Today we take a look at Smiths High Performance, Unit 3, Juno Place, Stratton Business Park Bedfordshire, Biggleswade SG18 8XP.

    We get no objections to filming or flying but we do hear a very interesting view on how to get rid of an unwanted drone above.

    We also hear about Scuba diving, and how a drone could be useful to him if he had one.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    And then they’ve gone and been put on a video because they’ve come outside and they’ve said you shouldn’t be flying this we’ve called the police and then the controversial conversation goes and I’ve just said take a take a BB gun to it what cuz you can’t do anything to me

    If I stand there and shoot it down from in there can you so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in bigles Wade Bedford share taking a look at this place Smith’s high performance so these are a leading stockholder and supplier of high performance Alloys and Plastics to the

    Global Motorsport sector we specialize in the supply of advanced engineering materials and are support Partners in a range of specialist markets a tier one supply chain partner to the world’s leading Motorsport companies yeah right dad watches you oh does yeah I watch you you down there just have a

    Around in it there you go couple of what’s your name Luka Luca I’ll put your name on nice one mate thank you so that gentleman just there parked his car and went for a walk so that’s about all we can see from the ground I think the time has come to get

    David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above take off quiet down well he works there right he parked his car and he went for a walk pretending his walking now he going to go in and grasp me up you watch I I

    Don’t know if anyone will come out I think quite maybe well he’s just gone for this fake walk he’s gone up there come back they saw the Drone so someone will be out in a minute kick off you watch I I’ll watch it in a week yeah yeah yeah you’ll find out what

    Happened so the gentleman that went on his fake walk yeah there he is there you’re just going inside now we have chromw well from Cromwell tools just going in and whilst they do what they need to do we’ll just have a look at the place so how many staff are working here

    Then so we’ve got this little car park and do we have a car car part around the back well there’s a couple of spaces there no no more staff parking just the backyard the backyard that they have kept very private really haven’t they lots of very large pallets

    Some drums it’s not the neatest yard in the world is it really what are these boxes of some sort let’s call them stillages yeah we call everything stillages don’t we and somewh on a pallet there with have a couple of ibcs but it does have a closed gate we’ll give them

    That and a few of their own vehicles yeah decent no solar panels I would expect some solar panels of a brand new building but there we go and do we think all of those are really disabled I guess with it being their own car park it doesn’t really matter too

    Much but it’s just the the image when people come and have a look what does it say if you’re going to cut Corners there there where else are you going to cut Corners eh ah that is the question so a designated smoking area got a nice bench in there for them and a

    Bin yes very nice very nice indeed here at Smith’s high performance so that’s what the building looks like they’ve left us alone so far let’s just get a 360° photo for Google Maps hide a key ring and move on want a key ring I’ll throw it over you’re at work

    Can you just cont it yeah how are you what’s your name Ben Ben nice to meet you Ben cheers mate thanks for watching mate cheers mate I see you I see your videos all the time dve is that him yeah yeah yeah nice one mate so Ben’s got his key ring if you

    Want one and you’re nearby I’ll hide yours around here we’ll just use that stone and we’ll Chuck it just there there you go look under that stone just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a keying battery level good with

    That yeah battery level is low return to the home point in 10 seconds let’s get David back interesting sorry it’s not that interesting oh it is some of the um the Alloys and Plastics that you do uh out of curiosity what drone did you buy because I’ve been looking at them mini4

    But any of the minis any of the 204 we talking about DJI aren’t we yeah DJI any of the minis they can go as close as they they like really to buildings and people which is the main thing if it’s heavier you’ve got to say 150 yeah wait

    Do you know a bit about drones yeah yeah yeah I like a lot of videography I do a lot of scuba diving and when I’m traveling I’ve always been interested in taking a drone with me to capture more of like scenes from the boats and stuff like that because when you’re on the

    Boat you don’t realize how much fish are around the boat until you take a PL like take one up with a polarized lens and then you can literally leave it up there for 20 minutes and just check to see if there’s any sharks flowing around in the

