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    All right Welcome Back YouTube it is World Cup weekend it’s Friday racing Brisbane tomorrow for Rounds World Cup 3 and 4 it’s beautiful weather out here and I’m just about to do some bike changes and we got Mr Kai white hello how we doing sir big 44 safety yeah so

    You’ve been in a country for almost 2 months yeah two months we go home in 3 days time you looking forward to it I think it’s got to the point where I don’t miss home anymore yeah you know what I mean but excited still m you know’s crazy what looking forward to

    Some rain or something man ah yeah what’s raining this weekend yeah we next One lovely absolutely Lovely A Go go go Go practice done uh went well flipping hot out here just joined by Kai and cam joining the lightskin squad of the DV team team lightskin what you got to say about uh New Zealand he’s cutting everyone off weren’t you hey man’s got to do what he’s got to do how how do kid

    Start like you give him some advice well you got to have the quick twitch so not everyone can have it so you got to be black yeah Ty Ty Fair lock in uh no honestly I just got West with genetics and uh keep doing starts cuz uh that’s

    My best at winning races these days this people like this can catch me around the track so I got to get out of Front the national champion out of France the world champion out of France Roman France in the two now Tak down the second straight away W come ony go go go go Go theen That will be my you take the one fo away From this is going to be a good next time can see what’s Going keep keep it [Applause] [Applause] going There you go there you Go looking Good down getting the shot at the front End go get over get over one and two into the corner they’ll be used to this situation these guys TR together all the time good good the second turn B in four now here we go race out of the final taking boxes My all right there we go to the Big Show is All B in the ear session just behind you’re going to have to go for him [Applause] Hell


    1. You make a great ride on this world cup buddy. And I said that but I am a french man dude but you doing the great ride. Hope the Best for you for the USA man.😉👍💪🤙

    2. Thank you for making and for sharing the video.
      Much appreciated.
      Looked good and going strong….except for a few
      race ending falls.
      Good to hear that you are doing better after that last crash.
      Speedy and powerful first straights and some even quicker track work.
      Looking good and certainly improving all around.
      Keep at it…training hard with your head in the game.
      Don't just sit back and accept your gains…reach deeper and higher for even more.
      You know that you can do even better… work to try and make it happen.
      You seem to be right at a point of peaking or moving up even higher.
      FUCK peaking!
      Throw balls to the wall and do whatever it takes to move up even higher.
      Improve on everything.
      Become your own dream racer….mentally and physically.
      Move that damn bike faster and even faster.
      No speed limits…no Quil limits.
      Become your own speed demon.
      Focus….head in the game.

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