Title: Cycling in Majorca
    Author Audycji: Dorota Sosnowska
    Date: 03 MAR 2024
    Podcast HEALTH – Return to the NATURE

    Can you believe it’s less than 3 months until 6Points Cycling Challenge, Mallorca 2024!

    We’re also very excited about the new, improved routes this year. I know many of you in this group have re-signed and we can’t wait to see you back in 2024. If you’re still considering signing up, but haven’t yet, please do so urgently now as we’re keen to finalise numbers in the coming 2 weeks.

    I have included the official film 👇 and all registration options below.

    Official film from 2023: https://youtu.be/0RTtxc59Heo.

    Register here: https://6pointschallenges.com/2024-mallorca-registration/

    Visit for more information: www.6pointschallenges.com

    Email: hola@6pointschallenges.com

    Or Whatsapp on +34 636030004.

    We look forward to welcoming you at 6Points Mallorca 2024!

    Reverence Hotels 6Points Challenge Calvia, Mallorca 2023


    Less than three months to the start…
    Reverence Hotels 6Points Challenge Mallorca is on 17 to 19 May!
    We are looking forward to welcoming you to what will probably be your best ride of the year!
    Don’t miss it!
    To preserve the ethos of this iconic event, only 90 riders will ride.
    Registration is OPEN!


    Polish Voice FM – Głos Polonii na Wyspach – Łączymy tradycję z nowoczesnością.

    Jesteśmy Polskim Radiem w Wielkiej Brytanii – twoim źródłem wiadomości, kultury i rozrywki dla polonijnej społeczności na Wyspach. Nasza stacja radiowa to miejsce, w którym łączymy przeszłość z przyszłością, tradycję z nowoczesnością, a serce Polski z sercem Europy jakim jest Wielka Brytania.

    We are Polish Community Radio in Great Britain – a news, culture, and entertainment source for the Polish community on the British Isles. Our radio station combines the past with the future, tradition with modernity, and the heart of Poland with the heart of Europe which is Great Britain.

    Hello to the listeners of Polish voice FM my name is D snova and today I’m hosting a weekly program entitled Return To Nature related to broadly understood Health my guest today is a retired businessman who lives in England and mayorca Philip cett the program is being recorded and

    Will be published in whole or in part on our radio and on our social media the Polish voice FM editorial team deserves the right to state that this program and the topics we discuss here don’t constitute medical advice we provide general information and our opinions if listeners need such advice please

    Contact your doctor Today’s Show is entitled cycling in mayorca and promotes sixo cycling challenges uh it’s a race that takes place each year first I would like to introduce Our Guest Philip Crawford who retired at the age of 50 to enjoy his life he had a passion for

    Walking and took up cycling only 10 years ago we will focus on a charity race he would like to invite other professional and amateur cyclists too the race will take place from the 17th to 19th of May but before we give our listeners the details about the race I

    Would like our listeners to find out more about Phillip and his lifestyle in the context of Health let’s start from the beginning Phillip you have been a very successful businessman for many many years would you say you led a healthy lifesty V uh good morning to everybody um no I

    Don’t think I did have a particularly healthy lifestyle like many people who are businessman I flew all over the world all of the time um lots of late nights meals lots of wine lots of food um not enough time actually to do much sport uh I did some golf but

    Generally no I wasn’t a healthy person and I weighed probably 20 kilos more than I weigh today that’s right I remember seeing that photo before I got to know you uh and what I thought then uh and now you weigh much much less so I think you have something inspiring

    Uh to tell our listeners uh it’s a journey uh so I would like you to share what happened um how you TR turned around uh yourself uh physically how you improved your health uh can you tell us um more about what sports uh you did before you took up

    Cycling yeah well like many businessmen I occasionally played brands of golf but it was more to do with business actually I was with business clients and after the round at golf uh you went into the bar or the restaurant and undid all the good work uh from a health point of view

    Um I I also played squash uh but that was a good few years ago I probably stopped playing squash when I was about 45 uh and there wasn’t any particular moment in time when I suddenly thought to myself I need to change I used to go walking with my brother every year my

    Brother is a very fit man uh weighed significantly less than me we walked along the coastal paths in Wales and each year it used to get increasingly tough for me and he would be bounding along and I’d be struggling in his way trying to keep up and and I just thought

    Wouldn’t it be nice one day if I could actually walk as fast as he did and and for him not to have to keep on waiting for me at the top of the cliffs so that’s when I decided maybe something else a fitter approach might be the

    Right answer okay so it was a inspiration from your brother uh who actually uh played in your mind and you thought maybe I should do something about it um I know you have a gym at your home um and uh you use it quite a lot do you still use it a

    Lot yes I use I use um particularly in the winter I use an in inside bike uh and I’m not talking about a you know a regular bicycle it’s a it’s a very it’s got a lot of feedback there are a number of Brands out there but some of some of

