Witness the high-stakes world of emergency medicine in this gripping episode of 24 Hours in A&E as doctors and nurses race against time to save lives. From traumatic accidents to strokes and unexpected challenges, follow the journeys of patients and their families through moments of crisis, resilience, and hope in the ER. Discover the extraordinary dedication of healthcare professionals and the profound impact of support networks. Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster as you see how life can change in an instant.


    24 Hours in A&E is a British documentary series that takes viewers on an emotionally charged journey into the heart of a busy trauma center. This gripping reality TV show provides an unfiltered and compelling look at the daily workings of a UK healthcare system, specifically the emergency department of a hospital.

    With a focus on patient care and critical care, 24 Hours in A&E showcases the true essence of hospital life and the incredible work of medical professionals. Through real-life medical cases and patient stories, the show offers an honest and raw depiction of medical emergencies and the crucial medical treatment needed to save lives.

    Filmed in real-time, the documentary offers an unscripted and captivating look at the fast-paced environment of an emergency room. The show explores the human interest aspect of healthcare, portraying the personal lives of the patients and their families as they navigate through life-changing medical situations.

    A&E documentary, medical documentary, and hospital documentary all rolled into one, 24 Hours in A&E offers a unique perspective on the reality of emergency medicine. Broadcast on Channel 4, this real-life medical drama has become a critically acclaimed hospital reality TV show, gaining popularity for its powerful and touching portrayal of the human spirit in times of crisis.

    Overall, 24 Hours in A&E is a must-watch for anyone interested in medical emergencies, UK healthcare, and the incredible work of medical professionals in the emergency department.


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    Foreign I don’t think there’s anything  that’s certain in the world at the moment   there’s a lot that can change there’s a lot  that can happen and I think that is in the   back of your mind every time I’m going  into work adult trauma ETA five minutes

    Five-year-old hit by a car drag for  three meters d-glove the right side   of their scalp code red they’re now saying  partial amputation a traumatic cardiac arrest make that up proper day today in it St George’s London one  of Britain’s busiest a e departments under more  

    Pressure than ever it does sometimes feel like  a battlefield and it feels like a losing battle   at times as well you need to calm yourself  down I have 10 traumas and absolutely no   space 25 year old jumped from a third floor  balcony this is the point where we can make  

    A difference thank you everybody thank you a  place where life best place to make friends scariest thing in my life unfold every single day [Music] a life is not just a singular thing  things that happen to you have a huge effect  

    On the people around you as well you scared  me so much all the patience you’re about to   see were treated in just one 24-hour period I  see Behavior every day that reaffirms my belief   in the inherent goodness of people it’s all a bit  of a shock isn’t there and I think I’m incredibly  

    Fortunate to work in that environment it’s a  lot to take in is the love of my life [Music] Swinney Forest is huge it’s square  mile off the square mile of forest Steve and I often spend weekends  mountain bike riding on the trails  

    For a few hours at least it is  like being a young kid again he visited he loves getting  out he’s always pushing himself right in the thick of the forest full intensive purposes we were out alone we  had no idea it would end in such an awful way Steve was just lying there not moving I think he must have clipped a route with either  his pedal or his back wheel and then the momentum   of the bike I was throwing him off but his foot  was just flopping around on the end of his leg started to cut his

    Own sticking out of his sock where they  started to put his foot back into place   I heard the grinding of Steve’s ankle bone on his  leg bone it echoed through the whole of the Woods   Steve was crying out in absolute agony  it was just a sound I’ve never heard a  

    Man make before in my life and  I hope to never hear it again in Church’s recess okay it’s a trauma transfer  is that who you’re calling you through it   okay thank you adult male trauma called ETA two minutes

    After being treated at the scene by air ambulance  doctors 48 year old Stephen is being transferred   from his local hospital to the trauma center  at St George’s being a transfer means that   there is a reason that that other Hospital  couldn’t deal with them there is definitely  

    Something serious with this patient it’s an  open fracture dislocation of the left ankle   accents occurred at high speed ring alarm Bells   because they might have life-threatening  injuries that need immediate management Stephen’s wife Becky was out with  a friend when the accident happened

    Day we’d finished our meal and we were just  chatting thinking about getting the bill and   that’s when the waiter came over and he said you  need to call your friend Kelly urgently and then  

