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    [Cycling for Cash 💰 My Just Eat Debut]

    [Food Delivery On My Pushbike In STRONG WIND]

    [Authentic Realities Of Pushbike Delivery in the UK]

    [Life Of A Delivery Cyclist In UK]

    [JUST EAT | No Orders for 60 minutes. What would you do?]

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    Welcome back to the brand new episode my name is Pavo if you never came come across this channel before I’m do deliver around borou coming up 4:00 my shift started 5 minutes ago if you’re new to this channel I come from Poland originally and deliver food around borou

    And local little towns and Villages the weather looks a little bit mixture of clouds and sunshine today but it’s not going to stop me from delivering we starting off from this location which is Horseshoe common with that being said let’s have some fun get some fresh air and hopefully some orders for my

    Customers let’s go looks like on my app is still matching orders uh operation nothing came in yet but I I’m going to show you in here but as you can see the weather is pretty mixture of rain and sunshine coming through difficult to uh Define really the quality of the Inc

    Comic weather so number is 276 as you can see that’s a little bit different uh kind of look if you if you obviously didn’t see before version you won’t be able to compare but it definitely looks different this order pays only 453 today we don’t have any additional bonus I I

    Didn’t say that on the beginning but we don’t have any bonus or extra feish flat rate completely 450 fre for this order the distance is definitely not that big one so it should be fine and I can see straight away the name of the customer

    As well I will let you know my feelings about that after this shift is finished because obviously I have to practice with it play with it a little bit but I mean doesn’t look that bad I mean to be honest but this is just a little bit

    Improved in terms of colors and Graphics scheme you know what I mean I decided to accept this order just to start off nicely the shift I’m waiting for 276 is still in the preparation all right guys I got the order from McDonald’s we’re heading to the first customer I’m going

    To take super car I got free drinks over there in my bug I’m really worried to not spill it It’s always helpful for me for us drivers especially on this on the bike to make sure items are properly proper properly packed you know but again it’s difficult when you when you’re busy and whenn good management next to you as every week guys I’m always giving you

    Opportunity to uh support my channel by uh buying me a digital coffee obviously but it’s totally up to you if you want to do it the link is down below you can leave me a comment or your reflection about the whole ecosystem of delivering most of the Riders obviously using the

    Electricity I will be promoting and keeping my push bike as a normal bike and trying to stay uh healthy this way as well we only 3 minutes from the customer which is Really hopefully the first mission will be accomplished successfully the worst kind of scenario is have drinks inside the back because with anything spilled you Lally got the back went through completely and it’s annoying you know but let me quickly park close to the customer double check my

    Bag guys looks like we are absolutely fine to be honest sorry for waiting hello little boy call enough for you sorry I took my time because I got free drinks I didn’t want to spill that’s why my son is 15 I remember him being like

    That there you go this is number one I’m coming up with second one see how nicely packed everything young boy there you go enjoy your food yeah thank you very much no problem I appreciate you have a great day yeah such a fantastic cooperation from the customer why is so luy come on

    You have to hold longer I’m not sure come on okay see still not perfect but uh deliver order okay it’s not really uh sensing my so as I said guys I have to take time to kind of get used to the app but there you go we got next order

    Straight away from KFC shall I take it I tell you guys I’m Lally next to it why not taking it boom let’s go to the KFC shall we Lally few seconds away from here let’s go Lovely awesome thank you very much mate have a good day all right that was nice and smooth no no open drinks Fantastico Papo and let’s have a look where we heading guys we’re heading literally 7 miles yeah the new uh new interface definitely has been uh improved if you enjoy this kind of

    Content guys you know what to do this is a main town of main kind of area of bourou we got library in front of me don’t forget to smash the like button consider subscribing if you like this kind of content exposing all different aspects of delivering but yeah let’s

    Wait no longer because the customer is hungry and I want to be efficient as well let’s go soundar soundar I think is a reopen or they developing new new stuff in there the business is changing like uh gloves but uh it is what it is not my

