Welcome back to the Criminal Connection Podcast with your host, The Podfather, Terry Stone!

    Now due to Dougie Joyce currently being in prison, this episode is highly controversial and exclusive. This episode was recorded before the events that took place that resulted in Dougie being behind bars.

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    Doue Jo just remember dogie J Liv here what was the first time you got in trouble with a law fight chist prob could never fight never fighting man my brother ripped his hair off yeah had a traffic light must have been a bit hungry at yeah like to say he’s he’s

    He’s a full on police and I tell you that my favorite scene on the big brother a party yeah is the one where was going around in the dog suit stay at them hands they’ve got a few stories on the M more of the stories

    Do not stab JY Joy one of the best fights I had in my life was uh Peter Fury we fought for 2 hours and 11 minutes I mean do you want to run through the Joyce family and and the association with the Go Gang he men let’s say met John metman jail starty

    He’s U wanting to fight me again every time he comes into Manchester and sees that Manchester sign yes she not for you if it wasn’t for Paul Massie yeah my brother still be in jail where are you D I just got just I’m testing the whiskey babe I’ve just flipped the poker table

    Up on top of him that was him done he didn’t realize he was going to get the dogy joy experience do you sort of feel a little bit like that guy in The Sopranos every time I can’t get out he pull me back in I want to say big thanks to all our

    Sponsors we love you and without you we wouldn’t be able to make this amazing show big thank you to Dr Green nft for being one of their sponsors of the show so the Dr Green nft project is coming out Portugal and it’s going to revolutionize the way that medical is

    Transacted and distributed throughout the world thank you so much to unisystems Freight UK this amazing Freight forwarding company if you’ve got anything you need send in overseas make sure you get in touch with the Unis systems Freight boys if you want to learn any more about any of our amazing

    Sponsors make sure you check out the links in the description below welcome back to the criminal connection podcast today we’ve got a Manchester Legend he is an undefeated B knle boxing champion please put your hands together for douge Joo let to beet you again ter just want

    To say Terry Stone loves you Terry just remember Jo always loved you too um but no thanks for coming on douy we’ve been friends for a while um but I just think your story is remarkable yeah I know you made a documentary but I think there’s got to be a movie there’s

    Got to be a movie there’s got to be something there there’s got to be a movie there got to be something well I’m sure you’re the M for that there ter you know call your strs so um just really going right back because a lot of the listeners and viewers will

    Know douy Joyce is yeah for those that don’t um it’ be great to literally just delve into you you know when you grew up where you grew up what your childhood was like um starting from a childhood let say from Rags to Riches if that’s a

    Nice way of partner um grew up as I say travel man myself up and down in the trailers from side to S side from road to Road and then back onto a council estate living in the houses on the Estates with the my family so growing up as all around Manchester Bas so

    Originally of always me full family well my father’s family all from longside the Anon State Britton rad number 54 Jesus man that’s bring some memories uh yeah grew up there as a little boy and then uh that was it then we was always traveling and then staying traveling it

    Was always back and forth it was always when we were out on the road and then we’re back in and then we end up settling down in a open sh and that’s when the J Brothers grew up to be what we are so when did you start actually

    Fighting cu cu one of my pals um uh Le Stevens used to run pal star Boxing Club yeah and uh when I went down there when I was a kid to box there was literally I mean I went when I was about 16 but there was like four and five year old

    Kids been put in that ring and they bashing a out of each other I mean was that your your your experience that’s well that’s the way we learned Me growing up I be say on a site up the side of the road doesn’t matter word is

    Get out there and fight you know what I mean it was brought up like no fear unless you want to go back to the trailer and get a wrap of a broomstick on top of your head was that be knuckle or was that yeah be knuckle that was be knuckle

    Coming up as a kid so it was always rared up like the tough way and like say I wouldn’t change anything about my life because it’s made me the man I am so that’s why like I’m never shy of a fight never bothered about a fight and think

    You want to fight it’s it’s another workout do what I mean good exercise for the main from the brain mainly but um yeah just grown up as a child and then my father gots into the boxing so I was always in and out of the boxing clubs and then like uh just always

    Learning from different boxers trainers and we was always on the move and then we settled down on open and then I start to really learn how to box in uh Bob chin gym which a good friend that we’ve known the man for many many years did did you actually have an amateur CR

    Which you f amate yeah a box amateur I boxed um in the aba’s school boys done that there so I’ve got experience of amate behind me done plenty of that turn did you turn pro or not as I was turning pro like I say family again problems I

    Was literally on the Brinker turn and pro I was doing all plenty of spiring I got me fights on uh sparing on the YouTube I sped with plenty of good boxers plenty professional boxers Denton Vil all them kind of boxers um in Bob Shan’s gym do the Champions at the time

    So I was on the brink I was on the turnover and then they end up getting jail again for obviously family problems and getting involved with the Run crowd again and uh I wish if I could turn back the clock I just would have stick at it

    Because that was me heart and soul and that’s that was my dedication I used to be there every day training every day twice a day going to all these events going to the boxing it was just my heart and soul and then I was just always getting drugged away drugged away yeah

    And what was the what was the uh so what was the first time you got in trouble with the law fighting all right and CH always yeah it’s always a it’s always a fight yeah so so do you think just because you up where you was actually um

    Doing ble fighting and you was just going man you know having these RS with people when you actually went out you found that people wed to yeah like the more I went out and say then I was I was getting handy with me hands and then

    Someone I’d want a fight or a family member I’d have an argument and then they’d ring me I turn up and then that’s it I just laid them out i’ have a fight with them and then I was just too good and strong for him but I was always I

    Had no fear in me I turn up let’s say I’ve turned up on sights with my uncles uh my brother’s gone in had a fight F next day the other brother wants to fight me gone in flatten him as well padar has been a referee in few me

    Fights few times he was in advis of the foot soldier movie yeah yeah yeah he po up in one how do you know how do you know him then how do I know him well um we go back a while we used to be mates once upon the time right until um he

    Turned Jackal turned into something that he was he was always something that he wasn’t anyway a lot of gas in there um so things like I say he always like to have his control over the family he used to be the man but py could never fight

    To be honest with you he was never a fighting man he’d have the he’ have the AR he’d have the shout and he stick his chest out and this that and the other but you’d show me one fight that he’s ever had on the internet one video or

    Ever seen PTY fight never the only fight I think he’s had proper is uh with me brother and my brothers give it to him both times yeah and then he obviously turned the other way obviously must have heard his pride and um we got me brother locked up Court twice bust the first

    Case second time fighting with him again that’s when he ripped his hair off at the traffic lights and your brother my brother ripped his ear off yeah had the traffic light must have been a bit hungry at time did he buy it off or he

    Bit it clean off yeah wow it was hanging on like a little Ling piece of skin just D I was the one recording it wow yeah you were the cameraman I was a camera man you do there JY but uh he just obviously didn’t take

    A lik to us and we were just our own men stay on the good side of us treat us with respect we treat you the same he just thought he was a Jack the Lad and that’s what happens to people like that there but yeah full you get your we B

    Off off well the first beaten he got yeah he was in a bad way lip ripped in half uh his jaw broken in eight places eye sockets fractured and uh he’s got pitches there holding up with the GMP police underneath us but yeah like I say he’s he’s he’s a full-on police inant

    And then the second time obviously the trouble trouble’s been going on since 2010 wow still now to this day yeah we’ll never talk to them people again but uh second time he’s out there doing a little bit of jugging wear out the traffic lights hey what’s the

    Gr does he does he does he just drive off now does he sort of engag oh my list I was on a drive off I once the man’s he’s an old man now like we’re not even bothered about him he’s just has been he’s just doing what he’s doing best

    Thing for him to do is get on with his life but anyway he was jogging and obviously I just can’t help myself what’s up what’s the you you already M you I can’t hear you come over here while come a bit closer he come a bit closer that’s when he got the bait

    And then they were both fighting both end up on the floor and then my brother RI off and that’s it got my brother jail again got me jail as well I was only a cameraman yeah but uh that was did you what was the charge filming filming

    Filming an nearby yeah fix there yeah filming him without his um permission right yeah so something like that something else but yeah that was um the story p is not a b fell right right he’s good old crack for the TV is he yeah well he was cuz I think was he on

    Big Brother was that yeah it was on there yeah I tell you that my favorite scene on the Big Brother of py yeah is the one where was going around in the dog suit he was gone and his tongue hanging out and he’s on all fours oh I tell you

    What my the ble crack he the thing the thing is though I think when you put yourself on those types of shows yeah they I mean some of the things they get you to do is is ridiculous yeah it shows you do anything for a bit

    Of money W you um and um obviously with a bacle boxing how many did you keep track of how many fights you’ve actually had or not I had that many fights Harry I could even tell you I’ve definitely had over 100 fights easy obviously I’ve had plenty of fights with my own breed

    My own family friends of friends and uh just stay at them hands they’ve got a few stories on them anyway yeah but yeah um and with with with the with the uh the B knuckle fights who who would out of all the people you fought was there

    One or two people that you fought me that ge’s game and I actually give you a good good run one of the best fights I’ve had in me life yeah one of the best fights I had in me life was uh Peter Fury believe it or not back in his time

    Do you know what I mean he was a strong fellow still is a strong fell want to fought him that was back in 2010 we fought for two hours in 11 minutes Peter fii was um his cousin Tyson fiori he was a referee in the fight he was on his

    Father place we we end up having a fight the puddles of mud on the floor was red with blood and now that was a proper fight not like the the last fight I had with u Patty’s little cousin there d man wants to pick a football pitch fight

