Engineering has been forced out of this areas as they build £67 million more flats in this area and Neepsend.

    ***Buy me a coffee ***

    I’m in the furnace Hill area Sheffield now I used to park around here when I work at HSBC from 1985 to 2000 and when I first started parking here in 1985 there was none of this double yellows everywhere and what they’ve done is gradually over time they put more and more double yellers

    In ETC parking restrictions and they basically pushed all the small engineering businesses out because it became became so difficult Around Here and Now what they’re doing is they’re actually just building student Flats all over this area or middle class tight Flats now we’re right on the edge of the Ring Road

    Here and Tom Hunt did an announcement that 67 million is being spent on the furnace Hill and the neep and area building more houses and this site which was hsbc’s site oil Street site you can see is going to be covered in these new box typ Flats but my understanding is it’s

    Probably another government grant so the government’s passing out public money to their mates in the private sector to build more and more of these Flats when we’ve got a totally unbalanced Economy based solely on well the service sector it’s not a great wealth Creator the service sector it just basically

    Makes you and me prisoners of more more and more regulation rather than actually creating real wealth generating businesses in Industry I just want to just give you a quick update on this area I have gotten another video on on this area but each time you I come

    There’s more and more destruction of it you can see there that building there says demolition pending I mean some of these buildings are well past sell byby date but this was a massive Industrial Area Sheffield but also had housing in the past people lived with the where the industry was as

    Well you’ve got the old cementation furnace here and we just don’t make enough of it hidden away used to be a lot more visible when was part of HSB CZ office I think it’s safe but probably needs a little bit of work doing on it but just down here we got something

    Called Matthew street now I’ve seen an Urban Explorer actually coming here and what I can’t understand is why would you block a whole street off just a normal street and it’s all being blocked off it’s quite a long street but they don’t want people to see any for a reason and

    At one bit had metal gates on here it’s called Matthew Street and the urban explorers could get in and now we’re seeing archaeological investigations it seems to me as though the university and people like that want to keep the archaological site to themselves it’s happening all around

    Sheffield with the new bills you see some archaeological going off but you can’t find any information on it so it’s as though they want to cover our past up and not let us actually in on it it belongs to the people of Sheffield it’s our heritage shouldn’t be under

    Lock and key to the university types but that’s just a quick overview of the Furnace where this will be just more iise Flats either for students or for the middle class that want to come and now live in cities sit outside the coffee shops and cycle to and from the

    Workplaces I’ve looked at gloral oh yeah yeah I just want to show you through the hole so you can see that straight down there there’s no way no reason to actually block a street off so there’s somewh down here they don’t want people to know

    About I don’t know if it was some sort of military install or something like that in the past cuz it has got some nuts at this side of it one interesting thing as well so Mark Bannerman’s just pointed something interesting out here we got 24hour CCTV on operation what they so

    Frightened the people finding around here especially with the urban explorers been in here why would you have 24hour operation on this little bit here I think there’s actually what they try to do is hi hide the fact that it’s about flighting not beond here yeah so yeah

    Mark saying that he thinks that the using fly chip is an excuse to block it off but some else is going off here that’s really important to them they never normally bother with a fight tip inside of things you can see like n and type HS these look more like

    Military type looks of some kind that’s just a quick view on the furn area Sheffield this is the last area this St Vincent’s area I I would have called it St Vincent’s rather than ferace Hill but it’s a last bit to this area it’s going to be covered over

    In more Flats so that’s update from feris Hill in Sheffield


    1. Hi Tim, I used to work for HSBC through an agency at Hoyle Street in the early 2000's. I can't remember the title of the dept., but branches used to ring us to book works that they needed doing to their premises, I was there for barely a month (I wasn't very good at taking the calls and processing them, because I have brain-injury – I would later find out). I'm not too bothered about the pedestrianisation of the city-centre, as long as public transport can ferry people where they need to get to.

      Yes, I used to be a student (at Hallam, and at Uni of Sheffield), and I don't drive (never have, because I have brain-injury from being run over by an Austin Montego at 40mph, Birley Moor Rd, 1988). I'm 50 now. I recognise that times are changing, and we really do need to have this green economy, and green societies, we've run out of time and options. So, I pretty much agree that things have to change drastically for the continuation of humanity/society as we know it.

      I cycle when I can, but I'm seriously disabled, so I prefer to walk. The problem that Sheffield has regarding cycling, is the hills, wherever I go, I've got to cycle uphill, to get back home. The days of petrol driven cars are being phased-out, and there's no credible argument against that. However, I do agree with you about this double yellow lines business. How can the economy of Sheffield grow, when the council are making it so difficult to park vehicles where there are no public transport routes? Industry has been driven out of Sheffield since Thatcherism and we started buying our steel from abroad because it was cheaper (allegedly), so they tried to make Sheffield more consumer and services based, which is why there are so-many call centres here (also, because The Yorkshire Accent is one of the most trusted in the country). So, the city is changing, and we've got to change with it. So perhaps the city centre is being pedestrianised with reason to these social/economic changes, maybe it should be urbanised/pedestrianised to make our city more efficient to what it's going to be.

      I want there to be greenery mixed in with the industry/commercialism, pedestrianisation (among necessary transport), uncovered rivers. I want Sheffield to be a cleaner city than it is, I want the roads to be better and more efficient.

      Not all students are empty-headed, I've studied and worked with students that are fine people. I've worked and studied with folk from China, India, and Africa, and they were fine people too. Sheffield does have one of the largest Chinese-student populations in the country, and I'm proud of that. I'm proud to live in such a cosmopolitan city where over 250 languages are spoken, where we can grow as individuals by furthering our knowledge of other cultures, as well as share our own with them.

    2. The cementation furnace is the last surviving example in the UK. I Hope it gets tidied up from the folorn state it looks at present and is remembered as a significant historic relic of Sheffield's past. Thank you.

    3. You may be interested in the "Gentrification and Our Communities" event at Kelham Island Industrial Museum, Sheffield 20/04/24 (free entry)
      Part of the Festival of Debate programme – always interesting things on

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