Join the Sky News Breakfast team this morning, for all the latest headlines from the UK and across the globe.

    As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, Latvia’s foreign minister shared with Sky News that ‘other NAO allies should consider conscription.

    Domestically, the King has been shown having a chuckle at cards sent by well-wishers, including one of a dog with the caption “at least you don’t have to wear a cone!”.

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    Good morning it is 7:00 on today’s show exactly 2 years since Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine we look at how the resolve to keep fighting is being tested we’ll look at what Ukraine needs and the new 245 million pound pledge from the UK this morning and after Joe Root’s

    Spectacular Century yesterday can Jimmy Anderson and Co do the business with the ball in a bid to level England’s test series against India it is Saturday the 24th of February Western nations in a show of unity for Ukraine but fears that resolve is weakening as Ukraine’s supplies

    Dwindle if we give in to the idea that one country can invade another with impunity then we will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate as the war with Russia enters its third year foreign leaders are expecting in the Ukrainian Capital ke in a marked

    Show of solidarity we report from the NATO countes neighboring Russia reintroducing conscription and urging Britain to do the same also ahead Junior doctors start a 5-day walkout the 10th in the space of a year the king welcomes thousands of cards from wellwishers after his recent cancer diagnosis and as sport we look ahead

    This afternoon’s Kolkata cup in the Six Nations as Scotland L to beat England for the fourth time in a row for the first time since 1896 good morning you’re watching Sky News good to have you with us here at breakfast it has been 2 years since Russia illegally invaded Ukraine Vladimir Putin likely hadn’t counted on the unanimous resolve of the West to Aid Ukraine in its fight but two years on that resolve is being tested as Ukraine

    Runs dangerously low on ammunition and supplies meanwhile Russia’s staying power appears to be giving it the edge mark Stone reports now from the UN in New York why Poland Portugal outside the Chamber of the United Nations security Council this was the image they needed to present a show of Unity 2 years since

    Russia invaded Ukraine I would like to thank all uh Nations standing by Ukraine physically right now the Security Council is called to order in the chamber blunt language from David camon his first time here as foreign secretary but with a confidence that seemed to hold the room if we give

    Into the idea that one country can invade another with impunity then we will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate but behind the show of unity there is a problem and it is here in America the partisan divide spelled out in Washington by a frustrated American

    President House of Representatives must pass the bipartisan National Security bill the bill provides urgent funding for Ukraine and it passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and there’s no question none none if the speaker call for vote in the house would pass easily today instead they want to make vacation it is months since America

    Agreed to send weapons to Ukraine held up by a trumpian wing of the Republican Party who questioned the point of it all and Sky News has seen firsthand this week in Ukraine how they are literally running out of weapons and ammunition how do you persuade an increasingly disengaged America that

    Things like Ukraine matter and if you can’t what then I think we can help to persuade Americans that this matters if we somehow let Putin eek out a win here of course that’s bad for European security of course it’s disastrous for Ukraine’s security but it’s also bad for America’s security it’s striking that

    Two years after the invasion of Ukraine the message here at the United Nations has not been to Russia but to America Europe trying to persuade a nation that usually leads that it needs to again collectively over the past two years they have avoided the worst case a much

    Wider War has been feared many times but how many of them would have predicted that Putin would now have the upper hand markstone Sky News in New York our International correspondent John Sparks is in ke this morning morning to you John and both sides thought this would be over within well

    At least a year but here we are two years later yeah hi Matt yeah you know if you go back to the first anniversary I mean there was some satisfaction here even a even a note of Celebration you know Ukraine had survived the the onslaught the Russian

    Onslaught there were plans a foot for a big counter offensive a counter offensive that ultimately failed but I think this year for this the second anniversary the Outlook is far gloomier we’re talking about a nation that is ultimately focused on hanging on and you know I think one of the unfortunate

    Features of this war is that the the horrific the brutal has become common place and overnight it’s a perfect example of that 12 Shahed drones got through the Ukrainian defenses one slammed into an apartment building in Odessa overnight killing one injuring three another apartment Block in denpro

    In the East was hit by a Shahed drone killing two and the governor there was reported this morning saying we’ll pick through the rubble until everybody is accounted for and you know this is the Russian strategy isn’t it it is both to exhaust the Ukrainian military and it is

    To exhaust the Ukrainian people as well important day here in keev though Ukraine does have friends of course foreign leaders from Canada from Italy from Belgium president of the EU commission leonan she will be here as well they will be offering security guarantees no doubt there’ll be new

    Sanctions against Russia other forms of assistance as well so Ukraine does have friends it needs friends as well I think everybody here agrees on that John thanks very much indeed well for the NATO Nations bordering Russia the threat is of course very real indeed Sky News has traveled to lvia where they

    Recently reintroduced conscription and are urging the UK to do the same our security and defense editor Deborah Haynes has been to see those young recruits in training basic training for lvan recruits they practice how to counter an ambush with pretend gunfire and even an imaginary grenade some of these trainee National

    Guards are part of a new program of conscription reintroduced last year to bolster laia’s defenses following Russia’s war in Ukraine this 18-year-old is a volent conscript I think that every man in the world need to at least try military life laia will train up to 800 conscripts this year a mix of volunteers

    And those who are drafted they can choose to train for 11 months or stretch it out over five years alongside civilian Life laia and the other Baltic states feel the threat from Russia intensely because of their shared geography it’s why they doing more to mobilize their people and they’re also wondering whether their NATO allies further west should be thinking about doing similar I visited our troops and laia’s foreign minister championed the merits of

    Conscription at a recent security conference it’s been all voluntary it’s not replacing the professional Army it’s augmenting the professional Army and do you think it would make a difference if Britain sort of started doing conscript for example I I think it would make a difference if any uh European country

    And of course the larger countries it would make a bigger difference that but the UK’s defense secretary is against the idea of training up any citizen Army everyone knows that in a wartime first world war second world war scenario of course countries have to make other arrangements that’s not the position

    We’re in now we have absolutely no plans to to do that now uh and so that’s not something which is on the agenda currently yet Perhaps lessons can be drawn from Latvia where conscript is about so much more than guns and uniforms I think that the most important

    Thing is to awaken the desire to protect and defend your country to awaken the Patriots in them so that they have the courage to stand up against the enemy if needed no one here is looking for a fight they just want to be able to help the professionals should the worst

    Happen Deborah Haynes Sky News laia mari’s back and Mari on the two-year anniversary a lot Happening Now focusing on the situation in Ukraine including some news on aid from us overnight yes exactly so the UK has pledged 245 million pounds uh for Ukraine that’s all about artillery

    Ammunition which is seen as really key to uh Ukraine’s success uh in the war and the prime minister’s been speaking uh today about not just that investment but also the UK’s position on Ukraine and backing Ukraine so I’ll read you what the prime minister’s been saying he

    Said when Putin launched his in illegal Invasion two years ago the Free World was United in its response we stood together behind Ukraine and on this Grim anniversary we must renew our determination this is the moment to show that sorry my auto accuse wrong there

    That um Ukraine uh no Putin we never try there we are and um that Ukraine uh we stand with Ukraine today and tomorrow we are prepared to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until they Prevail and the labor leader uh K starma has been saying similar words talking about

    How he said no matter who is in power in this country Britain will always back Ukraine we will stand with them for as long as it takes to win because we know it is not just the future of Ukraine at stake but the future of democracy and

    Global sec security so both sides of the house uh backing Ukraine and showing that actually uh backing Ukraine and support for Ukraine is non-negotiable irrespective of who is in Parliament after the general election Mari thank you very much indeed for now well as NATO redoubles its efforts to tackle the

    Threat of Russia we have a special program on Sky News breakfast next week here’s K to tell you more as Putin continues to challenge the might of NATO and Trump says if you don’t pay your dues you can’t be a member of the club we joined the biggest NATO exercise

    Since the Cold War all 31 countries are taking part and Sky News has been invited to come along we have access both above and below deck join us that’s right join K on Monday that’s is 6:00 in the morning for that special program aboard a NATO frigate

    To other news now and Donald Trump has said he supports the availability of IVF treatment joining a growing number of fellow Republicans seeking to distance themselves from an Alabama Court ruling the state’s Top Court ruled last week that Frozen embryos have the same rights as children and people can be held

    Liable for destroying them at least three clinics paused IVF treatment in the wake of the ruling Ministry of Defense has confirmed that a German World War II bomb that forc thousands of people to evacuate in Plymouth has been detonated in the sea it was discovered on Tuesday in St

    Michael Avenue in the kiim area around 30 of the most experienced bomb disposal Specialists work since then to assess the condition of the device nine people have now died after a fire ripped through two residential buildings in Valencia on Thursday evening officials in the Spanish City say one person is still missing the

    Cause isn’t yet known but experts have suggested cladding on the outside of the building and high winds may have helped the fire to spread more quickly the first picture from the adicus moonlander has been shared on social platform X the US spacecraft made history on Thursday by becoming the

    First ever privately built and operated robot to complete a Luna touchdown British Airways has been ranked among the worst Airlines in a UK passenger satisfaction survey the airline’s customer score for Long Haul flights was joint third lowest out of 17 carriers in research done by consumer Group which other poor performers in the

    Long Haul rankings included L tanza Air Canada and American Airlines while whiz a was ranked bottom for short Hall flights for the second year in a row Junior doctors begin a 5-day strike today it is their 10th walk out in the space of a year they blame government

    For failing to put forward a better pay offer but the health secretary says the junior doctors have their own part to play in resolving the dispute I want for this to be resolved I’ve I’ve come to these negotiations with nothing but good intentions and a genuine desire to find

    A reasonable solution for junior doctors but also importantly for patients and the public and the taxpayer so I still want to try and Achieve that but I can only do that if the junior doctors committee plays their part walking out of negotiations in November was not reasonable going now by the chief

    Executive of the NHS Confederation Matthew Taylor Matthew thanks for joining us just before we start just tell us what the Confederation does for those who don’t know so we represent leaders across the Health Service in England and Wales and Northern Ireland okay who’s to blame for this impass

    Because this is the 10th strike in well nearly a year and it doesn’t look like it’s going to change anything well look I don’t think it helps anyone to try to cast blame that the reality is this is a a profoundly demoralizing moment for us in uh the

    Health Service to have another five days of Junior doctor strikes we know what the consequences of these strikes are it would have been that many uh appointments operations will have been canceled others will have to be uh canceled although I would want to say to people out there that if you have not

    Been told that your appointment has been canceled then assume it will go ahead but we’ll see those cancellations we’ll see further cost we will manage these strikes in the same way as the leaders are representative manage other strikes but the real impact will be on um our capacity to recover Services because

    Essentially what tends to happen in these strikes is that uh consultant colleagues non- Junior doctor more experienced doctors have to fill in for junior doctors who are on strike and that means that we have to cancel outpatients clinics operations and it means it’s incredibly difficult to make any progress on those

    Huge uh waiting lists that we have um so as I say it’s it’s incredibly demoralizing for for the people I represent for people across the Health Service who are working incredibly hard to to meet demand and we’re still not out of winter we still have winter pressures and to makeing roads into

    Backlogs and I think what we would say to both sides is you know don’t stand on Ceremony be imaginative um maybe it’s time for both sides to tell us what their what they would accept we kind of know what both sides say that they want but what would they accept what

    Compromise would be would be acceptable to them Matthew let me let me just come in on that because of course you don’t want to abortion blame but there has to be compromise as you’re saying there and let’s look at it from the point of view of what the junior doctors want a 35%

    Pay increase sure to take into account inflation over the past 16 years but that is a huge hike especially at a time when public finances are challenged so is that reasonable there’s no question that Junior doctors pay has fallen over the long term and that we need a strategy to ensure that

    We are paying uh doctors enough to recruit and retain and to motivate them I think what’s really frustrating and you know it’s again not for me to interfere in the negotiations that doesn’t help but what’s frustrating is in the last round of strikes there did seem to be a moment where compromise was

    Possible where where it felt as though the junior doctors were recognizing that they wouldn’t get that 35% in one Leap and that the government was recognizing they had to put more money on the table and had to have a strategy for the medium term to help Junior doctors pay

    Start to recover so we this is what is so deeply frustrating as I think we can broadly see the terrain upon which this uh conflict will be resolved but we need both sides to get into that space to be imaginative to be pragmatic and to understand the impact this is going to

    Have I mean look to take one issue uh these strikes will have an impact on accident and uh emergency it it it means it’ll be more difficult to cover that um we already have a situation where we’ve got intolerable weights and accident emergency more people waiting 12 hours

    Than we’ve ever seen before now we will manage that situation in accident emergency but in order to do so we will have to take colleagues from uh other activities and you know there’s no question about the impact of this it will have an impact on elective recovery

    And it will include I’m afraid people uh waiting for cancer operations some of those will have to be cancel so it will have a real impact on patient safety Matthew I have to ask a lot of your own funding at the Confederation comes from trusts all the trusts who are struggling

    To cope with this there’s a big discussion certainly from Medics who you speak to about the amount of money spent on bureaucracy could that money be clawed back and given to the doctors and the bureaucracy be more minimize more I’m afraid you know that’s a complete myth study after study has

    Looked at the health service and found that in fact uh we have fewer managers than similar Health Systems we have fewer managers than uh other services other parts of the economy and most studies argue very strongly that we’re undermanaged that part of the reason me you know more than half the managers in

    The Health Service are clinicians themselves and actually because we lack management clinicians have to spend time uh doing kind of back office work working on rotors things like that so you know the problem here is not too much uh bureaucracy we we have a gap we

    Know we have a gap between the demand that we have for health services and and the capacity I mean just the just the other day we at the con Federation published our Manifesto and and very high on that the list of things we said was important was was investment in

    Staff over the long term because we still have lots and lots of vacancies one of the reasons these strikes have such an impact is because they come when teams are already overstretched and also capital investment you know part of the reason people are unhappy you work in the Health Service is often because

