I ride from Nanyuki to Nairobi, such a joyful ride, people continuously cheer for me. In Kenya I rediscover living in a developed country where you can find so many different products in the shops. About half way to Nairobi, I stop in a beautiful lodge, and enjoy some luxury, here in Kenya, in Africa.

    My book (in English and in French): https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B096QVMXWZ also https://www.amazon.fr/~/e/B096QVMXWZ

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    #kenya #africa #luxury

    Morning, my friends from Nanyuki in Kenya. And today I’m going to start my way to Nairobi, about 200 kilometers left to Nairobi. So it should take me two days. Today, I’m going to do most of the way because it’s mostly downhill today. So today, 115 kilometers approximately,

    To one of the lodges along the road, because it’s full of lodges around here. There is still 500 meters elevation gain during the day, but a lot more downhill, I think 1300 meters downhill. So it should be a pleasant day today. But yeah, let’s go to Nairobi, guys.

    So I’m exiting the secured neighborhood. Hello? Hello. Good, good, good. And I’m rejoining the main road. And now it’s all straight, almost all the way to Nairobi. Hello, hello. Hello, hello. – I like it. – You like it? -Yeah. – Good. Look at beautiful Nanyuki. And I need to stop here already,

    Because there is an important landmark just here. Look at that, guys. Haha! We reached the Equator. Good. Good. How are you? Good. We reached the equator. Wow! All the way from France to the Equator with this weird bicycle. Waah! That’s quite an achievement I think. Hey, hey… – Hello. – Jambo Kenya!

    Nice one, nice one. Asante [Thank you]. I’m good. Hello. And under the clouds, there in the distance. It’s Mount Kenya. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, hello. It’s a lot of climbing in this morning. – Yeah. – Good, good. Where are you going? We are coming from Meru. Huh? [Inaudible] Oh, okay. What about you?

    I’m going to Cape Town, South Africa. Yes. – Cape Town? – Cape Town, yeah. They think that I am playing with them. – South Africa – [Inaudible] – Yes. – [Inaudible] – Yeah? – [Inaudible] – He thinks I’m lying. – Yes. – [Inaudible] -Yeah, but I’m not lying. Yeah.

    – I came from France with this. – You came from France with this? – Yes. – Wow! You are bad, you are bad. It’s very funny how people just don’t believe. Mbaya [bad in Swahili] Hello. He he. Wow! Hah! I’m really having a good time here on the road. Hoo, hoo!

    – Hello. – Hello. – Hello, hello. – Hey. Hello. I am arriving in Chaka. It’s funny, we just passed the equator and actually it’s freezing cold. – Hello. – Hey. Hey, Let’s see if I can stop around here, on this beautiful red African earth, red African soil. Let’s stop for a lunch.

    It’s really, well, it’s funny it’s like in Ethiopia, there are people all the way along the road. There is no place with no people here. So let’s see what do I have, guys, look, I have nice bread. I have nuts, other nuts. And look, I have a lot of fish

    And I have bars, energy bars. Look at that. You find, like, really, really good, good stuff in Kenya, in the shops. I’m really, I’m very happy with the Kenyan supermarkets. There’s so many things. It’s like being in Europe almost. Look at what you find even, you even have very good chocolate.

    – Hi. – Hi. – How are you? – I’m fine. How are you? Fine, good. I’m very happy. Look, you can find really good fish. That’s really awesome. Herring fillets. Look at that. Ha ha ha. That’s awesome. Hello, I go this way. – How are you? – Good, how are you?

    – I’m fine. Thank you. – Good. Look at that, guys. Beautiful fish. Yeah. Mm! Oh! Oh, it’s smoked. Fantastic. Mm! Oh! Oh, I love this canned fish. So I found this thing which is cashew nuts and macadamia nuts, which I don’t know what’s macadamia nuts. Let’s try. Oh, wow.

    It’s this thing. I’ve never seen this before. That’s good. My first macadamia nut. Interesting. And a giant energy bar. It’s been such a long time I didn’t see an energy bar in shops. Mm! Very good. So there are a lot of cars on the road. So I put back my yellow jacket.

    So it’s 60 kilometers left for this afternoon. I’m surprised because we actually going down in altitude, but it’s still a, it’s really, it’s really chilly, it’s really cold. Let’s go 60 kilometers to a random lodge, somewhere on the way to Nairobi. Look at this beautiful palm tree.

    Yeah, and these things all the time. It slows me down so much. I have to stop all the time for these things. So I just changed battery. – My home is there, near Nanyuki there – Yes. – From Naro Moru my home is up, near Mount Kenya.

    Yeah, okay. On the way to Mount Kenya. Nice. – It is beautiful there. – Yeah, yeah, beautiful. – Yes You put another batter so that you can continue. Yes, I changed my battery, here is the battery. So the battery will go up to Kambiti. Yeah, up to Kambiti is okay, yeah, yeah.

