Building a Tamiya Racing RC Truck and a look at my other RC Cars, planes and boats.

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    Game Over Merch

    Get Tamiya truck here

    In this live stream we are going to be building this Tamia racing truck so I’ve already ripped it out of the box and laid it all out here on my bench in all the little baggies so well yeah we’re going to build it and on this

    IPad here we have once I logged into it we’re going to have all the comments so I’m going to be chatting with some of you guys live once the advert goes if you got any questions far away I can have a little chat with you

    Lot as well so if you guys let me know what you lot been up to I’ll let you know what I’ve been up to too right and as usual I’m completely disorganized I’ve got no tools ready got nothing else ready apart from my chory and me

    Nuts not that anyone any of you care about that right so when this thing’s built it’s going to look like that even though I’m probably going to paint it in the game over colors I don’t know yet so you guys let me know in the comments what you got hold of me

    Reckon and the idea with this racing is is that all of us get off the same truck and not really many upgrades allowed we allowed these shocks oil filed shocks some bull bearings and that’s about it really I’m going to put an EcoBoost Servo in there because it’s got to be a

    Cheap Servo and these are quite fast as well uh we got these Foams here to put inside the tires other than that I think it’s got to be pretty stock so we’re not going to bother reading all this stuff right so number one we need this

    Um I don’t know if these are labeled or not I suppose we’ll just make it up as we go along so I’m going to donk you down here right on me tripod I’ve got to plug you in as well cuz otherwise you’re going to go flat

    And then the live stream will end so if you look down here look got me power bank on my tripod we all plugged in no idea how long this build’s going to take you guys let me know in the comments how long do you think this build’s going to take what do you

    Reckon right what are you guys saying what are you saying what Lio are you going to use oh I don’t know I’m not even sure if we’re allowed to use a Lio uh I assume we are right so shassy first people are saying 2 hours 3.5 hours is r okay yeah

    Last heard R is fine he’s in a different country while all the BS is going on all right so I don’t think we need that I’m going to try and get rid of some of this stuff off the bench just so we got a little bit more space to

    Wrench so do we need any of this no all right so this is the thing of a live stream it’s not edited obviously so you guys can see a full representation of how one of these build build go it’s not going to be as entertaining as a live as

    A as an edited video cuz obviously I can’t cut bits out so I’ve got to try and film it in as entertaining way as possible so saves my job editing and it means I can have a little chat with you lot and I’ve done a little build on the

    Tam Porsche before that we took racing that was really similar so I thought this time around we’ll just do a little IO that’s the body we got the body there we’ll put that over to one side cuz we won’t be painting this in this live stream I just

    Want to get just a just a truck built and we might get the electric in we see how it goes right so we need that and then it also says about this stuff here put it down here so you can see a bit better right so we got the Chassy and we need

    This stuff here with gears in it so a is there a bag a what does it say I know these are normally normally on tamas if I remember correctly it’s not the right one but normally it does say on the mold yeah well these are numbers here but normally it should

    Say what parts it is doesn’t on that one okay don’t need set wheels and tires put them to the side just trying to keep the bench a little bit organized right gears where’s gears all right we got this stuff [Applause] here how much did it cost uh the kit was

    About £150 roughly probably about $160 something like that going to put all that stuff in there you’re going to need all that me these kits are really cheap it’s about as budget and cheap racing that you can do however if everybody’s got the same cars it keeps to racing really fair and

    Fun right that there don’t think we need that yet I was going to pull this stuff out the bags for now it be easier to see what’s going on there’s definitely going to be someone telling me I’m doing it wrong but there always is no matter what you

    Do there’s always going to be someone saying you’re doing it wrong well can I get it well I’ll put a link Down Below in the description where you can get it from but we’re going to be racing these at the South cams radio controlled car

    Club so if any of you guys have got one and want to build one then build one and join in and you can race me up there the club is in papworth and they race on Monday nights so if you want to race me build one as well here’s your chance to build

    One as well Link in description where to get it from so red fin models here in the UK uh in America am or of course there’s loads of other places you can get them from as well you don’t just have to get it from them places addicted to RC says make sure you

    Smash the thumbs up that’s it guys everyone smash the thumbs up if you can it helps the algorithm push the video all right ah we got gears in here so this might be what we need Logan says his v/ transmission broke oh dear yeah that’s the thing with his

    Hobby stuff does break it’s a bit crap that stuff breaks but it’s part of the hobby too bad finding Parts is nearly impossible yeah I think that’s why I’m getting them all out someone goes I man Kev no not yet there’s a few little legal things that need sorting with the house first

    But apparently it’s getting there and we should get the deal done soon right so these are bearings however I don’t think we’re going to be using these I’m going to pull them out anyway because some of them we might use so I’m going to pull some those bearings out but we actually

    Got these bearings here that I got from red fin models I think was it from red fin models no it might be from SC models actually Andy got them for me I think you got from SC models in stevenage actually these bearings same with these air racing shocks I think these come

    From models as well I think it was a while ago right we got bearings in there Tamia is pure plastic says extreme yeah they do like their plastic keeps it nice and cheap I mean I definitely wouldn’t go with Tamia for bashing right we got some gears in

    There please do more Nitro RC car videos yeah I do like the Nitros I go through phases love to get more I’ve got a few vintage night toys upstairs I got to get out at some point yo brushless no no not brushless this one this is brushed we got we we

    All got to use a stock motor that comes with it that’s the whole idea of this race series is to keep the cost down and put put it down to the skill of the driver so any of you guys that want to join in that’s dirty in there any of you

    Guys want to join in you can build one too then come and race it at the South CS radio control car club on a Monday night Monday evening that’s where I’m going to race it so yeah you guys should get one as well and join in see how many of us we

    Can get racing around there there screws hopefully we’ll get it built relatively quickly should have done all this off camera really but as usual live streams are not prepared get off the cuff what happens happens take your truck to Freedom Factory Freedom Factory is in a different country