    Jabba move this was a close bang in fight knocking the snot of blood out of each other wow so 2 hours and 10 minutes yeah that’s was a proper fight how’ you fight for that long I don’t know it’s either the heart the fitness so it just

    Won’t give in WoW but yeah we both had a good fight and we got at the end of it we end up shaking hands and call out a draw how you even trained for something like that I don’t know it’s just say you like you just keep yourself fit all the

    All year round I mean is it a bit like being a pro boxer or is there any different things you do like someone said to me a martial arts guy said and he sounds mad but he said that he gets his students like punching trees to

    Toughing all the hands up I don’t punch trees and all you rather punch people yeah definitely try try and keep whatever I got left of the but yeah um that there that was a proper fight that was probably one of the best fights I’ve had in my life I’ve had loads of good

    Fights loads of of good Knockouts and fights to like talk about but I’m on about like for a Nitty Gritty fullon sweaty bloody fight is there is there video footage of that or there is a video yeah but obviously respect on both sides uh they won’t release it that’s

    Fair enough but yeah the thing is obviously they’ve got the video and it was plenty of recorded on the day and I’m not in bothered if they wanted to put it out they can put it out it was it was a great video any it would be a

    Great video andbody you know I think people would pay to watch that definitely 10 minutes got it there I to save it up now to see how far to get what it’s worth and um obviously your CL your family there’s there’s there’s I mean do you want to

    Run through um you know the the the Joyce family um and obviously you know there there’s uh the association with the GU gang in Manchester as well so it’d be just good to understand how that will come about and well the family depends um what do you want to know do

    You want to know about me Father side the family which that is the G and yeah well me father he has brothers and sisters his father himself me me grandfather DAV Joyce he was like a known as like a godfa down there alongside you me um his nephew which is

    Colin David Joyce one of the main men the leader of the GU him and Cabo at the time um they both end up getting 39 year each in jail but uh that’s I’ll break it down for you so you understand piggy which is David Collin Joyce his mother

    Is my father’s the brother and sister so it’s me father’s nephew my first cousin so that’s how close we are he’s the first one we call one of the black ches right he’s definitely one of the black ches is he but uh yeah so Colin David Jo

    Cousin of mine um that’s mean r up around longside R life and uh nice fellow very nice fellow but now he’s in there serving the rest of his life in jail yeah but obviously he’s a well-known man in he’s an icon to the boys and the younger generation in the

    GU and Manchester will he will he will he will he get out or not well he is gone from what I know anyway I think he’s he’s gone for another appeal he hasn’t put his appealing yet but um hopefully he gets it and he’s back out

    In the streets um and then and then on on on your side of the family um was that was obviously the sort of criminal side the go go and then on your side um was that just like a traditional sort of traveling family well from basic well M

    Side um there are but basically they are the ones that only argue and figh this that even me Father side of the family I’ve never had one argument with them never one argument never one problem never know nothing yeah that tells you something on me over side of the family

    There’s always arguing there’s always King each other there’s always this that and the other there’s just who’s got this and who’s got that better and the thing is I just took me away from myself away from the whole lot of them F them’s got a problem they want a problem with

    Me ring up my number and meet up with me come a fight with me AP from that I’ve got them too busy getting on with my own wife and children my own family I just don’t need the [ __ ] I mean I just take myself like to take myself back

    Away from all that and the best best of look to them but all the drama in your life is no good how can you get out there a few quid for yourself you know what I mean that’s true so the best thing for me is like you know peace love

    And harmony I love that that was a song peace love and harmony it’s the way forward so so with with the various stints that you’ve you’ve had in prison what what’s what what how many times have you actually been in prison um been in times I think about three three three

    Four times right yeah pre been up and down I’ve been probably about eight different prisons up and down the whole country me and my brother end up getting shaped yet to the uh the a of sheppy to together security moved to hmp whide yeah and that was for fighting

    Again what’s your what’s what’s been your favorite prison my favorite prison do you know what it all sounds bad yeah but there’s no place like home is true Manchester ground soon as you see them Manchester signs and you’re coming back on that sweat box been sat

    There for eight hours on a sweat box and your ass is broke soon as you see them signs coming straight back in the Forest Bank It Feels Like H right yeah um have you done uh many runs with John Fury rivalries no just just in general because obvious you

    Mentioned you had a you had to fight with Peter but I didn’t know uh no no like no no I get John John Fury is a gentleman I get on with John um I met John plenty of times I get on with him and his sons all gentlemen I mean Top

    Class People um let’s say I’ve met John numbers of times I even met him in jail met stranger was that time when I got remanda for a party me and my brother I end up getting out on a JC bu uh John mment there had to crack with them

    Inside the library and then I came in with a you know what there’s what there’s one good thing it was funny yeah so John’s in there doing his thing reading his uh books so I come in and I was with a fell called Simon Dy s Simon

    Dy so anyway I never knew his nickname yeah John let me know his nickname and then I couldn’t stop laughing all the way back to the wing so I’ve come in he went um what’s happening doie he said you’re all right John what’s happening

    He said doy get over on my wing get over here do some training with me and uh we’ll get stuck into it he was on B I think he was on B win or B1 B2 something like that there so I said yeah no problem John I said I get over there and

    I’ll do a bit of training with you so anyways he said what are you doing with duck friends so I said who duck friends he said him there he looks like um he’s like you ever seen that little John what on like the Vickers hair going around

    Your ball yeah and I just couldn’t I couldn’t stop laughing get out my head just like real serious though the way point what’s happened to D dug’s friends uh but yeah he’s he’s a nice man John every time I see I got nothing but respect for them where where about in

    Ireland with the with the family originally who your family my family my family’s all over the place I’m originally from Manchester myself and my mother’s people back into my father’s people they’re back over from Ireland sou so I like to scatter it all over the place um and and your documentary

    Obviously it was in the top five on Amazon number one uh it was no I saw I saw in the top five but um only after we met and you said I we got documentary saw it was hit hit number one after 24 hours wow 24 hours if you haven’t seen

    That makes sure you get that Joy family documentary on Amazon well it’s was not bad for a bit of an achievement Jo me I didn’t expect that it was just what did you did you make that yourself or did you bring there was someone that was uh

    I was working with called Tony G and uh he was doing all uh talking documenting and getting things put together it was just like something that went on for a bit and they wanted to do obviously it worked out good in the end we end up

    Going to an awards place and we got like best uh award for do documentary of the year as well amazing yeah so we got that but uh yeah it went well did you find that got got you a lot of uh lot lot yeah and and obviously when when you was

    Out and about people like oh there’s douy Joyce like when you weren’t in Manchester when you was out and about yeah it’s just like it’s spreading it’s like it’s getting bigger and all the bits of things and doing well everyone’s talking about it now because it’s on

    Everyone’s screens you can just click on Click by go on you st on to it and what did you uh with with the um uh that film I know it’s come out in the UK has it gone out anywhere else in the world or

    Is it just UK the moment um I think it’s been spreading I think it’s gone to Ireland uh was supposed to be getting gateways opened up to be like America and all that kind of stuff so to be honest with I’ve not even checked up on

    It been too wrapped up I will be checking up on that to see where it’s at sure be ought a fuk could I so when you was in when you was in jail did you play any card games yeah I was playing uh poker poker so this is um

    When I got security moved to I know I know this whole story so got security moved to sside in um the is of sheppy so me and my brothers in there we got part of up together doing a few things going from Wing to wing and uh just being H

    You know what I mean it was just like we’re in a we’re in a big foreign jail there it’s like on the middle of nowhere in little isand but um end up playing poker with the boys getting to know a few of the lads few Scouts plenty of

    Muslims in there mean they all stick together and one of my mates was in there wz Brown yeah what’s get on with him he’s he’s in force spank at a minute shout out to wz as well what wz yeah but yeah um playing poker and everyone puts like packets of

    What do you call it like um tobacco in you get like an ounce of tobacco and half of the whatever you can afford you’re Inn the game so me being a non-smoker [ __ ] on I’m having it going I’m going in and everyone takes their heart I’m just playing and going go all

    In and I’m winning is knocking him out the Game knocking him out the game so now I’m getting into this now I’m getting a bit serious so there’s one other fell there it was a Muslim lad but a bit of a cocky fell you know what I

    Mean like a chip on his shoulder and he’s taking the I don’t know if it was his last pack of the burn on us but anyway he was was getting a bit uh hot heated for your so it was just uh me and him left in the finals me him and a few

    Of the Fells and then it broke down to me and him and then there was about basically the full wing of burn was on this table Yeah so I said do you want to see how big your balls are yeah he said come on I said come on all in he

    Want I’ve got you beat bro you like that I said have you come on then bro got in all in yeah a war and cleared out the whole thing so I’ve got one of me pmates putting all the bags in there anybody need toac you so get all into

    The wash basket let fast here and then uh this fell starts kicking off calling names and this that so I’m looking at him now yeah and I’m see he’s coming closer cuz these fellas are known for little shibs and all that kind of stuff I’ve just flipped the poker table up on

    Top of them yeah like I moved to the side you get into the pad so anyways we had a few words and uh Wes Brown and one of his other mates got us he up like two referees in the middle his mate and my mate yeah so that’s the way it was we

    Went into the pad and he stood like he’s all ready with his little self yeah so he closed the door behind us cuz these PS is only small by the way he didn’t realize he was going to get the D so soon as got it he he stood there a

    Little bit just hit him with a straight right flattened him yeah that was him done and uh he didn’t want to know then so that’s it I thought I’m not a bully I’m not going to overdo things so we’ve left it now so the W’s in the pad he’s