    I looked at my phone and I had 22 missed calls  so I went outside and rang Kelly and she said   like Stephen been taken to hospital she said  just come home you know as soon as you can I just thought oh my God what’s happened

    When I actually got through the door they  were on the phone to the paramedic saying   he’s being taken to St George’s and I  said oh my God you know what’s he doing okay 48 year old Stephen he was going down a hill  on a mountain bike hit a tree right put his right  

    Ankle down and this came off the bike and he  fell forwards did not hit head and helmet was   intact when we got there he had an open Factory  dislocated ankle this was reset by the helicopter  

    We went to Finley Park and they have diverted us  here why should we get him off the Scoop please   there’s some nice deep resting keep going  for me particularly with open lower limb   fractures there’s obviously been quite a lot  of pressure for the bone to go through the skin  

    Did you hit your head no not at all no and you’ve  got no neck pain at all if there has been damage   to blood vessels particularly arteries we need to  know that there is enough blood supply below that  

    Injury because if there’s not then potentially  the lower part of that limb is going to be devoid   of enough blood and ultimately end up dying  so that is a limb threatening injury did you  

    Hit the handlebars on the way in your tummy in  your chest is that my my leg got sort of Twisted   in the bike spun around yeah inverted my foot  you need to have a CT Andrew of his lower leg  

    We do something called a CT angiogram which  means that we can look at the blood vessels and   the arteries and the veins to check if there’s  been any damage I’ve got some morphine for you   thank you if there’s an issue with apply beyond  that fracture then that’s something that needs  

    To be dealt with quite urgently all right suddenly  sort of hit home really that he could lose his leg and I was worrying about what he was going to be  like well how he was going to cope with it [Music] [Music]   doctors suspect that 48 year old  Stephen has an open dislocated  

    Fracture of his ankle following a cycling accident [Music] they’re concerned damage to the blood  vessels could lead to him losing his foot thank you when I was 14 I had a girl moved  to my school [Music] she told me about a boy  

    Called Stephen from woking I think I knew  then that he was going to be my husband meet him for another 10 15 years probably  when I did meet him I thought that’s Stephen   that’s who my friend was talking about  I think we were destined to be together

    Just one night went out with my friends and he was   out with his friends and he smiled  at me and it’s kind of twinkly smile I was fine 10 minutes ago we just got talking and  we didn’t stop talking really that night I didn’t  

    Talk to my friends again really and he didn’t  talk to his and I think that’s the night I knew did proposed on Christmas morning we didn’t  get down in one day he just let me open a box  

    And as I opened it and it he’d he’d put  in some cardboard into the box marry me we didn’t have a big wedding we just had  a wedding breakfast at a Lovely Hotel and   then we had a big band in the evening and it  was lovely he did the most wonderful speech  

    Just so nice what he said and he was quite  um romantic breathe in and hold your breath he can be very sensitive but you’d  like to be the boss and that can do   my head in sometimes because I  also quite like to be the boss

    Here’s a man’s man and he likes  to provide yeah for the family he   wants us all to have nice things and  be happy and he’s a provider [Music] this is [Music] it being healthy is good  for you but I think I’ve never heard of  

    Anyone injuring himself sitting in  front of the Telly for cold beer   Steve is a carpenter yeah we’re doing plenty of  that now once it to be laid up he would be off to   work 6 30 7 o’clock in the morning and he’ll even  be back until 6 30 7 o’clock that evening [Music]  

    Sometimes it was quite hard because I had to be  the one that was here picking up everything else   he just wanted to look after us he’s a good man I have no idea what I’ve done  really as I say how bad it is  

    Until you really have a look at what that fracture  looks like you just don’t know what’s going on   even those that have a good  blood supply there is still   um complications that can lead to amputations  being required further down the line [Music]   when we call a major incident if you have  someone who’s come in who’s got for example   a white powder on them don’t know what it is you  can’t get a powder wet because it might activate  

    It even more so we dry decontaminate them so  we get them outside and 10 meters away so this   is not going to be shouting at them through  that from 10 meters away yes is that loud   take your clothes off literally foreign [Music] Has come to a e after falling on holiday I’m Becky nice to meet you on  one of the nurse practitioners fell in walking in Greece 10 days ago okay it just  tripped over I slipped walking down on Shale okay  

    Very heavily it was very swollen but there’s a  lump there I’ve got a bunch of friends who I’ve   gone walking with somewhere for a week every  year for the past 10 11 12 years we’ve walked   in the drakensberg mountains in South Africa and  in the Simeon mountains in Ethiopia is this your  