    Really uh main focus of today I’m coming up closer to the location we’ve been dropping of first order so let’s put some good tunes and deliver second order let’s Go Hello Sean is pav the you deliver guy can you come outside please for me thank you thanks for coming out I appreciate you Che cheers doesn’t matter where you come from and which country you watching from I’m super happy to actually that you stopped watching in this video and um you’re enjoying it

    Hopefully trying to uh slow myself down in terms of uh quick quick talking but it’s sometimes difficult when you have to compromise with the breath as well guys full transparency it’s been uh 50 minutes of me delivering and my account looks like 9 lb not looking super lucrative or

    Astonishingly good but it’s okay I mean we having good time don’t we if you do have good time as well and enjoying content smash the like button consider subscribing I’m super happy to uh get some new footage for you guys this is reversing by the big boy check it Out good job make sure you follow me on Instagram guys and on Tik Tok I will be posting more and more as the time allows me to do that but uh it’s pretty challenging sometimes Seaside I’m leastly few minutes leastly few seconds from the sea

    On my right hand side you can see Bor of Pier but uh at this moment it’s not the great weather obviously lots of Skies lots of uh lots of clouds and uh check it out the botom of garden looks really quiet right now uh people still maybe

    Having shower after work or uh it’s obviously still early hours okay we got this little Hill over here so guys the itely my first impression of the new update of the app is is no definitely Slicker few little sections been up updated but I need to more kind of

    Fluency and more practice to go through it I feel personally it’s nothing wrong with it it’s just takes time to get used to it let me know if you R there and if you come across the latest update let me know what you think I’m interested what

    Is your point of view and yeah let’s just zip around and get some more orders hopefully Friday afternoon this is what the bourou looks like guys beautiful uh Sky you can see the seaside over there fantastic place to be during the summer especially but yeah guys Friday

    Afternoon decided to have a nice slot hopefully I will make a minimum Target which is 30 pounds hopefully more but uh at this moment it’s a bit quiet again I want to say thank you very much to all new Hustlers and uh subscribers who are enjoying my content guys feel free to

    Leave me any you know criticism or what you think could be improved on my channel I’m more than happy to take it on the chest on the board and um analyze it and improve it if I’m going to stop myself bit talking have a maybe micro

    Sip of the coffee and let’s find some more Orders I think I’m getting warmer and warmer every single minute the mot I cycle I took a balava because I was a little bit conscious about the British wind but I feel I don’t need it anymore right now but I’m just going to put it

    On the side in my back and maybe I will use it later on who knows let’s get back to work I’m going to zip through the place where normally we got three different restaurants located in one unit let me know in the comment section what is your uh to this year’s uh main

    Favorite place to you going to go or maybe you got already tickets I mean did you pay for the ticket already so today’s episode theme is the holiday 2024 let me know guys in the comments where where you going and if you already bought a ticket B of college lots of

    Happening over here we had a big criminal kind of event recently but I want to be touching on that you can read it on the botom of website what was happening just around the corner uh nobody obviously died but it was pretty silly young guys obviously were having a

    Go with another group of people it’s all crazy but uh yeah let’s not talk about it let’s just make this up a little bit busier what I’m going to do is just uh try to oh there you go as as I was saying order came in please don’t be for

    Miles come on 1.2 miles McDonald’s Asda shall I go in there waiting time is going to be horrendous but uh okay let’s accept that let’s go with that being said let’s put some nice music and let’s Go Let’s check it out I’m waiting for 864 it looks like it’s ready you want to say hello no problem deliver unpluged on YouTube yeah busy for you or any drinks I can see drinks inside yeah how many drinks oh okay few few two Dr no problem thank you very much appreciate you CAU

    You later yeah thank you stay safe yeah pick up the order where we going where you heading we’re heading very close by however I still need to uh take time to uh not spill it okay we’re going to go to the customer which is 5 minutes only that’s not too