    Area that before you go diving that really would be awesome would it it’s it’s fun it’s not fun if you get in the water and then you find out that there sharks there and you a is it feeding time do it happen to you yeah but they’re silver tip reef sharks they

    Don’t feed at the time I’m diving with them they’re more scared of me but if I was down there at their feeding time they might take a chunk out of your leg how deep goes down past 25 M you’re not going to see much color basically the UV

    Light will disintegrate it gets filtered out the further you go down so once you go past 25 everything looks Brown wow or cuz just cuz of the UV light Blues greens Reds and everything all just get filtered out and you’re just left with a brown so you’ll be

    Looking at a fish and you think I wouldn’t put that on my dinner plate or I wouldn’t put that in a fish tank but if you put a torch on it cuz you brought light down there with you all of a sudden it’s bright green you won’t know

    It until you put light on it do you publish your content anywhere no not really I’m not good enough editing wise or spend enough time to edit it I’m more just do it and keep the videos for myself I’ve got so much content it would

    Require me to go through pick up all of the bits that I think this bit will clip with this bit and this bit and this bit and then actually learn how to video edit to put them all together welcome to my world yeah there’s a lot of content

    That you don’t use while you’re cycling around and stuff yeah there’s so much of it and you just spend so much time and you think I’ve probably got 100 hours worth of scuba diving footage but I just haven’t had I’m just looking at going on my next dive like I

    Don’t think I think there’s far better people out there recording this documenting it and putting it on the internet for YouTube videos in far better quality cameras if anything it’s just for me when I’ve got Alzheimer’s and I’m 80 years old that somebody can play this and I go oh I do

    Remember doing that yeah yeah look at that fish but then they might be following you for your personality and then they might want to watch have a good personality I’m rude you are no so what did you say DJI 4 I’ve got the Mini 4 do you want to see it

    I’ll show you it I’ve had the mini 2 three and four yeah but this is the latest one and it’s got um obviously the 4k camera there which obviously gimbal the weight is the main thing on drones that 2 249 there right okay cuz then that tells you what you where you can

    And can’t fly yeah there’s no restrictions only airports and prisons yeah and these sensors here stop you from getting too close to things right and that light you know it will light up the the ground if you’re flying over something and you want to video actually

    Get that’s pretty cool it’s got a light on there now yeah I know yeah that’s the SD card just thinking that’s 3300 broken 1,000 these, yeah cuz it comes with the batteries as well and what is it 18 minutes flight time about 22 I think 22 fair enough at the

    Moment but uh yeah have you watched this type of video that I’m filming before uh I’ve seen the ones where it’s more the content has been directed at people getting frustrated with others saying why are you flying this over here or there or anything like that and somebody can fly anything over anywhere

    If you don’t like it take a slingshot to it cuz there’s nothing you can I mean like don’t just just let them get on with it do know what I mean so just well the law allows it yeah the law allows it so really you know in in some way people

    Think well this is my property I don’t really want you over it and that’s the old way of thinking you know drones weren’t a thing were there so anyone going over no was just wrong I’ve said to them look there’s nothing to stop them if you really want

    To get that if you if you don’t like it there’s no point approaching the person doing it cuz there’s no law to stop you so find a law that tells you what you can do that they can’t stop you doing it so this is what I’ve known other people

    I know some people that have got big units and they’re doing different things than them and they’ve had the similar experience and then they’ve gone and been put on a video because they’ve come outside and they’ve said you shouldn’t be flying this we’ve called the police and then the controversial conversation

    Goes and I just said take a take a BB gun to it what cuz you can’t do anything to me if I stand there and shoot it down from in there can you I could film you doing it yes but there’s no law to say I

    Can’t fire a BB gun and but what about endangering persons cuz if you if have to put yourself in front of the BB gun and it for it to be endangered in person but it’s all about finding your own legis I mean you’ve got no Ro there’s no law to

