Donal MacIntyre investigates the childhood and background of Peter Moore and if the relationship with his mother turned him into a killer.

    A serial killer told one of his victims he was attacking him “for fun”.

    Peter Moore reigned terror in four dark months of 1995. He killed and mutilated four men in a murder spree which struck fear in the community and meant loved ones were utterly heartbroken.

    St Helens-born Moore targeted gay men in clubs and cruising spots across Merseyside and North Wales. He was known as an eccentric and dubbed the ‘Man in Black’ for his dark leather clothes.
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    They are some of the world’s most notorious Killers he enjoyed inflicting pain on people but were these Psychopaths born evil or did their mothers make them into monsters I’m Donald McIntyre and I’m an a quest to explore how some of history’s most notorious murderers were molded by their relationships with their mother

    When you’ve got somebody who has been described as the mother of the that’s not going to be an easy relationship for the child and the parent I’ll be piecing together events from their childhood and talking to criminologists and psychologists to try and understand what motivated their monstrous crimes 53 stab

    Wounds is beyond what I’ve experienced in my career in this episode Cinema owner Peter Moore was a local hero in this sleepy North Wales Community but he hid a secret violent side his mother worshiped him all her life and when she died he went on a killing spree taking

    The lives of four men did as mother turn him into a serial killer for the vast majority of us the thought of taking another’s life is simply unimaginable and while some of us may understand in part murders driven by greed Rage or jealousy the thought of someone just killing for fun is the

    Stuff of nightmares but there is a tiny handful of people who actually enjoy the act of killing and Peter Moore was one of them nestling on the North Coast of Wales across the bay from the popular Resort of R is Kimmel Bay it’s a small close Nick community

    Whose inhabitants live a gentle slow paced life but in the 1990s a killer lived amongst them businessman Peter Moore was well known locally as the successful owner of four Cinemas but behind his facade of respectability he conducted a gruesome double life undetected for decades more carried out brutal sexual attacks on dozens of

    Men culminating in four extremely Savage murders I’ve been a policeman for a long time uh over 30 years and uh I met a lot of bad people a lot of mad people in my time but I believe that Peter is the most dangerous man that I’ve ever met in my [Applause] Life he actually enjoyed inflicting pain on people because some level it made him feel powerful he felt merciless in terms of his his feelings towards the victim and and totally callous and he had no conscience Whatsoever I’ve come to North Wales where Peter Moore lived and where he murdered four men I want to delve into his family background his relationship with his parents and in particular his adoring mother to find out exactly what it was that made him into a murderer Peter Moore was born in St

    Helen’s chesher on the 19th of September 1940 when still very young he moved with his parents Ernest and Edith to Kimmel Bay this is Darlington house now an unremarkable looking Bike Shop it was once the largest building in the area and the Moors lived a comfortable existence here above the hardware store

    They owned and operated this bike showroom was the former flat where the more family grew up and when Edith Moore fell pregnant she’d all but given up any hope of having children when young Peter was born she called him her miracle baby her son became the center of her world and

    She was utterly devoted to him growing up Peter always knew he had his mother’s undivided attention in her eyes he could do no wrong but he was just as infatuated with her as she was with him Peter Moore’s mother was someone who’d had miscarriages she someone who really

    Given up on having children and more or less never expected to Bear a child when Peter came along however she was absolutely delighted though Edith was overjoyed by the birth of her son Moore was not born into a happy home I think she was lonely I mean a husband never

    Spent any time with as far as what I could tell um I don’t think that he would have shown a great deal of um affection or tenderness but once she had a son that was what she needed I think for only children it can be very difficult for them to be out of

    The spotlight if you like and especially in this context where it the the household wasn’t a happy household I think when I first met Peter he was um he was different to other boys um he was always with his mom he was very close to his mom they used to always be

    Doing the garden together and if Mrs Moore came out to talk to my mom or dad um Peter would always be at her side um which always seemed a little bit unusual as Moore grew into adolescence those that knew him described him as rather a feminite his father a hard

