On my journey from beginner to badass biker…

    After passing my CBT on October 15th 2023, I have decided it’s time to start practising and working towards my ‘Big Bike’ licence. This was the quick ride out to The Malvern Hills. Riding my Zontes ZT 125cc U1 affectionately nicknamed Singer (as it sounds like a sewing machine). My partner is riding the Africa Twin CRF1100.

    Ride out to The Malvern Hills, in part two general chit chat, on the road practice for me prior to my mod 1 training. Admiring the views at the top of Malvern Hills. In this video… wrong turn, fixed audio (we hope with new set up), chip shop stop and my first overtake!

    I will be completing my Module 1 (and 2) training with professional Motorcycle training school – Redditch Motorcycle Training (rmt.net.co.uk), so stay tuned for my journey from beginner to badass biker =)

    Thanks for watching! Will post more B2B ride outs soon.

    Hello you can lead yeah you still hear me I can hear You so it’s uh left out of there MH which is going to be challenging cuz it’s quite a tight left it the side go over yes exactly go over to the right so you can make it as smooth as possible oh so it’s like a it’s like a U-turn

    Yeah I’m going to give myself a lot of space it’s all right I’ll hang back so don’t worry about Me that sun is ready at the wrong point in the sky so straight on I think I think so yeah well that looks like it’s going up hill so that’s where I want to go up and hill we got a nice Hill start here as well great Okay all it’s so much better now you can open it right up isn’t it yeah what’s the speed limit up here uh 30 straight or what uh go right go right in the wrong gear and I think that this set of traffic lights might have a filter oh might have to go

    Left right and then right left yeah yeah I was saying I think because there’s an extra light at the bottom of those set of traffic lights it’s probably a filter light Okay It’s blind right yeah just I just go out a little bit you want me to check it it’s Fine What’s the speed limit up here 30 look camber is Horrible we’re getting some altitude now that’s good mm uh looks like it’s going to go around to the Left good We’re still going up so that’s good you uh coal wall so is there a turning to the left so you want to go to the left yeah ready for some food yeah we’ll see if we can find somewhere so when I’m uh going through a road like that and I’ve got potentially

    A car’s going to come the opposite way and compromise my my position then I’m always searching for an exit strategy yeah so where I can plant the bike or where I can pull it over so a layb or a break in the cars like here lucky we constantly thinking

    If the car comes up I’m going to go just before that blue car ahead pull in there yeah and then my next opportunity after that is next to the curve are you fine then but you know what I mean constantly looking to where you’re going to park it or put

    Yeah we seem to be going back downhill we do we do I’m not uh fully converse with the mden but if we just keep riding around it um we’ll just turn left whenever we can there you go cwell b42 32 so there should be a fork in the road kick to the

    Left bigit grally and dirty and our middle of the road there yeah I rode over some of it earlier but it’s um as long as you get the wheels turning don’t break again was all Right we get the opportunity we’ll turn left and go up theal no that opportunity doesn’t seem to be presenting itself it will don’t worry at the end of the day the mountains on the left hand side eventually there’ll be a road that either goes up to it or this is the

    Highest road you can get yeah and no it definitely goes higher cuz we went up it before yeah yeah there’ll be another there’ll be another opportunity yeah ah bug in my eye there you go go left yeah I’m trying to get the bug out of my eye at the

    Moment oh God that’s tight and gr well Done I didn’t actually mean there but that’s okay that’s all right uper Beacon car park there you go we might be a to park up and get a view actually if you want yeah I don’t we’re going or we can just keep riding cuz we’ve not long

    Stopped keep riding P this fllying I probably turn around thank you authorized Vehicles only need to turn around okay you right just pull over on the left here let this uh over in a second let these vehicles pass thank you this good practice for the devil’s Devil’s

    Staircase I was going to say the devil’s briefcase then he’s letting you go past oh go waiting for the vehicle be to move forward be a bit more space for you then okay so don’t want to go too fast down here cuz bear in mind there’s people walking and stuff

    Yeah I’m in the wrong gear should I be using front brake and back brake on here I am okay just take your time I don’t sharp these that’s a view so if you can find a a place to pull over um somewhere oh hold on okay let’s go have a look

    So we just stopped for some chips that wherever that was that was Molin cool we just stopped the ks at more them they were nice they’re not as good as our M though what did you have chips and sausage I’d call it sausage and chips

    Yeah and uh I had stanky pie and chips standard they’re quite nice with there I enjoyed them second gear pill away so I forgot to put it down in first on the here as well where am I going at the roundabout I think it’s the third exit straight on the third yeah that’s

    Right just keep following the signs to um was oh that looks nice that CH shop is it pickles or something I don’t know I didn’t see yeah that looked nice that did that’ll be another one on the List yeah I don’t think we can have fishion chips every time we go out on the bike B I don’t know I quite like it no might be able to get on the bike if have chips every time I’ll be happy with my top picnic oh yeah

