    #热门短剧 #短剧 #短剧推荐 #都市 #贅婿 #爱情 #玛丽苏 #小说 #言情 #废柴 #翻身 #热血 #战斗 #系统 #逆袭 #重生 #穿越 #修仙 #仙俠 #魔幻 #sub #multisub #cc

    The winner of the Emerging Designer Award is Luo Yunwei . Congratulations to Qi Xuan. It’s been 5 years now. Now I finally got the bonus. LK . When I save enough money, I can go abroad to find you. Now, please invite the presenter. Brother Qi Xuanji, President of Knight Group

    , when will you return to China? Ah, why can’t you accept that your ex-boyfriend, the poor boy you dumped before, has become the CEO ? The contestants in the National Creative Star Design Competition are all industry elites . You, a fledgling and unknown newcomer, can also participate in the design competition.

    There is no restriction on participation . As long as you have ability. Strong ability, what kind of ability, the ability to go through the back door, or the two rich people are involved , or the organizer of the competition, can you award the award first?

    If there is anything, we can talk about it later. I refuse to award the award to Lu Yuanwei. Zi Xuan Zixuan , please listen to my explanation . I still want to I want to go abroad to find you. Why are you looking for me

    ? Do you want to remind me of what happened five years ago again? Who is Luo Yuanwei? Now that you have seen it , there is nothing to say . Break up, Weiwei. Stop making trouble. You still can’t understand. You are penniless and have no future. You

    Can’t give me the future I want. I have already obtained my place as an exchange student . Wait for me. How long can I wait for you? Three years, ten years or 20 years. I can’t wait and I don’t want to wait for me and him. When we get together,

    We can marry into a wealthy family and become wives of wealthy families . We can easily get together and part ways. Five years ago, you disliked me and had nothing . Five years later, you came back to me today. Why did your second-generation rich boyfriend dump you?

    Now look at the front My boyfriend has become rich and wants to go back to me. If I don’t have it, I’ll come back and see how the woman who abandoned me for money is doing now. It’s just like this at the moment . Oh, old classmate,

    You definitely didn’t do it when you abandoned your boyfriend for money. Have you ever thought that he has become the CEO now? People hate you and don’t even want to talk about it. Why bother with it ? Hey, don’t leave. I remember

    How sweet you were when you were chasing Qi Xuan in school. Why do you want to do the same thing again? Wei Yu, what did you want at the beginning? Why didn’t I catch up with Qi Xuan ? Now you have caught up with me. So what qualifications do you have

    To meddle in other people’s business? Why are you so arrogant? You and Qixuan’s identities are so different now that they are no longer in the same world. Since you abandoned her for money in the first place. You should know that Qixuan hates Shixiang so much that she should stay away from her.

    Yes, I am no longer the wealthy daughter who was not bankrupt five years ago . Today, Qi Xuan and I are worlds apart. Even though we had other difficulties at the beginning, he and I are still the same after all. We can’t be together, Ms. Luo, no one is perfect.

    With your design talent, you can definitely build the LK Group. Don’t waver in your original intention because of external voices . Isn’t my goal from the beginning just to win prizes, enter LK, make money, pay off debts , and then get back together with Qi Xuan? Now

    , isn’t it? I have already received the award, and perhaps LK’s acceptance letter is already on the way. The remaining debt will be paid off soon. The most important thing is that Qi Xuan has also returned to China. I will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties and regain him.

    Hey, Mr. Xu, I ‘m here for you. My custom-made necklace has been made . Can you send it to Xinyue Restaurant now ? Okay, I will send it to you right away. This is your ex-girlfriend who makes you dream about returning home. Not to mention that she is good-looking, but to be honest,

    She can Abandoning you for money means that he is not a good person. Besides, there are so many excellent women chasing you. Why do you still miss her? You think too much. I have given up on her a long time ago. Let ‘s go. Why don’t we go to eat?

    Well, then go to Xingyue Restaurant. I have to spare your blood today. Brother Weiwei, why are you here ? I heard that Qi Xuan is back and I gave you a hard time at the award ceremony. Brother, don’t worry. I’m fine . You’ve been embarrassed in public and you’re still fine.

    If it weren’t for the news, I I don’t even know where Qi Xuan is. Where is Qi Xuan? I’m going to explain to him the misunderstanding from 5 years ago. Hey, brother , it’s not necessary. It’s not necessary. Qi Xuan went abroad at that time. You could have been with him

    , but we are bankrupt, grandma is seriously ill, and you are afraid. You were so tired that you asked me to act and break up with her. You don’t owe her anything. How can you humiliate you in public? Our family situations were so different at first.

    I was afraid that Qi Xuan would be stressed, so I didn’t tell her about our family situations. Now our families are all He ‘s already bankrupt. If you tell him again, he won’t believe it. If it weren’t for the fact that your family is bankrupt and in debt, you are suffering with us.

    It’s time for you two to get married now . Brother, we are one family and don’t talk about two families. Don’t worry about me. I will explain everything to him clearly myself. Don’t worry about it. Oops, I still have to deliver something to the client. Miss Lu,

    Wash your hands here and please sit down . This is your customized necklace. Isn’t this the young master of the Xu family and your ex-girlfriend? I heard that the guy from the Xu family has been on a blind date recently. Could it be that he is on a blind date

    With your ex-girlfriend? Qi Shuai, why is it so late? My roommate was forced to go on a blind date, so I came too late to comfort her . How come there is such a disgusting thing like a blind date in this world? You are so angry. In fact, blind date is

    Also a way to find happiness. But anyway, if I break up with you in the future, I will not go on a blind date . Who wants to break up with you ? Are you kidding? Don’t be angry. We will never break up, you know? In my life Ah, I

    Will be entangled with you for the rest of my life. I have no appetite to eat by myself. My blind date broke up and there is no use in leaving this thing to me . Give it to you. Mr. Xu , you pay me to help you design jewelry.

    This is just a transaction. You still have this thing. Leave it to other people to deal with it. I’ll leave first if I have something else to do . Qi Xuan, why are you here ? Are you drunk ? I ‘m very sober . It’s all because you

    Laugh so happily when you are with him. You are so happy. Do you like being together like before ? Or are you so short of a marriage partner? How much money do I have without the Xu family ? If you want to marry a rich man so much, why not marry

    Me? I am richer than them all. Let me ask you for the last time if you want to marry me. But don’t you hate me? I hate you , but now that I’m old enough to get married, my parents keep urging me. I don’t want to and I

    Don’t want to, why don’t I find someone I know well to get married. Unfortunately, it turns out that’s the reason. Forget it. I’m willing to finally get married to the person I’ve loved for 7 years. I’ll give you my supplementary card. If I need to spend money in the future, I wo

    N’t have to spend it here. I have money myself , right? The money your ex-boyfriend gave you hasn’t been spent yet. No. In fact , don’t mention it to me back then. I don’t want to know how loving you and your ex-boyfriend were back then. Just take it

    , otherwise others will think I’m grateful. Wife, let’s go and move with you. Let’s live together. Why can’t we live together after we get married? Mrs. Qi, I don’t want to separate on the first day of marriage. I don’t want to separate. Let’s go. I’ll pack your things for you

    . Your ex-boyfriend is so stingy together. Isn’t he usually reluctant to buy you things when you only have so few things for a long time ? No, I don’t need to explain. I don’t want to hear that I sleep in the house. There is no second bed . If

    You want to sleep on the floor, I like sleeping on the bed . You don’t mind. Actually, what’s wrong with me? I was accepted by LK and I will go to work in the company tomorrow . Isn’t it just a job? As for being so happy,

    Don’t you know that LK is the dream of all designers? I won the Emerging Designer Award and LK made me an offer as one of my goals. The task is completed , right? You only earn a little money when you go to work. Besides, didn’t I give you my card? What’s the difference

    ? Or is it that you would rather spend other men’s money than mine ? That ‘s not what you meant . I misunderstood what you said just now that you accomplished one of your goals . What other goals do you have? My previous goals were besides joining LK, paying off debts

    , and getting back together with you. But now that I’m married to you , my goal has become to make you fall in love with me again. Forget it, stop talking. I don’t want to know. These are some assets that can be transferred to your name . This gun, hotel,

    Golf course, these are all too valuable. I can’t ask you to sign. Just sign these. It’s nothing to me, but As for you , you have nothing to your name. If word gets out, others will think that I treat my wife harshly. It’s getting late. Pack up and go to bed early.

    Hey, I’ll acquire the LK company in two hours and live on. My wife will go to work tomorrow and won’t let her. If I feel any grievance , I really married him. I am not dreaming . I haven’t seen each other for 5 years. I have matured and become thinner.

    I am not sleeping well. I am not bothering you. I am not without you. Put your clothes on. You are still talking about me. Look at you. Myself, you are not allowed to report to the new company today. Doesn’t your company start work at 9:30? It’s already 9 o’clock,

    Why are you still here? I’m late. Come over and eat breakfast . I ‘m going to be late for work. I’d better stop eating first. Hey, take it for a while and eat. Then I’m going to work first . In fact, after all these years, Louise is still frizzy. Why are you here

    ? It’s none of your business. I’m here to report on LK. Of course it’s none of my business if you come to our company, right ? I ‘m here to report too . Director Qi just bought our company and asked us to take care of the president’s wife who is working today.

    Which of the two is this? This is definitely not the award ceremony. I’ve seen this woman abandon us for money. Mr. Qi, and then Mr. Qi hated her so much that he didn’t even give her the award. So this must not be our president’s wife , that’s another one, right?

    You are the president’s wife. Oh, I’m really sorry that we’re late. I’m the director, Xu Wei . If you need anything, just ask me. My name is Zhang Li. I’m from the same department as you. You can just call me Xiao Zhang. Madam President , they got the wrong person. It’s okay.

    From now on, we will all be colleagues. Just call me Wei Yu. But… I prefer to be low-key. We understand. We understand. We understand. Then I will take you to visit our second sister-in-law. Okay, Director Xu, hello . I am here to report today . My name is Luo Yunwei. OK

    , I know you are indeed handling it there. Join the social community , hahaha, let’s invite you here. I haven’t seen you for a few days . Wei Yu is already married , but didn’t I hear that he was pursuing Qi Xuan before? I just heard what Xu Wei meant.

    The president of the company became Qi Xuan. Qi Xuan, what? I was married at that time , so I didn’t know . I don’t know where Xu Wei got this fake news. Anyway, I pretended that no one would know. Hey, hey, hey. I’m thirsty. Go and get me a glass of water.

    Don’t let it be too cold or too hot . I’m talking to you. Didn’t you hear? Is it President Luo Yuanwei’s wife who is talking to you? If you want a drink of water, won’t you pour it yourself ? This is my company. Why should I pour the water myself?

    If you don’t want to pour the water yourself, then you are thirsty. Lu Yuanwei Lu Yuanwei , you’d better go quickly and don’t make him angry. Madam, what’s wrong? This is what’s going on with the employees now. I’m thirsty and want Lu Yuanwei to pour me a glass of water.

    He’s not even willing to go . Lu Yuanwei , your attitude is like this on your first day at work. Is it bad? My job content is to design jewelry, not to pour him water. Your job content is decided by me. Go and pour you a glass of water.

    Suddenly I don’t want to drink anymore . Go pour it out for me. Ouch, ouch, I ’m sorry, I don’t have it. Why is Wen so stupid? I don’t know if there is anything sloppy at work. Director Xu, hey , let him work overtime here tonight.

    Hey, hey, hey, the work must be completed tonight. If you can’t finish it, you are not allowed to go home. Don’t be angry. He will work overtime here tonight, right? Tangtang LK How come the company has such lingering employees ? I just want to get familiar with the work.

    Today is the first day to get to know everyone. Tomorrow happens to be the weekend . Why don’t I invite everyone to play at Qixun Golf Course ? Wow Guiyu, you are so kind and take us to Qixun Golf to open our eyes. Isn’t this the golf course that was announced to me?

    Qixun Golf Course. I’ve only seen reports on TV, but I didn’t expect that I could go there by myself. Will I be laughed at if I go to the golf course for the first time ? What are you afraid of? Wei Yu is here and I won’t treat you

    Badly. Don’t you dare to go to the Luoyang Wei Golf Course ? What’s wrong with me? Well, let’s meet tomorrow and share this with me. I’ll see if you’re in a good mood today. Eat. What a good thing. This is my wedding candy. I’m married. I’m married. Isn’t this what the situation is.

    You are a golden bachelor . I haven’t seen you for only a day and you got married. Who on earth got it ? Are you Luo Yuanwei ? Don’t you hate him so much? Hate. I hated him so much that I married him.

    It was because I hated him that I locked him with me and let him know what a wrong choice I made when I abandoned you. You are so illogical. You obviously love him to the point of dying for him. You came back from abroad

    So quickly now. Take him down and tie him up . Do you really not mind that he left you for money? It’s all in the past tense now. No one is as rich as you. I believe my sister-in-law will never abandon you again. Have you got off work

    Today ? I have to work overtime and I have a day off tomorrow , but my colleagues are going to a party at the Qixun Golf Course. Are you going? No, brother , what are you doing ? You managed to deceive someone. Why are you always telling the truth?

    Are you trying to get him out? Can we push it? We are two brothers. I don’t want to see you clearly. Brother Gao, let me give you a suggestion. This wife has to be coaxed. One day she will be sad and file for divorce with you. You don’t have anywhere to cry. Go

    Feed my wife. I will go with my colleagues tomorrow. Help me entertain the party and prepare a surprise for me . It seems that you have been captured by Lu Yuanwei. Sister, the person in charge said that the president’s wife is coming over today.