    Your listeners might be familiar with pelaton but there are there are other mics out there where when you’re actually on the machine you’ve got software in front of you and you get feedback through the software to the machine you’re on and it feels as close

    As it can be to cycling on the road yes but I’ve also got a step machine I’ve got a a running machine I’ve got a rowing machine but like I’m sure many of your listeners working out in a gym just really do doesn’t do it for me um I much

    Much prefer to be out in in nature out on the road uh because you get all those smells you get the sun you get the wind you know it’s it’s an entirely different experience when you’re actually outside okay so you already started mentioning benefits of cycling but what

    Made you uh take up cycling um it’s a very demanding sport yeah I I had um I had a boat uh that was down in muor in Palmer newor and uh I used to go down to the boat and I used to get visitors to

    Come and stay on the boat and so I had I had about four or five bicycles on the boat so that we could go for a cycle along the seafront and you could cycle for round about uh let’s call it 10 kilometers maybe a little less all along

    The flat stop at a restaurant have a nice meal cycle back and then have asleep seemed like a great idea and seemed like a lot of exercise at that time then one day I had a friend to come and stay and I suggested we go on my

    Normal bike ride and he said why don’t we hire some proper road bikes and go for a ride up in the mountains and I thought well why not it can’t be that difficult oh my word it was absolute Purgatory every hill we came to I stop and and it seemed like I’ve

    Been a smoker for 40 years and I don’t smoke okay so is difference there’s a difference between usual casual cycling and cycling that you do at the moment what is the difference the key difference is um at that time slightly Le less now but at that time I once I started cycling and

    Got really into it I was doing around about 15 th000 kilometers a year of cycling so and and when I cycle I don’t cycle along the flat I cycle up the mountains I’m one of those people that I’m sure many of your listeners see in their home countries uh going up hills

    And they think to themselves why on Earth are they doing that well I’m one of those people and when you get fit it actually isn’t as difficult as you might think but when you’re unfit it’s just impossible to go from from where I was

    To where I am now in in a single jump I’ve been cycling now for over 10 years and and you gradually build your Fitness and you build your ability to do bigger and better things I I think what you do is impossible for me it is absolutely

    Impossible uh how do you what do you do in order to build up your stamina well the the stamina comes from just cycling miles um there’s no substitute for getting as we call it getting the miles in you you um you can’t do it you can’t do it 365 days a

    Year I I take some time off sometimes where I might not ride for maybe two or three weeks and maybe sometimes even longer but um you’ve got to regularly cycle um and it’s a case like many muscles you use it or you lose it so and

    That’s the same with your Fitness if you if you’re on the bike and you’re on the bicycle regularly you will retain a certain degree of fitness and then you build up to each event that you’re um maybe putting your uh name down for I mean I’ve cycled in I’ve cycled in the

    United States I’ve cycled in South Africa I’ve cycled in Poland I’ve cycled in the UK I’ve cycled in Spain I’ve cycled in France H and and I do events so that they and and you build up to those events so so I get my training in

    I start to build up and my fitness improves and then I’m ready for the race uh on the day what is your daily routine when you cycle um well I’m just about to leave to go to meor in a week’s time I should be down there for a month and whilst I’m

    Down there every day I will cycle so I get up early in the morning um and do a cycle ride probably anywhere from 50 kilometers to maybe 120 kilometers um and I’ll do that every day and um mayorca is um not a flat country at all well it’s it’s actually quite

    Interesting the reason that the proteins use myre a lot is one the the the the temperature is is very nice and and pleasant uh but the terrain you can go in the mountain and it’s literally mountains all the time or you can go to the east of the island where it’s a lot

    Flatter so you got you’ve got the best of both worlds so if you want a day of going along the flat uh High Pace along the flat you can go out to the east if you want to a day of working hard in the mountains and building up your legs uh

    Then you can go in the mountain region and and I live in the more mountainous side of the island so literally when I leave my house I have to start climbing so so uh that’s what I do most days right we want to promote uh six points uh cycling

    Race uh maybe just let me correct you D if I may it’s not we don’t refer to it as a race we’ve refer to it as a as an event um of course people want to go fast we have different uh we have different people’s uh abilities to take

    Into account of so we have faster groups and slower groups but isn’t a what we would refer to as a race per se okay uh so maybe let’s start uh with uh why is it called like this uh who invented the name and uh how did it start well the

    Founder of Sixpoint cycling challenges is a good friend of mine called Brian fisser uh formerly of of South Africa um and he decided that he wanted to uh create a charitable event to raise money for local charities on the island based around cycling and he thought well how can I do

    This and he went to speak to the calvia council which is one of the auns in in mior where he lives and he said he had this idea would they help sponsor it and and they were very forthcoming in that regard and he he set up his first event

