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    If a woman has a penis she has to wear a towel as opposed to a woman who doesn’t have a penis I think it’s inappropriate if you have a dick to be walking around with your out in a woman’s locker room with women with Grandmother what doesn’t

    Mean you’re going to walk up to someone and whack it in their face a lot of biological women don’t want to see right in the rotten public I think a lot of CIS women have a hard time understanding that trans women sometimes just want to like enjoy their day and not like worry

    About who watching them this is the basic one if you have you’re not supposed to be around a bunch of granny’s and mothers and children in locker rooms with your dick out this is the basic one I’m not going to sit here and not enjoy my life because of what

    The appendage between my legs they’re clearly not trans women they’re dudes well then you’re talking about completely different that’s not trans like if they’re going to say they’re trans now we have to respect that that’s the problem with what’s going on this self ID anyone can say they’re trans


    1. I dont want to see anyone naked in the locker room. How hard is it to have separate cublicles like the toilets?

    2. Buck & Blair, THANK YOU!!! Changing in front of other women is uncomfortable enough!! If I encountered this I would never, ever go back to that place! That's traumatizing AF!

    3. It is not serious, just cover up. No woman wants to see male gentlia in a locker room otherwise what would make it any different than going into a male locker room. Women dont even want to see other female genitalia in the locker room what make then want to see that as well? Just cover up our enjoy your life outside of the womens locker rooms.

    4. again blaire is stating facts but her companions start talking nonsense. everyone here is horrible. the average trans woman understands that cis women will feel uncomfortable when they are in women’s vulnerable spaces. people like this make conservatives think theyre all horrible people who dont care about boundaries. if you havent had bottom surgery you should do you best to cover up in a female only space because its very scary to the cis women there. these types of discussions could be so much better if she didnt allow 1, guest like this who have no respect for boundaries, and 2, costars who hate on trans people. i hate how blaire uses her intelligence to make her own community look bad. again, do better

    5. I’m so glad that the laws in my country forbids trans men from being in the ladies locker room. I would not want my daughter to exposed to dicks in the locker room either.

      Their problem is they want everyone to respect how they feel and what they want, but are rude, aggressive, sick and selfish individuals

    6. just another male talking about being a woman in a way that has nothing to do with being a woman. biological woman who just wanna enjoy their day dont think about getting naked in the locker room

    7. It’s true trans women should be allowed to be themselves and they can’t just bc it makes others uncomfortable GIRL BYE 😂👋

    8. “i’m not gonna sit here and not enjoy my life because of what the appendage is between my legs” that right there is the sole issue with their ideology. they are putting themselves and their wants over the wants of women. the same people they are trying to be. like no babes. it’s giving colonization. you wanna be them so bad, you’re willing to disrespect and harm them to get your way. just stop

    9. I’m a woman and if I saw a trans woman walk around with their balls out I’d scream. I’m not transphobic but I don’t like looking at THAT.

    10. In our bathrooms and locker rooms, you don't walk around naked. We had to create rules since grown ass women would try to walk around naked. That goes the same for Trans people.
      Be naked in the shower, but don't be nude around people

    11. So heres the real crux of the situation…
      You have transsexuals (a person currently or having previously transitioned from one SEX to the other) and you have transgenders (a nothing concept based entirely on subjective whim) and people not understanding theres a difference.
      Blair and Buck are transsexuals, as such we refer to them as she and him. They have transitioned and now live their entire lives as the sex they outwardly appear as where as transgenders will be walking around with a long beard dressed as a stereotypical man and whining no one believes they are a woman.
      The label means nothing, the actions and effort mean everything.

    12. That’s pretty masculine of them to think everything is about them and how they want to be perceived and how much they don’t give a fuck just taking over spaces because they don’t want to worry.

      There is nuance to shared spaces between transgender and normal women. What Blaire says is 💯

    13. Enjoying your life constitutes walking around NOT atomically correct in a locker room full of women???
      I really need to know just what in the actual fuck is wrong with that person, they should be investigated for some kind of sexual misconduct somewhere at some point…

    14. PREACH Blair 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
      NO biological women, middle-aged woman, senior woman and especially little girls want to see a freaking 🍆 anywhere in WOMEN'S ONLY spaces!!
      PERIOD – END of the conversation biological males who transition to TransWomen should ALWAYS cover their🍆 junk up IF they want to share BIOLOGICAL WOMEN'S spaces.
      Woman's washrooms and changerooms were & are made to be safe spaces for BIOLOGICAL WOMEN not biological men. If a TransWoman wants to share our spaces then do us the courtesy of giving us the respect & dignity of maintaining the "Woman" part of TransWoman or you can use the disability/universal washrooms If you want to be ignorant & disrespectful 😠

    15. If you want to be a woman, this have to accept what it is to be a woman. One of which is the complicated, predatory relationship woman have been forced to have with penises for generations. That's why we don't want penises in our spaces. It's not too insult the person attached to it.

      When transwoman (more often non binary plp) can't honor women's spaces, you don't belong there.

    16. Tf is he saying?? "If a woman has a penis" my guy.. you are not a woman!! Women don't have penises! My son is a year old and I am literally terrified of his future because of this nonsense

    17. If u r not mature enough to understand how u were biologically built, u r not mature enough to transition.

      But regardless the only argument needed to this is you cant expect other people to ve comfortable with you just because you want to be different. Thats not fair, u dint get to tell people that they have to change just bc u did

    18. I can guarentee that most men and women who are normal dont want their body exposed to strangers and do not want yo be exposed to strangers bodies. Why is this such a hard concept for people in the trans community and their allies to understand?

    19. This is literal misogyny bro, translation haha no pun intended- "I wanna enjoy my day so women must look at my junk because I'm trans so f*ck those women" Nah SIR f*ck YOU very much!

    20. The entitlement and selfishness of the clown with the lollipop is sadly not surprising. “Who cares if a little girl feels uncomfortable with my dick hanging out in a women-only locker room- I’m not gonna stop living my life!” Grow the fuck up, dude.

    21. Blair! I love you to pieces, girl! Oh, my gosh you crack me up… this video it’s funny, but straightforward and I just wanted to tell you I appreciate you. Thank you, for protecting modesty. Lol I can’t say I’ve ever walked around in a woman locker room naked, I think that’s rude! Especially, with young children… maybe they see their mom naked and that’s okay, but just because I have the parts doesn’t mean a child should see my body. You’re a fantastic woman and sweet and I love you to pieces. I’ve been spreading the word about you , Blair! ❤️

      Edit: President Trump and Blair White 2024!

    22. M********** like that. Nissa goes straight to hell and on top of that. It should be just like how.
      People run around trying chase at the little kids. Is the same thing as them? Trying chase at the people and not saying who they are. That should be illegal, one hundyou're sent. That's not right. That's like yo trance women. Are like a product that we order Edit product from temu . O k Call a knock off version of a woman😂

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