    Drinking traditional former military man was not Impressed he didn’t approve of Peter’s um flimsiness he wanted him to be a man but Peter wasn’t the type of man his dad wanted him to be Mr Mo liked to drink he would have a drink during the day my dad warned me not to spend time with Peter Moore’s dad Alone Peter did tell me that his his father had been violent towards him as as as a child um he he didn’t go into any detail but it it was quite apparent that him and his father had a had a violent relationship and I think his mother was the

    Uh was the sort of protection between the two men the fact that his mother doted on Peter and that Peter doted on his mother would have probably further aggravated his father I think their relationship to some degree was doomed from the start despite this difficult relationship with his father Moore knew

    He was at the center of his mother’s universe and that made him feel feel special he was growing up in one of the largest homes in Kimmel bay where the income from the shop meant the family were more affluent than most others in the community this added to Moore’s growing

    Sense that he was unique and perhaps better than other people Mrs more Edith felt that she was Lady of the The Manor yeah Lady of Kimel Bay she because they had the big house um she was very proud of that early on in his upbringing Peter Moore became fascinated with films and

    Film making and since his parents were quite well off they bought him a cine camera and as he moved from childhood to adolescence he started to document his family life through the lens of an 8mm camera right from the very start there was no doubting who was the leading lady

    And Central star of his home movies Edith’s Miracle child repay the love he received from her by making her the heroin in a string of Home Movies if his mother was the star Peter Moore was the movie MoGo calling the shots it was an early indication that he seemed to think

    That the story of his life including his terrible crimes should be projected onto the Silver Screen Peter Mo was very much obsessed with making films it was a privilege in a way because not many families had cine cameras um he enjoyed the idea of being theatrical he enjoyed

    This kind of constructing of a of an imaginary world it allowed him to escape uh the rather Grim world that his father imposed on him and allowed him to fantasize a little these neverbe seen home movies shot by a young Moore find him documenting his neighbors and his local community in the [Applause] 1960s filming gives you control over the narrative you’ve got lots more power to make it the way you want to make it you color it in for Yourself more childhood relationship with his mother was close to complete infatuation she was devoted to him and he woried her but was Edith Moore already turning her son into a Monster to try and find out what part she played I’m meeting criminologist Dr Elizabeth Yardley how significant was it that e that Peter Mor mother was having trouble conceiving and then she had after a great deal of work Peter I think this was really significant because she’d

    Been trying to to have a child for some time I think she’d almost kind of resigned herself to the fact that it was something that wasn’t going to happen he feels incredibly privileged his mother is always telling him that that he is her her little miracle so he’s got that

    Sense in which he feels incredibly entitled from quite a young age and we see the sense of entit he gets a cine camera uh in his early childhood and you think back in those days a cine camera it’s so out of place in that Community this is really significant isn’t it this

    Is is quite an expensive piece of technology quite an advanced thing to have at the time but then again you know he’s Peter he’s entitled to to have the things that that he wants because he’s special because he’s the only child because they waited so long to have him

    But it’s not just the fact he has this piece of technology it’s what he does with it as well so he makes a lot of home movies and the star of these home movies is of course his mother as we go on the journey with Peter Moore and his

    Mother we know the seeds of their relationship and the seeds of that pathology what made him into a murderer started from day one yeah I think that’s a really important thing in this case because Peter already feels quite special within his own family cuz he’s

    The only child so I think that does kind of sew the seed for um a little bit of a kind of narcissistic element to his personality we’re seeing somebody who’s had a lot of attention heaped on him by his mother somebody who sees himself as above others and and I think those are

    Some of those ingredients that we often see when we look back at serial Killer’s early childhoods in the 1990s Peter Moore brutally murdered four men an only child he had an unnaturally close relationship with his mother but despised his overbearing father he cut a distinctive somewhat odd figure in the small churchgoing

    Community of Kimmel Bay in North Wales I would say it was different but there was something about Peter uh the way he used to dress when I used to see him out as uh as a teenager would be always dressed in black I think it was because he wanted to stand

    Out wanted to be Noticed this used to be Peter Moore’s room and growing up he was at the center of his mother’s Universe even in adolescence they spent most of their time together but Moore’s relationship with his own father was very different Moore’s father resented the fact that Peter wasn’t like other boys he was a

