The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the Security Council, “although Russia is violating fundamental principles of the UN and the international legal order, it is still not held to account at the global level.”

    Speaking to Security Council today (28 Jun) via a video link, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said, “if in any other parts of the world, any organization acted just like Russia, who is killing Ukrainians, if a country killed any peaceful people that will definitely be recognized as terrorist, such organization becomes an enemy for all of humankind.”

    President Zelenskyy urged the Council to take advantage of these levers, adding that “it is imperative to deprive Russian delegation of the opportunity to manipulate the UN. It is imperative to make it impossible for Russia to stay in the UN Security Council until it’s terrorism continues. It is imperative to establish tribunals for investigating everything that the Russian military have done against Ukrainians, and it is imperative to give the legal definition of the notion of State terrorism at the UN level.”

    He reiterated, “all Russian action must receive legal assessment and global sanctions for the fact that Russia is disrupting international legal order.”

    The chief of UN political affairs Rosemary DiCarlo also briefed the Council. She said that when she last briefed the Council on 5 April, it hardly seemed possible that the devastation being wrought on Ukraine and its people could get any worse.

    She said that in the 10 weeks since, countless more Ukrainian civilians have been killed in indiscriminate attacks, cities and towns continue to be levelled, and much of the country’s arable land has been horribly disfigured by shelling, adding that the conflict, an open source of instability in Europe, shows no signs of abating.

    She noted that eighteen civilians were reportedly killed and 59 injured when a shopping center was hit by what are reported to be Russian missiles.

    DiCarlo said the final toll may be much higher, adding that this incident, which should be investigated, was the latest in a new wave of airstrikes and missile attacks in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv and other cities far from the frontlines, with many civilians killed or injured.

    The UN chief of political affairs reiterated, “the cycle of death, destruction, dislocation, and disruption must stop. For the sake of Ukraine, Russia, and the entire world.”

    As of 26 June, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded 10,631 civilian casualties in the country: 4,731 killed and 5,900 injured. Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area. Many of these weapons are inherently indiscriminate when used in populated areas and, therefore, result in increased civilian casualties and devastating humanitarian impacts.

    DiCarlo said, “the work of the Commission of Inquiry, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and other fact-finding efforts are essential for establishing accountability for the crimes and atrocities committed during this war.”

    She reiterated, “this work must lead to justice. That is imperative for the people of Ukraine. It is also crucial if we hope to be able to prevent such violations in the future, wherever they threaten to occur.”

    US Ambassador Richard Mills also briefed the Council. He said, “the international community must hold those who perpetrated and ordered these crimes to account.”

    He reiterated, “justice must be served – justice must come for Russia’s military and political leadership, as well as for its military rank and file who commit war crimes or other atrocities,” adding that the United States supports all international investigations into these crimes, including those being conducted by the ICC, the UN and the OSCE.”

    Russian Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy told the Council, “in reality, there was no strike on the shopping center. The Russian Armed Forces used precision weapons to strike hangers with Western weapons and munitions received from the United States and European countries in the area of the Kremenchuk.”

    He added, “road machinery and plants, those weapons and ammunition were spread throughout the warehouse area for further shipments to Ukrainian troops and Donbass.”

    Ambassador Polyanskiy continued, “In other words, in order to use those weapons, to shell residential areas of Donetsk, Luhansk and other cities. The strikes of the Russian Armed Forces allowed to prevent this collusion.”

    The Russian Ambassador told his western colleagues, “I would like to once again emphasize that by supplying weapons, you only prolong the agony of the Ukrainian regime, which is prepared to sacrifice its own population.”

    He continued, “the sooner you realize this, the sooner Ukrainian leadership will sit down at the negotiating table with a realistic position rather than slogans and phantom claims.”

    The 9080th meeting of the security council is called to order the provisional agenda for this meeting is maintenance of peace and security of ukraine the agenda is adopted in accordance with rule 37 of the council’s provisional rules of procedure i invite the representatives of estonia poland and ukraine to participate in this meeting

    It is so decided on behalf of the council i welcome his excellency mr vladimir zelinski president of ukraine in accordance with rule 39 of the council’s provisional rules of procedure i invite miss rosemary dicarlo under secretary general for political and peace building affairs to participate in this meeting it is so decided

    The security council will now begin its consideration of item 2 of the agenda i now give the floor to miss rosemary dicardo mr president when i last briefed this council on 5 april it hardly seemed possible that the devastation being wrought on ukraine and its people could get any worse

    In the 10 weeks since countless more ukrainian civilians have been killed in indiscriminate attacks cities and towns continue to be leveled and much of the country’s arable land has been horribly disfigured by shelling and this horrific conflict an open source of instability in europe shows no signs of abating

    The depravity of the war was once again on full display yesterday following the missile strike in kremenchuk in central poltova region hundreds of people perhaps even some trying to get a respite from the daily horrors of war suffered one of the most shocking attacks of the conflict when a shopping

    Center was hit by what are reported to be russian missiles 18 civilians were reportedly killed and 59 injured the final toll may be much higher this incident which should be investigated was the latest in a new wave of air strikes and missile attacks in kiev journey heath odessa micoliath

    Harkief and other cities far from the front lines with many civilians killed or injured presently the most intense fighting is in and around the towns of sever donetsk the sinchonsk slavyansk heavy fighting is also reported around the cities of harkief and her son in scenes reminiscent of world wars large-scale artillery duels are

    Devastating industrial areas with thousands of civilians forced to hide in basements or flee for their lives large military casualties are claimed on both sides mr president civilians continue to pay too high a price in this war as of 26 june the office of the high commissioner for human rights recorded 10 631

    Civilian casualties in the country four thousand seven hundred thirty one killed and five thousand nine hundred injured these are figures based on verified incidents the actual figures are considerably higher most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area many of these weapons are inherently

    Indiscriminate when used in populated areas and therefore result in increased civilian casualties and devastating humanitarian impacts the commission of inquiry on ukraine concluded earlier this month its first mission to the country including visits to bucha erpin and sumi though only in the initial stages of its work the commission received information and

    Visited cities that quote may support claims that serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law perhaps reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed end quote the work of the commission of inquiry the prosecutor of the international criminal court and other fact-finding efforts are essential for establishing

    Accountability for the crimes and atrocities committed during this war this work must lead to justice it is imperative for the people of ukraine it is also crucial if we hope to be able to prevent such violations in the future wherever they threaten to occur mr president since 24 february over 8.8

    Million people across ukraine have received some form of humanitarian assistance and protection services at least 16 million people need such aid needs are increasing especially ahead of winter humanitarian partners are working on a winterization assistance plan and revising the flash appeal which runs through august to cover the needs

    Through the end of 2022 women in particular are facing immense hardship when it comes to health safety and access to food a rapid gender analysis by you and women and care in april revealed that women are increasingly becoming heads of household and leaders in their communities as men are conscripted

    They must be included in formal decision-making processes related to humanitarian efforts peacemaking and other areas that directly impact their lives perilous conditions are hampering efforts by humanitarian partners to reach civilians or for them to access the support they need one statistic sheds light on this concern since 24 february the world health organization

    Has recorded 323 attacks on health care facilities and personnel resulting in 76 deaths we strongly remind all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law all adequate measures must be taken to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure mr president ukraine is suffering the largest human displacement crisis in the world today

    Since the start of the russian invasion more than one quarter of the country’s population 12 million people have been forced from their homes within ukraine over 7.1 million people remain displaced by the war unhcr estimates there are over 5.2 million refugees present across europe over 3.5 million refugees from ukraine

    Have registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in europe the un remains committed to provide support for the government-led responses in host countries also given the increasing protracted nature of the conflict we must not neglect ukraine’s long-term recovery and rebuilding needs using early socioeconomic assessments undp launched a new resilience and

    Recovery program to support the ukrainian government’s emergency response its commitment to public services and to keeping the economy running as well as to help assess priority needs to deliver for the people of ukraine mr president the war is having devastating consequences not only on the country and the immediate region but far

    Beyond ukraine’s borders as the secretary general noted on 8 9 during the launch of the second brief of the un global crisis response group on food energy and finance the war is exacerbating the greatest cost of living crisis in a generation price shocks in the global food energy and fertilizer fertilizer markets are

    Escalating in a world already grappling with the kobit 19 pandemic and climate change to address this multi-dimensional threat strong political will across the multilateral community and a comprehensive approach is foremost necessary mr president we’ve run out of words to describe the senselessness utility and cruelty of this war as the secretary-general warned

    For those on the ground every day bling brings new bloodshed and suffering and for people around the world the war together with other crises is threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution leaving social and economic chaos in its wake no country or community will be left untouched

    The cycle of death destruction dislocation and disruption must stop for the sake of ukraine russia and the entire world thank you mr president i thank miss dicarlo for her briefing i now give the floor to his excellency mr dimir zelensky president of ukraine Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen first of all let me thank the albanian presidency in the eu and security council for promptly convening this meeting at ukraine’s request and for the opportunity to address you unfortunately as of now the united nations does not have a legal definition of the term

    Terrorist states agreed by all u.n members but this war that russia is waging against ukraine demonstrates not only the meaning of this concept but also the urgent necessity to enshrine it legally at the level of the united nations and punish any terrorist state take a look at just recent events uh of

