Yeah okay and yeah again welcome to this online information meeting you’re here because you’re interested in an edit Gap semester for the 2425 Academic Year and today our goal is to let you know everything you might need to know about this uh so yeah our agenda for the day

    Is first of all to introduce the Ed Gap semester and to present the partner universities that can receive you for a semester and give you all the useful links the contact information and answer obviously your questions uh as my colleague wrote it in the chat uh if you

    Have questions please don’t hesitate to write them down there in the chat box so that we can read them at the end of the meeting and answer them and uh also if you wish to receive the um presentation that we’re showing right now uh please write a direct message to Theodora in

    The chat box and and she with your email address and she’ll be able to send that to you at the end of the meeting uhen uh sorry to interupt on my side I don’t have access to the chat box so is it only me or just to double check

    With everyone that we have access because on our side we don’t okay this is not normal um okay I’ll check does uh what about other colleagues do you have access to the chat box if anyone has access can you please write down something in the

    Chat okay AB you can so CH maybe it’s on your side okay it’s only on our side it’s fine then do not worry about us all right uh so perfect if everyone if students have access to the chat I guess that’s the most important part uh what you can do

    As well uh for all the students that are joining us maybe it’s uh uh in just a small introduction and let us know from which university you’re coming it’s always interesting for us to know uh well where you’re coming from and where you might want to go right so without

    Further Ado let’s get into it and into the presentation of the Gap semester but first what is eduk you might already have heard of us I hope uh but basically eduk stands for a European digital University and it’s an alliance of eight European universities that’s labeled a

    European University and we are funded by the European commission and our goal is to offer cross-disciplinary uh opportunities that are based on pedagogical and digital Innovations and we are dedicated to Foster student Mobility which we are trying to do obviously with The Gap semester for example and what is the gap semester you

    Might ask so basically it’s a new mobility of one semester except for UPN students if there are some of you here uh but you can ask us directly at UPN if you have questions uh but the goal of this Mobility is to study other subjects than what you’re initially studying at your home

    University and that means um sort of an interruption in your studies at your home University but you’re still treated as an exchange student at the receiving University and the only thing is unlike an Erasmus Plus Mobility does not necessarily count towards your degree uh there is an exception for Mu students as

    Is written there but basically the rule is that it’s an additional semester that you’re taking um some specific rules might apply at your University so I encourage you to get in touch with your local eduk team if you have any specific questions um another principle of the

    Gap semester is that it’s open to all educ students at Bachelor or Master Level and obviously when you select and attend uh courses you need to make sure that you have courses equivalent into 30 the CTS credits for one semester now what is the added value of

    The cap semester first of all as I mentioned it’s the disciplinary openness of the scheme that is that you can study one or several disciplines that are different from your current diploma and this the goal of this is to allow you to personalize your profile to differentiate yourself to recruits and

    Obviously as with any physical Mobility to also provide you with linguistic so that you can learn and improve your skills in any of the languages of the alliance and we have many and also in other languages that you might be able to learn at our um language centers

    Locally it also obviously allows you to discover another country in Europe and to uh develop new soft skills um to differentiate yourself on the job market later on and last but not least it allows you to make friends all over Europe which is always a nice addition to a Mobility

    Now onto the more serious part uh the conditions and the application process so obviously the application campaign is now open that’s why you’re here and uh the goal is for Mobility during the Academic Year 2425 so next year and you have to apply at your home University for this there are several different

    Deadlines depending on your uh home University here they are listed but obviously if you any questions you can still ask your local L team for U any additional info um what you need to keep in mind though is that you will all have to give us several documents and first

    Of all it’s a completed application form and you please check with your home University on your home University’s website um where you should send this application form uh you also need to provide a cover letter written in English and a proof of language skills in the teaching language and it must be

    A B2 level that means that if you go for example if you want to go to France and you want to study only French course courses in French then you need to provide a certificate for French if you choose only L only courses with English then just an English level

    Certificate now uh regarding the process and the dates uh the the timeline of the application so today is the 23rd February and we have this in for meeting uh and the application deadlines are mostly until the 15th of March so you still have three weeks or so until the

    The the application deadline which Lees you a bit of time to do your application and then after that we’ll go through all the applications locally and we will pre-select applications and send these PR selected applications to our partner University so that they can look through them and make the final decisions and uh