    They’re working in outdated crumbling buildings with outdated equipment with systems that don’t fully work Matthew Taylor for me NHS Confederation thanks very much indeed for joining us here on breakfast you let’s have a look now at today’s weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by katar

    Airways it’s been a mild month so far but temperatures are heading back to near normal making it feel a bit colder uh this weekend it’s going to be a chilly start to this morning as well with a risk of frost and icy patches around the place and some freezing fog

    As well where winds are a bit lighter however it does remain windy and showery towards the southwest of the UK any overnight fog patches will lift to sunny skies but there will be a few showers around those will mostly affect southern and western parts of the British Isles the weather sponsored by katar

    Airway still to come here on breakfast fair play for disabled children as an inclusive playground opens calls for conservative MP Lee Anderson to be kicked out of the party following his remarks about London’s mayor and two years on since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine will

    Speak to a Ukrainian MP in Keith Well the thing is although of course those photographs are pretty startling because it’s got no roof and no floors actually all of the masonry of the walls all the facades all still survive and we’ve had brilliant Structural Engineers look at it and work out how you can

    Essentially reflor and re refit so in Practical terms it’s it’s complicated and requires lots of amazing skills but it’s completely doable it’s about whether we care about it how much it cost and what should it be used for well so the cost of um acquiring it because

    As you say it was left to made up people as far as we understand and of um saving what’s there are about5 million pounds and then it will be something like the same again to re roof and refl it and the plan is the Hope is that it will be

    A building that will be available to anybody to visit and to stay in as a holiday accommodation but also open regularly to the public but it’s going to be a long journey and we’re going to I run the landmark trust which is a building preservation charity and we’re

    Trying to put together the the case for saving it and we want people’s views on how they think it should be used and whether they care about it and whether they want to see it saved it costs more to save than it will be worth and it’s a

    Work of art and you know it’s a bit like a painting in a gallery it’s about whether we value it and we care about it and it’s not a commercial Enterprise it’s about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we’re literally going to

    Lose I mean the bits of the cornice are crashing to the floor the wonderful carvings are coming down all the time and so it’s really about deciding if we do that we care about these places and we want to save them and the amazing thing about it is it’s got a carving on

    It done originally in the 1720s by the man who built it which says may what the ages erode be restore intact and may it be it be granted that the older you are the more beautiful you are so it’s almost as if he anticipated this is what

    Was going to happen and he was sending us a message to say look after me but the thing is that you know we’ve got Grant giving bodies in this country and we’ve got individuals who care about this stuff and um we’ll be running a public fundraising campaign and if

    Everybody who cares about it was just to give a little bit we’d get the money together so it’s about it’s about people’s appetite for it Welcome back there are calls for Lee Anderson to be removed from the conservative party this morning for comments he made about the London mayor sadik KH mari’s uh with us now let’s not forget that LE Anderson used to be a labor party member as well he did the

    Conservatives Mari but they some of them want rid of him as well or maybe not Tories do but well labor definitely want him to lose the whip so um yeah Lee Anderson he’s a kind of household figure for many reasons his nickname is 30p Lee because of controversial comments he

    Made about how cheap you can make a meal and therefore why people should be struggling on some budgets but uh this is kind of latest Fallout from comments by Le Anderson now le Anderson has said that sadik Khan mayor of London has been giving the capital city away to his

    Mates he’s been saying that islamists have control of London and they also have control of sadik Khan as well now he was talking in reaction to swell bravman former home secretary’s comment about the UK in general uh being kind of under the grip of islamists as she was

    Calling it now the difficulty is sadik Khan is obviously we know is a Muslim and therefore those comments just hit even harder and labor are trying to say that it’s overtly racist and overtly homophobic so Wes Anderson W Anderson Le Anderson definitely not W Anderson a combination of Wes streeting and Lee

    Anderson so we’re streeting labor um Shadow Health secretary now he said it’s racist homop islamophobia and divisive and dangerous uh an Alise dods has said the same and also Labor’s Shadow pay Master General Jonathan Ashworth has written a letter to the Prime Minister asking the prime minister to withdraw

    The whip from Lee Anderson for those comments also former former Home Secretary but also former uh Chancellor Saget Javid has said the comments were utterly ridiculous now this follows on from another reason the labor party are asking the prime minister to withdraw the whip from a different MP and that is

    Former MP and former former um prime minister can’t get my words out this morning Liz truss now Liz trust has been speaking in the US all about what she sees as the left kind of dooming uh the West saying that you know conservatives need to stand up for conservative values

    Before it’s too late she’s accusing the west of you know weaponizing the court system pushing a woke agenda in schools uh and saying that essentially we are seen as weak in the West by our enemies because of the left so she’s throwing accusations all over the place and now

    The difficulty is labor libm have both said that she’s pedling conspiracy theories and it’s very very damaging for democracy and damaging for British politics so they want the whip to be removed from her as well look a lot of people do like Lee Anderson but let’s remind ourselves we’re heading into an

    Election cycle now and it feels like this kind of stuff is going to ramp up considerably Mari thank you very much indeed next up playgrounds across the country are failing to cater to the needs of disabled children campaigners have told us here at Sky News it’s thought that

    Just one in North London now provides a safe and inclusive space to play and Charities are arguing there’s no reason every park across the country couldn’t offer just the same as Daniel Henry reports playtime should be full of freedom and fun but that’s not how it is for

    Everyone Leia has been in a wheelchair her whole life she’s nearly five now we can’t uh put her on a normal swing she’s not able to hold her up and sitting so it’s very much usually a case of her just having to watch other children play this is really special Katie’s eldest

    Daughter Leia has complex needs most Parks don’t cater for them but this one is different because this North London Park is designed for children with disabilities how much all this cost playgrounds across Britain depending on the size of a playground can cost anything from let’s say 200 250,000 some

    Playgrounds across Britain will cost a million pounds to develop uh this is pretty much somewhere in the middle Deborah convinced Barnet Council to chip in she says it’s worth every penny this cost the same as any other playground the children of different abilities should be playing together and shouldn’t

    Be scared of differences and this is what playgrounds across Britain can do for us the fact that there aren’t many places like this why do you think that is I I don’t think we should look at it like what isn’t their places I think we should look at

    It like like the great that there is now a place I just think things have taken time you know to come into I guess modern society for acceptance for inclusivity for including everybody which just all becoming a bit more smarter and a bit more aware research shows that almost half parents with

    Disabled children have accessibility issues at their local park Charities say the government need to do something about it there’s no reason why over time every Park every playground in in Britain should be accessible the whole family can use children learn and develop through play and that should be there for disabled children as Well this place is being described as the first of its kind in the UK the governments say they want to see more of them but for now it’s down to parents and private funders to pay up so these kids can play out out Daniel Henry Sky News okay Jamie’s back with the sport

    Now busy weekend in Prospect busy weekend absolutely Six Nations football the cricket we’ve got one eye on at the mo moment as well a brilliant Innings from Joe root yesterday and an early breakthrough for England with the ball this morning but India are now digging their heels in will tell you how England

    Are getting on in Ranchi next Plus on the way we’ll hear from both head coaches as Scotland look to beat England in in four consecutive matches for the first time in 128 years in the Six Nations this afternoon action from the championship a courageous late comeback from leads

    Gives them fresh hope of challenging leaders Leicester for the title at Ellen Road and news of a gry win for Great Britain’s cam Nori as he continues his defense of his reopen title in Brazil Welcome back to Sky News you’re watching breakfast world leaders have recommitted their commitment to uh tackling uh Russia’s illegal invasion in Ukraine but aren’t words enough we’re going to cross now to ke where Ukrainian MP Leia vasilenko joins me lesia thank you so much for taking the time to join us this

    Morning on what is an anniversary you certainly didn’t want thank you thank you it’s it’s It’s actually an honor to still be speaking to you today well it’s great to have you with us lessia but two years on I can’t imagine any people in Ukraine were expecting things to last this long and

    No one wanted it definitely no one wanted it but it’s not two years we’re commemorating is actually 10 years this full week for Ukraine was a week of mourning because 10 years ago to 2014 the revolution of dignity was ending with a 100 Civ I deaths 100 peaceful protesters being

    Shot on the maidan which then went on into an annexation an illegal annexation by Russia of Ukrainian Crimea and then moved on into the occupation of the nans and finally in 2022 escalated to Russia’s full-on aggression against Ukraine let’s it’s a fair point do you

    Think the West that is now a lot of countries fighting to support Ukraine certainly the UK is do you think they were too slow to recognize Russia’s buildup to the invasion of two years ago Ukraine is in the position where we are saying thank you every single day to

    Our partners our friends and especially to the UK who on many occasions has proved to be the leader in for summoning support for Ukraine especially military support and showing the way for other countries to follow uh however at the same time when in 2020 three intelligence services from across a a

    Sector of countries were saying that Russia is bound to attack is bound to escalate there was no support when Ukraine was asking for the weapons to be able to counter that attack it was sure that uh the International Community was certain that Ukraine would fall Ukraine didn’t fall Ukraine stood the help did

    Arrive and the help is arriving now but um I think it’s all a little too late and we could have been all in a very different position not just Ukraine but all our International Partners who are helping us today and last year overnight we’ve seen world leaders at the UN in

    New York many of whom urging the US in particular to redouble its efforts with support for Ukraine but still it isn’t coming what are people saying there in keev about about the US and their well lack of support right now this is C a lot of tension in Ukraine uh letters are

    Being prepared now uh by parliamentarians also the speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament is uh drafting a letter urging other speakers to co-sign from across the world to send to speaker Johnson and the US uh to make sure that the aid is unblocked Ukraine is relying today on those uh billions of US dollars

    To be coming in and to be helping with the military supplies very much needed on the Battleground those dollars are saving lives today not just of our soldiers on the battlefield but also of our civilians who on a daily basis uh have to face Russia’s uh air raides air

    Attacks with missiles with drones and we are talking about human lives we’re not talking of dollars and money being spent just for the sake of money being spent we’re talking of that money that is equivalent to saving innocent human lives here in Ukraine you you’ll be more

    Than a that the US has an election this year by the end of this calendar year there could be a president in Donald Trump who wants to stop any funding any support any weapons being given to Ukraine that must be a real concern that is a concern this is why

    Ukrainian diplomats and Ukrainian political leaders are working with both parties in the United States and are working across a broad spectrum of countries across the world to also urge the the United States to continue the bipartisan support for Ukraine with all that it has for as long as it takes

    Because at the end of the day at stake is not just the livelihood of ukrainians and the existence of Ukraine as a democratic country at the end democracy is a stake and it’s a choice that the US government and the US president has to make are they going to support the

    Spread of democracy or are they going to give the go ahead for the spread of autocracy let me ask about other countries that just to finish off a lot of this certainly Russia would say came from Ukraine’s desire to join NATO well uh president Trump has previously criticized many NATO members for not

    Paying the amount they need 2% of GDP to be a part of the organization do you think others who don’t pay enough Germany France Italy and many more do you think they’re doing enough to help you I will say this this way all the International Community today needs to

    Step up the game on the military production and on military spending and it’s a necessity when we have Russia who is still on the rise not on the fall unfortunately and has Ambitions to claim territories from other countries and has Ambitions to even possibly reinstate a Russian Empire countries need to be

    Aware of this and need to be prepared this is a duty that Germany France the United Kingdom the United States have towards their own Citizens first and foremost so there needs to be a certain aware Wess responsibility and grownup approach to the defense and security issues of today which are more than

    Challenging Leia vasilenko many thanks indeed for joining us from keev this morning on the second anniversary of the invasion back here now let’s take a look at today’s weather Warm memories wherever you Go the weather sponsored by Kata Airways after an exceptionally mild February so far temperatures are heading back to normal making it feel much colder this weekend than it has recently it’s going to be a chilly start to the morning with a risk of frost icy patches

    And some fog where winds have been a bit lighter however it does remain windy and showery towards the southwest of the country and the overnight fog patches are going to lift to some sunny skies but there will be a few showers around those will mostly affect southern and western parts of the

    UK the weather sponsored by katar Airways Jam’s back uh with the sport looked like a a good match between Leicester and Leeds last night and poor old Valk fast scoring at both ends he has a habit of scoring own goals you’re telling he scored a couple against

    Liverpool scor two own goals uh for Liverpool which I as a fan I was very grateful for but I did feel sorry for him yeah do you know what we obviously you’re liol fan I’m a Spurs fan so we both support Premier League teams but so often you hear how the championship is

    The most exciting division to watch and quite often that’s because everybody can beat everybody in the championship but this year in the championship the top four are just pulling away from the rest of the pack they’re all beating each other if switching sou Hampton both play

    At home today and those four I you two of those one of those teams going to be very unlucky perhaps two of those teams are going to be very unlucky not to get promoted to the Premier League but it looked like being leicester’s Championship to win all season they’re

    Just tripping up with the final no and leads with the beneficiaries last night in a very exciting game in the championship this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality getting more people more active live life with Vitality what we’re going to do is play

    A little game called fill the blanks so all you’ve got to do is I’m going to read out a sentence you’re going to write down the word to fill it and we’re going to trust your spelling I’m going to help you out if you don’t know

    Probably won’t be able to but I’ll try my best so yeah just write down the word to finish the sentence the first one is playing for Manchester United is just get rid of that it’s fine I just turn around I thought it right let’s how it look incredible incredible you have

    To thought that right don’t worry talk to me about then about the last 10 years and how you kind of feel like you’ve developed and changed during that time um no first of all it’s you know I put down incredible because it’s one of the biggest clubs in the world if not the

    Biggest um and it’s obviously a real honor to to be here for so long um you know it’s kind of my home now cuz I’ve been here so long and of course there’s been a lot lot of ups and downs but you know I’m incredibly happy of you know

    The times I’ve had here the good times and you know for me I’m I’m very ambitious and I think there’s still a lot more you know that I want to achieve here well that leads me nicely on to the next one then and that is the aim for this season is

