Anelise Audibert (IAC, Spain)

    Abstract: Active galactic nuclei (AGN) winds and jets are potential drivers of multi-phase outflows and can significantly modify the interstellar medium (ISM) properties of their host galaxies. The Quasar Feedback (QSOFEED) project aims to investigate the impact of multi-phase quasar-driven outflows and jets on the nuclear regions of galaxies. These regions have dynamical timescales similar to the AGN activity lifetime and offer a way to assess the influence of the current AGN episode on the galaxy. Through a comprehensive analysis that combines high-resolution observations from cutting-edge facilities (e.g. ALMA, Keck, GTC, and Gemini) with contemporaneous galaxy properties and hydrodynamical simulations, the QSOFEED project provides insights into the efficiency and coupling of AGN outflows with host galaxies. Despite AGN feedback not depleting the gas reservoirs and quenching global star formation, our observations reveal that the radio jets/winds disturb the morphology, kinematics, and young stellar population distribution within the central kiloparsecs of galaxies. Moreover, our findings provide further evidence that the coupling between the jet and the ISM is relevant to AGN feedback, even in the case of radio-quiet galaxies.

    Welcome everyone to today’s seminar it’s a pleasure to introduce an an is currently one fellow at the intitute in Spain uh she was an undergrad uh student and master student here uh at Urus and in 2015 she moved to France to do her PhD at the observat par and uh her

    Thesis title was a multi-wavelength analysis of nearby active galaxies proving the agent feeding and fe uh she uses Alma high resolution OBS observations of a sample of nearby agen as part of the of the noua collaboration then she move on moved on to Athens uh in gree uh where she did

    Her first post off and started uh working uh on the evolution of uh the molecular gas content uh in radio Gala so uh thank you very much Anie for H accepting our invitation uh you may start when you’re ready the floor is yours well uh first of all uh thank you

    Very much Anna for the invitation for me is a a great pleasure to give this uh uh talk today uh especially because WS is the place where everything started so all my career started there so for me it has a lot of meaning uh to speak for you

    Today so today I’m going to talk about the kso feed project that is a multi-wavelength view of aent feedback impact on the central kilop part OFA galaxis this project is mainly developed here in the uh uh IAC at the Canary Islands the beautiful island of Tenerife but it’s also done in collaboration with

    Many uh International uh researchers all over the world so uh to start uh let me just uh briefly introduce AG feedback so it’s now believ that AG is like a a short activ phase of a life of a galaxy that you can last from scales of as short as 0.1 Mega

    Years up to to 100 Mega years and is believed that nowadays uh every Galaxy or most of the galaxies will go through a active phase in their lives or even uh several AG episodes according to the gas supply that is um uh going to the center of the Galaxy and triggering the super

    Massive black hole so these gas supply depends on several effects on how to trigger the agen for example secular process processes or mergers uh interactions uh and once the super massive black ho is AC matter and is active uh is known that is going to launch outflows and nowadays we believe

    That outflows are ubiquitous at least in the most luminous agent these outflows are manifested to different scales so here I show this review by claa Chone in 2018 where she showed the different scale have that we can measure outflows for example at less than one par scales

    In the accretion dis where we can see this Lounge of uh broad absorption lines outflows or Ultra fast outflows mostly Trac in the x-rays or the UV and then if we move to par more than Parx at to kilo Parx scales where the outflows are acting in the instellar

    Interstellar medium of the Galaxy and therefore affecting the G content and the side formation of the galaxies and also AG feedback is also manifested through this very large scales of more than 10 kilop scales that is happening in Galaxy clusters through this uh uh huge radio uh Jets the lobes of radio

    Jets but we also observe uh this outflows in several uh uh phases so outflows are tracing different different phase from neutral uh ionize and a molecular Atomic gas so if one wants to probe the impact of the current AG phase of the Galaxy we have to look at H

    Spatial scales that are corresponding to the time scales of the current aent uh episode so if once wants to trace the the scales outflow scales of 10 mega years for for example we have to look at the spatial scales corresponded to the central kilop parex of galaxies so we

    Can mainly distinguish two main modes of um AG feedback the quazer mode that is also known as the wind uh mode that is uh happen through radiative process or winds launch at the acrian discs these are observed mostly in high Luminosity uh aent luminosities are creating close