    You should show off to your classmates and leave quickly. Don’t let the vice president’s wife. I bumped into you , I know, I know, don’t let people know that you are my brother, call me President, Madam, do you know ? Wow , is this

    The golf course that all the rich people invite to come? I heard that this golf course is not just rich, it is worth 50 billion. Only members can come in. Yes, this golf course only has 50 membership quotas. I didn’t expect that I would be able to come one day . I

    Have prepared the status of president for you. This is an industry under your name. I didn’t have time to tell everyone yesterday . In fact, my husband is himself. He is relatively low-key , so he doesn’t like me showing off my property outside. I really envy

    You. I don’t have such a good life as you. This golf course is yours. It’s just a golf course. I have many properties under my name . In fact, this golf course was just recently built. Before the renovation, there were people sneaking in.

    I think it was just some people who had never seen the world to open their eyes. This is when Qi Xuan transferred to the stadium under my name and became Wei Yu’s. Luo Yunwei , you must have never been to such a high-end place, right? Wei Yu, why are you lying

    ? This is obviously not your golf course, not mine . Is it yours, Mo Yuanzhi ? Are you jealous that Wei Yu married Mr. Qi and wanted to say that this winery is yours ? Didn’t you abandon it because you disliked the poor and loved the rich? Our boss, Mr.

    Qi, who pretends to be the owner of this place now? LK Company is also Qi Xuan. Did you know that Wei Yu came to our company the day before and Mr. Qi bought our company just to give Wei Yu a good working environment? You can’t enjoy this treatment. Ah, yes,

    Some people should not even think about flying up a branch and becoming a phoenix. I do n’t even think about your current status, which is worthy of talking to our President Qi. If it weren’t for some people who abandoned Qi Dong because they disliked the poor and loved the rich,

    Maybe this golf course would be better. It’s his fault. Hey, I can only say that some people are blind and born without wealth. Who is to blame? Okay, stop talking. We are here to have fun. Don’t make us unhappy . Madam, I’m sorry that I’m late.

    I didn’t delay your gathering with your colleagues. She is the president’s wife. Mr. Qi has prepared a surprise for you. I’ll be there soon. I’ll welcome you now . Is Luo Yuanwei the president’s wife? No, it’s not you. You’re mistaken. This is the president’s wife

    . How could Luo Yuanwei be the president? Madam, do you think he is dressed like this and looks like the CEO’s wife? That’s right. Back then, he disliked the poor and loved the rich, and abandoned Mr. Qi . Mr. Qi hated him before it was too late.

    How could he be the CEO’s wife? I am you, you are, what are we? You’ve all seen the news. Mr. Qi refused to give you the award. If you were really Mr. Qi’s wife, would Mr. Qi treat you like this? So this and this are the president’s wife. I ‘m sorry, president’s wife.

    I was so blind that I recognized the wrong person . What kind of surprise is this? Come and take us to see it. Watch it, right, right, since everyone wants to see it, then you can lead the way. Okay, everyone, follow me and pretend to be me.

    I want to see what Wei Yu wants to do. You two are here . Wow, so many gifts. David’s latest Hermès bag. Oh my god, Mr. Qi is too kind to Wei Yu . It’s not okay to open it without permission. It’s okay. Isn’t this woman right here? Yes, everyone just looks

    At some bags. In fact, you just like to buy me bags. It’s okay . There is a cake here and there are words written on it. I think it is Luo Yuanwei. Happy birthday. What ‘s going on? How is Luo Yuanwei’s name written

    ? Could it be that the owner of this golf course is really Luo Yuanwei? Could it be that we are all mistaken? How could it be? Is this the case that Luo Yuanwei is really the CEO’s wife ? How is this possible ? Look at what ’s going on

    . The name I gave to the cake shop is clearly the CEO’s wife. My wife’s name can be mistaken . What should I do? I’m sorry, there won’t be a next time . Let’s forget it. He didn’t mean it on purpose. Don’t embarrass him. Madam, Wei Yu, you are kind-hearted.

    Have you pretended enough ? This cake was obviously prepared for me. Lu Yangwei, are you done ? Can you be smarter ? What if the name is wrong ? It just happened to be my name. Why did Luo Yuanwei’s name appear on it? Is Luo Yuanwei the president’s wife or

    Are you the president’s wife? Of course it’s me. Please explain clearly what’s going on with this name. I’m sorry, madam. Someone sneaked in before the stadium was renovated and there was not enough manpower. This woman who came in must have slipped in and changed her information

    Before , so I wrote the wrong name. Luo Yuanwei, it was you who changed the information, right? How can you do such a thing? Luo Yuanwei, you are still shameless. Then tell me why I secretly changed this information . What good does it do to me ? It is said that

    It is because of your vanity that you want to replace it at this time. My identity is so that everyone can compliment you. You are shameless. Throw him out. He is not welcome here. He is not welcome. Are you welcome? How about getting up ? Are you okay ? I’m okay.

    Cixuan, you’re here. What’s going on? What do you want to do ? Jay always This woman committed the following crime , so we taught her a lesson. This is not the reason why you begged her. I asked you to entertain my people well. This is how you entertain me. Accept my mistake.

    I’m sorry. It’s him who I admit the wrong person. You are fired. Our Cavaliers Group doesn’t need someone like you with your elbows turned outward. Qi Xuan, you women who dare to bully me when I’m not around, get out of here. Mr. Qi , this is all a misunderstanding. Yes, Mr. Qi,

    We don’t know Lu Yuanwei. What’s the relationship with you? Weiwei, please speak to me. Qi Xuan, please listen to my explanation. Shut up . I’m inexperienced. Mr. Qi, please get out. I don’t welcome you to leave. The surprise specially prepared for you was ruined by a few of these idiots. It’s

    Okay. I like this very much. It’s already good . Have you been injured? No, no. When did you say that? LK. Why didn’t you tell me the night before you went to work ? Why did you need to tell you what you acquired

    When I just acquired a company? It’s the company I work for. Shouldn’t I let me know? I thought you knew it on the first day of work. I’ve clearly given instructions to the people below. Why are you still saying hello to the people below? I don’t want to have any special privileges.

    You are in mine. Isn’t it normal for me to have someone take care of you when you’re working in the company ? But I don’t want any privileges. I just want to go to work quietly and step by step . I don’t want to be called CEO . Don’t tell others

    About our marriage . You can just Don’t you want others to know so much? No, Zixuan, please listen to me and explain. I don’t mean this. I, Wei Yu, what is going on in this issue ? Why did Mr. Qi say that Luo Yuanwei is his woman ?

    Is it possible that Luo Yuanwei is the CEO’s wife? It’s so annoying to get up. There is absolutely no way Luo Yuanwei is the president’s wife. You didn’t watch the news. You stood up at the award ceremony and refused Luo Yuanwei to give him the award in front of so many people.

    How could he be the president’s wife ? But Mr. Qi is so kind to Luo Yuanwei, but he treats you , right? Are you lying to us ? How could I lie to you ? Qi Xuan ignored me because we were in the cold war recently, so

    He let Luo Yuanwei, who has been entangled with me, to anger me. I asked you if Qi Xuan secretly brought Lu Yuanwei here behind my back ? Yes. Ah, when you said that, I remembered that the lover Mr. Qi had kept was him. It turned out that

    Luo Yuanwei was harmless to humans and animals on the surface , but he turned out to be this kind of person . No wonder Mr. Qi protected him like this just now. There is no basis for this . You should not mess up. What nonsense are you talking about? Just now,

    Everyone at work said that Luo Yunwei is his lover. Don’t let Luo Yunwei deceive you. He is not a good person. Let’s go. Anyway, we can’t have fun today . Today’s good mood is entirely due to Luo Yunwei. Ruined Xiao Yu. It seems that Luo Yunwei is really the CEO’s wife.

    The message I received was written with his name. It’s impossible for Qixuan to hate her so much. How could he marry her? You go first . I will investigate Qixuan, wait. I, Luo Yunwei , what is your relationship with Qi Xuan? Now that I know the police,

    I want to see what you want to do. What relationship can I have with him ? Why did you say that the person Qi Xuan married was you? You don’t know that he is actually not married. I am not married. Tell me, how could you be the wife of the CEO

    ? It seems that you are wishful thinking and want to curry favor with him, right? Don’t talk too fast . Why did you pretend to be Qi Xuan’s wife ? Who said I pretended to be her? I liked Qi Xuan very much when I was studying and I still like

    You now. How do you know that the person he will marry in the future won’t be me? Qi Xuan looked down on you before and it’s impossible to like you now . There’s no need to anger me. Even if I don’t have a chance , it’s not your turn.

    Don’t forget that you gave up on a man as proud as him. How can I get back together with you ? I advise you not to pester me. Let’s wait and see. Why is this person who gives you a chance to hook up with you still like not to answer the phone

    When he is angry? Brother, why are you here ? Aren’t you going to have dinner with your colleagues at night? Why are you still on the road in the middle of the night? It’s okay. I’m just taking a walk by myself. Qi Xuan, why don’t you answer the phone?

    I thought you were angry. Get in the car and I’ll take you home. We’re already married . Stay away from your ex-boyfriend. Qi Xuan, you have misunderstood our relationship. We have already obtained the marriage certificate. From now on, I will take care of the trouble. Stay away from him. What do you mean?

    You are married and I haven’t had time to tell you. I will invite you to the wedding wine during the wedding . Weiwei won’t. It’s a misunderstanding, sister, please explain to Qi Xuan , but don’t cause any rift in your relationship because of me. Brother, don’t worry, I will make it clear.

    I advise you not to contact him again. You misunderstood . The one just now was my brother ‘s lover, wasn’t he? I ‘m warning you one last time , otherwise I’ll let him leave Jiangcheng overnight. It’s dangerous to drive now and he’s angry. I won’t believe anything he says. Forget

    It, wait until he calms down . Luo Yuanwei’s design plan is inappropriate. Call him back. What’s going on? What’s wrong with you? I said, brother, it’s really your fault this time. I just want to go to work quietly and don’t want to set up a shop for the CEO’s wife.

    How could you misunderstand me? And you throw her plan back and redo it? It’s true that you went too far to avenge a personal grudge . I didn’t embarrass him. There is indeed something wrong with his plan. Then why are you angry? Even though we are married

    , I still can’t figure out his heart. He treats me. If he has no feelings for you, then why would he marry you ? I mean, brother, you two just have too little time to communicate. If you want me to say, take more time to go shopping and watch movies

    With him . Hey, you two are so married. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him get married. I’m Qi Xuan, can you accompany me to see grandma on the weekend ? I haven’t told him about my marriage yet. You see, you just said that you haven’t met his family,

    So I invite you to meet grandma. This is a gesture of goodwill to you. Hurry up and promise him. I’ll drive with you on the weekend . I said, brother, this wife is the one you married with great difficulty. Don’t do it . Okay , I understand, grandma,

    Qi Xuan and I are here to see you. Hello, grandma. I am Qi Xuan, Qi Xuan, Weiwei’s husband . Grandma, how come you don’t know any news about when you two got married? We both just got married and got our certificates.

    I took the time to tell you soon after the weekend . We haven’t seen each other before. Why did Xiao Qi suddenly get married ? I have been abroad and just came back. We have known each other for a long time, but don’t worry. We have been dating for a long time.

    It ’s definitely not a big deal. Xiao Qi, you have to treat us well , Wei Weiwei. Wei, this child is not easy. Why don’t we wait at home ? Your name is Qi Xuan. When Wei Wei was in college, her boyfriend was Qi Xuan. Grandma, don’t you know ? Oh,

    When Wei Wei was in college, it was Qi Xuan who was long and Qi Xuan was short. How could I? I don’t know about you, Qi Xuan, uh, I want to have a cup of milk tea, can you go buy me a cup and bring it back? Okay, Weiwei, what’s going on?

    Didn’t you break up with him when our family went bankrupt ? Why are you two getting married again ? It’s us recently too. I just met him and his family is urging him to get married. What did I say ? Does he know what happened to our family back then?

    He doesn’t know about grandma yet , but don’t worry. I will find a way to tell him. Is he good to you? Okay, grandma , what is he doing now ? He is the president of the Knight Group now, but he is very good to me. Weiwei

    , are you because grandma’s hospital expenses are too high to put pressure on you, so you are not with him ? Grandma, where did you want me to go? If I didn’t have feelings for him, how could I be willing to marry him? Alas, our family went bankrupt and I became seriously ill

    , otherwise our family wouldn’t be in so much debt now. If it weren’t for me, Weiwei, you could have gone abroad, grandma. Everything is over, no matter how much money you have, it can’t compare to how safe you are now, isn’t it? Grandma

    , besides, I’m living a good life now. Qi Xuan is also very good to me. Don’t worry about me. As long as you live a happy life, grandma, you’ll be relieved. I’ll leave it up to you. I arranged for my grandma to be transferred to the best hospital in our city.

    No need to go to such trouble. Grandma is already used to living here , and the nursing home is not cheap. I’m not short of money . There is no need for my wife’s grandma to live in an ordinary hospital . Word spread about the nursing home

    , people thought I wanted to go so badly. At that time, your ex-boyfriend was reluctant to let your grandma live in a better nursing home. I paid for it myself. If I want to have a child, you pay for it yourself, so

    That man even paid 2 yuan. I’m reluctant to share the money with you and you’re still with him. You broke up with me for such a stingy man. We shared it together, but he didn’t earn as much as me at that time. So why did you get angry again

    And still take a taxi? Let’s go, why are you so slow? Get in the car, aren’t you leaving? I am, am I leaving? Are you so angry ? Who knew you would stay and wait for me ? Where should we go ? I’ll take you to see

    What men who are not stingy do. What do you mean ? Ah, the bags in this store are super expensive. Why did you bring me here? You two want to see what styles of bags we have here. I can introduce you to all the latest bags in your store. Swipe this card, okay

    Sir, what are you doing? Let me show you what it means to be a man who is not stingy. You have misunderstood. Things are not what you think. They are not what I think. Didn’t you go with that man? You said he made money? You don’t earn as much as

    You do. After breaking up with me, you rented a small apartment for your wife. Did n’t you dislike me at the beginning and wanted to marry into a rich family ? But the so-called rich family you married is just a man who can’t make money

    The stingy man who is unwilling to spend money on you knows what method he used to deceive you and make you suffer with him. Even though they broke up, he still came to see your husband on your first day at work. All the bags in the store have been wrapped for you. Okay,

    This lady’s name is also engraved on the bag. Please give us your address. We will deliver it to this lady’s home later. No need for this. I’ll just take it to work. I ‘ll go first . Lu Yuanwei. Why are you so embarrassed to carry a copycat bag to work?