    Bit of a wimp he was a feminite he was a Mommy’s boy worst of all in his eyes he suspected that the young Peter might be gay in 1950 Britain being gay was still against the law so it wouldn’t have been just his father he needed to conceal his

    Sexual identity from at the time when Peter Moore was a child homosexuality was illegal and very much frowned on and very much confined to gents toilets and hidden places in terms of hiding this from the general public Peter wasn’t that bothered providing it didn’t get back to

    His mother my opinion would be that if she was aware that he was gay it was something that was probably never discussed within the family environment it was something that was um probably the the elephant in the room that was never discussed if you know what I mean

    The need for Peter Moore to keep his sexuality hidden and a secret was because there was such a stigma um and such an awareness on his part um that uh in order to function as best he could within his family and in the community um this part of his identity uh to be

    Completely disguised while his mother was still alive and because he lived in a conservative and Clos ni Community he decided to keep his sexuality a closely guarded secret but as the years went by he found Sinister and peculiar ways of satisfying his sexual appetite with gay sex still illegal it

    Wasn’t unusual for a homosexual men like Moore to cruise for Partners at night what was unusual was that he began a series of vicious assaults on the men he stalked Moore was always dressed in his trademark dark clothing that later saw him dubbed the man in Black generally the majority attacks

    Were low male had been to the local local pub for for a beer and walking walking back home he would he would drive ahead Park up and then hide himself in the bushes as as the male walked past uh he would he would jump out the bushes normally with a rubbber rubber trunion

    And attack the attack the males from behind and then there would be some form of a sort of sexual assault take place Thereafter Moore would later admit that these attacks had continued undetected for 20 years and that he derives sexual pleasure from the violence each attack ended with more urinating and masturbating on his victims urinating and masturbating on his victims um gives him a sense of sadistic power uh over them which is a

    Reversal um of his early experience at the hands of his father who had sadistic power over him where he was the victim and felt humiliated though Moore was viewed as an oddball by many in the community no one who knew him imagined he could be capable of such vicious

    Attacks I don’t remember seeing anything at all that would have made me suspicious uh of Peter I always have a chat with him but I was never aware of him being violent and I don’t remember anybody ever saying he’d been violent or they knew of any violence involving Peter no I can’t

    Think of anything like that when he was 33 his domineering father died and more took over the running of the family hardware shop well I think Peter’s dad’s death affected Peter in um a way that made Peter become more forceful stronger stronger willed I think it took away his

    Dependence on his dad he took over the shop and his confidence grew throughout the 1980s Moore managed to keep the family Hardware business afloat and all the while he lived here with his mother in Darlington house and locals would note that although he was now an adult

    Edith his mother would continue to dot on him as if he was still a little boy every one of us when we we SED at the shop premises would have to go to the private living quarters at the back of the shop and and meet his mother and

    Have a chat with her and sometimes a cup of tea just to sort of pass the time of a day and let her know what was going on there was folus in a living area of Peter in the school uniform in his short trousers and school caps and she spoke

    To him as if he was still the school boy and he just sort of laugh it off but you could see he he wasn’t embarrassed by it he just knew that was his mother’s way and he was happy he was the child that she never thought she would

    Have and I think she wanted him to remain her child for ever despised by his late father Moore seemed to have taken refuge in his mother’s love though it didn’t stop him conducting his violent Double Life By Night his mother provided all of that adoration that he

    Felt he was en entitled to he’s getting everything from it he’s getting love and adoration and protection and he doesn’t seem to be worried about that he doesn’t he doesn’t feel claustrophobic psychologically in his mind he’s continuing um In This Very inest relationship with his mother who

    Um uh but it’s important whilst he continues to be in this IM relationship with his mother um that he has control over father it’s a fantasy control over father um and it’s revenge against father um in the activities where he uh uh then start to abuse other [Applause] men in 1990 while still operating the hardware store Moore decided to Embark in a new Venture that would incorporate his love of film he decided to renovate an old Cinema in a nearby Town it was be the first of four Cinemas that he would own and operate the final one being this

