It had to happen eventually but why did it have to be so public?

    Hello and welcome to the Great British Biking Adventures Coast Series. In this series we are travelling around the coast on our motorcycle, a Honda VFR1200X Crosstourer.

    A lot of our viewers are bike enthusiasts but this series will appeal to a wider audience. Why? Because there’s so much more to the Coast series than motorcycles. There’s the challenges, the journey, geography, history and people. You get to travel the entire coast of England and Wales with us, see how we did it, share our ups and downs, experience English culture, the history and hear about the people that made Britain ‘Great’!

    What’s also good about the coast series is it doesn’t matter when you start watching, it’s like one of those open top bus tours – you can get on at any point and just keep going until you arrive back where you started.

    Who are we? We’re a husband & wife living in an unremarkable coastal town in England. We’ve been married 35 years and were brought together by motorcycles. One day, Esther’s Honda Melody broke down and she brought it to Jarrod’s motorcycle shop – the rest (as they say) is history.

    One cold February day, we started riding along the seafront and just kept going. We wanted to record the experience to have something to watch in the future – the YouTube channel was an afterthought. Take a look at those first few episodes to see just how novice we were, cobbling together what little phone footage we had to try to make a story. To make up for our amateur recording and shyness we added information in the editing. This set the tone and style of our videos, we hope you like it. We like to think we’ve improved and hopefully you’ll agree, take a look, compare our earlier videos with the later ones and let us know in the comments.

    There’s also the filming and production journey. When we started we knew nothing about filming, video and audio production, editing, YouTube and the like. We’ve learnt loads and spent loads in time and money along the way but it’s been almost as enjoyable as the journey itself. You’ll hopefully appreciate how far we’ve come.

    But what’s with all those bible verses we hear you say. We know some of you don’t appreciate this aspect, one or two have told us in the comments! That’s fine – it really is. All are equally welcome here, believers and unbelievers. It would be a pity if you enjoyed everything else but just stopped watching because of the Christian references but we completely accept you’re free to do as you please.

    Our faith has prompted us to include a bible verse in our videos and sometimes a Christian perspective on the things we talk about. The channel is not about Christianity but our faith cannot be separated from it. We hope and pray that it will make you think, inquire and even bring you into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    What a road yeah absolutely who needs the Pyrenees exactly wow if you’re new here we’re traveling the coastline of England and Wales on our Honda VFR 1200X Cross Tour we finished the last video climbing out of oran’s gorge on this gorgeous road to hear more about it and the

    Interesting Village at the bottom of this Steep Hill check out last week’s episode we’re in Wales on the Linn Peninsula a place we’ve never visited before we’re hoping to get around the peninsula in this episode our satnav says it would take 2 and 1/2 hours but if you’ve been following us you’ll know

    How unreliable our timings have been stick with us to find out why it took a lot longer at the end of last week’s episode we spoke with a local man Ian who has become one of our regular viewers he was explaining the Welsh tradition of ice stford we didn’t plan or realize we

    Would be here during the week it was chosen to host the 2023 I stedford I know it’s a lame excuse but unfortunately our schedule didn’t allow time for us to visit but we still experienced one of the quirks of I stford tradition as we entered the Lin Peninsula we couldn’t help noticing the

    Abundance of roadside signs Flags mannequins and all manner of homemade paraphernalia promoting I stford the time and effort put into making and displaying all of this gives an indication of just how important the festival is to the Welsh as you may know I’m not afraid to tackle Britain’s sensitive and complex

    Cultural and historical Traditions but I might just be biting off more than I can chew trying to explain I stford especially as an Englishman nevertheless here goes it is clearly more than just Arts Festival it’s a unique cultural institution in short it’s being described as a Renaissance Fair a Celtic

    Festival a music festival a literary festival and the Supreme exhibition of the Welsh culture the term I stford means sitting together and essentially it’s a gathering where people peacefully compete in the composition recital and performance of Pros poetry singing and playing music the first documented incidence of I

    Stford took place at cardigan Castle in 1176 however with the Edwardian conquest of Wales the closing of the bardic schools and the anglicization of the Welsh nobility it fell into a Bance the current format owes much to an 18th century Revival help Along by the gore said kumry a secret society of poets writers and musicians whose beliefs were a compound of Christianity druidism philosophy and mysticism despite the druidic influences the I stedford Revival was embraced and spread widely by the church their

    Efforts proved enormously successful and is credited as one of the primary reasons for the continued survival of the Welsh language literature and culture eight centuries after Edward I’s conquest of Wales the iead fod is steeped in strict rules rituals and etiquette that has been likened to tolkin Lord of the

    Rings there I hope I’ve done it some justice in the short time available but please let us know in the comments if I’ve missed or got anything wrong yeah have a there on right f it it’s impossible to explore the British Coastline without encountering some steep climbs but there are regions that

    Have more than others we can now say the southwest and Wales are in another League not only in the number of steep roads but the gradients this one looks steep even through the wide angle of the GoPro lens that normally flattens the image it was not only steep but the