    A few recent days in ukraine a few from the 125 days of russia’s full-scale war of conquest against ukraine saturday 25th of june 60 two russian missiles hit our cities sunday 26th of june and more 10 more rockets one of them hit a residential building in the capital city of cave

    Three stories of a simple building were demolished another rocket is exploded in the yard of an ordinary kindergarten monday 27th of june a missile strike in kremenchuk those who carried out this strike could not have been unaware of directing a missile on a simple trade center one of

    Many shopping malls to be found everywhere in the world as of now no 18 people are reported to have been killed but unfortunately there may be more another 50 people are wounded and dozens are missing seven fragments of bodies have been found ripped off limbs hands and feet of the people

    And if the russian state claims that all the expectatives suffered not from its missile strike then i suggest the united nations said either a special representative of the secretary general of the united nations or planning potentially commissioned to the site of this terrorist act of tremendous so that the un could

    Independently find out all the information and see that this indeed was a russian missile strike yesterday russian army also used rocket artillery against the queue of people lined up for water that took place in the city of lissetangs lugansk region ordinary peaceful people none of them served in the military just a queue

    Of people for water eight people were killed including a 15 year old boy named danilo the eldest of the victims was 68 years old and i want you to hear the the names of four women killed in the strike victoria irena orlana and ludmila almost on a daily basis cruel russian

    Strikes are targeted against harkeef just yesterday nine were killed 29 wounded five of whom are children i want you to know their names 80 years old 11 years old gregory 10 year 9 years old artem 10 years old clip 12 years old that was a russian artillery strike against ordinary residential buildings

    Today at five o’clock in the morning the russian army struck mikko life and the town over char cave in the mikko live region in ochaky three people were killed a girl six years old his name was eve a man named magamet who was 76

    A woman by the name of galena who was 50 among the wounded is a child a boy three month of age he was born after russian full-scale invasion started his name is wala dimmer and he’s severely injured he has an intensive care i stress once again a child a three-month-old child

    Two more missiles today hit the city of sloanoise slovanski in the long-suffering donbass fermented donbass that russia has humiliated since 2014 just a few hours before this address of mine to you to the u.n security council two missiles hit odessa region the city of nepal was also targeted and one

    Of the missiles destroyed a car service station not a military station with a visual car service and i have a question to you ladies and gentlemen who of you does not agree that this is terrorism if in any other parts of the world any organization acted just like russia who is killing

    Ukrainians if a country killed any peaceful people that would definitely be recognized as terrorism such an organization would become an enemy for all of humankind therefore what is punished at the level of concrete criminals and criminal organizations must not go unchecked at the level of the state which has become a terrorist

    Daily terrorist act without weekends every day they are working as terrorists the u.n charter confers on the u.n security council the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security article 6 of chapter 2 of the u.n charter clearly states that a member of the un which has persistently violated the

    Principles contained at the present charter may be expelled from the organization by the general assembly of the security council although russia is violating fundamental principles of the un and the international legal order it is still not held to account at the global level it still remains in ui agencies and even

    Enjoys the privileges of the seat it occupies the seat of the permanent member of the u.s security council which russia occupies solely due to the short-sightedness of politicians at the end of the cold war russia does not have the right to take part in discussing a voting in regard to

    The war in ukraine which is unprovoked and simply colonialist of the part of russia i urge you to deprive the delegation of the terrorist state of its powers in the u.n um general assembly that is possible that is necessary that is fair russia does not have the right to

    Remain in the unsc and that path is not too arduous as some may believe if we exercise some consistent consistency and appropriate political will that is the only logical way for the u.n childhood to work and be respected by all members of the organization furthermore our organization now has sufficient strength

    To hold to account the terrorist state chapter 7 of the u.n charter allows establishing a special international tribunal for investigating the actions of russian occupiers on ukrainian soil the word genocide has repeatedly been used and all of you have seen what russian occupiers have done in our city of butcher

    Each of you can obtain information on how many mass graves appeared around single city of marijuana after the russian army raised it to the ground it was a city of 500 000 presidents and now it lies in ruiz in the case of genocide in rwanda the u.n security council established an

    International tribunal during six months since the beginning of the genocide since the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion of ukraine more than four months have passed since the beginning of russia’s war against ukraine in donbass and the occupation of ukrainian peninsula of crimea which has been repeatedly condemned at

    The level of the u.n general assembly more than eight years have passed we need to act urgently to do everything to make russia stop the killing spree the killings of children people everyone we need to hold it to account for the terrorism otherwise it will terror terrorist activity in other

    Countries of europe and asia baltic states poland moldova kazakhstan many nations have already heard threats from russian officials and state propagandists i’m grateful to all the diligent and civilized states who share our position and help defend the international legal order this mating of the uh u.n security council convened is

    Convened after the russian missile strike increment but in fact the meeting of the u.n security council uh may not be adjourned at all it can go on around the clock day after day for us to have time to discuss every terrorist act of the russian state the u.n charter

    Gives all the levers to influence any violator of the rules of the organization any aggressor any terrorist act and i urge you to take advantage of these leaders it is imperative to deprive the russian delegation of the opportunity to manipulate the u.n it is imperative to make it impossible for russia to stay

    In the u.n security council until its terrorism continues it is imperative to establish a tribunal for investigating everything that the russian military have done against ukrainians and it is imperative to give the legal definition of the notion state terrorism at the u.n level all russian action must receive legal assessment and global sanctions

    For the fact that russia is destructing international legal order thank you for your attention i wish to say just one more thing various countries worldwide can have uh different uh attitudes to where’s uh worldwide but they similarly commemorate the victims not only the military but every person every child who is

    Dying and fortunately due to this tragedy the tragedy of war that is the usual thing usually treat with respect and sympathy those who have been unfairly killed and only the killers do not commemorate those whom they have killed and i ask you now i will be very much grateful if you could commemorate

    All the ukrainians who have been killed in this war all the adults or all of our children tens of thousands of people and i ask you to commemorate them with amer with a minute of silence thank you very much indeed it is a great honor for us thank you for support

    Thank you very much indeed i thank his excellency mr zelensky for his statement i shall now make a statement in my capacity as a representative of albania thank you usg dicarlo for this update again a troubling one on this issue colleagues a senseless war of aggression that could

    And must have been avoided has entered its fifth month 125 days of outspread destruction mounting civilian casualties and continued pain inflicted on millions of people across ukraine other millions across the world find themselves victims as collateral damage of a war that has nothing to do with them that is weaponizing everything

    Energy trade communication including primarily food colleagues let’s remind ourselves on 29th march five weeks after the start of its war of choice in ukraine russia announced its withdrawal of forces from the kiev area the reason provided then was that it was a goodwill gesture to favor negotiations between the parties

    The truth proved very different the attempt to taking kiev failed spectacularly negotiations went nowhere war intensified instead russia continues its massive assault on ukraine threatening europe running against every human effort invested since world war ii to build global peace through the international rule of law as war has shifted ferociously to the east

    Life returned to some sort of normalcy in kiev until missiles starting again falling from the sky with an unmistaken message russia can hit you at will anywhere anytime just because it can last sunday nearly one thousand people found themselves under a russian airstrike which hit a shopping mall in

    The city of kremenchuk in central ukraine reportedly tens of people lost their lives and several dozens were injured what possible justification can be provided to missiles thrown over a commercial center in the very heart of an urban area what can possibly explain such blatant indiscriminate brutality against civilians

    We have heard so many times russia has continued to deny troubling civilians but overwhelming evidence like this one proves again and again the contrary have we forgotten that kiev was deliberately targeted last april as the u.n secretary general was visiting the city reports speak now of deliberate attacks

    In protesting to the g7 meeting if it were so why should civilians including children pay the price of such despicable symbolism in this committed attacks on civilian infrastructure in an innocent civilians constitute war crimes we all know it those who decide to attack shopping centers shelters schools hospitals kindergarten apartment buildings are

    Well aware of possible civilian casualties know they are committing war crimes when their responsibility is to protect civilians they must pay for these actions colleagues this aggression is not limited to ukraine only zealous commentators of the state propaganda but also senior canadian officials fill the air with worst case

    Scenario of deploying weapons of mass destruction including as we have heard more than once nuclear sub-rattling we notice a dramatic increase of cyber warfare and advanced disinformation attacks further the current food insecurity crisis continues to spread around the world global food prices are now at an all-time high

    This is the parallel war that russia is waging against the world it has transformed the war in ukraine from a local act of aggression to an acute international challenge we know that millions of tons of grain are piled in ukraine out of it eight million tons are said to

    Be in the occupied areas of russia and russia is reportedly stealing it from ukraine a meticulous and professional investigation from the bbc shows how this is carried out in donbass and not only for the grain but also for other ukrainian assets russia has already occupied 20 of the ukrainian territory but its

    Appetite has increased colleagues this war is paralyzing ukraine it is destroying its industry its roads and schools and its health system along the way it is killing civilians it is punishing its youth and its destroying the fabric of a society but also it is testing the resolve of

    All those who truly believe in the rules international order in rules-based international order in the respect of the uncharter therefore this is no time to stay aside international support for ukraine and its people is a moral and solidarity issue it is to choose to stand on the right side that of the law