    Say you can’t fly over here there’s no law to say he can’t take a slingshot to it well criminal damage damaging someone’s property cool it’s over private property may not be on it but it’s over it yeah but what about the BB the BB gun damaging my drone which is in

    The a say like if you didn’t like a hot air balloon for example would you shoot that if it was over if you want if you can’t find the law to stop you doing it you can do it that’s all I’m saying find the law and then you’re fine you know

    What I mean like your law is nobody says that I can’t do this yep there’s no law to say you can’t but there’s no law to say that I don’t go back up on that roof shoot with a BB gun you’ve got to prove that I shot it would cuz criminal damage

    Cool you’d have to prove it what I’m saying I’m con I’m not shooting it down but what I’m saying is if the drone camera wasn’t on the person that did it you wouldn’t have the proof do you see what I mean like it’s all about it’s

    Like what was it sorry it’s not illegal to speed it’s only illegal if you’re Court speeding I’ve got yeah see what I mean so it’s I’ve said it to these videos wind Me Up when somebody says oh you shouldn’t be doing this or blah just

    Get on with your own work what does it really matter and if you got a problem with it find your own legal president to be able to stop it if you can’t there’s nothing you can do yeah yeah you make sense you make sense I suppose if it had

    A 360° camera on the bottom then you can find the person that did it but if you wasn’t looking at them and you drone just went you got no idea why you have no idea why yeah I’ve got you see what I mean but it’s it’s not what people

    Should do but it’s the law isn’t it what can you get away with you say that’s it exactly what can you prove what can you get away with but no I was just interested in which one you bought purely because does that help you yeah

    I’ve been looking at the air I like the vehicle you got your own Vehicles as as well yeah problem is is every time it comes up it’s the price of a holiday like do I buy a drone and go on one less holiday and get another 90 hours of content that

    I’m not going to go trailing through to find what I want and how often will I use it I travel to not the safest of places so it’s easily going to get nicked off me and stuff like that so what sort of countries are you going to uh Costa Rica Dominican Republic

    Anywhere south or Central America the whole area there is probably the best place for scuba diving I wouldn’t S I wouldn’t advise like yes you can go to somewhere in Europe or Asia and they’re wonderful but you’ve got probably the worst crime or things like that in Asia

    As you would in in South America right and you have to prove your compet competency what scuba di yeah or can you just rock up and just give it a go so I got certified when I was 13 so I can when I was 13 I was a certified Open

    Water diver which meant I could go down to 18 over the years I’ve dived so many times and gone beyond 18 that while I’ve never taken the certificate I can basically go down to 21 or 25 right but you have to do it once a year and do

    They ask for proof when you rock up sometimes they’ll ask you where did your scuba dive what Dives did you do and if I provide enough information to prove to them that they they feel I’m competent they might even go okay then tell me how much air you’ve got when we’re under the

    Water at which point I go that means what’s air so I’m asking you air and then we’ll talk in in languages well if you’re in PSI or bar it depends on whether you’re using per square inch or bar if you’re working on per square inch it’s thousands so 2,000 3,000 1,00 1

    5,000 so it’s 1 and a half th000 whereas if you’re talking in normal bar it’s just I’ve got 600 left I’ve got 400 left I’ve got 500 left oh interesting yeah so it’s it’s them knowing that you know what you’re talking about there’s so much time to save you when you’re under

    There that it’s not do you know what this complicated thing meant that you got taught ages ago no do you know how to talk in bar do you know how to tell me that there’s something wrong do you need do you know how to tell me that you

    Need to go to the surface as long as you covered five things and you’ve convinced them that you know what you’re talking about they’ll just let you dive again but if it’s been long enough they sometimes ask for you to just do a refresher and I’ve never ever had a

    Problem because I’m putting my LIF life in their hands they’re taking me down so they should probably know that I’m not going to cause a death while I’m down there so I’d rather convince them that I know what I’m doing they see me get in

