Rob from carbon fibre bike repairs UK and Jourdain Coleman Team up to serve up yet another contradiction of I love Chinese bike frames, the quality is very good, but the sticker on the frame is not the right brand….

    This opinion piece doesn’t reflect Rob and his Teams ability to fix carbon bikes, but does highlight the complete echo chamber of shite that they talk when it makes you a subject matter expert that has the power to manipulate….


    Welcome back to channel my name is Ben I am the controversial cyclist and I am a massive cenut and as we all know it takes a seut to know a cut and today we have got two massive SE nuts the first one is jordane Coleman and the other one

    Is Rob from carbon bite repair sorry I don’t know his last name not that it make any [ __ ] difference um jordane is a YouTuber I’m not too sure what else he is um and he rides a bike basically as much information there that I could sort of gather and uh BR from carbon

    Bike repair UK owns carbon bik repair and apparently it’s in London and they’ve reportedly which I seriously doubt but I have no evidence on why you know what the real number is but they say they’ve actually repaired over 14,000 carbon fiber bicycles okay so you’re going to say to me Ben you

    [ __ ] Cena why are you chasing these guys down I’m not not trolling them I’m not chasing them down I’m highlighting the complete [ __ ] [ __ ] that they talk to justify their own means and what they do now without them talking [ __ ] I wouldn’t be here justifying my means and

    What I do and the creation of what is but people refuse to stop talking [ __ ] now I am not stating that Rob is not good at his job okay so first of all let’s lay this out there I am not stating that he’s not qualified to do

    His job cuz I’m in no position to do that I’m just using facts for when he talks and the information that he’s given on why something he says is better than something else and how this differs in reality with facts okay or opinions because I’ve got my right to an opinion

    Like his but using common sense and logic which prevails throughout is usually your best monitor of how to get somewhere take the emotion out of it take the hype take the [ __ ] marketing out of it anyway without further Ado let’s listen to what Rob’s got to say is is relevant with the

    Overpricing of carbon bikes and the complete [ __ ] [ __ ] that you’re being fed shielded um and and unfortunately given I would say is boarding on fraud especially when it becomes into warranty claims and things start snapping around you everyone’s seen the tire blow out this week and you know these hookless carbon rims

    Exploding tires and all of this [ __ ] drama that could seriously end you up in hospital for the sake of a few marginal gains whatever the [ __ ] madeup marginal Gams that they are but we know that the main marginal gain is the marginal gain for the company because

    Hookless rims are cheaper to make than hooked rims so there we go that’s it so who benefits they do they save a few quid or they put the product up they have higher profit margin and you end up in hospital and you paid for that privilege and that experience woohoo

    Great anyway without further Ado let’s hear what Rob’s got to say I’ll stop it through the video and I’ll interact and interject with different information that I have found um or just things that where he contradicts himself so and I’ll ask you questions along the way to

    Clarify look is this really what you [ __ ] want um and I will finish at the end and say why does Rob not really want you buying a Chinese carbon fiber frame because it’s very [ __ ] clear to see it affects his business at the end of

    The day even he says that at the end so right without further Ado let’s do it understanding of necessarily is what goes into making these bikes so the question is very valid why am I paying so much more for the Western bike than I am paying for the Chinese bike well I’ve

    Got a treat for you today or we’ve got a treat for today because we’ve grabbed all of Jordan’s hard work and his chopped up bicycles and we brought them into one place so we can have a look and see what uh what really is going underneath the hood of these bikes so

    We’ve got a a range of different bikes and I’ll say this on the outset there’s no brand preference here and there’s no necessarily we don’t have the luxury of having like for likee bicycle here so we’re going to try and just give you an indication of what’s going on um in in a

    Western design bike compared to a Chinese bike and maybe why we think those bikes are done that way so if we look at some of the the expensive bikes like this Pella for example one of the things you note is um all the experimentation that’s taking place in

    The junction points both for weight and for uh right let me just stop you there so he’s picked up Pinella now as you can see straight in front of the picture there to the left hand side as you’re looking at of the play stop button so the play pause button you’re going to