    Dude it would be amazingly cool where different country and to get it into container I’d even have to take it apart because I’ve made it too wide so I have to strip the whole truck down well not the whole truck down but strip it down quite a bit to get it to

    Fit into a container right that there running out little dishes here now uh uh when you get a twin turbo Lambo oh I don’t know I have to it at some point uh one out of these little trayers now H what we got oh there’s something else put some in there there in

    There there in there oh we got more bags I’m not even opened these ones yet oh gold oh gold put those in these trayers here I suppose will you be building another monster truck yeah I want to but I got to pay for this house first in the IR

    Man and then I got to see how much money I ow in taxes and then my next thing I want to get is an extra 300 stump plane and then we’ll see how we get on after that it will be probably another monster truck for America and then after that it’ll be

    Saving up for a bigger property uh that’s got land and out buildings and everything like that man there’s so many of these little bags everywhere man I’m not going to get this done in a couple of hours am I if it takes any more than a couple of hours

    We’ll probably do a part two tomorrow there only more than a couple of hours I’m probably going to be fed up with it I would imagine all these parts everywhere all right more more trays now’s I say the house how you doing Noah you got that there oh my God this

    That is stuff everywhere look at all this look at all this stuff man I tell you in some of the kits all the screws you know another makes like Associated they put all the screws with the step that you’re on while in this you got to go fishing so a lot of the

    Times that’s what can take all the time is fishing for all the parts all right so if we look here now look look you got all these different trays with bits absolutely everywhere so hopefully hopefully it’s not going to be too bad right let’s crack on what are

    You guys saying what do you know guys yeah good things no what build a full Traxxas xmax that would be for someone like Traxxas to build I want to promote my own brand someone says where can I buy raminator in the UK that would be Taylor r or you can order directly from

    Primal right so if we look along here look it shows by looks of it all the bits you need in that step so we got this gear here then spus see how you supposed to find that I mean that’s a is there like a parts is there like a parts tree a is

    There well that’s D is there are somewhere some of you guys are oh it might be this it’s probably that yeah is that right and we got bearing one of those but we’re going to go ball race bearing so that’s that one and then we need that shaft there

    Oh man I mean navigating yourself around where the parts are is probably going to be the bit that takes all the time if if you got all the parts already laid out everywhere you’ll probably be really easy right we got that then we need one of these and that looks like not

    That right that one right can you get the e-x Drone I think I’ve got one taking off my game over merch it’s getting a bit warm in here if any of you guys want any game over merch hoodies stickers all that stuff there’s a link to that down below in the

    Description all so now we have to get all this lot and put it together donkey down there some of this clut I’ve got all this stuff here look what’s coming up for future videos it’s all getting a bit cluttered in here in a minute I try to have a little declutter

    And tied it all up then all that happens you start getting more stuff and you back to where you was to start with right so we have spur here got a bit dirt on my eye damn it right that go on there do you guys want to be closer like

    That so you see what’s going on or do want a more overall picture we’ll mix it up a bit so we got that there try and make it so you can see what I’m doing and the instructions footage will you remove review the TRX forever probably will at some

    Point is Eden CLA streaming anymore not at the moment I think once I get a new house maybe they will but not at the moment right and then that by looks of it see you got that then we got that then we got that and then we got a pin it goes in

    There and then we got the spur here that goes on there and then that plastic bit goes on top yeah there we go right and then got the shazzy and that sits in there I’ve never built one of these I think the other one that I

    Built does it go in like that why does it not go in what maybe you got to put that in first and then I think this is a TT is it tto1 is it or tto2 the other one the Porsche thing that we built was was a different

    One I’m not clued up about these kits here really so I’m get in don’t battle me you know what I hate kits that battle you and stuff battles you it’s not fun I like stuff it goes together lovely if I want something that battles

    Me I want to do my own kit I want to do my own custom project when you’re building a kit you want it just to go together nicely that’s probably wishful thinking but there we go right that in there is that in is that it is there supposed to be

    Something else in there or not well I think that’s how it goes all right then part number two we got the prop shaft that in there this is not a how to by the way this is more of a you guys can laugh at me doing it

    Wrong and that in is that supposed to have a bearing on it uh no but looks of it is that right must have a bearing or that going later make sure shaft does not fall off okay the thing is if I read everything it would take me too long make the video

    Boring so I got to try and get through it quite quickly but that means I might well make mistakes now you supposed to how you supposed to get that in so that in first and then right right there we go that’s in but does that not get a bearing do bearing going later

    Right and we got these things here and that doesn’t even look got these bits there but they don’t even show on this part so all right we got those screws there and we need one there and one there 3 by 10 so I’ve got my Veria

    Caliper here we need a 3X 10 counter sync hopefully that’s these so when you measure counter sinks you measure the whole thing so that’s near enough I’ll go on that one and when you’re measuring this sort of screw you measure it from the bit where

    It sits like that so that’s a 10 as well right so we got two of those and then we need B8 I’m guessing that’s a bits old the battery on so we need parts tree B now which is I have no idea so oh here we go here’s B so there

    We go we got that one there so when I take these off you can just snap these off these things but then you end up with a sharp bit you could use a knife but then you could cut yourself I like to use these flush Cuts so these are

    Like side Cutters but if it focuses look the blades are flush on this side so when you you put the flush side to the bit that you want to cut off like that and then you get that with a nice bit there it’s not sharp oh we got Tomley in the house

    Is this a practice run before you build a Tamia truck this is the actual run Tomley we are building a Tamia truck that one there but I’ve got another Tamia truck I’m building actually let me show you let me show you in here so I’m going to be building this

    Tamia truck here as well soon and the trailer there and we’re going to do competitions different competitions one of them is going to be who can have the fastest one another one’s going to be a drag race another one’s going to be racing him around the track so I’m going