    Bad is it all right guys as you could see nice little conversation with a with a rider hence if you watch this really thank you for your little chat it’s always a kill time when you while you’re waiting for the for the delivery for for the order actually to be accomplished

    Reflecting in going going through in my mind is why I always um most of the time I have orders from McDonald’s today but that’s okay we will survive won’t we okay let me just uh make sure I got proper signal so I can identify where we’re going otherwise it’s a little bit

    Hit and miss being safe on the road is number one priority for me as a matter what the money Is this is P music [Applause] This is the number one pocket for you Jamal I just took time on my bike to not spill it hopefully it’s not spilled no it’s not all the best yeah enjoy evening so far we looking at well 13 lbs we got guys it’s not looking uh I’m not I’m not

    Ready for retirement yet okay getting it’s getting definitely darker right now getting darker and darker I’m not going to be heading on to a bsom area it’s going to come back to uh borov and uh whis around the whis around the town up There [Applause] The only thing I don’t like when I’m cycling I don’t like having black clothing with a white socks I look like Michael Jackson right what’ you guys reckon I’m big fan of this little section in here really nicely organized always uh Prett empty and uh ready for

    Me to uh cycle through I just looking dead at this moment I think the time I’ve selected unfortunately is not the great but you know what I’m having good time guys I really do same like making videos for you I really enjoy that in life life is super short uh I strongly

    Recommend you guys doing at least a part of your job which you not necessarily have to like but at least part of your job or whatever you’ve come up come back from work do something you really love don’t just see at home stay active stay hungry expand your knowledge and uh be

    Creative come back to the Taco area which is hor shuk check out the color of this car is it that nice what do you guys think personally I’m fan of uh matte and black and kind of gray spectrum of colors everything mixture uh within that colors I just said before uh

    Yeah they brilliant when I was younger I used to love blue color which I still do but uh it’s not as much as uh I do gray and black and M I don’t know I think it comes with the AG anyway let’s come back to the main theme guys what is your plan

    For this holiday 2024 while we waiting for any more orders talk to me talk to me make sure of course you smash the like button and um follow me on Tik Tok and Instagram and leave the leave me a message where do you live where are you

    Watching from which country I think I consider myself as a very open-minded person so you can easily uh talk to me talk to me about anything really can let just locate myself closer to the uh this run bound guys explain me why people not using indicators what a

    Crazy attitude that is use your indicator don’t be selfish on the road oh my God don’t forget to smash the like button and consider subscribing if you are hungry to find out about the realities of hustlers delivering food around Bou let’s go exposing the full reality of ups and downs during the

    Shifts as a part time deliver R there but check let’s check it out the order now uh Peppa Peri Peri never been there actually H never been there never been there I’ll tell you all let’s accept that new place I’m always happy to uh try let’s navigate to the business let’s

    Quickly have a look where is at I know exactly where we’re going okay let’s go guys new place new destination new location good let’s put some good sounds and let’s Go Minutes okay no problem this is the brand new location I think they uh mostly focus on the food chicken burgers you can see I’m actually not hungry but what I’m hungry about is to find out if my bike is still there still there hopefully the order won’t be taking too

    Long there have plenty of space in my back as you can see I’m just going to check my uh bike if it’s still there still there nobody stole it so this guys this road is one of the most eclectic Road in bourou in my view lots of different nationalities leave the

    Comment below if you’ve been collecting items from this specific place and I’m looking for to deliver to miss Chiron or Mr Chiron a little collaboration just it meeting GoPro Corporation Che buddy thank you very much appreciate you thank you yes all right guys order collected we’re

    Heading to the customer right now only 5 minutes from here not too bad but as I can see I can see some actions over here what is going on oh my God what is going on over here I think something happened over there or maybe the accident was over