    One here behind me in Holly head he was considered a hero with the local new hailing him as the savior of North Wales Cinemas it earned him a great deal of Kudos and respect when I met him and in the two or three years I had dealings

    With him while the shop was open uh I think he was struggling to make end me he was trying different things trying different Ventures he had um he had the video library upstairs for a while the shop went down and down his business went down then he took over the cinemas

    And he was busy doing those up um and his mother was proud of that as boss of his own Cinemas Moore often chose to screen violent horror films Friday the 13th starring the evil Jason being one of his favorites his audiences had no idea that Moore’s own nocturnal secret life was

    Far more terrifying and Savage than anything up on the screen more was the S as who enjoyed inflicting pain on other men for his own sexual gratification and after hours at of Cinemas he started to put on live SNM shows for a small select audience all the while he kept his own sexuality

    Hidden from public View and most importantly from his doting mother Edith he seemed to be leading a normal life daytime but he started to go out at night in much in the same way that his dad used to do he’d go off at night and nobody would know where he where he was what he was up to Peter Moore never

    Really established any kind of real adult relationships he discovered bit by bit that he was sexually sadistic he had to inflict pain and suffering in order to gain any sexual arousal and this he would either organize um with other men or he would actually go out there increasingly and take It did Moore’s parents and the need to hide his sexuality influence his increasingly deviant Behavior I’ve come to meet criminologist Dr Elizabeth Yardley to find out I suspect very early on his mother would have recognized that he was gay and that would have intensified their relationship I think

    Potentially she would have felt even more protective towards him um because here is this this wonderful son who she waited so many years for um and and he it turns out that he is gay and and that’s something else that makes him special something else that makes him unique perhaps it’s something that’s

    Hidden and I think that’s a theme that continues throughout Peter Mo’s life but the primary force I’m respecting in the marriage in the family is now it’s the mother and Peter and uh that causing and that affection and Uber attention rather than the ridicule and abuse he was

    Getting from the father well I think it’s a combination of the two So within the same household you’ve got all of this love and affection and support from your mother yet at the same time your father really can’t stand the sight of you because you are not living up to the

    Expectations of of what he wanted you to be but where is this fantasy see this need to dominate his sexual partners where has that come from I mean I feel that it’s coming from his his mother and I’m just wondering just how was that expressed

    How do you explain it well if if you look at what he’s trying to achieve he’s trying to achieve power he’s trying to achieve control and where does that come from I think that comes from a sense of entitlement that kind of narcissistic characteristic that’s that’s often laid

    In Motion in somebody’s very early years Peter Moore was the sadistic sexual killer of four men in the 1990s viciously assaulting and humiliating dozens more after the death of his father he continued to live with his doting mother Edith but that year saw a cataclysmic change in Moore’s life in May 1994 Edith

    Moore’s mother passed away leaving him all alone here at Darlington house her death left him heartbroken and he became increasingly introverted he’d lost the person that was probably the most important person in his life and gradually he became more and more reclusive um and then people would you

    Sort of hear conversation I don’t know what pet is up to you know he doesn’t seem to be the same it’s a shame the effect of this bereavement on Moore was profound I think the the death of his mother took away the only thing that could potentially have kept this under

    Control and I only say potten she was What In criminological terms we call an intimate Handler and that just means somebody there to stop you when it goes too far when Peter Moore’s mother died the level of control that gential control and that fundamentally um adoring relationship between them

    Ended he wanted to do things he had motivations and all of a sudden there was absolutely no reason why he shouldn’t just get on with it with his mother gone Moore became less guarded about his sexuality he would regularly bring men back to Darlington house for SED masochistic sex sessions where he dress

    Up in Black leathers and beat his sexual partners when his mother died he just became more reclusive there was a lot of comings and goings at Darlington house in the early hours of the morning to make matters worse more Cinema businesses were struggling financially and his personal life began to spiral out of

    Control he later described to police how the desire to kill would grow within him it came described to me that when he was feeling the the the urge to kill the need to to commit a murder he would go into a Zone and he describe how he would be