    To try and get I’ve got no idea 50 60 70 M an hour out of it the people that drive these are really geeky and nerdy it’s almost on Hornby level so to get one and make it not stupidly fast I think would be fun this here is a new

    Jet that I just got just got to put it together this thing’s massive when that nose is on there that takes up like the whole room in here it’s m it’s massive there’s a real jet engine in there look so hopefully I won’t break it that’s why

    I’ve got all these foam ones in there so I can practice first on these practice on these ones and then once I can fly those ones and hopefully all being well I’ll be able to fly that one but the trouble is every time I fly a radio controlled

    Airplane then that happens like what happened to that one up there it crashed and it broke not really good with airplanes so I probably shouldn’t have planes this big but it’ be fun for you viewers and then if we come into this room get that lamp on hey there’s my

    Baby there look down here we got a hanger n Beast this thing is got a11 CC petrol engine in there look it’s a five plane it’s like a double decker it’s a pits for you plain people quite big there the wings for the jet all right back in here enough of

    That that’s all for a future video for this video we going to get this thing built that’s just what’s coming up so that’s going to be mainly on the main Channel there Kevin tobert uh some of these are going to be on the RC Channel

    Some are going to be on the main Channel got this little thing here look got this thing here Tomy just done a video on that I thought it looks really crap but on tomy’s video look better actually than I thought it was going to look like so we’ll get that out

    At some point point oh load over there as well look so much stuff I’m running out of time to do it all look all that stuff down there to build and play with hel down there drags are down there little plane down there look I want to

    Learn to fly before I fly the Beast so I’m going to fly that little B plane that you can see just poking behind the drags are there going to fly that one first and then then back in this room quickly I’ll do apologize then I want to fly This Plane

    Here which is like a a fair big foamy plane and then once once I can fly that one then we’re going to go over to that big one over there I this was a dream plane of mine I’ve always wanted one of those ever since they came out about 15 years ago

    20 years ago but they stopped making them because the real plane crashed and the the poor dude died and they stopped making them after that but I want to hang it up on the wall up there so I’m probably going to be on lookout for another one I want one immaculate one

    Like pristine this one here is a little bit Tacky in places so this one here I can enjoy and use it and then the other one I want to hang it up on the ceiling and have it as a nice one that one I

    Want to use as well but not you not all the time every now and then all right enough let’s get back on with this build Tomy says not great out of the box but easy to make good oh i’ I haven’t really got the time to try and make it good so

    However it is is how it is I know any RC can make good really but I don’t know it depends if you got a love for a certain RC then you don’t mind giving it the time to making it good you know like for me a raminator

    I absolutely love it it’s like my favorite RC ever so with that I don’t mind mind giving it the time to make it better right just put that down one of my screws is rolled no it hasn’t this there right this here is the screwdriver that I built my first ever

    Hobby grade RC car with so I’m going to start off with that as well so my first ever hobby grade RC was this car here Tam man that I got from I got this from Mo emotion back in the day and well it started off as a man way

    So that’s what it looked like when I first built it and I kind of modified it or what I thought was modifications probably made it worse and I built that particular car with the screwdriver when I was probably about 10 years old something like that that’s what I’ve always loved the

    Look of RC’s but never really had one that was the first one that I had and I was hooked ever since right and these go in there don’t for got go in a particular way or not man we’ve been streaming for God knows how long and I haven’t actually done

    Anything yet I best get cracking Tomy go you’ll hate that wpl for sure uh I’ll just I’ll just use it and whatever happens happens is it lambar skate park well that was a deal if you could get me to 10 million Subs last year and you failed so no

    Lambo at skate park right that’s that done right so next we need a motor we got motor here get this thing off the end there don’t need that and then we need pinion gear little gasket thing gasket thing pinion gear uh grub screw are you telling me they’re not

    Actually putting the grub screw in the same thing as all the other parts oh that’s annoying they make you look for stuff why why would you not put the grub screw if if you get all these parts in one bag why would you not put the grub

    Screw look the little alen keys in there why would you not put the grub screw in the same packet so it could be in any one of these I guess been there any one of these that could be in anything to make life oh there it is I put it

    There be nice if T you actually put the screws in with the bag that you’re going to use it in you know when you’re building it cuz look they’ve got these screws here but then in another Parts tray they’ve got like the same screws again I don’t see the logic I

    Mean look same screw there same screw there why I just not put all these screws in the same bag this is like they just getting handfuls of screws and just putting them into random bags that’s what it feels like like all right so we got that we got that now we need a

    M6 screw and yep of course it’s not going to be in the same one that’s going to be in a different putt all together again so M3 by 6 I’m guessing it’s that one so we get Alia and we measure from the shoulder to the end of the

    Thread yeah that’s near enough 6 mm they never bang on all right and then we need the motor mount which is D3 so we need parts tree D which is this so we should really put these in order to make it easier so this

    Is this is B so we put B over here what’s this H over there D put D there what’s this stuff I don’t know what this stuff is a that’s a right cool a there and some other stuff right b d i mean right so motor mount Tomy would have finished building

    It already says the real Cletus maybe well Tam well Tomley is a Tamia Fanboy so he’s going to know exactly he’d probably do it with his eyes closed all right so now you get that on there we got the ventage to the top we line these little holes up on

    There sort of and motor mount on there quite a few different holes there I don’t know if different holes are different gearings or not on some of the tamas you change the mesh dependent on what pinion gear you got but on this it looks like they’re all the

    Same so I’m not really sure which way to put the motor because look if you look on there look the wires come out flat but the vents on this it’s just I don’t know which way which way does it go come on Tomy you know any new DJI products lately yep

    I’ve got the the little mini four drone thing whatever it’s called I’m going to slap it on if if what does pinion go on first I think we better put opinion on first right opinion on and then we need 15 mm from ah not including gasket so gasket off

    Again progress is slow people right so we got to set this to 15 mm right that sty said he wants to fly your [Laughter] Jet right that there there near enough not in it am I not rocket science is it right that on there right let’s crack on man come on