    Here I’m going to be witnessing opportunity to uh check it out and hopefully I will show you something guys I mean I don’t Know never been collecting from that place as you could see 5 minutes waiting approximately not trategy not too bad actually doesn’t look too good lots of police over there will I be able to go through well let’s hope so I have to uh I have to cycle through somehow hello sure yeah no

    Problem something going on over here guys I hope it’s nothing serious but uh I need to get to the customer anyway I have no choice something happened over here I’m not really sure what is what but uh I think it’s been maybe accomplished already the mission

    Oh again oh my God are you kidding me no on the bus on the inside the bus inside the bus yeah as soon as it literally came around the corner oh my God as you could see guys stubbing again oh my God stubbing again on the on the bus

    Borou why are you taking me through this kind of experience I was I was going to be talking about the holiday this uh episode but uh it’s literally I’ve been uh driving next to the stubbing uh situation oh my God that’s that’s that’s really bad hopefully nobody hopefully

    Nobody was hurt this kind of situation guys make me think if bour of from the one point of view is you know a nice place to live but the crime level increasingly getting uh worse and worse I mean what should I what should I do guys I mean it’s difficult my son

    We we know we as a family we live over here we got the property and uh I just want to stay over here I like the place I like the seaside but why people do that guys let me know what do you think about that stabbing in bourou again how

    Come is that anyway guys on more on the positive note we got only 2 minutes to the customer we only had a bottle of water in the within this order it’s not too bad I can’t really complain about the order content content but uh what I do I

    Am worri about is just uh yeah just the health of people I’m inan in here and the SEC you know safety of the people come on red light change to green one 2 fre boom let’s go let’s just focus on the positive side of this delivering

    Life I want to stay safe and uh have good time and make people happy with their deliveries guys I’m going to say it again if you want to go ahead and appreciate my work see the link below you can buy me a donate or whatever you want to call it support

    Within the digital coffee I’m going to utilize it as a my accelerator throughout the Journey of delivering okay turning right over here I will I will I’m going to aim hard to uh get the minimum Target for my uh every delivering shift is 30 pounds as

    You know if you watch this channel it’s been you know I’m I’m I’m working 4 hours today I’m supposed to be having chance to get some more money than 30 but you know at least 40 but it is what it is I can’t really influence or impact the you

    Know my capability with the bike okay let’s just focus on the customer side of the delivery right now where we okay we’re going to the Mr Stewart hello waiting for order yeah okay sorry hello how you doing right yeah thank you for coming out for me

    Much easier to identify so this is the food and water is coming there you go enjoy your night have a good weekend thanks bye-bye order delivered plug the plug the phone in there and let’s keep moving guys I fall I thought this going to be a gentleman called but obviously it was a

    Lady my my but I’m still getting used to the up and uh reading the all details in there it was actually nice nice good choice to have a B laava on it’s getting a little bit cold not too bad but bit chilly at least it’s not raining

    Documenting the Liv Alive by uh crazy polish deliver Cy in borou if you enjoy the content smash the like button consider subscribing leave the comment what you reckon about that kind of exposing the reality and documenting my journey if you want to ask me any question feel free to drop the comment

    I’m more than happy to uh break down what is what in in terms of delivering you know what you have to do and what kind of procedure you have to go through but yeah uh let’s go and find some more orders come on so I’m short of 12 lb to

    Uh finish my uh shift with a sense of accomplishment in terms of finances uh supposed to close uh this target within three orders but uh I don’t know what kind of orders as I said is pretty difficult tonight there’s no additional fee as always as

    Most of the time I have uh 1 pound on the top of the order fees but this time is just flat flat rate so we’re coming up to the Tesco near C Cher near charminster in borou from the I’m going to see which direction should

    I go I think I’m going to come back to BM of Center again this is what my zone is and I’m going to be sticking over there for Now All right guys next order from uh Asda McDonald’s I’m going to say no thank you very much not happy collecting from Asda again it’s just too much hustle up there too much waiting too much waiting too much hustle too much plugging the bike going upstairs coming down finding the