    We’ll do that olives and the crisps so we’re going to turn right towards Worcester okay what would you put in your um top box picnic then olives crisps chocolate well you wouldn’t be very full off that would you some sort of like cheeseboard salami sort of thing I’d have um cheese and pickle

    Sandwich cheese and pickle sandwich is that a tracer on you right look No it’s not oh I think it was a Triumph I gave him a nod and he gave me a wave but I couldn’t really wave at that point so I wave that’s you ah right well that was a nice ride he was I enjoyed that yeah and visiting a few charity shops

    Yeah straight on again second exit uh yeah looks like it oh yeah there no you said the weather’s coming up uh yeah it’s meant to raining but I don’t know how much it was changing it said 95% the other day and then earlier when I looked I think it

    Got down to about 40 something per so we’ll check when we get home it’s another nice day we maybe go to the place that I mentioned as the second option outside of um straped way oh yeah might have to do a bit of research to find the exact location of

    It I’m pretty sure I um know where it is it’s uh bit for the na honey born sort of way isn’t it um I don’t know yeah pretty sure it is great indication Yeah are you still warm enough um no I’m quite cold now yeah it was a weird it was a weird one wasn’t it cuz when we first started it was quite sunny and you was you was thinking you had too many lers on yeah

    And now we’ve come to the end of the day it’s cooled down and now you think you haven’t got enough lers on no want say I’ve got enough LS on I just feel colder than in my other jacket but my other jacket I would have been way too hot earlier

    In so I think it’s still the right jacket for today yeah good I like the little look then before you increase your speed that was really good hope bet it’s much more enjoyable Now isn’t it yeah I don’t have to worry about the revs I just concentrate on

    What I’m doing it’s nice being able to go proper speed as well isn’t it yeah cuz on your CBT what speeds did you get up to 40 okay so all these speeds you’re doing today are new records for you yeah yeah yeah but I’ve from 57 so

    60 60 is the highest I think I’ve got it so far yeah that’s what I was referring to earlier on you went up 60 mes an hour didn’t you yeah I’ve gone 3 mil an hour more than what I have done previously but it just feels like it’s pulling

    Better now yeah whereas before 57 it was like not those little engines those little engines don’t come alive until the revs are very high yeah you know these braces on the uh these trousers yes they”re Fallen the one that’s fallen down so it’s on my arm

    No it’s like a bra strap for a woman oh is that what happens for women does it yeah when your bra straps don’t fit and it falls down and you can’t move your arm properly well it’s not my bra so no but it’s that’s what it feels like with

    When a woman’s it’s really irritating yeah it is yeah and and can you manage to put it back up through your clothes uh it’s a littleit awkward but yeah you can but I wear a sports bra when I’m on the bike for that very reason right so I don’t have straps falling

    Down but yeah that would bug me if I had a if I had the suspender bibs it’s never it’s never happened before this is the first time ever yeah yeah that sunlight’s catching you isn’t it yep in the mirrors at least it’s behind us and not right in front of us yeah that’s

    True it might mean that other drivers might not be able to see us that’s the only thing when it’s behind us so yeah it’s true um yeah follow the signs of wer a449 I’m again I’m assuming it’s straight cuz that’s a no entry oh yeah I don’t think there’s a there’s no other

    Op there’s a right up here but I think we came yeah that’s the way we came around wasn’t it yeah so yeah just stand the left lane yeah yeah because we missed it we went all the way around again didn’t we no you thought I had to go oh that’s right

    Where yeah and I ignored you and went the way I wanted to go and you went the right way and I and I was telling you the wrong way yeah it’s first time for everything um yeah then open her up a little bit they look brilliant do they I quite like

    The look of all the water the birds above the water as well to the right yeah yeah I can see them all let’s Co oh it’s Breezy what are you doing now 62 yeah do you know what it feels like feels like you know uh a summer

    Evening yeah know the day has been really nice and and sunny but yet the temperature suddenly dropped but you still got the sunlight the blue skies EX EXC me that’s what it um that’s what it feels like mhm I think we need to get across don’t we do what sorry I think we

    Need to go right here no go straight on do we yeah are are you sure yes I’m certain am I I can be in this Lane though can’t I I’m in this Lane now so and I’ll be in the lane next to you First ever overtake yes she’s doing her overtakes and then we’re going to well done the left at the r about yeah that’s it filter filter line excellent good observation follow the signs towards eam Stratford but if you need to um make a decision between the two it’s always going to be Stratford

    Got another motorcyclist behind us cool I try not to SL up yeah 50 now yeah I think I’m going to um this week get the bike out and uh clean up the chain yeah I might need your help with regards to oil in it uh-huh so You’ got a center