    Because my first battery is finished now, so I have to change. – That’s why I stopped to change. – Oh! – And up to Kambiti it will be okay, now. – This costs you too much money. Yeah, it’s a little bit expensive. Yeah, yeah.

    – Today’s very cold, yeah? – Today is very cold. – Today’s very cold, yeah. – Today is very cold. Okay. So tomorrow maybe… – Tomorrow to Nairobi, yeah, yeah. – Nairobi, yeah, yeah. – Because today it’s too is too far. – Yeah, too far, too far.

    So I need two days from Nanyuki to Nairobi, two days. – But you must be tired. – Yes, I’m tired, yeah. That’s why I go slowly. I cannot go too fast. Safe journey, safe journey. – Thank you. Have a good day. – Safe journey, safe journey. Good luck with the work. Bye Bye.

    Good bye. Lovely people working on the roads, there. I will not say it enough, but Kenya is so pleasant, Hello, hello. Hello, hello. And I’m catching a truck in a climb, what the hell? That’s the first time I have that. I’m riding faster than a truck in a climb.

    Well, I’m not going fast, actually. Hello, hello. My bicycle feels very slow today. I have the impression there’s something slowing me down I checked the wheels. They looked like fine. So, it’s very strange. – Hello, hi. – Hi. Huh? – What is that? – This is a tricycle.

    – That’s nice, huh? – Yeah. Hello, hello. I lost my water bottle. Ooh! Yes. Asante (Thank you.) – That was close, very close. – Yeah. Let’s go. – Hello, hello. – Hello, hello. Good, good, good. That’s the issue. When I, when I film, I can’t really…

    It’s harder to monitor the bumps on the road. And the bumps make my bottom fly away. It’s funny because since I crossed the Equator the climate changed completely. Hello. Hi, hi. Yeah, yeah, hello, hello. Hello. Hello. The trucks are so slow here. Hello.

    People are getting friendlier and friendlier as I progress, it’s like, Wow, Life is so nice from the seat of this bicycle, of this trike, just life is awesome. Dude, dude, stop. You guy, stop here, stop. Who is this guy? Stop here, you, you stop. Stop! Stop! What the hell? Stop stop, hello, hello.

    Hello, hello. Hello, hello. Oh my God! Hello, hello. Wow! Hello, hello. Hello, ha ha ha. Oh man… Today is awesome. Hello. Basically if I, every single person says hello and cheers for me today, it’s just unbelievable. I don’t understand. Okay, that’s okay.

    Because I had a doubt because there is a road here on the left, and I am on a road, and I saw another car going on the other road, and I thought because I’m riding on the left, I thought maybe I should go on the other road, because now it’s two different roads.

    But no, it’s okay. And now I have the school kids coming to see me. How are you? – We’re fine. – Fine, fine. How are you? – Money. Hello. Those markets are beautiful. There’s so many fruits and vegetables everywhere on the way, on the road. Hello. Look at this beautifu lodge, wow!

    Haha, that looks awesome. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. – I saw you over there. – Oh, you saw me before, okay. – I’m thinking of stopping here. – Yeah. I just want to see how is it for tomorrow if I stop here.

    Tomorrow is 90 kilometers with 1000 meters elevation gain. Tomorrow I go to Nairobi. Yeah, it didn’t look too expensive. -Okay. – It is safe. – Okay. – so that’s my own opinion. Yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah. So that would be for tomorrow. -So. – Yeah. Do I stop here?

    – I’ll go have a look here. – Yeah. Is it just for adventure or something? Yeah, it’s just for fun. Yeah. I like it – You like it? – Yes. – I don’t like it. – He he he. I can go now. Okay. Hello.

    Vehicles parked at owner’s risks. Oh no. So that’s not for me. I don’t want to leave my bike outside. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Yes. – Hi, hi. – Hello, hello. Good, good. Hello. Hello. I already did 110 kilometers. I start to be tired. And I passed a bridge with a river.

    And now it’s climbing all the way to Nairobi. While climbing and some flat also, of course. So there’s a market here, and now I’m looking for an accommodation. I think there might be one up this hill there. – How are you guys? – Good, good. How are you?

    – You good too. – Yeah, I’m good, yeah. – How are you? – Good, good. How are you? – Fine, fine, – Fine, fine. Yeah. Okay, so two kilometers ahead, there should be an accommodation. Let’s see if it’s correctly placed on Google Maps. Hi. It was so many people on the road today,

    I couldn’t even… I really struggled even just to stop for a… to pee. Oh my God! Tetura Luxury Camp. That’s where I intend to go. – It’s open, no? – Yeah. Okay, asante (Thank you). -From where? – From France. From Nanyuki today. – Today? – Yes. – With this bike? – Yes.