    Who told you that I am carrying a copycat bag ? This bag is the latest model in this episode. There is only one in the entire Jiangcheng, and this is mine. Lu Yuanwei has only one in the entire Jiangcheng. It must be the CEO’s wife. This is real. Not

    To mention, this fake product is quite realistic. Hey, where did you buy this ? Please introduce it to me. Isn’t there only one store in the International Financial Center in Jiangcheng? And your parents never taught you not to touch other people’s things without permission. You are so rare that you carry

    A high imitation of your knock-off bag. You really think you are a rich man and are just pretending. Luo Yuanwei, you are not allowed to carry this bag to work tomorrow. Why? Because I don’t allow anyone to carry the same bag as me . The level is that Luo Yuanwei

    Heard that he is not allowed to carry this bag until tomorrow. Wei Yu, sometimes I really think you should go to the hospital to see the brain department . You even believe it when you act. Mo Yuanwei, how can you talk to me? Believe me or not. If I fire you

    , then fire me. Forget it. I am a generous person. Since you have not made any mistakes at work, there is no need for me to fire you . I am afraid that you have no personnel rights at all . Mrs. Luo Yunwei is giving you a chance.

    You are not only You are so ungrateful that you still dare to talk back. Madam, he is so arrogant. Forget it if you really open it. Forget it. I don’t want to be known as a bully of employees. As long as you don’t carry this bag to work in the future,

    I won’t care about your backlash today. I bought this bag seriously in the store. Why can’t you carry it ? Of course it’s because what you’re carrying is a fake. How can you have the nerve to put a fake in front of Madam’s real bag ? Is Lu Yuanwei’s bag real?

    Isn’t it Su Rui? There’s something wrong with your brain. Is he able to carry a real bag? That’s all. There is only one latest model in Jiangcheng. I heard that a bag costs 200,000. Lu Yuanwei’s monthly salary is revealed even on the bag. However, the authentic pattern of this brand is four-cornered flowers

    And five-cornered ones, so it is a copycat . Lu Yunwei’s is really a four-cornered flower. Yeah, I thought it was five corners. I must have made a mistake. I checked it on my phone and I knew it. What five corners and four corners ? I have never noticed that

    The authentic ones are really four corners. Is Lu Yuan Weibai the real one? Madam’s belongs to Luo Yunwei. How could he possibly have a backpack? He usually wears cheap stuff to work. He must have found a more reliable high-imitation store. Well, the salesman actually gave me a fake bag to deceive me.

    Madam, this is yours. I don’t know that a customer like me would not go to the store in person, but the clerk would deliver the bag to my home. Unexpectedly, the clerk would use a fake bag to deceive me out of the tens of millions I spent in their store.

    Oh my God, madam, there is such a thing. I will definitely hold their brand company accountable. I must make the person who deceived me pay the price. Madam, calm down . There is no need to be angry with that kind of person. I will just change the brand later. Hey,

    Luo Yunwei. Either you colluded with the clerk to secretly exchange my bag or Luo Yunwei, just admit it. How did you collude with the clerk to exchange your fake bag for Wei Yu? You might as well ask him where he bought the fake bag. It’s not a joke if

    You don’t make the lightning protection pattern correctly and carry it on your back . As far as I know, after the bags of this brand are sold to customers, the customer’s name is engraved on the bag before handing it over to the customer. That’s simple. Let’s see. Look at

    Whether this bag is engraved with Lu Yuanwei’s name or Wei Yu’s name. Forget it. Colleagues are trying to save some face for Lu Yuanwei. How can that be done? Madam, he was disrespectful to you just now. Come on, get a bag . Hey, don’t worry , this one is really Luo Yunwei’s. Name:

    Luo Yuanwei. How did the fake you bought look so lifelike? Let me see if this is a fake. The way the name is carved is unique to this brand. Fake goods cannot be made. My cousin has a bag of this brand. I have seen that, that , and this. The bag is real.

    Okay, tell me how to deceive me with a fake bag. It turns out that the goods are sold. Luo Yuanwei, where did you get the money to buy the bag ? It’s Luo Yuanwei . How can you have the money to buy this kind of bag ? Without my husband,

    I heard that you were on a blind date before. How could you get married so soon ? Who would marry you with your conditions ? Believe it or not, you didn’t buy it with a loan. As an old classmate , I kindly advise you not to do it for yourself.

    You should tell yourself that you are in debt at a young age out of vanity. Don’t lie all over the place just for the sake of vanity. Otherwise , it will be very embarrassing when it is exposed. Okay , everyone, please be quiet. I have something to announce about our company.

    Recently, we have reached a cooperation with W Group, a well-known foreign diamond company. Is W Group the number one diamond company in the world ? Yes, this project is very important. Luo Yuanwei and Wei Yu, you two each design a plan. When the time comes to give a report to Party A,

    Choose a good Director Xu from among you. Madam, do you want to borrow money? This project is very important. If you need any help here, be sure to tell me. I will be very happy to help you. I ‘m here to help Mr. Qi.

    I still need you to give me a few words. Director Xu, don’t worry. Then I won’t disturb you. It’s a pity that you asked the wrong person and you haven’t finished yet. Have a glass of milk and follow. Why am I being polite ? Is this plan difficult? It’s very important to

    Do this plan for so long. But I have confidence in my plan, right? Congratulations in advance for winning this project. I’ll congratulate you when I’m sure I’ve won it. Why haven’t you slept yet ? Are you waiting for me ? It’s just me being sentimental. I

    Have to work on a project until very late. Why do n’t you go to bed first? I happen to have a few files that I haven’t finished reading. Check the files. Didn’t you just do that? Are you watching TV outside? Why didn’t you read the file just

    Now? I want to watch the TV first and then read the file. Can’t you? Okay, of course. I’m done. Have you finished reading? Hey, I’ve finished watching it so quickly. Didn’t you just open it? My work efficiency has always been very high. Gao, you don’t know

    How to pack up, go to bed early , and still sleep so hard. I’m leaving. Goodbye. It’s Qixuan . They’ve reconciled. They’ve reconciled . It’s impossible for Qichen to look so cold to him. It seems that it was Luo Yuanwei who shamelessly seduced him. It’s disgusting.

    Weiwei, the plan you just made is so great. Company W will definitely choose your plan. Wei Yu’s plan has too many loopholes. I spent several nights making this. I hope it goes well this afternoon. The contract hasn’t been signed yet. When I got down, I started to brag.

    You asked me to say that Wei Yu’s plan is the best. Zhang Li, what are you talking about ? Wei Wei’s plan is obviously better. Su Rui, why are you so heartless ? You can say that Luo Yuanwei’s plan is better

    , but you can’t say that Wei Yu’s plan is better. The plan is not good , but if it is good, it is good , and if it is not good, it is not good. If we show the bad plan to our partners, it will be embarrassing for our company and you .

    I think you were deceived by Luo Yunwei and stopped talking to you. This face is really flattering and disrespectful. I ignored him slightly. Let’s go . I want to go to the Malatang restaurant across from the company. That’s good. I also want to eat that one. If Luo Yuanwei talks to me

    , Qixuan will talk to me about the project. Thinking that if the plan is done well, you can win the project and dream about it Director Xu, let’s start. Okay, Director Chen, you come first. Director Chen, Wei Yu is a new designer in our company. Although he is young,

    The quality of his works is very good. He is the one with the most potential. Young people, hahaha. Director Chen, let me show you my plan. The above is all I have. Thank you, Director Chen. I will say that Wei Yu is the most promising young man. Let me see next one.

    Luo Yunwei You’re going to make a fool of yourself later. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what’s going on? What tricks are you doing? I’ve clearly checked this case. How could it be like this? Lu Youwei’s plan ? Director Xu, the level of your employees at LK Company is really eye-opening for me

    . I see. That’s it for today’s presentation. Director Chen, I’m sorry. I don’t know why my plan turned out like this. Please give me another 3 minutes. I have a backup. Miss Luo, I have no obligation to waste time waiting for me because of your work mistakes.

    I hope you can learn to cooperate with you seriously next time. However, our W Group will have no next time with you. Hey, Director Chen, this Luo Yuanwei is new to our new company. He is not ignorant. I will go back and teach him a lesson.

    What do you think of Wei Yun? How is the plan just now? Yes, Director Chen, what do you think of the plan I just proposed? With all due respect, your company LK should strictly control the standards in recruiting employees. I really don’t understand what the plan like just now

    Is on your side. How do you pass it? Ms. Chen, please think about it again. I think Wei Yu’s plan is good. No need. I have a separate meeting later. Director Chen, please don’t leave. I’ll change the plan again. Lu Yanwei, are

    You trying to kill me? Do you know that this project has ruined the relationship between us and we haven’t even interacted with each other for a quarter? What do you mean by that picture ? Director Xu, this picture is really not mine. It’s not you. It’s me . Yes, Luo Yunwei

    , tell me what you did. What’s the picture? Wei Yu, you ruined my plan. I checked the computer before eating and there was no problem. Then I turned it on again and it looked like this. You were the only one talking in the office during lunch time. But you need to provide evidence.

    There is no surveillance in the office. Why do you say it is? What I did was clearly because you wanted to interfere with the pornographic policy. I interfered with the project. I didn’t even get the bonus. What did I want ? It was you. You thought Director Chen would naturally choose you

    If you changed my plan . But you didn’t expect that. I don’t like you, you, please stop arranging me. I can’t win the project. It doesn’t change the fact that I am the president’s wife . How dare you lie? Well, Lu Yuanwei, this project was messed up by you.

    I don’t care what you use to handle this project. It must be done. Bring it back to me . Can’t you bring it back? If you don’t come back to work , why haven’t you slept yet? Are you in a bad mood ? Am I particularly

    Useless? You are a top student in the university and you just won the New Law Designer Award. If you are useless, then there are people in the street who have lower academic qualifications. What should your people do ? So what if they won the award ? I was still refused the award.

    Did something happen to you recently? I gave a report to W Group today. As a result, my plan was replaced by a cartoon picture of Director Chen of W Group. I’m very angry that the cooperation was cancelled. Who is so bold as to secretly change your room? There is

    No surveillance in the office. I don’t know who it is. There is no evidence. This person is not important. The top priority is that Director Xu wants me to find W Group to get the cooperation back. Is the Director of W Group called Chen Jiade? You know him, can you help me connect

    With him ? Please, if I don’t get this project back, it will be really embarrassing. Are you still afraid of being embarrassed? When you were in college, you were ranked last in the 800-meter back-and-forth physical test. I haven’t seen you before, I feel embarrassed , I think it’s different

    , the physical test is not a professional course, and it’s okay to have poor grades. But if I can’t get this project back, I will really have no shame in the industry. Please, please, please , please help me , my classmate , with my library card. My roommate has borrowed

    All the books. Can you lend me your library card? Just one book. I promise to return the book on time and it will never affect you. The library is full and I can only borrow the book. You can add it. I will definitely not remove my contact information and

    Return the book. Please, please , please. I will scan it for you. I will definitely not expose my relationship with you. I just want to show Director Chen my plan and rely on my own strength to keep it upright like this. After so many years , I still only know this trick.

    Tomorrow I’ll give you a chance to present my plan openly. Okay, go to bed . Mr. Qi, it’s really strange. How could you, a busy man like me, suddenly look for my old classmate? It’s rare for me to come back to China. I can’t meet you. I’m afraid. If you miss this opportunity,

    You have to go back to China. Haha, I was transferred back to China from my job recently and will stay in China for a long time. But speaking of it, some companies in China are asking what is going on in vain. You don’t know that

    I went to LK Company yesterday ? I listened to their speech and what plan they had. When I opened the folder, it was full of cartoon pictures. Another copywriter did nonsense. And Director Xu seemed to me to be a half- assed person. He told me it was pretty good, wasn’t it

    ? That’s not reasonable. LK shouldn’t be. It was the first project after returning to China that made me so disappointed. I don’t know if your Knight Group has any outstanding designers. Can you introduce it to me ? Don’t tell me, there is really one. Well, if

    You say excellent, then it must be really excellent. But he is also from LK company. I forgot to tell you before . LK company was just acquired by me. What do you mean? Why didn’t LK let this person be responsible for our project before ? You will know later. Come in

    , Director Chen. Hello. Why is it you, Director Cheng? I’m really sorry. I specifically asked Mr. Qi to sign a line for me . I hope you can give me another chance to give you a report on my original plan. Okay, let’s get started . Director Chen,

    That’s me. All the contents of the plan Mr. Qi’s vision is really accurate. Thank you for arranging this meeting today. Otherwise, I would have missed it. How can I not lie to you? This is Miss Luo , the most promising designer of our Knight Group.

    I apologize for the accusation I made against you yesterday. I’m sorry yesterday. It’s true that I didn’t understand clearly the first, last, and fifth place. It was my fault that I didn’t make sufficient preparations before going on stage. Ms. Luo is so good. I

    Wonder if she will be interested in jumping to our W Group after this cooperation. Director Chen , you are like this. It’s not good to poach me in front of my boss, okay? It’s okay. Qi Xuan and I are brothers with the same mentor abroad. It’s a pity that he won’t go.