    MHM yeah yeah just turn it around to us win the FA Cup and Champions League qualify qualify for the Champions League how’s that changed dur in kind of the course of the season because obviously you’re Manchester United you must set around every year to win a trophy and be

    Competing at the top of the table I think obviously at the start of the Season that wouldn’t be our Ambitions I think of course at the start of the Season we want to win the Premier League the champion League we want to win everything um but I think at this point

    Right now we have to be a bit more realistic on the position where we’re at so I think for for us now you know the champions league is of course a club like this has to be in the Champions League um and you know like I said uh

    We’re in the FA Cup competition at the moment and yeah I think we have to be realistic and look at you know what we can achieve this season I think these two should should of course be our aim that so my next one is oand will

    Become turn it around for me then holand will become one of the best one of the best I love that because he had a bit of a difficult start and when you’re so young cuz a lot of people I think forget how young he is and you’ve got a lot of

    Pressure you just need a little bit of time don’t you to ease in but you must have seen from day dot just how good he could be yeah of course but I think there of course there’s a lot of pressure on his on his shoulders I think

    He’s obviously young um you know at the moment there’s you know not someone in front of him so he he has to come in and hit the ground running um and I think of course it’s it’s never easy when you come come to a club like this I think

    It’s it’s very different from others so I think sometimes people who come from different clubs maybe abroad don’t really realize that and sometimes it takes time to adapt um but I think the good thing about him is you know he wants to learn he wants to adapt he

    Wants to you know push himself you know to the max every day and yeah like I said he’s he’s always wanting to learn and see what he can do to improve and I think he’s starting to you know reap the benefits of of doing that and you can

    Slowly see starting now to not come out of his shell but you see more confident you know Rasmus and you know for us that’s that’s only a good thing yeah and him and gache you’ve got a couple of young players coming through they must help you and push you as the more

    Experienced players I’m not going to say older none of you say am I old um no of course I think it’s always good to see you know fresh young blood come through and I think for for Ghana um coming through you know the Academy I think Kobe as well who’s who’s been amazing

    And you know they love this club and you can tell when they’re on the pitch that they give everything for for for the shirt and you know that’s what we need we need players like that yeah you’ve spoken about playing for Manchester United then let’s talk a bit about

    England and the question you’ve got is the player I most look forward to seeing on International duty is straight away there’s no hesitation with that one turn it around why is it Z I think to be honest I think if you ask everyone that question from England I

    Think everyone would say the same thing I think he’s just the best guy ever and you know I love him so I I had to pick him what makes him so great no I don’t know it’s just so hard to explain but I think you just can’t not like him like

    He’s one of them that just you know he makes everyone smile he makes everyone happy he’s he’s funny and no I think he’s just everything about him I think you know he’s he’s brilliant I think his parents have obviously done a very good job of raising someone like that cuz I

    Think honestly he’s he’s one of the best best people in in football I think so when you go there all rivalries in the league are put behind you and you’re all one team in that England Camp yeah but I think that that has to be the case I

    Think you know of course when we play against each other for clubs it’s different but when we’re there when we’re in in Camp but I think we all want the same thing there and that’s to win games and you know when the big competitions that that are coming our

    Way and you know I think that’s why maybe one of the reasons why we’re doing so well is because when we’re there we’re we’re a whole group and we’re all together and you know we all get along really well yeah okay well sack is a guy with pretty good fashion sense my next

    One is I would trust this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality still to come here on breakfast we’ll discuss the stories making news today with journalists shonah Craven and Paul Mcnam well the thing is although of course those photographs are pretty startling because it’s got no roof and no flaw actually all of the masonry of the walls all the facades all still survive and we’ve had brilliant Structural Engineers look at it and work out how you can essentially refl and R

    Roof it so in Practical terms it’s it’s complicated and requires lots of amazing skills but it’s completely doable it’s about whether we care about how much it cost and what should it be used for well so the cost of um acquiring it because as you say it was left to made up people

    As far as we understand and of um saving what’s there are about5 million pounds and then it will be something like the same again to re roof and reflor it and the plan is the Hope is that it will be a building that will be available to

    Anybody to visit and to stay in as a holiday accommodation but also open regularly to the public but it’s going to be a long journey and we’re going to I run the landmark trust which is a building preservation charity and we’re trying to put together the the case for

    Saving it and we want people’s views on how they think it should be used and whether they care about it and whether they want to see it saved it costs more to save save then it will be worth and it’s a work of art and you know it’s a

    Bit like a painting in a gallery it’s about whether we value it and we care about it and it’s not a commercial Enterprise it’s about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we’re literally going to lose I mean the bits of the corners are crashing to the floor the

    Wonderful carvings are coming down all the time and so it’s really about deciding if we do that we care about these places and we want to save them and the amazing thing about is it’s got a carving on it done originally in the 1720s by the man who built it which says

    May what the ages erode be restore intact and may it be it be granted that the older you are the more beautiful you are so it’s almost as if he anticipated this is what was going to happen and he was sending us a message to say look

    After me but the thing is that you know we’ve got Grant giving bodies in this country and we’ve got individuals who care about this stuff and um we’ll be running a public fundraising campaign and if everybody who cares about it was just to give a little bit we’d get the

    Money together so it’s about it’s about people’s appetite for It Welcome M let’s take a look at the papers now I’m joined by Community editor and columnist at the national Shona Craven and UK editor of the big issue Paul mcnam both traveling down from Glasgow good to have you with us here in the studio in London and uh Paul

    Let’s start with the uh the front page of the time times today again slightly alarming headline plot to Target Parliament especially after the week we’ve had with the commons and the the discussion about the risk to politicians with votes they may uh they may do well

    This very much relates to that but it it it is also a slightly inflammatory headline because as as you’ve suggested it it does imply that there’s there’s something incredibly dark and malignant about to happen as it happens it wasn’t particularly Pleasant it but it it was um a pro

    Palestinian activist Ben Jamal who on wly during ahead of all those chaotic scenes in Parliament was encouraging um Pro Palestinian supporters to go to Parliament and to try and gain access not illegally but um as people are allowed to meet their their MP to see if

    They can meet their MP and make the case for the the pro Palestinian voice so that that’s where that is coming from but I I suppose that the the um the danger around this was the scale of it because if thousands did come then that that would be very difficult to contain

    And that may bring some um some danger for uh for MPS he himself Jamal has said that he doesn’t Advocate that any of his supporters go to the homes of MPS he says that that’s off that’s off bounds but at Parliament he thinks that people should be able to make their voice heard

    And the other thing I I think that that is interesting about this because of again it’s it’s implication and subtext to some of these things is that Jamal is a Christian Arab and he comes from a Christian Arab family so there there’s all these levels of of um of nuance and

    And complication to what is is been um presented here thank you the other thing that leaps out from the times is Luke ller considering retiring at 27 um that Chan has long passed me by here I am back in the game Shona over to you and influences in the US election as the

    Next story yeah this is an interesting story in the financial times um especially because uh as the headline says micro influencers Loom large in polls so we’re not talking here about people with millions of followers in some cases they might have just hundreds or tens of thousands it says and um

    They’re talking about um this space of social media and social media influencers as a a Loosely regulated one and so it’s an opportunity for these uh what what they call Super packs political action committees to um have an influence and Target particular types of Voters demographics that they might

    Not be able to reach through some of the more traditional media and I suppose what’s not sort of addressed here because it’s more from the political and business angle is whether people will actually stop following influencers if they perceive they are receiving political messages from them where

    Perhaps they didn’t and that’s not why they’re following you know if you’re following someone for fashion tips or makeup or whatever and they start telling you who they’re going to vote for however subtly they might do it I wonder if you’re only being paid I mean it mentions three to six figure payouts

    I mean three figures is not very much to potentially sell your soul to a political candidate if you weren’t otherwise inclined to be producing that kind of content so there’s definitely a PhD in this for someone to go through and find out what impact this has on the

    Out come I mean I was also struck by some of the figures involved I think for me the figures involved in promoting politicians in in the US are so big that when I read that the you know the Republican and Democrat Super PAC respectively are spending a million

    Dollars well that would is a huge sum of money but actually in the grand scheme of American elections that’s maybe actually not that much it is but they have huge amount of influence of super panks don’t they because they kind of do their own thing they’re not within the

    Party apparatus they’re not within the control of the the candidates and they can just suddenly decide we’re going to spend a fortune on this ad in the middle of the Super Bowl for example so the level of influence in the US election in particular whether it’s small or huge is

    Is in a different League to every else and also whether it’s cover or over as well I’m not sure if some of these things would be you know hasht ad or whether it would be a bit more subtle than that and so I think there there will definitely be lessons to learn

    About any more regulations that might be needed after this election Paul let’s talk about the uh the Saudi Guinness book of record attempts patri the times today what’s that all about this is a remarkable story also it is a headline that ages you if you get the reference

    Dedication is Deep Pockets you need to be a Saudi record breaker of course I get the Roy Castle Norris mcworter my youth is coming back to me again aging me a lot more than that Luke littlee but bring us up to speed on the well this um

    The the Guinness World Records they they are not just there to to measure um people sitting in a bath for a long time what they’re doing now is uh improving the public image of of some very um uh of Nations who need it soodi um have come up with a load of

    Things that they want guis we’re out of time not record they’ll never know back after this Break Good morning it is 8:00 on today’s show exactly 2 years since Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine we look at how the resolve to keep fighting is being tested and we’ll look at what Ukraine needs and the 245 million pound pledge from the UK this morning and after Jo Root’s spectacular senty yesterday can

    England’s Bowlers now take some wickets in a bid to level their test Series against India it is Saturday the 24th of February Western nations in a show of unity for Ukraine but fears that resolve is weakening as Ukraine’s supplies dwindle if we give into the idea that one country can invade another with

    Impunity then we will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate as the war enters its third year with Russia foreign leaders are expected here in keep the Ukrainian capital in a marked show of solidarity and with Ukraine outnumbered and outgunned Russia continues to make

    Incremental gains around ad adka especially we’ll also hear from the NATO countries neighboring Russia reintroducing conscription and urging Britain to do the same also ahead Junior doctors start a 5day walk out the 10th in the space of a year the king welcomes thousands of cards from wellwishers after his recent cancer

    Diagnosis and in sport we look ahead to the big one this afternoon’s Kolkata cup in the Six Nations as Scotland looked to beat England for the fourth time in a row the first time since 1896 good morning good to have your company with us here for breakfast it’s been two

    Years since Russia illegally invaded Ukraine Vladimir Putin likely hadn’t counted on the unanimous resolve of the West to Aid Ukraine in its fight back but two years on that resolve is being tested as Ukraine runs dangerously low on ammunition and supplies meanwhile Russia’s staying power appears to be

    Giving it The Edge at the moment Mark Stone reports from from the UN in New York Portugal outside the Chamber of the United Nations security Council this was the image they needed to present a show of unity two years since Russia invaded Ukraine I would like to thank all uh

    Nations standing by Ukraine physically right now the Security Council is called to order in the chamber plun language from David Cameron his first time here as foreign secretary but with a confidence that seemed to hold the room if we give into the idea that one country can invade another with impunity then we

    Will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate but behind the show of unity there is a problem and it is here in America the partisan divide spelled out in Washington by a frustrated American president House of Representatives must pass the by partisan National Security

    Bill the bill provides urgent funding for Ukraine and it passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and there’s no question none none if the speaker call for vote in the house would pass easily today instead they went on vacation it is months since America agreed to send weapons to Ukraine held

    Up by a trumpan wing of the Republican Party who questioned the point of it all and Sky News has seen firsthand this week in Ukraine how they are literally running out of weapons and ammunition how do you persuade an increase ly disengaged America that things like Ukraine matter and if you

    Can’t what then I think we can help to persuade Americans that this matters if we somehow let Putin eek out a win here of course that’s bad for European security of course it’s disastrous for Ukraine’s security but it’s also bad for America’s security it’s striking that 2

    Years after the invasion of Ukraine the message here at the United Nations has not been to Russia but to America Europe trying to persuade a nation that usually leads that it needs to again collectively over the past two years they have avoided the worst case a much

    Wider War has been feared many times but how many of them would have predicted that Putin would now have the upper hand markstone Sky News in New York in a moment we’ll cross to Moscow where Diana Magna is live for us this morning but first let’s join our International correspondent John Sparks

    In keev and John there this is the anniversary no one wanted yeah I that that’s absolutely right Matt I mean if you go back to the first anniversary of the war here in Ukraine I think there was probably some satisfaction you it wasn’t there they this country had survived that initial

    Onslaught they were planning for a big counter offensive a counter offensive that ultimately failed and I think this anniversary the second anniversary the Outlook is is far more gloomy the talk is about in endurance and resilience people aren’t talking about you know victory in the immediate term anyway and

    I think one of the the unfortunate features of this war is that the the brutal the horrific has become familiar it’s become commonplace I can tell you overnight that 12 Shahid drones Russian drones got through the Ukrainian defenses slamming into apartment buildings in Odessa where one person was

    Killed in denit Pro in the East where two people were killed the governor released a message saying they’re picking through the rubble until everybody is accounted for and you know this is clearly part of the Russian strategy both to exhaust the Ukrainian military and they’re certainly trying to

    Do that at the front but also to exhaust the Ukrainian people to exhaust the Ukrainian Nation but this country does have friends some of them will be here today the prime ministers of Canada Italy Belgium president of the EU commission they will be here pledging financial support security guarantees

    And the like and you know this country really need friends right now John thanks so much Let’s cross now to Moscow our correspondent Diana magn is this morning and Di in contrast to John and keev there seems to be a sense of confidence emanating from Russia right now regarding the

    Invasion well certainly from the Russian leader and I think that that is boyed by their victory over abka the fact that they are pushing the Ukrainian front lines now in a way that they haven’t been able B to for quite some time and the fact that they know that they are

    Considerably better off in terms of ammunition and weaponry thanks to the likes of Iran and North Korea and their own um factories which are producing uh weapons on overdrive um and they Putin sees that this money is being held up in Congress and that there is big concern

