Location: Tallinn, Estonia
    The beautiful weather in March asked my bicycle to spend some time outside, so I thought it was a good opportunity to ride around in the capital of Estonia as my first ride this year. 

    00:00 Intro
    01:18 Ride
    26:58 Finish

    Equipment list:
    – DJI Osmo Action 4
    – Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

    Hi everyone it’s been a long time it’s March 3rd of March and uh yeah maybe you can uh see something behind me there is talin airport I’m next to a parking lot in here and uh yeah today I will basically use this good weather which is quite rare in Estonia in March it’s

    About uh 5° right now plus 5° and it’s sunny so yeah I will use this chance to show you talin finally because many have been going outside of talin and I decided to start in uh like next to the airport to give you a clear idea if you

    Come here what you could see I mean I’m uh I’m not going to be the best guide but uh uh for sure I can say that you can order a taxi of course and yeah you can take a bus in here and a Trum is there and yeah there are many options to

    Get to the city but mainly I just want to show you how it looks like in third of March in Estonia yeah let’s get going as you can see the airport of talin So yeah basically it’s a very small airport it’s very difficult to get lost so that’s good I guess because Estonia is so small then everything is small in here well almost [Applause] everything but yeah there are many options to go from here to the center I guess that’s the

    Main destination for most people who are coming to Estonia and uh basically the way I’m going by bicycle it’s not exactly the way you would go by a bus or Tri or whatever uh it’s more like a way if you take a taxi or something or you can go

    On foot also because because Estonia is so small then yeah it’s quite easy not not too long distance already you can see quite many cyclists are there that’s that’s good to See so yeah just here on the right there is this V is the shopping mall which is one of the biggest if not the biggest shopping mall in Estonia cross the road so anyway basically it’s very easy to go from airport to the city center you just come out of the

    Airport then uh you go a bit straight until uh you it’s something like a highway and uh yeah from there you just turn right and start going straight on foot it’s just a few kilometers so can be done on foot also if you don’t have too heavy luggage with

    Do so yeah as I said taling is very small so yeah you can even uh get by only just going on foot but uh right now I didn’t go straight I turned left uh so the reason is because City Center is quite busy I was want to start off

    By just showing you around in the more quieter places and in the then I will ride through the city um like when I return to my home so that you can uh see a bit of the city center too like uh to a tourist probably City

    Center is like the main place to go but uh for me uh yeah not so much I mean at least by bicycle I don’t want to go there that much because it’s just busy and yeah not so comfortable to ride my bicycle in there so this road is uh quite a few

    Kilometers long I think I am not so sure how long but maybe three or four if not five until uh we e somewhere yeah you can see there is still a good amount of snow basically we reach 20 there is one YouTuber who I have been watching for several

    Years his channel is fall and bankrupt uh I saw he came to Estonia and he came to T and yeah he was quite bored so basically I guess I can agree with him it is boring like maybe it depends what you’re looking for but but to me personally it’s also boring so

    They have reached 20 basically I’m uh not going to show you everything in here not much to see but uh yeah this is uh exactly where that YouTuber came who I told you about yeah there are just some shopping malls in in here and uh some other abundant

    Buildings yeah really not much to see I’m I’m going to be honest about it oh actually it says it’s a hotel I haven’t been here for a while for yeah a very long time I didn’t even know it’s a hotel there is a sports school on my right yeah it’s it’s really quite

    Boring Estonia has some uh good places for nature but the city is yeah so so but uh basically Where We Are going right now it’s maybe best area in talin where to live in my opinion just so many private houses and yeah quieter area or more like I know it just has better

    Atmosphere but of course uh the living here is uh a bit more pricier than uh some other areas in talin so yeah if uh possible I do recommend to live in here the area where I am right now it’s num yeah maybe it’s difficult to pronounce if you don’t have that letter

    O but anyway this area is very good for skiing in Winter there are uh is a very good place for that in here and overall there is more forest in here than uh in some other areas in talin yeah that’s Nice maybe you can see on the right that uh know how do you call it in English but for skiing when they do their jumps kind of or whatever I don’t know too much about skiing I’m not fan of winter sports mod but yeah quite high

    So if by any chance you are interested in winter sports Estonia is quite a good place for to live here you can see cleans Castle in N yeah it’s it’s uh nice been so many years since I came here and down there is a skiing Resort or something like