    -How? – Yeah, slowly, slowly, – Slowly like that? – Slowly, slowly like that, yeah. – How much one? – How much? – Yeah. – Expensive. Expensive. – Will you give me one? – I give you one, maybe. Maybe, who knows? Yes. How are you? Nice, nice. Hello. Tetura. Hello. How are you?

    Thank you. You have accommodation, right? Hello, where do I go? This way or this way? This way, thank you, thank you. Kenya has great accommodations, let’s just try it. My shoes are still here, yeah. – Hi. – Hi, how are you? – Good. How are you? – Fine, thank you.

    – Welcome to Tetura. – Thank you. You have a accommodation, right? Yes. [Inaudible] Yeah, how much is it? What is the price also? Bed and breakfast or Bed only? Bed and breakfast. I think if I can have beakfast. Just one person, right? Yeah. Just one person. Yeah. It’s 3700 Kenyan Shilling.

    – 3,700 Kenyan Shilling? – Yes. That’s in fine for me. Alright. – You have people here? – At the moment no. At the moment, no? Okay. Is it possible to eat for dinner also? There is a restaurant here? – We have a bar over here. – Okay.

    There is some, there is some food as well? Okay great. During the week it’s a bit slow. People come for the weekend from Nairobi. Yeah. okay. Are you doing like a tour? Yeah, I’m going across Africa, yeah. -Across Africa? – Yeah. Oh, interesting. Originally where are you from? France. – France? Yes.

    So how long is it taking you to? Quite some time because I had some issues on the way. I left two years ago from France with this bike. – Two years ago? – Two years ago. Yes. But if I’m… if… because I go very slowly. [Inaudible]

    No, no, no, but most of it, yeah, I rest a lot, yeah, I stop a lot. But if I only cycled, maybe it would take 6 to 9 months. Okay. Very good. Yeah. You have electricity, right? I need electricity because my bike is electric.

    – Electric bike, yeah? – Yes. So I need to charge my batteries. – Hot shower as well. – Okay, perfect. Fantastic. – Fantastic. – Yeah. Awesome! – So are you okay with this room? – Yeah,I’m very… It’s very good. Yeah. So you need my passport or something like that? – Yes. – Okay.

    So you see, my bike is here. I could bring it just next to my room. Awesome! I’m so happy here. Enjoying Kenyan luxury life. It’s good to have luxury from time to time. $25, which is quite reasonable for such, or an individual room in such a beautiful tourist camp very close to Nairobi.

    A nice thing. You see, it’s nice because actually it’s kind of half a house, half a tent, actually. You see I put on my bags already. The battery is charging, first battery For tomorrow, I need full battery for tomorrow. Beautiful. See, it’s very clean. Very… I don’t know. The style is very nice.

    See, very clean Toilet paper which I don’t use. I’m not like the dirty Westerners who clean their ass with toilet paper, which I find very dirty. The Muslim way I think is much cleaner

    Just with water and the hand, and you never forget to wash your hands after going to the toilet, when you do this. Let’s just go around a little bit because I want to show you the place is just awesome. So this is the all compound? – Yeah. – okay.

    Look at this place , man. You just go two kilometers away from the main road, and you are in a small paradise. Ah, isn’t Africa beautiful? Kenya. So apparently we’re going for a farm tour you said, right? Yeah, it’s farm tour. Farm tour. There is a farm. I missed it. Yeah.

    – It’s somewhere this way. – Right, this way. – Oh, yeah, I can hear the farm, yeah? – Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. – Very good. – Yeah. So it’s farm you grow for eating or for…? For eating, Kales, Okay. – Spinach, Cows, Mangoes. – Oh, okay. Oh, nice. – Yeah. – Okay. Very good.

    Let’s go. – Oh, and you see, there’s some goose? – Yeah, there are some goose, goats. Goose, goats, nice. – So the cows you have them the milk? – Yeah, for the milk. – This one is for the milk. Okay. – Yeah, You have some… Yeah. Okay, Bok choy.

    Oh, bok choy you have? -Yeah. Oh, I love bok choy Oh, this. – Yeah, in China they use it a lot. -Yeah. – That’s okra. – So which one… – Bok choy. – Bok choy is there. Is this one there? Okay. – Oh, this is banana, no? – Yeah, that’s banana.

    – A very small banana tree. – Yeah. – Dhania. – Dhania? – Dhania. – Oh, some herbs. – Yeah. – For the flavor, no? Okay. – Sugar cane. – Sugar cane, oh, nice. That’s okra. Do you do okra? – Okra? – Okra? – Yeah. I don’t know what’s okra.

    Oh, they are not yet. – They are not yet ready, yeah? – Yeah, they are not ready. Nice. – So how many cpws do you have? – Oh, they’re four. -Four? – Yeah. So we saw two. – Do you know the fennel? -Fennel, oh, wow, nice, hmm. Oh, that’s good. Yeah.