    In the west over um managing to support Ukraine properly um and we see therefore that he considers it an opposite moment to get rid of his biggest rival um to uh boast about his nuclear capabilities I think Vladimir Putin two years in is sitting pretty um and uh that is why

    He’s done what he’s done uh has an election coming up and who knows what he will do after that if he’s this confident whether he will decide to do uh what was so damaging in the first year of war and mobilize further men and of course there is no feedback really

    Here about how terrible this war is for Russian troops on the front too because of these restrictions around um criticizing the special military operation so people here I think would like this war to end but the majority think that now they’re in it they might

    As well see it through look it’s hard to Discount any possibility right now with that in mind Alexa nal’s Widow ulia has weighed in on Russia’s Invasion yes she has I mean she’s issued a a video this morning talking talking about the fact that Putin’s faith is a

    Sham and that people here should recognize that um this is largely because of the uh fact that the family is not able to uh claim his body and on the ninth day in the Orthodox tradition he should be buried and the authorities are still refusing to hand the body over

    To the mother and last night threatened her that they would bury him within the prison Colony rather than um allow her to have a public burial so today we have this video published by Julia naala um in which she talks about Putin’s faith and says essentially it is a cover for

    Him to act any which way he wants and I’ll just read you a little bit about um what she says about the war for this and for the war that you started two years ago also by the way hiding behind uh Christian values as if you are fighting

    Some kind of Western evil that’s interfering with our traditional bonds when all the time you are simply killing simply bombing sleeping peaceful people at night with rockets get blessed by the church you know we have seen that kind of thing over and over again Orthodox priests coming out to bless the soldiers

    Bless the Weaponry um so a strong statement from Julia today but I don’t think it is one that the majority of people in Russia will actually see Diana in Moscow for us this morning many thanks indeed well for the NATO Nations bordering Russia the threat is

    Of course very real indeed Sky News has traveled to lvia where they recently reintroduced conscription and are urging the UK to follow suit our security and defense editor Deborah Haynes has been to see the young recruits in training basic training for lvan recruits they practice how to counter an ambush with pretend

    Gunfire and even an imaginary grenade some of these trainee National Guards are part of a new program of conscription reintroduced last year to bolster laia’s defenses following Russia’s war in Ukraine this 18-year-old is a voluntary conscript I think that every man in the world need to at least try military

    Life laia will train up to 800 conscripts this year a mix of volunteers and those who are drafted they can choose to train for 11 months or stretch it out over 5 years alongside civilian Life lvia and the other Baltic states feel the threat from Russia intensely because of their shared geography it’s why they’re doing more to mobilize their people and they’re also wondering whether their NATO allies further west should be thinking about doing similar I visited our troops and laia’s foreign minister championed the merits of

    Conscription at a recent security conference it’s been all voluntary it’s not replacing the professional Army it’s augmenting the professional Army and do you think it would make a difference if Britain sort of started doing conscript for example uh I think it would make a difference if any uh European country

    And of course the larger countries it would make a bigger difference that but the UK’s defense secretary is against the idea of training up any citizen Army everyone knows that in a wartime first world war second world war scenario of course countries have to make other arrangements that’s not the position

    We’re in now we have absolutely no plans to to do that now uh and so that’s not something which is on the agenda currently yet Perhaps lessons can be drawn from Latvia where conscription is about so much more than guns and uniforms I think that the most important

    Thing is to awaken the desire to protect and defend your country to awaken the Patriots in them so that they have the courage to stand up against the enemy if needed no one here is looking for a fight they just want to be able to help the professionals should the worst

    Happen Deborah Haynes Sky News laia we was talking to the shadow defense secretary John Healey very surely here on breakfast but mari’s back with me now and Mari a lot of going on around the Ukraine situation uh in the past couple of days perhaps because of the anniversary and not least more Aid

    Being promised by the UK overnight yes exactly so we’ve still got that ongoing rout internationally when it comes to the us and whether they’re going to unlock that money or not but the UK remains uh utterly committed to supporting Ukraine and therefore today there’s been 245 million pounds that’s

    Been pledged to Ukraine that’s for artillery ammunition which is seen as really key to UK Ukraine success so the prime minister’s been speaking about this today and also speaking about the UK’s support for Ukraine in general so he said when Putin launched his in illegal Invasion two years ago the Free

    World was United in its response we stood together behind Ukraine and on this Grim anniversary we must renew our determination this is the moment to show that tyranny will never Triumph and to say once again that we will stand with Ukraine today and tomorrow we are prepared to do whatever ever it takes

    For as long as it takes until they Prevail so very strong words of support from the Prime Minister and also the leader of the opposition K starma echoing that sentiment saying no matter who is in power in this country Britain will always back Ukraine we will stand

    With them for as long as it takes to win same phrasing again as the Prime Minister because we know it is not just the future of Ukraine at stake but the future of democracy and global stability so as you can see when it comes to UK Ukraine there is massive political

    Consensus in the house less so on conflict in Israel and Gaza but when it comes to Ukraine all of the house is speaking with one voice Mari thank you very much indeed and as NATO gears up once more to face the threats that Russia poses we have a special program

    Here on skyy’s breakfast next week here’s Kate to tell us more as Putin continues to challenge the might of NATO and Trump says if you don’t pay your dues you can’t be a member of the club we joined the biggest NATO exercise since the Cold War all 31

    Countries are taking part and Sky News has been invited to come along we have access both above and below deck join us do indeed that’s from 6: a.m. on Monday morning a special program on board NATO frig NATO Armada the labor leader sakir starma has reaffirmed his unwavering support to

    Ukraine on the second anniversary of the start of its war with Russia he assured the president zalinski uh Britain the UK stood firm with Ukraine no matter who was in number 10 I’m joined Now by Labour’s Shadow defense secretary John Healey joining us from rotheram good

    Morning to you uh Mr Healey and it’s seems like labor is in lock step with the conservatives on its position regarding Ukraine that’s right I mean the UK is United for Ukraine and I’m proud labor has stood with Ukraine since day one and as Karm has said today no matter which

    Party is in power in this country Britain will always back Ukraine and we have to stand with them for as long as it takes for Ukraine to win can I ask whoever is in power in Britain supports Ukraine but how much of an impact does that really have when the

    US is reluctant to spend more money on the situation the US leadership uh has been critical in the last two years and the US supplies to support Ukraine have also been critical which is why we all alongside Ukraine want the US Congress to unblock the bipartisan support that

    Is there for this package of Ukraine support from America it’s critical but every Western Nation every freedom loving country needs to step up the support that we’re prepared to give during this third year that a fighting Ukraine faces because make no mistake despite the huge courage with which

    Ukraine has fought and the huge damage in which it’s inflicted on the Russian army Russia is far from a spent force and if it wins in Ukraine it won’t stop at Ukraine you’re right it really isn’t a spent force it seems like the Russia is once again again on the offensive you’re

    Talking about other countries stepping up the UK is one of the few that commits more than 2% of GDP to defense as per the stipulations of NATO membership but what about the others who don’t can we be pointing the finger at them for not spending enough on defense and not giving enough to

    Ukraine yes we can and by the end of this year the majority of NATO Nations will be spending at least to that 2% level it’s a minimum uh not a maximum and we have to face the fact that we have a war in Europe Uh Russian aggression is not confined to

    The battlefield in Ukraine and with the American concerns about Security in the Indo Pacific it’s clear the European nations in NATO need to do more of the heavy lifting and if we got a labor government I’ve been clear and K has been clear our first first Duty and our

    First priority will be to fulfill the UK’s obligations to Nato in full which we’ve not been doing uh it’s come down in percentage terms it’s still a huge net contributor in your opposite number grant shaps would like 3% of GDP committed to defense is that something labor would match should it form the

    Next government you know in the last last year the last Labor government in 2010 we were spending in this country 2.5% of GDP on defense that’s a level that the 14 following conservative years not got close to matching and whatever Grant shap says there’s no plan or timetable to increase defense spending

    From the conservatives um from a labor point of view we will always spend what’s required to defend the country and what’s required depends on a hard assessment of the threats we Face the capabilities we’ve got the costs um of the programs that that we have in place

    And that’s why we’ll do a full Strategic Defense review in the first year of a labor government if we win the election okay and if that strategic ref defense review suggests more is spent on it where are you going to find the money from well that’ll be a matter for us to

    Work through in government it’s very hard to make that judgment in opposition simply because the critical information we need in defense and security is of course highly classified and we don’t get access to that well look it may be classified but we’ve all seen the reports about Trident tests

    This week not exactly going according to plan and naysayers about Trident will say look it’s it’s past its best people who are perhaps even in favor of the nuclear deterrent will wonder why things aren’t working out as planned and it would be easy to assume that needs more

    Money spending on it as well what’s your view it may well do it is on in the end our ultimate uh security insurance we maintain our UK independent deterrent both to protect the UK and on behalf of NATO allies and our labor commitment to the deterrent is total uh the test fire

    Failur was certainly a concern but the defense secretary was able to reassure Parliament afterwards that it has no impact on the effectiveness of our continuous deterrent which remains fully operational and formidable let’s just finish off by coming back to Nato because of course later this year there is a US election

    And more than likely it’s going to be Donald Trump representing the Republicans and he’s made very clear what he thinks about NATO you don’t pay you don’t get the benefits of the US on your side is this all just playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands because NATO over

    The past two years does not look like the force it may have considered to have been when the war started I’m sure that Putin is following very closely the sort of statements that are coming out of the US but in the end their election just like ours is not a

    Foregone conclusion if you’re an elected politician you take nothing for granted what we do know however is that NATO has to do more and the European countries need to do more within nato in order to face the future decade of Russian aggression not just in Ukraine but beyond

    Ukraine and how can you affect positive change as you might see it of other countries those ones who are not committing the 2% necessary how can you persuade them to do that when we are living in more expensive times well I’ve been proud of the UK leadership on Ukraine over the last two

    Years the fact that we have moved first to supply helicopters main battle tanks long range artillery um systems has led others to follow suit and the fact that we have been ready to commit the military aid support to Ukraine is part of the leadership that the UK needs to continue throughout this

    Year and Beyond John Healey joining us from Rotherham this morning many thanks indeed thank you let’s have a quick look now at today’s weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by katar Airways an exceptionally warm month for February so far temperatures though are

    Back to near normal for this time of the year making it feel a bit colder this weekend it’s going to be a chilly start to this morning wherever you are with a risk of frost icy patches and some freezing fog where winds are lighter it’s going to remain windy though and

    Showery towards the southwest of the country any overnight fog patches will lift to some sunny Skies but there will be a few showers dotted around mostly affecting southern and western parts of the UK the weather sponsored by Kat Airways still to come on breakfast calls for conservative MP Lee Anderson to be

    Kicked out of the party following his remarks about London’s mayor plus the charity helping Ukrainian refugees succeed in their adopted communities Well the thing is although of course those photographs are pretty startling because it’s got no roof and no floors actually all of the masonry of the walls all the facades will still survive and we’ve had brilliant Structural Engineers look at it and work out how you you can

    Essentially reflor and re roofit so in Practical terms it’s it’s complicated and requires lots of amazing skills but it’s completely doable it’s about whether we care about much it cost and what should it be used for well so the cost of um acquiring it because as you

    Say it was left to made up people as far as we understand and of um saving what’s there are about5 million pounds and then it will be something like the same again to reof and refl it and the plan is the Hope is that it will be a building that

    Will be available to anybody to visit and to stay in as a holiday accommodation but also open regularly to the public but it’s going to be a long journey and we’re going to I run the landmark trust which is a building preservation charity and we’re trying to

    Put together the the case for saving it and we want people’s views on how they think it should be used and whether they care about it and whether they want to see it saved it costs more to save than it will be worth and it’s a work of art

    And you know it’s a bit like a painting in a gallery it’s about whether we value it and we care about it and it’s not a commercial Enterprise it’s about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we’re literally going to lose I mean the bits

    Of the corners are crashing to the floor the wonderful carvings are coming down all the time and so it’s really about deciding if we do that we care about these places and we want to save them and the amazing thing about it is it’s got a carving on it done originally in

    The 1720 by the man who built it which says may what the ages erode be restore intact and may it be it be granted that the older you are the more beautiful you are so it’s almost as if he anticipated this is what was going to happen and he was

    Sending us a message to say look after me but the thing is that you know we’ve got Grant giving bodies in this country and we’ve got individuals who care about this stuff and um we’ll be running a public fundraising campaign and if everybody who cares about it was just to

    Give a little bit we’d get the money together so it’s about it’s about people’s appetite for It Welcome back you’re watching breakfast here on Sky News there are calls this morning for Lee Anderson to be removed from the conservative party for comments he made about London’s mayor labor mayor sadik Khan uh Mari bring us up to speed on this it’s causing a bit of a Ruckus

    It is causing a bit of a row so Lee Anderson former deputy chairman of the conservative party controversial figure has been speaking in reaction really to sella bravman for her home secretary’s comment about what she said being the UK kind of being under control of islamists

    Now he said he didn’t agree with what she said but he did agree that London was UN under control of islamist he said that sadik Khan the London may had given the capital away to his mates and that essentially the the the the capital city was kind of under the control of Isam

    First of all quite incendiary comments at the best of times but second of all uh many have argued that those comments were islamophobic racist sadik Khan is a Muslim and therefore we’ve had lots of Labor MPS but actually Tor MPS or former Tor MPS as well coming out and saying

    That those comments were utterly ridiculous and also massively offensive so where streeten Shadow Health secretary has said their divisive and dangerous Sagi Javid who on the Tory benches former Home Secretary a former uh chancellor has said it was a ridiculous thing to say now speaking to London labor sources they tell me I’m

    Going to read you a short quote from a London labor source this sort of vile islamophobia is exactly how the Tories campaigned against Sadi Khan in 2016 surely they will not tolerate it this time around now been trying to get in touch with cchq seeing if there’s going