    Qi Xuan, don’t be so stingy. Our W Group is no worse than your Knight Group. You haven’t even asked Miss Luo for her opinion. I know my wife’s opinion without asking. She is your wife and you are married. Please introduce me sincerely. This is my wife Lu Yuanwei.

    This is my good senior brother Chen Jiade abroad. Hello, Senior Brother Chen. But when did your kid get married? Why don’t I know any news about it? Not long after we got married, I haven’t had time to tell you . When the wedding is held, you must come over for a drink.

    I must say, why are you because? A little designer specially called me over. It turned out to be because of your wife . But didn’t you just return to China? This action was too fast. Oh, I know . This must be the first love you have always missed while abroad.

    Brother and sister, you don’t know anything. There was a party before when Qi Xuan drank too much and kept shouting for Weiwei to pick her up. I didn’t know until today that the Weiwei in her mouth was you. You’re drunk. It’s okay. It’s okay. Just take this contract. Sign it,

    And your mission will be completed. Wow, you really agreed to treat me to dinner. I said dinner , I have something to do at noon. After eating, let’s go. Okay, okay, let me go. Okay, I won’t be in your eyes. I’m going to have a big dinner tonight. When did you start drinking?

    Weren’t you allergic to alcohol and teetotal before ? It’s okay. Now you are fighting the coronavirus. Before, it was because we were partying together and they drank too much of me. Is Qi Xuan doing well abroad? It’s not good . Okay, don’t think too much. Aren’t you going to report to your director

    Later? Come on, don’t waste time. I’ll go first. Huo Yuanwei, Lu Yunwei, this company has such a big project for you to lose. You still have the nerve to come to work, Lu Yunwei , don’t hurry up and apologize to Director Chen of W Group. What are you doing here

    ? I think he came back to resign. After all, being fired doesn’t sound good. Hey, hey, hey, hold it in your hand. What is it? It can’t be a resignation report, right? Director Xu, this is a project contract. Director Chen has already signed it. Take a look at

    It. What is the cooperation with W Group ? You signed it . Yes, this is a contract. Luo Yuanwei forged the contract, but it was illegal . You really took it down. How could this really be a contract from W Group ? Could it be that Director Chen really signed it

    ? What did you do to make Director Chen agree? I just re-presented my plan to Director Chen . Facts have proved that if you want to win the project, you still have to do it. You have to rely on your own strength. Otherwise , even if you delete all the competitors’ plans,

    As long as your strength is not good , you will still be unable to win . What are you proud of? This project was originally messed up by you. You should get it back. You should thank Wei Yu as the president. Madam didn’t pursue your fault

    , so why don’t you ask the CEO’s wife to pursue it and see who replaced my plan and almost caused huge losses to the company. Since you got the contract back, I won’t pursue this matter. Don’t do this again. As long as the mistake brings shame to the company,

    Why do you suddenly ask me to have a meal? I asked you for your service to negotiate the project and received a large bonus. Then I will treat you to a meal to express my gratitude. The food has been served . You have been waiting for me for a long time

    . It will be delayed. It’s not that long, there ’s no dessert yet, why don’t you have some sweets? Didn’t you say you had a toothache earlier? I already had my teeth filled. The doctor said I’m blessed . Why can’t I say it? Why didn’t I know ? Qixuan ,

    You two are eating here too. It’s such a coincidence that I didn’t see you when I got to the next table just now . It’s such a coincidence that you are here . Let ‘s share a table together . The waiter and two sets of cutlery will sit here . This is chess.

    My overseas first-class classmate Chen Jiade. Have you met my sister-in-law? I’m a month younger than Qi Tian. I ‘ve long admired his famous name. This time I finally met him. Hello, hello, Xia Qi. You still don’t know the professional abilities of my younger siblings. Even I was impressed

    By the design he showed me that day. It was really amazing. If he is not good, how can he let Qi Xuan read his Weibo abroad every day? Are you talking about Qi Xuan reading my Weibo abroad ? I know that one day

    He was sitting in the library. He was reading across from me for a long time without even turning a page. I looked over and looked at whose Weibo he was looking at. It was full of jewelry designs. It turned out that that one was you. Isn’t it searchable

    ? I found it by accident. Yes , yes, yes, you. A person who never uses Weibo. By chance, he posted a Weibo. Then by chance , he browsed his first love girlfriend’s Weibo. By chance, he checked his Weibo every day to see if there were any updates. My first love girlfriend

    Didn’t notice that you are still such a pure person. So how did you guys meet? Who chased who first? I chased who first, right ? You two are not from the same department. Hurry up and tell me how you met. My library card was occupied by my roommate.

    He happened to be passing by, so I borrowed it. I checked his library card and you lent it to him. When I asked you to borrow my library card, you refused to lend it to me. You lost it to me three times . What happened next?

    You two got along well because of borrowing books. Later, when I went to return the books, I told him that my roommate had used my library card again. Could you please ask him to borrow the books for me again ? I ended up borrowing them probably six or seven times,

    Right? Yeah, didn’t you say you chased him? Why does it sound to me like he chased you by borrowing books as an excuse? You don’t understand. The most high-end lovers often appear in the form of prey. What do you mean? I mean, look. It seemed that Luo Yuanwei was chasing Qi Xuan

    , but in fact it was Qi Xuan who deliberately let Luo Yuanwei chase him. I was confused . Wasn’t this Qi Xuan who Luo Yuanwei was chasing? I didn’t admit that it was me who chased him. And that It was indeed my roommate who took up my library card for a long time,

    Right? Then why didn’t you ask other classmates to borrow it? You borrowed it from me every time. Then why did you lend it to me every time? I don’t use the library card anyway. That’s useless. You don’t have a library card and can’t borrow books . Then how come you

    Met Bao Yuanwei at the door of the library? Then who of you confessed your love first? This can’t be mine, right? I ‘m so boring to you first . He also confessed that he kept asking me to use his library card. I thought it was too much trouble,

    So I said I could give you my library card , but there was one condition. He said he would only leave his library card with his girlfriend, or I would give it to him every time. Ask him to borrow your library card or he will give it to me.

    So it turns out that I didn’t have a girlfriend when I was in college because I never went to the library. Don’t overthink it, okay? You didn’t have a girlfriend in college. It’s just that. Because you don’t have Qi Xun’s face, that’s right. I don’t want to borrow books

    Anymore. I just saw a handsome guy passing by and suddenly I felt that this person should study this book carefully. He should also go together . This dog food, I Let’s do it first. I’m going to the bathroom. You guys talk first . Hey Gege,

    Weiwei. Why did you suddenly transfer a sum of money to me? You should use that money to pay off the debt first. What’s left is Weiwei . Did you use the money Qi Xuan gave you ? It’s not that he was wronged. Where did you think it went

    ? The money was the bonus for my latest project. I earned it myself and it has nothing to do with Qi Xuan. He still doesn’t know that our family’s bankruptcy and debts are not his. Just me. I’m afraid that you will be wronged by him.

    Qi Xuan, he is very good to me. I was able to win this project because he helped me pay off my debt. So don’t worry about it anymore . Since you and Qi Xuan are married, you two can live well together. In my personal life, I am enough to pay off the debt.

    What are you talking about? I am also a member of the family. How can I let you bear it alone? Qi Xuan has helped grandma transfer to the hospital. Now we will pay off the foreign debt to grandma first. Don’t worry about the medical expenses. Beibei, do you

    Want to tell him what happened back then? I don’t want him to keep misunderstanding you. It’s better not to tell him yet. Otherwise, he will definitely pay off the debt directly for us. I don’t want to owe him, right? Brother, have those debt collectors come to you again recently? No, I do n’t

    Know why they have calmed down recently. Brother, if they come to see you again, you must tell me and tell you . Where are they? They have left beforehand. Why did you go so long ? Oh, I went to make a phone call. Are you full? I’m full. I’m full too.

    Are you okay this afternoon ? If you’re okay, would you like to go shopping with me? Waiter, check out. No, I’ve already paid. Did n’t you agree that I’ll treat you after that? I’m not in the habit of letting women check out. Let’s go. Don’t you want to go shopping? There happens

    To be a celebration party behind your project. Let’s go buy two pieces of clothing. Wait a minute. Isn’t this party held until the end of the year? Are you going with the celebration party? It’s still early. If you’re not in a hurry, just buy two. What can you wear now ?

    Grandma, how could he? Don’t worry. I’ll take Mr. Li to the doctor. How is my grandma’s condition? We’ve already rescued the patient. The patient’s condition is not ideal . If you still can’t wake up in these two days, you’d better make mental plans. Don’t worry, grandma. Since she’s You will be fine

    If the sky tells me . It was the same way back then. Those people suddenly came to my door. Grandma was stimulated and went to the hospital. It ’s nothing . I just remembered what happened when grandma first got sick. What are you going to do? It’s illegal to break into private houses.

    What are you doing ? Of course, I’m asking you for money. Do n’t think that your parents were in a car accident and you don’t have to pay back the money . You can wait until we finish settling our parents’ affairs before you ask for it. Brother, you did a good

    Job. Your parents died and the whole family went bankrupt. Now I won’t ask for it. If you run away, who will I ask for the money? I will definitely pay you back , but not now. Can you see if I can extend the time for a while? I can give you interest.

    It’s so familiar . I compliment your sister on how pretty she is. Don’t even think about my advice. Don’t be ignorant. It’s your sister’s blessing to be favored by our eldest brother . Shut up. Our Weiwei won’t go with you. You guys, please get out. You old and immortal

    Grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma, scream! Ambulance doctor , how is my grandma’s condition? The patient’s condition is now stable, but she still needs to be hospitalized for a period of time, and it is impossible to return to her physical condition before she fell ill. She will need long-term medication,

    And her family members must be prepared. Your grandma’s disease is treated with medicine. The medicine is not cheap . Thank you, doctor . Weiwei’s visa has been issued. I’ll treat you to dinner tonight to celebrate. What about your boyfriend? He may soon be your ex-boyfriend. What does that mean

    ? You want to break up with him. There’s such a big thing going on at home. Grandma wants it. How can I study abroad with him when he is sick and hospitalized ? Feifei’s opportunity to go abroad is rare. It’s enough to have me at home. Don’t delay your future. Brother

    , you are not much older than me. How can I let you bear it alone ? Besides, studying abroad requires money. How can my family afford my study abroad expenses now that it is heavily in debt? But you don’t have to tell me, I won’t leave. Grandma, how long has she been sick

    For 5 years ? In fact, grandma was always in good health before , but she suddenly fell ill and hasn’t recovered for 5 years. Grandma , did she get sick before I went abroad? How is grandma? What did you do here ? You asked him to come.

    I sent him a message. What did you ask him to do? I am your husband Qixuan. You misunderstood me. You two hugged each other in front of me. Now tell me. It was a misunderstanding. It turned out that such a high-end hospital here costs a lot of money.

    Why don’t you pay me back this month’s money quickly? I have already paid you back . Who are you? Of course you are creditors. It has been five years and still hasn’t been paid back. My money brother and sister have been together for 5 years. What does he mean? He is your brother.

    Why did you lie to me? I said brother, what are you doing ? You don’t know that their parents borrowed my money and then got into a car accident. Did the family go bankrupt? I don’t know. Get out of my way and don’t affect me. I want a debt, grandma, grandma, grandma,

    Old thing, if you wake up and ask me to tell you, I will kill you and spend so much medical expenses. Look at your grandchildren spending my money. Keep your mouth clean for me. How much money do they still owe you ? I want to pay it back.

    I paid back 1 million to Qi Xuan for them. I rely on the boss. How come their family is suddenly rich? Qi Xuan’s family’s debts don’t need your help to pay them off. You pay him the money . Our family’s debts don’t need to be paid by others. Just use

    The check in hand to pay it back. You kid? If you are smart and you are not happy when someone else pays you the money, why are you being so arrogant? Get out of here right now and don’t show up in front of them from now on.

    Otherwise, you will not be able to stay in Jiangcheng any longer. Let’s talk, let’s go. Grandma, grandma, grandma. I’m going to call you grandma. What will happen then? What’s going on? Let me tell him. Our family is considered wealthy. When you and Weiwei were together,

    She was afraid that you would be stressed, so she never told you the true situation of our family. Later, when you two were about to go abroad, the company went bankrupt. My parents were in a car accident and my grandma was seriously ill again. I didn’t know about this.

    He didn’t want you to worry about him , let alone delay you during your overseas trip . The family’s finances were really incapable of sending him abroad. On the one hand, he had to take care of the company and on the other hand, he had to take care of grandma.

    If he can’t bear to let me bear it alone , just let me pretend to be his new boyfriend and break up with you. Why don’t you tell me directly? If you tell me, if I tell you, you will definitely give up going abroad

    And stay in China to bear all this with me. I don’t want to do this. Selfish, you know I don’t care about these things , but I do care . I can’t let you give up the opportunity to study abroad that you finally got.

    I don’t want you to be with me at the cost of sacrificing your future . What if I don’t come back to China to find you? Will I be deceived forever? You never know anything in the dark. Have you ever thought about this? Is this fair to me?

    I have already planned to go abroad to find you. Are stupid people blessed? Do you think we got married in the end ? You haven’t thought about what happens if you don’t come back. If you go to find me but can’t find you, won’t you come back? I’m sorry if you’re here.

    We’ve tried our best. What do you mean ? Is there really no other way for the doctor ? You should go and say the last few words to the patient. I’ll see you all before I leave. Now I can leave and feel at ease. Grandma, Xiaoqi , I leave Weiwei to you.

    You have to treat her well. Grandma, I will definitely treat her well. I will never let her be bullied. Grandma, I know everything about us . Don’t blame Weiwei. Her grandma was very sad at the time. It was too late for her

    To be nice to her. Why should you blame her ? Then I can rest assured. Jiajia, you and Weiwei, you must love each other and support each other. You two are lifelong relatives. I will remember it. Weiwei, who has been living with me for so many years,

    Will not let her sister be bullied. Seeing that grandma is about to leave, it’s time to tell you about your life experience, grandma . It’s fair to say that your father picked you up next to the trash can . It’s strange how a healthy child was abandoned. Grandma, I picked it up .