    – Another, another friend. – Yeah, these are the mangoes. – Ah, mango trees, nice. – Yeah, the mango trees. – It’s big. – Yeah. – And that’s the well for the water or? – This is the river. – Oh, that’s a river! – Malewa river. – Oh, Balagwa river, okay. – Yeah.

    – You have … – The big one. It’s a big one. You have crocodiles here? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. You have crocodiles here. – Yeah. Okay. Even hippos. – Even hippos here? – Yeah. – You have hippos here? – Hmm. Oh, wow! Danger! – Don’t go past that. – Don’t go past that. Okay,

    – So that’s the dangerous river. – Yeah. Full of crocodiles and hippos. – So that’s all mango trees, right? – Yeah, the mango trees. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Nice. Oh, there’s a monkey. – They come for the mangoes. – Oh, they get the fruit also. -Yeah.

    – So they, they get their share of mangoes. – Yeah. – You have to share with them. – Yeah. I guess they give you no choice. – And some sheeps. – Yes. The sheeps is for the milk or is for the meat? Hmm, for the meat.

    – For the meat, okay, yeah. – Yeah. Sheep, goats and cows. – Very nice farm you have. – Yeah. -Thank you. – You are welcome. I’m Mercy. – Huh? – I’m Mercy. – Ah, you are Mercy, okay, I’m Yves. – Yves. – Nice to meet you.

    I’m sorry sir. We have just the apple. Just ? Apple? Apple? – Yeah. – No mango? – No mango. – The apple juice is okay. – It’s okay? – It’s okay. – Alright. See, you have some nests here, and the birds, they are so loud. It’s awesome.

    Since the South of Ethiopia, the birds are… If you are in a place which is a little bit isolated. You can just stop and listen, and it’s so beautiful. Okay. Oh, you don’t have fresh juice. No, I have the Delmonte one. – Okay, You don’t have from fruits. – No, I don’t.

    – Okay, I will take this one. – Okay, okay. Oh! Great. Oh nice. Thank you. Here is the food. What is funny is finally, after all this time, well of course, I went back to France but still.

    It’s the first country since, I think in Lebanon, In some places in the Christian areas, you can find pork. But except Lebanon, since I left Europe, it’s the first country where you have pork, This is pork. Oh, my God. Because even in Ethiopia, even though it’s Christian, I don’t know

    How their Christianity is a little bit weird, I would say, well, different. I think it’s a lot based on Judaism, the Christianity in Ethiopia, that makes that Ethiopians don’t eat pork also, like Muslims and Jews. So yeah, but finally in Kenya, finally there is pork. So I’m going to have some pork tonight.

    Nice luxury life in Kenya. So let’s try a bit the vegetables first. That look really good. Hmm! Oh, very well cooked. Hmm. What the hell? Look at that. I have that cat. I have 10 cats around trying to steal my food. So let’s… look at the beautiful vegetables. Very nice.

    Mm. Very, very good. Some rice. Oh, there’s a slight coconut taste in the rice. And let’s have some pork. Mm. Mm hmm. Very good. Hmm. So if I give them the bone, I guess they’ll start a fight. Hmm, very good. Good food, good accommodation, nice people. Kenya is perfect.

    Oh, hmm. oh so good. Hmm. Hmm, so good. Fantastic. Life in Kenya is really nice. So how do I give this, all these bones? Let’s give one like here. Later, later, some more is coming, guys. Yeah. Because, of course, the explanation for the Ethiopians, I mean, if you don’t know the Christian theology,

    The Old Testament is actually the holy book… it’s the Torah. So it’s the holy book for the Jewish. Christians, should, I guess, in my mind, follow the New Testament, because the New Testament is when Judaism becomes Christianity. But I guess Ethiopians follow still a lot of the Old Testament.

    So that’s why they share a lot of their traditions, and they share a lot of religious things with the Jewish. Let’s see now. It’s there. They don’t see it, it’s there. Shshsh! I like the every good lodge for tourists, there is the campfire. I love lodges.

    The lodges in Africa are just so awesome. See you tomorrow, guys, for the final day on the way to Nairobi. Ciao!


    1. Yves, geat way to show Africa from a different perspective. -great videography! -Inspiring trip!! -keep on keeping on. -with all those people cheering you on with your 3 wheels, you are like a" rock star"in paradise 😀😀😀!!!!!

    2. Oh my it's nice to watch and I trust all what he was talking good of our country and greeting all Kenyans on the way and the good behaviour our people on the road.Wish him safe journey call through without any disaster.God protect him he is such a good guy.

    3. Great content over here, I've just subscribed.
      And I'm so proud of my fellow compatriots for the warmth and hospitality they accorded you during your Kenyan traverses 🇰🇪🇰🇪
      Karibu tena Yves
      Kenyans we rock!

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