    To be any action taken so far no response now number 10 just telling me that s Rishi sunak is devoted to achieving his missions and delivering for the country but this is really a difficult moment for the conservatives because the question is if they don’t do anything about this it potentially

    Suggests that they think comments like that are absolutely fine and if that if that’s the case that’s a bit of a slippery slope for the conservatives so it’ll be interesting to see how they react to this meanwhile we’ve had a second uh Tory MP under the limel under

    Fire Liz truss former Prime Minister now she has been talking at a conservative political action conference in America she’s been talking about how the West is doomed if uh right-wing politicians don’t stand up and you know speak out for conservative values she said the rest has been run by the left for too

    Long and it’s been a complete disaster she accuses the left of weaponizing the court system pushing woke agenda in schools and weakening our essentially our image globally when it comes to our enemies now the difficult years again she’s a former prime minister but also somebody she was on air with when she

    Was speaking for this conference called Tommy Robinson a hero and she didn’t say anything she didn’t call it out so now Labour Shadow uh pay Master General Jonathan Ashworth is calling on both Liz Liz Anderson I can’t get my names out today Liz truss and Lee Anderson to both

    Have the whip removed for those separate uh very incendiary comments so we’ll bring the latest to you if we get any response from from cchq for now they haven’t got back to us Mari thank you so much indeed all these Rumblings in a year of course when many of the world’s

    Voters go to the polls things going to look very different by the end of the year okay let’s cross to the sport now Jamie’s back and uh well some interesting stuff to talk about the cricket is certainly looking very fascinating and the championship race for promotion back to the Premier League

    If you are Leicester or Leeds or uh any of the other teams behind them also hosing up yeah the business end of the championship is pretty exciting and the top two face off last night and I should have been getting to bed early to get in

    Here but I couldn’t take my eyes offo it was too good to take my eyes off and at the moment the cricket’s too good to take your eyes off a brilliant Innings from Joe rout yesterday and England have been able to add a fair few runs to

    Their total this morning and they’re now just getting in to India’s attack they just taken another Wicket recently will tell you how they’re getting on in ranche also on the way we’ll hear from both head coaches as Scotland looked to beat England in four consecutive matches

    The first time in 128 years years in the Six Nations later on today we’ve got action as Matt says from the championship as a late fight back from Leeds has given them hope of challenging leaders leester for the title at Ellen Road and news of a gritty win for Great

    Britain’s cam Nori as he continues his successful so far defense of his real open title Morning good to have you with us watching Sky news this morning with the war in Ukraine came thousands of displaced people of course official figures though show at least one in 14 Ukrainian refugees now in the UK have become homeless since June 2022 after relationships with sponsor families

    Broke down or simply ended joining me here in the studio Dereck Edwards and Anar chuk co-founders of Nadia a charity that helps match and re fre home refugees thanks so much for joining me this morning it started didn’t it 2 years ago with an outpouring of support from British people with people opening

    Their doors giving up their spare rooms often giving up a lot that they couldn’t afford to give up because they realized the importance of helping Ukrainian people then how have things since been for the last couple of years well unfortunately the support from the host the the amount of hosts reduced

    Massively uh and we haven’t had any any new sponsors for a very very long time so there is a need for ukrainians to to move into long-term housing uh and that’s what we’ve been working on since Derek before we get on to what has happening now what do you think the

    Reasons are what are you hearing from people who wanted to help but perhaps now can’t um the first problem was that um when you when somebody became a sponsor they believe there would be help to tell them how to go about it ukrainians believe the same thing they

    Believe there would be some sort of matching system and there wasn’t so sponsors on the whole sponsors have just been left to their own devices they were matched by Charities like ours so we found somebody but then it was down to them and it was the lack of support I

    Think and I’m not blaming anybody for it it it was it was a system that was brought in very very quickly so I’m not blaming anybody but that’s what it was the lack of support that they got and it was brought in quickly because I think many people believed including in

    Ukraine including even in Russia that this wouldn’t be this long it wouldn’t be two years it’ be a matter of months and then I’m sure a lot of ukrainians Anna were thinking well they would simply go back home yeah yeah unfortunately it’s not the case and the

    War is ongoing and we don’t know for how long it’s it’s going to be continuing no we don’t know and it certainly looks like it’s not going to be over anytime soon the question now is what about those 1 in4 ukrainians who have nowhere they can’t go back home as

    Much as I’m sure many of them want to what is there for them here Derek the problem that they have is the same as British people if you don’t have a um good credit you’ve got you go to an apartment you’ve got 15 people waiting alongside you for that apartment how do

    You do that with no credit whatsoever and obviously they’ve gotten on so when they’re becoming when they’re facing homelessness or they’re leaving their sponsors accommodation going into into temporary accommodation that’s where we step in and we help them because the only way they can get around it is with

    A guarantor without a guarantor they can’t find a property anywhere so we act as the guarantor we we pay deposits we pay rent up front we furnish houses for them so we basically are filling the Gap that the local authorities can’t fill local authorities by their nature they

    Won’t be guarantors there’s too much risk involved so I’m a personal guarantor for I don’t know how many families now but a lot women accessive I mean that must take its toll on you that’s a that’s a full-time job and then some the only way to do it you know we

    As as soon as we identified the problem coming and we we identified it very early in May 2022 that this was going to happen we then put a process in place of how we could help and of course like all ideas it had to evolve and it’s evolving

    All the time it is but a lot of ideas fizzle out what’s kept you at the cace as it were helping people here two years on and and committing so much with ukrainians yes that’s what it is you know you can see all the time you you

    See that the pain I work with a lot of lot of young Ukrainian volunteers you see their pain all the time the pain that’s going on at home the least I can do is what I can do in this country and that is be the guarantor personal guarant Anna Derek talked there about

    Ukrainians young ukrainians we had a story earlier on on breakfast about the number of kids having to be taught underground in places like KH because it’s just too dangerous to be above ground they are stuck in between a rock and a hard place they’re staying at home but they’re having to live underground

    And be taught underground or they’re coming here and there’s a risk of not even having a home it must be so difficult for you and the people you know and your friends back home oh yes yes it’s it’s it’s really really painful to observe every single day how how

    These kids have to have to survive really uh one of the things we’ve done recently for for the children in Ukraine we’ve done a big um books for Ukraine projects we’ve done an exchange of English books uh from our sponsor for from our partner P penguin Random House

    They gave us 500 free books and we didn’t exchange of Ukrainian books brought them back here because ukrainians here also there is a cultural genocide really because they don’t have anywhere to learn the language from they they’re switching to English most of the time so uh they don’t they don’t speak

    Ukrainian often and so that’s there’s been a massive problem and we are working on that and it’s one of our strengths as well but just to finish off despite the inevitable struggles is there still a lot of Goodwill from British people towards Ukraine people are still flying Ukrainian Flags you see

    Them outside people’s houses is that the sense you’re getting now especially with this anniversary oh yes yes this the support is is amazing and we are so so grateful to to the British people to British people for it and to the whole world really but still I feel the the

    The support is is reducing massively uh due to the election in Britain du the election in the US so I I really want to appeal to every leader of the country and uh every citizen of the country please please don’t give up on Ukraine we still need your support we still

    Really really need you to be with us give us weapons and help us defeat the the enemy of this world Russia well Anna Derek co-founders of Nadia thanks so much for coming in good luck with what you’re doing appreciate it thank you so much cheers okay next up let’s have a quick

    Look at the weather Warm memories wherever you Go the weather sponsored by Kata a W the very mild spell we’ve been having through much of February is almost at an end it’s going to feel colder this weekend it’s going to be a chilly start this morning as well with a risk of frost out there first thing icy patches

    And some freezing fog as well where winds are a bit lighter it does remain windy and showery towards the southwest of the country as you can see on the map there any of the overnight fog patches are going to lift there’ll be some sunny skies but there will be a few showers

    Dotted around too mostly affecting southern and western parts of the country the weather sponsored by Kata Airways Jamie’s back with the sport are we you join me tomorrow as well I am inde okay because I I’ll save the Liverpool Chelsea chat for The League Cup final which we might need to put

    Time aside for that we might need a whole half hour about that huge Liverpool fan very excited about that but also simultaneously nervous but let’s talk Cricket because it really is in the balance uh for England they do you know what as you know I’m not massively a cricket fan but it’s been

    Very up and down this test series is it basball to blame are they still just going out at hammer and tongs no I wouldn’t say quite hammer and Tong I mean basball is about approaching the game situation in the best way possible and I think England are doing that at

    The moment H India were digging in it looked like there wasn’t they weren’t going to find a wicket anywhere schwai bashier this 20-year-old who you might remember was denied his visa when they first came to India has since got it obviously know back in the team he’s

    Taken three of wickets so far the young 20-year-old and he is the man who’s doing the damage for England at the moment this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality getting more people more active live life with Vitality what we’re going to do is play

    A little game called fill the blank so all you’ve got to do is I’m going to read out a sentence you’re going to write down the word to fill it and we’re going to trust your spelling I’m going to help you out if you don’t know

    Probably won’t be able to but I’ll try my best so yeah just write down the word to finish the sentence the first one is playing for Manchester United is get rid of that fine I just turn think I saw right let’s have a look incredible incredible you have to got

    That right don’t worry talk to me about then about the last 10 years and how you kind of feel like you’ve developed and changed during that time um no first of all it’s you know I put down incredible because it’s one of the biggest clubs in

    The world if not the biggest um and it’s obviously a real honor to to be here for so long um you know it’s kind of my home now cuz I’ve been here so long and of course there’s been a lot lot of ups and downs but you know I’m incredibly happy

    Of you know the times I’ve had here the good times and you know for me I’m I’m very ambitious and I think there’s still a lot more you know that I want to achieve here well that leavs me not nicely on to the next one then and that

    Is the aim for this season is MHM yeah yeah just turn it around to us win the FA Cup and Champions League qualify qualifying for the Champions League how’s that changed during kind of the course of the season because obviously you’re Manchester United you must set around every year to win a

    Trophy and be competing at the top of the table I think obviously at the start of the Season that wouldn’t be our Ambitions I think of course at the start of the Season we want to win the Premier League the Champions League we want to win

    Everything um but I think at this point right now we have to be a bit more realistic on the position where we’re at so I think for for us now you know the champions league is of course a club like this has to be in the Champions

    League um and you know like I said the we’re in the FA Cup competition at the moment and yeah I think we have to be realistic and look at you know what we can achieve this season I think these two should should of course be our a

    That so my next one is hland will become come turn it around for me then hland will become one of the best one of the best I love that because he had a bit of a difficult start and when you’re so young cuz a lot of people I think forget

    How young he is and you’ve got a lot of pressure you just need a little bit of time don’t you to ease in but you must have SE him from day dot just how good he could be yeah of course but I think they of CES a lot of pressure on his on

    His shoulders I think he’s obviously young um you know at the moment there’s you know not someone in front of him so he he has to come in and hit the ground running um and I think of course it’s it’s never easy when you come come to a

    Club like this I think it’s it’s very different from others so I think sometimes people who come from different clubs maybe abroad don’t really realize that and sometimes it takes time to adapt um but I think the good thing about him is you know he wants to learn

    He wants to adapt he wants to you know push himself you know to the max every day and yeah like I said he’s he’s always wanting to learn and see what he can do to improve and I think he’s starting to you know reap the benefits

    Of of doing that and you can slowly see starting now to not come out of his shell but you see more confident you know Rasmus and you know for us that’s that’s only a good thing yeah and him and gache you’ve got a couple of young players coming through they must help

    You and push you as the more experienced players I’m not going to say older CU I um no of course I think it’s always good to see you know fresh Young Blood come through and I think for for Ghana um coming through you know the Academy I

    Think Kobe as well who’s who’s been amazing and you know they love this club and you can tell when they’re on the pitch that they give everything for for for the shirt and you know that’s what we need we need players like that yeah you’ve spoken about playing for

    Manchester United then let’s talk a bit about England and the question you’ve got is the player I most look forward to seeing on International duty is straight away there’s no hesitation with that one turn it around why is it Z I think to be honest I think if you ask

    Everyone that question from England I think everyone would say the same thing I think he’s just the best guy ever and you know I love him so I I had to pick him what makes him so great no I don’t know it’s just so hard to explain but I

    Think you just can’t not like him like he’s one of them that just you know this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by vitality still to come here on breakfast we’ll discuss the stories making news today with journalist shonah Craven and Paul Mcnam well the thing is although of course those photographs are pretty startling because it’s got no roof and no floors actually all of the masonry of the walls all the facades will still survive and we’ve had brilliant Structural Engineers look at it and work out how you can essentially refl and R

    Refit so in Practical terms it’s it’s complicated and requires lots of amazing skills but it’s completely doable it’s about whether we care how much it cost and what should it be used for well so the cost of um acquiring it because as you say it was left to made up people as

    Far as we understand and of um saving what’s there are about5 million pounds and then it will be something like the same again to re roof and reflor it and the plan is the Hope is that it will be a building that will be available to

    Anybody to visit and to stay in as a holiday accommodation but also open regularly to the public but it’s going to be a long journey and we’re going to I run the landmark trust which is a building preservation charity and we’re trying to put together the the case for

    Saving it and we want people’s views on how they think it should be used and whether they care about it and whether they want to see it saved it costs more to save than it will be worth and it’s a work of art and you know it’s a bit like

    A painting in a gallery it’s about whether we value it and we care about it and it’s not a commercial Enterprise it’s about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we’re literally going to lose I mean the bits of the corners are crashing to the floor the wonderful

    Carvings are coming down all the time and so it’s really about deciding if we do that we care about these places and we want to save them and the amazing thing about it is it’s got a carving on it done originally in the 1720s by the

    Man who built it which says may what the ages erode be restore intact and may it be it be granted that the older you are the more beautiful you are so it’s almost as if he anticipated this is what was going to happen and he was sending

    Us a message to say look after me but the thing is that you know we’ve got Grant giving bodies in this country and we’ve got individuals who care about this stuff and um we we’ll be running a public fundraising campaign and if everybody who cares about it was just to