    Dominant hand no no we walked in turkey and Crete  and Italy so is it this area that’s uncomfortable   yeah um but actually it just aches all the way up  a core group of somewhere between 8 and 12 will go  

    I think part of it is the configiality  of this group they are an interesting   bunch and you can make a fist and can you  touch your thumb and Little Finger together   that is seeing something done there okay I’d  live quite a restricted Life as a child really  

    My family were Irish Catholics my sister and  I went to the local Convent here yeah Elder’s   fine Coast I think so it’s just it does ache  I was 17 when I went to Trinity College Dublin   here I was with the IRSC between me  and my home and there was a great  

    Feeling of Liberation I suppose it was very  exciting to get to know so many new people   start getting to know boys because I  hadn’t done very much of that at home   one of my walking friends is a doctor she said  she thought it might be fractured at the time  

    Okay I married somebody I met at Trinity  but that didn’t work out handy to have a   doctor with you it’s a shame they haven’t got  x-ray vision isn’t it I thought I would marry   again but I didn’t want to marry another wrong  person and I didn’t trust my judgment [Music]  

    Mrs and Georgie’s good afternoon yeah go  ahead [Music] 20 minutes away thank you Eda 20 minutes [Music] an 89 year old man who’s  been rushed to a e after collapsing at home he said to me oh I think I’ll go in the  garden and Potter and the greenhouse

    I was just keeping an eye on him by  looking through the kitchen window [Music]   I noticed that he was staggering and supporting himself on the shed I  rushed out and he was making horrible   noises and the breathing seemed very  unnatural and I thought this is serious

    What was the story you said right so outside  in the garden yeah picking weights wife   notices him to have a wobbly moment and  collapse she drags him inside brings an   ambulance she said he was unconscious for  about 10 minutes okay by the time we’ve  

    Got this he’s starting to come round  and we’ve then Fallen back into this Eric can we use my fingers squeeze my fingers Derek stroke is a brain injury where part of the brain  has been damaged by an artery being blocked off by  

    A blood clot so he’s got unequal people he’s got  repeated GCS so clearing with his sort of bleed   anything beyond that area that’s blocked off then  starts to die there’s so many different things   that can be affected your speech or you might have  blindness or blurry vision all right let’s get  

    Into some access and some blood it’s very scary  you do get people who die from their Strokes we   are going to need some Airway support I think I’m  just concerned things are going to go downhill it’s terrifying to think that something  was going on with his brain [Music]  

    Sorry Derek I thought I was going to lose some lose him Derek can you follow my fingers [Music]   can you follow my fingers doctors  are concerned that 89 year old Derek   may have suffered a stroke after he was found  collapsed in the garden by his wife Priscilla [Music]  

    No unfortunately kind of the team are with him at   the moment there’s quite a few  of them because obviously yeah you want it yeah no that’s fine  they will do I promise you I promise I promise you they will do as soon as they’ve  done their assessments they’ll bring you in  

    Because at the moment there’s so much so many  things they need to do and family members just you’re right you understand what’s going on  you’re innocent George’s oh yeah you collapse yeah   your wife dragged you indoors and called an  ambulance and now you’re here we’re going to take  

    You for a quick brain scan and then we’re gonna  get her in apparently she’s in a bit of a state do you remember much about what  happened I don’t know England okay I met Derek in 1972 I went to work  in the same office that he did  

    Which was an insurance Society in Croydon  and I was doing secretarial duties for him   we need to just get a certain blood test  but it’s from the artery in your arms you   need to just keep your arms still and  it’s gonna be a little bit painful okay  

    There was a young lady in the office who worked  with me who was getting married she invited me   to the wedding and Derek was also invited very  good perfect and at the reception he was asked by  

    Another work colleague to give me a lift home and  make sure I got home safely how old are you okay he gave me that lift home and I suppose from  that point there was a different sort of Interest   perhaps a more personal interest you’re having  pain or any uncomfortableness in your eyes

    Really I mean I couldn’t understand  why I’m here okay that’s what we’re   going to try and find out right well  no no just um grab the door I’m fine although he was 24 years my senior  he was very easy to chat to very kind  

    Sociable he asked me out to a restaurant  I think it was to celebrate his birthday   that was our first date for a second so  we’re just waiting for the scanner to be   free we’ll go in they might be free  and we’ll see what’s going on okay  