    If you want to find them, go find them. Maybe they are all looking for you. Don’t blame grandma for telling you now. Grandma also wants to give up on the child and look for you. My biological parents, grandma, can rest assured. Grandma, grandma, haha, grandma’s funeral affairs have been settled.

    Regarding your life experience, you still want to find your ex-husband. I don’t know . I have lived for more than 20 years and suddenly I was told that I am not my biological child. Even if I am an adult, I I also need some time to digest this matter. It

    ’s really too sudden. Everyone would be at a loss. By the way, haven’t you already signed the project? Why don’t you take advantage of your annual leave to take a good rest ? You just have time to visit my parents. What if I find my biological parents

    ? What if they don’t like me? What if they abandon me? What if they already have another child ? Then wouldn’t my presence be redundant? How could anyone I don’t like you. And how can there be parents in this world who don’t like their biological children ? Even if they don’t like you,

    Don’t you still have me? Let’s just pretend that we’ve never looked for them, okay? Thank you. It’s so easy to just leave it to your parents. Give me two days, isn’t it a celebration party? Then I will disclose your identity on the Internet. In fact, I

    Don’t care whether it is public or not, but I do care about revealing it as soon as possible. Give me a name in front of everyone and listen to you. Give you a name and tell everyone about you. If you are mine, you don’t have to worry about someone

    Who thinks about my husband every day. Who thinks about me ? I swear I have never had any wrong thoughts about anyone else. I only have you in my heart and I didn’t say that you were there. Why are you anxious? Who is anxious?

    I was just expressing my feelings to my wife. one time My loyalty is only to you in my eyes and in my heart. It is Mo Yunwei’s global limited edition luxury car. I remember Mr. Qi had one. Why did he get down on it ? How is that possible

    ? Did he really reconcile with Qi Xuan? He must have rented it. He is so poor that he can’t even buy a tire. I think he must not even know anything about cars. He said that I can drive here by myself , but I have to ask the driver to deliver

    It. Bao Yongmei, how can you be so capable that you can afford to rent such a luxury car? How much does it cost to rent a car for a day? Hey, Lu Youwei called you, didn’t you hear me? How did you get so much ability to rent a Cyclone 15 ? Where

    Did you rent it? How could the buyer not recognize the car you just sat in ? It turned out that the car was called Tornado 15. How could such an expensive car have such a vulgar name? You were just attending a celebration party

    . There is no need to pretend to be fat and rent a luxury car, right? Wei Yu Aren’t you the CEO’s wife? Why didn’t you see the car that sent you here? You couldn’t have come here. I asked you to take care of my car. Put me at the intersection.

    My car is not as small as the car you are in. There is a traffic jam over there. I can’t drive here , but there was no traffic jam when I just came here. Isn’t there only one road ? Or are you just pretending? Stop slandering people. How many good cars

    Does Wei Yu, with his status, want? Without Wei Yangwei, you are too vain, like Wei Yu. Is your monthly salary enough for you to rent it for a day? The rent for this car is not cheap, isn’t it? It’s not a car rented with a loan. Whatever you say,

    I’ll go in first and stop. If you want to go in, we’ll go first. Please get out of my way. Miss Wei , I’m sorry. Is this a mistake? Why are you so respectful to her? This is the president’s wife. You are not mistaken.

    I am indeed here to greet Miss Luo Yan. Wei Luo, please come over . Wei Yu , isn’t he the person who should greet you ? Yes, why did you lead Luo Yunwei in ? It should be The new employees don’t know me yet.

    Later, I will ask their supervisor to educate his Weiwei. You are the biggest contributor to winning this project. Don’t you know? He won the project only after taking Wei Yu’s plan. Zhang Li, what are you talking nonsense about? Don’t talk nonsense. Weiwei didn’t win the project. Luo Yuanwei and Wei Yu told us.

    Stop pretending. Admit it quickly. I want to admit something . Of course, you stole my plan. Don’t do it. I made this plan myself. Lu Yanwei Weiyu has already told me the ins and outs, so do n’t quibble about what it means or the ins and outs.

    You still pretend that you changed the plan into a cartoon picture because you directed and acted it yourself. When you showed the internal structure, Wei Yu I found something familiar. After the display, Wei Yu discovered that you stole his scrap dog. What’s going on ? Do you even believe this?

    Where did I get his scrap manuscript ? Don’t deny it. You picked it up in the trash can. Wei Yu’s scrapped manuscript is in the trash can next to the stairs in our office . Lu Yuanwei, I did n’t expose you for the sake of my old classmate

    . Who knows if it was because you felt guilty when you reported to W Group and you were afraid that I would expose you on the spot, so you changed the plan to Are you mistaken about the cartoon picture ? He has no reason to do this . There is no reason.

    He lost the project and found it himself. He has the most credit in this , but it is enough . Wei Yu has already told me about this . I think the facts are very clear. Even though Wei Yu explained the situation to me in advance, otherwise

    I would have written the wrong name on the list of people who delivered the knife to the headquarters. Wouldn’t it be a disservice to myself ? Director Xu, as a director, you don’t even believe such baseless slander. Why should I write his name on the plan I made?

    This belongs to the original owner. You are a plagiarist and you still want to go up and receive the award. I am dreaming. The plan was made by me personally. Wei Yu didn’t even have a draft. How could it become his? Ou Yuewei Wei Yu has already said It’s very clear

    That he threw away the scrap draft and then you kidnapped it, right? Since his scrap draft was all ready to be approved by the project , why didn’t his official draft get approved? That’s because time was too hasty . I didn’t It’s too late to make corrections. Anyway, this plan is my inspiration.

    You are so good at acting that you even believe it. I think you don’t want to be a jewelry designer. You should become an actor . Okay, don’t argue anymore. Oh, please pay attention to your attitude. Director Xu , as a leader, is this how you learned about your

    Plan? You know clearly that I completed the plan independently. What do you mean ? Are you still questioning my decision? Weiwei, stop arguing. Director Xu is already angry. Did I say something wrong? LK Yes When a person like him becomes a director, he will definitely become a director . What did you

    Say? I said that LK will be finished sooner or later if you become the director. Luo Yuanwei, I see that you have no credit for this project and you still have to work hard. I have tolerated you again and again , but you are so ignorant. You Yeah

    , I don’t know what happened. I was responsible for this project from the beginning to the end. When you say it, it sounds like I don’t know what happened. Weiwei, stop talking . I have never seen the director be so arrogant. Luo Yuanwei, you will be great if you get the project back.

    You are not ashamed to take the fruits of other people’s labor as your own, and you don’t weigh your own weight. How dare you make the director angry? Director Xu did it for your own good, so he didn’t tell anyone that you took my plan,

    After all, it was a whore. It’s not good for the company’s reputation if this kind of thing spreads . Luo Yanwei, I’ll give you one last chance to apologize for what you just said. I don’t need to pursue the apology. I think it’s you who apologized to me, slandered my reputation,

    And turned the fruits of my labor into Others also want me to apologize to you for dreaming. Director Xu, please calm down. This Luo Yunwei needs a lesson . But you won’t fire him for this kind of thing. Boss, I still have people on my hands to deal with

    Luo Yunwei. I want to announce that you have been fired. Look who wants to fire Luo Yunwei Qishan , who gave you the courage to fire him, Mr. Qi, you don’t know something, I don’t know something, I really don’t know what reason you have to dare to fire him.

    I see Mr. Qi’s attitude . Did they say that Luo Yunwei is Qi before? total lover You really didn’t say anything about this, right? It seems that you have already acquiesced that you abused your power , didn’t you? Mr. Qi, you heard it wrong . I didn’t say I wanted to fire him.

    Did you hear it wrong ? You thought my ears had reached the level of Qi Shuai . Did you really hear Director Xu wrong that he was joking with Lu Weiwei? Mr. Qi, the banquet is about to start. You’d better hurry up and get ready. Hurry up and leave. It’s okay.

    If you let me hear you again, you will fire Lu Yunwei. No, no, no, no. Why did I fire him when I had nothing to do but take a shower? Luo Yuanwei, it was all you who caused this for me , or we, Wei Yu , are so generous

    ? Luo Yuanwei, if Wei Yu hadn’t begged Qi Zu today, we would have been embarrassed because of you. Or if it weren’t for the CEO’s wife? I’m magnanimous so I don’t argue with a villain like you. It’s nothing for a classmate to ask for a favor. Okay, the awards will start soon.

    Everyone, stop talking. Wow, Wei Yuqi is always smiling at you. Okay, Lily, keep a low profile. Everyone is looking at me. The next announcement is the LK Company’s annual best employee award. It is said that it is precisely because this employee’s plan was recognized by W Group

    That he won the biggest project of the year. Thanks to you, our LK Company this time We have a long reputation in the entire Cavaliers Group. Our LK won such a big deal not long after joining the Cavaliers. The other branches must look at it with envy. In fact, I didn’t expect that

    My scrap draft could actually win the project. I had known it. I won’t throw it away. Next, let’s give the card with the name written on it to Mr. Qi. Mr. Qi will reveal the name of this outstanding employee to us . Come on, I’m so excited. I am also

    Announcing that the best employee of LK Company this year is Wei. Yu, get ready. I’m going to read your name soon. Get ready, Wei Yu. Why do I feel that Mr. Qi’s eyes are not looking at Wei Yu? He’s not looking at me . He’s looking at someone . Who handed over his

    Name and spelled it wrong? What ‘s written on it is actually Why did Wei Yun get his name wrong? This kind of thing can also be mistaken. What are the people of LK Company doing ? This AOK Company has just been merged into our Knight Group .

    It seems that the person in charge of this AOK Company has not received the training of our Knight Group. What’s going on? Shouldn’t Mr. Qi be happy when he sees Wei Yu’s name? Yes, what’s going on? Hey, Mr. Qi, I submitted this list. This plan is Wei Yu’s, right

    ? This project was not taken down by Lu Yunwei. That Lu Yunwei took Wei Yu’s plan and made it, so the hero of this project is actually Wei Yu ‘s nonsense . Lu Yunwei’s plan is a hypocrisy that he stayed up late to make on his own.

    You said Luo Yuanwei took Wei Yu’s plan. What about the manuscript ? If it is lost, there will be no electronic version. Is it possible that someone typed out the scrap manuscript and threw it away ? I don’t think it was Luo Yuanwei who took Wei Yu’s electronic version.

    If this Xinwei really wants to be so powerful , why didn’t he do it himself? After I got the project , I deleted the electronic version and couldn’t find it. Hey, it’s Mr. Qi. You don’t know anything? This Lu Yunwei has been evil since the first day he joined our company.

    Especially this time, the project was almost messed up. Humph, he How serious are you about your work? I know his plan better than you. I watched him make it bit by bit from scratch . However, as the director of the company, you dare to slander your subordinates at will and turn right and

    Wrong . What Yu said, I acted according to the wishes of the CEO’s wife. This is it. Mr. Qi, you just said that you were watching Luo Yuanwei make plans little by little. Are you admitting that he is your lover? My lover, Lili, stop talking . Qi .

    How can you confuse right and wrong and embarrass yourself for a lover? After all, he is the president’s wife. Wei Yu is actually the president’s wife. If he is the president’s wife, why is the president so angry when he sees his name? Listen, is Zhao Yuanwei angry?

    When did my wife become Wei Yu? Why don’t I know what Mr. Qi means? Wei Yu What’s going on? Mrs. President, come up and let everyone see what you look like. How did Lu Yuanwei get up ? Is Lu Yuanwei the wife of the CEO?

    It’s impossible for Qi Sheng to hate Lu Yuanwei so much. It’s impossible for him to introduce to you that this is Ben Lahei’s best employee of the year and the biggest project of the quarter. Luo Yuanwei is the legal wife who got the certificate from me.

    So that Wei Yu dares to pretend to be the president’s wife. Oh my gosh, the people of LK Company are so stupid. They have treated a counterfeit as the real deal for so long. Didn’t they still run against the president’s wife everywhere ? The people of LK Company are really blind

    . I didn’t. It was you who recognized me as a mistake. I didn’t take the initiative to admit it. You, you clearly said that you are the president’s wife. We are finished. We have offended the real president’s wife. Wei Yu is all you. Wei Yu, how dare you lie to us.

    Wei Yu, it turns out that you have been pretending to be the president’s wife. I have the following questions about the employees of LK Company. A few points to explain that designer Wei Yu has evil intentions, impersonates other people’s identities and is domineering in the company. Director Xu Wei

    Is not a good judge of people, bullies superiors and subordinates , and joins forces with Wei Yu to target newcomers to the company, employee Zhang Li and Deng Li, who aggressively flatter Wei Yu. Confusing right and wrong at work and ostracizing others, do you guys have any opinions on what I said?

    Madam President , I was deceived by Wei Yu. We really didn’t mean to exclude your wife, Mr. Qi, we know we were wrong and we want to fire you. It ‘s all his fault for firing Wei Yu. Shut up. It’s all you woman who lied to us. It’s all because of you that

    We admitted the wrong person. Madam, it seems that you didn’t realize your problems at all and thought you were the wrong person. Now I declare Wei The four of you, Yu Xuwei, Zhang Li, Deng Lili, have been expelled from the Qi Group and from now on

    You will not be re-employed by any company under the Qi Group. You deserve it. Who doesn’t know that Mr. Qi hates people who love vanity and worship others ? It’s really good to leave the market. I don’t think anyone will dare to use them to work in the e-commerce factory.

    They can’t stay any longer and can only go. I looked elsewhere and it’s all you. We’ve lost our jobs. I fought with you. Baiyun, go to hell. It’s you, this woman, who has to pay for my work. The security guard took these people away from me. Don’t disturb me here.