    After that students will all be notified uh whether they have been selected or not and the administrative procedure will follow so Gap semester agreement learning agreement registration don’t worry we’ll let you know all the steps uh if you are selected so yeah don’t worry too much about that as of now as

    For the mobility scholarship it’s a fixed amount per month uh depending on your home University and your destination it may vary and uh it is also PR of the actual presence over the study period so we take into account when exactly you arrived and when exactly you left and

    That might change slight the amount slightly and you also receive the travel Grant which is a fixed amount and that you receive once and that also the amount depends also on your home University so please check on your University’s website uh on the Gap here section to know exactly how much the

    Grant is for each month and the travel Grant is as well okay and after all this general information now we’ll get to presenting our universities and the first one is actually the university par which I am from but I will let uh I would leave the

    Floor to one of my colleagues uh either Theodora or Simona I’m not sure who is there okay perfect then I’ll leave the Flor to my colleague Sim hello so this is Sim is speaking about n uh our university has four campuses in the western part of Paris um

    Some some information about the students because in our University we have 34,000 students with almost 6,000 uh International students and we have two points uh two important points because our uh University as uh an AC academic auor um in four domains of studies the first one is the human and social sciences the

    Second domains is the Sciences technology and health the fourth the the three uh the third domains is Art Humanities and languages and the fourth is low economics and business um our offer um is about cultural uh and Sport offer and um some uh for cultural activities I mean we have many cultural activities

    And events offered by our cultural center and uh we have a lot of uh library and uh in especially the Contemporary Library um it could be very interesting for international students students that’s all I think it’s okay yes uh hello on my side as well I’m taking the floor in

    Order to provide you with some uh extra useful information if you get selected to come for a Gaper mobility in parin so upon your arrival uh the first thing you need to do if you want to simplify your life is uh pay vising to our welcome desk which is also a part of

    Our international relations team here in l h and our colleagues here will be able to provide you with a useful information regarding administrative formalities you might need to carry out and in general uh advice about your daytoday life um here in Paris and please note we will remind you

    Later again if you get selected but please note that if you want to apply for a r in uh the university residency uh you need to let us know before the 31st of May as the rooms are limited and there is a strict deadlines from the part of the

    Residency uh now about the course catalog uh about the selection of your courses in nter we have a tool that is called the course catalog uh which is unfortunately only in France and uh yes you can go there and uh search easily the type of courses

    That you’re interested to uh for our Gap here uh students we recommend that you only select courses uh the previous slide um yes uh so yes we recommend that you choose only bachelor Lev courses as uh probably you will not have the request requestes to uh follow a master level

    Courses um also in most of the cases um students here are required to have a B level in French languages language as most of our courses are in French there is of course exceptions but uh yes just to keep in mind that French knowledge is very important for your mobility in

    P h you will be required also to choose a courses of an equivalent of 30 CPS as my colleague Colleen has precised in the beginning and um yes they need to be outside of your current field of studies as this is not a Mobility to continue your studies but mostly an opportunity

    To do a disciplinary openness and in order to be sure that um you will be accepted um in the courses as soon as you arrive in n h you need to take pay atten mention in this section of the course catalog H in the menion over to stud

    And it has to have a Wi on the side and like that you’re sure that the teachers will accept you along with the N students in their course okay thank you Simon and Theodora so that was it for not and now we’ll go to Ren if uh Chloe wants to take over yeah

    Thank you Colleen hello everyone uh I will try to make this short uh so the University of Ren is also situated in France Ren is the capital city of the region called Britany which is in the west part and it’s surrounded by the Sea um so it’s quite a nice environmental

    Context let’s say to study uh city of Ren is um very Lively uh full of students about 60 or 70,000 students uh live in the in the city uh there are also a lot of bars and cultural events throughout the year so usually student don’t get bored when they come to Ren uh

    On the weekend uh it’s also easy to get on a train and go to the seaside as you can see on the picture on the top and it’s also not so far an hour and a half on the train um for Paris so students can also go you know for a weekend

    There uh we indicated an average living cost per month so that uh you know the students have an average idea of what is the budget needed uh to live in Ren uh next please yeah so those are some um you know figures um so you can

    Read them as so there there is a a quite an important part dedicated to research at our University with many research labs and we also host uh many International students among which uh also some Erasmus students uh coming from all over Europe but also from you know um outside

    Europe uh so these are the different um field of study uh that we offer at the University of Ren uh we um highlighted in uh black squares here um the courses that are available in English at Bachelor level so as you can see we don’t have so many uh because mainly