    I think we had Bosch soup to start with and I  just couldn’t drink it because I was so nervous   we used to go to the theater the cinema we  used to go sailing he used to take me with him I remember once we got stuck on  the bank and the tide went out  

    And it was quite a while before  he could get the boat going again   he must have proposed about two years after we met  he had been married before I think he was nervous   at first about embarking on another marriage but I  think I persuaded him Derek are you feeling sleepy

    Seems to be a bit drunk Derek open your eyes do you feel a bit  sleepy are you sure you look a bit sleepy   Derek open your eyes for  me I’m a bit worried Derek [Applause] [Music]   you’re all right yeah I’m fine

    We’ll get you sorted Stephen is waiting for the  results of a CT scan to reveal the extent of   injuries to his ankle after he came off his  mountain bike where were you going when the   accident happened or were you yes okay yeah  on your own are we with um from one of my  

    Mates horrible traumatic things happen you know  around it’s just like hanging at the night wow   well at least it’s still is it still on yeah  it’s one sec I’ll be right back yeah cheers Stephen’s wife Becky is looking after their  children at home over 30 miles away in Surrey

    It was 2003 but I just had  our second child [Music]   Steve was feeling tired he had definitely lost  weight and he didn’t have any energy I mean he   was struggling he thought it was because he  was working and because of having the baby but obviously it wasn’t just that  

    I think we were to stop in the bedroom I think  the baby was in the cotton at the time yeah it was just in a towel coming out the  tower and said I think I found a lamp  

    Just need to do a quick ECG if that’s  okay just a quick tracing of your heart   I just immediately comfort him you know I tried  not to be too emotional because obviously he was   the one that was worrying I wanted to be  a bit stronger for him I can remember he  

    Didn’t want to go to the doctors and I really  pushed him I said you know you’re gonna go   he just needed to get that doctor’s  appointment and then he would know [Music]   Larry says I’m at Sophie doctors now have  their preliminary results of Stephen’s CT scans   chat that was transferred from frimley and

    Actually yeah it’s very odd I wonder if he  just dislocated it without fracturing it   all right bye-bye hello I don’t think  you’ve actually fractured it I think it   was an open dislocation is that good  news um is it better that he’s not

    Well we need to to review the  wound we need to assess everything   any open dislocation is potentially limb  threatening and the main reason for that   is the increased risk of infections within  the bone infections within the soft tissue   that ultimately could threaten that limb  later on down the line it’s a really nasty  

    Wound we’re just gonna have a look at the  Moon all right okay can you wiggle your toes   the doctor just said straight away  I’m going to refer you [Music]   I’ve just got this memory of having to  wait like four weeks or something for  

    The test to come back and then going to the  hospital and going into the room with him and that’s when the doctor  said Dave had testicular cancer yeah the journey back was horrible I I drove back  and he just didn’t talk he just didn’t talk at all   he was really frightened [Music]

    I had a toddler I had a newborn baby   it was horrible I was just really fighting that  something awful was going to happen to him [Music] amazing ah there we go emergency nurse practitioner Becky  is assessing X-rays of Bridget’s wrist after she  

    Fell during a walking holiday in Greece I was  living in Ireland when I was married but that   didn’t work out so I came back to London I have a  sister who’s 18 months older than me Sarah [Music]   and they had a half-brother David we  were very close he was very sociable

    I could talk to him in shorthand about the  sort of troubles we might get ourselves into Through it it should heal up lovely but  unfortunately it’s going to need to be held   in a nice still position to be I had a feeling  we’re going to have to put you into a cast  

    That will annoyingly takes about six weeks to heal  okay righty ho I usually go as a care assistant to   Lord helping with sick people oh that’s nice  of you and I’m due to go in six weeks oh okay  

    Years later my brother had very bad heart  disease and he had been told that the next   heart attack would probably be his last if I’m  going to cancel this is when to do it you see   he had his final heart attack  just sitting outside in the car  

    So what do we do now popular cast now if that’s  okay okay I’ll move you around the corner   just found this way I miss  him enormously to this day   I think you’ll find it a lot easier to  manage with a bit of support on it it would  

    Um do you live on your own yep he was a tremendous  brother and a tremendous helper of other people   um it depends so you said you haven’t had  children was that by Design or by accident   certainly didn’t set out not to have children  