    Looking uh through what he describes as zigzags either side of his sort of peripheral vision so every everything he was just focused on what he was looking at and everything else was like yellow and black stripes in September 1995 Moore was working to restore one of his Cinemas in Holly

    Head while traveling between work and home he continued to look for men to attack one night his search for ever more violent sexual gratification came to a murderous climax Henry Roberts was a quiet 56-year-old man who lived in this house here on the island of Angeli about an

    Hour’s drive from Kimmel Bay Peter would would drive back from the cinema in Holly had back to um his home in Kimel Bay uh late at night along the A5 Road the old A5 Road as it was then and he would see Henry walking from the public

    House back towards his home address and he told me that the idea of killing somebody was sort of in in his head and he decided that Henry would be a good likely candidate really to be his first victim Robert like Moore was gay and had a ponon for Nazi memorabilia on the 23rd

    Of September Moore drove to Henry Robert’s house it’s not clear if it was a pre-arranged meeting but we do know that on the night in question Mo arrived armed with a knife he was stabbed numerous times in across his back and and across his back of his

    Legs and um following his his death his his his trousers were were lowered and he was stabbed postmortem twice in in each but more stabbed Henry Roberts 47 times it was beyond brutal Roberts had been a regular at his local pub when he didn’t show up for 3 Days

    Friends took a walk up to his house where they found his body he’d been dead for 2 days in Peter Moore’s first murder the word Overkill is probably a very good description and the final two stabs in fact were postmortem so are far more symbolic so perhaps moved beyond the

    Frenzy and the rage and the final symbolic Act of of stabbing this victim in the butters taking his trousers down another humiliation um was perhaps more to do with his gay feelings Peter Moore’s approach to killing his victim was one of a sexual sadist gaining satisfaction primarily killing the victim was almost

    Incidental part if you like of the process primarily he was gaining sexual satisfaction from inflicting the most ultimate harm that you can on another human being despite committing this gruesome murder Moore keeps up the appearance of being a successful businessman and pillar of the community he is seen as usual around

    Town always dressed in a signature all black outfit no one suspected a thing Peter Moore clearly demonstrated uh significant Psychopathic tencies the psychopathic uh tenancies are demonstrated clearly by the fact that his total disregard for the consequences of his actions and the experience of his victims they were merely individuals

    That he was going to be using to further his own narcissistic aims Moore had now developed a taste for murder and just a few weeks later he struck again his victim was 49-year-old security guard Keith randles who was living in a caravan on a construction site in

    Angeli this time he decided to kill Keith for his own Amusement he told me that uh once again he was he was driving from the cinema in hollyhead back to Kim Bay it has been now a month since he he’ killed Henry and obviously he had hadn’t

    Been sort of interviewed arrested for it and he was feeling the um the need to kill again so he he he told me that he on the way home he decided to drive around a bit and see if there was any likely candidates according to Moore’s later

    Testimony he knocked on the door of Randall’s Caravan and was ready with a knife in hand as he answered Peter told me they just stabbed him on straight into the stomach region uh Keith came out of the Caravan and um a big struggle ensued quite quite uh it

    Was quite sort of massive struggle and and Keith was certainly fighting for his life P told him that at some stage and if iight um Keith turned to Peter and sort of begged for his life for the sake of his grandchildren but that had no effect and Keith said why are you doing

    This to me and he turned around and replied to him I’m doing it for fun he wanted to portray something he wanted to be the center of attention and I think saying just for fun would actually push him into the kind of um Legion of serial killers and the kind

    Of phrases they come out with uh because it sounds like something that would happen in a film after the murder more calmly drove home where he realized that in the struggle he’d lost a black clip on tie he returned immediately to the scene of the crime retrieved the tie and

    Stole a video recorder from the Caravan released from the need to answer to his beloved mother Moore’s lustful desire to kill appeared to be an overdrive I want to ask criminologist Dr Elizabeth Yardley how far Edith may have restrained her son’s murderous urges the death of Edith Peter Moore’s

    Mother was seismic is that the trigger for his move from being a sexual predator to being a serial killer it had a massive impact on him because she is his number one fan she’s always been the person there in the background he’s providing him with reassurance and and