    Programs taught in English at um in Ren at at Master Master’s level uh so for bachelor level courses without prayer requisites uh we recommend students to select courses at the School of Management there are wide range of really interesting courses there and there are also a few courses at the

    Faculty of Law and political science and philosophy as well uh for students who have um B1 B2 uh proficiency level in French then many other courses of course are offered to you in French and then those the usual student services let’s say that um all our universities offer to the students such

    As libraries Sports restaurants um student organization Health Services um many cultural events as well and there is a link here where you can discover the campus uh kind of um with um 360 platform and here are some useful links as well uh for students to be welcome in Ren uh about accommodation cultural

    Activities there is an international student guide as well providing many useful information about the university and how it works um so that student can students can anticipate uh the best before coming to hand thank you C I think this was the last slide for if you have questions just don’t

    Hesitate and we’ll dare to answer thank you and the next one is mck University so I leave the floor to Christina good afternoon everyone my name is christinaa and I Am project administrator at Mas University and Mas University is an University in Czech Republic in berno thank you uh it was established more

    Than uh 100 years ago and we have a approximately 34,000 students we where 22 person uh person consist of international students so we are kind of international we hope to say uh also we have more than 80 uh English taught programs across 10 faculties which means we have uh more

    Than that uh courses where you can um choose from uh unfortunately uh faculty of medicine and Pharmacy is not available but I think uh students can select from wide range of courses from uh available faculties uh also um in the there is also mu course catalog where um courses

    Available to International students are listed and I also wanted to point out our uh orientation week which is one week before the start of the semester when we introduce our University uh show students around show some good uh spots to like um hang out with other students

    Uh but also uh show them how to use for example our system next please yeah we have also some inter uh interesting facilities like uh satch or simulation hospital or you can participate uh in our radio or TV so if you are interested in this definitely apply for uh journalistic classes we

    Have also research station in Antarctica unfortunately you will not get there but maybe will have um some teachers who we there and you can process some data next please yeah and why choose Burno uh because berno is sixth most popular uh student City uh with more than 6,000 International students every uh every

    Academic Year which means basically uh with all these universities in berau 1/5th of the city is is basically just students and living cost are around 550 to like 700 per month also you can visit some other uh very nice cities like Vienna brag bratis laava H and so on and also

    Ber is certainly famous for its cultural and social life with a lot of restaurants cafes but also concerts and other things next slide please and here are 10 reasons why to study at mu if you get to the presentation then you can click on the picture and you will see uh you you

    Can explore more about these reasons and I think that’s all from me yeah no sorry forgot here are some useful links as mentioned M course catalog for international students international student Guy where you find more information about housing orientation week academic calendar but a lot of useful information for

    International students also um you can see mu web page or mu English Instagram if you are curious about more like day-to-day life of students thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Berna thank you Christina okay so next is the University of calary I’m not sure who is gonna take

    Over from here it’s my turn hello everyone can you all hear me yes perfect okay my name is Veronica and I’m am part of the edok team and in charge of the Gap semester with Fabio my colleague who is attending this meeting as well um I’m going to provide you with

    Few information um a little information about the city and the university ceri is the capital city of Sardinia Sardinia is one of the biggest islands in the Mediterranean Sea and calary is found right to the South and on the coast so uh we are only 10 minutes from a very long and

    Beautiful um Beach called poetto um ker um has um 50,000 inhabitants that’s why it’s uh the most popular populous urban center of the island and um we provide we offer our city offer uh a mixture of uh beautiful elements to to be interested in in coming here because we have uh apart

    From the sea which is clearly beautiful uh we have uh um a long history and you can find um archaeological sites scattered also in the center of uh of the of the city we have uh beautiful environmental sites like as I said the the beach but also uh

    Molent taros Park and Santa Gila Lagoon where you can find Pink Flamingos um we uh enjoy um a Mediterranean climate which um gives us uh a mild weather all year round nearly and uh we have ancient Traditions um a very important face for us is uh s epio our patron saint which

    Take place on the 1 of May every year and which attracts every year thousands of of tourist and which this is just an example we have several um events during the year that attract um lot of people we have a long um traditional tradition in food and in uh wine

    Production so these are the main the most important elements that uh can characterize our city next slide please okay um our University is quite old it was established in uh 1620 and we have a multidisciplinary university since we have six different faculties which are biology and Pharmacy engineering and architecture medicine