    Let’s get this done let’s try to get it down withit quicker already been in like half an hour nothing’s happened we’re cracking on now we going to go a bit quicker trouble is I’m trying to read comments I go quicker slows it down have

    You got the outcast V2 well the 8S one I have yes I was just editing that video today and I’ve got a whole load of upgrades from m2c custom RC upgrades all right that’s on there let’s let let’s hurry up let’s hurry this along that in there

    Boom uh all right yes we do have to have it flat look so the motor actually fits in good job we done that uh you can change gear ratios right blah blah blah you got to change this if you want to I want to SEC oh it is different oh it is

    Different 21 too 19 to what’s the stock one 19 to ah right I did it wrong guys that’s what happens when you rush it is adjustable it didn’t look like it was and he want a spinner spanner multirotor RC World ah yes right the

    Trouble is on my phone oh man I can’t do it on the phone because for some reason on the phone all the comments are completely blurred and I can’t read them right let me show you what the comments look like in the mirror look get the mirror look can you see

    That that’s what all the comments are looking like I can’t see anyone’s comment on the phone see that all these comments here it’s just a blur I don’t know why they like that but that’s how they like and I’m logged into a different account on the iPad so I can’t make it

    Mon moderator or that neither so I’ll have to do it later on Andy rat boy in the house oh God does this mean you’re coming racing this week yeah hopefully rap boy if I get it built rat boy is going down there as well

    Uh I can’t I can’t add any of you guys admins on this cuz I’m on a different account I’ll have to add you guys as moderators later on I can’t do it on there on the phone it’s it’s been an update probably on YouTube and there’s a

    Little bug going on I just can’t read the comments on there so I got to read the comments on the iPad right where’s the motor gone there right so we need to use for 19 too we got to use the screws top to bottom so we have

    To put the motor in like that we’ll just have to bend the wires out of the way progress is slow I join late what did I miss um not much Oho of waffling you haven’t missed much dude what do you think of dhk Optimus oh I don’t know don’t even know what it

    Looks like do you have mavic 2 Pro H oh I don’t know I keep forgetting I think I have I keep forgetting what’s what with those right we got to bend this terminal like that now that goes in does that turn yep all right that’s it we’re in next we need four of

    Those I’m just going turbo a now four of those could do a little dish really to put stuff in that we’re using for the actual part of the build put all those bits in there so all the all the bits for the actual that step are going in there

    Now got hurry up right cover got got to go on that cover is d10 so d10 that’s on here right got fly along fly along a little bit let’s get this thing built faffing around do you have Phantom 4 I used to have a phantom I sold it a long time

    Ago right that on there I should really let’s get an Aug already fuing about manual let’s get an auger already Noah goes oh okay that 12 Street R piano piece is impossible told you Noah are you giving up if you can play that song you are piano god

    If you give up you’re not piano god I don’t blame you for giving up cuz I gave up as well but if you can play that song that’ll be seriously impressive Tomy goes doing a kit build time consuming let alone doing it live yeah I mean it shouldn’t really take

    Longer doing it live but the trouble is you’re talking on there and you’re not concentrating on the build when you’re on your own you’re just fully concentrated on the build and you can read stuff and make this mistakes when when I’ve got to talk to you guys as much as I love

    It it can take a bit longer nah I’ll never give up there you go Noah I’ll be seriously impressed if you can play that if you can play it then I’m probably going have to learn it as well right that’s in next we got to build a differential so we got that we

    Got all those differential parts in in here so we got the Cross Pin that gear that gear that gear that gear and that gear and then we need three of those little crappy screws which are somewhere but don’t know where could be these ones could it be that yep probably

    Those three of those and then we need the diff thingy magig which is one of those and then one of those and I’m probably just going to build both diffs at the same time they look exactly the same right so Uh that that in there let’s change the camera angle keep it interesting so you guys can see a bit better what’s going on just build it the fast way boom wait wait until you see the main video that’ll be a boom on that one and we got to put these on there

    There these are they planetary gears are they I don’t know what they’re called toy gears let’s call them toy gears that in there and that on there I’m talking to myself like a Luna’s hick I suppose you got to be a bit of a loon you to be a fully grown man playing

    With these toy cars you got to be a bit of a loon hav you someone goes how big of a motor can you put in mt10 I have no idea oh James said he shredded his toy gears today put grease in the diff says multier Ah so multier RC is Andy yes oh

    Man let’s see if I can make him a what’s what’s your thing i’ got to make Andy a moderator because he’s going to try and help me with his build because he’s built one already but right right no one comment for a second uh add as moderator hopefully I got the right

    Person right I think I did it right I guess there is multirotor now moderator right Mr M multier give us a little give us a little comment see if it worked I might have made some random moderator there but it would really help if it is Andy that is yay there we

    Go Andy’s moderator I managed to do it right so what gree goes in there then silicon a plug can I put silicon air plug in there is it got to be this stuff does the rule say this stuff baby oil oh that’ll make a mess Mr Tomley let’s put this stuff in

    There thought know what happened there I lost you there for a minute it said reconnect right is it all back live yep hopefully right well right I’ll just put the grease in we’ll be fine Up To You Right Al do I would probably put a silicon air

    Plug in there but I don’t know it’s cheating this screwdriver here absolutely sucks but it’s the only one I’ve got to hands at the minute that fits these small screws does butter work probably but Dean did that to cla’s RC and when she cleaned it out ages later it stunk really

    Bad so probably bad idea what’s the plan with the truck we’re going to take a racing at my local Club South cams RC Club so any of you guys that want to join in build yourself one of these trucks and come along Monday evening so is this a tto1 RAC truck I

    Believe it is multi rotor will confirm he knows more than me well it probably say it on the will it say it on the cover yeah TT 1 Type e Chassy that’s what it is there we go right that’s one diff built and I think I’m going to jump the gun and