    Hey , hey, hey, I finally managed. I made up for the regret of not being able to give you the award before. I now know that many people misunderstood you because of the award. I’m sorry. It’s my fault . You don’t have to blame yourself. I didn’t take it to heart.

    How could I have caused you such embarrassment at the time? Now I think about it. It’s very sad to think about it. It’s all in the past. Don’t blame yourself anymore . And haven’t you already revealed my identity? Thank you for your forgiveness.

    I also thank you for your forgiveness for hiding what I concealed from you. You have been abroad alone in these years. The suffering I have endured is nothing compared to yours. You alone have to face debt collectors , take care of grandma , and bear grandma’s medical expenses.

    I really don’t know how you got here in the past five years. Who said that? Now that I am alone, I still have my brother to share the burden with me. But you are living alone in a foreign country, you have to go to school, earn tuition, and even learn how to drink.

    How come you still remember these things? Didn’t I tell you? I have resisted. If you are allergic , how could you be allergic if you didn’t drink too much? Okay, okay, no one dares to make me drink now . I promise you that I won’t drink anymore, okay

    ? This is what you said. From now on, I will supervise you and no one can do it. No matter how much you drink, I will listen to you , but you have a character that neither fights nor grabs. Have you ever had anything like this happen to you that

    Robbed you of the fruits of your labor ? No, this is the first time I met you. I was given to you as soon as I met you. As expected, we still have someone to support us. Stop laughing and be serious. Oops , I said no more. Let’s not compete here.

    My wife’s biological parents have found your biological parents. We have found them . Do we want to go see them tomorrow? I just acquired a branch tomorrow and there’s no annual meeting. I’m going to check it out tomorrow morning. After the inspection, okay, let’s go together. This all happened so suddenly.

    I’m not ready yet. Don’t worry. Let’s go feed Qi together when I’m done. Xuan , didn’t you send me my parents’ address? I checked and it ’s quite close to the office building you sent me. It’s the rush hour and there’s a bit of a traffic jam

    . I’ll go over to you now . How about we ride there together? I’ll see you later , Mr. Qi. Are you still satisfied with the work of our S company ? Do you want me to take you back to the headquarters? If the results are still like this next quarter,

    Then you can pack up and leave. You can let someone else take the position of company leader. Mr. Qi, I still have something to do . Help me drive the car back. Hey, hey, baby . I got a new car and took you for a ride. What’s wrong? Baby, I

    ‘ve been walking around for a while and I haven’t seen you at your door. You are happy because you are dissatisfied with my new car. You know, right? Oh , my father’s biological daughter has been found. Isn’t she coming back to fight for my family property? Your parents’ biological daughter

    Is right. I just found out that I have a half-sister. She came to my door at this time. If you ask me, I must have come to recognize you because our Zhou family is rich. You are an only son and you are in charge of the entire city.

    No one competes with you for the family property . You will not have such troubles. So what do your parents say? Of course my parents are worried . You have me, but if that woman comes back, she will make my parents happy. I finally pretended to be Mr. Qi

    And hooked up with Zhou Qing. I hope to marry him and get the Zhou family’s property . But I can’t let a woman come out in the middle to ruin it. Don’t worry. Baby, well, I will never let that woman take away everything that belongs to you.

    You are the only relative of the Zhou family. Wow, you are so kind. Qing’er , what are you doing? Come here, come here. Come here. I keep looking at you, left and right. There are suitcases and clothes. What are you doing? Tell dad , isn’t sister dad coming back?

    All of this belongs to my sister. I feel very guilty, so I want to give her the bedroom . Oh, you are dad’s daughter too. What are you so guilty about? When my sister comes back, will my father be partial to you? Sister, you are both my father’s daughters. I won’t be partial.

    Yes , you don’t have to worry about this. You will always be our most precious daughter. You are my biological daughter. Mom, no. I will let Lu Yuanwei come and snatch your things. Mom and Dad, um, I love you , Lu Yuanwei, so what if you are back ?

    I am the good daughter that my parents love most. I haven’t ridden with you for a long time. It feels like I’m back in college. Yeah, I really miss you. When we were in college, we were riding bikes to visit the library. I still remember one time when we rode our bikes together

    And hit the guardrail on the roadside . Wasn’t that to avoid the kitten on the side of the road? My driving skills weren’t that bad, so I hid too. Why didn’t I run into you? That’s because I let

    You do it. Mr. Qi, just admit that your skills are not as good as others. Okay, okay, you’re so awesome. Hey, there’s a problem with the Dongpeng project. If you have something to do, just go and get busy. No, it’s you today. I can’t go on the day to meet my biological parents.

    Oh, it’s okay. I’ll go alone. It’s okay . Just wait until we meet formally later. Now you’re going to make a lot of noise. Well , I just told you the basic situation of your biological parents. Your biological mother is here. You passed away not long after you were saved.

    Your biological father remarried and adopted a daughter. The Zhou family also has some assets and I’m afraid there are many rules . I don’t know if your stepmother and your sister Zhou Qin will embarrass you. Okay, what about the Zhou family? I’m not as powerful as you. If I get bullied,

    I still have your support. If you have something to do, just go and do it first. Isn’t that Lu Yuanwei who wants to go back to Zhou’s house? Why are you still riding a bicycle? As expected, do you know me from the countryside? You are Zhou Qing. Do you recognize me

    ? Who was that man riding a bicycle with you just now? Yes, it was my husband. You married a poor man who rides a bicycle . What’s wrong with bicycles? There are cyclists on the road. Aren’t they everywhere? Why are you still riding bicycles? What is the status of our Zhou family

    ? I have never dealt with people as poor as you in my life. You don’t even have a car. A low-level person like you still wants to enter our Zhou family. Ah, stop, why do you stop me? We, the Zhou family, are very respectable people

    Like you. I’m afraid the place where people like you live is dirty and messy. What if you come back with germs all over your body? Madam Wang , please disinfect her sister so that she doesn’t bring some germs. Clean things, Zhou Qing, did you do it on purpose ? Hey, don’t talk nonsense.

    I’m just afraid that if you bring germs in the door and infect your parents, they’ll get better. I’m their biological daughter. What do you mean now? I don’t mean anything . I just want to tell you that Zhou Qin is the real situation of the Zhou family

    , and you are just a shabby girl who has no place on the stage and has no feelings for her parents. Even if you come back, why don’t you ever think about going back in your lifetime? You are crazy, Miss, are you okay? Just wait for me, dad . My dear boy,

    It’s been hard on you for having you wander around for so many years. But fortunately, our family is finally reunited. When we come back, we’ll move back home. Mom, oh, I ‘ve ended up like this. Sister just now. When I came back , I kindly helped her clean it up.

    Then she misunderstood and asked Grandpa to spray me. Qing’er was also kind-hearted. How could you do this to her ? What’s going on? Sisters should help each other. He kindly helped me clean up. I was also kind-hearted. Help him clean up. You are using strong words.

    It seems that the family that adopted you is not a wealthy family. They don’t have any tutors at all. You are so tormenting your sister Yuan Wei when we first met. Since you have come back to live with the Zhou family , you should change your bad habits.

    Sure enough, even if we are blood relatives and have not been together for more than 20 years, the difference is that I don’t live in the Zhou family, I am married, you are married, what does he do, what is his family background

    , my father and sister married a husband who does not have a car , and at first glance, he is poor and does not even have a car. No wonder he came in. I don’t even have a car . What kind of place do I live in?

    We just think it’s convenient to ride here on bicycles. So in the final analysis, don’t we still have no cars? Mom, look, I took pictures. Anyway , you are the daughter of our Zhou family. What’s wrong with you? How can you embarrass the old Zhou family when you can marry a poor boy?

    My husband earns money by his own ability. What’s the shame ? You, you are the daughter of the Zhou family now. You have to take the face of the Zhou family into consideration and divorce him immediately. Dad will find another one for you. He’s a good match . No need. My husband

    Is very good. No matter what his background is, I don’t believe him. Just look at him and I’ll say he’s like mud and can’t hold up a wall . What’s wrong with Qing’er? Are you feeling unwell? Mom, the child I’m pregnant with and who has to leave in

    A hurry is Qi from company S. Oh , my daughter is really capable. Haha, if she can marry Mr. Qi, then our old Zhou family will leapfrog over the dragon gate. This is why the daughters of the old Zhou family are more handsome than the old Zhou family . Hehe, what a coincidence

    That this S company is the same. My surname is Xuan. Sister, why don’t you respond at all ? Don’t you know who Mr. Qi is ? No, I’m just haha . Why are you following me ? Are you pregnant too ? Could it be that poor boy ? How could

    I still be on my period ? I should have eaten too much at noon. I ‘m married. Isn’t it normal to be pregnant? Oh, sister, if others find out about you and that poor boy , why don’t you make our Zhou family laugh out loud? I’ll give you another chance.

    Abort this child immediately, get divorced immediately , no matter whether I’m pregnant or not, I can’t kiss you easily. Are you going to piss me off ? Hey, if others know that our family has a shameless grandson , won’t he become the laughing stock of the entire Jiangcheng

    ? Qing, she is an embarrassment to the Zhou family by getting pregnant before we are married, right? Sister, the child I am carrying in my belly is Mr. Qi’s child. How can the child of that poor boy in your belly be comparable to this Mr. Qi? What is his identity

    ? Can he want to give it to Mr. Qi? It can be said that a daughter who gives birth to a child can be arranged from our Jiangcheng to Paris, France. Such a good thing has happened to your sister. It is a blessing cultivated by the ancestors. How can you regard your daughter

    As a tool for a rich man’s business ? What you said What are you talking about? Originally, I thought you were my biological daughter. Come back as soon as you want. I didn’t expect you to do things one after another that disgraced our Zhou family.

    Why are you so disappointing to me? Do you think the Zhou family is not? Welcome, stop and say , come and go. Are there any rules ? Don’t you think I’m embarrassing the Zhou family ? Isn’t it okay for me to leave? Oh , no, your father didn’t mean that.

    Yuan Wei just came back and he doesn’t know the rules. Let’s teach him slowly. Just don’t be so cruel to him. I will give you one last chance to get rid of this child and divorce that poor boy. The old Zhou family will still leave you a mouth to eat.

    Just stop. If you leave, don’t come back again. I have a family of my own and don’t need this. You see this kind of powerful and ruthless family. He was brought up by himself. Why can’t you bring him back to make me angry? Dad , don’t be angry . Isn’t there still me?

    I will definitely be filial to you. Did you always say that? Haha, oh, didn’t I just find out about this ? I can’t wait to come back and tell you. Hahaha, hurry up and tell him to take this opportunity to marry Mr. Qi. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

    Must be firmly grasped in his hands. Hehe , although our Zhou family is also considered to be prestigious. But in the end it’s not as good as the knights The future of the Zhou family lies in the child in your belly. Oops, Mom, I understand. Hey, hey,

    The company’s revenue in the first half of this year is 2 billion. I hope we can exceed 2 billion in the second half of the year. Then, when the time comes, all departments will work together and move forward together, okay? The good lady is here, but she doesn’t seem too happy.

    Today’s meeting is here for now. Let’s go and get busy . Guess who I am. You are so childish . What’s wrong? I’m not happy to go home. I’m just very disappointed . I didn’t expect that the caress that I miss so much is actually here. I hate the poor

    And love the rich. What’s going on ? It’s just like this. It’s okay . I don’t need you to go home. I’m yours. In fact, I don’t want to stay at LK anymore . Although those employees have been fired , the other employees of the company Seeing that I am tied up,

    It makes me feel uncomfortable at work. The development of LK company is indeed not as good as the original path. Since you don’t want to stay here, then I will buy a new company for you. You can also learn how to manage the company. When will you Don’t worry,

    I believe you can do it. Even if you don’t understand anything, you can come home and ask me. My husband is now the president of the Knight Group and manages such a small company. For you , then I have to work hard to catch up with you. Then

    I’ll wait for you to chase me. I ‘m in the company. Well, pay attention to the impact. It’s okay. No one dares to come in without my permission. Mr. He from Mr. Qi’s construction company has arrived and is waiting for you in the conference room. Come over right away

    . Okay , hurry up and go . I’ve made people wait for a long time . Then you wait here for me. I may go for a long time this time. I haven’t had a vacation for a long time. I want to go shopping alone. How about playing with my mother?

    I will accompany you . No need. Didn’t you say this time? Is it going to be open for a long time? Who knows ? Then remember to take a stroll around the afternoon. I won’t tell you. I’ll leave first . When you finish shopping, I’ll ask the driver to pick you

    Up. No need. I’ll take the subway home by myself. It’s faster, brother. If you really leave, come back early. You know, I haven’t bought anything for Qi Xuan in such a long time. Why don’t you buy him a shirt ? Isn’t this my country bumpkin sister ? Why are you here

    ? You mustn’t have noticed the brand of this store . Come in, I can tell you that this is the world’s top luxury product. A bumpkin like you can’t afford it. Come on, don’t embarrass yourself here. Hello, how much is this shirt? The 50,000

    Yuan on your salary card is enough to buy it. This shirt costs 50,000 yuan. Lu Yuanwei, you can’t afford it with a year’s salary, right? What does it have to do with you whether I can afford it or not? Please help me wrap this shirt. Is it slow to swipe

    The card by credit card or cash? I want this dress, Zhou Qi. Are you okay? I wanted this dress first , so what? You pay and swipe my card. I want this dress. Zhou Qi, are you being unreasonable? Who did you buy it for ? It’s not a purchase. Wear

    This dress for a dog . Keep your mouth clean. I want this dress from Lu Yuanwei . Don’t slap your face in front of me and pretend to be fat. I can’t afford it . I just can’t afford it. Don’t even swipe your card when the time comes.