    And surgery Sciences economics law and political sciences and Humanities as you can see we have uh more than 25,000 students and nearly 2,000 uh uh members of uh staff among teachers and administrative staff we have several uh courses uh uh 42 uh first cycle programs uh and 38 second

    Cycle programs which are Bachelor and master uh in the European definition and six single cycle programs we also have many specialization schools and we have a good um mobility of students so we have many students coming from abroad uh through um Erasmus Plus and globos agreement and we we also have many

    Students going abroad to study and that’s why um we have a lot of uh more more than 100 courses taught in English next slide please thank you so students coming from abroad find here a very welcoming um uh situation since we have uh many services for students we have um the four

    Different districts according to the faculty they they choose uh three of them are found right in the center of the city one of them is found um in monser which is in this in the outskirt of uh of CER but uh very well connected to the

    Center and uh this uh uh this campus uh the one in monserat is uh is very it’s very modern it’s it’s uh the newest we have we have uh a sports center we have several libraries uh uh clearly we have the H for residents we have we have

    Cones museums sports facilities CER in fact is a is indeed um perfect for also for Open Air Sports and uh our University provides several services for foreign students coming here first of all ismoka uh the international students Mobility office is the point of contact for all International students together with the students associations

    Associations among which ESN is the first Contact for accommodation in particular uh we organize uh welcome events uh uh we support students for several possible registrations to courses or other services they need we can provide services also for students with special needs or disabilities and uh of course for um

    Students um arriving here we we provide a detailed email with with um the ma main information concerning public transportation services uh social and cultur integration activities um and so on thank you all thank you very much Veron uh and now I think the next University to present

    Is the University of pitch you did I think you will be presenting yes hello everyone my name is Judi neat I work in the University of peit International Center uh together with the arasmus project and the UK project I’m going to uh introduce uh my University and the

    Offer for The Gap semester or Gap year next slide please pit is located in the South um what is a really good news from now on um that from April our airport is going to uh open again so we have some connections to other European cities as

    Well unfortunately not to your cities to your colleagues but still some some new destinations and what is important but otherwise page can be reach through Vienna or Budapest and then by uh by the local train thank you next slide please um our University founded in 3067 one of the oldest university not

    Only in Hungary but also in uh Europe we have 10 faculty uh these are subdivided into departments 21 doctoral schools more than 300 study programs at the moment uh the number of students around 22,40 um students we have a big community of foreign students uh 4,778 students degree students exchange

    Students uh Hungarian students and uh also uh some of the students who are coming from the neighboring countries we also say that they are foreign students um our number of lecturers um, 82,000 and we have a lot of research projects and as we have a medical school and it’s only four medical schools

    Located in Hungary one is located in uh page so we have a lot of clinics hospitals and not only uh in page but in several smaller cities around in our uh County so now is the total is 29 different hospitals the 10 faculty mainly located

    Uh in page uh but for instance for the faculty of Health Sciences we have smaller branches uh near Austria and near to SL V but for exchange students the main location what we suggest is pig the headquarters and the the hosters and the whole uh University life is is imp

    Page um apart from um agriculture engineering and veterian Sciences uh we teach all the main disciplines um and uh before uh this year uh we received quite many students already uh within the UK uh Gap um uh Gap semester or Gap here scholarship so uh we we we

    Are trying to get more and more students coming to page next slide please um we use the international. pt. hu a main English uh website where we State all the information uh for degree students also exchange students and uh Gap year students as well um we have more than

    500 arasmus courses in several languages uh don’t worry the Hungarian is one of the most difficult language maybe in Europe or in the world as well but it’s very nice sound uh we we give it a try we we we we suggest to students to to take Hungarian as a foreign

    Language but we teach in three languages for example for the medical school uh since 84 uh we teach in English and also we teach in German as well uh for the other faculties where we receive degree students or exchange students the main language is English so the requirements

    Is uh requirement for for the language is English B2 um we have um faculty coordinators for uh all the other exchange programs as well but from the main office I’m the main contact person who is also students incoming and outgoing and also professors uh but I’m dedicated

    For The Gap semester so I I am happy to have for those students coming from the other um universities uh as I mentioned we have this optional hungaryan is Hungarian is a foreign language course uh free of charge uh throughout the first semester or the second semester as

    Well um we have a very unique thing uh which is called dancing University this is also for credits uh students can try different dances as well with Hungarian students or with International students um also on this website we we have all the information concerning the living costs concerning