    And I think there were about eight maybe 10 people who went on the first event and the whole idea of six points was to do the the extremities of the island so go out to the farest You Can East the farest North the farest uh West and so

    Forth and and South and then the highest point push myor and then somewhere along the way the lowest point IE the SE so that was the idea that was where the name six points came from six point cycling challenges how did you get involved in this well Brian’s a good

    Friend of mine and I I was a regular cyclist with him in mior and unfortunately the first event that he had I couldn’t uh be on that one because I was elsewhere I was somewhere abroad I think I was in New York and and so I couldn’t do that one um but Brian

    Asked me to be involved as part of the uh of the business in in um in myor when you set up a charity you basically are setting up business it’s the same thing there’s no distinction and so we have a business for six point cycling challenges and Brian is the founder and

    President and I am vice president of of that organization and we we now regularly raise money so we’ve gone from eight Riders to this year we’ll probably be close to a 100 Riders uh on the event okay and uh what charities uh do you support well we um we focus on Charities

    For the island of muca um um and we as deer is one of our main uh main Charities ASA is an association for the disbled in calvia um we um we work with a company called yachting gives back which is a is a charity that actually works with the yachting

    Industry to give back to the island of meor and we work very closely with them um we worked with organization called um SOS animals which looks after abandoned animals on the island of of mayorca um we work with an organization called Shambala U that again you know

    It’s another of the Charities on the island we we don’t we don’t just focus on one charity we we have three or four Charities that we regularly give money to for example during the uh the initial stages of um of the war in Ukraine we uh we helped um a particular Ukrainian

    Charity at that time so we do we do a regular charitable donation and also uh rifle shop donations as and when needed okay now uh can we encourage uh maybe new participants uh to take part in the race um could you make an appeal could you tell what’s involved um how to

    Prepare for such a race yes well um assuming that you are a regular cyclist because I wouldn’t I would not suggest that somebody who is not a regular Road cyclist do this um but if you are a regular Road cyclist and you want an event that frankly the

    Vast majority of the people who come on our event say it’s the best event they’ve ever been on we have support cars so every Rider group has a support car with it we have um um the r the drivers of those vehicles have been trained in medical um stuff so if

    There’s anical emergency if someone comes off you know we know the certain things what to do we have communications so there’s headsets so we can communicate with the cars and communicate with each other um all of the bags that people with all of their clothes and stuff that go from hot

    Because we stay in two hotels over the course of the three days all of their kit is taken bu car to the hotel by the time they arrive at the hotel it’s in their room um so and when you when you book and register to the event everything

    Frankly other you just have to get yourself to meor the rest is taken care of come to the airport come to the airport you you get you get you get um an airport transfer to the hotel the first hotel if you want to stay at that hotel

    Hotel that is uh we have a one of our main title sponsors um is a hotel group and uh and it’s reverence hotels and they they um we start at their hotel and so PE the people can stay at that hotel they can extend their stay the rights

    That we have are extremely generous so we do as much as we can for the Riders we make we want to make the event the best event that cyclists have ever been on and many of their Riders say that’s exactly the case when they’ve been on it

    So uh would you say uh it’s good to come on the 16th like the day before the race um or ear yeah we have a few people who come uh several days before and do some cycling to get climatized um but some many people can’t take more than three or four five days

    Off so it’s it really is down to the personal circumstances of the people if they just want to turn up the day before that’s absolutely fine um we have one of a another one of a a donors is a cycling uh company and they can provide bikes so

    We can arrange for the hire of bikes and and so on so you know there’s there’s not many things that people have to worry about and we’ve got answers to the vast majority of concerns that a a regular Rider might have okay and you have provided me with some

    Details um we will post the details on our social media so uh people who are interested to find out more uh can uh get access to your Facebook page uh that’s the same name as the race uh can you repeat the name uh it’s it’s six point cycling challenges and that’s a

    Number six uh not siix but number six points capital p o a i n TS six points cycling challenges if you go online and do a a Google search of six point cycling challenges all this stuff will come up and we we have a web page and

    And all of the details of the event uh will be up there but yes we have a Facebook page page we have an Instagram page uh we have um we have YouTube video of our events and people can see you know how it is and and what it’s like

    Like when you ride into that Finishing Line and all and many of the people from these Charities are there cheering Us in it actually brings tears to your eyes and and it’s a very moving experience for the vast majority of the people who are on our ride and it makes it all

    Worthwhile we’ve raised we’ve raised over 250,000 PS in the last few years for our Charities so we’re very proud of that it sounds truly amazing and you must be proud of it I I’m I am you know I mean like many people who retire you know you sometimes

    Wonder yourself when you’ve had a very busy life business life and you finished that well how are you going to fill the time and people say you can time has a way of being filled but it can be filled with things that don’t really matter that much and the things that matter in