    My brother and my sister who didn’t either so we  are the end of the line unfortunately the wrist is   going to be quite stiff when it comes out of the  cast [Music] but I’ve got a Wide Circle of Friends   it is a great help against loneliness  and the isolation that you can feel

    I’m very lucky in a way to have younger  friends and I also volunteer in a primary   school I listen to Children read one to  one or sometimes give them a bit of help   on whatever work they’re doing oh it’s nice  and warm yeah I love that they know I’m not a

    Lot to call me Miss Bridget or if they forget  about the Miss they just call me Bridget children and friends children you know  if you live in London and if you’ve got   a spare room you’re very popular with lots of  young people and we do stay friends somehow  

    Feel comfortable fantastic looks wonderful lovely  right is that it that is it I’m going to grab your   notes and we’ll go make an appointment for  the clinic okay I’m very lucky that I have   quite a social life and I do see people I  don’t think of it in terms of a surrogate  

    Family I just think of it as life and what you  make of it okay nice to meet you take care bye Foreign CT scan of his brain Derek Derek if you’re concerned about the  patient then it’s important to   get him to environment where you could  potentially be giving CPR Derek Derek this has got to go in just to protect your Airway

    Well done that’s better that will make  breathing a lot easier my love it’s over there Rick open your mouth foreign [Music] we got married in 1975 [Music]   I don’t think my parents were over the moon about  my Marrying an older man he was 24 years my senior

    Soon learned to love him when they met him should  we go there I’ve got the suction ready here   medical staff have stabilized Derek   and are again sending him to CT to  determine if he has a clot on his brain [Music]  

    Derek had a daughter and a son by his  first wife and when we got married   we had a daughter and a son so  he has two daughters and two sons   my daughters called the malzah and my son is Ross  I was a great fan of the uh pulled up books by  

    Winston Graham and when I was a young child I’d  read a lot of them and I always like those names   and I’ve just got four list of options going  here okay Derek I’m moving you up the bed [Music] Derek loved having a second family I  think he he missed out largely on on  

    His first family because he worked  at sea for quite quite a while he was very Hands-On I remember when demelza  our daughter was a baby she used to cry a lot   and she was in a little crib Derek had  the idea of tying a piece of rope to to  

    The crib and from his bed he used  to rock her every time she cried Derek could turn his hand to most  anything he could do anything in   the house he landscaped the whole garden  he built fish ponds with waterfalls he  

    Erected a 25-foot porch at the front  of the house he could do anything right we’ve been married 42 years now I never  had reservations about marrying an older man   I was very young you don’t look ahead to what’s  going to happen in in in the future thank you guys

    I didn’t realize that as he got older there could  be a lot of problems health-wise Etc [Music]   I didn’t anticipate any problems I  was very happy to marry him [Music] [Music]   you can’t Stitch it now because it’s it’s  swollen and there is it’s escaping it’s too tense

    Doctors are trying to stabilize Stephen’s ankle so  he can be transferred to a ward where Specialists   will decide if he needs emergency surgery we  would put it in a class for you okay so it’s  

    A lot more comfortable okay how bad is the pain  it’s quite bad okay we can give you some more yeah   you’re able to lift your leg up slightly yeah Steve was diagnosed with  testicular cancer 14 years ago

    And I remember being in that hospital room and the  doctor then said you know you’re lucky you’ve got   two children you may not have any more [Music]  thank you I think I was trying to give him a hug  

    But he was very closed off at that point so I just  let him be that’s something that’s what he needed a week later he was there having  the operation and then he had   to have all of his radiotherapy  every day so it was quite scary

    He was down obviously after the  operation I think he was worried and   I think it’s probably not his confidence a bit he is aware of the fact that he’s had cancer the one thing that worried him more than  anything was that he would come back and  

    He’d get it again and then obviously he’d lose his   other testicle and then as far as he was  concerned he wouldn’t be a man anymore he got very down about that oh okay oh that’s nice [Music] warm Steve  got Bill clear but he had a blood  

    Test every year still just to make sure he’s okay I remember ringing him and saying  guess what and him saying what and I said guess and he was just that  quiet he’s saying are you pregnant yes I remember it being I remember being really  really happy Evie was a really lovely surprise

    It’s lovely to be able to say is  that better that we’ve been able   to have another child as well so  yeah that was the icing on the cake [Music]   we’re going to go up to the ward  all right you can get some Kip Take Care thank you very much you’re welcome