    Dormitories or flats what we usually um suggest that for the second semester we have more uh dormatory places available than in the first semester from September um in Hungary we start the semester always the first Monday of the month of September and the first Monday

    Of the month of of February this is a very early for some cases especially for for the German universities um the living costs uh are around for concerning dormatory that’s around €200 per month um and it’s much higher if somebody is U renting a flat but overall it’s around €700 per month

    Student has to have for um being an exchange students in page next slide please uh with the Student Union uh we introduced the personal mentors so we have a body Network also we have um arasmus student Network um they are helping for incoming and outgoing students as well and we think in the

    Beginning of the semester is very important to have a student body who is helping through with all the documentation Administration and get to know the city and uh have the welcome welcome week also together with the ESN and the bodies also we have a student counseling I think in these days it’s very

    Important that if some students have some struggling events concerning their studies or personal life there is a counseling where they can contact and and it’s an English uh is in English as well so it’s um it’s a different kind of help uh apart from the teachers and the local

    Students um we have um very good sports facilities not only because of the medical school um those students are also will be taking part of some of the uh sport activities as they have to have sport as a as a obligatory uh courses and as we have in two different uh

    Faculties also they teach um kind of sport Sciences uh so we have a lot of um things going on concerning Sports and also as I mentioned already we have the dancing University as well as a kind of free time event and sports for credits um the city of Page uh the fifth

    Biggest city in Hungary we are located in the South we are quite Mediterranean City full of students uh during the semester and it’s very Lively we have a lot of culture events as well University events and uh um the the city event so it’s it’s a very welcoming City for for

    Students from the from the public uh we have 160,000 inhabitants and for more information I’m the main uh contact person but also people can uh reach me through the international. pt. hu thank you thank you Udi uh now the next University is uh Tomy so I think it’s mean who is going

    To take over thank you Colleen and hello to everyone my name is f mayen I’m the head of the international relations office at University jam prier and I’m in charge of the Gap semester scheme at ha University I will start explaining where are we ER basically we are on the east coast

    Of Spain more specifically we are between Barcelona and Valencia two maor cities in in our country in fact we are only one hour from Valencia by train and two hours and 15 minutes from from Barcelona so it’s quite easy arrive to our city because apart from from the

    Proximity to these two major cities is very well connected because most of your cities have direct flights to to Valencia talking about the city of Caston we are almost 200,000 inhabitants is quite a small City it’s very safe and we also have have excellent Beach beaches very very close to the to the

    University as I will show in the next slide I like a lot this slide because it represents uh all our city on the lower part of the picture you can see the university I have to say that we have a unique campus H this means that thanks

    That we are a Young University today is our anniversary we are 33 years old today H we have been growing along the same area so all the faculties H share the same space and as you can see in the picture we are very close to the to the

    City it only takes 10 minutes by tra to arrive to the city center and it only takes 20 minutes to arrive to the seaside talking about our programs we have four faculties The Faculty of Law and economic Sciences faculty of humanities and social sciences the School of Technology and experimental sciences and

    The faculty of Health in red we have highlighted all the degrees where we have subject or courses where language of instruction is English and the rest of um degrees of Bachelor degrees ER the teach the courses are taught in in Spanish in most cases but we have also you have also

    Access to to learning courses of languages if you come to our University and I highly recommend you to to try to to come out of our University speaking some Spanish regarding the accommodation I think that these prices were before the inflation period now they are a bit higher in

    Castellon you can find a shared flight is the option that we highly recommend between 200 and €250 EUR I would say is much cheaper than Valencia or Barcelona and the best for you is that if you are in castellon as I have I have told you

    Before you are very close to these other two major cities even to Madrid and you can take advantage of these if you plan to come to Caston to travel to to these other major cities in Spain um I have added here a an email address

    Just in case you need to contact us for every reason if you have any doubts we are at your disposal you can contact us at our welcome desk uh here you have the the email address and we were told to be brief in our presentations and for this reason

    I’ve chosen the previous slide please ER I have chosen some pictures of our University that I will summarize very briefly this one is very important because you have access to some videos and some photographs uh from all the facilities of our University and I invite you to make this visit clicking

    On the points you red points or blue points you will access photographs or pictures or videos about our University that will be ER useful for you and in the next slides I have uh selected some of the best pictures I think in our University this one represents the Agora is the neurological