    Corners were tight and very close together however this is nothing compared to what’s ahead in the next episode we find ourselves unexpectedly heading for a 40% gradient and unable to bail out our Turning Point well there cars beach oh yeah yeah okay yeah yeah cool yeah I know it’s difficult on a

    Bike cuz of the slope you fing yeah yeah we are give us away a few moments later yeah we want a good run run up don’t we yeah we are but we got we got to get a good run up okay cuz we so you carry on is fine we got to

    Make sure it’s clear cuz we can’t stop on the corner on the hill he’s of go Yeah than thank You That’s right you stop there yeah we we did the worst didn’t we I think that was worth popping down too lovely little bed I completely agree we plan our routes in advance using Google Maps I’ve done a whole video on how you can use way markers to force it to accept unconventional routes

    Google Maps is supposed to be able to work offline but that’s not always the case also it can’t cope with more than 10 Way markers and so we have to stop and load the next route nothing behind three oh even though we’ve downloaded the maps for offline use Google will often not load

    The next route without an internet connection so yeah cuz this doesn’t take us straight to our but I think what we’ll I’ll end up doing is just picking up a a sign and following my nose when they do get there cuz I’m not sure the

    Next map will load I think we’ve got one more left in 20 minutes to get to it there’s probably a better way to do it let us know in the comments what if anything you use L go do you remember Yeahs and Beach campsite and Beach this

    Way okay it’s it’s sending us this way Oh private no public right of way admission for the beach oh vehicles and pedestrians P station motorbike motorbikes uh £22 okay you got a couple of quid on you so we’ve had to pay £2 to come through the farm to get ourselves to this beach so we’ll see what it’s all about

    Around this corner looks like there’s camping [Applause] that is a beautiful beach It’s A it off going to a home My w we go oh we’re riding a fully loaded Honda cross tourer it has a 1200 cc V4 engine and is fantastic for munching road miles looking at it you may think it has some off-road capability but I expect many of you are shaking your heads right now and

    Let’s be honest you’re right but that doesn’t stop us from having a go when the opportunity presents itself as it did on this day having already planned our route we discovered a byway open to all traffic that went right through the middle of a golf

    Course yeah I think it is that road I think can you see on the map coming to the other end of it there’s your way marker out there look to the left isn’t it yeah and I think that that’s the road ah we just come up from might just take

    A quick look down it yeah we missed the first turn to drop down from the road we were on but couldn’t help ourselves taking a look and seeing if we could get to it from the other end the road just here on the road we were already running late and I

    Had just been stung by a wasp shortly beforehand also it was busy with golfers and Walkers I was reluctant and almost decided against it until I saw a car emerge from the lane I just had to give it a go wonder if it is a byway it’s not go

    Club approach see it’s not stopping anybody there’s a car coming towards us there you see so does it swing back around to the left I think the be I think it’s a road does it say no entry or golfers only no it doesn’t it doesn’t say no

    Vehicles it’s open car is coming this way H he look local y I’ve been riding motorcycles for over 40 years and have done a fair bit of green laning even on the cross tour the path itself looked straight forward but I quickly realized it was a lot more

    Difficult than it looked the puddles concealed some really quite deep rcks and poth holes I pressed on but as you’ll he I quickly started to have some reservations about my decision I’ve probably biged up what happens next it caused more embarrassment than damage to either us

    Or the bike we’ve decided to include it because it’s all part of the adventure The Good the Bad and the Ugly as they say enjoy and learn the lessons at our expense I think they just find themselves in a by way going through their land but we’re going in the wrong

    Direction when we are had we picked it up properly to begin with though we wouldn’t be oh I see what you mean this is the road that you said I found a road I found this a lane I said yes I’ve seen that and I spent ages looking at it and

    Thought it goes for a golf club and I think I Ruled at eight so we got to turn around and go through it again well I might just Lo rain but we yeah we may have to turn around come back yeah I mean if I hadn’t been for seeing

    That car coming through I wouldn’t have done it but yeah no I’m I’m on the verge of bailing out here because I don’t really know which way and look at your map oh I don’t know my map’s dying this but it says do a little triangle here

    You can do a triangle you can go straight on and come back around can you okay all right okay sorry thank you for that yeah oh lift your bum up I think it goes both ways In fairness except that’s a bit of a big one really I don’t want to get wet feet

    Okay you’re on the lead and I can’t grab it okay go around the other side and get the stand get the side stand down and come back this side you come back this side I’m going to try and hold it I don’t really want to use the side Stone

    Okay hold it there yeah I got it I got It all right everything’s all right three Oh okay right let’s see now little bit of mud on a few bags and I think that’s it so it didn’t actually go all the way it just leaned into the bank didn’t it yeah which was okay wow that’s are stung on the lips falling off the bike yes Lord help us to

    Overcome yeah well we have overcome we thank you for that just pray you’ll keep us safe Lord thank you that we weren’t hurt the bike wasn’t hurt yeah not even the case was damaged or scratched obviously it would have lent on the case yeah but with such slow speed yeah

    Yeah we’re on our sides as well w we yeah we went down on the ground definitely I was a bit worried at that point the the bike was landing on me and then I thought no it’s okay cuz it will rest on the box the box in the bag yeah