    Okay just relax there how are you feeling  now okay any change in your vision at all   a bit hazy can you look at me can  you tell me which side’s moving point to which side doctors are trying to find  the underlying cause of Derek’s suspected stroke  

    [Music] he lost Consciousness twice and they  will now administer a clot busting drug [Music]   this treatment can only be given within four  and a half hours of the symptoms starting so   we are three hours exactly now   Derek we’re giving you a drug a blood thinner  through your vein a really powerful one okay  

    Because it looks we’re wondering if you’ve had  a stroke [Music] we have a thing called door to   needle time that’s the time that they arrive in  a e to the time that we give the drug there’s a  

    Saying that time is brain so the quicker you do  it the more brain you can potentially save [Music] he always worked incredibly  hard throughout his life Derek train is a mechanical engineer it Alder  shot and was sent to Germany just after the war  

    He was part of a team that was responsible for  recovering more damaged Vehicles left from the war   Derek so you’re in hospital okay we’re giving  you a drug to make you feel a bit better okay   your wife’s outside [Music] when he came back  in 1948 he went to work by the hospital service  

    I think the buildings were being  rebuilt and he was involved in that   I’m just very sad that it was because of  his job that he has very bad lungs damaged   by exposure to asbestos we need to get his  wife in she’s been held outside for so long

    Derek let’s get the misses in she’s been worried when he was working on the war damaged hospitals  he says he remembers walking through clouds of   white dust that was the asbestos the legacy of  that has been for the last 12 to 13 years extreme  

    Breathlessness with periods of violent Relentless  incessant coughing [Music] it’s very cruel that   such a capable kind man is is now reduced to  being dependent on his wife for for most things [Music]   Priscilla’s sister Anita has joined them in recess  as Derek is being prepared for transfer to a ward Ley ever come

    Ever consume with the grandchildren  he is incredibly young at heart and   in that sense you do not notice the age  difference between Priscilla and Derek I just love him to bits [Music] working in the emergency department makes  you realize how important family and friends  

    And support networks are those patients that  come in on their own they don’t have anyone   it’s often quite sort of humbling that they’re  there on their own and supporting themselves but you’ll see see elderly couples that  have obviously been together for years  

    Carrying on with life and enjoying life together  a precious life is and how something can happen   at the drop of a hat and even if it’s minor it  can have quite big consequences on your future I’m worried every day it took about three months  for the after effects of the stroke to subside   and for him to sort of get back you know that  it’s going to be a long uphill struggle [Music] I don’t remember coming out of hospital  I have to ask Priscilla there’s a lot of  

    Things I just don’t remember my mind  doesn’t seem to have grasped that if Priscilla hadn’t found me I’d still be there   I’ve got a marvelous wife and she’s turned into  a equally marvelous carer she’s the Bedrock  

    Everybody turns to if there’s a problem I owe  my life to pursue there’s no doubt about that foreign he was going to get depressed but he  surprised me because he was really up [Music] It definitely shows you how easily your life  can just be turned around it definitely makes   you realize that work isn’t everything it  does kind of put things into perspective


    1. I'm really happy to know, despite my previous thoughts, that everyone made it successfully so. What an incredible team of caring professionals, we need some like that in Germany.

    2. I was thinking Stephen likes to be the boss when the note said "Marry me" and not Will you marry me and then his wife said he likes to be the boss.🤨

    3. 12:51 Lady fell "While walking in GREASE. Well DUHHHH, WHAT DID SHE EXPECT ??? "🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😂😂🤣🤣YESSSSS, I KNOW SHE MEANT GREECE THE COUNTRY.

    4. As a specialist in emergency medicine, it always staggers me that push bike riders can travel along at motor vehicle speeds with almost zero protective clothing. They suffer worse injuries than motorbike riders at suburban speeds. At least those have body armour, boots and a decent helmet. The light weight helmets used by bike riders are next to useless with no lateral protection where the skull is at its most vulnerable.
      Then with complete disregard of the risks, and to the distress they have caused their loved ones, they get on a bike again and take all the risks that nearly killed them before. I think it's the height of arrogance and selfishness.

    5. First scene with Stephen I thought, "Not gonna be good… Later, I hear a Air Ambulance flying over my house, "Probably a mountain biker." Unfortunately where I live we get tourists from all over the world and at least 1/3 of our medical flights are bicyclists… Glad it ended well for all ❤

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