fans whipping Bo and I’m very clear on this yeah it was not his fault that leads didn’t win and he comes on to do a job and it doesn’t happen but again we’ve seen this system where lead put eight players up front and it just doesn’t

    Break down this is the other issue if you’re playing a low block and then you go flood that low block with more players it’s even harder for you to get past it because your own players are nearly in the way it’s overpacked in that area as well so yeah it’s not

    Perl’s fault and I think it should be balanced that it was not his fault you know there was a lot of a lot of things went wrong yesterday a lot of things no big man football yeah we are skill based we’ve got able to deal with the big man

    Football the game was always going to be played that well mentally it was a step too far for us it’s our system now we’ll be but we’ll be fine I think we’ll be fine as well I really do Robert to the goal and two assists and two games

    Impressive right back yeah it’s a massive difference it’s a massive difference it’s the speed at which they attack and again if you go back and look at the goal and look at when Roberts and James linked up it’s one touch pass One Touch overlap you know it’s it’s

    Constant movement if you look at the left hand side it’s three four five touches put your foot on the ball two more touches put your foot on the ball pass it back where it came from you know H C from corn middle he did he did

    But there’s reason he’s not in this team at the moment I think he’d be very hard to shift him the lads that are in there right now to be honest with you I think considering we have a lack of size especially with Pascal we do need to

    Stop giving away free kicks if you look at their goal it’s a very silly free kick that Willie nto gives away runs into the back of a player gets a bit wound up by the kicks that he’s getting gets dragged into it they always say this about lower teams as well they can

    Drag you down to their level I think that probably happened a little bit as well H just tons of comments I won’t get through them all but um look yeah on Willie on will on Somerville sorry Somerville gets kicked off the park we should be interested to know what the

    Statistics are for season fil he’s had so many little ankle injuries this year so many little niggles from the kicks that he’s getting that you wonder does it start to catch up with him a little bit and maybe there’s there’s a bit more rotation needed there maybe but again at

    The same time he has massive games for us as well so yeah yeah um and then finally what welon delighted for Joseph to get those two goals against Chelsea not sure he’s in front of pero yeah I thought he would have been I thought he definitely put himself into into that

    Position not just because of the two goals but because of his overall Hold Up play his link up play was very very good against Chelsea that has to be looked at for me that has to be looked that especially as another option uh e rder needs to be

    Rested at Somerville or give him the first half and sub them off I they were rested against Chelsea later week the front four specifically this is where the leggy performance really bothered me a little bit because Somerville was rested non took him off the bench late on against Chelsea rter

    Was rested banford didn’t play they were rested they didn’t have two goal two games in four days they were rested but the rest of the team Lo looked pretty laggy as well so yeah look what I will say is this and we’ll wrap up on this um

    It’s a frustrating day at the office but all is not lost we are one point closer to Leicester yes IPS have gone ahead of us but they still have a job to do for the rest of the season as well leads were going to drop points we were always

    Going I think we said it last week even after the height the Leicester game it was going to happen nobody was going to go un beaten for rest of season leads haven’t been beaten but they have drop points we’ll dust ourselves off we still have probably you look at the last five

    Games outside of Ip we’ve got the best record in the last five we’ve got to deal with these negative teams that that low put in Low Blocks we were doing such a really good job of doing it since the turn of the Year looked like we’d learned how to break them down georgino

    R 10 was starting to do that for me but again for me it’s really simple against the low block you’ve got to move the ball quickly you’ve got to move it quickly leads didn’t do that and that was the problem for me too slow and

    Again I’ve said it on Joe show tons this year when Leeds play a slow tempo we are nowhere near the team we are when we play a fast tempo the benefit and the positive to take from this is we know we have those performances still in our

    Locker we know we can speed it up and if this is the blip fine I think we’ll be fine we’re still third we’re still three points ahead of Southampton and we’re only four points Five Points now behind Leicester if we go back a couple weeks ago I think

    We’d killed to be in this position at this point so it’s not all doom and gloom I won’t get dragged into slating players and slaying the manager and slaying the team I just won’t get dragged into that there’s a there’s enough YouTube channels out there to be

    Overreactive I’m not going to do it so yeah look we move on we’ve got a game on Wednesday we’ve got a game of the weekend we’ve got a chance to bounce back from this immediately get six points see what goods do let’s see what they do worry about ourselves start

    Picking up results again we could have lost points completely yesterday I think first half of the season that’s a game maybe we lose one nil we didn’t lose at one nil we got a point it’s tough to try and see the positive in this it really

    Is because it’s very small but it is there it is there so anyway folks I’ll leave you I’ll leave you there and what I will say is I’m back on Monday tomorrow for leads news you can check that out Monday morning H and Friday’s news is floating around um down below

    Somewhere if you want to check that out as well you can go check that out and I will see you Monday morning enjoy the rest of your weekend all is not lost we still have a good chance let’s see how we go mind yourselves see you soon bye


    1. Both Saints and Ipswich seem to have mastered the art of the late, late winner. What are they doing that we aren’t… think the coaches should take a look at this… it could be crucial..

    2. Stoke will take a lot of encouragement from this game. Huddersfield's corners and free-kicks caused us no end of trouble and their high press stopped us from creating space and freeing our creative players. Stoke are a better version of Huddersfield and are on a run at the moment. We need to use our pace and width to subdue them early, or we could be in for a long night.