    Signal is just no I’m I’m I can occasionally I can accept it but not not right now let’s keep moving I’m in front of Royal M main Hub Wellington Road beautiful uh well organized actually area I must say uh I like that kind of picture of vs

    Standing out like a like a soldiers being plucked into the uh state obviously they all electric these days and yeah just I like this area on the left hand side we got the little but yeah I’m still waiting for orders guys we got still over 1 hour 90 minutes of

    My shift and it’s looking not great I can’t zoom in properly but it’s looking like just under 20 lb which is you know pretty bad but I don’t really want to mix uh mix subjects and themes of this episode but unfortunately life happening around us all the time different things

    But uh yeah I hope you’re staying well and you enjoying the content so far I’m I’m a little bit sad about the stubbing uh amount of you know happening recently in in my town I really enjoy this area I really like this area but uh this crime

    Aspects really putting me down and just making me down really you know uh leave your comments below what you think about that what is your reflection I was I was willing to talk about holiday but this stabbing uh while I was cycling through completely you know just tucked me away

    From my truck of the of this episode but nevertheless let’s find some more orders and let’s go waiting for some more orders to come through next to the Asda and also little uh petrol station of Asda as well but it’s not looking busy all right chops we got another order 3.3

    Miles from chicaros borou but we’re not going to be accepting that unfortunately my acceptance rate really bad now but no more no no bigger orders than 2.5 miles tonight definitely not happy with that to do that as always coming next to this one of the beautiful uh most beautiful

    Uh building in borof in my opinion students accommodation beautifully designed well made I mean who knows if they were well made or not they look pretty nice from outside I like the look of it but uh yeah waiting uh waiting for the orders and observing this beautiful uh architectural Concept in here

    Depends uh what you like you might like it you might hate it I mean I like it to be honest probably uh the walls are not really solid and very thin but uh they look really aesthetically nice I like cycling through in here I like coming

    Over in here delivering food but uh we know every Rider and every person got completely different point of view let’s keep moving go around the round bound and then stay within BM of town N I don’t know how many times I’ve been cycling over here but uh it’s quite a lot thanks man appreciate you and um maybe fifth time or sixth time already tonight trying to uh beautiful bike have you seen that did you see that what a nice bike up there

    Trying to uh get algorith going and uh get some action trying my best to cycle around but it’s not happening not sure why is that not really sure not really sure what is happening I reckon guys it’s partly because uh partially because my uh acceptance rate was really low recently because of the

    Very long distances you know I’m not going to be able to accept four M orders you know four Mill for for my order I don’t think that’s that’s fair let’s some let’s hang out a little bit next to the Taco Bell and uh hope for some orders from here or maybe Sam’s Chicken

    Or Taco Bell one of those always uh always good to uh always good to have a give opportunity to those places you know pretty de in bouf right now I’m not sure how should I interpretate that but uh I’m not really sure why it’s not really bringing me an on this guys we

    Are in Bor of town again bour of Center close to the High Street up there and the square but I’m not going to roll down up there guys explain me explain me why order is not coming through so so that uh right now if I say that I’m not

    Relating to the stubbing at all today but is uh yeah I really do hope nobody nobody got hurt you know up the looks like I good order right now 1.9 uh tell you guys I’m going to accept it I’m going to accept it I’m going to

    Accept it because it’s a one burger or order and a be very close it looks like it’s pretty close to be honest and we will be uh well we will be going to wion it’s it’s okay I don’t mind okay the collection point is really close which is Fantastico Let’s Do It music