    In the pad and um this fell just stuck something straight to the side of me here yeah like like something sharp and the blood was coming down me as he stuck it into I felt it I just give it to him both of them run out the pad cuz that’s

    When it’s got dirty then yeah and I’ve just knocked the tons of [ __ ] out it was clar everywhere all over the pad I just wouldn’t stop giving it to him inside of there until I knew I’m done and G proper so then anyway there was blood all over

    The place yeah and then um thought I’m not walking out of this p and get myself a nicking yeah so I took his flip-flops took my cloths off yeah and put his towel around me but I’m holding me cuz obviously I’m bleeding here yeah so I’ve

    Got the towel on here walking with the flipflops to the shower like this so anyways could have saw a shot this fell was in a bad way so uh his mates had to go on help for to go and clean up the pad and everything so one day goes past two

    Three the screw goes why you not coming out for your food but obviously this fell had a pair of lips on him like this yeah so when they come he said what’s up with you yeah he said um what’s up with your lips I said have You’ been at

    Altercation you’ve been fighting he said no I’m allergic to To Nuts bro but fair play to we never said nothing yeah and after that obviously the boys got us back together and we end up com W then right yeah we couldn’t gamble no more because Los We Just sh a bad loser we

    Shook hands and we end up coming mates after that day more of the story is do not stab jagy Joyce yeah with a paper clip I don’t know what it was it was something sharp anyway what little B got be good though I mean that’s the a lot of the

    Lot of people now that is their a lot of people do carry blades now don’t but listen loads of that stuff go I can tell you loads of deails but I won’t I’ll keep you here all night with them well give us a couple more Doug easy we might

    As well every sorry readers and listeners and their viewers um will you know I i’ i’ I’d assume a lot of them probably haven’t been in jail and um I think obviously you know jows always I mean that’s that’s a great story about the PO game well there was another time

    Then we end up getting kicked off The Wing me and my brother one was in that same jail again so we got kicked off it’s like house block one house block two they go that’s what they call them house blocks so um we get kicked on

    To house block two so this is like um the M’s wings as you go in it’s like a Billet yeah but it’s just a big massive landing and then you got your little uh you got your Landings on each side and there’s only like a few phones at the

    End but it’s just it’s all compact you know what I mean it’s like being on the bill itself so me and my brother goes in two traving fellows so I mean like two aliens Out The Space Walk This Place yeah and you can see them all whispering

    And they’re all looking this but I end up getting on with a few fellas I end up meeting one of my good mates I’m very good mates with now yeah Joey Simpson in there yeah shout out to Joey sson as well I met I Met m there and um I’ve

    Been best of mates with him for years now many many years probably about 11 years I think it is so um anyways it kicked off on there again with me and me brother and uh this screw was being funny whatever happened anyway yeah I don’t I won’t go into too much but

    Anyway whatever happened this screw come up with a big chip on his shoulder so um he’s come home and get into the pad said we’re not going no pad so everyone’s been banged up now yeah and then wor still outside the pad said no not until

    He talked to us nicely with a bit of respect and he’s being all aggressive with himself all aggressive so I said I nudged Johnny I said come on Johnny let’s just go into the pad yeah so anyway as we got into the pad yeah Johnny’s put his foot on the door like

    This Al so he can’t like put the key in and pull the door back out yeah so I’m stood in there I’m I’m going to give it to him let’s just get him into the pad Forest yeah so he’s got the key in the door and he’s trying to pull the key and

    Obviously he’s got there grabb the hole and Johnny’s grab the hole and by a tie and ripped them in yeah give him a few hard slaps what pulling them in with the tie choking them inside the pad yeah and that was it the screams was going out

    The pad and he press a buzzer they walk but we’ve let him go then we’ve let let him go so what’s up with you you not have a laugh our kid yeah that was it we end up getting kicked out of that one we got kicked out of house block two

    Foreign National Wing oh mate they were shipping as well put us on a wing where we couldn’t no one was speaking English right and on the highest floor yeah on a Freeman pad yeah oh listen the the conditions was ridiculous it was bad we didn’t last longer there we end up

    Getting on good with a screw and that’s when they put us back over there and sent Johnny back to strangeways not off horse Bank it was and then uh that was it I was only there for about another say about three month after that and then I got Shi back to Forest

    Bton yeah that was another funny funny story with the screw what’s what’s the what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen in in the jail craziest thing I’ve seen in the jail I’ve seen people get stabbed uh throat slit inside there people getting jibed up and not even KN they been jibed

    Up there I’ve seen a lot of nasty things even people doing it to the self really literally yeah slicing the all like me brother Tom he was in jail and um this F must have been a self harmer or whatever it was and when you’re all banged up

    You’ve only got like a night guard but he don’t even have a key to open the door which I don’t think it’s safe at all you what I mean because you pressing the buzzer then you’ve got to ring for the security the security is got to come

    Through and then come in so uh don’t know what this fell was going through but my brother Tom was traumatized when he’s seeing this but anyway just rang up like normal yeah you never believe what happened in there he got up because he wouldn’t answer him I think he want

    Healthcare or whatever slit his full throat inside the P when Riv to blood just squirt and everywhere so um did he die or was he no he never died Thro though yeah shows you though how dangerous it can be and then I think he was bleeding out for a good must be a

    Good five minutes I I suppose the only good thing about that is he s Tom Tom Tom Tom saved his life holding his neck back together but I suppose it’s good that he s his own throat not Tom throat when he’s asleep but I show you if if

    You’re going to do like things like that that you can’t be you can’t be in a PB with someone like that cuz You’ be sleeping and someone tries cutting you or stabbing you yeah yeah I that’s scary he wouldn’t sleep I P was like that every don’t go to sleep don’t go sleep

    After that got a single man P ex said I’m never getting ped up again and then when when you was in ja did you did you ever come ever come across in N um no I’ll tell you what happened I was in a hmp all course so me being on there on

    The number ones like with the survery cleaning all that kind of stuff there like a there’s a group of us so we we get to stay out having a game of snooker doing what we’re doing is that cuz you got privileges yeah we got the Privileges yeah we’re like in Advanced

    It’s a bit like good Fellers you can do your own food yeah yeah yeah well basically once I was in there I’ll I’ll tell you another story in a minute I feel like you may me remember something else but these used to go out at 5: in

    The morning yeah and this armad is in the jail he was on the same wi because the induction wi we were on everyone’s got to come through there because the reason I asked because someone talking to me about this the other day and they said normally they have like

    A swing they but that’s where people go on for protection so if they’re in debt or they’ve done something wrong or they’re in for the wrong reason they put on protection and when they go on protection they’re on the swing with a load of uh legs so on our wing they’d be

    Set up we we don’t get to see them I’ll speak to them 5:00 in the morning they’re out our doors get open at 7 so they’re two hours ahead and then they come back in I think um about 8:00 9:00 and then we’ve got to stand behind the

    Door delock it and then let them in for their own safety that’s the way they always protect them keep them safe but the the the ners have be doing the food yeah what the have be doing all your laundry they’re locked away on their own little building things and obviously all

    Your beding all your seats and everything’s getting washed and all that there the non are doing at all so it’s prob you have to be nice in the kitchen I’m telling you it’s just I’m tell you listen the system is it’s [ __ ] is is corrupt and the way to do it they show

    Them more uh privileges than a normal prisoner so no wonder the prisoners get upset with them and give it to them they’re going to give it to them anyway yeah cuz I know I know uh there was a I read read a story about um uh and I

    Don’t know if it was in newspaper it was in a book but there was a them where people used to they they get points for doing stuff that the so yeah they’ actually and they wouldn’t mind actually you know getting in trouble because they wanted to well mainly that’s like the

    Fellas has got nothing to lose or like smackers in there do what I mean that they do something for a spice or she I mean because they do like the sheets Pap a bit of spice you can get things done to anybody in there for what a couple of smokes or

    Anything it’s only a bit of spice to do only I mean that’s that stuff I mean I’ve I’ve never ever understood why anybody want to take it but you know what crazy when we’re Bor inside the jail and uh like you see these they want

    In it you know what I mean and they’re like a proper addict time for it so like obviously I know a few The Lads that they’ll be doing what they’re doing inside there and uh they go what’s this one of our laugh Lads so they’ll give it

    To them they give them like a big giant load of spice inside of it and then obviously some of these fellas by the way like they pass out they get sick and they [ __ ] the St and everything so uh when they give it to them start taking

    Like um like a weird like kind of fit and they’ be holding onto the railings like they’re going to fall off the end of the Titanic you what I mean they go all weird and you see someone turn into a chicken I’m telling you listen talking

    Somebody sent me a video and this must have been about three when it first come out this thing where it was they said this is [ __ ] up and it was it was actually in a Jou where somebody was doing that yeah and I think they must

    Have had some of that where SP yeah they do like it does it [ __ ] them up I mean it kills a lot of people as well right it’s a nasty drug and um people just get it on a piece of paper and they spray it

    On send it in and then that’s it smoking a piece of paper Terry listen it’s m tell you the things that happen to them jails these days though wow yeah it’s Madness is it because CU someone said to me also that there’s like in the old days it was

    Proper like prison time but now you’ve obviously got PlayStations there TV and jail like when I was in there like it was just PlayStation you got your PlayStation there your DVD player you know what I mean you just get all your home Comforts in and that’s it obviously

    You get a few extras I mean to make yourself feel comfortable but yeah you do be all right but what was what was the uh story you going I reminded you of when was talking earlier uh oh yeah yeah the food so uh I was always good for