    Of rights of life of dignity one day this war will be over but the way it will end matters to all of us if we want to preserve the rule of law we must make sure that everyone knows the cost of aggression against another country we welcome the recent commitments of g7

    For a new package of coordinated actions aimed at increasing pressure on russia over its war in ukraine we also welcome the latest decision of the european union colleagues let me end with this this war must stop with full and immediate withdrawal of the russian forces and military equipment from the

    Territory from the entire territory of ukraine the sooner the better for all ukraine russia and the entire world thank you i resumed my function as president of the council i now give the floor to the representative of the united states thank you mr president thank you under secretary general

    Dicarlo for your compelling if ultimately heartbreaking briefing i thank president zielinski for addressing the council again today we were honored by his presence here but i think we’re all horrified by the circumstances under which we meet and we express our deepest condolences to him and the people of the ukraine

    For the horrors they continue to suffer on a daily basis including the senseless attack by putin’s forces that destroyed the shopping center in kremenchuk america stands as always united with ukraine it would already be an outrage if yesterday’s attack was a horrific exception but it is not even

    That the attack fits into a cruel pattern one where the russian military kills civilians and destroys civilian infrastructure in ukraine the kremlin has demonstrated time and time again that it is trying to subjugate ukraine its sovereignty its people its spirit putin keeps trying to intimidate and divide ukraine’s partners

    We have shown and will continue to show that our support for ukraine is resolute i expect the representative from the russian federation in a moment to try to obfuscate to avoid responsibility and blame others for this tragedy but no one here will be fooled we all see the grim reality for what it

    Is and the reality is that russia’s war of choice has led directly to the destruction of crowded malls grocery stores theaters hospitals and schools and the innocent civilians inside them make no mistake there is ample publicly available evidence that russia and russia alone is responsible for these attacks

    And make no mistake deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian objects constitute war crimes the united states has previously assessed that members of russia’s armed forces have committed war crimes in ukraine i repeat to be clear war crimes the evidence is mounting and it cannot be ignored

    We have seen too many credible reports of the bombing of schools and hospitals like the maternity hospital and mario pool the killing of aid workers the targeting of a civilians attempting to flee for their lives or standing in line for water it’s the president just reminded us we’ve seen forced relocation of

    Thousands of ukrainian civilians and the brutal execution-style murder of those going about their daily business we call upon all fellow council members including those who are failing to condemn what is in front of them to speak the full truth we all have a responsibility to make clear the moral culpability that russia

    Holds in this war of choice there’s no such thing as both sides when it comes to these recent attacks the international community must hold those who perpetrated and ordered these crimes to account justice must be served justice must come for russia’s military and political leadership as well as for its military

    Rank and file who commit war crimes or other atrocities the united states supports all international investigations into these crimes including those being conducted by the icc the u.n and the osce we have welcomed the international criminal court’s decision to open an investigation into atrocity crimes committed in ukraine and with our eu colleagues

    We are supporting ukrainian national authorities specifically the office of the prosecutor general as these authorities investigate and prepare to prosecute war crimes cases at the same time the world has come together to say enough is enough just yesterday leaders of g7 countries reaffirmed our solidarity and unwaving commitment to ukraine’s sovereignty

    Our leaders made clear that we will help ukraine defend itself and choose its own future free from external pressure or influence and the united states and the world will continue to support ukraine for as long as it takes we will not rest until russia ends this cruel and senseless war

    How many more attacks will there be but for those on this council who continue to tap dance around russia’s cup ability demonstrate that they care more about the protection of civilians than protecting their own interests and start speaking of the steps russia needs to take to resolve the crisis that it started

    Colleagues russia started this war russia is the one committing atrocities against civilians and only russia can end this war by withdrawing its forces from ukraine and reaching a political settlement with ukraine’s democratically elected government let us all continue to do everything in our power to see that day soon thank you

    I thank the representative of the united states for their statement i now give the floor to the representative of france president i should like to thank miss dicarlo for her briefing and i welcome the participation of president zielinski and can assure him of france’s full solidarity with ukraine france condemns categorically the russian

    Strike yesterday against a shopping center in the town of kremenchuk which according to provisional estimate has claimed at least 10 victims this unjustifiable attack is only the latest in a long string in recent days the russian army has deliberately bombarded ukrainian territory targeting residential zones and civilian infrastructure far from combat zones

    The cost has been high in kharkiv in lichensk and in the centre of keefe russian missiles have caused several deaths and dozens of injured since the beginning of this war russia has chosen to target populations killing children humanitarian personnel and journalists russia continues relentlessly to destroy civilian infrastructure

    This is a tactic of war aimed at terrorizing and demoralizing the ukrainian people in doing this russia continues to violate the most elementary principles of international humanitarian law after having trampled underfoot the charter of the united nations and its founding principles as so clearly stated by the international court of justice on

    The 16th of march last president i say this with no hesitation war criminals shall be brought to justice france will continue to support the work of international regional and national jurisdictions and mechanisms to ensure that the acts committed in ukraine some of which may constitute war crimes

    And crimes against humanity do not go unpunished france renews its call to cooperate with the international criminal court and with the investigation mechanisms france will continue to exert maximum pressure to compel the russian authorities to bring an end to this war the whole world is affected by this conflict it could

    Cause a fifth of the world’s population to slide into poverty and food insecurity and russia bears the full responsibility it is unacceptable for russia to use hunger as a political lever i wish to recall this the sanctions adopted against russia unlike what is being said do not target cereals

    Or agricultural goods or fertilizers russia must lift the blockade on ukrainian ports in the black seal in order to allow the export of foodstuffs france fully supports the efforts deployed by the secretary general in this regard president france calls upon russia to uphold its international commitments to cease hostilities

    To withdraw its armed forces from ukraine and to bring an end to this unjustifiable and devastating war humanitarian access must be guaranteed particularly in those regions most affected by combat in the face of the historic challenge posed by the return of war in europe the european union has decided to grant

    Ukraine the status of a kind of an accession candidate because today the people of ukraine are fighting to defend our values and those promoted by the charter of the united nations france has already mobilized two billion dollars for economic and humanitarian assistance and will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with ukrainian people

    And i take this opportunity here to salute once again their courage thank you i thank the representative of france for his statement of brazil thank you mr president mr president i thank the albanian presidency for convening this urgent security council security council meeting on the conflict in ukraine

    And i thank under secretary rose marie de carlo for her briefing brazil received with deep concern recent news of airstrikes on or near densely populated areas in ukrainian cities of which the commercial center of kremen shook yesterday is the most dramatic example we deeply regret the loss of human life

    And the destruction of urban and industrial infrastructure which will be undoubtedly have serious consequences for the already dire humanitarian situation in the country attacks against civilian objects especially in destiny populated areas encourage a perverse logic of retaliation we urge the parties to allow an impartial investigation into these incidents

    And to refrain from actions that could result in increased civilian casualties brazil reiterates its call for parties to respect their obligations under the un charter and international humanitarian law including observing the principles of distinction and proportionality this comprises the protection of civilians in all circumstances entailing the exercise of restraint by military

    Forces and the establishment of mechanisms for evacuating areas directly impacted by operations we encourage parties to engage in constitutive dialogue to achieve this common goal mr president four months after the start of the conflict it should be clear that there is no alternative to a political solution it is unreasonable for military

    Operations to be prolonged with no prospect for an end today means human suffering imposed on civilian populations we renew our appeal for an immediate for any immediate cessation of hostilities and establishment of peace negotiations without delay or preconditions this council is responsible for creating conditions for dialogue we should redouble

    Efforts to seek solutions that favor peace negotiations and minimize the impacts of the conflict both in ukraine and and in other affected regions and i thank you i thank the representative of brazil for their statement and i give the floor to representative of the united kingdom thank you president

    And i join others in thanking usg de carlo for her briefing and while we welcome president zielenski’s participation again we deeply regret the circumstances that brought him here today president just over four months since the start of its illegal invasion russia’s war against ukraine continues russia continues to pummel ukraine’s eastern donbass region

    In an effort to seize full control and over the weekend russia launched an intense barrage of cruise missile attacks at targets across ukraine including hitting a shopping center in kremenchuk with over one thousand people inside we heard from president zielenski the roll call of the recent dead and extend our condolences to their

    Families and their friends when the world calls for peace for dialogue and adherence to international law russia answers with escalation with missiles and targeting civilians more attacks more destruction more death and as i’m sure we will hear again today more war propaganda more lies more disinformation

    Nor can we ignore the prominent role of belarus in the direct staging post for the attacks over the weekend and yesterday we praise the extraordinary bravery and resolve of the ukrainian people in the face of this brutal assault on its sovereignty and territorial integrity and its very existence as a country

    Ukraine is entitled to defend itself as any of us would if our cities towns and villages were subject to repeated relentless missile strikes by a foreign army focused on wiping out our existence so we will continue to support ukraine to exercise this right of self defense and to re-secure its privileges and

    Rights under the un charter we yet again reiterate the calls of the international community for russia to end its illegal invasion withdraw outside ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and enter into dialogue and negotiation at a time when we are facing the existential threats of climate change and food insecurity following a global pandemic russia