    It’s not going to be Financial uh best achievement in my life however still pretty good after that we’re going to be going to Winton and maybe I will stick over there because I don’t really want to be uh coming back over Here hello 064 please 064 just hit sorry about bike I’m just Lally in and out I’m a little bit worried somebody’s going to steal it you see it’s not really a safe place how long is going to be do you know 2 minutes okay thank you I appreciate You Face run it Up is it coffee in there milkshake okay milkshake okay cheers mate I need to just make sure I’m cycling so I don’t want to spill it you See sorry yeah no worries man I appreciate you thank you have a great night yeah cheers hey how you doing mate you good it’s hard to not recognize you on the on the road you know with this car you okay I have to rush for the order I got the

    Order actually Winton but way behind you really nice catch you soon yeah see you mate it was crazy guys I uh again I uh I met my friend this BM of town as you could see he has he’s got really unique and different car than most people actually I’m not sure about the

    About the the brand but uh they closing down this road as well but I hopefully I’ll will be able to go through in here we got 8 minutes to customer witon area I’m not coming back to bourou again is a little bit weird with orders tonight A you got this stubbing and

    B the orders are spread a little bit all around the borou it’s not only borou Center which I’m normally aiming to do but uh yeah I will I’m going to say it again you enjoy this kind of content do leave me a comment or like And subscribe

    To this channel I’m super happy to deliver every week new fresh situations with customer and uh yeah hopefully uh you’re going to enjoy it hello again I’m going to use payman Here this is fed Music cycling again next to that bus Which been stopped because of the stubbing I didn’t I just didn’t look properly but uh looks like the police was uh were uh cleaning up after the accident on incident I’m not sure how serious it was depends how serious

    It was you can call it appropriately but uh it’s really I’m really sensitive when I’m talking about this kind of stubbing thing in bourou I mean why would you do that why making troubles and problems what is going on with the Southwest of UK such a beautiful area to

    Be living in but still people not appreciate it a lot and just damaging the picture of the and the reputation of this area ah crazy crazy crazy crazy at this moment uh once the order is delivered hopefully no spites nothing nice and clean I don’t think milkshake will spill

    Anyway quite substance so you shouldn’t spill but uh yeah once the this is delivered I will be around 23 24 maybe I I’m not I can’t remember how much money but uh I will still have some time to hit my target it’s been lots of happening over last few hours actually

    And I must I must say I’m really have uh some mixed feelings about what’s happening more and more frequent in bourou do I have to relocate in order to stay safe I’m not sure really difficult to establish I mean I can’t really stop exposing myself into the town because of

    The stabbing I’m not going to be fearful but because of that I need to live my life so do you so uh I will be short of 7 lbs maybe hopefully some Winton uh places will help me to accomplish my goal 4 hours 30 lbs that would be uh it

    Would be okay I mean with this all in the background activities and stubbing and not not much orders I think I’ll be happy to uh to accept that actually guys I’m uh I’m putting some content on Tik Tok and in as well see the links below and um watch different episodes as well

    You’re going to see see the links which takes you to the different episode which are covering different uh days and shifts and a little bit different orders as well it’s all leave the comment and like if you like that kind of content we approaching customer but uh what I was

    Going to say in terms of Tik Tok and Instagram guys everything takes time to uh create nice little short and real or whatever you want to to call it but you know I I like my videos being nice so because of that obviously I’m lagging on different platforms but uh it’s all

    About time and management I will try my best to pumping a bit more uh short uh short videos as well for you hello Nina yes there you go and enjoy your night thank you so much thank you bye-bye oh right looks like we got another order which um really crazy

    Because from KFC oh Winton okay that’s that’s awesome I’m going to stay over here actually okay let’s go to the witon KFC literally a few seconds from here at this moment guys we are in witon area I’m going to stay over here until my uh shift will finish and um I’m really

    Close to hit my mini Target I’m really happy uh that actually order is coming in this order is really close as well which is really fantastic Sry How long it’s going to be do you know how long you don’t know okay that’s F it’s fine I will wait no problem stay there yeah yeah no problem yeah sure yeah any drinks inside yeah only this one or only that okay that’s fine yeah yeah I will do it no