    Build the next one just because it’s probably going to be exactly the same and it’s quicker to do it while your mind is still fresh on the case those bits there are you going to take it for rip when it’s done not today dude not unless we get it done in like

    Another hour or so which I doubt so it’s probably going to be a part two to this live stream at some point are you making it brushless uh no cuz we’re all we’re all running brushed and we you know to keep it fair and cheap everybody’s got to run the same

    Stuff that’s a good thing with a cheap racing series everybody can get involved everyone’s got the same equipment Fair racing makes the racing more closer man there so many questions about DJI drones I don’t know which ones I’ve got guys I’ve got uh mavic Pro one I think I’ve got mavic air

    And I got the latest Mini 4 Pro there you go that’s what I think I’ve got anyway I’m not I’m not really so clued up with all this names of all these drones and everything you going to race it on track yes we are going to race it on the

    Track is it trucks I’m local to there plus the club I go to is too serious yeah this club’s not very serious this club is just all about having fun uh on a Monday they race buggies a little bit but it’s only flat with no jumps and they do GT2 and lmps I

    Think can you go to car show sometimes I did I went to a car show a little while ago Vinnie did you get my info over converting Pro Moto to 3s oh I don’t know dude I had so many comments from like so many different people and what

    People were saying is you got to put a Beck a castle backck onto the gyro so I bought a castle Beck and I brought a 6S CSC as well so I’m planning on making my promo 6s that one there look and by the way some of

    You guys or any of you guys watching actually can win that motorbike in a raffle a Raff all not a raffle a raffle so you can win this in the competition there’s a link to that competition down below and any of you guys have got a

    Chance of winning it I’m going to modify this one or another one I’m not sure which one yet I’ve got two more three more of these coming actually and I’m going to have them at different states of modifications other stuff you can win is a raminator like that one but a brand

    Spanking new one uh something ending really soon actually there’s only a couple of days left uh you can win both of these gorgens one of them’s been on the channel the other one brand spanking new and also this lossy superar hallway so if you click the link down in the description

    Box all the details to that are there and you can enter those Raffles for free as well even though I don’t really promote the free entry anymore because even though I showed it on the video how to enter for free people still got confused and it just filled the whole

    Comment section up and people saying I can’t enter for free how do you do it how do you do it how do you do it even though on the listing I literally showed on the video how you do it and and in the description it shows how you do it

    As well yeah everyone still asked how do you do it so I’ll just give up saying it is free CU it caus more hassle than than what it was worth but there is a free way to enter read the description scroll down to the bottom and it will tell you

    In there how you can enter for free anyone that asks how you enter for free that is how I’m not going to answer it again right so I think that’s this step done now so we take one of the diffs and now we got to put bearings in so we’ve got

    That now bearing wise it looks like we got to have two of these and one of these is that what one of these one of them right so moving swiftly on we need to put one of these bearings on there another one on that side and then ah so that’s where the

    Bearing goes so you got to shove that bearing in the hole in there and then we get this bevel gear and shove him on there I’ll tell you what guys any of you parents that are watching if any of your kid want kids want Xboxes and stuff you’re better off

    Getting them something like this cuz you’re actually learning how to do real wrenching and then you go in out and you’re racing against real people and real drivers and it’s just such a good fun hobby I mean if you do Xbox thing I mean everything in moderation it’s really

    Antisociable right that’s that in right so next attaching the rear arms I’m not sure why we’ve got that in there already because it’s going to probably fall out again in a minute yeah like that so we’ll leave that out for a minute uh right might as well prep this

    Onez that’s going to be the same the other diff get that ready and the bearing we’ll just L that L all that in there keep that all together right next attach to the arm so we need b14 so B Parts uh b14 and B4 right 14’s that

    One trouble is once you cut them off you can’t see what they are anymore so that one’s 14 and then that one’s 14 looks like I’ve made it out quite flexible plastic that’s good we like that especially on a Basher or on a cheap racer right so 14

    These are the low ones and we need B4 which is the upper one is that that one y so that one’s B4 right you can tell the difference actually cuz they narrower on that Ed right so there and that one then then we need diff cover A9 that’s

    That and then we need this piece A10 and this piece A5 right we’re getting somewhere Now sort of definitely going to take longer than 2 hours I’ll tell you that right get this camera out of the way again CU getting in me way my son is watching you and whipping

    On his buggy than Xbox yeah good boy James I mean kids nowadays all they want to do is sit in and play Xbox a lot of them all right uh so b14 I go get the right way around so the angle bit that way by look of it is

    It so 14 are the lowers angle bit outwards that way it does say to put grease on there but I’m not going to bother just going to make a mess um and then that we put that on now don’t if we can put that on now or

    Not we still got to get this on and we got to get these in as well these in there you can’t even see what I’m doing can you you can’t even see what I’m doing let Zoom you in a bit so you can see what I’m

    Doing nope WR way angle bit out angle bit out I think is it angle bit out that looks like the angle bits to the back the top ones oh no angle bits to the inside right so that way and that way and then this piece this piece goes on about that then this

    Piece goes on there right so now we need one of those and two of those let unzoom you it’s unzoom right that two of those and normal I do know what I was going to stop caring about what screw go we they at the same right so then we

    Get that one screw in the middle talking to myself like a looney all right I’ve already answered all the Drone questions which ones I’ve got so I no need to go over it again I’ve got three DJI I’ve already answered which one I got I’m not going

    To keep saying over and over and over so on the comments I’m going to try and go for comments I’ve not yet answered you know I know what happens quite often people ask the same questions over and over and sometimes it’s because they join the stream later and stuff and

    Sometimes it’s just being annoying person asking about the drones is’s obviously being annoying I’ve already answered it twice what DRS I’ve got I’m not answering it again how’s the boat rebuild going yeah Max has got to rebuild it Max broke it Max has got to fix it all right that on