    Center of our University and as you can see there are open spaces and green green areas and that’s a characteristic that it’s embed in our University in the next slide ER we have picture of our library I have to say that it’s it um it has space for more than 2,000

    Students the next one represents an aerial view of our sport area um all at our University is brand new in this sense the the the athletic track ER is is completely completely new and the rest of services are very very attractive I think for students because you can practice here

    Both open outdoor as well as Indoor Sports whatever you you want I think and the next slide is the auditorium so I invite you not only to participate in um academic uh courses or sports activities but also so cultural ones we have a white offer of theater

    Music and Cinema here at a very low cost at the auditorium and it’s very accessible for everyone and I think that that’s all I finally have included the international students guide where you can find more information more detailed information about everything I have said more pictures and more detail about the

    Courses the catalog and whatever you may need to to this de side if you are interested or not coming to to our city anyway it it will be a pleasure to to solve any doubts if if some of them arise in the next minutes thank

    You thank you fine and now we’ve got the University of poam so I leave the floor to vika hi thank you very much um my name is beep gizer I am the Ed Mobility manager at the University of pot stam’s International office and we also would

    Like to very much welcome you at the University of poam for a gap semester um first a little bit about uh poam itself um potam you can see on the map of Germany the Red Dot um it is located in the federal state of brandonburg which surrounds Berlin the capital city and

    Poam is um a mediumsized city of around 185,000 inhabitants so it’s a good size um it is also a very safe place to live in and we don’t have beaches um but it’s still a very nice city because we have lots of lakes uh lots of parks and even

    Palaces um because it is a very historic place you can see it in the picture a little bit um that is part of the campus um noes P which is one of our three campuses I will tell you more about that in a minute um because it’s such a sort

    Of medium-sized City you can cycle everywhere um there are also sort of a free of charge bikes around the university campuses and and uh because it is so close to Berlin as you can see on the map it is only a 20 to 30 minute uh train ride away from the capital city

    So if you want to go there during the weekends you’re more than welcome to um concerning student life it is comparable to all the other partner universities of UK um we have lots of Sports courses from a such as archery to zet such as Zumba um we have student associations

    That you can participate in we also have the arasmus student Network that do great social events um we have special offers for students at local theaters museums and Cinemas and we also have a buddy program um so students that are from the University of poam uh who help

    You with any questions related to your studies about living in potum and just generally getting around uh we also have academic help in terms of Faculty tutors and we also have of course uh departmental exchange coordinators who will help you with any questions around your studies and the next slide please

    Thank you very much so um here you can see that the University of potam has three different campuses um we are basically located um in and around potam uh all three campuses are connected by train or bus services so you don’t have a long way to commute even though they

    Are set apart um Campus number one which you already saw in a little picture is the campus New Palace um on this campus we have the faculty of arts and that is one of the two faculties that are open for Gap semester students um number two is our let’s call

    It the technological campus um it is campus GM which is located on the outskirts of potam we have the faculty of science The Faculty of human sciences and the faculty of Health Sciences uh located in G but these are unfortunately not open to Gap semester um exchange

    Students and lastly we have have Campus number three uh campus K kryn which is closer to Berlin you could say sort of it’s in between Pam and Berlin and there we have the law faculty and digital engineering faculty both of them are not open to Gap year students but uh The

    Faculty of economics and social sciences is open to Gap exchange students okay and the next one please thank you very much um so now that you heard about the location of potam and the University of poam of course the question what can you study here um our Bachelor programs are mainly conducted

    In German and that is why uh we need you to have at least B1 or better even B2 German level if you want to study the bachelor courses in potam um we also offer language courses during the semester free of charge so you can brush up on your German skills

    And we also have a two we intensive course uh before the start start of the semester this does come with a course fee however we do sometimes have scholarships available um in terms of the courses I already said that only the faculty of arts and the faculty of economics and

    Social sciences are open for exchange students um within the Gap semester scheme so if you decide to come to putam you would pick one of the two and stay within that faculty of course there are many many departments within each faculty so you still have a lot variety of courses to choose

    From um what’s perhaps a little bit special about potam is that our course catalog changes each semester so um on the 15th of September the course catalog for the next winter semester will be published in part summit starts quite late in October um and to give you a

    Rough idea of which courses May likely be available um you can check out the previous winter semester’s course catalog um I have put the link in the presentation and um that’s it from potam very briefly if you have any questions uh afterwards I’m happy to answer them of