    Basically stroking the developing ego um that that that he was and for her not to be there he’s now lost that and I think that’s an important part of somebody’s identity when when they are quite narcissistic that person who stands there and reinforces them and and Pats

    Them on the head and says aren’t you fantastic when that person’s removed from the equation that can get quite interesting and his first victim was Henry Roberts he tells us this was nearly an opportunistic act and yet I not convinced Li I think what we’re looking at here is access and

    Opportunity I think Peter Moore is somebody who had been been stalking people for for quite some time cuz you you’ll often find with Killers like more that they won’t just go straight into to killing that they’ll often do test runs they’ll practice they’ll try things out

    We’ve always got to be so cautious about the stories that serial killers tell us about their crimes because they will always want to present these stories in a particular way and and I I do think this this wasn’t completely opportunistic the murder of Keith randles this according to Peter Moore

    Himself was Just for kicks just for fun and I don’t accept that he’s creating a character here of this this ruthless killer who kind of gets off on on killing and has fun doing it and I think we’ve always got to be really skeptical of any claims that he makes in relation

    To his killings to my mind there’s still a sexual motive for uh all these murders when you think about what sex represents it represents power it represents control all of the things that that Peter Moore wants serial killer Peter Moore dubbed the man in Black spent two decades carrying out

    Vicious assaults on men for his own sexual gratification but when his adored mother died he escalated to sexually sadistic murder stabbing his victims in a frenzy before defiling their Bodies after killing and getting away with it he was getting Boulder and a week before Christmas in 1995 he struck again on this occasion his victim was 35-year-old father of two Tony Davies Davies on the 18th of December traveled 7 miles from his home in Conway Bay to

    Visit his mother in abele after spending some time with her there he told her he was just going to pop out for a while he never returned the next day his body was found here on pensar beach he’d been stabbed to death the murder was committed at a well-known cottaging Spot close to

    Moore’s home at Darlington house I think ultimately the fact that he he was becoming blaz uh was was one of one of the two things he either wanted to be caught or was becoming so confident in his ability to kill um that he could actually kill on his own

    Doorstep and get away with it this recklessness was to be Mo’s doing hotline had been set up asking the gay community to sort of offer some information in relation to what happens on penan be that might help us in the investigation I I received an action um

    That later in the evening um from somebody that called in on the on the hotline and described that um this male had met a man on pensan and been taken to in the dress in Kimel Bay where he’d been attacked and he he described himself as being lucky to get away with

    His life he gave a very sort of loose descrip description of of the of the property and this location I immediately recognize a house to be Darlington house I knew that Darlington house was was owned and and still owned by Peter Moore and I knew that obviously Peter was a

    Gay man the man described in the tip off was dressed head to toe in black and I remembered that previously I had seen him dressed in black leather jacket and black leather trousers so i s i formed the impression that um Pizza would be it’s a was good Suspect convinced that Peter Moore was the murderer the police were looking for DC David moris LED two teams of officers to his home at Darlington house but as they approached they saw more driving away in the opposite direction they tailed him for almost 5 miles before he pulled into a housing

    Estate as soon as Moore stepped out of the car police arrested him he was taken to candido police station for questioning I think when I arrested him I think Peter did know who I was it was only when I went into the interview room but I introduced myself and um and

    Mentioned the fact that I’d met him before and met his mother and I think he was quite pleased that I remembered him with more under arrest police were sent to search Darlington house there they discovered Tony Davy’s coat and the video recorder belonging to Keith Rands Peter Moore was charged with the

    Murder of Tony Davis and arrested on suspicion of the murder of Keith randles late that night DC David Mars was called at home and was asked urgently to go to the police station I receive a phone call about um 2 2:30 in the morning from the Cy

    Stre land in the that Peter come back from the court and requested a further interview so I made my way back to slido and um and say you’ve asked for an interview what do you want to tell us it was then that Moore dropped a bombshell so we made our way into the

    Interview landed about 4: 4:30 in the morning uh myself my colleague um Peter and his solicitor and uh during the course of that interview he admitted to us uh four murders the three murders that we were aware of of in North Wales from September 3 of Christmas of 1995 a