    See what looks like a massive low epoxy I haven’t got a [ __ ] clue what it is but that doesn’t look like carbon fiber to me it looks like [ __ ] glue now that glue apparently that was epoxy and I’m sorry to use this cuz it was the

    Frame that was highlighted so no I’m not [ __ ] Shilling Tri Fox I’m not paid off by them the reason that jordane said and Rob said that the the tri Fox X10 was not safe or unridable was to was because of the Apparently white stuff that they found in the top Bridge of the

    Fork which looks exactly the same as what’s in that pinelo Rob says nothing about it go back and watch Jordan’s um cut up of the tri Fox X10 and it was versus I think an elves or something like that um it’s all in there guys I can’t do that I’ll be wasting too

    Much of [ __ ] time that doesn’t look brilliant to me look at the other Junction as well as you can see that the SE tube going into the uh from the head tube sorry going into the SE tube that’s upside down and you can see again there looks like this

    White stuff which when Rob sees it in a Chinese carbon fiber frame he says it’s epoxy glue looks exactly the same in a Chinese carbon fiber frame the stuff that’s in there as the pinell but this is glossed over I digress for its its characteristic its ride characteristic this spice

    At the time it was designed was arguably designed for sprinting not climbing although it can climb pretty well we have a bicycle that is very purpose designed they know why they’re designing it they know that they have to conform to the rules particularly and they know most

    Importantly that they have to deliver a service a warranty service that protects this bike both and it’s two that’s what that brand has got it’s gener years and a lifetime warranty on any particular failings of that frame set so that’s the first thing that you’re paying for is

    That background service that takes care of your bicycle it’s a little bit like having your own personal insurance policy on your bicycle whereas with a a Far East frame uh that you buy online the only thing that keeps them honest is the amount of reviews that their bicycle

    Gets in terms of whether that bicycle is a b bike you should think about buying or not for the money so so I do agree with Rob there I do agree if you’ve bought it from a bicycle shop hopefully that bicycle shop can stay in business wherever you are around the world

    Because they keep dropping like [ __ ] flies you can take it back to them and give it to them and they will have to deal with a warranty and that is something that is worth money okay so I’m not I’m not coming out here and saying look that’s horeshit and we

    Shouldn’t do that I think that’s invaluable actually but invaluable what cost when you give it to the bike shop and then the bike shop struggles with the warranty and then your bike shop could be really really good but the manufacturer doesn’t really want to [ __ ] know all you’ve got to do is go

    Online look at Canyon look at many Canyon I direct customer though but look at many other bike manufacturers uh that you could Google and find out how long the warranty claims are even I mean Co was terrible for it but you know even down to stuff with specialized it’s not

    That great okay so it’s not as it’s not as swimmingly great and smooth and and as we would all like to think and it’s the same with cars guys it’s exactly the [ __ ] same with cars and high-end cars as well this is not unique to the bike

    Industry it’s all over now [ __ ] service is all over high prices over costing you know to the customer overcost to the customer um and just generally [ __ ] service so so that is not unique that we’re seeing we’re seeing that in every Walk of Life just rebadging of lots and

    Lots of [ __ ] um and you’re you’re paying a premium for that we don’t know why there’s a few interesting things based on those ideas that we’ve come up with while we were talking off camera but why certain things are the way they are between these two bikes so let’s go

    Through them a little bit on the Chinese bike and we pick this bike here the triy fox one of the things we note on the tri fox say compared to where is this yeah and and bear in mind these are very different bikes but you get the indication of the amount of effort

    That’s gone into say this um Canyon you can see how incredibly thin these walls are now it’s not to say that the Chinese are not capable of of doing this because these bikes were made there so it’s not that they don’t have the technology to do that but you can see the wall

    Thickness in the design of this bicycle in insisted that the wall thickness was going to be like this by this German company and that the wall thickness of the down tube was going to be right what I’m seeing there there now he has just taken that Canyon bike and he

    Said and that was the seat tube that was a seat tube guys okay he’s really impressed on how thin the walls of the seat tube are now I no I’m not a I am not an expert in this field but [ __ ] me [ __ ] me Rob like there is power transfer coming