    Give a little bit we’d get the money together so it’s about it’s about people’s appetite for It Welcome back good to have you with us here at breakfast on Sky News we’re going to have a news review now joined by Community editor and columnist at the national sha Craven and UK editor of the big issue Paul mcnam just rapidly reading those stories and Paul in the

    Last hour I didn’t give you enough time to tell us about this story in the times about the Saudi dedication to record-breaking what is really going on with this this this is this is a brilliant story The Saudis they have been trying to um clean up their reputations as a repressive state with

    With sport we’ve seen it boxing football um motor racing and now they’re doing it with record-breaking okay um and it’s not record-breaking as as as perhaps you know the world’s tallest man and so on apparently Guinness World Records will come into your nation and they will say

    Okay let’s see what we can get a record out of and through this they are getting records into the Guinness Book of Records like what well let me give you a couple of examples of the in the last year Saudi Arabia and I has the smallest floating Gulf Green in the world that’s

    One square meter I did wonder who had that to be honest I’m going to give you a couple more because these are remarkable most supplements insert it into broadsheet newspapers in one minute that’s 10 oh that’s a real one no no these are most text messages received in one hour

    19469 there is although these are ludicrous there’s a serious point because apparently um Guinness world records has got a consultancy arm that will go into other states to do this it’s done it in turkistan turkistan which is also obviously an authoritarian place uh and one of their records that

    They have had gness authenticate is the most Fountain pools in a public place unbelievable shy you got the best story in the world today on spag ball what is it well it’s it’s quite a sad story so the Daily Star are leading with mam Mia national pride takes another knock as

    Roast dinner loses its title as number one meal to spag ball so this is based on some research by um an egg company into the most popular meals for British families and I find it quite sad when you look at the list um because this is clearly a financially inspired list um I

    Don’t think it’s that spag ball has become more popular I think it’s just because it’s cheaper than roast chicken easy to make and easy and and third on the list is omelette of course it is but I mean no offense to eggs um but really that’s who doesn’t like an omelette I

    Think that’s a bit of a depressing number third I mean we’ve also got him a baked potato with cheese and beans again it’s fine but like constittution meal or is that just a microwavable easy thing to do I think the sort of notion of a number one meal implies that everyone

    Loves it and it’s their favorite but I think it’s what’s easy and affordable in these kind of difficult times oh what’s my number one possibly Pizza I don’t really cook so okay spag Ball’s easy trust me um Paul Let’s uh let’s talk about something a bit more serious um

    The roads upkeep worst in five years anybody drives or Cycles or just uses our highways will know potholes seem to be everywhere these days and no hope of them going anywhere well I mean it we we know that local authorities have got less and less money to um upkeep

    Everything and it looks like roads are one of the things that that they can’t get round to according to this RC analysis just 4,144 miles of Roads received any kind of treatment last year and that’s down almost half from 5 years before and one of the other um statistics that they

    Find was that more than a third of councils a third failed to carry out any road reserving work at all this clearly is going to get worse because we we’ve seen so many local authorities and so many councils close to bankruptcy cutting vast Wes of things that they uh

    Uh can do and roads are going to you can’t see that roads are going to be top of the list you can’t but it’s really costly I mean we talk about the cost of making meals I replace four tires in a year on my car hitting a pothole I cycle

    You hit a pothole when you’re cycling and it it can be really you need Rod stew I don’t know if you remember Rod Shir he had a problem with potholes in a Road near his house him and a couple of his Ms they got some aggregate out and

    They went and they filled the pothole themselves so we need an army of Road Stewarts to take on the pothole crisis in Britain I’m just trying to visualize what that would look like um FAS great soundtrack as well no doubt sha what have we got next um well two interesting

    Stories compare and contrast so the guardian talks about 25 years on from the film noting Hill being released how it turbocharged the area’s gentrification um so we’ve got some pictures of of scenes from the film um including uh Hugh Grant walking through the market and there’s plans at the

    Moment to uh restrict and make changes to the market which local Traders are saying we’ll completely rip the soul out of the place and and other people saying well due to people thinking oh this is a a Bohemian and a nice place to live they’ve moved in and then changed the

    The the character of the area so it’s quite interesting to to reflect on that in relation to one day on Netflix attracting instagrammers to take photos at locations good thank you both very much indeed prefer to Love Actually myself uh we’ll be back with all the day’s top stories after this short Break Good morning it is 9:00 on breakfast today exactly 2 years since Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine we look at how the resolve to keep fighting is being tested we’ll look at what Ukraine needs and the new humanitarian and Military pledges from the UK this morning and after Joe Root’s spectacular Century

    Yesterday can England’s Bowlers now take some wickets in a bid to level their test Series against India it is Saturday the 24th of February Western nations in a show of unity for Ukraine but fears that resolve is weakening as Ukraine supplies dwindle if we give in the idea that one

    Country can invade another with impunity then we will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate as the war with Russia enters its third year foreign leaders are expected here in the Ukrainian capital keev in a marked display of solidarity and with Ukraine outnumbered

    And outgunned Russia continues to make incremental gains in the East especially around adiva B bom bom we’re also in in NATO countries neighboring Russia reintroducing conscription and urging Britain to do the same also ahead Junior doctors begin their 5-day walkout the 10th inside a year and in sport we look ahead this

    Afternoon’s Kolkata cup in the Six Nations Scotland aiming to beat England for the fourth time in a row for the first time since 1896 we’ll have a Kolkata Cup winner with us this hour needless to say one who doesn’t remember 1896 morning good to have you company here with us on Sky news this morning it has been two years exactly since Russia illegally invaded Ukraine Vladimir Putin likely hadn’t counted on the unanimous resolve of the West to Aid Ukraine in its fight back but now two years on that

    Resolve is being tested as Ukraine runs dangerously low on ammunition and supplies meanwhile Russia’s staying power appears to be giving it the edge mark Stone reports from the UN in New York portug outside the Chamber of the United Nations security Council this was the image they needed to present a show

    Of unity two years since Russia invaded Ukraine I would like to thank all uh Nations standing by Ukraine physically right now the Security Council is called to order in the chamber blunt language from David Cameron his first time here as foreign secretary but with a confidence

    That seemed to hold the room if we give into the idea that one country can invade another with impunity then we will be left in a dreadful situation where any country could face a similar fate but behind the show of unity there is a problem and it is here in America

    The partisan divide spelled out in Washington by a frustrated American president House of Representatives must pass the bipartisan National Security bill the bill provides urgent funding for Ukraine and it passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and there’s no question none none if the speaker call for vote in the house would pass easily today

    Instead they want a vacation it is months since America agreed to send weapons to Ukraine held up by a trumpian wing of the Republican Party who questioned the point of it all and Sky News has seen firsthand this week in Ukraine how they are literally running out of weapons and

    Ammunition how do you persuade an increasingly disengaged America that things like Ukraine matter and if you can’t what then I think we can help to persuade Americans that this matters if we somehow let Putin eek out a win here of course that’s bad for European security of course it’s disastrous for

    Ukraine’s security but it’s also bad for America’s security it’s striking that two years after the invasion of Ukraine the message here at the United Nations has not been to Russia but to America Europe trying to persuade a nation that usually leads that it needs to again collectively over the past two years

    They have avoided the worst case a much wider War has been feared many times but how many of them would have predicted that Putin would now have the upper hand markstone Sky News in New York in a moment we’ll hear from Diana magne in Moscow and Deborah Haynes on the

    Lithuanian border with Russia but first let’s cross to John Sparks who’s in ke for us this morning and John two years on and no sign that this war is going to end as quickly as people first thoughts yeah that’s right Matt I mean if you go back to the first anniversary

    I think there was some satisfaction here this country had survived that opening Onslaught from uh the Russians and they were they were think thinking and planning for a major counter offensive a counter offensive which failed ultimately the second anniversary I think the Outlook is much gloomier you can certainly you certainly can’t get

    Away from the war I mean here in the center of keave you can see the remnants of Russian military vehicles a sort of open air museum piece here but a reminder of what this country has been through and what it is going through and here’s another reminder the Russians

    Fired 42 drones and missiles overnight eight of those uh weapons got through the remnants of one crashed into an apartment building in adessa another drone hit an apartment block not a military Target an apartment block into nepro killing two the governor quoted saying we’ll pick through the rubble

    Until everybody is accounted for and that really says something about the Russian strategy here isn’t it it’s not it’s not just about exhausting the Ukrainian military it’s about exhausting the Ukrainian people the Ukrainian Nation but you know Ukraine does have friends some of them are here today the

    Prime ministers of Canada Belgium Italy the president of the EU commission they will be here today in a sign of solidarity they are going to go over at some point today over to the wall of remembrance here on MVA Square where they will make that they will make that

    Solidarity real in a in a very public display but you know what they have to be careful right this city this country is is at War the sirens could go off the sirens inevitably will go off this is a country at War but I’m I’m sure Ukrainian people will be glad that they

    Are here particularly today John many thanks indeed let’s get the point of view in the Russian Capital Moscow now our correspondent Diana magn is there this morning and what’s the atmosphere where you are Diana regarding the invasion well yesterday was defender of the Fatherland day which two years ago

    Uh Putin used as his sort of moment then to launch The Invasion and that Spirit of patriotism which he has done so well to cultivate over his uh 24 years in power continues to burn pretty bright and I think you know if you look at all

    The papers today it’s not as if they’re all going two years since this War Began um you know Grand headlines where are we no it’s it’s almost as though it’s taken for red we must continue we are pursuing a path of Truth and Justice that’s what uh Vladimir Putin said his soldiers were

    Fighting for yesterday um and I think that he has the country largely behind him three weeks ahead of Elections let’s not forget about that and irrespective of alexe nal’s death uh a week ago today up in the far north um I think that there is a hardcore 15% say of people

    Who are staunchly for the war a hardcore of people who are staunchly against it and those in the middle who prefer to uh who would like it to be over but basically think if we’re in it we might as well win it and For Whom The Narrative that Russia is under attack

    That this is a question of Defending Russia’s sovereignty protecting people in at the east of Ukraine all of those narratives still hold true even so you mentioned alexe Nali there Diana and his wife his widow ulia has now weighed in on Russia’s invasion she has and that is because uh

    The authorities in the far north continue to refuse to give uh lud Miller Alexa’s mother the body and last night issued an ultimatum saying either she had to uh say that she would allow him to be buried secretly or they would just bury him in the prison Colony without

    Anyone being able to attend and so today Julia has issued a long uh video statement her second now on YouTube and it’s really just to say that Putin’s Christianity his orthod Ox faith is a sham he does not live by the values uh that a Christian man should and she says

    That naal did and it is an utter disgrace uh inhuman not to treat the body of a dead person um with respect uh and I think that is a powerful message to a lot of people who do kind of admire uh Vladimir Putin’s Orthodoxy which he’s also used alongside patriotism over the

    Course of his rule uh to Greater effect um and she says at the end of that video you know he pretends that this was uh done to defend Christian values but it wasn’t at all let’s just take a listen to what she said is you will answer for this and the war

    You started two years ago also hiding behind values of Christianity that you’re fighting some Western evil that interferes with our Traditional Values but you just kill you just bomb sleeping civilians at night with church consecrated missiles give us the body of my husband we just want a funeral service and to

    Bury him in a humane way in the ground as is C in Orthodoxy release Alex’s body without conditions so so far Vladimir Putin has still made no comment on um the whereabouts of the body uh or on his death um and I expect that to continue I

    Think that he is flush with confidence after the victory and have IA he knows that the West is faltering and he is more than happy to see the back of his biggest political rival Diana many thanks for joining us from Moscow this morning let’s cross now to the baltics

    Our security and defense editor Deborah Haynes is there for us this morning on the Lithuanian border with Russia’s kenrad good morning to you Deborah we know the Baltic states Lithuania lvia Estonia are nervous about what’s going on also Norway and Finland bordering Russia as well what’s your sense of it

    Yes well we’ve been traveling through the Baltic states for the past week like just behind me actually just to explain where I am that’s the border with kaliningrad which is this heavily fortified Russian Enclave that borders not just Lithuania but also Poland and is viewed by NATO commanders as a

    Potential flash point in any war with Russia there’s a a strip of land called the salki gap which also borders bellus and the thinking or the worry amongst NATO is that if there were to be a confrontation with Russia if Russia were to seize that strip of land it could

    Effectively cut off the Baltic States from the rest of its NATO allies and it’s that kind of worry that is really running through these three countries they have mobilized they were already at a high state of Readiness given their aggressive neighbor but since Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine they’ve

    Mobilized their people in a way that just hasn’t really been seen in most of the rest of NATO they’ve they’ve recently announced this plan to create a defensive line across their shared borders with Russia uh for example in Estonia they’re going to be Building 600 bunkers to try to make it much harder

    For Russia to advance they look at what’s happened in Ukraine and they realize that they cannot let Russia take one inch of their territory because Russia has shown very clearly that once its forces invade it’s very very difficult to push them out I’ve been speaking I’ve been to Lan I’ve been

    Speaking to the lvan foreign minister and he has talked about how that country has reintroduced conscription and he’s also said that it would actually make quite a big difference if other NATO countries like the UK maybe thought about doing similar here’s my report basic training for lvan recruits

    They practice how to counter an ambush with pretend gunfire and even an imaginary grenade some of these trainee National Guards are part of a new program of conscription reintroduced last year to bolster laia’s defenses following Russia’s war in Ukraine this 18-year-old is a voluntary conscript I think that every man in the

    World need to at least try military life laia will train up to 800 conscripts this year a mix of volunteers and those who are drafted they can choose to train for 11 months or stretch it out over five years alongside civilian life laia and the other Baltic states

    Feel the threat from Russia intensely because of their shared geography it’s why they’re doing more to mobilize their people and they’re also wondering whether their NATO allies further west should be thinking about doing similar I visited our troops and laia’s foreign minister championed the merits of conscription at a recent security