    The waiter swipes his card. I want it. Miss, this lady is new. Come here, do you know who I am, my fiancé , but who is Mr. Qi ? How many Mr. Qi are there in this huge Jiangcheng? Why is Mr. Qi from Company S so famous?

    As for making Zhou Qing so arrogant , we still have guests . It’s a first-come, first-served basis. Hi, this dress is 50,000 yuan, right? Give me a 100,000 yuan dress. I don’t believe it. I can’t even buy a dress. Zhou Qi, you don’t have to deliberately buy something you don’t

    Want just to make me angry. Who said I don’t want it? Hello , this is your 100,000 yuan for clothes. Swipe the card and let this bumpkin see what it means to be rich. Hello, the balance on the card is less than 2,000 yuan.

    This is the card given to me by Mr. Qi. How come there is no money ? Please help me settle it. Hello, you spent a total of 50,000 yuan on clothes . These are your clothes. Please put them away. Lu Yuanwei, did you steal them? I’m stuck. If you have

    A brain problem, try it on. You can continue to buy your 100,000 yuan clothes here. Why do n’t I leave first ? It’s like this. There’s obviously money in this card. Why are the unmarried couples together? CEO Qi, why did the card you gave me only have 2,000 yuan ?

    Do you know how embarrassing I was ? Hahaha , don’t be angry, baby, this isn’t it. Did you buy a company recently? The liquidity of this group’s accounts is a bit tight, so I can only use this card. Don’t be angry, honey. You mean you just bought a company, right? Shengyuan Group

    Has been very strong recently. Shengyuan. It’s the Sheng Yuan whose jewelry ranks among the top three. Of course, baby , I’ll give this Sheng Yuan company to you. How about giving it to me, real or fake ? Of course no girl can refuse Buling Boling’s jewelry . Oh my dear, you’re so kind.

    Why don’t you get angry? Why don’t you get angry? It’s such a big thing and you didn’t tell me. Then I only had 2,000 yuan in my card. I thought something was wrong . I just wanted to give you a surprise. If you’re not happy, you’ll tease me

    . You buy it. The company has spent a small amount of money, only 1 billion . If it weren’t for the company’s recent projects , a large part of the funds on the account have been taken up. I won’t use this card . Then you can’t be so sudden next time.

    Although it’s a surprise , it’s really embarrassing that the money can’t be transferred to the card. Hello, okay, there won’t be another time. When the funds come back, I will transfer the money to your account. Hello , okay, I understand, baby, I have to go. The company requires

    You to go to a meeting, right ? I’m leaving. Goodbye, baby , please slow down. Fortunately, I was tricked and left. When I marry you and get the Zhou family property, Shen Luowen, you have such a bad temper. Are you the city director of Shengyuan? You

    Really didn’t have me to send you to school. How did you send your daughter off for the first time with your father? It’s the same as going to school . I’m just worried that you won’t adapt. Don’t worry , I’m the boss of the company. What’s wrong with me? Okay, hurry up

    And leave. Isn’t there a meeting in a while ? Okay, what’s the matter? I’ll know later. Zhou Qing , why are you here ? We are really enemies. How come we meet you on a narrow road ? I should say this, right? However, it feels much smoother to listen to you today.

    If you don’t continue to pretend to be your white lotus, I warn you not to do those shameless things behind my back. What do you mean? What do I mean? You know it in your heart. Look at you coming here like this. Look at my appearance. What level do

    You have with me? Why do you stop me ? He is indeed an ill-mannered person. Boss, you do n’t say hello when you see the boss of the company. You said you are the boss of the company. It seems that you heard that our company has a new boss.

    I didn’t expect that the boss is still a beautiful woman. Yes , I am the new boss of your company. Aren’t you also an employee here and you haven’t said hello? Isn’t this the boss of this company? I, Zhou Qing, be careful what you say. There are a lot of people here.

    If you slap me in the face again, you will be really embarrassed. President Qi personally told me that he wanted to buy this place and give it to me . Is there still a fake President Qi ? It’s no wonder that Mr. Qi, I said that today’s boss is so much higher grade

    Than the previous one. It turns out that it is Mr. Qi who is backing him up. Yes, our company’s background is , but Mr. Qi is not some unruly girl. Du Yunwei , who collects junk cats and dogs, can enter. The wild girl I’m talking about is you. You

    ‘d better be a little self-aware. A high-end jewelry design company like this actually allows a country bumpkin like you to enter. I think he’s quite good-looking and knows how to dress well. Turns out he’s a country bumpkin. I heard that this country bumpkin doesn’t care about cleanliness

    . Maybe he has some infectious disease ? Did you hear that a person like you doesn’t deserve to be in this company ? Who stipulates that you have to be a scholar to work in the company ? I’m the boss here. What I’m saying is that the rules for

    A wild girl like you should be to live in a garbage dump with your poor husband , so that he can have a child in the future and have a good environment suitable for his status. Hmm, how dare you hit me ? I was disdainful , but you insulted my husband.

    You married a poor man to begin with. As expected, everything a vulgar person does is vulgar and full of filthy words . I think people like you should be thrown into the garbage station. What are you doing standing there ? The boss was beaten by such a person. Why didn’t you catch him

    ? What are you doing? You’re not working hard. What are you arguing about? I’m the director of this company. What are you two directors ? It just so happens that I’m from this company. The new boss, Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing is the Zhou Qing who Qi Nan called me

    And asked me to pretend that the company was transferred to his girlfriend’s name. It turned out to be Mr. Zhou. Oh, Mr. Qi also told me, so why don’t you call in advance when you come? Say hello and I can send someone to pick you up. It’s okay. Now that

    You know it, it’s not too late. You can kick this person out. The security guard will kick this person out. Wait a minute . He said he is the boss of your company . Do you really believe that you

    Agree with your own words? If you want to buy this company and give it to me, can you still fake it ? If we don’t believe it, he will still believe you, you wild girl. Just apologize to our boss Zhou quickly. Since you all believe that Zhou Qin is your new boss.

    Then please ask this boss Zhou to bring out the company’s business license official seal and invoice seal. Is Ms. Zhou the boss of our company? I don’t know yet, do I still need you to hand it over ? I heard that Director Shi even admitted it

    . Besides, this company was bought by Mr. Qi. The things must be with him. As the boss of the company, how can you exercise the rights of the company without these seals ? Or are you simply a fake? Those things need to be changed. There is definitely no way to fix them

    All at once. Why did Mr. Qi return them all at once? I think you are not right at all before the change is completed . What should I do if I sign a contract without an official seal ? Yes, there are also reimbursements and invoicing . Yes, what are you questioning

    ? I am Mr. Qi’s fiancée. This is an indisputable fact . Is it a seal? Mr. Qi will come over and give it to me later. Is this what you are talking about ? How come you have this? Why are these things here with you

    ? Because I am the new boss of the company . If you say so, our new boss is him. Damn, I just said bad things about him. Will Qiu Feng settle the score? How is it possible that you are just a wild girl who has no place on the stage?

    How is it possible that you are the boss of this company ? The evidence is all here. Why don’t you believe this? This is true. I’m the new boss. You, a woman, know how to deceive people . These things must be fake. I have nothing to do . Why did you

    Forge a company’s business license and seal? I’m sorry, boss . I just admitted the wrong person. I’m so sorry. Boss, don’t blame me. Director Shi, do you have any? You made a mistake, I am the boss, Ms. Zhou. I’m sorry, I admitted the wrong person just

    Now. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have agreed. It would have been difficult for me. I would have embarrassed you in front of the boss . I know you are just jealous of the Zhou family. They want me to let you go,

    So you have to unite with Manager Shi to punish me, right? What kind of fart is the Zhou family? You could have escaped from the poverty-stricken days , but you couldn’t return to the Zhou family. Now you want revenge. But this time

    You can’t get away with forging the company seal. But it’s a crime. If I call the market supervision, I will be dead. What a pity. My things are all really good. You will understand when you die. Miss Zhou, you don’t have to make such a big deal, right? No need to say anything

    . If you can take away these fake certificates and apologize to me, I can pretend that nothing happened. But if the supervisor really comes , a simple apology will not solve the problem . Everything is real , but when the supervisors come, I’m afraid you will be arrested, right? Miss Zhou, I’m

    Doing this for your own good. Please don’t make this call and stop acting for me . She is indeed a wild girl from the countryside who has never seen the world and still doesn’t know it. It’s better to know the seriousness of the matter. I’ll let you know . Hey

    , was it you who made the call? This person is forging our company’s qualifications. Catch him quickly. My qualifications are all real. Wei Wei, what are you still acting ? How can someone with a low status have real company qualifications ? No need to argue. I can just check it

    . Wait until he finishes the inspection. If you want to run again, there is no chance. I have checked that the business license is genuine. Then there is no need to check anything else. It’s possible. If that’s the case, our new boss is staring at him. Did you make a mistake?

    Please check again. I checked it in the internal system and it’s absolutely not wrong. Zhou Qin, you really shot yourself in the wall again. You are just a rag collector. How can you be the boss of this company ? You must have stolen it. Get him quickly.

    Zhou Qing, you are really good at making things up. You have clearly seen who the legal person on this business license is . Really? How could it be you? I told you that I was doing it for your own good. Don’t let you call . You insist on calling

    . Now that there are witnesses and physical evidence, what else do you have to question ? Mr. Luo , I’m really sorry just now. Please forgive me. Mr. Luo, I’m so sorry. Ah, it’s all a misunderstanding if you don’t remember me as a villain. I won’t argue with you,

    Zhou Qi. What else can you say? It’s impossible. Mr. Qi clearly promised me and told me personally that he would buy this place and give it to me. How could that happen? In this way, if you still don’t give up, you can call your Mr. Qi to confirm . Oh, yes, yes,

    I remember that there is a procedure card there that has not been passed. You can call and ask . Wait until I figure things out. I want you to look good . My dear, didn’t you say you bought Shengyuan and gave it to me? Why is the boss someone else?

    You went to Shengyuan. Tell me, you actually caused trouble for me. My phone is stuck here . Hello, how are you doing, Mr. Qi? You replied to Lu Yuanwei, you are really good this time. Let’s wait and see . If you think it’s not that easy to get away like this,

    What else do you want ? You pretended to be me and forced you to still stir up trouble in our company. As the boss of the company, I have the right to treat you. I have the right to file a lawsuit . If the facts are clear, I can file a lawsuit.

    The boss won’t do it . If I sue Zhou Qin, won’t it expose Qi Nanqin ‘s acting ? Uh-huh, Love is in my place. If I ‘m wrong, please forgive me this time. I’ve told you a long time ago that I don’t want to have anything to say to the Zhou family anymore.

    It’s you who has been insisting on having trouble with me. This time, I’ll treat it as a lesson to you first. Take it away , boss, I think Miss Zhou also knows that he was wrong , otherwise you can spare him this time, Ruowei, my sister , I am really wrong,

    We can be considered half sisters, are you occupying my identity in Zhou ? After so many years of delicious food and drink at home, you still have the nerve to say that you are my sister. I am so shameless. Sister, I am also pregnant. Just let me go.

    You still have the nerve to say that you are pregnant. You are worthy of me. No way, Lu Yaowei, I, I am not a sister, I was wrong, I, I know my mistake, I will definitely change it, I will never trouble you again,

    I really don’t want to go to that kind of place, for the sake of the child, I will let this go first . From now on, if anyone dares to talk anymore, you will definitely punish them severely. Come back, um, I’m exhausted. What’s wrong? I’m so tired.

    I now know how difficult it is to be a boss. After this day, I sincerely admire and admire me. um, that’s it. I am so tired of a small company. I didn’t expect you to be able to run such a big Qi Group in such a prosperous way. I really admire

    You. Did you just admire me today? It was a little bit before, and now, and a lot more now. I want a little more . I can’t give you too much. I’m afraid you’ll be proud. Can you give it ? No, no, no. I’m sorry. I know. I ‘m sorry. I

    Went wrong . What’s wrong ? I’ve checked all the information about Mr. Qi. If there’s nothing, If anything, I’ll leave first. Who is this? There’s a big melon. What do you want to eat ? Tell me. Come and listen . My married wife is at the door. Hey, Xiaoqing

    , I ‘ve found you . Han Fei , you can’t find me since they After we broke up, I’ve been thinking about you all the time . Let’s make up , okay? I have nothing to do with you anymore. Your child is mine . How can you have nothing to do with me?

    That child is none of your business. What does Mr. Qi say? What does your child have to do with you? You still pretend to be related to me, right? I’ve calculated enough time. Your child is mine. I know you also want to use Mr. Qi to get the upper hand,

    So you sent the wrong message . But I tell you, it’s not that easy. So what do you want? 1 billion, I will immediately Disappeared 1 billion, where did I get so much money ? You don’t have that much money , but Mr. Qi has money. When you become Mrs. Qi,

    This small amount of money shouldn’t be anything, right? Then if I tell Mr. Qi about this matter, this kid It’s him. Guess what will happen ? I will give you the money after I marry Mr. Qi. So Zhou Qin’s child is not his fiancé’s. Didn’t you tell me before that

    His fiancé came to another company? I sent someone to check and the person he was dating was S. The gasbag in the company did not match up with the time when Zhou Qin got pregnant . So what that person said may have been because he really didn’t expect that Zhou Qin

    Would do such a thing just to climb Gaozhi . He was not Gaozhi, and this company was What Qi just said about a branch, Qi Nan is just a director , let alone 1 billion , not even 1 million . He is your subordinate Qi Nan.

    When you go to the branch to inspect, everyone calls you Mr. Qi. Think about the scene. It’s very strange . It’s a little bit . But his chess is not the same as mine. This chess is a whole chess. Oh, that chess. Then do you want to tell him that

    I never care about my opponents’ private lives? But if this Zhou Qin dares to bully you, then I have to take care of it , but now we are looking for him with nothing, and he will not admit it , so we have to find that man first. Let me listen to your

    arrangements , honey. Why are you here ? We haven’t seen each other for so long . Of course I miss you. Ouch. Baby, I ‘ve been so busy with work recently that I don’t even have time to see my baby.

