In the summer of 2017, our family returned to Europe to do another awesome bike tour. We started in Amsterdam and bicycled 800 km in a circle to Brussels and back to Amsterdam. This part of the bike tour takes us from Antwerp to Eindhoven.

    Subscribe to this channel for more great bicycle touring and cycling culture vlog videos.
    This bike touring video was shot using Gopro Hero and Session cameras.

    Sleep eat ride. Sleep eat ride. Sleep eat ride. We’re all loaded up ready to go We’re riding to. . . . Eindhoven! Eindhoven! That’s right. It’s a little bit early It’s our earliest start. You can see nobody’s on the street yet. But we want to get an early

    Started cuz it’s about 90 kilometers today. Where we had dinner last night is on the left. It’s a great yeah it’s Turkish food There’s something really reassuring going to that critical mass to see all these people who also believe that there’s another a better way to do things. Don’t get in their way.

    They are really serious. Very serious. dank u veel (thank you very much). Halo. I bet there won’t be any sign about dismounting on the bridge. Do you think there’ll be a sign that we have to walk our bikes here?

    You know why cuz they’ve got one for pedestrians and one for cyclists. That’s how you make a bridge. The paved bike path has ended but this is actually pretty good. It seems pretty firm. Pretty gorgeous – I must say. We’ve been shaded almost all day. It’s hot.

    But we don’t feel it sounds not hitting us. No wind, which is great. the only thing better than no wind is wind at your back [Dirk Scheele song – Ding a ling a ling] we’re half way from Antwerp on our way to Eindhoven. most of the ride so far

    Has been along this beautiful canal. What seems to happen is that people go on their weekend bike ride. they’re going super fast, they’ve got no weight and then they stop at a cafe like this one that you see here, grab a drink and go home.

    I’m sure this clip is going to get in a video so much good stuff going on here. Tandem! So what’s your names? George. I’m Hede. We are from Holland. And you’re out for a bike ride today? Yes, we’re here for bike. and how far do you ride today?

    Forty five kilometres only. okay okay. That’s good. [Yelling something] What’s that? We are in the Netherlands! Yeah, we’re back in Holland. Woooo! Stroopwafel! oh yeah geez would have cash is lekker oh yeah. Cheese. oude kaas is lekker. (Old cheese is tasty.)

    As soon as we passed the Dutch border everything changed. It was lovely in Belgium. Architecture is now feeling very Dutch again and the biking has already improved. There’s some smooth paths, super wide. Unfortunately, there will be no more Dutch beer, a Belgian beer. We really enjoyed the Belgian beer. Well, I did.

    Hello. Hello. Hello. Do you like the llamas? Yes. we’re into some school cycling here Ya, we’re into some smooth cycling here. dank u veel Woooooooo! [Laughing] I was not expecting that. I don’t want to go on any of those hills. Goats! Are we stopping? No. Oh, they’re so cute.

    On the outskirts of Eindhoven and once again we are gobsmacked by the Netherlands. It’s so beautiful so we’ll organize for cycling. awesome Dutch signals it’s got a countdown that awesome Dutch signals. It’s got a countdown that tells you when the light goes green. Here we go. 9 kilometers outside of

    Eindhoven. And we’ve stopped at the school for a little break and it was just blown away by this is bike parking for the school. Of course school’s out so there’s nobody here. You can see the numbers on here 870 so we’re talking equipped with 1000 bike parking spots for the students for

    A school that doesn’t look like it could have more than aboat I don’t know thousand or 1500 students in it so hmm interesting. next turn is 600 meters [cheering and shouting] Can you hold the bike? M: Football? Man: yeah yeah M: Is there a game today? Man: Yes

    Man: At four forty five M: okay You can’t roll in with this though. We have arrived so we’re gonna have our first experience up underground Dutch bike parking. here we go. People are going in. Oh I think we went on the wrong way. Maybe. oh no, it’s good. oh no it’s tandems though

    Repair station. Man: [directing us to parking] trouble is we’re on tandems. dank u veel. L: Isn’t it great? M: it’s awesome. L: I’m going to walk around. M: Alright. Do it. look at them pulling it off. so they pull it down. great

    I got someone taking their bike down in a second all right I gotta walk up here. that’s what you see on the wall. That was Eindhoven in 1,400 begins. You can enter city. it’s amazing Wow. It’s amazing. Man: Here begins Eindhoven. L: Wow M: this right here yeah and now it’s a bike

    Parking lot. that’s great. from what we’ve heard this is actually a small one. We’re hoping to see Utrecht. the one a new trick that currently can house 7,000 bicycles and they’re planning on expanding it to 12000 bicycles. crazy

    We have arrived we’re very happy very happy it’s a nice place the mood we were we were scared this morning I was I was we’ve got two days of tough riding I thought the kids are not gonna happy to be in good mood but we’re gonna high

    Spirits I’d say. J: I thought I just have a good attitude and we’ll be fine. M: It’s been pretty awesome. J: yeah it’s nice ride today. M: all right let’s shower up. Cheers! Down the hatch. [I Like to Ride My Bike theme song.]


    1. Another nice ride. I covered a lot of similar ground last year riding from Dunkirk in France up to Amsterdam – via Bruges, Sluis, Ghent, Antwerp and an odd place called Baarle Hertog (check out it's border arrangement on a map) then on to Amsterdam. I videod quite a lot of it if you're interested. Am doing something similar this year, from Calais this time, but taking the same coastal route there that you came down from Amsterdam to Bruges.

    2. And Lisa shakes her head in unbelieve when Mike tells about the number of parking spaces in the world's biggest bicycle parking in Utrecht.

    3. 8:00
      I know that school (Sondervick College), as a number of my friends from primary school used to go there.
      There are around 2000 students and it has two/three different buildings.
      There are at least just as many bycicle stands around one of the other buildings.

      Almost all Dutch teens cycle to school, which is the reason why there are so many stands.

    4. Really fine video's you make there.
      Might be interesting to see some old footage of Dutch cities like the Rotterdam in the beginning of the century. Everybody in The Netherlands
      back then already biked.
      Always has been common to do here.
      My mother came from Belgium and didn't know how bike.
      Apart from race-biking people in Belgium almost never biked.
      Now I see that it changed over there !
      Nice to wath.
      My late mother would be astauned !!

    5. Not Holland. The Netherlands. That part that is, lol. Btw, you can buy Belgian beer all over The Netherlands. Especially in the south where you were.

    6. 5.55 I think those were Alpaca's, not Llama's. I love to watch your video's. Not only to see our country through your eyes but also to see how you all interact. We used to go on many holidays together through Europe and I really miss that. My parents are no longer alive so seeing you enjoying this together makes me a bit jealous. Enjoy eachother as long as you can!

    7. Sort of funny to see you guys commenting on the infrastructure down the road from where I live. "Look at this amazing bike rack!"
      I mean, I'm totally taking it for granted.

    8. 5:05 – "We're back in Holland"
      Not really when you're near Eindhoven, that part is The Netherlands, not Holland. The actual part of The Netherlands that is called Holland are the provinces Zuid-Holland and North-Holland. Which is where you started your trip
      Still enjoy the videos though 🙂

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