    Food me I love my food never going to start anyway for anyone want I’m in there I’m actually you know I’m saying that’s what what we get on so well we both live our lives by food that’s got to be the food I love you good food and

    The best food you get in there is when um the the Muslims are going through the time is it what’s it called again um Ramadan Ramadan yeah so me I turn into the Ramadan man so when I’m in there yeah they call me brother Joyce D Joy the Ramadan man brother Joyce I’m

    Telling you that’s it come around big be on sitting there having me c with the lads cuz I get home with a whole lot I got a lot of friends run around Manchester get with a lot of them so come out to come in with the big yellow

    Boxes food all freshly done yeah I mean the best food you get so coming in there with me n bread everything me proper madzz Curry I mean the B food so that that’s the best food you get in there anyway so that was the food story right right right amazing

    Um and and obviously you know you you always refer to yourself as a family man so so there’s so there’s you and and and your misses and how how many children three girls girls yeah amazing yeah hopefully born on way I boy this time it’s funny because when I when I

    When I had my children I always wanted to have a boy and we we were blessed with a boy but then when I actually had a girl um it’s weird because cuz the girls love the dad you get from your daughters like I never experienced it

    Cuz I’ve got four Sons myself right yeah I don’t get to see them at the moment right but um obviously the doors always open for them if they ever do get to see them again I love my little boys have done everything in the world that I can

    For them yeah so you got seven in total yeah yeah wow yeah so like I say I don’t get to see them and um I’m always here for them no matter what so whatever stories they’ll hear whatever stories they want I’m thinking I don’t know how

    To approach me fa they’re at that age now I mean my oldest is coming 13 years of age he’s going to be a teenager in January so let’s say I just want to always know that I loved them I’m always there for them and no matter what the

    Door’s always open for them and I’ll never give up on them never tell back if you have one more girl then you got four and four yeah four and four I reckon it be a boy this time I don’t mind it was another girl though

    Girls and boys I mean I love my little girls my little girls is latched on to me I love them um my Oceana is just something else she’s just daddy through and through forget about the mommy daddy yeah so we’ll see what Louisiana’s like yeah she’ll be daddy’s girl as well

    Yeah so what’s how old was your youngest my youngest is um six weeks now is o yeah yeah six weeks six weeks yeah six weeks yeah six weeks do you know something I always I don’t know how you found it with with babies but I always I

    Always found that first year it’s is tough because you know the you know when we had our first kid yeah obviously you don’t nobody gives you a [ __ ] manual on how to look for a kid you know what I mean well I do got to say me wife is the

    Best mother to my children yeah I could have picked a better wife to her my children always come first even before me I get jealous sometimes I mean get the food on woman get her ready yeah but no she does creditor she looks after me children going proper what’s your wife’s

    Name I forgot what her name is she’s over there she’s got good she’s got good she’s got good uh H Holly’s got a good business as well in Manchester oh she has so everybody subscribe I look out for theot Aesthetics I know up there but yeah yeah

    Call you you know every time I see you Dy you’re looking younger and younger and I was actually going to say to you that film Premiere the other day put the heat on what’s going on Dy you you know you Benjamin but I tell you what happens

    Listen I look after myself go for a good gym session TLC good steam room good sauna food prodct not a bit of cream you got good food all all it’s making me look younger I’m glad you’re not I said the same about you when you walked in

    You know what I mean you must be taking the same stuff that’s why that’s why ter over there Terry I can’t see other wrinkles on Terry no there’s no wrinkles I’m wrinkle three I haven’t been to see the coat as F yet but um when I’m in Manchester I

    Will definitely pop by you have to pop by unless by and she’ll look after you she’ll give you a great deal make me look make me look young oh she will I’m telling that um and um you know you obviously you know through throughout your sort of time in Manchester um have

    You found um you know that you’ve been dragged into a lot of things uh that that weren’t really anything to do with you where yeah like I always get dragged into a lot of things people use me name a lot uh it’s always a family situation always I’ve got seven brothers yeah well

    Seven including myself um keep you busy yeah they definitely keep me busy but there’s always something going on I get dragged into and this that the other and I’m always like I say my family man I love my family I’ll always be there for me Family Family First all the time for

    Me yeah and um yeah and then if it’s not that I’d be friends and then I’d be a friend of a friend then he said this then he said that and mainly like most of the cases I’m a peacemaker I’m in there like like making peace with

    Everybody s things out so uh yeah I do have a lot of uh very busy in Manchester yeah um and uh obviously you you set up this uh 3D Fight Club how did that come about yeah um believe it or not I was sat there one day inside the gym and um

    I’m watching these people on the phone and I thinking he’s fighting he’s having a little bit of a fight air and tear up and go to a field and I thinking I do fight myself I like the game game why don’t I set something else up for

    Everybody in Manchester to use as a platform and if they want to sort the difference out they can come down do it and then since i’ done it Jo they done number one on on number five now it’s just growing it’s getting bigger and bigger it’s going and uh believe it or

    Not it’s turned out a great success so so so just for people that are listening or watching um what it’s in like an octagon right an octagon yeah and it’s bare knuckle bare knuckle it’s mixed K1 MMA bare knuckle as well so it could be

    MMA but MMA bar knuckle so so on the night it’s a bit of everything so box gloves on as well amazing and and and what what are the rules on on the B knle because again I know bkb Frey Fight Club there’s all these people now doing um

    You know essentially licensed shows in that Arena and what are the actual rules I mean is it is it can you elbow can you no like um like I say it’s whatever category you’re in so whatever whatever fight you’re fighting if you’re fighting be knuckle let just stand up be knuckle

    If you’re fighting with the gloves on stand up be with the can you use elbows and head or not or is that not no it’s just literally the KN depends like I say if you’re fighting and you’re doing your MMA be knuckle all that kind of stuff so

    Whatever rules get set in place that’s the rules of the fight that you’re going to have so this next show’ll be a mix of all that again so it’ be good I’m I’m actually looking forward to it because I missed the last one but well we’re going

    To make it the M Terry to Red I’m not getting in the hey we have Terry on the big screen coming in immed it time um and what other Ventures have you got involved in uh douy because I know you’ve done 3D Fight Club 3D Fight Club

    I know you’re an entrepreneur what other things you be doing um well I’ve got the joy cus whiskey look at this look death before dishonor I love that you know when I saw this being advertised ugie I just thought what a great idea and uh how’s it gone it’s

    Going good uh we finally I’ve got the date coming in for everything’s been done now because it’s like I say it’s been people say when’s it coming when’s it coming when’s it coming you can’t rush the hmrc you mean you can’t you can’t rush all the paperwork and

    Everything everything’s been done now so I reckon I’d say I’m waiting for not for the for the launch of that I’m waiting for the launch of the whiskey to be launched so we’re looking for a place I don’t want to give out too many minut things at the

    Minute where it’s going to be but if we get it over the line I’ll be happy with that but the whiskey is more or less era that’s it so amazing so where did that come from um talking to me partner that I work with car long and was uh just one

    Day was having a few drinks he said doy said all these drinks going around this that year and you love your whiskey why don’t you make a whiskey of your own self right I said Carol I think you’re under something I said you’ve got a good idea

    So then we started like we started pursuing it yeah and then obviously was looking into a few things and looking at this and obviously my back name Joyce is a massive name over here in England and also over in Ireland there’s even a place called Joyce country wow over in

    Ireland so it’s an oldb brainer and put things together done a few phone calls and that’s it then now we got a load of stock that’s waiting to come over which hopefully she’ll be here by I’d say where where is it’s it’s in the Dockers we speak no but where’s it made where

    Did you actually the same place the same Distillery as Conor MCG gets his in Dublin OH amazing same place yeah so it’s not just like anyhow whis it’s double cast as well amazing it’s not single cast it’s double cast it’s funny cuz i’ i’ uh literally similar

    Conversation one of my good pals who who I do a few things with mentioned to me about doing a drinks brand and we did a vka brand well tell the truth now you got the idea for me didn’t you ter no I didn’t whiskey I start

    You I like about what all the different colors with the bottles as well but you know what’s interesting like you know I I like you right I I’ve you know people have their drinks goto drinks I’ve always been a run man right so I would

    Have been gravitated to a rum to a yeah but the thing is um I’ve never really been a vodka fan and and I’ve always likened it to drinking paint stripper yeah and um the only vodka that I’ve drunk um is normally beler or um uh Kus

    Yeah and then my mate said to me he said look he said I’ve got this vodka and he said it is on that level he said I’ll just try it and he had these three samples one was normal vodka one was blue raspberry one was a pink Apple and

    I tried it and I was like the pink Apple tastes like a kids drink so you’re going to get in trouble with that drink of it and the blue raspberry so so for me the actual standard vul is not for me but I like the sort of um flavored vulas so so

    I got into that and um and and again like the work that goes into it and for anybody who’s thinking of opening up a company doing their own drinks brand it’s a lot of hard work it’s not easy I didn’t realize how hard it was until I

    Got into it and still yeah I’m still going now but but you know what when you get to the end you actually physically start getting out wor I can’t wait I can’t wait to do the launch the launch is going to be happening very soon like

    I say we’re waiting for the date now so it’s a ready Earth signed off I’m just waiting for the date the launch obviously you’ll be a guest there Terry I’ll be coming mate I’ll be I’ll be I’ll be trying it you’ll be trying the whiskey but the thing is I am a Heen

    When it comes to Whiskey lots of purists drink it either neat or On the Rocks I like it promise I like it with COC Ginger I promise you I’m the same but I can promise you this here that’s the whiskey I can drink straight right with