    Must end its illegal war and its blockade of ukraine’s ports thank you president i thank the representative of the united kingdom for their statement and i give the floor to the representative of ireland thank you very much mr president and i would like to thank the under secretary

    General for her briefing a briefing which highlights yet again the brutality of this unlawful war for four months mr president we have called for an end to the unjustified and unjustifiable war being waged against ukraine yet as each day passes reports of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by russia grow

    Civilians in ukraine continued to pay the highest price on monday russian forces attacked a shopping mall in kremenchuk full of civilians going about their ordinary lives this appears to have been a clear attack against civilians and civilian infrastructure in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law the consequences of this attack

    Report by credible media sources is civilians killed mr president we have heard today how civilians continue to bear the brunt of russia’s unconscionable war all allegations of violations of international human rights and humanitarian law must be investigated and those responsible held to account parties to conflict must comply with international humanitarian law

    Including the obligation to distinguish between civilians and combatants and to attack only military object objectives the prohibitions against indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks and the obligation to take all feasible precautions in attack mr president compliance is not optional yesterday yesterday’s russian strike on kamanchuk is not the first on ukraine’s towns and

    Cities we know we deplore russia’s use of explosive weapons including prohibited cluster munitions in populated areas without regard for civilians the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine has recorded over ten thousand civilian casualties most of which have been caused by the use of explosive weapons we condem indiscriminate and

    Disproportionate attacks in all circumstances we are committed to ensuring accountability for the atrocious crimes taking place in ukraine and recognize the important role of the ongoing investigation of the international criminal court in helping to pursue this we must not accept impunity for those inflicting such ours not in ukraine

    Not anywhere in the world we once again call on the russian federation to comply with its obligations under international law there must be full safe and unhindered humanitarian access for humanitarian personnel to reach civilians including those who choose to remain in ukraine and those who are unable to depart including the elderly

    They are not combatants and must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law the russian federation must allow those seeking to leave their towns and cities in ukraine to do so safely to destinations of their own choosing president russia can end its aggression if it chooses

    But even while it chooses to execute an illegal war it still has obligations under international law and it must comply with those obligations we call again on the russian federation to end its war and to withdraw all forces unconditionally from the entirety of the sovereign territory of ukraine thank you president

    I thank the representative of ireland for their statement and i give a floor to representative of kenya thank you mr president i also thank under secretary general madame rosemary de carlo for our briefing as well as his excellency presidential landscape for his address kenya stands in solidarity with the people of ukraine

    Who are suffering the failure of the multilateral system to bring an end to a war that continues and abated in disregard of the result death of the united nations to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war a war was catastrophic impact in ukraine and across the world is worsening by the day

    We are gravely concerned by the latest developments especially in makolev odessa and chakasi regions as well as in cave cage and cremature cities the reported intensified airstrikes and missile shelling in these regions and cities are destroying civilian objects with a growing toll on civilian casualties these indiscriminate acts

    Constitute a violation of the u.n charter international law and international humanitarian law kenya condemns the disproportionate use of force and the targeting of civilians and objects indispensable to the survival of civilian populations including residential homes health facilities shelters shopping malls as well as power and water infrastructure we are concerned that the continued

    Destruction of civilian infrastructure is significantly impeding ukraine’s ability to engage in international trade including the export of key commodities particularly agricultural products and farm inputs such as fertilizer in addition the blockade of ukraine’s access to the black sea has disrupted the global food supply chain and this is worsening food in security especially

    In conflict situations and fragile economies in the global south with the charging inflation rates and the spike in food and fuel prices globally this armed conflict is undermining efforts to build back from the coveted pandemic we commend the secretary general for his efforts including the establishment of the global crisis response group

    On food energy and finance this is a good first step towards the establishment of instruments that conclusion the most vulnerable from the effects of the conflict of critical importance mr president is the imperative to immediately stop further infliction of suffering on civilians especially the vulnerable groups including women children and the elderly

    We therefore ask the parties to adhere to international humanitarian law including the four 1949 geneva conventions and its first additional protocol of 1977 as well as ensure the protection of civilian population and detainees we call on them to shift their focus to an immediate cessation of the war

    Refrain from any actions that may further escalate the situation and prioritize the use of diplomatic tools to resolve the conflict the cessation should set the foundation for a lasting peace settlement that respects the sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine it should also lead to the design

    Of a european security order that offers lasting security and not a generation of new wars in europe or elsewhere finally i reaffirmed kenya’s respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine within its internationally recognized borders i thank you i thank the representative of kenya for their statement and give the floor to

    Representative of ghana thank you mr president at the outset let me thank usg rosemary dicarlo for her briefing to the council on the prevailing situation in ukraine and the rising humanitarian suffering location by the war i also acknowledge the virtual participation of the president of ukraine his excellency mr volleyball zelensky

    My delegation reaffirms its unwavering support for the sovereignty political independence and territorial integrity of ukraine ghana is gravely concerned by the reports of the intensification of military bombardments in several regions across ukraine over the past couple of days and for which the ordinary people especially women and children

    Are having to pay the highest price we remain concerned that residential areas continue to be the target of missile launches and bombardments and regret that such places have increasingly become the arena for combat in this context we call for an independent impartial and transparent investigations into the crimean chuk mall attack which

    Occurred yesterday and resulted in several casualties over the last four months the war has continued unabated under conditions that have precipitated considerable human suffering and despair while the present situation cast a grim outlook for peace as purveyors of global peace and security we cannot and must not

    Lose hope of finding peace in the interest of the conflicting parties and the wider international community with each passing day the urgency to find a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict groups the snowballing effect of the collateral economic impact on the rest of the international community especially developing countries which

    Already are burdened by the impact of the covet-19 pandemic and other pressing global challenges could soon go beyond the rich of easy resolution it is therefore our plea that ongoing diplomatic efforts should be given an opportunity for the course of peace and the abatement of this needless war

    On the basis of a commitment to genuine and unconditional dialogue we welcome the positive results that follow the secretary-general’s visit to kiev and moscow during the month of april which demonstrate for us the utility of the united nations in such delicate circumstances we encourage the parties to accept the

    Good offices of the secretary general in repairing the broken trust occasioned by the war against ukraine in order to move forward stored negotiations recall for an immediate cessation of military engagement in areas populated by civilians and urged the urgent creation of demilitarized humanitarian corridors in all besieged areas in compliance of the precepts

    Of international law and international humanitarian law we note the obligation of the conflicting parties to proactively protect civilians and civilian infrastructure from harm similarly aid and humanitarian workers must be afforded equal treatment of protection in concluding we urge maximum restraint and encourage rhetoric that is facilitative of a peaceful process

    Finally we reiterate our call to the members of this council to harness all efforts in bringing an end to this war and restoring peace and stability to ukraine i thank you i thank the representative of ghana for their statement and i give the floor to the representative of mexico gracia thank you president

    I thank under secretary general dicano for her briefing and president zielinski who has spoken to this council once again today the 24th of june marked four months since the beginning of this war unfortunately once again there has been an increase in attacks against civilian infrastructure and very populated areas in various

    Regions of ukraine including kiev and particularly in luhanskan donetsk we condemn yesterday’s attack on a shopping center in kremenchuk a shopping center with many civilians inside it we do not know the final number of deaths yet but there are at least 18 deaths and dozens of injured which is deplorable

    An attack of this kind runs counter to international law and international humanitarian law we support the call of the humanitarian coordinator for ukraine for a prompt invest independent investigation to begin into these facts likewise we reiterate our support for the prosecutor of the international criminal court in investigating possible war crimes

    Committed in ukraine equally unjustifiable are the bombardments of residential areas in numerous places in the donbas which have destroyed critical communications infrastructure and services these have seriously affected the provision of essential health services and access to various cities of the region we call urgently for safe unhindered access

    To be provided to all humanitarian personnel one of the main precepts of international humanitarian law is the principle of distinction and one of its ultimate objectives is to avoid whenever possible civilian suffering and to reduce damage to a minimum failing to respect this principle is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law

    The same applies to the use of cluster munitions these are weapons which are prohibited by international humanitarian law president the proliferation of weapons is particularly worrisome in the region this is a cause of additional volatility since their increased availability to civilians makes continued conflict increasingly likely excellencies we must agree that

    Mediation and dialogue resulting in a full ceasefire are a matter of urgency this and this alone must be the priority of this council but until this happens it is a priority to increase the humanitarian pauses which guarantees safe voluntary evacuation of the population and to find mechanisms to mobilize

    Grain fertilizer and other commodities which are blocked by the war in ukraine and which are worsening the precarious situations of food insufficiency in many other regions of the world bringing an end to the war is a matter of urgency thank you president thank the representative of mexico for their

    Statement and i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation thank you mr president before i begin my statement i would like to say the following we are greatly concerned by the line taken by the albanian presidency regarding the participation of president zilensky in today’s meeting

    No consultations were held with all the members of the council on this matter delegations were essentially presented with a fate accompli at the last possible moment this violates existing practice and the traditions of the work of the security council president zelansky was already provided with an opportunity to address the

    Council once as a matter of exception and as the then british presidency assured without creating a presidency a precedent precedent we do not see any basis to keep propagating such exceptions we have all together repeatedly reaffirmed the understanding that representatives of states who wish to speak in the council must be physically