    From top so that seat tube is holding a [ __ ] blob of of a person um we’re not talking 65 kilo whipit [ __ ] Pro cyclists mostly you know most of us are over that um and we are talking all these fat barristers you know 120 kilos some of these [ __ ] fat wasters that

    Are getting on these bikes cuz they got the money to buy them it’s the fat Barrister thing and that is you know what Jan Ryder says is pretty true you know your fat accountant all of these [ __ ] people that are into their you know Twilight of their life and they

    Just go out and buy these bikes cuz they were [ __ ] at golf and they got laughed off the course um they would be buying these types of bikes and and I’m [ __ ] absolutely be beused by why someone would say having a thin really thin seat tube in the center

    Would be a good thing I understand that you you want to save weight and you can manipulate the carbon or lay up the carbon differently so you can get that weight saving anywhere but at what [ __ ] cost you know at what cost is that if you’ve got a frame that’s under

    A th000 grams a dispite frame that’s under sorry a th000 grams like 998 I wouldn’t want one that’s 750 I [ __ ] wouldn’t want one not with the way that the roads are potholes and things like that but he’s saying this is a a benefit like I don’t get this and at two points

    You’ve got here so your ass is sat at the top of the seat post I don’t need to be a [ __ ] wizard or be an engineer to to to logically explain this to you you’ve got a massive amount of weight at the top of the tube which is pressing

    Down on the bike which is your ass through the seat post straight down the seat tube that that weight will travel in the straight line down and then you’ve got the momentum power is going to go all the way down to the bottom bracket so that’s going to be dissipated

    That way and shared hopefully and then that’s going to go to the bottom bracket area where you are turning that crank and then you’ll putting Crossways forces in so you’re going to you turning is putting flexing forces into the bike as well well so you got some big fatty s

    Stuck on SE tube and then they’re quite powerful which or you could just have someone who’s built like a brick [ __ ] house who’s a [ __ ] monster you know typical rugby player [ __ ] monster absolute [ __ ] monster and they can shift man what’s to say that this is enough carbon for these types of people

    The consumer is not the pro and and this is the [ __ ] ridiculous side of this this is a brainwashing that we’re going through we’re looking at a 65 [ __ ] kilo wet [ __ ] you know 183 C complete [ __ ] snake racing snake and you’re looking at that and you’re

    Never seeing what that person is and they sit on that bicycle you know like a ballerina for [ __ ] hours on end and then you get your big let’s say rugby player on there and you know it’s completely different world complet completely different mindset completely different background and you know the

    Forces are going to be different as well so so this is this is my argument in case what the [ __ ] have we brainwashed ourselves here into saying to certain things to keep up with these Technologies like you don’t drive a Formula 1 car to work you’re never going

    To drive a form one car to work you can’t even drive a Formula 1 car on the [ __ ] streets it’s impossible and this is what I’m trying to say the technology that goes into that as we’re progressing in Road cycle technology uh because it doesn’t have to be as tough as a

    Mountain bike you know and and it doesn’t have to be um we we are what are we doing are we [ __ ] ourselves up and being charged more for it I don’t know let’s have a look 2 mm in thickness so there’s a lot of layup design work which

    Is the key to the bike of how and where they want the material to be and what they want that bike to do when you ride it in such a way so if we take this Chinese bike I think it’s Chinese it’s a Chinese je okay and we’re not picking on

    This company we’re just saying this is a typically DV if you see this you see the wall thicknesses are almost the same across all the sides which tells me that this bike company is either there’s two things it either doesn’t know what it’s doing with carbon in other words it’s

    Taken a mle design that it likes and it’s going to apply put carbon in it but it doesn’t they don’t necessarily know what the engineering requirements are or or the dialing in of that bike for it’s particular characteristic the other more Sinister idea that that I certainly

    Think about is the fact that if bike was made very fragile like like the canyon is made for its purpose the warranty claims on this bike would be huge because there lots of issues with this bike bike is very fragile and it’s very well cared for Canyon customers get very