    Murder that we were unaware of the murder of Edward carthy Moore had picked up 28-year-old Edward karthy at a gay club in Liverpool and offered him a lift home he told me as he drove through the birken head tunnel from Liverpool back towards birken head Edward had fallen

    Asleep in in the cab of the for Trans and that’s when he formed the impression that Edward was somebody that he could kill and that he was going to kill him so as Ed was slept he drove him to to North Wales and uh to the woods where he

    He got him out of the vehicle and stabbed him [Applause] today Moore even drew a map which enabled the police to find carthy’s Body a seemingly unrepentant Moore appeared to draw satisfaction from revealing the grizzly details of his murders he was finally the are in his own film and people were watching the fact that his

    Um uh he his starring role was coming to an end um on the one hand would have been a relief but paradoxically would have uh even enhanced his sense that he was now firmly in the public eye and he really was uh a star but then in a bizarre twist while

    Unand in prison Mo recanted his confession and claimed the murders were committed by a friend of his named Jason so we came into the interview room and picked up the interviews again and it was during that sort of weak weaking custody in Walton prison that um he had

    A sort of change of heart and and decided to tell us that he wasn’t a murderer in actual fact it was his friend who he Nick nicknamed Jason I was interested about his use of Jason I’ve seen it before with other serial killers um or mass

    Killers um uh and that is uh that they um uh they get their sort of narrative reference um from uh fictitional characters at his trial Moore angered and upset the families of his victims by playing up to the cameras and appearing to enjoy himself the way that he behaved

    In in front of the press was like he was the rockar of Serial killing this is probably how he wanted to be remembered the reason that he performs to the cameras is one of the clearest indicators that he is still defending against the reality and very firmly entrenched in a

    World of fantasy uh that he continues to be the star it’s a defensive Dynamic against accepting the reality of his life throughout the proceedings Moore maintained his innocence and contined to blame the mysterious Jason this was a case of too weird too late and not credible he didn’t fool

    Anybody police judge jury wor anyone um Peter Moore in fact was clearly Jason Moore was found guilty and all four counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison I still find it hard to believe that he turned into a murderer I I find it hard to believe that he could be that

    Person Moore was finally the star of his own Grizzly show is it possible that a doting Mother’s Love could be at the root of his crimes what kind of mother do you think Edith Moore was I think for me um what Edith is is an Uber mother she’s an

    Exaggerated performance of the role of the mother she’s concentrating her efforts on one child it’s a child that she’s waited a long time for so so her mothering is such a central part of our identity but I think increasingly now what we’re starting to see when we look

    At at some cases of of murder is the the the mother in the background is is this this figure who is you know over kind of attached somebody who who really does kind of overperform the role of the mother rather than underperform it so I think too much mothering is just as bad

    As too little mothering I think it’s not Tred to say but I think when it comes to the making of murderers mothers matter more she was the star in his movies he was the star in his movies they both were playing roles and to what extent do

    You sense that he was living out a performance that he’ he set himself out to be the star ultimately in his own courtroom drama I think that’s very much the case and and Cinema and performance were always something that was very important for for petore he’s always performing a role and he’s always

    Anticipating in an audience and he he gets that audience when he’s charged with these murders and he he ends up in court and he’s almost really lavishing in the attention it’s this idea of the serial killer as celebrity and I think that’s something that that we see very much uh performed by Peter

    Moore Peter Moore’s crimes were those of a sadistic killer he enjoyed inflicting physical pain on others for his own sexual gratification for over 20 years he sexually assaulted dozens of men who he knew would be too ashamed to report the attacks and when this no longer stated his sexual appetite he decided to

    Break the ultimate taboo murder


    1. Another well told story covered yet again! I so wish the producers of these would cover the millions of untold cases no one has heard of. Gets boring…
      Although saying all that I’ll watch it!! 🙄😂
      Appreciate the upload TY 💙xx

    2. Psychopaths are both born and made. Firstly the psychopathic brain is different, especially the amygdala. So they are born without fear etc. We find psychopaths in big business and also high risk jobs. If a psychopath is abused in some way they can become criminals.

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