    The water see me do two things and they say you can get out whenever you want we’ll carry on with the class but you can get on and it’s just like no I’ll happily stay with you because if you stay with them and you demonstrate to the others that are learning what

    They’re doing they’ll see how you do it and go Ah that’s fairly easy cuz they’re always panicky with their hands and just don’t yeah just leave your hands behind your back the less hands you use the more competent you are it sounds like you should be an instructor yeah too old

    Now did you consider it then yeah uh once upon a time but I just didn’t learn the languages and now it’s too old make too much money doing other jobs so what working air no they don’t pay good money we got boring old in there so it’s not

    Um Alloys then in this one anything and everything because you ever looked on chat GPT to tell it see what it says about this place as a leading stockholder and a supply of high performance engineering materials to the global motorport sector it’s it’s blown up is it yeah they’re known for their

    Expertise in providing high quality Alloys and Plastics catering specifically to the Motorsport industry yes we do NASCAR motor gbt come to yourself is committed to the yeah yeah it is but you might say somebody would have fought it though you know just by looking on the outside but say somebody said oh we’ve

    Got Marine plastic in there no no no US Navy plastic in there you’d think it was really special wouldn’t you yeah it’s not just because the Navy use it doesn’t mean it’s something not basic that you’re getting something else you got realize that while some of them say that

    They’re exotic you might find an appliance at home that’s already got it in yeah yeah but have you actually mixed mixed parts to make it you mix uh chemicals here no all right we just buy it the way we want it oh you buy so if I

    Want it to be 50% aluminium and 50% magnesium I’ll tell a mill to make me 50% alloy 50 you wouldn’t cuz that’s a combination by the way but only you know that specific formula don’t everybody knows it that’s what makes you so special is it because you provide

    That specific material to The Experts well we will develop Alloys yet yes but knowing the chemical composition for Alloys are made every day whether there’s a big enough requirement for a meal to make it is a difference so if you’re bowing you go and make 700 700 tons of aluminum to go in

    The air so a mill wants to make that if you’re a Chinese chip maker and you only want 100 kilos of an grade of aluminium that nobody ever asks for nobody’s making it because they don’t have a big enough driving force for it but the chemical composition for every alloy

    There’s millions of them it’s just locating the one that specifically works well in this component to then Target that market to say if you’re building Fe 500 headlamps you should make it out of this aluminium cuz it’s the best aluminium to make it out of it’s not so

    Special in the sense of anything else it’s just knowing what markets need what grades for what applications so you might want something that breaks or is brittle but it’s really expanding so it expands well in heat but if it took punch it would break it’s not going to

    Take a punch cuz it’s going in in in the atmosphere but we want it to withstand heat and cold you see what I mean so it’s more defining what you need the application to do and then finding the right alloy for it we’ve just practiced stocking the ones that those companies

    More likely use so something that’s more likely to be used in Formula 1 or WRC or nasar or something like that it’s just we’re stocking them Alloys yeah yeah so you’re you’re just there you’re red available for them and you always have been they they know they can trust you

    They know they know where the materials come from they know the testing that we can do we’ll go down any Avenue that somebody wants but it just requires them to have a big enough requirement I mean wallet but a big enough requirement for you to want to have something made made yeah but

    Yeah F’s not as interesting as it is everyone thinks is the am of times I tell people what we do and they’re oh that must be really exciting it’s spreadsheets and emails and you wouldn’t know the difference if I if I pulled an aluminum bar that was cheap and shitty

    And makes your fridge freezer at home and pulled another bar next to it that had something special in it you’d be none the wiser yeah obviously they would if they put it to the test when they put a gun on it or they weigh it and they

    Notice that it weighs 20% less they’ll realize that it’s something a little bit better but you get people that come in there and look up like I think what was it in in another site they somebody broke in and stole a load of brass or copper cuz they thought it was the most

    Expensive item CU copper they can see it do I mean the color oh copper is like five grand a ton let’s Nick all of this sat next to 50 Grands worth of titanium that they left you see what I mean like they just don’t know what they’re