    Good Aftercare service on their bikes very aggressive return policy in terms of making sure the client gets the best out of their bikes whereas this bike once it’s been shipped out uh there’s a there’s a huge distance between the manufacturer the dealer and the client

    So the last thing they want is you to be riding a bicycle the the last thing I want if is if I bought a bike doesn’t matter if I can take it back to the shop is it [ __ ] snapping on me this is it like this keeps robbit a job let’s be

    [ __ ] sure about this without Canyon making their Fame frames W for thin you know with all the breaking Restraint of a [ __ ] Kit Kat and all of these other brands that are quite [ __ ] you know Major Brands major [ __ ] brands in cycling that we’re looking at now and

    And we’re watching stuff just [ __ ] Fall to Pieces in the tour to France like bian chees the handlebars just snapping and [ __ ] Forks just [ __ ] Fork steerers snapping Wheels exploding you know like it’s not because these guys yeah they do make big Power and they are being raced but remember Guys

    These bikes don’t have a long life in the to France they’re not used that often you know maybe one season they’ve got multiple bikes to get on remember you’re going to get on that bike if you like riding you could be riding that bike four five six times a week you

    Might even commute that bike to [ __ ] work how is this going to work how how in anyone’s [ __ ] minds is this working for anybody and to have the attitude like that well you know you could just send it back to Canyon because they’ve got a good returns

    Policy they’ve got they’ve got right so Canyon themselves they have a 2-year paint warranty and they have a six-year frame warranty only six [ __ ] years Rob’s talking like it’s like it’s endless like you just you know it’s a lifetime warranty for Canyon it isn’t and he’s another one that’s pushing

    Canyon there over and over but is he pushing Canyon because Canyon keeps him in business because he gets so many [ __ ] Canyons through his door and this is the other thing this is it isn’t it in the bicycle industry no one will speak out because it makes their money

    And this is the industry it’s the Shi Fest that is the cycle industry which you know the cash count that it is sell your [ __ ] grandmother at all costs don’t don’t worry about putting quality out don’t worry about using any [ __ ] common sense don’t worry about tearing

    The bicycles that you can give to people you want them to have a 10 G bike they’ve got to have it otherwise they’re [ __ ] you know they’re not going to be fastest riding a 10 G bike they’re never going to be fast anyway a 10 G bike and

    A 5 G bike and a two G bike to these [ __ ] people is immaterial to the standard that they can ride at most of them and we’re talking about 99% of them so so this this argument and costing and all of this [ __ ] [ __ ] means that if these bikes weren’t so [ __ ] fragile

    Made Rob would be out of business so ESS is he looking at the Chinese bikes going oh look the frame thickness is all sorry the wool thickness of the frame is is done like this cuz they don’t want any warranty returns and they don’t want the

    Frame to snap I know what I’d be buying cuz I don’t want the [ __ ] frame to snap either you know so I don’t want to be eating tarmac and lose a few [ __ ] teeth just because Canyon like a thin [ __ ] wall that I didn’t know about

    You know this is the whole thing now is how much does this encroach on our own safety and we are now looking at that between hooked and hookless rims and and I think people are waking up to this fact let’s carry on handle over clamping or a bike clamp issue or chain suck

    Issue you’re going to want a bicycle that can survive that so the big question about all this tuning is what do we really benefit from a bike that is well tuned and designed internally or doesn’t it matter now Jordan you rode a bike the other day where I watched your

    Video and you said you couldn’t believe how comfortable that that bike was and this was a what brand was it yolo R1 the frame was yeah I would say they’re quite big though they’ve got distribut in Europe and in the countries so they’re sort of a mid-range and the weight of

    That bike uh the whole bike was eight it was eight something okay I I I could be incorrect here and and I stand I stand corrected but it’s generally the the policy of of a company that’s gone to the expense of producing a bicycle with moles Etc and all the carbon pre-orders

    Like got to make in order to get the prices down for the carbon remember these are it’s a supply chain the bike you get has to go through various processes truckloads of the stuff coming at a certain price and the glue and the electricity bills and the factory

