How I ended up trading in my beloved BMW R1200 road bike for a farm quad. The TGB 520 Blade quad bike will serve us well on the homestead. There is so many things I can now do like carrying tools and materials across the land, rolling, spiking, carrying animal feed and I even plan to make and spray compost tea forby having lots of fun with my boys!

    I want to build an off-grid homestead in Northern Ireland where I will grow and feed my family with chemical free and full of nutrients-packed food on a daily basis. I want to create a healthy lifestyle that my three kids will look back on fondly and to a place they will eventually call home.

    Guys before we get into this video today I want to give you a little bit of of a reason why it is the way it is and also why these two guys are come have come up to give me a hand today deadly motor bikes was always at

    My disposal always had a a massive interest in them used to dream about them right up to the point I was a teenager and then I used to dream about yours being on bikes I rest m B up until 2009 where I was in Spain doing a pre-

    Test pre-season test I was running a new engine in I got a high side out of a corner and I dislocated and rotated my collarbone for the second time now it was a category3 injury uh and the next stage after that was the bone out

    Through the skin so I was lying in the medical center and I told my dad that’s me done now I wasn’t done with bikes I was done with racing bikes I started riding in Juro bikes all off-road stuff bit of fun bit of sport with guys and eventually I transferred

    To a road bike now the road bike I had was an R1200 GS shoot b roll this is an R1200 GS it’s a te model it has a 20 L tank and you could ampy two tanks out of it easily on a day’s riding if you look at it you can

    See it’s a bit rough it’s because I have never owned a bike to polish it always owned them to ride them in September 2021 I was about to head off for an adventure weekend on my GS 1200 to South Wales on the evening before I got the boat sailing

    Across I got a phone call to say that I was the winning bidder in all of this land J during the bidding process I had made a plan that if I was to become the land owner I wasn’t going to ride the bike for 2 years because what I wanted

    To do was to start to develop it this remember this was a green field I wanted to park the bike for 2 years use that money to build infrastructure and get the stage set for what is going to become this gr’s wet look at that there oh near lost the boat 69 months

    Having not read the bike I was starting to think I’ll sell it and could to justify selling the bike I’ll buy a quad the quad can be used all the time along the land and it would just be more practical to to do kids could drive it all that

    Sort of stuff but everybody that spoke to me about it or I spoke to you about it told me me that if I sell that motorbike I’ll regret it and it it it it would it because it’s they all recognize that it’s such a important part of of me

    And B bankes is such an important part of me that it would be it would be Lun I be a lunatic to sell it I would I would regret it so I stuck to the plan don’t ride the bike for 2 years and we’ll see where we we fire up see that

    Wall I don’t AE Lan context or done a HED Lane course and I was always wondering why them them trees were in the wall it’s the old Irish way of H laying big round stones and the H was built into the wall right back to the point I stuck to the

    Plan not riding the bike for 2 years and it I was looking at quads and seeing the price of them and stuff and to buy a secondhand quad really today’s second hand price is what I consider to be the price of a new Quad for the age it was like there was quads

    At 15 years old and people was looking £3,000 for them and that was a no-o for me you’re only buying something that’s probably going to give you give you diip now leap forward to this spring here we go two years was up in September course Pete’s sing to get out on his

    Bike I get the bik all serviced I was going to spend like ,500 on cuz I had to get shock and tires and a whole P of things done to it to leave it all tightened up and sweet the guy that had it had it for 2

    Months I picked it the evening before I picked it up the evening before theot and he had done the bare minimum to get through theot he actually broke the headlight too and we had to swap it out for another one so it would pass theot it passed theot I read it probably about

    600 miles mostly commuting to working back trying to fit it in to my busy schedule and it wasn’t working the point being I didn’t miss the bike didn’t say to anyone I just didn’t miss not riding it so skip forward to this week I have three boys the youngest is 3 years old

    The middle boys five and out ior who you already know is nine he comes to me and says what are we doing on Thursday and Friday we’re off school I know the wife is going away till a panta mine with the youngest boy on Friday

    So I’m like road trip you say where are we going on a road trip I says I’m looking at quads on the internet let’s go and see one so we Leap Forward into this this week the wife leaves at 0900 on Friday morning for to go to La panta mine with the

    Youngest my sister Rings me at 09:30 and says I didn’t get the boys a Christmas present and with her kids being off school too she was going to take them to the trampoline park for a session so I said I put it to them they wanted to go on

    J I come up with the idea that I’ll take the bike down and we’ll see what happens I go to the dealership as soon as I take my helmet off the guy waves at me but I recogn he recognizes me I would recognize him too he used to race motorbikes when I was

    Racing a fellow competitor we talked about racing I asked him how much would that thing be worth as a a trade in he put a price on it and he put a price on it that I couldn’t refuse this is what I got for £2,200 you got could make it

    Up did I mention my apple trees are all still alive yeah this is what I did to keep the sheep from eating them because they had no grass left starting to B up wee bit Look Spring’s coming bus Spring’s coming even this one’s but up but look at the growth difference in the two that’s why it’s not protected it’s going to be removed right these dudes are getting aty feet want drive a quad yeah right guys I’m going to put you

    Down while I get this thing warmed up and get the boy prepped on how to write it uh here’s a bit of a shot of the bike coming back up the road yesterday uh it was raining we took it for a bit of a

    Spin as soon as we get it off didn’t we boss yeah he learned to drive it and he was a bit scared of it but you going to drive it today no in time he is the patrol head he’s the technition right here’s a clip of how we

    Arrived with the bike took it off had a bit of on in the rain got soaked didn’t we and we’ll come to this clip again of the dudes riding across the Field wait a Minute right guys you may not have seen that coming off but I just reversed it off here there’s no kilometers now know how to start it this is how you’re driving can I sit on the b in a minute I Get get that CL go you let me get on right here Sir hello Crazy am I driving can’t wait to get driving right clutch in or that’s the break on yeah there start no up here’s a start actually no break in how do I do this right I’ll come back right stage one of learning to drive a quad I we talked about this

    Going up the road use the thumb throttle just to R it it’s in neutral slow speed fast speed this is your brck this is your other brick foot Breck H brick yeah that’s enough for today okay we’ll do we it off thing we’ll come back to this after so you got

    It yeah yeah right way go follow are you Mommy’s boy or daddy’s boy dad’s boy what can’t hear you dad’s Bo okay yeah boy that’s how you that’s how you did Reverse what going man hey in the head I don’t know if I’m ever going to get a spin on this maybe whenever they’re at school maybe maybe not if there’s no petol on it the bank has disc brakes it has four-wheel drive it has a

    Winch on the front of it which pulls 750 kilos this will all be tested in the near future guys thanks for watching see you in the field on the quad see you in the field boss yeah go forward but stay out of the hey up into the upper field because it’s

    Drier and not too fast guys we’ll do a review of this yoke after two or 3 months and I’ll be able to tell you all about it I have never actually driven a quad up until this point so once again seeing a fail boss did I mention we have two four-wheel

    Drive we’re probably going to need it Today there’s the Cavalry has Arrived yeah we’re going to use a tank of Patrol Today Helmet hold on make him hold on to the tank cuz you’ll turn the handle bars on here hold on here no no you hold on down here yeah watch he doesn’t touch this gear thing don’t touch long tight not a bad driver Hi yeah is the patrol gone today what do you think yeah what do you think bu right we’re definitely going to leave it here now season the field with a quad in it she’s not afraid of it anyway is she as he is CL a crazy driver

    Yes digging up my field grass for the Sheep


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