    3. Fair play Ger. I only had one moment of doubt an hour before the game when it dawned on me that everyone, including me, were convinced it would be 2-5 nil. Football has a habit of giving people a slap at times like that eh? In a way, although completely sensible, we almost made too many changes from Chelsea (5 or 6 I think) Plus most of them coming back from knocks. Anyway, I wasn't expecting it. I'm sure we'll be fine. Bring on Stoke. MOT X

    4. Brodie Spencer completely outshone Archie Gray and he was ill before kickoff.

      You say Huddersfield were looking to kick Leeds but who committed the most fouls? 🤔

    5. If they come to play, we can play them off the park. If they come to spoil, it’s like we weren’t expecting it. But we were!!

      So what are we lacking? Nouse, guile, ingenuity, patience? I don’t know, they don’t know, Farke don’t know.

      That was a really hard watch. I bet it was harder to play in. They were agricultural. We knew they would be.

      You don’t usually undo great teams with clumsy tactics. So we’re not great. Well sometimes we are. But we’re not ‘great’ great right?

      No, yesterday we seemed like that team with great players that don’t like rain, cold, and bobbly pitches.

      You know, the championship.

    6. Summerville needs a rest. Gnonto loses his head a bit too much. I’d definitely like to see Gray in midfield and Robert’s starting.

    7. I think farke said that this game was a record low in minutes ball in play..does any have any info wasn't helped by the Huddersfield player spending 5 min tying his boot laces

    8. When we're defending a ,corner ,would it be better if bnoto and Somerville stood on the halfway line rather than marking some guy twice there size in the box with no chance of winning the ball… also what happened to having players stood on the goal line during corners..we have to try something different, we getting punished with set peices with such a small team

    9. I've wasn't impressed with Gnonto petulance for the free kick that cost us. Same at Chelsea when he got beat and did not show Enzo the outisde he gave up. He has these moments and moments change momentum. He ruins his own game with this petulance

    10. Thanks Ger, always good to hear your take.

      11 games is a lot of football to be played – we’ve only had 10 (league) games since that loss to WBA and everything looks very different now vs then.

      3 observations;
      1. I think our lack of tempo was mostly down to the quality of the pitch – I’d noticed it wasn’t great early doors and I was interested DF called this out post-game. Our players lost their confidence perhaps and took an extra touch or 2 to make sure, which played into HTs hands. I’m sure Man City could’ve coped, but our players aren’t at that level.
      2. In 2024 against championship opposition (so inc PA in the cup) we’ve conceded 5 goals of which 4 have been from set pieces. This needs to be worked on quickly.
      3. I still think auto-promo is technically in our hands as if we can win the last 11 (big if I accept) then Ipswich would need to win all of their remaining games to stay in front of us – this would be 16 wins in a row for them which is not going to happen. A single draw for them and a win for us moves us back above them considering our GD. And this isn’t taking into account Leicester who are looking shaky.

      Sorry for the waffle, just needed to air some thoughts!


    11. Back in the 70's I used to love "Shoot!" magazines and annuals which our local newsagents would import from the UK. One of my favourite regular comic strips in that magazine was called "Hot Shot Hamish". But the operative word here is "shoot"! 3 Shots against Leicester, and Leeds scored 3 goals. Ipswich fired 2 shots against Plymouth and scored twice. Is it really that complex or problematic to just freaking-well take a shot? What's the game of football without a great shot anyway? I really hope the spirit of our departed and beloved "Hotshot" Lorimer is channeled once again at Leeds.

    12. Understand this isn't the kind of video you want or have time to make regularly, but your analysis really is the best out there and gets lost when you're one of many voices on other shows. Not asking you to change it but want you to know this is appreciated. Good health. MOT

    13. Alot of people saying "we struggle to break down a low block" ???? I'd argue that we actually succeed regularly in breaking low blocks but we just don't finish when we do….

      We scored against Huddersfield so we did penetrate their low block and we were the thickness of a post from winning it,we were off it generally but this performance was always going to come,big game against Stoke….

    14. I accept we were going to drop points, but it's the manner in which we do this. Losing pts vs a better team on the day, fine but our poor performance and lack of ideas and how we counteract teams like this, we still have not worked out.

      PS my biggest fear is that this is the start of our blip and a poor run for a few games

      PPS Teams like Huddersfield have a game plan for the players we put out. If we change the lineup with for example someone like Summerville starting from the bench, that game plan goes out of the window. If we played Joseph again they would be lost

      PPPS I have a habit of writing my comments as the video is playing, I have reached the part where your analysis has matched mine 💯 therefore an awesome analysis 😅😅

    15. Love your balanced approach to reviewing the matches. cool and calm while the rest of us, sometimes overly passionate, fans are stressing out and losing it. MOT to 30K mate. keep up the great work.

    16. I'm a lifelong Leeds fan who unfortunately lives in Huddersfield and the town has been up for this game for weeks. The whole ethos of the club is their hatred of Leeds. Even one of the Chairman's assistants has been constantly winding up the Leeds fans on social media. This was always going to happen, the club captain came out looking for a fight and the players gave their all for their big derby and to impress the new manager's first game at home. As you said Ger, let's just move on – it was always going to happen and now it's done. (Hopefully, we are in different leagues next season).

    17. it was very evident Ger that our play was too slow. too many times we take four passes ro get the ball wide when it could of been done in two or done much quicker. lethargic is how I would describe it. Gruev and Kamara didn't offer any progression by carrying the ball so it was all safe slow passes, which is easy to defend against. I think archies dynamism could of been key to breaking them down in the central area. But all that said we just had a crazy run of games logistically and that performance was the hangover from all of that and yes we are a place down but point closer to first.

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