    Conference it’s been all voluntary it’s not replacing the professional Army it’s augmenting the professional Army and do you think it would make a difference if Britain sort of started doing conscript for example uh I think it would make a difference if any uh European country and of course the

    Larger countries it would make a bigger difference but the UK’s defense secretary is against the idea of training up any citizen Army everyone knows that in a wartime first world war second world war scenario of course countries have to make other arrangements that’s not the position

    We’re in now we have absolutely no plans to to do that now uh and so that’s not something which is on the agenda currently yet Perhaps lessons can be drawn from lva where conscription is about so much more than guns and uniforms I think that the most important

    Thing is to awaken the desire to protect and defend your country to awaken the Patriots in them so that they have the courage to stand up against the enemy if needed no one here is looking for a fight they just want to be able to help the professionals should the worst

    Happen it’s understandable why maybe Britain would be a bit reluctant about reintroducing conscription it would be incredibly expensive but it could perhaps look at the example of Estonia another U Baltic state where they are um mobilizing their people to volunteer to train to become uh soldiers or learn

    Soldiering skills so that that in the event of any kind of attack they would just have a more resourceful public that could respond Deborah on the uh border with kenrad many thanks indeed and developments regarding Ukraine here overnight in the UK Mar’s join me to

    Give us the latest what’s going on so uh we know that the UK government has pledged a new 245 million pound pledge for Ukraine uh for Aid to Ukraine specifically artillery ammunition and this is considered to be uh really key to Ukraine’s success on the battlefield uh so Grant shaps the defense secretary

    Has also said that Ukraine can’t win without that kind of support and without the support from the International Community and this is the kind of support he’s talking about now the prime minister’s been speaking today on the anniversary obviously the two anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine

    And he said when Putin launched his illegal Invasion two years ago the Free World was United in its response we stood together behind Ukraine and on this Grim anniversary we must renew our determination this is the moment to show that tyranny will never Triumph and to

    Say once again that we will stand with Ukraine today and tomorrow we are prepared to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes until they Prevail and the labor leader K dama has been saying similar words to that effect as well as basically trying to explain that no

    Matter who is in charge after a general election in the UK Ukraine support will not waver you were speaking to the shadow defense SE John Healey just early on the program and he was talking to you about NATO funding and about essentially European nations within NATO needing to

    Make sure that they were doing enough heavy lifting by the end of this year the majority of NATO Nations will be spending at least to that 2% level it’s a minimum uh not a maximum and we have to face the fact that we have a war in Europe Uh Russian aggression is not

    Confined to the battle field in Ukraine and with the American concerns about Security in the indopacific it’s clear the European nations in NATO need to do more of the heavy lifting see he’s referring really to the situation in Taiwan and we know that lots of hawkish MPS here in Westminster

    Are still very concerned about China’s Ambitions when it comes to Taiwan so I think that is exactly what he’s referring to now interestingly we know you were asking him about Nat funding you were saying you know you want to talk big talk about NATO funding but if

    Your review was to find that you wanted you needed to spend more on defense where would you find the money and the classic politician answer was we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it so no clarity as to exactly where lab would find the money if they were to really

    Boost defense spending but defense spending is always a massive debate in Parliament I mean ever since I’ve been covering uh parliament in the lobby defense spending is always a huge fight and is always is a topic of conversation you’ll get upair after upair in newspapers calling for more defense

    Spending always calling for more defense spending but the question is where do you find the money it’s a legitimate answer as well because whoever’s in opposition they don’t get to look at the books until they are running the show especially when it comes to things as important and as secretive as security

    Mari thanks very much indeed for now but as NATO does gear up to face the threat of Russia and those countries are asked to step up and give more of their budgets towards Ukraine we’ve got a special program on Sky News breakfast next week related to all of it here’s

    Kate to tell us more as Putin continues to challenge the might of NATO and Trump says if you don’t pay your dues you can’t be a member of the club we joined the biggest NATO exercise since the Cold War all 31 countries are taking part and

    Sky News has been invited to come along we have access both above and below deck join us windy old day when K shot that of course uh hopefully not too bad on Monday tune in from six for that special program on Monday aboard a NATO frigate back to today let’s take a look

    At the weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by kataar Airways it’s been a mile February but as we get towards the end of the month temperatures are dropping back down again to near normal making it feel pretty cold uh this weekend it’s going

    To be a chilly start today with the risk of frost and I see patches lingering around some freezing fog as well where winds have been a bit lighter it does remain windy and showery towards the Southwest though any overnight fog patches are going to lift to see some

    Sunny skies out there but there will be a few showers dotted around these will mostly affect southern and western parts of the UK the weather sponsored by katar Airways coming up here on breakfast calls for conservative MP Lee Anderson to be kicked out of the party following remarks he made about Labour’s London

    Mayor and listen up do you have what it takes to be an official Taylor Swift advisor my kids do and the VNA museum is Hiring I’m Katie Spencer and I’m Sky news’s arts and entertainment correspondence when you think of glenury it’s Ms you want and music they’re going to cross to us live in a minut thank you so much Brad Pit is now a prolific producer behind the scenes it’s not a

    Mystery to me we always were capable of doing this oh they wonderful children as an audience who did that Maverick here on the red carpet I’m sor EXC something this is the story of the night and it’s a little independent film that could we take you to the heart

    Of the stories that shape our world nor have I ever struck any woman in my life there’s this illusion of Power are you feeling will I remember covering the Oscars and that now Infamous moment the Will Smith slap nobody could quite believe that it’s happened you can tell

    From these crowds just how excited people are for the return of chist these actors playing the lead roles were born long after the Sex Pistols broke up are you pleased that you did say yes to the job I’ve never regretted it as a team we’ve interviewed some of the biggest

    Stars in the world it can be incredibly surreal being swept up in their world but we try to give you an honest sense of how these people really are okay I’ll talk to you don’t leave me yeah okay there’s no easy goodies there’s no easy baddies I’ve had a great time here thank

    You thank you bye [Applause] [Applause] Welcome back now there are calls for Lee Anderson to be removed from the conservative party for comments he made about the London mayor sadik Khan a lot of conservatives really likly Anderson like his straight talking style each from a red wall uh part of the country of course but what’s uh what’s Happening

    Here Mari what’s the story so Lee Anderson uh former deputy chairman of the conservative party has been uh talking about London in re in reaction to to an article written by um former Home Secretary swell bravman where she was saying the UK is being kind of controlled by islamists now he said I

    Don’t agree with her but I think London is being controlled by islamists and he basically went on to say sadique Khan mayor of London was giving away uh the city of London to his mates and the islamists had the control of not only London but sadik Khan himself as well

    Now many have said these comments were not just incend but islamophobic and racist uh labors Shadow Health secretary where streeting has called it dangerous and divisive as well as saying it was racist and islamophobic and many other front uh facing politicians um especially from the labor front benches

    Like Analise Dodge Jonathan Ashworth all coming out and saying the same now even on the conservative benches sa Javid a very prominent uh MP he said that it was a ridiculous thing to say and he’s tweeted that out the difficulty is Lee Anderson’s brand is to be controversial

    To say things that people don’t really like but that maybe is slightly true his nickname is 30p Lee because he insists you can make a meal for 30p and people need to just essentially get a bit more inventive in the kitchen when it comes to feeding themselves on a budget so he

    Is a controversial character but many I think believe that this has crossed the line into discriminatory language Sadi Khan is a Muslim and therefore comments like this would be considered extremely painful and extremely offensive so now Jonathan Ashworth uh Shadow pay Master General for the labor party has written

    A letter to uh Rishi sunak to ask him to withdraw the whip so essentially to kick Lee Anderson out of the party and in that letter he also asks he also asked rishy sunak to kick out Liz truss from the party and that’s because she’s been making some quite controversial comments

    In the USA so she’s been speaking at the conservative political action conference and essentially she’s kind of been talking about how the leftist to blame for a lot of the woses in the west they’ve been criminalizing the court system promoting a woke agenda in schools lots of different accusations

    Flying around from her comments but what one of the things not just her comments about the left but also about the Deep State and and newspapers like the financial times being a part of it are considered to be some would say conspiracy theories so the labor party the libdems have said she’s pedling

    Conspiracy theories which is very damaging to UK democracy but also there was a comment made by someone she was next to on a panel and they called Tommy Robinson a hero and she did nothing to call that out she didn’t say anything she just reacted and agreed with the uh

    Commentator on some of his other comments and many are saying the fact that she didn’t stand up and say anything about those comments means that she must think Tommy Robinson is a hero in which case it gives that impression anyway in which case she should be

    Expelled from the party so labor is now also calling for her to be kicked out of the party interesting Mari especially what you said about branding there given the veiling mood and the look of the polls we may well see a lot of politicians building their personal

    Brand in what could be a year of change wherever that happen and then mp on a tiny majority has very little to lose absolutely Mari thank you very much indeed to the rest of the news now and Junior doctors have begun a 5day strike today it is their 10th walk out in the

    Space of a year they blame the government for failing to put forward a better pay offer in that time but the health secretary has said that Junior doctors have their own part to play play in resolving the dispute Donald Trump has said that he supports the availability of IVF

    Treatment joining a growing number of Republicans seeking to distance themselves from an Alabama Court ruling the state’s Top Court ruled last week that Frozen embryos have the same rights as children and people can be held liable for destroying them at least three clinics then paused IVF treatment in the wake of the

    Ruling the ministry of Defense has confirmed that a German World War II bomb that forced thousands to evacuate in Plymouth has been detonated safely at Sea it was discovered on Tuesday in Cent Michael Avenue in the Kim area of the city around 30 the most experienced bomb disposal Specialists carefully worked

    Since then to assess the condition of the device and then remove it okay Jamie is here with the sport not my strong point I’ll freely admit but I do know the Six Nations is a big deal and I do know it’s a big weekend in that

    Big deal of the six Nation it’s one of the most exciting days of the year in the Six Nations mind you when you’re an irishrugby fan at the moment every six nations stays pretty exciting because we’re very very good at the moment um as for the cricket got one eye on that as

    Well England um are trying to hit back in their test Series against India in Ranchi we’ll bring you the latest from that one they’re rattling through the wickets at the moment we’ll tell you how that one is going Plus on the way action from the championship a great

    Fight bat from Leeds giving them fresh hope of challenging leaders leester for the title at Ellen Road news of a gritty win for Britain’s cam Nori as he continues his defense of his Rio open title and yes as Matt says Scotland looking for a fourth successive Kolkata

    Cup win over England this afternoon I will be speaking live to a man who knows just how to do that former Scotland International Scott Hastings on the way Welcome back good to have your company here on breakfast on Sky News Jamie’s with me to talk sport massive weekend so much football on and testing in the formula one but also rugby I know you’re most excited about that with the Six Nations big Clash uh as well between

    England and Scotland a couple of big clashes today because first up we’ve got Ireland against Wales in Dublin and it is the end of an a it’s the last time you’ll ever see something in an Ireland Wales game do you know what that is you’re putting me on the spot here now

    Um I don’t know rugby ball it is the last time Ireland and Wales will ever play in green and red respectively why because there have been calls for many many years now from the color blind community that apparently green and red are real Clash and they have a big problem when

    Ireland are playing well so from now on there’ll be one team wearing an away away kit on one team wearing their home so it needs to be dark and light as opposed to colors that are similar tone apparently I mean if you are color blind and you’re watching Aron Wells today in

    Green and red I’ll tell you can tell the sides of part the one scoring all the tries that’s Ireland so and that’s all that’s all you need to know for he’s good isn’t he um following Wales against Ireland today in Dublin it’s the big one Scotland going for a fourth successive

    Kolkata cup win over England for the first time since 1896 at mfield and I’m delighted to say we can now speak to a Scottish rugby Legend a man who knows what it’s like to both win and lose the Kolkata cup um good morning to you Scott Hastings good

    Morning Jimmy yeah lots of excitement in the capital today I played in 10 of these fixtures Jamie and they are the most extraordinary hype game you can ever imagine the old enemy 1879 was the first kakura cup game but I think Scotland supporters are expecting a win today which is very

    Unusual in this fixture well Scott before we get to today’s game I just want to take you back 38 years the 15th of February 1986 a skinny 21-year-old Scott Hastings playing in his very first Kolkata Cup scores the final try of the game Big Brother also playing in his

    First Kolkata cup knocks over the conversion it means a 33 six win to this day still Scotland’s record win against England what did that feel like yeah it was extraordinary I I went to school here Jamie and edin and the the kuta cup used to get brought round the school and

    All the boy we all got to hold the cup um it was one of my first games of rugby I ever attended um it it was always an amazing occasion so to actually play 1986 good this me yes my brother Gavin alongside me a record score scoring my

    First try for Scotland I think that’s what embeds you within the game and this is what means so much that um the history the the culture the Rivalry the old enemy it’s just all wrapped up into one and and I must say it just brings a special excitement every time it comes

    Around whether that be game is in Twickenham or at murfield and uh I can’t wait for this afternoon it’s going to be a great atmosphere 445 kickoff and it is something very very special I always say to people when you’re outside looking in as a supporter it’s an amazing

    Experience but when you’re actually on the pitch inside looking out for me you can touch that atmosphere and what an atmosphere it’s going to be today at murfield I can already sense Scott just chatting to you that there’s a real Buzz about Edinburgh this week but this

    Scottish side perhaps fueled by a sense of Injustice with the way that it finished against France a fortnite ago they’re going to have the bit between their teeth come kickoff today aren’t they absolutely they’re going to go for a bounce back a TMO decision went against Scotland I felt that Scotland

    Could have maybe scored outout wider on that last play of the game to win the game against France however um it wasn’t to be England come in with a lot of confidence um not playing great rugby but still two wins from Two and they’ve made H what six changes in their team fa

    Bank at fullback will certainly be tested today by Finn Russell but the big talking point Jamie is whilst the packs are very very even Felix Jones uh England have been working on a defensive pattern that puts pressure on Scotland’s wide attacking game plan so it’s whether Finn Russell the Scotland co- Captain