    A few blocks of ice on it yeah drink it straight cuz you get ones that’ll burn your throat and you it tastes like Petrol in your mouth that there has got a mix inness the only whis the only whiskey that I’ve had that I actually really like is Mallen but would you are

    You you like whiskey right do you drink Mallen do you know do you know you know one of my favorite whiskey drinks yeah is Johnny Walker’s Blue Label right okay that’s popular as well yeah it’s got a beautiful taste to it and it’s just got that nice strong taste to it and that

    Was my favorite drink until that come along so basically your whiskey yeah Joyce Joyce’s Irish whiskey right it’s like Johnny Walker better yeah 100% like’s say I went through a lot of testing yeah a lot of testing how you told the misses like where are you D I

    Just got just I’m testing the whiskey babe she’s she on the first time to me said you all right you yeah man I’m all right yeah I said yeah I’m just doing a bit of testing I’ve only gone through about six already so I think it went

    Through about 20 te to get the right one I said that one I said that’s the one can you can you can you drink can I drink yeah I can drink right yeah cuz cuz I I’ve always find like if I if I if I’m sort of on a fitness thing and I

    Drink I always find it sort of knocks me back at Al to but do you just take it I I can drink the whiskey no problem right yeah part of your part of your exercise region definitely yeah part of the excise I think it runs in the breeders

    Of the whole lot of us but yeah it’s um it’s a smooth taste when you when you taste it Terry you’ll have your own opinion on it yeah I can’t I can’t wait to taste your foger as well yeah no well we we we’ll have a we have any and the

    Joy whiskey we we have a testing day yeah night um and um you know what what’s happening you know with uh uh I mean obviously you’ve got the documentary out surely there’s got to be a book in it works H well I’ve been asked a few times of different uh offers

    To do books but I just never got around the time because I’ve never had you know it’s like to have your own self you find it hard to have time for yourself one minute you’re R you’re there and then you’re get pulled to do another thing in

    A different project but yeah it will be on the it will be out there for doing a book I think probably a few More Years yet what every year I’m doing there’s always something even coming how old are you now uh 35 now 35 so yes so you’ve

    Got yeah plenty years yeah I’m mean I’m 52 so I think I think I might listen we’ll get it penciled in 150 on me 50th birthday we’ll start I sure I’ll have a story then can can tell you some stories Jesus as you’re an undefeated bacle Fighter um

    Have you got any more fights L up douy well I’m getting call outs right left and Center aren’t I um say a few people especially this uh fellow that’s obviously got a thing about me Douglas Dy so he’s been um say is he related to Patty or not is he some yeah he’s

    Related to P yeah so he’s uh challenging me to fight he’s um wanting to fight me again the thing is with that fell yeah he offered me a fight last time yeah he challenged me to a fight he accepted it yeah and the thing is I’m unbeaten yeah

    All he’s ever done is draw with everybody I’ve never seen him beat anybody right and every fight he said don’t get me wrong the feel like going have a fight and well this supposed to be a supreme fighter and everyone had me rule that to be this person’s going to

    Get beat knocked out the fell couldn’t even the camera it couldn’t knock something out anyway but anyways yeah me and him about to fight and uh he couldn’t do nothing to me we both fought to the end that’s it he got hit with a

    Few hard ones and he wanted to call it a draw yeah so all he all I’ve ever seen him do is shake hands call it a draw so mentally what I think about this fell is and it’s only obvious I’m living in the man’s head rent free yeah every time he

    Comes into Manchester and sees that Manchester sign ja that’s it it’s just like a big S Dy he just removed the Manchester yeah yes so every time he comes in it tell you he’s thinking of me and you know what yeah it’s his own fault don’t try and

    Step to the mark don’t give it the big and don’t tell everyone you’re going to do a job and do this that you yeah and go home what’s on with your hands in your pocket that’s exactly what happened do you think he might he might be on on the next

    Show that raid there I had fighting one my next show no problem but I want how the crow to go down cuz I think the whole thinger kick off on the knock out but uh no me and him we’ll get out he’s challenged me again the thing is I’m

    Busy with work doing what I’m doing gives his little challenge the Fell’s training every day thinking jazz jazz Jaz sit up Jazz Jaz Jaz it’s true does like you know I’ve got an idea I see you’ve got your king Joyce uh is that a CL I’m gonna stump

    King Joyce in the dougas for I’ve I’ve got another idea so you got King Joyce merch yeah I’ve got an idea for you go on what about douy Joyce Chester merch douy Joy Chester merch as in Manchester but douy Joyce Chester yeah no but all J’s aside he’s

    Challenged me right I’ve accepted the fight he’s I’ve told him I’ll give him a date yeah obviously I’m busy doing what I’m doing I’ve got a court case coming up after the court case I’ll give him a date because like I said I don’t like to

    Give people dates if I can’t be there whatever I always turn up 100% so um like I say I’m busy doing me work I’m up here doing doing J Terry and this is constant everywhere yeah so you get his L you get his fight but the only way

    We’re fighting is not on a football pitch like he picked last time right it’s got to be in a small ring 10 foot 12 foot ring I’m easy yeah it’s going to be in there and then we’re going to see then who’s the better man after that

    Then I don’t want to hear his name don’t want nothing more to do with him and he’s got his fight so everything he’s doing he’s even sleeping even when he goes home to bed and sleeping yeah he’s thinking of me he wakes up he’s thinking

    Of me know what I mean but that’s the best one every time he comes into Manchester sees the sign so don’t worry listen you’re getting your da you’re getting your bait brilliant and and uh one thing we haven’t really talked about obviously Manchester as a city um you know we used

    To call it guner yeah right and uh that’s when it was back when it was because him because the gun rate was Sky High yeah since he got locked up the gun rate went down I think by about 85% um cuz I remember doing a uh we used

    To do a brand called Gary’s Nation we did a party at the G yeah and I remember literally being on the door up there and I saw people I can’t help it dogy Jo just remember D Jaz don’t love you and I remember being on the door right

    And they got these metal detectors and this must have been 98 99 and I remember standing on the door and I was standing back behind the door and there’s all the security checking people Mak them go for the metal detectors yeah and I saw a guy

    Walk up to one of the DOR and go like that and I saw he had a machine gun in his jacket and the doorman went no problem walked him around the so I’m going I’m fing going I was like I’m out of here do you know what I mean but um I

    I regularly heard about people I mean you know I mean people were getting shot on a regular basis yeah of course listen let’s say in Manchester I know a lot of people got a lot of respect in Manchester I know a lot of people inside

    Of us that’s got a lot of respect for me as well everywhere I go into Manchester I’ve got most of respect going to the clubs the everything I know all the firms in Manchester up and around the places a mutual agreement do you know what I mean mutual respect with each

    Other like say if you don’t know nobody then you might have a problem if you’re just a normal person you’ll have a great night carry on go home do what you’re doing but obviously there’s people that’s got an edge with everybody what I’m saying as long as you’re right with

    Them they’re right would you yeah because we had we had a guest on here um uh recently called benam Hony and he was he wrote I I done um I think you documentary with him yeah yeah British gangsters the underworld I watched that online um but he was was on it and he

    Was talking cuz he did a a book about Paul Messi yeah um and uh obviously he got a lot of stick from uh various people saying different things but I mean did obviously you you knew Paul yeah what was what was he like I mean

    Was he he was a nice fellow right so do I mean he had his ways he done what he was doing around the place if it wasn’t for Paul Massie yeah my brother still be in jail I’ll do an IP yeah for PTY it was PTY was in the carow with Paul cuz

    He were made at the time as well and he said I’m going to get him Paul made him pull over the m and get out right yeah and that’s sound he went to B distance Paul came into the dock yeah as a witness for Johnny against PTY

    And then PTY tried denying that he knew Paul that’s when he calls himself a bad situation right right so so so in Manchester um back back back then when Paul was alive um there was obviously Paul Massie there was a g y there was uh Che Mill and what were the other games

    That up there there there’s all different ones was Doon as well right yeah all different mix of like say that a younger generation now you’ve got the own crws and they’re all coming was LSC I mean there was the pit every every there was all different names back then

    I mean a lot wilder than what it is today right you what I mean but is it calmed down a bit now yeah it was like the wild west back then just didn’t give a [ __ ] but obviously now there’s a lot more things put in place right and it’s

    Harder to get away now with a murder right so you’ll think some some will up you’ll think now before to do it so I mean I mean I I think I don’t know again I’m doing this from from from memory but I I seem to remember was Manchester the

    Like murder capital of England well at one stage yeah that’s that’s why I got put down to being good Manchester J know it was um it was someone get murdered every week right wow someone getting shot up something happening I said there um yeah it was one to say place we were

    Living we was living right in the heart of it on the an State yeah that was many many years ago what see what what what do you think changeed what made the uh you know made it made it change then you think think do you think people do you

    Think the law enforcement just um yeah they come down heavier didn’t they and they’re taking out the big names taking out the ring leaders let’s say once you cut the head off the chicken yeah the snake whatever whatever the saying is they drop don’t they but obviously they’ll carry on

    They’ll carry on but they’ll just keep coming in once they get one they’ll get two they’ll come here and and that’s what they’ve been doing they’ve been putting all the main Fells away but still it’ll just a generation will just keep coming through I suppose that I

    Mean some of the some of the sentences they’re given out you know they they’re sentences yeah they never get get they no and if they do we’re going to be an old person Tom him aren’t they you know what this is one thing that that I’ve a

    Friend of mine was he does a lot of stuff with young offenders yeah you know the like 178 year old kids um in London that are getting wrapped up in gun crime and they’re you know killing people and then they’re going to jail and they’re getting life sentences but their view is