    Present in the chamber the un security council should not be turned into a platform for a remote pr campaign from president zielinski in order to get more weapons from participants of the nato summit this undermines the authority of the council as a body responsible for collective decisions on the maintenance

    Of international peace and security the ukrainian party at the instigation of our western colleagues is attempting to undermine this authority and turn the members of the council into an audience for acting performances i wish to draw attention to the fact that just a week ago the minister of foreign affairs of the

    Central african republic was refused the opportunity to speak to the council the council should not demonstrate double standards in order to serve the ukrainian party and its western backers discriminating against african states while they do so there should not be any exceptions for anyone mr president from the very beginning of the special

    Military operation in ukraine which was aimed at ending the eight year war of the kiev regime against the civilian population of eastern ukraine we were faced with the fact that the true situation on the front line was not the main concern of ukrainian authorities they were much more concerned about

    Another front the information front which they together with their western pr propagandist collaborators took up with special zeal if someone were to try counting all the ukrainian fakes that have been disseminated thus far there would easily be enough for a weighty tome or even a collected body of works

    Just take the beautiful but absolutely false legend about the russian ship to which the brave defenders of snake island allegedly refused to surrender and for which they paid with their lives they were awarded the title of heroes of ukraine posthumously for this by president zielenski of course it later turned out that the

    Entire ukrainian garrison of the island was alive and well and had safely surrendered to the russian army but the legend was not rewritten and ukraine still proudly issues stamps with this patriotic story how about the famous ace pilot the phantom of kiev who allegedly terrorized the russian air force and shot down

    Dozens of russian aircraft no matter that his air exploits were illustrated with fragments from computer games or old internet videos later on however even western journalists reluctantly had to admit that this was a fabrication yet some ukrainian propagandists continue to exploit this legend to this day internet videos are a separate issue

    Altogether at the initial stages of the special military operations even the british bbc was horrified by the number of ukrainian video fakes but then like other western media it became to take a more relaxed approach and even to publish its own passing off homes and donuts destroyed by ukrainian

    Shelling for buildings in kiev ukrainians and their western handlers quickly understood that whatever was happening on the ground was not important at all in our digital age what was important was what the western media was showing taking advantage of the voluntary withdrawal of russian troops from the key of attorney of regions

    Kiev and western propagandists brought the world the provocation in bucha which was monstrous in its scale and equally monstrous in execution despite the glaring inconsistencies many in the west still continue to believe in it as we heard today and the key of authorities use the place where it was carried out

    As a mandatory stopping point on the itinerary for foreign guests since it is located close to kiev it’s a kind of ominous marketing which is very convenient for squeezing more armed supplies from sponsors became a turning point in the supply of western weapons which was precisely the goal of the ukrainian authorities

    They themselves openly admitted this as ukrainian foreign minister kuleba said in an interview to the bbc on april 4th and i quote the massacre in bucha should eliminate any hesitation and unwillingness on the part of the west to provide ukraine with all necessary weapons end of quote

    Having gotten a taste the key of successors of the white helmets then tried to implement something no less ambitious and that’s when the shelling of the station and cremators came it was meant to cement the global community’s belief in the atrocities of the russian army but this was done so clumsily and so

    Unconvincingly that they now prefer not to recall it at all because the involvement of the armed forces of ukraine and this crime is so obvious and then in the best tradition of gobel’s the image of the barbaric russian soldier rapist and marauder began to be implanted into

    Western mines exactly the same way that the nazis did during the final stage of the second world war and at that point our soldiers according to ukrainian propagandists and their tales began to loot rape and so fear with their unprecedented cruelty we all remember how the representative

    Of the regime sitting with us today told us with a talked with a straight face about how our soldiers steal washing machines and even toilets because they have never had such miraculous appliances back home today his followers have adapted and modified this ridiculous tale to the point where our soldiers now

    Allegedly loot electric kettles but forget to take the bases for them because they don’t know how to use them something that falls into this logic is the lies about the theft of ukrainian green which we also heard today and many in the west believed in all this they pitied the poor ukrainians

    And fiercely hated the russians and yet they were not in a hurry to check the facts while they regularly supplied kiev with coveted weapons but at a certain point everything started to go wrong for the ukrainian propagandists reports accusing ukrainian soldiers and nationalists of cruelty and war crimes began to multiply

    On social media reports of looting torture rape deliberate shelling of residential areas placing heavy weapons in those areas and using civilians as human shields and there were not just dozens of such testimonies but hundreds and thousands spreading across social networks that is how for instance the legends about the shelling of the maternity

    Hospital in the drama theater in maroupa fell apart and then more than two and a half thousand nationalists from the azov battalion who had already been turned into martyrs and heroes not only had to outright surrender but also had to release hundreds of civilian hostages who told the truth about what had been

    Done to them moreover ukrainian ombudsman denisova also let everyone down going too far and recounting and relishing the details of rates allegedly committed by russian soldiers descriptions of which our western colleagues then willingly used including in this chamber after being fired she was forced to admit that she

    Deliberately lied so that ukraine would continue to receive weapons and it turned out that there was no evidence apart from deniphases lies no no evidence at all on the that the ukrainian and western countries would have added to all this is video and evidence from the liberated and fiercely shelled

    Cities of donbass as well as from liberated cities where people openly said that there if there was anyone that they do fear and blame for what is going on it is only the ukrainian army and western countries which gave it long-range weapons allowing it’s a strike where ukrainian artillery previously could not reach

    Moreover there were also the military failures caused by the inept actions and the betrayal of ukrainian command leaving barely armed soldiers including new recruits to their fates and not allowing them to surrender and save their lives since they were prevented from doing this or retreating this by detachments

    Of nationalists who shoot their own in the back there have been too many similar videos from the ukrainian military lately and they are surrendering by the hundreds if not the thousands it became increasingly difficult to conceal all this from the ukrainian and global public thousands of soldiers ended up in the

    New pocket uh in the severe donetsk and lisa area and this on the eve of the nato summit where the issue of new arms supplies to ukraine would be discussed arms that can not only be used but sold to third parties following the schemes familiar to ukrainian officials attributing everything to military losses

    In other words it became obvious that in order to return the attention of the world community back to ukraine even though it was becoming fatigued a new bucha-style provocation was necessary but the problem was that the russian army had not retreated from anywhere for a long time and planting corpses or shooting

    Civilians only made sense only on territories that had been brought back under kiev’s control that is when apparently the idea came to stage a new type of provocation an alleged strike on a shopping center in crimean troops in reality there was no strike on the shopping center the russian armed forces used

    Precision weapons to strike hangars with western weapons and ammunitions received from the united states and european countries in the area of the kremenchuk road machinery plant those weapons and ammunition were spread throughout the warehouse area for further shipments to ukrainian troops in donbas in other words in order to use those weapons

    To shell residential areas of donetsk luhansk and other cities the strikes of the russian armed forces allowed to prevent this the long-range artillery supplied by the west gives the armed forces of ukraine the opportunity the ability to reach remote rear areas of donbass and to strike them without any military

    Purpose whatsoever but only to intimidate civilians on june 5th the strikes were carried out by the armed forces of ukraine unions using 155 millimeters caesar howitzer is received from nato countries as a result of which six civilians died and more than 30 were injured every week dozens more dead and injured

    Are added to these horrific statistics yesterday the ukrainian armed forces used the m142 highmars multiple locket raj system for the first time in provosk in the luhansk people’s republic mentions of such strikes against civilians and civilian targets in dunbas were not heard once today from our western colleagues

    You simply don’t care about this just as you prefer to ignore the kiev’s methodical extermination of the people of donetsk and luhansk for eight years as it was going on now returning to kremenchuk the om store shopping center was located some distance away and it was not hit

    This can be seen on video from sylvan’s cameras and if a missile burner hit the shopping center nothing would have been left of it the video posted by ukrainian bloggers however shows that goods located and shot inside the shopping center were not affected by the blast they were still standing on their

    Shelves and had not even fallen down the houses adjacent to the shopping center were not damaged either the glass and the windows was still intact this would have only been possible if the rocket had exploded at a considerable distance away however the detonation of ammunition for western weapons that was stored in the

    Warehouse created a fire which then spread to the shopping center our dear western colleagues i have gone into the details of the work of ukrainian propaganda so much here today in the hopes that you will finally understand just how ridiculous and how unconvincing you look as you pick up and promote new products

    Of ukrainian agatprop propaganda these include not only the fakes and the stage incidents i mentioned but also claims that russia is allegedly preventing exports of ukrainian grain kiev only wants support in the form of money and weapons from you but you must understand the shipments of

    The latter as we warned you from the very beginning were and remain military targets for us just like mercenaries from your states and the facilities where these weapons and mercer areas are located or stockpiled also become legitimate military targets as were the hangars on the territory of the kremenchuk road machinery plant the

    Regime in kiev is deliberately storing weapons in the very center of cities next to residential areas endangering the population and turning it into a human shield and you try not to notice this devaluing the very values that you allegedly attempt to promote at the same time

    No matter how much you may try to deny the facts and claim otherwise we have not carried out any strikes against civilian peaceful targets nor have we ever done so if you do not believe us you can turn to eyewitness accounts and listen to the assessments of military experts they