    Rentals and all the things that you and I don’t necessarily want to know about hav’t he’s talking [ __ ] because those those factories are making for let’s say the YOLO Factory where they make YOLO bikes they’ll be making for one of the big Brands so Rob’s talking [ __ ] you

    Know he’s trying to go down the Artisan route like we looked at sorry to say it but like [ __ ] mar mar Super Mario chipper chipper bollocks wife beater his bikes they’re they’re mass produced as well by a [ __ ] well not mass produced but they are actually made by a carbon

    Shoe company um DMT cycling sh and football boot manufacturer so we’re looking at these things you know the twisting and this thing and it’s not it’s just a [ __ ] name and it’s a process and they’re using other people’s processes to do that so that’s a marketing brand chiellini much

    Like Canyon’s a marketing brand so he’s talking complete bollocks there so Rob the knob is [ __ ] talking [ __ ] and and I you know he’s talking [ __ ] I’m not saying that they do bad bike repairs they could be great bike repairers but why lie like there’s no reason for him

    To keep justifying lying what so Jordan can make another video and so he can get more bikes through his [ __ ] thing to be through his doors to repair you know again it’s just Shilling in it shill shill shill shill sh hookless rims against hooked oh yeah buy the hookless

    Rims because they’re more aerodynamic buy the hookless rims because they roll better buy the hookless oh just [ __ ] off it’s bollocks okay and you’re paying for that privilege impact on the bicycle itself now I would I propose that that bike if it was going to be shipped out

    To Europe they would they certainly wouldn’t want that bicycle to be fragile I don’t know if too many really highend Chinese climbing bikes example that are you know within 5 or 6 kg like I’ve seen say with AOS or the well really I’m sure winds space or wind spass make a really

    High-end low-level 750 G climbing bike I’m pretty sure that they [ __ ] do around about 750 800 G please if I made a mistake there but I know that I’ve got a very high-end climbing bike that’s ultra light so again Rob the knob is talking [ __ ] again or he’s talking about

    Something that he doesn’t know it’s not researched so again he behind the curve so I should listen to Rob cuz he’s a subject met expert why doesn’t he go away and do some more [ __ ] reading on these brands that are catching up to the main big mainstream Western Brands why

    Doesn’t he read about this you know and educate himself because he’s going to have to because at some point his bubble will burst and it won’t be because no one’s buying the brands you know these these bikes from the brands what you’ll probably find in the next 5 years is the

    Processes will go back backwards and you’ll find that the frame manufacturers because they’re so tightfisted they will go back to making all of the walls quite standard because they don’t want them back because it costs them money and remember what we’ve gone through with covid is we’ve watched everything go

    Backwards and it was happening before that as well the you know globalization more bang for the buck not for us for them so they want to get more out of everything more out it’s all lean management lean lean lean lean lean so you can watch this go backwards and

    You’ll probably see again frame weights go up again but what he’s saying there there are lightweight Chinese direct to customer brands that can easily compete with you know all of your even Boutique brands on weight um am the TR am I just I just wonder whether it’s either they don’t

    Really know how to technologically build that bike which I do find strange or there’s some other reason and I’ve got a feeling it’s all about warranty a hybrid situation was probably the best so you have a Chinese frame a good quality frame with components with some components would make up a really really

    Good bike but there’s a distinct difference between if you want a high performance bike you want to own a really really good brand there is you can see in the detail if I show you that particularly say on venge the amount of work that goes on that’s not venge

    That’s AAC that was a Tac so he’s going to show you on the venge and then jordane’s just shown you a picture of a Tac I’m sorry to be a pedantic prick I am a pedantic prick but again if you’re going to make these statements and you

    Expect everyone to listen to them make sure they’re [ __ ] correct cor you know this is as the consumer and you’re putting your trust in someone they can’t even tell the [ __ ] truth now whether that’s Jordan’s put the video out and he didn’t get it right on the cut and the

    Edit I don’t [ __ ] know but I don’t [ __ ] care again the subject matter expert when everyone comes into the comments say you haven’t got a right to say this you haven’t got right to a [ __ ] opinion you haven’t got right to ask a question well obviously I have