    That they’re when they come out they’re going to have a rep and that everyone’s going to respect them but obviously what they don’t realize is by the time they come out J even going to remember them not going to remember them and the thing is yeah what you was then you’re not

    Going to be now you know what I mean because your times already served there’s a lot more bigger and stronger better people than yourself a lot more richer people like I say you got to go with the times and the thing is don’t get me wrong you’ll still be respected

    Amongst your own crowd yeah that’s it I mean I mean what what advice I mean you know you’ve obviously been through um you know being brought up in a traveling Community you’ve obviously been for a lot of stuff you’ve obviously been bought up r you’ve had to learn to fight

    You’ve had to you know have that honor respect um and obviously you expect that like you said earlier back um you know if you were talking to somebody now and wanting to guide them or advise them right and they would would you say to him look you know get involved in

    Business make money you know don’t waste your life away my my advice would be to them yeah all the gang stuff it’s over right it’s over go and get yourself a a degree of something something that you’re good at something that you can put yourself to put your hands to and

    Turn to Gold yeah like I say me I’m a trer and I’ll keep trying until that one clicks in and then that one shoots straight to the top the thing is never stop trying once you stop trying you’ll never get there but the thing is my ab

    My my advice would be to the younger generation get into the business get something going for yourself and just keep building once you’re building on something it’s only going to keep building once you’re investing it it’s just going to keep building then move on to something else and start building

    That there don’t put all your eggs in basket that’s what I always learned because you can always jump from one to the other yeah I mean I mean the we had a guy um that we interviewed recently on his very podcast and uh we were chatting

    Away and he actually said um he said you know the amount of informants yeah that were around on the on the low level crime stuff he said if you enter that Arena whether it’s selling drugs whether it’s burgling people’s AES stealing people’s watches whatever it is he said

    There’s so many informants you know it’s only matter of time before you do actually get caught and G it is listen there’s that many grasses out there now it’s just not normal Terry I’m telling you listen could be it could be a me you sat there and then obviously he’s given

    Information to him that you got to be very very careful that’s why you got to keep your circle tight right doesn’t matter how many friends you’ve got you could have a 100 friends right keep two three good strong men around you it’s actually funny is it because i’ I’ve

    What I’ve Loved about um meeting you and um being connected with you is you know we don’t need to speak to each other every day we might only see each other once a month yeah but it’s not like we’ve been apart you know I mean I think

    When you make when you click with people you’re you’re you don’t need to be in their life every day how are you what you doing blah BL blah you don’t you don’t you don’t need to do to show that you’re a friend mean you under the line

    A phone call or a little message how you doing P you all right there a little check in there and there I hope you’re you fy but yeah all I get it is them relationships as is always the best ones yeah absolutely because you come and go

    Do whatever you want and if you’re in the area you’re in the area if you’re not you’re not I mean I think a lot of people um and this is quite quite a good thing for people to take on board um people sort of you know i’ I’ve had it

    With people where you know people become very sensitive you know if you’re in a group and I send a message R and you don’t respond they go why don’t you respond to my message and it’s all like you didn’t like my picture on Instagram you didn’t do this you that and you’re

    Like mate [ __ ] chill the out you know what I me there Jo ter yet I’ve got it all the time know people like that there has got too much time on their runs right for one they’re obviously not working yeah for two they sat at home in

    The Box room yeah getting stressed and paranoid thinking why does he not like my picture I’ve liked his picture 10 times yeah I’ve sent him a message he’s not got back to me maybe I’ve got another 100 messages get back to minutes and and if it’s an emergency pick up the

    Phone and ring me you know what I mean and if you don’t get an answer then that’s it Lord of hate meal Pi your [ __ ] hell me hey Joy relax SC yourself down oh man I get it all the time to but he is yeah I’m sure

    You get it yourself plenty of yeah no do you know what ter you blanking me Terry Cherry pul Terry Terry I’m I’m only going to send you one more message and I love you and then hey I’ve it where I’ve got a lot of messages off certain

    Individuals and then u i me probably about 20 messages probably wouldn’t they’ been out the night before doing the doing here and then I’ll come on to check out all these M you got 20 red messages going there and they’re all deleted thinking what do that little

    Call me probably calling me a lot of names yeah said they all right yeah sorry Paul I was on the piss off but he was um and and and how would you say um for yeah Manchester obviously you know back in the day was was obviously a dangerous place yeah um and obviously

    Now obviously like you said the law enforcement is sort of you know cracked down but um what what what what’s the sort of Major Crimes now that are happening in in Manchester is it is it similar to London there’s a lot of sort

    Of watch f i i what even say I just well there you go I wouldn’t even say it’s all like crimes to do with shoo and all that there because that’s I mean you it’s very rarely now I re it’s more down to fraud and thefts and these Fells up

    Down on have you seen them on the little bike electric bikes with the B clavas on going through town and grabbing people’s phones and stuff well here we we they normally come past in the they dressed as Uber Uber Eats people you got the time mate and then they p a

    Knife out yeah yeah I’ve seen a few of them flying through me um me and the wife was walking through Manchester Town you see these fellas all masked up yeah and you see on little scooters the electric ones on the bikes and coming in a little team going around for and just

    Like looking for the victims but it’s danger as well like for like say the the older ones and the younger ones is oblivious of what’s going on straight past her on the phone whoop all of that I mean it is mad though is it that you

    You know you you know because in the old days you know if if if you worked hard yeah You’ celebrate that by buying a watch or by buying a car or by buying some shoes or you know people would would would reward themselves with these things and now it’s sort of like well

    You might want to award yourself with that but if you wear that you’re probably get it just it puts people off like genuine hardw workking people from buying anything on us yeah because they get it think I’m going to get TX there walking over town without without

    Blinging off well Mark uh I had a story the other well two stories actually in the last few weeks in London uh there was a guy driving through nightsbridge in a farar with a roof off and he had a watch on and he was driving in the road

    And his moped come out the side of him with a machete and just went and then took his watch and he chopped his hand off and he was like he was like if you’d have asked i’ have giving you the [ __ ] watch it’s in short they just

    Chopped him and he actually lost his [ __ ] a [ __ ] and uh that was one and then another guy um went to there’s a gym in nightsbridge he went into the gym Sam’s obviously seen he’s got a nice watch on yeah and then wait for him when

    He come out shot him in the leg and took his watch I mean it ising insane I don’t know off a watch what are you going to get for a rubber watch do you know what I mean for one you’re losing half of the value of it yeah straight away you can’t

    Go and take it into any Jewelers because it’s going to flog back up that is robbed yeah and then just going to go look for what a couple of grand here and there was it really worth it no look at the jail you’re going to get over it

    Yeah you need to go and get a job right yeah they learn more money I just hope that these people that doing it do it to the wrong person because they seem to have B had a little bit of luck doing it to the to to people that haven’t you

    Know but um I’m sort of waiting for the day when they do it to Jack what do you want my want here yeah now you don’t want this you want this yeah won be long good enough I think you’d be safe in that yeah um definitely and obviously you’ve

    Traveled around a bit um up and down the country where would you say um yeah if you was sort of got if you’ve got any stories where youve gotten any scrapes or give us one of your crazy Manchester stories doy you must have one or two um

    I’ve got a few inside that town I’ve got a few scars to prove them as well especially one from an inent with the wife right so the one with the inent and the wife won’t say where it was like right but anyways it was in a nightclub

    It was in Brighton wasn’t it yeah it was in Bri I said Bri beautiful place beautiful so um anyways I’m in there with a few the boys we’re all out in couples with our wives and um anyways I walk over to the table give me wife for

    A drink the boys are still at the bar so I look at uh me wife and say what’s up with you she’s like that there in there keeps obviously trying to call us over and this that and the other and I’ve told him off yeah so anyways I’ve looked

    At him yeah like just give no like just give him the eyes like you know with me I do it again yeah that’s it don’t hey don’t don’t do it again so um she not for you yeah like back off so anyways I walk

    Back to the bar to go and get U some more drinks so the cheeky he’s Tred it again he like point over to me wife come over here with us what part of don’t you understand but she’s told him [ __ ] off you know what I mean bit blit into his

    Face [ __ ] off so obvious said that must have wanted to think though I’m the man here yeah so whatever he’s thinking I don’t know so I’ve come walking back over and then the wife told me so she told me I walked straight over and I had

    The IDE here I got a few drinks of me I said was it him yeah it was him I’ve hit him full on flush Yeah Bang knocked him out as I’ve done that yeah three tables each table all still up my went got me watch on yeah like that there

    I’ve gone yes I thought now’s a nice I thought her’s a nice I thought her’s a nice situation you’ve got me in now I thought you’re dead after air got the watch off got it and I mean stuck in but they were all dropping like flies giving

    It to them I got a wrap of a bottle straight off the back of me head yeah by the way the boys are still at the bar having a drink yeah think nothing’s going on the wife is like that pting over Shelton get like you know come over

    And helped them do you what I me so obviously I’m stuck in I got a raffle bottle off the back of my head split split the back of my head open I not even known I just felt like it was just wet that’s the way it felt cuz a big

    Bottle off we so anyway giving it to them dropping them banging them this I mean they’re dropping like flies so just still coming I mean like boys come on what’s going on yeah so that’s what it was it was like a wild west so then the

    Boys just come running over the was at the time yeah and um he’s come over my wife threw a glass yeah to like protect me and she’s hit him with a glass look here nice one yeah us so he stuck in then obviously all the boys come running

    Over then got stuck in like you know I think the fight was going on for a good two minutes before he even noticed I said like hello yeah I’m here but yeah that was it was it was a good night good fight so um her phone goes missing and

