Kobbie Mainoo & Alejandro Garnacho answer your best fan questions, featuring bicycle kicks, dream midfield partners & more…

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    Saturday social brought to you by EA Sports FC with PlayStation 5 yes people welcome to ask May new and garapa we put the call out on social media for fans to get in touch and send their questions for you guys let me tell you we’ve had thousands of the

    Manchester United fans football fans from all across the world have got in touch are you guys ready to answer them yeah already let’s do it first up how close were you two in the academy it’s tougher CU when he first came he couldn’t speak any English so uh like uh

    When he was a year older than me so like when he was in 18 his first year I’d come up and train a little bit I didn’t really know him that well then and then I think we got closer in youth cup and then since we’ve opening the first team

    Obviously we all being with the young guys and stuff it’s we got closer as well what was that like coming into the academy not really speaking much English and having to just show your skills with your feet every single day and compete against each other yeah the first the

    First year was difficult because my English wasn’t very good so what we played together in the academy first some games in the under under 17s I think then the youth cup so now in the first team so now we are growing up together so it’s good so right well next

    Question this is for both of you which attribute would you take from each other’s game how we say speed okay yeah you got you got a pace to to beat plays good acceleration so the smile on your face tells me that you’ve seen that happen plenty of times

    What’s it like coming up against him in training yeah I’m in Center mids side I don’t have to be too too close to him but yeah you see him you see him beat beat plays in in uh in training and also in games as well so it’s it’s crazy to

    See the speed and Alejandro what what would you add from cob me probably the strength you know play with with 18 years old midfielder is not easy so we are we are training together now in the gy so I would think next question this one’s for you Alejandro whose bicycle

    Kick was better yours or way Rooney’s too many people ask for this but I think the Rooney was more important because it was against Manchester City so the moment is more important but the technique probably mine I like the smile on your face Kobe you on the pitch for

    That as well could you believe it you know because uh like you were saying before we played together in the 17s and then uh he scored a similar goal goal like that so when I seen the ball go I thought he’s going to go for was but it still still surprisingly

    Crazy to see see it going on the pitch very nice right next question this one’s for you Alejandro one more time what is your favorite goal celebration I think I take the the last one with with myself Kobe and and Rasmus you know this picture was very nice I take this one I

    Mean it feels nice that you guys are at Manchester United you’ve got the iconic image just there and it feels like the step the start of something new p is only iconic if we if we go on to do great things for the club and um if we

    Can do that then hopefully it’ll go on in history but next question this one’s for you cobby who is your footballing idol I mean growing up I always liked Rooney and I always liked like Ronaldinho I used to watch all the clips on YouTube and stuff I think every every

    Kid do just the way he used to to love football and do do all the the crazy stuff he did with football with a smile on his face as well next question which one Manchester United Legend would you like to play WR side maybe Ronaldo I

    Think I I just missed him when I was coming into the first team but GH got to play with him but yeah Ronaldo all SKS I say Oh What A Center mid pairing that would be you and Paul skulls that would be uh that’ be unreal right there Alejandro one player

    That you’d uh one Manchester United Legend you play with ronal so I can say Rooney could make good good assist for me would you assist him as well yeah what is one thing that people might not know about you not many people know that I used to be a

    Striker yeah when I was when I was coming up did you know you know that yeah when I was younger I was always a a striker and then played like 10 and a little bit wing and stuff like that and then it’s only more recently that I’ve come into like proper C Center

    Mid roll so learning on the job right next question what’s the best piece of advice Eric ten hog is giving you yeah Eric for me is a it’s a very good manager you know and he give me the opportunity to play every weekend with with this club with in this

    Stadium with this fans so no I’m I’m grateful with him and he always want want me to work hard and and train train good every day say SLE to together I mean grateful that he’s given us the opportunity and to to to play for this club also what I appreciate is that he

    Pushes you every day it’s most one thing that he’s giving me but the fact that he just keeps push you and always wants more and more and more from his players that really helps you to develop quicker next question do you play any sports other than football uh no no I don’t

    Play any other sports you don’t really get too much time to I enjoy watching other sports like basketball UFC stuff like that how about you aleandro do you play any other sports uh no no not any sports just something like Ping Pong or or pool but and don’t I don’t like any

    How competitive does it get table tennis ping pong here have you got a table H we played when we when we played with the 21s we had one there here we don’t have but we compete like two years ago one year ago and who’s better at the two of

    You I think Me Maybe we need to SK this he to set this match up don’t we would you say the same he’s better than you I would say the same okay next question have you learned any mancunian you know yeah when when I came here I had nothing

    English so the first year first year two years was difficult but I I Tred to learn because I have to speak with the people with the manager so I think my English now is not not bad I can speak with with Co with more people so it’s

    Good any mancunian phrases that he needs to learn I think he’s got most of it you won’t say it but he’s got most of it guys absolute pleasure good luck for the rest of the season and I’ll catch you soon thank you thank you very much


    1. Two very mature kids speaking very well. When you're well raised I guess it really does show on the pitch. Manchester United's present & future right there.

    2. Kobbie is rapidly gaining a real feeling of Belonging with the fans, and so quickly, simply because of his drive, ability
      and sheer Class on a football field, whoever taught this lad to play, needs to be signed up yesterday as a coaching asst
      that Picture of the three lads on the advertising hoarding, could become Iconic, and imagine the three of them stay, for 10yrs
      and win the lot, what a Statue that would make? the new trinity?? maybe

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