    Stand you can put the bike up rotate the wheel and then the chest the chain comes around you can oil the chain but as this hasn’t got a center stand H you don’t have that ability so you literally just have to ride forward a little bit spray the chain ride forward

    A little bit spray the chain and it can take power um we’ve not got a pic stand have no it do take long to be a fair with two people it’s just with one person it becomes quite difficult yeah it’s quite a bit of surface water I know I’ve seen that

    Got a bit of a side wind as well oh could get past it in this side that looks nice pretty sky does look pretty I think we’re going to get home before uh dusk yeah do we think the camera batter is going to last that long no

    No I can pull over and change it yeah I might have to pull over and change it at some point Upton snodsbury sounds good it yeah that’ be a good little car park to practice the uh mod one wouldn’t it I don’t really see it to be

    Honest I saw that there was a um a building a car a um Hub is that where the carart was yeah one there as well B of A camber though was that yeah I have to say you look very comfortable on the bike good think with the um the lessons that

    You’re going to get and the practice on the big bike she come on in loops and Bounds yeah I think so it’s a nice house yeah oh no it’s a hole you are it was a another Hall yeah oh that’s a nice house it’s like a

    Mansion I got fellow learner up ahead oh there you go you know exactly what they feel like don’t you yep I wonder if they’re breaking in their bike or they’re just nervous yeah it might be yeah also true that’s what you was like with not just with breaking in initially you was got

    Nervous wasn’t you yeah but it’s good to be nervous rather be nervous than overconfident that’s when you get killed yeah that’s right it’s horrible when the cars are behind you putting pressure on you yeah it is especially when they have the opportunity where they can overtake I don’t know there was a solid

    White line coming up there wasn’t there that’s the uh petrol station that we stayed in yeah yeah oh now there’s an opportunity for him look yeah it’s turning off are we going straight straight straight you wanted to go past him didn’t you no you’re liar no I wanted to wave

    To him say good job sky looks pretty to the left yeah little singer okay there’s a car there just snuck in there’s nobody else coming some thick black smoke coming out of that chimney M probably burning something that they shouldn’t be see to the right yeah as

    Long as that is a chimney might be the the chimney on fire could be it’s uh seems a bit abnormal I don’t know what it is but there’s a rabbit dead in the road oh poor bunny who side wind got me and if you look to your left is where

    The cels were on the little um stands I Tred to get a little bit of a picture of them then as I went past tried to look at it so it looks stationary is it what you expected now it’s been serviced and you can open it

    Up um yeah the sign better or worse uh yeah definitely better feels better than what it did before which is what I was expecting it to F I didn’t really have any expectations to be honest I just knew it’ be able to get over that 6,000

    RPM not you can definitely feel that the rest of the bike is now opened up to you yeah he took it bit wide didn’t he he did a bit yeah I’m sure I made him jump and he saw me yeah so we’re going to go left towards

    Stratford sorry red R red so left here here yes this one this one one this one sorry where it says R say that was very last minute yeah on it that one was U would have been very last minute yeah oh well done done that corner well thanks

    Don’t know if that’s a pothole or a puddle so I’m going to avoid it just in case it is a pothole sharp lift yeah where am I going I don’t know I think it’s what’s the sign say Al sister That you just gone in front I just want to open her up a bit okay now I’ve got a car right up my ass you okay so we’re going to go left here and then we’re going to go right you okay yeah so studly left I really wish you hadn’t overtaken me

    Though okay well you can overtake me this car feels way too close yeah around Me it’s a bit of a winding road so yeah think you’ve left it now huh you there’s a big distance now I know it’s just when I’ve got pressure behind me that’s when I up so when he’s right behind behind you that makes you go slower which puts him more behind you

    Yeah me under pressure and that’s when I up yeah it’s when I’ve got somebody right up my ass that’s when I feel like the pressure’s on me and that’s when I do something stupid cuz I’m so busy concentrating on the person behind that it just adds extra

    Pressure yeah oh wow Moon I know I can see the moon yeah looks lovely didn’t it yeah yeah so you come up to a junction which is the slough and we’re going to turn right oh hang on cancel cancel not it’s the other one straight on straight on I

    Thought I was I thought I was further up my apologies straight on this is the SLO oh b a dodg junction when you got someone opposite yeah cuz you don’t know if they’re going to pull out as well I’m going to let him pull out cuz to anyway yeah good

    Idea you can go oh that Moon looks amazing yeah Goodbye


    1. I'm trying to get my daughter to do her cbt, she loves riding pillion and is so at ease on the bike, and i know it will do her the world of good. I know she will love it, but ultimately its at her own speed I know she is nervous . i'll show her this.

    2. started riding a bike again last november at the age of 60 not been on a bike for 40 years. passed my test 2 weeks ago. they really do try to help you pass on these courses so good luck. if i can do it anyone can.

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