    Course thank you thank you very much bka uh now the next presentation is of the University of Southeastern Norway However unfortunately uh we have no colleagues uh from this University that could join us today which means I’m going to be the one introducing this University to you so uh I might not do

    It fully justice but the colleagues at usn have let us know that if you have any questions they are at your disposal so please if you have any specific questions regarding usn and was available there for a gap semester reach out to your local UK team and we’ll um

    Pass on your questions to the colleagues at usn so I’ll go very quickly through these slides uh you’ll be able to look them up afterwards when we send you the presentation anyway but what maybe is important to note that um the University of sou Eastern Norway uh is as several

    Campuses located in the southeastern region of Norway so not all in the same place and they have four main faculty so School of Business faculty of humanities Sports and education science faculty of Technology Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences as well as faculty of Health and Social um Sciences you’ll find a lot

    Of info in the um in the presentation as I said about the number of students and program as well as um anything you might need uh but I think what I want to focus on is uh this slide which is the courses that are actually available for educ Gap year

    Students uh next year and for usn you have the choice between two specific programs that means that you don’t get to pick and choose courses from all faculties but you have to choose either the Viking history and Old Norse literature program or the Scandinavian studies program so you if you are

    Interested in going to Norway this will be one of the programs that you’ll have to choose from and the first one uh is only for the Autumn semester as you can see here and the second one can be either for Autumn or spring or for the full Academic Year uh and basically the

    First one as you can see is uh more uh archaeology History Literature languages and you do get to uh go on excursions to the places mentioned in the sagas and skic poetry which sounds quite nice to me personally um and the second one is Scandinavian studies so uh it’s a

    Selection of courses in Norwegian language uh you have you learn about Society about culture uh and explore yeah various dimensions of the Norwegian way of life so both program seem very interesting and will probably offer you uh an openness compared to what you’re studying at home as I said I’m maybe

    Maybe I’m not the best person to sell you these programs because I’m not from usn but uh you can always ask questions if you have any uh and we’ll relay them to our colleagues in Norway and yeah as I said you have all the important links about what services

    Are provided uh at usn they also have a Budd week orientation uh they assist International students um in every way that they can and and yeah I think I’ll stop there for uh usn because I think maybe probably the most important part is uh the question

    That you might have so real quick a reminder regarding the selection of courses you’ve got several conditions to respect when you select your courses we recommend Bachelor level courses as we’ve already said during the meeting because obviously you get to choose subjects that you’ve never studied before and it’s easier to pick a

    Bachelor course you however need to be careful to select an equivalent of 30 ccts credits per semester and these courses must be outside your field of studies so complimentary courses or different discipline Al together and you uh put these courses that you’ve selected in the application form in the

    Learning agreement section and what could be interesting if you uh have a hard time looking through the course cataloges uh of our universities uh is that we do have a list of courses that former Gap semester students have taken and if you’re interested in that list for inspiration you can always ask your

    Local eduk team and we’ll send it to you now you will find on the presentation uh many useful links at each receiving University so with the course cataloges the email addresses where you can write if you have any questions and uh we also indicated the mobility periods because as uh some

    Colleagues have mentioned we have sometimes very different dates for our full and spring semester I’ll let you go through all these links and information on your own I think uh maybe now the most important thing would be to answer questions if you have any I don’t know if you have

    Already written some in the chat I will try to look through it right now but if you have any questions please don’t visitate to write them down now now is the perfect time uh I see that some colleagues have already um answered some of the questions uh so for example I think it

    Was uh regarding uh ham uh or no actually everybody so the question was can I be courses from different departments for example a few courses from economics and a few from social sciences uh and I think vka you’ve answered that yes uh at them it’s uh possible but you

    Um you you must uh you can choose courses from different departments within the same faculty in calier it’s the same uh but you have to keep in mind the position of different campuses true you it’s the same and I think I can safely say that for n it’s also the same for

    Most of us I think it’s uh pretty true uh in Spain too fine just confirmed uh is it disqualifying to apply to several universities um I wouldn’t say it’s disqualifying but uh we do encourage you to pick one or at least to I guess make a selection but

    The thing is um your University will PR select you for one partner only so yeah it’s we encourage our students for example at UPN we encourage them to only choose one to focus their um their uh I guess application more and to build their project accordingly uh but I guess it can differ