    Looking at but at the same time you Nick the titanium nobody knows what’s the application you want to put this in and anybody that will buy it needs the certificate so there’s no point nicking materials cuz you need CS to get the money that they’re worth can’t you L

    That sort of thing in a smelter you could but you get them5 a kilo right okay I mean you’re getting scrap value for some copper that we could sell to Joe blogs for £0 a kilo cuz we know the application they’re using it for whereas if you’re somebody who just picks up a

    Copper bar walking down the road you’ll go I could get I could get 20 quid from this if I take it to the scrapyard yeah but I bet you the right person who wanted that spec to go in a marine submarine would have paid you 150 quid

    For it you just don’t know the customer and the customer is not going to buy it off somebody who found it down the road going I’m sure it is what it says on the sticker you know you’ve got to come up with a certification and everything yeah

    It’ll makes sense mate yeah but yes but um yeah appreciate that I’ll keep an eye out for DJI why is this building got so small Windows like that uh cuz the council own it it’s quite unique it’s like architecturally no chosen Council own it it’s cheap cuz that’s the standard is it

    You know windows or Windows Council don’t own it that would have actually cost more money to do it like that would it well it’s less glass and the reason for it being is is we could leave here tomorrow and the council can put somebody else in we don’t own the

    Building right so it’s just a matter of if you glassed the whole thing it would have been more expensive really yeah if you have big windows that open these windows don’t open all the way but if you had big windows that actually open you’ve got to stop people from

    Being able to get out so honestly it is because the council went cheap right okay it’s just it’s just a matter of we could be here 10 years lease is up we decide we want to move on somewhere else somebody else will rock up put a different sign on it councel own the

    Building right that’s why the garden doesn’t look very nice cuz they don’t come and cut it right okay I would never have I thought it looked quite nice I thought it was a chosen architectural design we wanted it red we couldn’t have it red cuz it wasn’t fitting with the

    Sky or the color or something like it was you could have you could have that blue or the green that you see down over at symetry Park yeah yeah but that’s a far more impressive building the largest in Europe I’ve been there all right you done your done your laps around there

    Yeah right thank you very much can I give you a key ring for being so nice to me did I already give you one no no what was your name Oliver nice to meet you Oliver thanks for telling me a little bit about the place I’ll check out the

    Video online yeah thank you take care so now we know council’s way of keeping cost down I thought it looked quite nice so as Oliver returns back into the building I was very impressed with how he handled that telling us all about his diving experience yeah brilliant it made Smith’s high

    Performance quite an interesting video for me so I hope you enjoyed that video if you did give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. A BB gun is categorised as an air rifle and if you fire towards, or onto, private land "without permission from the owner" 🤭, then you are breaking the law, and you cannot fire towards or onto public land, ever. So if you film that happening you have just caught a criminal.

    2. I don't know for sure. But I'm pretty sure that there would be serious consequences for anyone who shot an aircraft from the sky. Regardless of it being unmanned.

    3. That guy is talking bullocks, has no idea what he's dribbling on about .
      Well you can't get away with shooting a weapon at you and BB gun is classed as a weapon it can take out an eye , scar ones face .
      Even kill believe it or not .
      He even thinks you can shoot at a hot air balloon.
      That thinking is a worry .😮

    4. Shoot it down did he say? So he’s basically saying he’s got a firearm on site. That’s illegal which can carry a prison sentence up to 7 years

    5. This guy started off sounding like somebody I could share a beer with, albeit not for too long. He then descended into talking utter drivel. It reminds me of when I got chatting to a petrol station cashier late at night while I was trying to kill time. He seemed totally on my wavelength and really grounded. We spoke about some light philosophy and politics, before he suddenly claimed that the reason time seems to speed up as we get older is because the Earth's rotation is slowing down. He stated it as an absolute fact, and to be honest I left shortly afterwards feeling rather disappointed.

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