    To the ENT tone um ratios and and are manifested mostly in high Z and Young quers on the other hand we have the radio mode feedback that is also known as the kinetic mode and this is happening through the emission of cated rets is observed mainly in low

    Luminosity agents at low z and massive Galaxy so here I show an example of U this Source observed by Magna magnamar that shows the radio the huge radio lobes extended and preventing the the the cooling Flows In This G Central Galaxy cluster uh radio mod feedback this is

    The topic that I’m going to focus more in this talk is believed to be a croi an element on the regulation of gas accretion activity and stellamar assembly so by doing uh by depositing a lot of kinetic energy from the relativistic Jets this uh uh this Fe

    This Main mode of feedback uh prevents the overgrow of massive galaxies so without this galaxies would be too big and therefore is successfully explained this bright end of the Galaxy Luminosity function so this is the reip that we introduced in the cosmological models uh to explain the the large scale the scales happening

    At um at the Galaxy clusters and this uh large scale r Jets preventing the the cooling flows but what I wanted to talk today is to highlight the importance of radio mode feedback in Galactic scales so we know that hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic jets can couple into uh

    In homogeneous and clampy ISM and as long as the jet is going to percolate this gas this uh clumpy ism is going to create a bubble that is going to uh expand and shock the material and promote uh multiphase outflows so these I show here I show um a simulation uh

    For different snapshots of baget uh 2012 and you can see that as long as the the radio jet is uh expanding is going to create this huge Cocoon of shock material and one results from this hydrodynamic cations is that feedback depends on the kinetic energy uh that is

    Able to unbind the the Galaxy potential and also the distribution of this surrounding medium uh another uh important uh aspect is that strong feedback can occur even in the case of low power jet so is intuitive to think that most more radio power more powerful radio Jets

    Will be able to produce more damage in the Galaxy but actually the simulation so shows the opposite so here uh we have on the left panel uh the initial gas density uh and then simulations for different jet powers in the middle low jet power and on the right High jet

    Power of 10 to the 45 eggs per second and as we can see the high jet power escapes the Galaxy potential in shortest times here we have a snapshot for 79 Mega years and the Jet is almost uh escaping the gal Galaxy potential while

    In the low power jet of power 10 to the four we can see that the jet is able to produce more damage because it’s going to be trapped into the Galaxy potential for longer times here the snapshot is for three Mega years and is going to uh

    U impact a larger volume in the Galaxy so in this sense uh since the the jet is finding a hard time to escape on the way to escape is going to create more uh multiphase outflows and one um important parameter uh uh to produce more a more efficient uh feedback is also the

    Inclination in respect to the jet and the ism so from the observational point of view we can um measure um Mass outflow rates for example of outflows and in this compilation of Fior this is an empirical relation in the y axis you have the mass outflow rate and

    In the xaxis you have the voltric luminosity and you can see that for molecular winds that you have here in blue and ionized winds we can see two things one is that the mle flow rate correlates with the aent Luminosity bolometric Luminosity this goes with the

    Idea that the AG wind is pushing away the gas um and the kinetic energy of the wind correspond to a fraction of the AG energy but also we can see in this plot there’s a off set between the molecular detections and the ionized ones so we can see that the molecular WIS are

    Carrying the bulk of the outflow phase but one question that arise from this plot is it only a quazer mold driving because this uh is only correlating uh one Galaxy property that is the bomet Called Agent Luminosity to try to explain everything and I will talk uh later uh a

    Bit more about this so uh I would like to introduce to you the kso feed project that is the project that I’m uh involved here in the Canary Islands so this is a effort to assess the impact of quazer driven outflows on Galaxy properties with the same dynamical time scales so

    That’s why I mentioned in the beginning so we are looking here at um uh spatial scales of central kilop parp of galaxis because we know that this corresponds more or less to the active phase uh of this quers so this um kso feed is a

    Sample of um obscure kso so type two Kos uh with bolometric luminosities above 10 to the 46 so according to this uh relation that I show in the previous plot these are supposed to host very powerful outflows they are all luminous infrared galaxies with different morphologies and environments we select

    Uh objects uh at Red shift around one so this uh in this way we are able to perform results to studies uh reaching a few hundred par scales in this galaxies and one thing that is characteristic of the sample is that they are all radio quiet galaxies in the sense that they