    Depending on universities I can see that in Cali you can only apply for one destination I think most of us encourage you to only apply for one uh what level of Spanish is required fori if I would like to choose courses from psychology I think fine maybe you

    Can answer that better than I can yeah it’s it’s a V2 level yeah but we honestly speaking we only ask for A2 level but A2 level is not enough to follow the courses we give you access to our University but with A2 you cannot manage to follow correctly

    The courses and we highly recommend a B2 level thank you for and I think that’s the case for all Partners if we do want you to have a B21 in the language of the courses you’re following so that um you uh have a better chance of actually following

    Along uh I don’t know as an economic students can I pick social sciences as my Gap year subject um I would say yes the only thing is we don’t want you to study the exact same uh things that you’re studying at your home University so it always depends on what exactly you’re

    Studying uh in your faculty at home uh but and some Sometimes some students in their courses that they’ve picked they’ve got one subject that is quite close to what they study but they have a variation of other faculties in this list so yeah it it really depends if you

    Only pick students uh if you only pick subject that have to do with economics and you’re already an economics student then we might say no you need to change your courses list but it always depends on the whole list we try to look at the whole thing and then let you know oh

    Maybe you should change this one uh or this one but we always try to we’re always at your disposal to help you modify this list if we see that it’s not exactly um it’s not quite right uh can I speak yeah of course H thank you so uh

    And all this will be decided uh at my home University in the selection process right so there won’t be any complications with this later if I I don’t know I want to study some social science but uh I study economics so it’s not like it’s the same faculty b or not

    Faculty but it’s it’s very close and so this will be decided at my home University so there like the people at page will tell me if uh I shouldn’t pick uh that subject because it’s way too close to my own yeah usually the people people at your home University will let you know

    And sometimes uh they can also um for example if you want to go to I don’t know um if you decide to go to pdam then the colleagues at pdam might also be asked okay is this subject okay and yeah we do talk to each other so usually we

    Try to help to help out uh if we see that a colleague is like okay we’ve got the students we want them to go on a gap semester but his list might not be right can you check and yeah we try to do it this way thank you for your

    Answer no problem uh I see that there are other other questions in the chat trying to follow along uh but I think that Fabio has been answering because it was concerning ker um okay maybe I can read it for the recording later on uh for those who

    Might watch the question was uh at the University of C if there is a course that is annual is it possible to study during my Autumn Gap semester even though I will not finish the whole course and have you answered that no it’s not possible since the exam will be at the

    End of the complete program which is important to keep in mind indeed and there was a second question regarding UI are there student dories available for the students participating in the eduk mobility and yeah that mean I think yeah okay it’s privately managed the dmetry and normally they only accept long stays so

    As F mentioned during his presentation the recommendation is to uh share a flat uh regarding the last question it’s I think more for you you did it’s uh about the University of pitch uh is the eduk p.u the right contact address yeah that’s also a good contact address or

    Erasmos uh at pt. hu as well or mine I can put mine as well okay thank you yudi uh we also have a question for the University fee do I have to pay it at my home University um I don’t want to say anything wrong on this I think uh it’s

    Just the same procedure as for any Erasmus uh exchange so I don’t think you have to double pay the fee if that’s the question I don’t know does any of the colleagues from partner University have a better answer than mine on this I don’t think so so I guess no I I

    Think you’re right Colleen like um so the the outgoing students um are registered at their home University and then they participate as an exchange student uh and are hosted uh at the UK universities where they don’t have to pay uh additional fees enrollment fees thank you

    Chloe okay I hope that answers uh your question um is there anything else that I have that I might have missed in terms of questions or is there yeah anyone else that has something to ask as we’ve mentioned we are all at your disposal if you want to ask us

    Specific questions regarding our universities later on um all the links are in the presentation so if you want the presentation to be sent to you uh please send a message to Theodora in the chat and she will send it to you directly uh but you’ll should also be

    Able to find this uh presentation on our respective websites later on I don’t see any other question uh and if there aren’t any more maybe we’ll call it a day because we’ve already uh gone over the 4M limit and it’s a Friday and you probably all have other things

    That you might want to do and start enjoy your weekend uh so yeah thank you very much for joining us as I said we’re all at your disposal if you have any other questions regarding the Gap semester and uh we are all looking forward to receiving your applications

    And welcoming you in our respecting respective universities all right so I’ll leave you some time to put your email addresses if you haven’t but always otherwise yeah I’ll wish you all a nice weekend I’ll

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