    There right now we’ve got we need these pieces right so we need two more bearings got two of those you bend it you bend it that’s it well the thing is how the rule normally goes if you let someone have a go with something and they break it then you’re

    Responsible if they ask to have a go and they break it they’re responsible that’s normally how it goes uh right what goes where these don’t look like anything like that on there long wheel ax or oh so you got option of two you got a

    Long one and a short one so what what are we doing Andy long or short axles greetings Kev how you find vening on tamas yeah good nice build aren’t they when you getting married not anytime soon ah short there we go says multier right so we got oh hold I’ve

    Only got short anyway oh hold on yeah I’ve only got short right okay right so we need two of these bearings hub carriers A6 so a six there and another A6 here I never thought I’d see Kev building a tta1 neither did I but Andy

    And some of the others at the club says I got to do one so um yeah right so that bearing in there and that in there and I obviously don’t want you to put that bearing in yet for some reason don’t know why right that in there next up we need b

    Six so this contraption and we need three more of these screws randomly just get these in what whatever box you know what might as well just mix all these screws up I just it’s just pointless looking for all these different pots when it’s got the same screws in there it just seems stupid

    Doesn’t it look all these pots with the same screws in there and you keep looking through different pots every 5 Seconds when there all these Sil in it right actually should make it easier now then we can just look through one pot of screws three there

    Then we got three of them then we need two counter sinks so that one that one and that one right and then we get this and that goes upside down that goes on there the counter syncs go here do you like armor trackers more says Nicholas I’m

    Both I’m not Grand loyal I’m loyal to a decent product so xmax is my favorite when it comes to off-road and the infraction is my favorite when it comes to onroad so it depends on on the product I never care what brand something is the brand does not bother me in the

    Slightest could not care less none of these Brands pay me any money I don’t work for any of these Brands I don’t own any of these Brands I don’t owe these Brands anything therefore I do not care when people Fanboy over certain brands like phones iPhone versus apple and Traxxas versus

    Armor I could not care less couldn’t care less depends how good the product is UDR or Sledge says mid they’re completely different cars so it depends what you want to do if you want it to look realistic UDR if you want to bash Sledge can you do a back flip I can with

    An RC car now I can do it with his body Nicholas says nice same with me there you go I don’t really understand why people get fan loyal a brand loyal and get all all funny over there sticking with one brand all the time don’t really make

    Sense to to me unless they got shares in the company or something it makes no sense or they’re sponsored right next we got to attach these I’m going to put on later these body mounts cuz I know for a fact those stupid things are going to get in

    Way while we’re trying to build it so I’m not going to put those on yet they’re going to go on later right next up we got to put these on so now we need these parts so two more counter sinks smaller ones these time so that one and that one then we

    Need that and that two of those and then the shorter ones that and that two of those done cut the drive shafts couple of input cups output cups even done and it says I need to put grease on I’m not going to bother bit controversial when it comes

    To putting grease on stuff because cuz if it’s somewhere that attracts dirt then it can loads of stuff can stick to it and it ends up making it less free so if you clean it all the time or every time you use it you take

    It part clean it put new grease on might be beneficial however I haven’t got time for that I just want to use it so I don’t bother grease in it people try and argue with me my answer is it’s only a toy I’m not in it it’s not big business I don’t care

    If it makes your hobby more fun to grease it do it if you can’t be bothered don’t do it so look moves free enough without grease doesn’t need it uh that hasn’t got any screws on it yet maybe that’s for later right same again on that side Matt says Hey for America hello

    Dude any more videos on EO 2.0 none planned I’m not really a massive fan of it really so n planned what truck are you making this is a t uh tto1 oh come on get in the hole damn it that’s what she said what’s the best crawler well from

    What I’ve used my favorite is trx4 but as for best suppose it depends which everyone puts the biggest smile on your face right that’s that working then where’ those screws go those screws H they’re for holding on well don’t need those yet cuz they’re holding on the body posts and I’m not

    Putting body posts on yet we going to save them for later all right next up chick what would you recommend for Budget 150 mph build I don’t know the L whatever they call do they go that fast let’s get a few comments and eat a few nuts comments and nuts for for a

    Minute comments and nuttage I got these roasted pistachios here get a few comments it just started snowing for the first time in Utah whoa no snow here yet in UK we’re doing t-shirt weather are you bringing any monst truck to man I probably will do it at some point V did 17 witho

    Who you should do a pumpkin lunchbox stream away so we’re going to build a tamy Beto have you had a tt2 yes the tto2 was the other Tam thing done the YouTube of ice with how many people buy your raffle tickets oh no set number they’re all

    Different Mah har Forest yep I might get one how is house hunting going I found one just doing some legals why aren you doing the build the fost away H you watched the my video you see it the fast way don’t eat the screws all right let crack home let’s crack

    Home what’s your opinion on your 6×6 which one dude how many xmax gears Kev how many x-max gears sound stripped but on what how would my xmax gears sound strip but on it’s probably not the gears it’s probably something else in there what’s your smallest quara I’ve

    Got don’t know where it is but it’s about that big tiny little thing right let’s crack on let’s crack on right arms so B9 B10 it’d be nice if they actually rot on the arm which is Wich cuz once you’ve cut them off you’re going to forget aren’t

    You it says it on here n and 10 I’m going to write on the actual arm what it is because otherwise I’m going to forget cuz they look the same nine 10 nine 10 the world’s crappiest marker pin all right that there uh next up we got to get these things [Applause]

    In you should get the track to tracker from FTX is indestructible oh well someone says um cats love the kai show [Applause] mini yeah one of my cats loves the RC’s as well well I wouldn’t say love it but it tolerates it put it that way supposed to go in

    There right that in there my cat chases my cheap yeah my cat chases the little ones for a little while and then he gets bored and just doesn’t care anymore Levy says he’d love to build a car but he’d mess it up oh give it a go

    Dude it’s all part of the hobby I mean ready to Run’s good get out of the box and rip but building it it’s just sort of fun isn’t it how many cats do you have we got two H you moving man yes I am right there we