    Are not radio loud agen but they all have a radio exess so they are radio quiet but not radio silent say so they have an excess um uh so if you plot the radium minosis again the Fri infrared luminosities they they lie well Above This correlation that is supposed to be

    The correlation between the radio and the from start forming regions so we believe that these galaxies uh could have Jets and winds that can drive uh ioniz and molecular outflows so the parent sample consisted of a a catalog of narrow line quers from Rees in 2008 and we selected the sample according to

    These three different criteria so the very bright objects in the O three luminosities red shifts less than point 14 in order to perform resolved studies and also we had a cut in Stellar masses to select the the the massive objects so in the end we end up with 48 uh type two

    Quers in the kso feed sample and this is a number that allows us to perform some kind of significant statistical studies uh the kso feed team is show here in this uh picture and also if you want to know more about it you can check in this website and the team consisting

    Christina Ros ala this is the team leader uh Patricia beier that is another Post in our group as long as um donah Spa Redondo another post do Javan Spa is a Italian student PhD student that is she’s about to finish now the PHD and she’s looking for job so if you are

    Please enter in contact either with me or with her Pedro Enrique CES that she he was at a undergrad student at works as well so now he is part of our team and Jose a Costa pulo so the goal of our team is to characterize agent feedback in type two

    Kos using a multi-wavelength approach in order to trace the impact of outflows in the multiphase gas so to do this this is an enormous effort from the observ AAL point of view we have collected observations from different telescopes all over the world so we have uh longit

    Pesos copy from um sdss from all for all the sources uh also from uh the majority of the sources using the GTC uh MEF telescope here in the Canary Islands in La Palma we also have um ifu observations that this is the the what the project wants to to focus on ifu

    Observations and with high resolution so uh these objects have uh 12 12 of them observed with Meara that is in the optical uh 16 kol will be observed with the K in in Hawaii seven of them were observed with Alma in in Chile and some of them have observations

    Also with uh jini and Symphony in the near infrared and now we recently uh were um were awarded time with James uh James web Space Telescope in cycle 2 so we will have five more objects observed uh in the mid infrared so let me start with the code

    Molecular Gas part so this is a multi-wavelength um project but I will start with my fa favorite phase that is the the molecular gas so in this article in in 2022 led by Christina that is the GL boss she we observe um how much co221 observations in a sample of seven uh

    Type two quers at2 Arc resolution this roughly corresponds at 400 par Gala par in this galaxy Set uh so here I show some uh some image composed images of the uh uh sdss to show the different morphologies that uh the sample has so we have some uh inter acting merging

    Spiral systems and some uh early type the first result from this work is that the early type galaxies were not detected in in Co but for the other five we have I show here in the color code the co221 intensities uh and in Contours

    Is the 1.3 uh mm Continuum so we can see that the SE morphologies are quite diverse so Al we also see the spiral arms uh uh um in two of them one is this giant messy blob of highly concentrated gas and two of them have this kind of double Pig

    Morphology and when we try to compute the masses of this um of this uh the molecular masses of this galaxies we separate them according also to the morphological type so here in in Blue uh we have the the the interacting systems in yellow we have the uh spiral

    Systems and in in um orange we have the the early type ones so we can see that the early types were not detected so they consist only in uh upper limits the the interacting systems are have higher uh uh code the code gas masses and the spal also present a very high

    Amount of of molecular gas so to compare with samples of inactive galaxies according to the mor morphological time from the Co Gas survey for example so the the blue ones are the spirals and the early Type in purple for example these Kos have a bit more uh the ones

    That were detected show a higher values of um of molecular uh masses and this would be in between of U main sequin galaxis and uh ules for example that would lie for example here in the top right part of the the plot so we believe

    That this um uh different kind of U um molecular masses detected uh depend also in the dep in the morphology and radio power of this uh galaxies and as I mentioned before these are very uh uh High Luminosity uh agents and we were expecting to detect very uh

    Broad outflows very fast outflows in the molecular gas so according to this empirical relation we would see these quers lying down here at the top uh of this this relation but when we were looking at the data we didn’t see this powerful outflows actually they they show velocities that are quite mild we