    Can unlock that England defense and cause disruption within it but undoubtedly there are matches across this uh both the teams which are absolutely fabulous which makes it so mouthwatering in this particular game but Scotland of course are going for their fourth win in a trot with the

    Kakara cup and uh it’s going to be fascinating to see if they can deliver the the crowd expects I think the whole of Edinburgh and Scotland expects but England certainly come L with Jimmy George firing on all cylinders as well that expectation is extraordinary and

    You know it’s an exciting time to be a Scottish rugby fan they play a really exciting brand of rugby how much would you like to have played alongside the likes of Finn Russell C tto Doan Vander MVA I mean there’s so many game changers in that backline well they are um I I

    Just love the eii played in I’m not going to take anything away from from this team I think this team are playing some of the most dynamic rugby ever uh I won grand slams with Scotland um I I you know I I I I played in 10 of these

    Fixtures I only won twice against England Drew one lost the rest the fact that Scotland are going in with confidence and and and as I said chasing this fourth uh fourth win on the Trot would be absolutely extraordinary but you know Finn Russell’s the Talisman without any Shadow of Doubt England will

    Look to close him down but at the same time you know the likes of Hugh Jones Doan vaner out while K Kyle Spain um you know it’s absolutely there are a Dynamic attacking team Scotland they will have parity up front I believe they’ve got their own in the scrum they can hold

    This English pack but at the end of the day it’s the tension that is created within this fixture that puts each team and the players under pressure and it’s going to be fascinating I just love the fact that Danny K today at the age of 37

    He’s winning his 99th cap is still at the helm of English rugby and and and that experience with George Ford for example controlling things the matchups and heads up are absolutely fascinating and and and without any Shadow doubt because and I can’t get over to your viewers how special this Kolkata cup is

    It’s just it’s extraordinary atmosphere and with a 445 kickoff I’m sure people will have had a fair bit to drink as they head down to murfield stadium and just very finally Scott because I know you’re on the way out the do very quickly the early kickoff today irand

    Wales it’s going to be a stroll in the park for the defending Grand Slam champions isn’t it well you’re very confident you know Wheels have surprised everybody you know they they they’ve got this young team they’re not afraid anymore and that’s the beauty but winning is everything in the Six Nations

    But seriously Andy Farrell has this Ireland team absolutely purring they know each other inside out I think it’s going to be an Irish Victory they’re on their way to a grand slam but who knows what might happen International Rugby especially the Six Nations always throws up one surprise and maybe today is that

    Surprise Jimmy maybe that is the surprise today who knows fingers crossed Scott thanks very much and obviously with the surname we you can tell I’m completely impartial this afternoon well done all the best nice CH to you so that’s the Six Nations let’s take a look at the rest of this morning’s

    Sport this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality getting more people more active live life with [Applause] vitality what we’re going to do is play a little game called fill the blank so all you’ve got to do is I’m going to read out a

    Sentence you’re going to write down the word to fill it in we’re going to trust your spelling I’m going to help you out if you don’t know probably won’t be able to but I’ll try my best so yeah just write down the word to finish the sentence the first one is playing for

    Manchester United is just get rid of that it’s fine I just turn I think I start right let’s have a look incredible incredible you have to start that right don’t worry talk to me then about the last 10 years and how you kind of feel like you’ve developed and changed

    During that time um no first of all it’s you know I put down incredible because it’s one of the biggest clubs in the world if not the biggest um and it’s obviously a real honor to to be here for so long um you know it’s kind of my home

    Now cuz I’ve been here so long and of course there’s been a lot lot of ups and downs but you know I’m incredibly happy of you know the times I’ve had here the good times and you know for me I’m I’m very ambitious and I think there’s still

    A lot more you know that I want to achieve here well that leads me nicely on to the next one then and that is the aim for this season is MHM yeah yeah just turn it around to us win the FA Cup and Champions League qualify qualifying for the Champions

    League how’s that changed during kind of the course of the season because obviously you’re Manchester United you must set around every year to win a trophy and be competing at the top of the I think obviously at the start of the Season that wouldn’t be our Ambitions I think

    Of course at the start of the Season we want to win the Premier League the Champions League we want to win everything um but I think at this point right now we have to be a bit more realistic on the position where we’re at

    So I think for for us now you know the champions league is of course a club like this has to be in the Champions League um and you know like I said the we’re in the FA Cup competition at the moment and yeah I think we have to be

    Realistic and look at you know what we can achieve this season I think these two should should of course be our a that so my next one is hland will become turn it around for me then holand will become one of the best one of the

    Best I love that because he had a bit of a difficult start and when you’re so young cuz a lot of people I think forget how young he is and you’ve got a lot of pressure you just need a little bit of time don’t you to ease in but you must

    Have seen from day dot just how good he could be yeah of course but I think there of course is’s a lot of pressure on his on his shoulders I think he’s obviously young um you know at the moment there’s you know not someone in

    Front of him so he he has to come in and hit the ground running um and I think of course it’s it’s never easy when you come come to a club like this I think it’s it’s very different from others so I think sometimes people who come from different clubs maybe abroad don’t

    Really realize that and sometimes it takes time to adapt um but I think the good thing about him is you know he wants to learn he wants to adapt he wants to you know push himself you know to the max every day and yeah like I said he’s he’s always wanting to learn

    And see what he can do to improve and I think he’s starting to you know re the benefits of of doing that and you can slowly see he’s starting now to not come out of his shell but you see more confident you know Rasmus and you know

    For us that’s that’s only a good thing yeah and him and gache you’ve got a couple of young players coming through they must help you and push you as the more experienced players I’m not going to say older cuz none of you am I old um

    No of course I think it’s always good to see you know fresh young blood come through and I think for for Ghana um coming through you know the Academy I think Kobe as well who’s who’s been amazing and you know they love this club and this Sky News sports bulletin is

    Brought to you by [Applause] Vitality still to come here on breakfast the quick step sber or Cha Cha Cha how high Tempo activity can actually cut the risk of cancer with strictly dancing Legend Dame Arlene Phillips and listen you have what it takes to be an official Taylor Swift

    Advisor the VNA museum is Hiring well the thing is although of course those photographs are pretty startling because it’s got no roof and no floor it’s actually all of the masonry of the walls all the facades or still survive and we’ve had brilliant Structural Engineers look at it and work out how

    You can essentially reflor and Reit so in Practical terms it’s it’s complicated and requires lots of amazing skills but it’s completely doable it’s about whether we care about much it cost and what should it be used for well so the cost cost of um acquiring it because as

    You say it was left to made up people as far as we understand and of um saving what’s there are about5 million pounds and then it will be something like the same again to re roof and refl it and the plan is the Hope is that it will be

    A building that will be available to anybody to visit and to stay in as a holiday accommodation but also open regularly to the public but it’s going to be a long journey and we’re going to I run the landmark trust which is a building preservation charity and we’re

    Trying to put together the the case for saving it and we want people’s views on how they think it should be used and whether they care about it and whether they want to see it saved it costs more to save than it will be worth and it’s a

    Work of art and you know it’s a bit like a painting in a gallery it’s about whether we value it and we care about it and it’s not a commercial Enterprise it’s about something beautiful and important that was created by our ancestors that we’re literally going to

    Lose I mean the bits of the Corners are crashing to the floor the wonderful carvings are coming down all the time and so it’s really about deciding if we do that we care about these places and we want to save them and the amazing thing about it is it’s got a carving on

    It done originally in the 1720s by the man who built it which says may what the ages erode be restore intact and may it be it be granted that the older you are the more beautiful you are so it’s almost as if he anticipated this is what

    Was going to happen and he was sending us a message to say look after me but the thing is that you know we’ve got Grant giving bodies in this country and we’ve got individuals who care about this stuff and um we’ll be running a public fundraising campaign and if

    Everybody who cares about it was just to give a little bit we’d get the money together so it’s about it’s about people’s appetite for it Welcome back good to have you with us uh breakfast here on Sky News now listen up swifties the VNA museum is looking for an official Taylor Swift Super Fan to fill a blank space that’s a Taylor Swift song uh a job in fact they want someone

    Who is an expert on the singer here to tell us their thoughts on the role is Media industry commentator and all around expert on these kind of things Mark Bowski here we are Mark two middle-aged white men talking about Taylor Swift are you a Swifty um I certainly can’t ignore the

    Phenomenon um I’m a boomer so um I think my musical tastes are rooted in that era but you you’ve got to hand it to her this is a global phenomenon and the mere fact we’re talking about it and the VNA using it uh just shows how successful this conversation about the VNA is

    Because represent sorry to interrupt who does this represent in terms of the best branding exercise Taylor Swift or the VNA well I I I guess it’s a difficult territory to to tread for the VNA um they’re a melum um they’ve got to reflect sort of contemporary issues

    They’ve got to actually continue to find a new audience and from a cynical op commentator who’s been looking at these things for a while th this this smells unfortunately I hate to be that cynic a bit of a publicity stunt because this is this has made Global News and people are

    Saying is a crash attempt to Panda to the masses or a or a brilliant maneuver to capture the Zeitgeist or you know and I think perhaps is a desperate plea of relevance you know if if we have to turn to a Swifty to help the VNA be more on

    The cultural zit gist what does that say about their existing uh academics and creators who have who fulfilled probably an exacting career to get to that point um but it it does it does say something that the VNA one of the greatest cultural institutions in the world are

    Looking at you know Taylor Swift as something of a phenomenon and an icon that is relevant and Swift Mark not just T Swift Lego Crocs and that kind of thing but listen I do know some swifties because I’ve got two daughters at secondary school and they strong armed

    Me and their mom to buy tickets to see her in June in anfield so I’m going to go and see her for the second time in my life by the way so I asked my eldest what do you think about this she said I think it’s a good way to promote Taylor

    And her power but also a reminder of how dominating her influence is on not just music but other other parts of the job industry with an answer that bod welfare GCS but also makes a point they’re playing to a market that’s what the vna’s got to serve and if it means

    14year olds like my eldest know about the VNA now then it’s done the job agreed I you know and I think that that wisdom from your daughter is is to be applauded yeah I I I totally agree that this is getting Museum and the VNA talked about and it will undoubtedly

    Provoke people to walk through those doors and make it a living institution so all that is is great but as you said you know for for popular culture whether it’s on bands Crocs or Lego I would have thought that they would have people in there so therefore this is a genius

    Publicity exercise to generate conversations 9:45 on a Saturday morning well it worked mark thank you very much indeed any cynicism they’re going to have to shake it off of course if I can exhaust my yeah sorry about that exhaust my Swifty song knowledge okay next up three and a half minutes of vigorous

    Exercise such as fast dancing can significantly reduce the risk of cancer who better to talk to about this and someone who knows quite a lot about dancing Dame arene Phillips joins us now arene lovely to see you thanks so much for for joining us tell us more then

    Because doesn’t sound like a lot of dancing doesn’t sound like a lot of movement but it can have a big impact a huge impact as even come walking people say I can’t dance and I say your walking can quickly develop into dance just set it to music and you’re dancing um I

    Think this is incredible um it’s cancer prevention action week and there has been a massive amount of research done that cancer can be prevented particularly breast cancer colon cancer endometrial by moving minimum three and a half minutes a day and actually doing it in short bursts just taking three or

    Four burst of three of three and a half minutes and it’s incredible to think that by eating well and moving that cancer is preventable we we we’ve never discussed this before it’s now open you can do something to help it’s vital that people take this advice I like the moving to music the

    Walking to music idea arene get Saturday Night Fever on your earphones Johns revolter down the street and that should do the trick right maybe there’s something in that maybe it’s the feel-good element to dancing as well because it gives you a healthy mind and therefore healthy body follows yeah there something about connecting

    Movement and music that inevitably helps you express your mood and that really can be any mood because even lyrical dance where you move slowly to the music you just let the music invade your body and use your body in any way you can can is dance is exercise and to think that

    You can walk you can put your little airpods in and just walk and walk with a swing and an energy everything helps diet helps too what you know what you need to do fall in love with healthy foods it just goes a long way to everything you can do in life to Future

    Your own future and make it happen Al I I love it inevitably people will hear us talking you are a dancing Legend a strictly Legend of course but their minds will turn to Len Goodman who sadly died from prostate cancer at the age of 78 and Len

    Of course danced all his life it’s not a Panacea it’s not a silver bullet but I’m sure you miss him like many strictly fans do as well I miss him absolutely dreadfully and the truth is we lost Robin Windsor this week um and it’s very it’s very very hard and you

    Know me whether it’s mental or physical we need to try to stay alert to how we can help ourselves that’s important no one says this is going to prevent every Cancer but every little that we try that can help us in our future life and sustain that life we need to go about

    Trying it to together you know everyone needs to get up move eat a healthy breakfast and they’re on their way I agree arene and how could I argue move it or lose it because you look at some of those dancers on Strictly you look at the judges like Craig they’ve

    Still got it they can still shake their hips and they’ll go on well like you they’ll just keep keep doing it yeah look I’m 80 now and yeah I’m still wriggling my bum and moving to music arene it’s lovely to have you join us here on breakfast even though you’re

    Sitting down I can tell you’re dancing just off camera really appreciate that thanks for your time always thank you there you go that’s what you need to do for the rest of the day dance around Saturday Night Fever as I say whether you’re going to a wedding or a

    Celebration or not just put it on that’s it for skyy’s breakfast Samantha Washington is up next for the today’s top stories bye for Now This is Sky News today it is 10:00 here are the headlines it’s 2 years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine when fullscale War returned to Europe Russian drones attack a residential Block in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa rescue workers are searching the rubble for survivors B we report from the NATO countries

    Neighboring Russia reintroducing conscription and urging the UK to do the same and we’ll be live in Ukraine throughout the day as events take place to remember those who have died in the conflict also ahead Junior doctors start a 5day walkout the 10th in the space of a year

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