    In next we got to build another diff and I’ve already done that earlier so we need that two bear rings that and that and some spacer thing P3 where’s P3 where’s P Parts this is d this P right here’s p and three is there right so we’ve got bearing first then

    Spacer then another bearing and then Mr bevel boom then diff now I want to make sure that it goes the same way so you want to turn it you want to turn that and make sure that it turns the same that side because if you put this in the wrong way

    Around it might not even no it won’t even go in the wrong way around look but on some cars it will go in the wrong way around and then you have one will go that way and the other that way which quite funny EXO cage on it with vinator recently right in

    There next up we got B arms oh they are different cuz the B arms the b10s they’ve got this thing sticking out for the shock the other one hasn’t so I didn’t actually have to mark it better safe and sorry though then next we need another diff cover

    A9 oh we nearly there yet says Ross I wish taking a bit longer than I hoped oh damn it like that there and then these go not that I believe and then we got that thing which is a five let’s see Parts gone A5 and we also need this bit A10 that on

    There that on there that on there then we need the same screws again two long ones and the medium one probably that one of them two of them right boom BOS Nick Ferrari says my wife Beverly says hi hello Beverly Kevin please see your cats oh I can’t in the shop they’re at

    Home expecting a boom moment I tried boom’s not working today I don’t know why when you flying your jet plane I don’t know no no set date yet got to get it working first I’ve ordered a gyro for it and a power box no idea what a power

    Box is but I mate Steve said I need one so I bought one all right that on how’s the flying Ness going good I’ve had five hours so far I’ve done a few takeoffs on a few Landings I’m quite good with the Hands-On stuff but not so good with the theory

    Stuff all right hold on got snot uh right where was we that’s one now we need another one of these covers that on there couple of small counter syncs there not there cut the medium counter sinks medium counter sinks where are You there and there three normal size screws if you do you ever get that stump plane please be careful yeah I’ll be careful I mean I’ll make sure I’ll do all the stunts high up but I’ll be looking for a stump plane soon going to

    Get this house paid for in the is man see how much I ow in taxes here and hopefully got enough left over to get St playing hopefully V to you to or are my Limitless um I for Speed Run I’d say the vte2 I see a bit more beefy made and I

    Haven’t got that diff kick up that diff kick up for speedruns there’s a proper pain in the butt and all the bearings are small so the vte2 seems a lot tougher build quality however for Street bashing you can’t beat an infraction of course only my opinion everyone can have their opinion too

    How much RPM that’s solid will from infection take a I don’t think much it’s so heavy no’s getting VTE to soon wa nice dude that ready for Rossa next year a boom don’t work live I tried it too many hobbies can be frustrating now I like having lots of hobbies it keeps it

    Interesting now I like it never a do day if you get you can’t be bothered on one KN on the monster truck if I can’t be bothered to wrench on it I’ll just do this I love it I’ll never get bored of having lots of hobbies get a bit overwhelming

    Sometimes must say all right so next we need that that and that and that four normal four normal screws I call the normal screws these ones that are like literally 90% of Tam screws just normal generic Tamia screws so that’s the ones I call normal screws and then we got two short counter Sinks there and Then two bearings and two of these that on there that on there oh missed a step there look in there what you guys saying what you guys been up to today let me know what you guys have been up to best RC car content on YouTube says weird kid hey thanks

    Dude he blue Raiden say first live stream welcome dude thanks for stepping by all right and then that goes in there with shage are such a basic build I mean this looks like toy grade it’s actually toy grade build quality it looks like a niiko test week next week maybe

    Maybe all right that on there so then next we’ve we’ got A1 we need right A1 A1 where’s A1 A1 there so we need two of these actually four of those and then we [Applause] need those that go through there and through there I could use the electric one here but this would be bad if I stripped it out and also if I overtightened it I get do take on the monster Beetle yeah that’s the plan dude Jason races them in the

    States yeah ton says he laughed his ass off at the last video with stamping the boat yeah mechanic d says no that’s wrong use a hammer there’s always that dude there’s always that Riley says your Channel’s what got me into RC way that’s good to hear hope

    You’re enjoying the hobby I’ll tell you what there’s so many people that struggle to find friends and things and they’re lonely I just get into ourc and you’ll just have so many friends you know do some little online bash groups then go out and meet in person or go to racing

    Clubs if you’re a decent person that’s nice to others you will be welcomed in the hobby unfortunately the hobby does have a very small minority of total douche bags that are not welcome in the hobby like at all that ruin it for everyone else but that’s the same everything in

    Life you get a few idiots that ruin it for everyone else right I don’t know what these counter syncs are for oh yeah counter syncs are to hold the body post on so we’re not going to bother with those yet that’s going to be a last minute job the body

    Post CU it just getting away all right next page shocks and luckily we haven’t got oh look we actually getting there look we we getting there pretty well shock ches we don’t need to build them if we cuz we’re using these year racing shocks are they actually for tamamo

    Or this is just for temp scale touring car all right so it does come with all these little balls here so they could be handy it comes with different Pistons Andy told me to change pistons and things but I can’t be honest with that I wonder have these got all in them

    Andy if you’re still there do these come with oil already in them or have you got to put oil in I’m guessing it’s already got oil in there oil not included oh let’s have a look in there ah there’s no oil in there well

    Andy says he put the free hole P I can’t be bothered with that I’m not changing Pistons all right well it does say 450 CST so hold on back in a minute let’s got to find some shock oil 500000 got 500 that will

    Do oh it says 48 I got this 500 to put in there andy I can’t I can’t imagine it making much difference can it I’m not I’m not in the mood for doing it all properly don’t like doing shocks we got top these up up here I’ve got this little tool

    Stand so I put the shocks on there take these out cuz then all the oil can bleed out all all the air bubbles can come out right going be a slight little bit of long wind windedness going on now so I’ll put you back down here again