    Were expecting to detect this broad wings and we had to kind of perform a a a a modeling to try to uh derive in a consistent way the velocities and the mass outflow rates and these quers that we detect molecular outflows they lie well below the empirical relations observed by Fior

    So they sh they share properties intermediate between uh cifer and uls so we believe that a and Luminosity is not the only Factor driving this outf flows maybe there are other elements playing an important role for example the jet power or how this winds or jets

    Are couped with the the discs uh and in in this paper we suggested two scenarios to explain um the the efficient of driving outflows in this case so scenario scenario a is the strong coupling so you have the co disc and the winds or the Jets are cener so are able

    To launch more powerful outflows or in the other hand in scenario B you have an angle between the two and then therefore this uh will lead to a very mild uh a ag wind so when we were observing this molecular gas um uh from with Alma in

    The Christina’s paper we saw the case of one Galaxy that was really interesting that is the tiup agent so let me introduce because this is nowadays my favorite object so tiup uh the name stands for this um uh the shape of the large scale uh spending bubbles in the

    Ioniz and the radio um observations that resembles the handle of a tup therefore it gets the name so the center also hosts a compact radio jet of uh kilop Parx SC that is shown here in in white Contours is believed that in the center this radio jet could be the potential

    Driver of a nuclear outflow detected in the ionas guys traced by the O3 line but also the O three line uh is SE to have um an outflow detected much extended reaching K 30 kilop scales observed with news by Venturi uh recently like the paper was out last month and here I

    Present the co uh 2:1 and 3 to2 observations so the 221 were already presented in Christina’s paper and the 322 uh were available in the archive so here I show that the c322 also uh have this double PE morphology and we believe that this radio or the agent driven wind

    Is pushing away the gasing and and and uh causing this this morphology so already in ramosa 2022 when we were modeling this galaxy we saw that here is the data of the velocity fuel the model and the residuales and we see that there’s an enhance of residuales along

    This preferential Direction so I try to model with barolo 3D Baro that is a code to allow us to to to use the full data Cube to to the the rotation curves and when I I was um modeling this with Baro as you can see

    Here in the video for the data in the model the model fails to reproduce rotation in this galaxy uh actually Baro can only reproduce uh 50% of the flux OB serve as rotation all the rest is impossible and also the model fails to explain the high velocities uh as shown

    Here in some of the channel Maps so here the model is not able to reproduce the the high velocity ends so to analyze a bit further the kinematics of this galaxy we decided to uh produce Pudo lights but not the typical way Al that are usually along

    The major and minor axis of the Galaxy but we place the slices along the Jet and perpendicular to it to produce position velocity diagrams so here are the PV plots so this is the position and velocity along the jet axis and perpendicular to the jet axis and as we can see we

    Can this observations show a very sharp gradient of velocities reaching up to 400 kilom per second but not not along the jet axis only but also perpendicular to it and the rotation can this that we model with Baro can reach values at the most of 300 kilm per second so we

    Believe that these high velocities are part of a outflow uh do you remember that I I showed that the residuales were in in a preferential Direction so when we look at the co221 velocity dispersion we also see that the veloc the dispersion is enhanced in this direction perpendicular

    To the radio jet so here I show the central co221 dispersion and this phenomenon is also observed in another gas phases uh for example in the O3 gas in the same object EAP using uh the GTC mear observations and also with Muse you can see in color code here also an

    Enhancement in this direction that is perpendicular to the compact nuclear Jet and this phenomenon of enhance velocity WIS perpendicular to the Jets is also observing some other uh examples in the literature for example in some cifer galaxies that have uh radio jets for example the case of IC 563 uh by Venturi in

    2021 here in the black you have the Contours and the velocity dispersion is enhancing this perpendicular direction is also observing some other radio galaxies from the mural survey so in this sense uh this phenomenon of enhancement perpendicular to the jet is not observed um for the first time but

    Is the first time that we see it in the molecular gas and since we had two line line obser available for to model we try to do uh especially resolve um line ratio Maps because they can help us to get a sense of the gas excitation so

    When we plot the the ratio between the CO3 to2 uh and CO2 to1 we can see that that is also an enhancement in the direction perpendicular to the jet in the same direction that we see highest uh velocity dispersion and this in these values are much are higher than the

