I am joined at a private dirt jump trail spot by Sam Pilgrim, Max Fredriksson, Jake Atkinson & Theo and the session was CARNAGE!

    After sending banger tricks like backflips, front flips & tail whips the session then moved onto La Poma bike park where we hit the skatepark under the floodlights!

    We are all using our hardtail dirt jumps bikes in this video! 🙂

    I hope that you enjoy this video!

    Welcome to my YouTube channel giving you an insight into my life as a Professional mountain bike rider. I upload videos 3 times per week covering all disciplines of riding and topics including Full speed downhill, Huge free ride and dirt jump tricks, XC rides, EMTB adventure riding, trail build series and general bike vlog’s, challenges How to video’s and MTB games.

    Whether you are a beginner MTB rider or Advanced there is something for everyone on my channel so sit back and enjoy!

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    SteadyRack: https://uk.steadyrack.com
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    Gusset Components: https://www.gussetcomponents.com
    TSG: https://www.ridetsg.com
    GoPro: https://gopro.com/en/gb/

    #mtb #bikes #biking #crash #emtb

    Oh my God look at how perfect these jumps behind me are we’ve been invited to some private trails today here in Barcelona and they’re probably some of the best looking jumps I’ve ever seen plus the fact that we have an insane crew with us is going to make for such a good session

    On the dirt jump bikes we’re all padded up now and ready to go but just look at these jumps they’re absolutely insane shape perfect steep to steep ideal for the jump bike and you’ve got M jump at the end which is going to be perfect to do some tricks

    The gang are up on the rolling it’s going to be the first runs so let’s get up there Trail dogs Rock go Jake I’ll go be You Oh conage oh jumps are so good but they’re technical as you can tell because especially them two you got two of the best riders in the world making it look difficult me and Jake don’t stand a hope oh oh my God Wow did you spin in the middle yeah oh my God but it K the front up or something yeah W oh my God that was to Flat oh my God look at the doy wow Sam you wow very Nice they super technical jumps and we had a lot of rain yesterday we actually came here and it didn’t work like look how much rain there was in the car oh oh oh are you good you’re good all they’re just running a bit slow as you can see too

    Demonstrated that perfectly just making it hard for tricks although Sam’s doing comp runs somehow oh oh yes very nice yeah easy mate oh my God Sake I was so excited to do that then oh oh no oh my God that’s so good and such a fun crash yes no I Quit like this no ni That’s a way of snapping a fork oh my God are you all right I love this game thanks for that a nice title cring jumps really really good but hard to do tricks on so we’re trying to do some bits on the last jump It’s really

    Soft at the bottom and that is exactly why there’s so many crashes going on not cool for us but it’s cool for you guys to watch everyone loves a crash and Jake’s inbound uh oh here we go oh my God now the rules how much do I get paid

    No you’re in the pot you get all I don’t get that no stole it back so sucks yeah they’re doing a game on Max’s Channel which I’ve not been a part of I don’t even know the rules they just drafted me with a free whip obviously I landed

    It oh no my gopro’s gone flying I don’t get any money and Sam’s in oh he easy be lower than I’m going to do some more biking that was actually such a fun session I was so stoked to come check these out because I’d actually seen clips of them

    And they looked insane They Ride insane it was a little difficult just because they were soft and them guys were throwing down some funny crashes on the mulch had a good session and we’re now going to move this video on to laoma and do a few Clips in the skate park we’ve

    Now made it to laoma Bike Park unfortunately it’s too dark to ride the jumps today that’s going to be for another video but luckily they’ve got their floodlit skate park which is so sick we’ve had a few sessions here this week and there’s loads of cool little

    Lines that you can put together and dial in those little skills we’re in the street section and we’re going to start things off with a manual line yo it’s actually hard coming off that because as you drop it like makes you want to Loop out and then you have to go

    Up again but I’m happy with that it’s a cool little warm up Line that little cor is so good because you can like make a loop which is sick and what is also sick behind you here is like this hip and you can 270 out of it so I think if you go up there and I’ll give it a little

    Spin that hip so good it feels really good to like 270 back on yourself I think you can actually just come up it into manual and then drop into the qu part oh yes clean That’s quite a difficult one that see if we can get it oh my god oh that is s place off into the Dirt go on yeah really like them little moves because you’re doing a lot in a tight space so it sort of teaches a lot of precision and a lot of skill on the bike which I really really enjoying I think it’s just beneficial for all types

    Of bike riding there’s a step up out of the bowl and it’s so good for like 180s and manual tricks so let’s go over there it’s quite noisy so I might just put some music to this bit that Zone’s actually too busy with scooters at the

    Moment but we’re going to be back here another day to film the dirt jumps so what I’m going to do is right now insert a little session on the stepup just like that scooter kids gone we’re going to have our little session on the step up in the sunshine

    Whoa this little step up is absolutely perfect for just playing around on really cuz it’s quite safe now I think you can do flip to manual on it I haven’t done my limb for a while we’re rolling Back the Years be years before I land it as

    Well I think it can work easy on that oh yeah that’s it bit more length back yo yeah sick it worked I’m stuck with that now let’s switch those lights out finale of this video then is going to be to ride along this skinny rail bit of Trials something

    That I love doing let’s see if I can do it super tricky it’s steep coming onto it go on go on yes yo there we go that was sick and that wraps up what it’s been an awesome day dirt jumps this morning skate park this evening and then we’re going to do

    A whole another video here at laoma so if you enjoyed this one give us a thumbs up leave your comments down below and I will see you guys in the next video like an ad I got to have it I ain’t even playing got a really bad

    Habit If It Moves got to grab it fuse like a magnet lose won’t have it till I’m doomed in a casket I ain’t playing got a weird mind if you work eight hours I’mma work nine if the shoot tastes sour you should taste mine I’mma stay in

    Power for a long time get up now I in a


    1. Sick riding. That flip, manny, barspin, flair, pull up bar line was just showing off 😊. Id love to see a video of you working on a new banger like Cash roll.

    2. I haven't seen that many crashes from so many top riders on one set of dirt jumps in ages. Once the tricks got flowing though it was great. The train of riders at the start looked amazing as you were all in sync. Tom jibbing about in a skate park is always going to produce some absolute bangers. Backflip to manual then over to a flare like it was the easiest trick on the planet, very cool.

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