    Will confirm for example that the residential being building in kiev which was mentioned today was not damaged by a russian cruise missile but as a result of the poor work of two ukrainian air defense systems that shot down their own anti-aircraft missiles over the building your unwillingness to Acknowledge this doesn’t change the truth in conclusion i would like to once again emphasize that by supplying weapons you only prolong the agony of the criminal kiev regime which is prepared to sacrifice its own population and the sooner you realize this the sooner ukrainian leadership will sit

    Down at the negotiating table with a realistic position rather than with slogans and phantom pains we began the special military operation in order to this to stop the shelling of donbass by ukraine and so that the territory of this country which has turned and turned into anti-russia at

    The behest of a number of western countries as well as its nationalist leadership ceases to pose a threat to russia or the inhabitants of the south and south east of ukraine and until those goals are achieved our operation will continue thank you for your attention i thank the representative of the

    Russian federation for their statement i give the floor to the representative of india thank you mr president let me begin by thanking under secretary general rosemary dicarlo for briefing on the situation in ukraine we acknowledged the participation and remarks of president of ukraine in today’s briefing india remains deeply concerned over the

    Situation in ukraine the conflict has resulted in loss of lives and countless miseries for its peoples particularly for women children and elderly with millions becoming homeless and forced to take shelter in neighboring countries from the beginning of the conflict in ukraine india has been consistently calling for complete cessation of

    Hostilities and advocated the path of peace dialogue and diplomacy we support all efforts to alleviate the suffering of the people of ukraine especially talks between ukraine and the russian federation india has also said has been sending humanitarian supplies to ukraine and its neighbors which include medicines and other essential relief material

    Reports of deaths of civilians in the ongoing russia ukraine conflict are deeply disturbing and in this regard we express our grave concern in recent years critical civilian infrastructure in urban areas have become easy targets in situations of armed conflict the issue of the protection of civilian objects in armed conflict should be

    Considered within the framework of applicable international law earlier india had unequivocally condemned the killings of civilians in bhusha and supported the call for an independent investigation mr president the impact of the ukraine conflict is not just limited to europe the conflict is exacerbating concerns over food fertilizer fuel security

    Particularly in the developing countries it is necessary for all of us to adequately appreciate the importance of equity affordability and accessibility when it comes to food grains open markets must not become an argument to perpetuate inequity and promote discrimination india is committed to work constructively in mitigating the

    Adverse impact of the conflict on food security we have welcomed the recommendation of the global crisis response group task team to exempt purchases of food by wfp for humanitarian assistance from food export restrictions india has been providing financial assistance as well as supplying food grains to countries which are impacted

    By the ukraine conflict india has exported 1.8 million tons of wheat to countries in need including to afghanistan myanmar sudan and yemen in the last two months we are also helping our neighbor sri lanka to ensure their food security we are trying to increase the production of fertilizers in india

    There is also a need to focus on the availability of fertilizers and keep the supply chains of fertilizers smooth at a global scale effort should be made to ensure stability in the global supply of fuel communicate with the demand we reiterate that the importance of uh un guiding principles of humanitarian assistance

    Humanitarian action must always be guided by the principles of humanitarian assistance that is humanity neutrality impartiality and independence these measures should never be politicized let me conclude mr president by reaffirming that the contemporary global order has been built on the u.n charter international law and respect for sovereignty and the territorial

    Integrity of states i thank you i thank representative of india for their statement and i guess lord representative of china thank you mr president mr president the military conflict in ukraine is already over four months is long on this geopolitical crisis of great concerns the international community china has always

    Made its independent assessments based on historical context and merits of ukrainian issue chinese leaders repeatedly noted the necessity to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries to adhere to the purposes and principles of the u.n charter to heed the legitimate security concerns of all countries and to support

    All those efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis for some time now china has joined all peace loving countries in calling for a ceasefire we have been cleanly committed to promoting peace talks and made our remitting efforts for de-escalating the situation early restoration of peace and

    Mitigating humanitarian situation and stabilizing the global economic order it is regrettable and worrying that the conflict continues the crisis is trending in a protracted and expanded direction humanitarian situation remains dire civilian casualties are growing and people are suffering multifaceted spirit over effects are exacerbating global challenges we stress again that dialogue

    And negotiation is the only viable way to restore and consolidate peace and ending hostility soon is a keen aspiration of the international community china supports direct negotiations between russia and ukraine we also welcome secretary general’s good officers on the issue of grain export among others mr president

    Peace is for all to strive for and to defend all members of the international community should responsibly work for a proper resolution of the crisis and avoid contrary actions all parties should work in concert to create a necessary environment and conditions for peace talks by the parties

    Facts have fully borne out that sending weapons cannot bring about peace nor can sanctions and pressurization solve the security conundrum attempts to weaponize the world economy and to coerce other countries into taking sides will artificially divide the international community and make the world even less secure delaying and obstructing diplomatic

    Negotiations for geopolitical purposes or even adding fuel to the fire to intensify confrontation will only magnify the conflict and inevitably end up including oneself mr president this ukrainian crisis has once again sound alarm for the world security is indivisible a blind faith in a position of strength and expansion of military alliance alliances

    And the pursuit of once unsecured at expense of other country’s security will inevitably lead to security dilemmas nato’s five eastward expansions of the cold war have not only failed to make europe secure but also so in the seas of conflict it is a lesson that is worth some good reflecting upon

    The cold war ended a long time ago it is necessary for nato to reconsider its own positioning and its responsibilities completely abandon the code of mentality that is based on block confrontation and strive to build a balanced effective and sustainable european security framework in line with the principle of indivisible security

    Like all peace loving countries and peoples in the world china pays close attention to nato’s strategic adjustment and is deeply concerned about the policy implications the so-called strategic concept nato leaders lately painted other countries as a threat but the fact is it is nato itself that has made troubles in different

    Parts of the world we urge nato to learn its lessons and not to use this crisis in ukraine as an excuse to stalk worldwide block confrontation or a new cold war and not to look for imaginary enemies in asia pacific or artificially create contradictions and divisions we firmly oppose

    Certain elements clamoring for nato’s involvement in asia pacific or an asia-pacific version of nato on the back of military alliances the long outdated cold war script must never be re-enacted in asia-pacific the kind of turmoil and conflict that is affecting parts of the world must not be allowed to happen in asia pacific

    Asia pacific countries share an appreciation for the hard warm peace and prosperity and a wish to focus on mutually beneficial cooperation in pursuit of common development and revitalization any attempt to go against the tide of history is doomed to fail thank you mr president i thank the representative of china for

    Their statement and give this lord to the representative of the united arab emirates mr president at the outset i would like to thank ms rosemary de carlo for her detailed briefing we acknowledge president zielinski’s address to the council and his first-hand account of the latest developments in ukraine we meet today following concerning

    Reports of intensified missile strikes across ukraine and urban areas including kiev and kharkiv in particular the images in kremenchuk of a shopping mall something familiar to all of us in our everyday life engulfed in flames are horrifying this incident has added to the war’s immensely high human toll and should be properly investigated

    Incidents like these are a clear demonstration of why civilian objects are protected under international law the uae reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of attacks on civilians and civilian objects and infrastructure with the conflict now entering its fifth month women and children and the elderly are disproportionately impacted more

    Than half of ukraine’s children are now displaced from home and women children and the elderly are suffering from ongoing violence and trauma and seeking refuge in neighboring countries it is well past time that we find parameters for ceasefire negotiations as a starting point to end this war if the conflict continues unabated we

    Can expect the tsunami of global ramifications to worsen people around the world are already suffering both directly and from the conflict’s wider repercussions including distorted global trade the effects of sanctions and increased food prices threatening a global recession the most vulnerable as always are the worst affected

    In this context i would like to make the following points first the application of international humanitarian law is fundamental to preserving human life compliance is both the moral and legal obligation and we reiterate the importance of respecting the principles of necessity distinction and proportionality that are paramount in

    Conflict as well as the importance of ensuring accountability any military operation must be limited to exclusively military objectives and all precautionary measures must be taken to avoid the direct or indirect targeting of civilians the fact that the war in ukraine has so greatly affected heavily urbanized areas with high-density civilian populations

    Only underlines the imperative of applying the principles outlined in the council’s framework on the protection of civilians and civilian objects second the international community should intensify efforts to de-escalate and engage proactively to end this conflict almost two months have passed since this council adopted a presidential statement expressing deep

    Concern regarding the maintenance of international peace and security in ukraine the war in ukraine however has continued to escalate the u.n charter outlines many of the tools that can be deployed to reach a peaceful settlement but knowing that the tools exist or that they are at the disposal of the parties

    Is not enough the talk needs to be walked and now is the time to have an actual dialogue on the humanitarian challenges and to prioritize an immediate cessation of hostilities laying out the contours of a sustainable solution that ends this conflict and ends it on a foundation upon which peace can be built

    We encourage the parties to seize this opportunity and we urge the secretary general and others in trying to bring together the parties for good faith negotiations to this end third helping ease global food insecurity must be a priority this cannot wait we must avoid a food catastrophe

    We are already facing what david beasley so vividly described as having to take food from the hungry to feed the starving specifically there needs to be a solution to export the grain and fertilizer that are so critical to food systems around the world we are encouraged by ongoing efforts aimed at