    Typical values found in Spyro and Diss and this might be tracing that the gas has different exitation or Optic Optical thickness in this region that believe is the outflow and is tracing hot dense gas that probably is excited by the cocon of shut gas uh driven by the radio jet uh

    In the literature this phenomen was already reported in the case of IC 563 using also some line ratio but different than our case in ic 53 the highest line ratios or the highest gas exitation were found along the the radio Jet and in our case in the tiup we find this this

    Behavior perpendicular to it so it’s the first time in an object that we find clear evidence of enhancement of velocity dispersion and gas exitation perpendicular to the radio jet so we believe that the the radio jet is actually uh driving this lateral outflow that can carry up to 45% of the co flu

    So here I show only the high velocity in in Orange uh so we believe that the jet as long as the jet prop propagates into the uh C disk is pushing the gas and driving this very fast outflow so we derive it outflow Mass race ranging from

    15 to 40 Sol mes per years depending on the way if we are more or less conservative on the way to derive the the the rates and um one thing that we could derive is the how the Jet and DM are couple in this case we have a jet

    Incline from an small angle related to the C disk this is a a low jet power of 10 to the 43 her per second and one thing that um I might mention here the maximum velocity is observed for this um outflow are much less than escape velocity of this galaxy so probably this

    Gas eventually Will Rain back to the Galaxy and um will be part of of a galactic Fountain so it’s playing a role in redistribute the gas and the metals in the galaxis and delaying uh new star formation so since we know that jet uh the coupling of the Jet and DM uh is

    A uh strong U element for the more feedback in in in the case of um uh jet mode feedback uh we also saw some agreement with hamic the simulation from our observation so the simulations predict strong feedback from low power Jets so we do see it in in our case also

    We see a stronger coupling when the Jets have low inclination related to the gas disc so this is the case of Tika and we also see this shock emission and high velocity dispersions in regions perpendicular to the jet path so we were saying okay we we are matching all the

    Elements uh predicted in the simulation so let’s contact the simulator and see what’s going on so we contact uh Dam M and M minaki and we run the simulation e of their um uh their simulations that is for a jet power of 10 to the 45 and an

    Inclination of 20 uh degrees between the the plane of the C the molecular plane and the the the jet so here in the left panels you have the data the observables and on the right panels the predictions from simulations so as you can see uh the simulations are able to reproduce

    Pretty well the observations of the tup in the case of the Velocity field uh here the the the black Contour trace the the jet the velocity dispersion the simulations are also so predicting this Behavior perpendicular to it and also the position velocity Maps along and perpendicular to the jet axis are able

    To reproduce velocities up to 400 kilomet per second so uh the simulators uh provide this beautiful image to us so here you can see the hot enus gas that kind of resembles the ionized gas observed with the Hubble for example this the the two bubbles or sink so this

    Is tracing in temperature and also in density uh we have the the dense molecular gas disc seeing in in Orange and the Jet plasma Trace in in white so we have a remarkable resemblance between the the simulations and what we observe and one thing that the simulations

    Provide to us is an explanation why we are seeing this behavior is that as the jet propagates through the to the surrounding medium to the ism is going to get splitted and deflected multiple times and this uh splitting is going to make a the jet to carrying momentum in several directions including this

    Direction perpendicular to the the gas plane that is going to accelerate gas out of the disc and drive this outflows so we are doing some kind of similar analysis for uh the rest of the sample that have uh two uh lines um to perform the line ratios

    And uh maybe use them as a complimentary probe for outflows but so far we didn’t find any uh evident Trend as in the case of tup mainly because this system has uh mostly well described by rotation and now we are Computing some outflow versus a and host Galaxy properties so stay

    Tuned because uh we are cooking now the paper and will be released soon so now I’m going to talk about the ion ASAS phase uh so this is a one case that was Jo 945 that was observed with a by um with the Gin kns in the Ken so

    This work was done by joavan esperansa the PHD student in our group so these observations cover a fud of view of three arcs this roughly corresponds to seven kilop in this galaxies uh from uh 1.9 to 4 2.4 microns and he had a extremely good scene of3 AR seconds so

    This is one of the few Kos that it was study in the near infrared regime and when javanna performed the analysis of the passing Alpha um so here she did a a parametric analysis fitting multiple gaussian components of the passion Alpha line so she was able to uh also res U uh

