‘I want GB News to keep going!’

    Lord Peter Mandelson makes a surprise appearance on GB News and discusses the mood music at this year’s Labour Party Conference.

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    People here don’t know what his pledges are really and and there’s no there’s no there’s no actual slogan that people’ll understand and to me they’re almost they’ve been given this opportunity to do it without earning it well uh I would respectfully disagree with that I think that K starm has shown trust

    Responsibility love of country a desire to serve the areas have been you know there’s broad detail you know prioritizing us as the biggest economy in the G7 the NHS Safe Streets um uh clean energy and opportunity now Andrew hang on before you get stuck in right that there is a year there’s potentially

    A year to go of this election every time labors come out with a good policy in my opinion the Tores Nick it they are bereft and tired so you will see more detail coming yesterday the shadow Chancellor kicked that off and there’ll be more from Kier today but every time

    Labor opens their mouth the Tor is Nick it right what are K D’s five mission pledges the mission pledges are to um create the fastest growing economy in the G7 okay to create an NHS I can’t remember listen I’m a Andre I’m a busy man listen I can’t listen

    Andre Andre Andrew no no no listen it’s all around us Andrew take a look my point is I can’t remember my kids birthdays so listen I want to finish time okay the NHS opportunity link back to the schools policies there five broad areas where this country will be

    Different under a labor government with more detail to gum anyway andw there’s a man behind you should come on the show Peter look at this look at this Andre how are you going to come on look at this come on he won’t come on we’re talking about you a wonderful labor government and

    What it’s going to offer the country Peter and I go back many many years how are you my lord five pledges or five missions five missions didn’t know the five Miss to write them down restart the economy there you are unlock cheap green energy get the NHS back on its safer streets

    Unlock educational opportunities saf the street know them can ask you a question why were you on the front row of a speech yesterday with a shadow cabinet you’re not in politics anymore well Andrew put there Andrew there’s microphone I I I was I was I was put

    There in order to show my support for Johnny Reynolds and Rachel Reed’s speeches which I did with great enthusiasm cuz they were great speeches and uh I was put there in sadik Khan we were like two booking I’ve never really previously seen myself as a a bookend to but you

    Know how the mighty have fallen I mean we you know we’ve must been reduced reduced to being a stage prop when I when we last last interview you of my podcast you said you miss government every single day I do do you think this party misses it every single day I think

    The bulk of it Miss government every single day there’s a still that sort of small minority who prefer to be protesting in the streets but my word are they are very small minority future you and I have been going to labor conferences for more years than we care

    To remember does this feel to you more like a 91 conference when kenck didn’t make it or does it feel like 96 when Blair went onto that certainly not 9192 nothing like it two reasons in ’92 labor wasn’t ready we hadn’t changed enough we hadn’t won back people’s confidence also

    In 2 the conservatives were still a fairly United Fighting Force Under John Major Chris Patton was the party chair who was running a pretty good machine he had a cabinet who was still hungry for power no not now not with these people with Rishi Sun so they’re all like three

    Different parties fighting each other as if they’re already in opposition I mean you’ve got the center right conservative party which you associate with with David Cameron you’ve got the right wing which is headed up by Rishi sunak and then you’ve got the further right conservative party sort of you know

    Trumpeted and supported by GB news it doesn’t help does it if Patel’s banging on about oh I think I want GB news to keep I want GB news to keep going they’re stirring the pot they’re creating divisions in the conservative party we’re doing much better job than that they’re under undoing the

    Conservative party and very very timely it is too you you knew you knew so Mr to us you knew Tony Blair he’s a friend of yours yeah you’ll tell us I still do actually he isn’t here you’re here people say to us that K arm is not Tony

    BL now is that worry about it no I said that I said no I said K stama is not Tony Blair but I said something else he’s the nearest thing to Tony Blair of any leader of the labor party since Blair right he’s a mainstream politician you know uh he’s completely in touch

    With and connected with what people are thinking in the country he’s totally committed uh to restarting the economy and he’s not wobbly on defense and National Security now that’s that’s what people want to see from a prime minister uh they saw it in uh Blair big celebrity

    Big box office K starm is not the same as player but as I’ve said he’s the nearest thing to player of any leaders since player that’s my view and have you helped with your speech no I’m I I’ve I’m shy and retiring I’m just going to sit there in the hall waiting with

    Baited breath will you be sat in the front row again will you be in the front row again honestly I will go where I’m put I’ll say what one final thing are you the secret power behind the throne you and Tony Blair everyone tells us on you’re in daily contact with the team

    You’re behind behind the scenes I love the starma team uh they remind me of the 1997 team absolutely focused driven 24/7 uh I love the starma team they are so good and they’re so professional they care about the country they know who they’re talking to which is the public

    In this country not their own party activist so which pet manderson in the 1917 which one is this team is the Peter manderson figure you know who it is come on you know who it is he’s great tell us who he’s great see Manders always enjoy

    To talk to just like that there we are you see we get lab appears on the show as well Lord Merson sorry Kevin was completely over Shadow great and he and he knew the five mission statement unlike you well I’m running a business over 100 probably wrote them yeah we’re

    Married he knew quite well didn’t he yeah



    2. Watching these people clapping and honking like performing seals, wetting themselves with excitement at the prospect of controlling our lives, makes me want to vote for anyone else. Anyone at all. No mention of rampant immigration, ruinous borrowing. No, just platitudes about improving the NHS and making the streets safe and all from picking the pockets of a handful of overseas citizens. Oh and putting VAT on private schools which is just another tax on the parents who already pay taxes for schools they don't use. What a shambles. You can cover them with glitter but they still smell of BS to me.

    3. I recall Mandelson and his application for a mortgage. A long time before Boris and his "loan" problem.
      But both had much to do with their respective falls from grace.

    4. That lefty bloke said Labour will change the Country , yes they will change it to become NON- BRITISH. If these lefty scum get in at the next GE the White British Straight man will be finished

    5. Mandelson was part of the New Labour party mass immigration, multicultural experiment of England, bringing in millions of immigrants and in his own words rubbing the rights nose in diversity changing the face of the country forever.

    6. My God, Rishi Sunak is right-wing? He is a complete left of centre non-conservative. And since Kier can't / won't define a woman and thinks Rayner is fit to sit in Parliament – boy is he in touch!

    7. Thank you Mr Mandelson's you just lost Labour my vote . The only person Tony Blair is interested in is his horrible self. Sent British troops to their deaths on a lie and opened our borders to the flood of illegal immigrants we are spending seven million a day to keep.

    8. Starmer is Blair's puppet Blair is pulling his strings, we've had Blair 1 nearly ruining the UK with him singing us up more and more while in the EU, the British public knew nothing about it, so what you will get with Starmer under Blair's and Mandelsons, instruction to get us to align with the EU as close as they possibly can without informing the public, and if anyone thinks that's not their plan your seriously deluded

    9. wow labour is going to save the uk, make every voter happy, give them loads of dosh, Tsk pre-election garbage, same old same old bull from all the Westmister mob. time for something completely different,

    10. In touch what a load o codswallop scrap the ulez fiasco that’s not working class robbing the working man I never hear starter say anything about the ulez charge he supports it

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