    Um running around we’ve walked out through the front door all the police has grabbed us so what do you you doing I said they all bloody nuts in there yeah I’m hold the finger the back I said I’m the victim here said all right stand sorry stand

    There stand there so I thought go you yeah so anyway backing through the door me and her cuz she’s lost the phone G in spoke to the fellas that are knew the bouncers so we’ve gone out through the back gotten her car and we’re driving back now nice and slow and we’re looking

    Out the window all the lads all getting nicked to all hands behind the back [ __ ] you don’t know what’s going on bro like that what’s happened there yeah so I beat see you L LS have a good night but that it was funny it was that was funny

    And then we had to cheek to ring up the next day to get the phone back got the phone back know I love that yeah and I got the SC in the back of my head about that size right yeah one of them big what you

    Call belad a bottles oh right yeah H could at least hit me with a nor the middle piece it would have been a softer h on think the bottom of it the high piece um and that’s that’s that’s that’s that is a an entertaining story yeah and

    It was like the wild west though but you know it was funny though because as we’re outside all you can hear is Bish bash B my me tables going that way balls com so I’m looking at the wife thinking oh [ __ ] what’s happened there I said that’s what you’ve called said are you

    Up so you’re yeah yeah she got full blame she got full blame to her yeah and then I went from there I got a kebab and went on right that was a great night yeah so so so so just to be clear for anybody’s listening yeah don’t put on

    Watching the podcast um if you see douggy Choice’s wife out do not chat her up do not offer to buy a drink and if douy comes over and gives you that look [ __ ] off off because he won’t be loving you he won’t be loving you def so talking about obviously you know

    The Joyce family um and obviously like you said you know everybody knows Joyce’s family name um and obviously you know you’re well respecting the travel Community have you had any sort of like rivalries with where where you’ve sort of clashed his with people and it’s just

    Gone on and on was it the the the the docky thing was that the main one or was yeah that was like the main one to begin with 2010 that’s been going on to now right I won’t really call it anything special because they’ve completely got theado Manchester they live up in Queens

    FY up that way but U that’s just one of them see you want to see them yeah yeah but it was all hot and heavy back then but um as for the families there’s always something going on or something getting said and then having a fight

    It’s just it’s all superness so so douy I I appreciate that you’re obviously being an entrepreneur now your whiskey you 3D Fight Club obvious you other businesses as well um but do you sort of feel a little bit like that guy in The Sopranos when he says every time I can’t

    Get out he pull me back in that’s what like it’s like a t on the back of me pulling me straight back in but um like to say I am just taking myself away from all that right getting on being a family man yeah but you always get the little

    Rats that’s trying to pull you back in yeah and that’s there I think it’s always going to continue unless I prosper and get myself out of Manchester or whatever obviously Manchester’s my hometown like to say I’m just trying to get on my life anybody tries doing anything stepping me way I’m just going

    To knock them down but I’ll still carry on do I’m doing I just want to be family man but just to be clear you will put him in the recovery position yeah 100% recovery position definitely because I’m a nice guy J is a nice

    Guy but yeah uh I just want to get on with me life do me thing do the best I can for me children and me wife and that’s it be left alone yeah I reckon that’s going to be impossible yeah yeah but now um it was another

    Situation as you say pu braws and nightclubs me and my brother used to always do doing fighting all the time uh my brother Johnny you can never get rid of us who was like this we we’ll be out Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday that was them days back then in Ashton Ashton

    Times was was always fighting fighting with the bouncers fighting the doorman fighting this fighting normal fellows it was just always was a fight you go down there have a drink have a fight that’s where the fight club come from right yeah tell you but anyway there was this

    Particular night we got in there and these fellas come from I won’t say no names or bring anyone into it but came in didn’t want to do and Tred taking over the show were there two big strong men doing what we’re doing I’m thinking we’re not going to be talking

    People talk to us and like [ __ ] and tell us what to do it’s not going to happen definitely not in our Manor so anyways could the story short me and your brother switched started giving it to them started giving to the bouncers giving to the ones who was getting in in

    The way of it and then it escalated from there to something a lot bigger so then obviously there was a bit of a hit or whatever going to be on us and uh I remember I had a brand new Honda type part at the time when they first come

    Out right that was the car back then 5 uh 57 PL but they were the car back then so anyway pulled up outside there with the boys there was four was in my car driving through but as we’re coming through we’re talking to the bounce what’s going on so anyway C have Story

    Show as we’re driving out we’re driving around and as we go out out out out of Ashton we’re driving this car is following us yeah the same kind of car yeah but an aut model yeah so we’re flying and I said that car is following

    Us boys it’s following us he no you just be I said listen I know know you just know you know so I said I’ll test it going through the lights and then I knew they’d have to wait at the red lights but they gone through the red lights I

    Said there we go so I pulled up at the lights like this and this car’s pulled right beside us and he G doogy like that there so my made in the pass he said look who it is the same fellas that we give it to yeah they’ve gone like that

    There lean straight over with the gun like that there and just boom let it rip so we’re that close from here to there yeah obviously we made it was in the passenger seat obviously he they’re not using any of this he sh duck just missed up right yeah all the pellets is going

    Through the door yeah me obviously got like a little lever on the right yeah just pulled the lever yeah just like it was normal Jo come back back up again as you come there wall up have that there with the car yeah so don’t like a full reverse thing but the police was

    Watching this by the way police on the other side of the RO watching this full thing happened wow yeah so turn around flying on down the road and this guy was trying looking up was the other ones in the back of screaming they’re going I

    Said shut up what is no this is H Pursuit now and this is genuine this is the truth list so we’re flying on down I even slow down for the speak yeah I said I said my father’s going to kill me if for get a SED he said they’re going to

    Kill us see even when your life’s in danger you’re still worried about breaking law I slow off a speed ticket yet because I had it all in my father’s name I said I said he’s going to kill me I’m only young at this time I’m only

    Like um how old was I I think I was about 19 20 right you mean I was only young I was only a pup so anyway we’re flying down I made a few phone calls to the boys I had everybody on standby and as they pull out said go keep following

    Me waving them to follow me cuz I want them to follow me to the dead end if they did it would have been the end of them yeah and then they got on to it so drove myself down to a place into a dead end but I had everyone waiting and then

    They’ve got there boom and then they went that way they went so if they really want to do the job they would have done a job or I was going to do a job on them right well anyways we’re all friends now yeah that’s good that was just another story for the

    Books but yeah it was funny it was and what would you say I mean you know obviously uh you you watch a lot of uh I know you love your movies yeah and what are your favorite films that um you know if are you sort of do you like watching

    The crime movies I love watching them all I’m not I’m not just saying it because obviously you do all day with the rise of the foot but every one of them’s come on from the day one up to I love every one of them amazing every one

    Of them Terry and listen fair play thank a credit every one of your movies even when she’s at home like what you watching all these things for CU it’s not just yours like it we all like different all to do with crimes criminal things and this that the you’re always

    Watching all this [ __ ] I want to watch a movie I said sh this is Terry’s new movie you guys what is it yeah it was the heist yeah I said he’s made another one I said I’m going to watch this so then she sat there oh it’s all right this I I told

    You it’s not that bad didn’t I and then I’ve got me other little daughter in the call watch oh Dad I love this I said I told you it’s a good movie but that was that was a good one because it was weird to begin with because we because we do

    Struggle in getting a female audience Dy so I appreciate you bringing the girls in no listen trust me I got listen have a little girl I watching She’s me partner when I watching movies this one no wa forget about what does Holly like watching in she’s not too bad but all

    She likes watching Horrors right okay stor I love stories yeah do you know do you know saying it’s actually quite funny my M always says to me when are you going to make a nice film why can’t you do like a vcom I said yeah but you wouldn’t like that bab I

    End up I’d end up being with another woman and falling in love and I said then you wouldn’t like that either so I said I can’t win I bet said stick to the action movies she said no she just keep being a gangster that silly wig on and people

    You know so but they are they like what’s they are I mean definitely top 10 movies the show 100% yeah I love all pill one amazing amazing and um I mean I’ve I know they did uh they’ve done quite a few sort of traveler shows I

    Know they did uh you know home fues on uh uh soon as I put on I was watching the full thing all the way through because it’s something you can just keep watching well obviously he’s not far from you tying is he so you obviously know the family um but I thought that

    Was good there was obviously um absolutely ask Gott there was um uh the the gypsy wedding program um there’s been all these different different shows but I can only remember one movie I think it was called Big Fat Gypsy gangster or something something like that but but it was oh yeah I know

    About war gangsters or something whatever something I think it had Ricky Ricky Grover in it um but um is it the one that was recorded over in Ireland yeah I’m not sure I’m not sure but I remember reading about it I think it might be but but I’m I’m actually

    Surprised that there’s never been um because obviously in in the traveling communities there are um you know uh Brent Park yeah Brent Park yeah yeah good yeah yeah and and there’s there’s I’m surprised there never been a uh a proper movie made never know ter you might be under something well that’s why

    Might listen you might be that’s why I want to speak to we got to try and do it we got to try and do it because I genuinely think there’s so much interest because when I grew up um you know you meet somebody and and the only reason I

    Become friends with the traveler Community was because when I went to the boxing club which was LE Stevens Boxing Club who who’s now dead go rest of your soul but um I went down because I wanted to learn to fight and I walked in the

    Club and I didn’t know it was it was a Travelers Boxing Club so I walked in and I said um you know I want to join blah blah he I think you’re in the wrong place mate right cuzz outside there’s all these like mobile arms and stuff and