    My life frankly now are my cycling in my family and that’s what I fill my days with and you know I I but I believe I a much much better life now I don’t regret retiring early one little bit uh in fact if anything I wish I’d have retired

    Earlier so so uh but I think 50 was fair enough that’s that’s great uh not many people can afford to retire at such a young age so you also D also dat you know I was I talked to a very good friend of mine yesterday and I hadn’t spoken to him uh

    For a long while and I said I’ve been trying to get a hold of you what’s what’s the problem and he said I had a stroke last year and I was very close to dying and I said oh my word how did that happen you know like

    You would and he said you know I wish I’d have retired earlier that’s right and uh you know you don’t get a second chance that’s the problem no so I would say to anybody you know H if you got the opportunity to retire then take it yes because um heal

    As you get older the the the dies move past you very very fast that’s right and health is something if we don’t have health we don’t have anything um so we do need to appreciate it so perhaps we can talk a little bit about health what have you changed in

    Your life um what do you use at the moment how do you support your health yeah well I think the biggest single thing was the losing of weight um I went from a resting heart rate of around about 65 to a resting heart rate of around about

    48 um my blood pressure is very very low these days um and so most of the things that you know would indicate an healthy position have gone away from me but I supplement that I take um supplements um I use a Swedish um Health protocol um

    It’s got a number of of products which I I use and and I use that to balance my body and get my body um with the right um balance of of nutrients and and uh Trace elements and so so so forth so um but I take the sort of things that many

    People think of I make sure that my vitamin D is is supplemented particularly in the winter um I take things like um potassium chromium uh all sorts of different I take Marine collagen for my joints uh because I do have I do suffer a little bit with some of my joints and

    And so I take Marine collagen um but you’ve got to your body has got to be receptive to to taking on that that that collagen so so you I take I take a variety of things I’m not slavish to taking Health supplements but I absolutely believe they work and they work well for

    Me um so that’s what I that’s what I tend to do and um you have also tested yourself and um you have done the test uh that is not so much well known yet uh but it tests 11 fatty acids um and uh I think this is something we would

    Definitely recommend to our listeners uh because this is um one of the foundations of health and uh it’s especially important for sports people yeah and what what there are several there are several ways um methods out there um yes I did have that test of the of my fatty acids and

    Frankly when I took the first test the results were not particularly great no um and so um I have taken um supplements a supplement that that enables me to rebalance those uh those uh fatty acids and make them make my body more uh able to perform actually and and I’m aware

    That um you know the the protocol that I use the Swedish protocol that I use is being used by uh football pro teams you know top level pro teams uh in the UK uh and other countries so um you know I think and and and these days I I was

    There was an article the other day talking about football and what’s the difference between football now and football a few years ago and the biggest difference is the athleticism of the players there’s always been football skills on the pitch but the athleticism of the current crop of players is

    Absolutely extreme and they have their nutritionists and so on have to make absolutely sure that these Elite athletes athletes are capable of doing the things that they have to do and and the this this health protocol is one of the things that’s helping one of the top

    Teams do that I must say that even um race horses take this uh that’s what I know for sure from people who are in this bus so yes and Manchester City uh is one of the pro team teams that takes this okay great so to sum up supplementing is hugely important

    Because at the moment what we get from food is definitely not sufficient we don’t live in the 19 the second part of the 19th century uh it unfortunately uh went um deteriorated uh I mean the way food is produced nowadays doesn’t provide enough nutrients so it’s important to know

    About it okay Philip there are some um things when I’m down in newor there is no question my diet down there is healthier than in the UK uh the the so-called Mediterranean diet lots of Virgin Olive Oil uh uh lots of salads um and so on it’s it’s a it’s a healthier

    Lot of fish it’s a healthier than than what I tend to eat in the UK so but but you have you know there is there is good food available um it’s just we’re we’re convenience eaters many of us AR that’s right and good food is not cheap no um

    And regard regarding uh Olive uh um olive oil it has got a lot of polyphenols uh and the problem is that it’s uh forged like probably what from what I know 80% of olive oil is is not what it seems to be what it should be so

    Also a remark about this be careful what you actually get because you may buy something that it’s different inside uh than what it’s uh on the label and uh if you buy a very good olive oil it has got also uh it acts as a painkiller so it’s

    Like ibuprofen but it acts in a natural way uh as opposed to um you know um synthe IC way like ibuprofin uh and it doesn’t have side effects so I think I think on that note uh we could finish uh we have promoted the race we talked about health uh we

    Talked about changing lifestyle uh so I hope that we inspired our listeners and we do invite people to take part in the race in mayorca uh on the from the 17th to the 19th of May thank you very much Philip thank you drer thank you bye-bye bye

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