    Produce the resolve maps of the narrow as the the yellow component here fitted and the the the green components that are in the intermediate components so as you can see here the narrow component is mainly tracing the rotation in this galaxy so the velocities are U are small

    And you have this blue and red shift pattern from rotation but if you map the intermediate component there’s an nexcess of negative velocities here in this direction as if you look uh a bit better uh with the full width half maximum you see that this region correspond also to have a very large

    Full width of more than a th000 kilometers per second so this is probably tracing an outflow and if you map only the high velocity components of the nuclear Spectrum here you have uh the image from- 300 to uh from – 700 to -300 and overlay uh in

    Black with the radio Contours uh so javanna computed the outflow properties for this galaxy so the this outflow is extending up to a radius of 3.4 kilop Parx it has a very high mass outlow rate of 50 uh solar masses per year and it seems to be Co spatial with the inner M

    Past of the the radio jet so when javana tried to plot in the correlation of fi disagrees uh pretty much well with the relations SE in the in the black points and in this case we believe that maybe uh we have both the action of a quazer

    And the Jet driving this outow that’s why you are having this very high uh Mass outflow rates in in J 945 she also look at the multiphase a winds in five k2s in the sample that were observed with the GTC Meara here in La Palma covering a fud of view of 20

    Kilop Parx and this the observations were seeing limit of one 1.1 AC seconds and javanna was doing analysis of the O3 uh O3 line uh doing uh parametric and nonparametric analysis and she found broad components of a full WID have maximum larger than uh 100 1,300 km/

    Second blue uh that are tracing blue shifted outflows in all the objects in the sample so here uh I showed the all three images of these U five quers and they correspond to the same quazer that were observed with Alma so in the bottom panels you have the alma observations

    And just to compare like the alma fud of view is plotted in magenta uh for for the for the GX just to know that they are tracing different kind different regions in the Galaxy so Javan also comp computed the ionized outflow properties so she used a robust method to derive the electron

    Densities because U one of the problems in deriving the masses from ionized gas is to have accurate measurements of the electron density so she used U the suur two lines and also the transar lines and you can see that uh this play a major role in deriving

    The the masses and and the difference can have a factor of a few orders of magnitude so maybe uh these values reported in the literature for these empirical relations should be revised and um rescal to use U more accurate measurements because this would place all the measurements even below uh this

    Correlation so javana points so here we show this plot again for the fur relation and the circles represent the molecular detections and the ionized ones are in the squares and javana points are here the turquaz uh uh colors so they they are lying well below the empirical relation from for ionized

    Outflows here in purple but also the our points from the molecular gas the the the yellow points they are lying also well below the the empirical correlation for the molecular outflows so one thing that we uh derive is that um maybe we are not seeing a significant impact on

    The outflows in the global star formation rates so one thing that we could do is to go for a specially resolved measurements of recent Star formation to see if the outflows that we are detecting because they have similar time scales of 10 to 10 mega years to

    See if they are impacting the the recent Star formation so this is what we were doing in beier last year patri was another post here in our group uh we detected positive and preventive feedback happening in marcarian 34 so Patricia use Tech k um kcwi observations

    Covering the range of three 3,500 to 500 600 angstron and a few the view of roughly 16 parts and uh with these observations uh we were able to do a specially resolve analysis of the Stellar populations using staright but also to uh map the otri kinematics using a nonparametric

    Analysis using the bl80 the V2 and the v98 that will trace the broad the the the blue shift and red shift sides of the outf so here in this panels I show the results from the resolve tler population for young that is less than 100 Mega years intermediate and old

    Populations so you can see that the young population has an increase here in the South East part the intermediate population is spread more more more or less all over and you have some old population as well in in in this direction uh regarding the kinematics

    You can see that the W8 is uh uh extended in this direction uh the the blue shifted and the red shift parts of the outflow are traced by the V V2 and the v98 and when we try to uh gather all this information together and therefore

    Here I show U the contribution of young Stellar population and the Contours we have the red shift part of the outflow and the blue shift part of the outflow and we can see that the in the region that uh is we have more disrupted gas so

    Here the turbulence as traced by the W wa8 is more um um intense let’s say and also in this side of the Galaxy uh there there is more energy being injected in the north west side so here the gas is preventing uh the outows is preventing