    If it hadn’t been for that Mr. Qi who gave me a task, I wouldn’t have needed to be so tired. You even said that you would buy Shen Yuan and give it to me. But when I went there, I didn’t even think about it. Recognize me , I didn’t expect that

    The card would be canceled halfway through the procedure. If the company can’t buy the money you debited from my card, when will it return to me the deducted money ? It’s the card you gave me. When I swiped my card to buy clothes before, there was 2,000 yuan on it.

    Didn’t you say that when I bought a new company , I transferred money from that card ? That card, ah , precious money . You can’t be in a hurry. The money got stuck in the middle of the procedure. It’s definitely not possible to get it back. How long will it take?

    It’s hard to say . Maybe ten days and a half month , maybe a year and a half, a year and a half . If you transferred the money so quickly , how come it takes so long to do business? It’s easy to spend money, but it’s hard to wait.

    I originally wanted to give some money to stabilize Han Fei, but now it seems that it doesn’t work. I have to seize the time to get married and get real property. My dear, when are we going to have the wedding ? When will you announce it?

    I am the wife of the CEO of the Qi Group. I am not in a hurry . I am not in a hurry. I am not in a hurry. I am not in a hurry to get the money back . I am in no hurry to have a wedding.

    I am not in a hurry. I think you don’t love me at all . I don’t want to marry me . Baby, don’t you know whether I love you or not ? I just picked up the new car and on the first day I thought about taking you out for a ride.

    Can I not love you? If you love me, why don’t you marry me ? I am the president of the Cavalier Group . Is my wedding going to be done on demand? What do you think? If I want to hold a wedding , how many people should I invite ?

    The list of people will take at least a week to confirm. There will also be a venue, a chef team, decorations, a band, etc. It’s the end of the year. How can I have time to think about this ? Then let me wait until the children are born.

    As a mother, I am still unmarried. Then you can give birth to the child first. Then you can do it when your figure has recovered. You said it is too late to make preparations now . Then you At least hold a party for me. I’ll reveal my identity to everyone

    And get the certificate. The wedding can be postponed later . Why don’t you even want to hold a party for me? No, no, no, no, I want to be glamorous. I want everyone to know that I am the president of the Cavaliers Group. Women will listen to you.

    I also want that bumpkin to come too. I want him to see that he will never be able to enjoy my glory and wealth in his life. Well, then I will do it first. Let’s get married to you. Hey, Zhou Qing , you made the wrong number. Why did you call me

    ? That’s right. It’s you I’m looking for. I’m getting engaged . Although you live outside and are raised like a country bumpkin , you are my sister after all. Look . For the sake of your parents, I’m giving you this invitation. Don’t forget that you’re getting engaged. Who should I ask?

    It’s good that Mr. Qi knows . You’re coming to Shangmingyuan in the east of the city this Saturday. Let you, a country bumpkin, see things you’ve never been able to do in your life. What kind of wealth does it look like? Who is calling Zhou Qin ? Why did she call you

    ? She said she was getting engaged. What does it mean to let me go out for dinner on Saturday ? Shaolin Garden in the east of Chengdu is not cheap. Looks like this Qinan. Are you really spending a lot of money ? Then you must go. Aren’t you okay

    ? Just go and see what tricks they are playing. Before, he has been showing off to me. Mr. Qi said that he is a very powerful person , but you didn’t say that he is just from the branch. Is he a director? His business ability is not very good. Do

    You mean that Zina is also lying to him ? They said that the person who wanted to give birth to a child for Mr. Qi was arranged from Jiangcheng to Paris . I always feel that something is wrong, so I need to go and take a look. Let’s

    See what tricks they are playing to save them later. How can he get his waist back again ? Weiwei, why are you here? Dad, I asked my sister to come . This is an important day for Mr. Qi and your engagement . Why did you ask him to come?

    Mom, my sister and I. There was some misunderstanding before , which made you two unhappy. I would like to take this opportunity for us as a family of four to clear up the misunderstanding and see if we, Qing’er, are more sensible and you should learn more from your sister. Hahahaha , let’s go

    . I want to learn from him. The Zhou family is still in chaos. My dear, baby , you are here. These two are uncle and aunt. My girl often mentioned that you finally met today. Yes, I met Mr. Qi today. I just realized that Mr. Qi is really a talented person.

    You two are so polite, uncle and parents . What are you so polite about ? Mr. Qi started from scratch and built such a big family business at such a young age. It is his blessing that Mr. Qi likes our Qing’er . Uncle and aunt , you have been released from prison. Oh,

    This is Qing’er’s sister. My dear, I forgot to introduce this to you. She is my sister who I just found. She grew up outside, so she may not understand the rules of us people. I broke it. What’s wrong ? Don’t blame her. Hello, my name is Luo Yuewei.

    Hello, Luo Yunwei. I only invited you and I didn’t let you call him. Why did you bring him here ? How could such a country bumpkin come to my engagement party? Zhou Qing, speak up. Pay attention. It seems that I am not welcome to the engagement banquet today, right? Mr. Xi,

    Do you know what Mr. Qi does? Mr. Qi welcomes you. As long as you keep them separated, your secret will not be revealed. Why don’t you welcome me ? Uh, that one. Everyone who comes here is a guest, not to mention the friends brought by Sister Qing’er.

    Let me arrange a private room for you two first. Come on , why do you have to open separate private rooms for them? Honey, no matter how rich you are, you can’t spend it. For this kind of person, he’s not what I came for, why don’t I just kick him out?

    Since you don’t welcome my husband , there’s no need for me to stay here. Hey, no , today is the big day for Qing’er and I to get engaged. Is there any reason to kick the guests out? Let me arrange another one for you two. No need to make separate arrangements

    . Can we all sit together ? Mr. Qi, can you? Hahahaha, yes , of course, but shut up, you are mean to me. I am pregnant, you are mean. I ‘ll tell you what I’m doing, Zhou Qing, don’t slap me in the face, Mr. Xu, how can you do this to Qing’er?

    She ‘s still pregnant. She’s pregnant . Oh, by the way , I heard Weiwei say that his sister is already 4 months pregnant . Are you talking nonsense about 3 months, okay? Mr. Qi, you are being used like this and you don’t know. I really don’t know how you manage the company. It’s

    Ridiculous . How does Mr. Luo Yunwei manage the company? It’s not your turn to teach him. What do you mean ? Ask Zhou Qin where this child came from. Could it be that this child is not mine? My dear, you forgot that we were conceived together. This is your prenatal checkup report. It

    Says your pregnancy date. I want to ask. Mr. Qi , you are the bitch who was with him the other day. You kept saying that the child was conceived only when you were with me. However, you got pregnant a full month earlier than when we met. How do you explain

    Qing’er’s situation? Could it be that this child is not Mr. Qi’s? Brother Yun, did you make mistakes during pregnancy? Of course this child is yours. Do you think I’m a fool? I thought you were a rich girl with an innocent background, but you were always here. Cuckold me,

    Why did you bring this person back ? Anyway, I have nothing to do. Shu Qi, look at who this person is. I don’t know you. How dare you say that you don’t know me ? We have been entangled for so long and you treat me like this. I got dumped

    And now you have the nerve to say you don’t know me. Let me introduce you. This is Zhou Qing’s boyfriend when he was in school. His name is Han Fei , who is also the child’s biological father. No, I don’t know him at all. They are framing me.

    What else can you say? My dear, I swear this child is definitely your father. For the sake of the Zhou family property, I will endure this shame for the time being. If you abort the child, I can give you another chance. Mr. Qi, this child is really yours. I have not betrayed you.

    Look , who of you dares to abort my child ? Shut up. This child is none of your business. Your child is mine. We were together four months ago . I will ask you again for the last time whether you will abort this child or not. Hit me

    , hit me, I’m sure to hit me, I’ll go tomorrow to fight. If it doesn’t work, Zhou Qing, what did you tell me before? Come on, get this nonsense person out. Let’s see who can catch up. You were the one who made me a nurse in the hospital back then. My mother

    Helped you take out the biological daughter of the Zhou family and take everything out. Now you are here to chase me away. You are so cruel and ruthless. What did you say? You mean I was stolen and abandoned by a nurse. Stop spraying people on this chest.

    I have no idea. I don’t know you. Come on, come on, get this guy out. Tell me honestly what’s going on. Why did he instruct your mother to steal the Zhou family’s biological daughter out ? Who are you? You have nothing to do with our family affairs here. What does it

    Have to do with me ? Shut up. What’s going on? Dad, why are you talking to mom like this? Even if Luo Yunwei was stolen and abandoned, he is not a good person. You should shut up and say you don’t know yet. He was suspected of being unmarried back then. Li Guiying

    Lives in the delivery room next door to your wife. She has long been interested in the Zhou family’s property, so she and the nurse dragged your biological daughter out and threw it outside. She was interested in the Zhou family’s money . Why did she drag me away? Throw

    It away. Shut up. Shut up. I don’t know you. I’ve never done such a thing. Shut up and let him finish. Hey , hey, I overheard the doctor talking and knew that your mother was in bad health after giving birth to you. She couldn’t live for a few days

    . What if not? Throw you out. Why did he bring his biological daughter to marry into the Zhou family? What do you mean ? I was obviously adopted by my parents, hahaha. You were adopted by your mother and sent to the countryside. At that time , not long

    After he married Zhou Jiashu, I brought you back , oh, you are your mother’s daughter, you are the bumpkin from the country, no, it’s impossible, mom, this is not really me , are you really fostering me in the country? You threw my biological daughter away from me and

    Asked me to raise your daughter as my biological daughter. You are such a vicious woman. I will fucking kill you. Get out of here . I don’t have a daughter . Remember, neither of you can even think of getting our Zhou family. I have a penny of wealth, Mr. Qi, please persuade me.

    Are you embarrassed to let me persuade you to cuckold me? I already wanted to endure it now that I have lost my status as a daughter. Are you embarrassed? Do you have face? What do you mean? What does it mean ? I don’t want you anymore. Don’t love me.

    How could you do this to me? I’m pregnant with your child. Are you going to let the heir of the Knight Group wander? Heir of the Knight Group, what are you talking about ? I don’t know who the bastard is in my belly . Come and get out of here. Boss

    , you can’t deny the child in Qing’er’s belly. There’s no way we can continue this dinner today. Let’s do this some other time. I’ll treat you two to apologize. You two go first. Let’s go. Don’t be in a hurry. I want to see what the heir of the Knight Group is living outside.

    Is there a second Knight Group in Jiangcheng? Why didn’t I know it was a neat flag? Of course there is no second one. It’s the Knight Group you know, us. What Qing’er is carrying in her belly is the heir to the Knight Group. What are you doing? Just shut up.

    It’s okay. Mr. Qi is just not in a good mood. You have to let Mr. Qi throw away the child in his belly no matter what. You two, please go back for a while. It’s dark, there’s a traffic jam, it’s hard to leave.

    Qi Xuan, is the Cavaliers Group going to change its president? We don’t even have any children, no inheritance. I also want to know what’s going on. Qi Nan, when will you replace me and become a knight? The president of the group, what did you say that he replaced you,

    Mr. Qi? This was all a misunderstanding because my last name happened to be Qi, so they called me Mr. Qi. What does it mean that you were asked to replace him ? Aren’t you the president of the Qi Group? Of course I am Qi. What did he mean by that?

    I really didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect Zhou Qiang . You wanted to marry me into a rich family with my hand in your arms . I didn’t expect that you actually lied to you. You really deserve it. Damn, shut up. Tell me clearly . Tell you clearly.

    Do you deserve to know clearly? You know your identity and a fake daughter is worthy of a clear explanation. Hurry up and get out of here . You have nothing to explain to him. What about you and me? Mr. Qi , I will explain this to you later.

    It will all be a misunderstanding. It’s really all a misunderstanding. I have never done anything to harm the company’s image. Are you saying that my daughter is marrying Mr. Qi of the Qi Group ? You bitch is the one who kept me for so long by slandering my son-in-law as a poor boy.

    I don’t even know what my girl is getting married to. Just tell the truth. How long have you been showing off outside in my name ? Mr. Qi, I was wrong . I swear I didn’t cheat outside in your name. Then why does Zhou Qin

    Think you are the president of the Qi Group ? He borrowed Mr. Qi’s identity , but I have never done anything to harm Mr. Qi ’s name. You pretended to be in my name and said that you have not done anything that has not harmed me. Mr. Qi, please forgive me. I

    Just thought of how much money the Zhou family has, so I came up with this idea. What you mean is that you used Qi Xuan’s identity to marry Zhou Qi and seize the Zhou family’s property . Who knew that this Zhou Qi was just a fake cash

    Collector ? It’s less than a penny from the Zhou family, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to pretend to be you. You also dare to covet the property of our Zhou family. You gangster looks down on me . If it weren’t for your fake and discriminatory spirit

    , do you think I like you? Is it all you? I have raised you as my daughter for so many years and you have been lying to me. You and your mother are not good people. You lied to me . You lied to me. And you , stop

    Beating me. It’s so damn good to watch your dogs bite dogs. Xuanxuan, let’s go home. Let me take you to eat at a recently opened restaurant. Leave it to Shen Juan to deal with it. Mr. Qi and you, please don’t hit me. Qi Nan pretended to be your identity

    And must be dealt with well. Don’t worry. I just gave Shen Lifa a message. The message has been sent to the police. Which restaurant are we going to eat at? We just dealt with such a bunch of annoying people. I want to eat something, don’t worry. It must be delicious.

    You will definitely like the dessert at that restaurant.

    1 Comment

    1. Жопой думают эти девушки изначально врут,а потом не понимают из за чего их не правильно поняли😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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