    That so you will know where to come so I just met my childhood acquaint yeah we talked for like half an hour so I’m a bit in a hurry I want to show you everything before it gets dark so right now basically I I don’t know where it’s exactly the

    Border so to say but I would say I left num and uh right now I’m I think it’s already must well I will not go to every single area in talin because most of them look very similar and a bit boring in that sense so yeah it’s

    Basically one of the biggest schools in Estonia so if you ever come to study in Estonia it uh maybe it’s going to be your school but there are many other schools Ino is probably the highest reputation School in Estonia now I’m heading towards BR alare or kakuma power people call it

    Area and uh yeah on the left side I think it’s already o isma so that’s another area in talin I would say isma is uh a bit similar to last in my opinion looks wise there are many like apartment buildings especially like tall ones well at least according to Estonian standards so

    Yeah here on my left is another biggest shopping malls in talin and that yellow bus Which you just saw is actually an IT bus yes this is a very good your electronics fixed I think mainly computers and such there are several buses all around the city there’s something I can smell

    Already can’t deliver the smell to you and maybe you wouldn’t like it but anyway there is a zoo in here the only zoo in Estonia to Min just on the Right the good thing in Estonia is that the cars actually stop for pedestrians and even even cyclist even though cyclists are not considered as pedestrians but uh yeah most people are nice or kind enough to upop but yeah overall pedestrians in Estonia have bright to

    Cross uh in sense that uh cars have to stop and uh let people cross if there are any cross the road I mean oh yeah that’s that’s something uh I like as someone who is not driving a car though and right in front there is there

    Is that sea so I’m not going to the other side where there is sty bits but uh anyway you can uh kind of see the place already it’s nice Yeah I think now it’s time to head to the center to show you a bit of the Old Town in talin gu the sun will set in uh I don’t know maybe 30 minutes to an hour and it takes a while to get to the center from here so let’s get

    Going so this is a very popular area for young people to hang out for just some restaurants and I don’t know something else then there is a good Market in here and some more restaurants a restaurant with looks like a train wagon there’s a very new area called No blesser

    But I don’t have enough time to go there so I guess I’ll leave something for you to discover on your own it’s a a nice area right next to the Sea we basically made it to the old town before it gets dark the road is quite pumpy so I hope stabilization will do a good Job that p so this is the center of the old town and this Three Dragons restaurant there with it looks like a church maybe to some of you I mean of course the old down is bigger but as I said it’s only a brief review of what’s going to come when you come

    Here in the winter during Christmas there is a Christmas Market in here so of course I can’t show it anymore but I’ll trying to find a picture I took during Christmas to also give you a brief example that’s I will be both Dr in front of here there is a team where I

    Used to go to for almost 10 Years it’s in the city center so it’s uh easy to access I would say so if you come to Estonia and you don’t want to skip your gym days then it’s a good option they have uh almost about everything there now we are on our way to another beach in

    Tali I well you couldn’t exactly see the stry beach before but you only see the other side of it when I was in the but uh yeah you you saw the sea at least so now I will show you another one be ready T well actually beach is on the other

    Side again I’m not going to the beach it’s quite far away and it’s getting dark I’m surprised I even made it here when it’s still light but uh yeah this is Harbor where fairies go to Finland and Sweden and yeah it’s a nice place for it to have a

    Peaceful walk right next to the Sea I’m uh now returning home already it’s a bit cold and because it’s my first ride after many months then yeah I’m actually quite tired so sadly the video was also a bit satisfying it was uh yeah too rust I didn’t have much it’s time to

    Stop anywhere because the days are still very short and uh yeah because it’s uh also like bit cold still and I’m a bit weak still I need more practice but I just wanted to do something I mean yeah I don’t know maybe sometimes doing something is better than doing

    Nothing but I I hope it’s better than nothing still it’s uh uh good to ride and good to like give uh some kind of an update that I’m still alive and that I plan to continue doing videos so yeah I hope you saw something and actually I think sometimes it’s better

    Than not see maybe completely everything then you can just based on what you saw come here if you want and uh yeah see how do you like it but uh yeah this here is uh basically a place in Estonia where people are doing all kinds of concerts and uh

    Also in every four years I think there is a big singing event uh as I told in one of my past videos Estonia used to sing themselves to get their freedom in history so yeah it’s a very important place for estonians actually so I will end it in here see

    You take care and bye-bye

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