    Because that’s just a [ __ ] blatant mistake now when people are paying ,000 or £5,000 or 5,000 [ __ ] whatever it is dollars whatever some people paying 10 grand for bikes you know based on information they’re getting off the internet yes more fall us you need to do more

    Research we all do um but when you’re being when you’re in a in a [ __ ] smoke and mirrors [ __ ] show of of marketing [ __ ] you you can run around and get nowhere and end up buying nothing for a year the amount of garbage that you get told these are the things

    You would expect these people would really want to nail it in and dial it in because they actually give a [ __ ] but I don’t think they give a [ __ ] again sell your grandmother this is all what we call um tuning around the the tube or the different types of materials right so as

    He goes on about tuning he goes into another thing which he’s been pulled up a before uh is moning and he again says that a monoco is a one piece you know a one piece mold or where there’s no bits that are put together and he was saying

    That the Chinese Brands can’t do it until now well the Chinese brands have been doing it and remember these Chinese brands are making Rob for these [ __ ] big Brands let’s be [ __ ] sure about that you know this is ridiculous it’s it’s absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous that Yodo Factory will be making for western

    Western Brands okay Western mainstream cycling Brands they will be making okay that there’s without shadow of a doubt and this is where robs in his [ __ ] dream world marid makes specialized bikes merid owned 49 uh% of specialized that’s the facts okay they’re the facts at some point there was rumors that

    Giant made Trek bikes you know Carbon Fiber bikes that was the rumor but the actual facts for Marita owning Specialized or owning 49% of specialized not the controlling share but they almost own half just under half it’s not the controlling share of specialized specializ in marketing company okay so

    That Marina bikes fantastic bikes don’t get me wrong Buy why buy a specialized why buy a Volkswagen when you could buy a scoda you know why why same [ __ ] thing that’s going on here and it comes out of that factory and these are the [ __ ] facts and if we can’t absorb

    These facts we can’t take them on they keep Shilling them to us and they they’re not going to you know you don’t know them you don’t want to listen to the facts you are just paying for a sticker accept it except that you’re paying for a [ __ ] sticker except the

    Fact is that the process might be a little bit different but it’s made on the same [ __ ] line and that different sticker comes out yes there might be a different M for specialized but it’s made in the marina Factory okay it’s made in the [ __ ] Marina Factory they

    Are the [ __ ] facts so let’s get to the bit of the end where Rob actually turns around and states very clearly that he if Canyon made their bikes any stronger he would be out of business aggressive sell the bikes but they don’t have uh Outlets they have

    Test Outlets where you can fit the bike but then generally only buy these bikes online so that cuts a lot of cost and they put that money into the development of the bikes in particular the wall thickness is the thinness of the bike um the designers of Canyon are very forward

    Thinking in terms of producing a very high performance bicycle uh for the lowest price possible they have run the risk of producing a bike that is known to be very fragile it’s not a robust a bike that’s known to be very fragile do you want a fragile carbon

    Bike do does anyone want to go in and [ __ ] spend €5,000 they’re not that much cheaper than any other mainstream brand now they’re not that much probably about 20 25% if you’re lucky you might get a discount okay so about 25% less than a specialized 20% they’re extremely

    Fragile you know that he’s highlighting them out of all those 14,000 bikes that he’s fixed Canyon are the most fragile out of all of them [ __ ] hell that’s the other bikes we have but then it should be said that it could be better communicated instead they’ve got a very

    Robust returns policy or replacement policy which kind of meet meets that because I assume it doesn’t cost them as much to make the bike as as maybe the others but this is what what is a typical case of fitfor purpose bike very simply laid up very carefully designed

    There have very little uh additional thinking going on in this bike as you can see the bom bracket is super super simple and um very cleverly designed very I would say that they’ve used the minimum amount of carbon fiber as possible Canyon to save money they’ve saved money in every single area by

    Keeping it simp simple by under engineering it and they are using as their business model we’ll we’ll return the bike you know we’ll sort that in six years hopefully you won’t notice that anything’s wrong you know within six years and after six years you can go [ __ ] yourself but it’s all about the