    Allowing ships safe passage to and from key seaports including odessa the security council must do everything within its power to support these negotiations and we look forward to the council addressing this in more detail finally mr president the devastation in ukraine from this war is undeniable we risk a lost generation of children

    Denied education and opportunity we need to redouble our efforts to achieve peace and end this human suffering this council must exhaust all avenues and spare no efforts to this objective thank you mr president i thank the representative of the uae for their statement and i give the floor to the representative of gabon

    Thank you mr president i think under secretary general miss robert de carlo for her briefing i welcome the virtual participation of president zielinski in this meeting mr president the war in ukraine has now been going on for more than four months and its consequences continue to spread on the humanitarian and security level

    As the political and diplomatic horizon appears to be receding and shrinking to nothing the serious humanitarian crisis resulting from the war must absolutely be stemmed too many civilians have paid with their lives and millions of the many women and children have been forced to flee combat areas to seek refuge in other cities

    In the country or abroad despite the outpouring of international solidarity to host ukrainian refugees and despite the commitment of the united specialized agencies to assist them the humanitarian situation in ukraine is worsening with the bombardments the destruction of production and distribution facilities and the disruption of value chains outside ukraine

    The consequences of the war are exacerbating food insecurity in countries already in conflict in some regions the specter of famine looms as a likely prospect as aid workers struggle to provide urgently needed food aid at the same time many countries are facing unprecedented economic inflation which is straining their economies

    This gloomy picture is however not inevitable it is urgent for this crisis to be brought under control and for its upper effects to be rapidly contained there is still time to avoid chaos the parties to the conflict must find a consensus regarding the export of the tons of

    Wheat that are being held up in ukrainian ports in this regard we welcome the actions taken by the african union and we hope that they will soon yield results within a reasonable time frame many farmers especially in africa are waiting for fertilizers for their crops for those of them who are already

    Facing significant climate challenges this situation creates uncertainty that could threaten agricultural production mr president we are concerned about the signals we are seeing which suggest a clear desire to prolong the war we repeat the world does not need another protracted conflict that said this the war is not a state of lawlessness

    The parties to the conflict must respect their commitments under international humanitarian law refrain from any use of weapons of mass destruction and do everything possible to facilitate unimpeded and secure access for humanitarian aid civilians and civilian infrastructure must not be targeted we condemn the artillery fire targeting a shopping center

    In central ukraine yesterday the tendency to trivialize the threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction as a matter of concern for my country as a party to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the biological weapons convection we condemn any use or threat of use of

    Weapons with indiscriminate effects the very existence of such weapons poses a real threat to our shared peace and security mr president my country continues to believe that the best way to end the humanitarian crisis and the outbreak of violence in ukraine is to end the conflict we remain convinced that the international community

    Has the means to bring the parties to the discussion table we urge the parties to engage in good faith in constructive negotiations to leverage all diplomatic and political challenge channels in order to find a negotiated and consensual solution to the conflict peace and security must remain the ultimate objective

    Towards which the initiatives of all the parties and of the international community converge we call for the cessation of hostilities with a view to returning to peaceful coexistence thank you i thank the representative of gabon for her statement lord representative of norway thank you president i thank you usg de carlo for shedding

    Further lights on the situation in ukraine and the continued attacks against civilians by russian forces i welcome also the strong testimony of president zelinski on behalf of the people of ukraine first norway reiterates that russia’s war is in and of itself a violation of international law the principles of the u.n charter are

    Clear on the illegality of the acquisition of territory by force we reiterate our call for russia to stop its illegal attack on ukraine immediately second norway strongly condemns all violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law we condemn in the strongest term the reported killings of ukrainian civilians

    And we call on russia to immediately end this in discriminate and deliberate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure in ukraine the targeting of residential areas such as the devastating missile attack against the shopping center in kramachuk yesterday is unacceptable the urban warfare and intensified russian missile attacks against kiev

    Kharkiv and other cities is causing immense civilian suffering we reiterate our demand and the demand of international law that the civilian population must be protected and that all necessary measures be taken to avoid civilian casualties international humanitarian law must be fully respected and implemented we condemn belarus for facilitating russia’s attack on ukraine

    Third violation of international law cannot go unchallenged all violations needs to be investigated and perpetrators of any crimes must be brought to justice we support the investigation by the icc the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other international investigations president as the war in ukraine continues it is inflicting a terrible

    Cumulative harm on the civilian population undermining prospects for peace and security the protection of civilians and human rights is a prerequisite for sustainable peace after conflict in ukraine the best way to protect civilians is clear it is for russia to end this war thank you i thank the representative of norway for

    Their statement the representative of the united kingdom has asked for the floor to make a further statement and i give them the floor thank you president i don’t want to take too much more time but i wanted to say that the russian representative can try to claim that nothing is true

    And make outrageous claims of ukrainian provocations cover-ups are as old as crime itself but the undeniable fact is that russian forces are in ukraine and there are no ukrainian forces in russia there is one aggressor here the evidence will catch up with them and there will be accountability for these crimes thank you

    I thank the representative of the united kingdom for their statement the representative of the russian federation has asked for the floor to make a further statement and give them the floor as well thank you mr president i will also be brief it won’t take too much of

    Your time i just wanted to note that such statements sound very convincing coming from a representative of a country that brought the world such provocations as the skripal case or the litvinenko case as well as many other incidents that will go down in the history books as glaring provocations and false flag operations

    Please keep that in mind next time you try to teach us lessons i thank the representative of the russian federation for this further statement and i give the floor not representative of estonia mr president i speak on behalf of the baltic countries latvia lithuania and my own country estonia

    I thank the albanian presidency for organizing this briefing and under secretary general rose maritico for the updates on russia’s full-scale barbaric military aggression against an independent and sovereign country that wishes nothing more than living in peace and freedom to choose their own destiny free from foreign interference in its internal affairs

    We warmly welcome president zielinski’s participation in this meeting and commend him and the ukrainian people for their hairy courage and resistance for the freedom of their country and for the freedom of us all crime against aggression is a prime crime against the international law putin’s regime has unleashed a colonial

    Neo-imperialist expansionist war against ukraine amplified by the obscene dehumanizing disinformation campaign against ukraine and the identity language history and the right to exist of ukrainian people the security council must urgently perform its duties to stop this unfolding catastrophe as we have seen over the course of four months 124 days now

    Unable to defeat the defendants of ukraine in the battlefield russia’s military seeks to achieve its aims by terrorizing civilians we have already seen this too many times maternity hospitals schools kindergartens residential buildings and now also shopping centers are targeted indiscriminately and without any remorse russia’s terror knows no bounds the

    Shelling of a coded shopping center in kamenchuk as well as numerous other intensive intensified attacks on ukrainian cities soviets kharkiv in recent days had no military justification whatsoever no justification other than to kill injure and cause extensive human suffering and thereby hope that the spirit of ukrainian people will be

    Broken the calls for peace at all costs will grow and that the demands of their geyser will subsequently be met this is the diplomacy russian way by using terror and blackmail the russian actions represent flagrant violations of international law including the united nations charter russia has repeatedly ignored the calls

    By the u.n general assembly as well as the other as well as the order of the international court of justice to immediately suspend the military operations in its territory of ukraine and withdraw its armed forces from ukraine the borders of a country are not to be changed by force

    This demand is the heart and soul of the yuan charter the systemic violations of humanitarian law and human rights deliberate attacks on civilian objects and civilians executions sexual and gender-based violence arbitrary arrests abductions enforced disappearances and forced deportations of civilians including unaccompanied children to russia as well as their illegal adoption

    Committed against ukrainian people amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity and possibly even genocide the international community should not spare any effort to ensure that those responsible for these atrocious crimes are held to account we need collectively to give our strongest support to the ongoing work by the prosecutor of the international

    Criminal court the independent international commission of inquiry mandated by the united nations human rights council and the work of the expert mission under the moscow mechanism of the organization for security and cooperation in europe as well as the national investigation by the office of prosecutor general of ukraine

    Justice will be brought to the victims and their families mr president we are concerned that yet again has russia resorted to dangerous and irresponsible nuclear rhetoric by announcing its intention to transfer nuclear capable missiles to belarus and upgrading belarus warplanes to make them capable of carrying nuclear weapons

    We urge russian belarus to act in line with their international commitments and cease destabilizing nuclear sovereigntylink any use of weapons of mass destruction is unacceptable and leads to severe consequences we here herewith strongly condemn the involvement of belarus as harsh as complicit in this aggression against ukraine we also strongly condemn russia’s

    Weaponizing food to increase food shortage and global hunger and thus nebula destabilize international security recent reports have shown that russian forces have been systemic systematically stealing crane and other products from local farmers in occupied areas of ukraine as a result of russia’s military activity more than 20 million

    Tons of grain is currently blocked in ukraine we fully support the efforts of the united nations to find an urgently needed solution for the expert of ukraine’s train and urge russia to ensure a free passage of shipping from ukrainian ports mr president let me reiterate that

    It is the obligation of each member of the international community to stand up against those who violate the principles and rules of international law including the yuan charter otherwise we risk losing the international rules based order be built and committed to since the end of the world war ii fundamental principles of respecting