    The gas to form new stars on the other hand in the blue shifted side of the outflow we see that as Co spatial more or less with the region that we find um more um uh Young Star population and the uh this the the modeling show that this

    Uh uh the population has ages of one to two Mega years that are corresponding to the dynamical time scale of this outflow so in this case case we are having favorable conditions to compress the gas and Trigger star formation so this galaxy shows like a a very puzzle

    Example that you can have both positive and pre preventive feedback and it’s uh clear evidence that the supermassive black hole WIS are directly impacting the start formation at least in one side of the Galaxy that have the favor conditions so this is the go of the next

    Steps of this uh kso feed project that is to trace the nuclear the impact of outflows in the in the nuclear St formation in aen so to do so we have uh awarded four nights at k k kcwi so we are going to observ 16 kso 2s and now uh

    This is the new C that we’re going to cover the blue and the red arms from uh 300 3,500 to 10,800 angrong H the pi of these observ PA was our collaborator Gabriela Canalis we are going to ask for more um 25 Kos to be observed we are

    Still waiting for the results of this proposal H so hopefully we’ll cover most of the sample uh with um very good data so the best uh one of the best data data sets to perform both um specially resolve um uh Stella population analysis but also to map the kinematics of the

    Gas and we have five Kos that will be observed with James web so these are the same uh the Kos that were detected with Alma and with uh Mr we will be able to trace the ion the H2 and also the ph’s features so this will be a powerful

    Example uh how to access the multiface uh gas structure so showing an example here the case of marar 34 so we can trace the kinematics of the gas relate them to see how they are affecting the distribution of young uh Stellar populations and also using uh

    The The Next Step would be to to use the pH features as a trace of star formation to see if they can be used as a tracer of star formation so here is an example of the Galaxy NGC 40 74 69 that was um analyzed by by um Ismael Garcia bernetti

    Part of the Gatos collaboration the Gatos is the galacy activity Taurus and outflow Survey that I’m also part of and well uh is it will be another story to tell another seminar to give to to tell about the G’s results so the idea uh would be to combine all these multiple

    Tracers the war molecular gas the ionized tracers the neutral tracers the PHS and have a global view of the of the impact of AG on the star formation in the central kilop par of galaxies so just to summarize um uh starting again with the molecular part we detected

    Outflows in the five galaxies that were observe were detected in Co but they don’t show all this High Velocity broad wings that we were expecting they actually show my velocities and my mass outflow r uh not as is expect was expected by their agent luminosities one of them show a

    Very particular behavior that is the case of tiab and is the first time we found the evidence of enhancement of velocity dispersion but also in gas exitation uh perpendicular to the the radio Jet and this is a clear case that the Jets are perturbing the kinematics and the physical conditions of the gas

    In this galaxy so in J 9445 we use U uh near infrared observations to trace the ionized outflows and in this case we believe uh that the powerful the massive outflow that we detect is probably due to the combin the Synergy between the quazer and the Jet

    Driven um uh modes uh in another case that we try to analyze the multiphase um aspect of the uh um of the outflows using mear observations that javana perform uh we we show that we need accurate measurements of the electron density so maybe all these empirical scaling relations should be revised and

    Reviewed to perform uh to use the best tracers and maybe we are going to have even like myod um Mass outflow rates in this gu in in these relations and in the case of marar 34 we could probe the direct impact of super massive black

    Hole uh winds in the current uh in the recent start formation H and it shows both positive and pres preventive feedback cod in action so my takeaway message would be that um we are even though that we are not detecting uh agent feedback as replenishing all the

    Total mole gas in this galaxies and quenching the global star formation we don’t see this effect because we are detecting lots of molecular gas and uh but we find uh clear evidence that the agent feedback through radio Jets or winds are disturbing the morphology the kinematics and the star formation in the central

    Kilop pares of this gas reservoirs so stay tuned because with James web and C observations we have much more exciting results to show to you thanks a lot for your attention and I’m happy to answer all the questions thank you an do we have questions from the audience and from Zoom we

    Have hey an how are you hi for Fore fore [Applause] FL flow rates outow out flowing upper limit fore Outow outlow [Laughter] flow rates empirical Relations Outow outow for For for spe Outflows spe fore for outows fore hi ch

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