In this episode, Martha and I make our way south through the Italian countryside, getting caught in a storm just before our hostel.

    Look at this slug oh yeah just ooing a trail bro all right whoa look at the mountains I didn’t know there was mountains right here that’s cool all right s slept last night pretty good little spot aside from the mosquitoes and yeah I think we’re going

    To pack up soon and try to dry the tent a little and get ready to go yeah look at those mountains all right all right wild Camp’s cleaned up it’s a little after 9: and we’re going to go see if we can find a coffee shop in town there’s one

    Spot so hopefully it’s open pretty quiet on a Friday Morning all right we are caffeinated and we’re going to ride half hour to next town got some food and we got about 80k to alandria today more Farm Fields this corn is not looking good got the freeway there we just went under and now we are heading over the train

    Tracks skipping the town all that boy what do you got I’ve got soda water this fizzy water she had to fill her water Bott bottle of fizzy water like this is a place where you for 10 cents for 10 Cents going on this road there’s a canal and they just kind of have the canals built to Branch off and I think feed was saying like you wouldn’t think you’re in Italy if you’re cruising a race field but yeah it’s been cool a real legitimate water wheel broken toil

    We have a little gravel section hopefully not too long or slow going you be wondered this is rice rolling through these today all right we’re going to get back on the pavement for a bit on the the main Highway for 50 m and back on the farm Roads we’re getting a little rain shower we’ dodging the rain mostly but just a little sprinkle we pass through some farmland Very rough road right now um pretty slow going but after this stretch just a couple short gravel I’m trying to outrun that and we’ve kind of been slipping through it so I think we’re going to make it just a little Highway section woo it’s getting wind so windy the darkness is

    There but we’re kind of trying to get past it before it drops the big rain see look at the trees woo all right it’s only 450 but as you can see we’re trying to haul booty we do have a Tailwind though so we’ll take that as a win yeah it looks kind of

    Clearish behind us and kind of not I don’t know these quiet farmlands more sunflowers more sunflowers these ones don’t look very happy these are sad Flowers well the rain has kind of caught us it started to drop but it’s not super heavy yet oh oh here it comes you might see shelter I don’t know all right halfway up the climb here comes the rain another short climb and a descent all right little

    More rain but I’m so sweaty I don’t even think I know what’s rain and what’s sweat kind of up and over there is Alexandra pardon yeah clouds are going though and yeah it’s Alesandra over there where we’re staying tonight well the rain found us we’re just trying to find somewhere decent to

    Deify it’s here and it’s raining that’s oh yeah oh wow yeah look at this it is absolutely downpouring holy smoke we got CAU so nice rain come back in Italy it’s really nice And we’re like 10K oh so close 10K we’re we’re not even drying our rain coats because our shirts got soaked before we put them on the farmer said to follow him thank you goodbye bye cuz this is insanity there’s a bu Stu a bus oh there’s a bus stop maybe

    That’s what he was saying no come to my farm I think he wants us to go to his farm yeah I don’t either but now we’re just not even in cover pardon my name is Anna Anna James Mar Marth sorry we’re wet uh yes must um yeah know okay you

    Okay uh I’m go yeah yeah thank you all right here’s the sitch Martha has no breakes and I can’t UNP my right shoe budy so we’re kind of fall into pieces but we only have 3 and 1/2k to go so hopefully we’re going to make it that was ridiculous

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