    I was like I was like well it’s a boxing club isn’t it and he went yeah he goes uh it is and I said well why can’t I he says because you’re a gorger I said was a [ __ ] Gorge he was like yush and I

    Was like okay but I just want to learn I don’t mind fighting anyone in here right so he sort of laughed and he went all we get you in the ring then and and obviously you know I got clamp of one of these geezers and and I learn a box and

    I remember like having my first fight and uh for full half I went out and bought some Stars and Stripes you’re like the rocky [ __ ] is yours and and he said oh you know you’re on next right so I come in with a he looked at me and he

    Was like he was like what are you doing with these shorts right and he said he said you bettering L right you can’t wear them shorts and it was actually quite funny because because because all the Travelers were like yeah J boy and all that and when I W I was all like

    Throwing money at me and and and I I I sort of become really good friends with uh with with with with a lot of travelers from from there locally sort of brol um and then throughout the years obviously I’ve become good friends of Alie best good friends with you and and

    Then obviously with all these programs that have been on television I think what it’s done is it’s opened up the traveling Community to um the world and and I and I and I think what what what the traveling Community from from my sort of eyes and experiences it’s all

    All all about family it’s all about honor it’s all about respect it’s all about doing the right thing you know getting married having your kids and and obviously making money and a lot of people um you know back in the day I suppose it’s a little bit like in the

    70s when you when I grew up you know if you wasn’t English right you was like who’s this you know what I mean and and and and I think where nobody actually sort of explained uh you know no everybody was sort of ignorant but I think what what

    These programs have done I think it’s opened up people’s eyes and that’s why I think doing an actual movie I mean obviously I think what would be good is if it was from my perspective a a a a traveling gangster movie right because obviously that’s what I’d like to make

    Um but I think cuz I think you’ve had the the weddings you’ve had the reality shows but has never been one of them no but that’s why I think you know we and you could have a lot of uh real scenes in there yeah like well

    Friction whatever way you want to put it what we do we’re make we make up the stories yeah and we change the names to particular what all you can have a lot of like scenes in there from like know based on a true story yeah well also the

    Other thing is a lot of the things that have gone on I know that people don’t talk about so to have an ins track into that world and then be able to actually bring it to the masses and I think I think think you’re on to something I

    Think people will be that’ll be interesting to’d be very interested 100% yeah well we should we should come up with some that’s that’s another stream to the bow doggy yes well listen so that’s something that we can talk about we should definitely definitely do that because it’d be a good seller yeah

    Everyone likes the Insight you did a documentary was number one on Amazon straight away 24 hours they gotta be interested don’t they so you do a movie you know and whether it’s about you it’s about a fictitional family that does these things and works in this world and I think I think we

    Should definitely uh definitely talk about it definitely definitely definitely that’ll do we good yeah that’ll do 100% I’ll make it number one and 24 hours so so we’ve talked about whiskey we’ve talked about everything really we we’re making a movie you’re going to do a book um what your plans

    For the future douy what what you got got on I mean you’ve obviously got a lot on but have you got anything else that you’re thinking about or no just um do you know my brain goes all the time nonstop I’ve also I’m involved with a company called reset as well reset which

    Is um a hangover company so like no more hangovers okay so you drink the whiskey you have a bottle of Hangover reset do you know something you could do that for Christmas I see the gift box the whiskey and the reset yeah well that’s what dud

    You know what it be good because I’ll join them in and give them out as gifts you know what I mean amazing because that resets good stuff it’s been launched already in Cyprus and it be getting launched over so what what what does it actually do it just when when

    When you out drinking before you go to bed neck one of them back yeah once you you wake up in the morning no hang over brand new ready to go again you let know an alcoholic off Jo is RIS have to get some every time we

    Have a premier on need so yeah it’s good so anyone that wants to check it out it’s uh on obviously it’s launch now as it is reset amazing do you know with the funny stories right that Poké story is hilarious um the Pok story is hilarious

    I think I think the funny story so even when I was in jail I was uh the fittest prisoner in the jail all course I beat the jimm screws the Jim odley yeah 6 months running wow yeah and when I went there unfit broke up just came having it

    Rough J just I went for a lot of [ __ ] went to jail and just completely switched on every every circuit every train i’ done everything I’d done inside that place yeah I end up coming I was overlapping the the gym Prisoners the prisoners inside the jail and then the

    Gym screws the gym odley he with fit us I end up smashing them six month On The Run beat every single one of them and then me and uh one of the proper screws Jim screw here from the outside was going to have it yeah but obviously I

    Give him a few uh things I said that’s what I want if I win I said cuz I’m going to win I said if I lose I’ll do that and then the last minute he backed out he W have it cuz I want a bit more

    Extra Freedom you say yeah and he knew he said no too dodgy D he said stick to the circuits but yeah I got on with all them good screws with the fitness uh stuff have you always been Fitness you yeah also I love all the circuit training

    Circuit training mean I I like all that kind of um CrossFit kind of training yeah yeah everything to do with the running just to always keep yourself active yeah I said the boxing I don’t need to learn how the fight all you got to do is sharpen up your tools right

    Right right but yeah just the fitness is for me once I got the fitness and your Fitness is there you keep it there you know what what weight do you fight at what you kilos um I’d say I’m always around my fighting weight is a good 50

    On right okay so you’re you’re like a cruiser heavyweight that be well in You’ be heavy with 15 and half 16 Stone but like I say when I’m super fit and I’m right down to being super fit when do not pick on me it’s like 140 half on Wow

    But I like to be super fit at 50 and half on I’m the same weight as you but you look better than me I’m going to have to take some uh I’m going have to come up to the gym you have to give me

    Some what you 50 and a half 50 and a half yeah yeah get into the gym with me Terry yeah I’ll be 13 St before I’ll roll I tell you come back here new man babe we’re going shoing a crying I’ll be crying I’ll be like [ __ ] hell will be

    Walking you to on the back of ter back in what is wrong with you babe I’ve just had his workout with Dy and he made me doing his press UPS I see that you do well though I see I see you do all your personal training

    Yeah to be to be honest I’ve got a mate of mine who’s who’s a trainer and uh and I do I do a couple of days with him um and obviously when you get to my age I know I’m sing like an old man but 52 you

    Don’t really want to be running on the concrete and and and doing you know loads of stuff outside so what I tend to do is I do the cardio on on on the treadmill and uh do some weights and do a bit of pad believe it or not yeah not

    The Swim’s very good for you oh always find boring Bor but you don’t want you put it into it and you’re proper putting yourself in and racing your own self trying to go as fast as you can see how many see how many back and forth you can

    Do you know what the problem I’ve got is I’m not very good I do like the doggy paddle and this weird thing when you go like that stick your around bus on and but on Tik Tok you get a million views smash yeah put you the

    W have you you you must have have a couple of jokes dougy as well because you’re a funny guy you must have a c couple of jokes but here’s one for you what’s the difference yeah between a JCB and a giraffe have no clue a JCB has hydraulics and a giraffe has high

    [Laughter] bollocks it’s a good that is good I’ve not heard that joke you got another one you got another one these are going the trailer dagging these jokes he be S there writing them down oh mate [ __ ] you be get something I miss be going you’re just so funny you become so

    Funny all of a sudden I said but that’s cuz I’ve been hanging out with give me some new material like pull out what’s that one again right babe I’ve got one for you I’ll send some over you tonight you don’t want to get put up I can’t think

    Of so so so how long have you been been Holly H it’s got to be four year now wow and how did you two meet well we we’ve been chat we got chatting on social media on and off for a while trying to talk I said come on we I’m going let me

    Take you out I’ll take you out for some food and then she’s playing hard to get cuz she was like she works for jet 2 manager of jet 2 so uh I’m busy on the flights I’m doing this that I you I thought just going to take me time with

    This one and then finally yeah CU they were off work whatever happened I got on the right day so let’s meet up and then the first time I met I met in St Carlos sat there at the bar yeah thinking that I think I want another Peroni thought

    She’s taking the piss off I said she stood me up yeah so all of a sudden ringing the phone nothing’s going through straight through the voicemail and there comes these two little legs walking over and I remember it yes like yesterday in that little PVC nude dress

    Little white blouse and a little AB Bo on I said she’s mine so so we’re having a bit of food and now IM this for our first dat yeah so we’re having our food this that NE she’s being a lady eating her steak and this that NE I eat my food mine’s

    Already smashed I don’t give [ __ ] me if I’m hungry I’m hungry yeah so anyway the dessert said eat that steak oh don’t no I’m not going to do that go tell her come back to Ste was gone I said what you said you didn’t want it didn’t you I

    Said I get your dessert babe don’t I bet pachio cake and that was our first meeting and ever since then that’s it that’s a great story The the S caros is amazing though yeah I love S caros I live in the place yeah little girls every time they go go than than little

    Minions running in yeah brilliant brilliant well Dy I’ve really enjoyed having you on the show mate he’s been really good fan we’ve had a great chat and uh I wish you all the luck in the well with your whiskey fre Fight Club and uh and and if you do do

    Um The douge Joy Chester clothing don’t forget I come up with remember ACH Terry absolute gentlem thank you very much thanks for tuning into the criminal connection podcast douge Joyce what a legend what a great guest we hope you’ve enjoyed listening to his stories make sure you tune in next week don’t

    Forget to like And subscribe and uh we’ve got some more exciting guests lined up see you next week and just remember just love you


    1. Fought fury for 2hrs n 10 mins. So the length of this interview plus another 45 mins or so 😂😂😂 behave son. Thats like 32 rounds with 1 min rest 😂😂😂😂


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