    Problem thank you very much enjoy your night Hello is that Mr Dean yeah de 15 15 yeah there you go enjoy your night and the coke perfect thank you byebye all right guys uh we’re coming up to the end of the shift slowly and LLY what is the time 5 minute P 7 I accept a quite long

    Distance 3 miles we’re going to be heading from in total 3 miles which is just a little bit you know over my limit but you know what this is going to take me to uh H down which is just next to the bourov bosom I mean and um I’m going

    To I’m going to finish off with my minimum Target a little bit even over uh which is fantastic and I’m happy with that so this is going to be my last trip and after that I’m going to be heading home obviously taking you with me and showing uh everything precisely with a

    Transparency in terms of finances so let’s talk about a little bit more positive uh stuff guys uh which which destination you aiming to go this year leave the comment below and I want to find out what is your summer 2024 or spring any part of the year but this

    Year 2024 destination where are you excited to go maybe you bought a ticket already let me know in the comment section I would be pleased to know and yeah where is your uh Magic destination you would like to are you going already with your family on your

    Own maybe you have been doing part-time delivery and you got some extra money to buy you a nice little ticket let me know let’s communicate right so we are heading to a place called beastar which I never been before but obviously this is different area I think this is more

    Like a BS comp I’m not sure actually I think I think it’s BS or close to boscom we’re going to be turning left over here and then getting order from biso or maybe not it’s not it’s not BS comp is a Winton don’t know what I’m talking about close to charminster so

    From charminster we’re going to be doing going pokes down free mics oh my God this is going to be killer but at least I’m going to have nice uh workout hopefully uh Google Maps will suggest me some nice route I never been uh going from that direction to pog down but

    Obviously by car I know exactly how to go but uh by uh bike is a bit different all right guys another order collected we aiming to uh custom which is located in POG down let’s check it out which route is going to take me which route we going to be cycling through it’s

    Definitely not the closest one but I’m happy to uh I’m happy to accomplish this order and finish off my uh my shift with this beautiful 6 lb over six paying order which is fantastic I mean where where can you get money for cycling guys can’t emphasize enough so that being

    Said we going to Mr laud can’t really apologize if I pronounce it wrongly let’s get it 2.3 miles not to be honest which should we going to be going to okay this way that’s fine can’t complain about that can I just cycling next to the train trucks over here pretty creepy over here uh on the right hand side I got back Gardens never been cycling this route this is called poges down in borou but yeah we near leave few seconds from the customer let’s finish it off and I’m going to

    Summarize the today’s episode before I’m going to wrap it up guys this is last order came through uh I’m not going to definitely not going to accept it it’s showing 4.1 miles it’s a double order looks like yeah double order uh from fish tails which is really close but I

    Can’t really do only one delivery in here I can have to do two two of them which I’m not really uh yeah willing to do that yeah that’s going to be it for me uh I’m happy with my earnings it’s been controversial shift in terms of

    Crime over in a bus but uh yeah let’s let’s keep moving and let’s get home safely safely hope finished off guys in POG down area this is how it looks like I’m going to be uh heading off home now it’s quite far away from my local place

    But it’s it’s okay still on my app showing 15 minutes of 10 minutes up to end of the shift but I’m going to not going to be accepting any orders so yeah it’s been nice ride never been reading this uh with this nice little Channel between the buildings and all craziness

    Over here but uh yeah it’s been safe all right guys there going to be it for today’s episode I appreciate you watching uh it’s been long 4 hours for me as you can see screenshot of day what my earnings are to be honest I was very concerned with my shift tonight in terms

    Of safety and everything in my mind I’ve seen uh Lally bus stop being stopped during the some stabbing so you know made me think but with that being said appreciate you guys watching again uh make sure you smash the like button consider subscribing I’m going to stay

    Safe and deliver every single week a new episode for you so so my name is Pavo come from Poland doing this as a part-time job with that being said see you in the next episode bye for Now A


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