    Sovereignty territorial integrity and refraining from the use of force are to be respected by every country and are not for debate we absolutely condemn russia’s war evocation against ukraine we urge once again russia to immediately stop its indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure and to immediately and unconditionally

    Withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of ukraine within its internationally recognized borders estonia latvia and lithuania stand with ukraine and the ukrainian people thank you i thank the representative of estonia for their statement and i give the floor to representative of poland mr president

    Thank you for convening this important meeting i also take this opportunity to thank usg de carlo for her briefing as well as his excellency president zelinski for his powerful statement mr president irrespectively of what we have heard again from the russian representative today russia is waging a total war against ukraine

    A total war which from its very beginning 124 days ago has been in total lack of respect for the international humanitarian law and human rights law we have a duty to repeat it over and over again even though the aggressors themselves keep reminding us about the true character of their

    Actions with every atrocity they commit yesterday’s deadly rocket attack launched by russian forces on a bustling shopping center in kremenchuk was just the latest in the long list of those somber reminders as the hard-ranging images are still before our eyes we need to be loud and clear in only the past four days

    Russia has fired over 130 missiles on ukrainian cities of kiev kharkiv mikolai and odessa to name just a few by deciding to hit objects of no military significance moscow wants to cause large human losses terrorize the civilian population and disrupt the functioning of infrastructure catering to everyday needs of ordinary ukrainians

    According to cautious estimates provided by the ohchr only between june 23rd and june 26 more than 120 civilian casualties weren’t confirmed the shelling of the amster mall in kremenchuk alone killed at least 20 people and injured 60 more moscow is not only disregarding humanitarian issues and ignoring international criticism

    It wants to show that it will strive to break the resistance of the ukrainian authorities by all means and coasts mr president with respect to the imported topic we are discussing russia continues to disrespect this council and the u.n charter it is particularly cynical that russia a permanent member of the security council

    Which has been entrusted with the responsibility for maintenance of international peace and security is not only failing to fulfill its basic responsibilities but acts as an aggressor in blatant disregard for this organization and the foundational rules the international peace and security mechanisms have been built on

    It is our duty to work together to collect and preserve the evidence of all violations of human rights and international humanitarian law that have taken place in ukraine poland’s position in this regard is clear all those responsible directly and indirectly for committing war crimes in ukraine should be brought to justice

    Apart from seeking justice ukraine has a full right to defend itself and expect the international community to provide necessary assistance in this regard humanitarian military and financial aid allows ukrainians to protect their citizens secure their basic needs and ensure postwar recovery for 124 days now ukrainians have been bravely putting

    Resistance to their aggressors forces which continue to strive for a territorial grab which might actually never satisfy their appetite for more the responsibility for the russian actions lies also with belarus which since the 24th of february has been actively facilitating moscow’s military action by making its airspace territory and infrastructure available to russian

    Troops if not for minsk support russia’s aggression would have been limited belarusian leadership should be considered complicit of crimes committed by russia in ukraine mr president once more we urge the russian federation to stop the war and to fully withdraw all its forces from the territory of ukraine

    This is the only way to prevent further deaths of civilians we also urge russia to fully respect the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of ukraine as well as international humanitarian law and human rights law in particular i think i thank the representative of poland for their statement

    There are no more names inscribed on the list of speakers this meeting is adjourned hello so you


    1. Yes exactly the Russian Federation is actually trying to save the Ukrainian presidency and themselves while helping the entire world explain the crown jewels everywhere are every child

    2. Ukraine is trying to work with us as best as it can but those cross tie things keep getting them back that's why I was like we can't do this anymore everywhere anywhere

    3. My thing is what good are any of these weapons because no matter how many times you rewind my December 28th 2020 filing we still have the same answers if we look at any of the Departments

    4. India we need to make the fertilizers green energy efficient we were having an issue with the chemicals reentering that environment and damaging the fetuses the mothers and the future Generations both in conversational values as well as trade routes being destroyed in the chasing of Fame and Fortune we were working on the civilian population appreciating everything and the military population being able to speak our minds without grabbing our guns

    5. Yes China this is the discussion we are having regarding extortion on each individual where has it been happening on each country where has it been happening and how can we absolve everyone of that debt

    6. Yes UAE the United States seem to be ignoring the discussion about what Jeremiah Heather and Cisneros had been doing completely ignore it because of the perjury fraud and conversion from the third Judicial District Court in New Mexico filed November 18th 2020

    7. Yes our attendance while we are doing multiple other jobs we definitely think everyone for keeping trying thank you for being alive today and doing everything you can today and every day everywhere

    8. Thank you Norway and please understand that the lack of interpreters across the board had significantly contributed to the random disassembly that we saw at the Ukraine I believe

    9. Estonia the security Council only need schedule me with the Architects to build the new project that's what everyone was asking for my whole life they even tried to use my kids as Leverage obviously using everyone else's as leverage as well including me

    10. Estonia the point of it is to manipulate my Witnesses and evidence against me in New Mexico that was my protest to them continuing that course for 25 years that I am aware

    11. May Russia please just help us build the new system instead of get blamed for what everyone system was because explaining how that whole system worked 6,500 times was frustrating for all

    12. Yes exactly Estonia it wasn't just Russia that was participating in that I was super upset at the United States for it because we are being born into that entrapment scenario against our consent we would like to be born and live free from malicious undue prosecution

    13. Poland; why/where haven't they heard my prior command: Find and return my stolen children and money and get the perpetrators off of my identity. They're violating orders of protection to terrorize me in war crimes it needs stopped immediately it needed stopped before they started doing it again and again and again and again military show them who you're working for because you were working for the enemy!!!!!

      1. Army; pick up every homeless person we can find and get them trained in something that benefits all of society and to work doing something that benefits all of society and all of their paperwork cleared because this oh we're all stuck on paperwork isn't working for anyone.
      2. Border patrol and the National Guard; become Department of Vocational Rehabilitation assisting all to farming construction forestry healthcare fields.
      3.The Marines are supposed to get the prisoners out of the prisons and retrained to jobs they can do to benefit the environment while remanufacturing all of the weapons into solar panels wind and hydroelectric generators and hydrogen fuel cells to clean all water contamination.
      4. The Navy is supposed to redistribute goods and services that some people have extra of donating to those with little while assisting with the remanufacturing projects.
      5. The Air Force is supposed to be remanufacturing the prisons either into dust if they're too contaminated or dentist offices or another beneficial career field because imprisonment is harboring fugitives and we're all done with the pain for this whole system of no one knows about the get raped pay go to jail or die everything will be used against you plan.
      4.Politicians are supposed to be getting everyone universal healthcare Universal income Universal travel Universal equality.
      5. The government is supposed to be all of us working from wherever we're at to maintain civil Unity and protect the Coast Guards mission.

    14. Sec. Gen. Guterres : Many Economists and Financial Experts agree that the Inflation losses in EU, US and the World are exactly the same amount as the profits of the biggest Asset Managers, Hedge Funds & Private Equity that control the Stock and Boards of Directors of the biggest Oil, Gas, Weapons and Foods Companies. This is the classic " Wealth Transfer " provoked by Wars & done for Centuries , today is wrecking the Middle Class and the Working Families of the World. We need Elected Officials that will retake these stolen Funds , Politicians that will Tax these War Profiteers, like never before extorting hundreds of billions of Euros / Dollars every quarter , as the Media reports .
      "Campaigners call on UN Woman to pull out of BlackRock partnership" , The Guardian.

    15. Please Stop the war. Thanks,🙏
      Dear we are a Refugee asylum seeker family here Afghanistan. We've been here for over 6 years and 11 months with Afghanistan UNHCR registered. My family request Please🤲pray and help my family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦safe life's protection. Thank you 🙏

    16. Ukraine is now added to the Countries that the USA is supporting Human Trafficking among other atrocities ; Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mexico, all South American Countries, South Africa, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, USA. Did I forget some? Pathetic USA, Who are you to make ANY statement against ANY other country. The USA has NO RIGHT to throw stones at anyone !!!

    17. Vang i Valdress. Norge.
      Let the Norwegians (from a NATO country) tell how they abducted (from Norway back to Ukraine) in handcuffs (without a trial and an interpreter) those disabled citizens of Ukraine (political scientists and human rights activists), who fought corruption in Ukraine, and in Norway organized free language  courses for Russian speakers.  /// We are talking about those kind Norwegians who forcibly separated the families of Ukrainians (kidnapping members of their families – fighters against corruption with disabilities, whom the family has not seen for 3 years, because the Norwegians prevent their reunification).  /// Crimes in the NATO country against disabled Ukrainians (participants in anti-corruption pickets of Ukrainian human rights activists in Norway) were committed by those Norwegians who condemn the voluntary relocation of Ukrainians to the Russian Federation WITHOUT separating their families. /// Citizens of Ukraine filed collective applications with the ECHR and The Hague  crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians.

      Ctizens of Ukraine (political scientists who teach the language to refugees in Norway) announced the abduction by Norwegians of Ukrainians with disabilities (human rights activists) and the crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians – participants in pickets of Ukrainians (disabled) in a NATO country, who defended their right not to be repressed in Norway for their human rights activities  ..s

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