    Cost you know pair it down pair it down pair it down I would say that there’s a safety issue here I would say that you know if he’s looking at these and he’s going oh this is [ __ ] brilliant look at the wall thickness on this it’s tiny

    It’s way for thin on the seat post or the seat ch well [ __ ] hell anything that we’re going to put Force Through look at these carbon fiber bars look how thin the carbon is [ __ ] off just [ __ ] off it’s just [ __ ] ridiculous um is it an echo chamber or is it meeting

    Rob’s narrative I don’t really know let’s see how he finishes this impressed with the canyon although as a fragile bike very good for our business particularly on the seat there you go as a fragile bike it’s very good for our business like fair play to him like he’s

    A South African I think he he speaks his mind and you know I think he put it in there at the end so you know credit where credits due I like that in people well done [ __ ] rob you are a massive [ __ ] cut um you’re a [ __ ] liar as

    Well but like you redeemed yourself at the end because you did tell them and had a bit of a laugh about the game you know the game that you plays so Rob would I [ __ ] believe anything he says no I [ __ ] wouldn’t I think he’s another monster Shiller uh part of

    The cycling industry he’s probably a multi-million pound business that he has there if that’s true what he says 14,000 bikes a year um and he obviously wants to protect that and jordane Coleman is giving himself a you know a platform um and he’s also they’re helping each other

    Out here you know jordane can do what he does and it helps Rob and Rob helps him because they’re creating content together but is any of it really usable well not really I mean what I can say is that jordane is Ling his YOLO which I

    Think he might get sent to them and he pay to to to review but I don’t know but even if he is loving him and it’s genuine he loves Chinese bikes so how he’s keeps accepting what Rob’s saying but he’s just riding Chinese Brands when I you know Chinese branded bikes um I

    Don’t really get it if I if I’m you know if you think that you were working with someone you respected what they say you listen to what they say you go out and buy a [ __ ] Canyon wouldn’t you so I think they be both use each other it’s a

    Business Arrangement and we just have to cut through the [ __ ] uh both a pair of C nuts they both been outed and I would not listen to a [ __ ] word that they say uh I wouldn’t trust them as far as you could throw them guys thanks for

    All the likes all the subscribes please get into comment section blow this up uh if you if you had a repair at Carbon Fiber uh UK carbon fiber repair UK please let me know how it was please let me know it definitely is well if it’s

    Good cuz they could be [ __ ] good at what they do they might be really good at what they do okay um so I’m not this is nothing about Rob’s ability and his team to repair a carbon frame it’s about Rob talking [ __ ] again to protect the [ __ ] bike industry being the [ __ ]

    Big brained [ __ ] in the room the specialist much like bite shite fit James and all these [ __ ] Masters and pro pro mechanic Nick from [ __ ] Cade media all this bollocks they they want to walk in with a white lab coat on their massive swollen brein and they want to talk [ __ ] and think

    You’re just going to suck it all up you need to ask questions guys uh we need to call this [ __ ] [ __ ] out thanks for getting to this one ciao for now


    1. I posted a comment on that video because at 17m10, he spins a bottom bracket around in the shell and claims it's brilliant! Mysteriously my comment is not showing on the video. That carbon expert might be an expert in plastic, but his overall engineering knowledge is appaling. Keep reaming the Cnuts, Benji, or is it BEn G?

    2. I watched the video and knew you were going to light this guy up lol. But what did Super Mario do? Everyone has a bike Basso, Di luca, Contador etc. Why are you going after the Lion King 🦁???

    3. I bought a specialized from a dealer, partly for the warranty piece of mind. The bottom bracket was out of spec and ran through bbs exceptionally fast. They refused to warranty it until I said I was sending it to hambini to inspect. The warranty is not worth it.

      It was a carbon gravel bike bought for bike touring. Couldn’t do 2 weeks touring without a bb failing. They claimed that was to be expected from a bike

    4. Giant Bicycles does make some Trek bikes..the carbon ones….it says so on the outside of the bike shipping box……. Rumor is that Trek is the one that owes Giant all that cash….hence the sales, layoffs, and streamlining at trex

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