What’s your favourite interaction? It’s Marcus for me… or the cyclist who made me jump!

    Any questions? Let me know in the comments.

    Love you, kisses x

    IG – https://www.instagram.com/harveyridesbikes/
    Tik Tok – https://www.tiktok.com/@harveyridesbikes

    Triumph Bonneville T120 – Down & Out custom
    Triumph Rocket 3 R
    Kawasaki Z1000 – Sugomi edition

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    Code: Harvey

    Quadlock code: Harvey

    That’s right man you too Man you good yeah man I just saw your bite you got you got a good one as well yeah a little BMX yeah special nothing like that though London riding something like that like I’m making content man are you make content yeah man no way you’re on it

    You’re part of it now i s out yeah what’s your YouTube name I’ve started a YouTube on Sunday uh Harvey rides bikes I’m in no rush I’m in no rush Harvey Road bikes R rides bikes rid Harvey rides bike yeah man cool harryo harryo yeah yeah star mix with tastics which one

    Oh okay okay which one everything what hold on hold on hold on which one Plastics yeah yeah cool good to meet you Harvey Harvey Harvey yeah good to meet you man good to meet you you made my day yeah man I look up in it yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Cool feels like I’m fading away I’m Phil Heath man what Beast I’m Control soul I like the camera I like your face Place cheers man on their do you want hurry though no I’m all right you good no no stay down you sure your teeth are white mate I apprciate play that back on the video later on yeah man you’re you’re going to

    Be on my gr yeah see you see you oh cheers bro thank you bro thank you thanks very much thank you thank you it’s cool see you beat me within 0.5 seconds you’re good you’re [Laughter] good thanks you too look good you too man I race you yeah you’re on you made me

    Jump thanks very much thank you thank you it’s not mine Triumph gave it to me for a month so I’m very lucky I wish it was mine enjoy yeah yeah thank you see [Laughter] you that guy just raped to me uh-oh I’m going to have to ask for

    Help I’m L I’m Lally going to have to ask for help what I don’t know what I’m doing how does this work it’s not it’s not like excuse me mate can you can you help me get this open you know cuz I’m I’m incapable of being an

    Adult I don’t know how you get it open I have no idea left right there you go no way no cheers mate thank you I don’t even know what you did who there’s a motorbike on the screen W almost go my handlebar no monkey than bikes Get Low that’s a cool

    N Play as well get low get low get low get low get low low to the window bless You doy what’s your name Zade for a ride get in the backpack with a 360 that’ be cool I bet weird bye I’ll see you tomorrow bye I will day good to see you man’ I will me no I will not I got Honda CVR 650r oh really nice man

    Get the z900 but now I might get the z00 it’s a bit heavy though it’s quite it’s quite the lump yeah the Honda the CBR 650r that’s what I got nice man that’s literally same weight as that yeah okay 900 is a bit lighter and you

    Can flick it around a bit more it either I was going to get the said 900 or the M9 oh okay okay B same yeah same same that’s see you man you too traffic lights traffic lights traffic lights traffic lights by command by command oh Ferrari that is cool oh BMW chewing

    Away nice bike that’s really cool what year is it 63 63 it’s really cool really cool around yeah know how long have you had it how long have you had it 21 years Wow have you been long haul like like big Journeys and stuff it’s only a 250

    So sort of it’s all right flooding around town you know it’s nice it likes the countryside but it only cruises about 70 okay okay have you got to constantly rev it to yeah well if I set it up properly I wouldn’t there the joy of it yeah yeah exactly it a character

    How long you had that two days fantastic it’s not it’s not mine Triumph gave it to me for a month this is really cool I really like this though do you like caribo caribo yeah not particularly know


    1. Love your channel Harvey I'm excited to see it gain more traction as your Instagram page has, you deserve the following. Hello from a street triple rider in Canada 🙂

    2. this is so wholesome… such good vibes. You have 5 videos but 14k subscribers? Your YouTube future is bright. But put a longer video (not just a short) about how you were giving candy to cyclists

    3. Mate, you are a legend. You put sunshine in everybody's day even the grumps! You are a legend and I'll be following your posts. Thanks for doing what you do!❤😃👍

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