    So it’s quite good for that point of view oh yeah yeah but that’s the first time I think isn’t it that’s first time yeah we can laugh out now but at the time it’s always a little bit concerning what’s happened to the bike or yourself trying to take a very tight

    Turn yeah on a very Stony quite slopy as well it was yeah and into water well you couldn’t see what was underneath and as it transpired there was quite a bit of um it was very gravity underneath and that’s what we hit but our will turning we hit that gravel didn’t we

    Yeah and it just didn’t want to go in the direction it should have gone on but it’s all good and we we could spend all week on this particular section because it’s taken us about 5 hours to do 2 hours so on our route plan it was a 2hour journey

    And we left at what time 7 this morning yeah yeah good we completed yeah we completed that 2 hours about an hour ago which was about 1:00 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 6 nearly yeah probably nearly 6 hours so yeah we’ve got some great footage including us falling

    Off lovely Little Harbor in Abck WoW golly that looks like you’re abroad yeah that’s what I was Thinking [Applause] So we had to take a detour because the road was closed by the police and everybody has had to come this way and basically it’s ridiculous a few minutes later there’s a whole lot reversing crazy is it a few inches later so yeah what an eventful day a little

    Later well it’s unusual for us and a motorbike to be stuck in traffic yeah but even we’re too wide it’s just too narrow is it yeah they shouldn’t have diverted them this this way much later no I think at this point we might just let these two go by I

    Think we go this way much much later I don’t think turning around is going to do anything need to get back on that main road much much much later why do we do it well I ask myself that why do I do it with Jared I could just be at home reading a

    Book and crochet you could be doing it on your own that would be no fun though eh the right answer this way 40% 40 oh my goodness lordy Lordy


    1. Some great views to be had there, that bay looked amazing. Sad that you had an off but luckily you both were not hurt or damage to the bike and Jarrod didn't even get his new coat dirty.
      We are booking the hotel in North Devon in June and also plan a couple of nights either Wells or Cheddar way before or after Devon. It would be great to meet and have a lunch somewhere (my treat) if you are not on your travels. Date TBC, as always great content looking forward to seeing this 40% next week.

    2. Fab-u-lous sceenery again with pleasnt music and the history lesson, glad you wasn't hurt and managed to avoid getting wet with the spill ,we've done it about three times last time on Morcambe front last year. My legs arn't long enough 😀!!! Enjoy your weekend and see you next Friday.

    3. Another great video and the histrory of the Eistethfod it once wos hosted in Birkeinhead the only time it wos not in wales jest read the history of Hedd wyn and what happend to him wos the road at the end of video Harlech road past the castle all the best you two

    4. Abersoch has changed over the past 60yrs LOL, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Those STEEP Climbs had me pushing back on my roller chair and trying to negotiate around the corner as well, you are a very skilled driver young man and a very brave passenger😎😎

    5. What can I say, another great episode but I do think the GSA would’ve made it.😂😜
      We’ve booked a Scotland tour for the end of May on our newest purchase a 6 cylinder DCT(BM still here!)
      Might see you there??????😎

    6. I use the Scenic app on my Crosstourer, the maps are fully offline and you can have as many waypoints as you need. Really enjoy your travels 😊

    7. That was so stressful watching you navigate up the hill! What works well for me is planning the route in Google Maps then exporting that into Scenic App. I like Scenic as it’s easy to plan a route with Google, it has downloaded maps and, for most people, is free. Only downside is it’s iOS only at the moment but an android version is due by spring. Oh no, you handled the drop very well and hopefully no one saw 😂. Love how calm Esther was, my wife would be having a right go at that point 🙊 The ‘guy in the sky’ obviously approves of your bike choice 😉😇

    8. It had to happen at some point given the roads that you are riding. It always seams to happen at stand still speeds to me as well. I intend to take my CB500x when I trace your ride in July when we visit Snowdonia. Would not even think of a big bike like yours and I am a solo rider. Can't wait for the next one.

    9. Evening guys, well that was the ride with the mostess lovely secluded beaches, sunshine, blue skies, picture perfect villages, and a road which is a bit of a challenge, inc the bit of off roading for good measure, and upsy daisy bugger, well recovered though guys, I use a 2003 vintage motorcycle tough map for our getting around and of course it fits in the top of my tank bag with my rout scribbled on a bit of paper, town and road number in descending order lol. Crazy traffic jam whose idea was that for a diversion. Great vid guys, Pete 🇫🇷

    10. Been there and done that. A couple of times. The last time, my wife said, "That's our best crash yet." It was just a drop and sure hurt my pride, but that's all. And we, too, gave thanks for not being hurt. God is good!

    11. The thing is your bike pretty heavy once it goes but two you delt with it very good 👍Bless you both. You kind of dust your selves off and carry on😊

    12. Beautiful – as I’ve stated before – you’d left the best for last.
      Also owning a CT I know there is a point of no return and once you reach it you just have to let it go. I partially dropped mine but the house wall saved me with minimal damage. Your GIVI luggage looked to have been your saviour. I have the plastic Honda gear which is plastic and would have smashed to bits.
      Look forward to next week. 👍👍

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