    So you can see what’s going on here get all the lids off of these now says shocks my least favorite bits yeah anything that’s messy with DEF fluid and stuff I mean if you’re a professional you’d probably take the springs off can’t be bothered Shar bit on the end oh he

    Cups is there any shock in the kit no shock ha not included these a racing ones they look really well made chocks actually they look nice is this so you put the oil in and then you give it a couple of pumps and then what that does it gets

    The air bubbles out from under the piston and then I put them up here just to chill for a minute just so the air can bleed out I’m not going to you could wait if you’re really fussy you can wait an hour all up all

    The air bubbles to fully come out but I don’t care I’m not in it am I not in the damn thing I have hiccups too I normally only have one Hiccup and that’s it some people hate hicups but I don’t know I think they’re quite fun I don’t mind

    Them K we going to do a review on raptor r what’s the raptor r i love sneezing when I was a kid I used to like sneezing not too much though once or twice is all right not if you can’t stop all right so now I don’t really know what the full

    Bleeding procedure is all bit different right cycle shot up and down we done that install bladder slowly at an angle then put lid on right so we get the bladder which is in there there’s a bit where it gets messy you should really take the springs off I can’t be

    Bothered the ladder on top is where it leaks out a little bit and then it says to put on the lid the new Traxxas Raptor oh is that is that based on a slash I haven’t planned on getting it but maybe boom that’s that one done it feels nice feel was lovely

    What’s the biggest amount of money you have ever spent on one video oh gold I don’t know what is building the monster truck does that include I know what do you include is buy the lambo does that include what do you mean RC video it was our RC video probably the

    Speed car probably cost about 10 grand to build probably raminator was over 10 grand I think the big one the one with a 80cc engine in it I think monster truck does include all right monster truck then probably are you guys with OCD does it bother you that I’m putting a different

    Cap onto a different shock I’m just curious you know does does the cap have to go back onto the shock it came off of originally or does it not matter I think everyone’s got OCD to some extent some more than others I mean my OCD for example like on

    The monster truck when I put the bolt in for the shocks they’ve all got to go in the same way you can’t have three three bolts going one way and then one B bolt going the other way that to me gets my OCD going but with these Lids though

    That doesn’t bother me I could mix and match them I don’t care it doesn’t matter if it fits it fits if it doesn’t leak it’s all good yep that’s what I say it doesn’t matter don’t think it matters why don’t use Leaf net pulls your fish out your but oh dude it’s so

    Deep and you can’t see to the bottom of it and we tried it’s just in that River where we go so dirty anything that goes in there it’s gone you’re not finding it I mean anything that’s an inch below the surface of the water you can’t see

    It my OCD is making sure there’s absolutely no air in the shocks and building a sh yeah there must be a little bit of air in there but not too much get some breake cleaner out on those in a minute and make sure all the oil’s off of

    There hey uh T25 says loving the recent videos thanks dude appreciate it the thing is sometimes I spent so much time getting all the air out for like a couple of weeks later for a bit of air to get in there anyway you’re spending all that time making it

    Perfect for it to be in a couple of weeks not perfect anyway so you know if you’re a hardcore racer and you build your shocks like a a day before the event or something I’ll get it I guess but not for me I don’t care not in

    It am I even with the monster truck where I am in it I still don’t care really if there’s any bit of air in there I mean does it really matter the shocks will still work with airing them yeah they still work you might lose a little bit of damping I

    Suppose but in a toy doesn’t matter what your thoughts on Traxxas H yeah I love it dude trick shot says he loves all the videos wayy thanks dude you and St should try magnet fishing might find the boat we did try we did try magnet fishing and

    Nothing came back right one more then we can clean them and put them on what J of music do you like I quite like 70s and 80s music I cannot stand rap music rap music to me is the worst however that Stan Doo and and

    Whoever it was it done that one I like that one that’s a good one but overall I’m not not a fan of rap what do you think of the UFO topic I don’t get involved with stuff like that I couldn’t care less mainstream media I do not

    Care just could not care less everything I tell you on there is just one big lie for the most part I’m sure there’s a few true bits on there but anything important it’s just a lie and I’ve got zero interest in watching it there not interested don’t care don’t want to know

    Not bothered don’t watch it Eminem that’s it Eminem and Dao I like that song that was a good one but you know there’s a lot of genres of music that I’m not a fan of but there’s the odd song in there that I really like my favorite is at sign syph wave

    All right that’s all the shocks built now I’m going to go and get the brake cleaner somewhere next door actually forget brake cleaner we use baby wipes kind do on the old skin brake cleaner is not very good for the for the skin Gaza goes good evening Kev and everyone

    Else good evening Mr Gaza what’s up Kev says says David what’s up dude when did the video about the Evo 2.0 come out oh long time ago Dude you go back on the main Channel you’ll see some videos of it preach on brother Kev I’m sure there are a UFO is just

    Unidentified flying object so if you don’t know what it is it’s a UFO all the crap they gone about on the news could not care any less I just can’t believe how some people can believe what they read on the news I just I can’t believe it can’t get

    My head around it it’s so obviously a lie people laugh it all up they swallow it all they go with it all I’ve lost faith in a lot of humanity actually that people believe this nonsense more Iron Man content it says the will Cletus yeah there will be when I go

    There all right right next up we got to find what screws to use to attach the shock so they’re using these little things here and that right Andy if you’re in the house what screws do you use for putting the shocks on cuz stock Tam ones or nogo and we do

    Get in the bag you get all these balling things so that’s got a thread in it that’s got a hold in it so it should come with them says Andy oh really no it doesn’t look we got we got the Springs we’ve got the Pistons

    And what do do you use these is that what you use just screw that straight in will that go in all right cool well that will go in so we’ve got one two 3 4 5 six 7 eight right cool that makes it easy comes with a lot of different options there

    Right so do you go in or all or out a hole Andy on the top here look we got option of here or here in a hole right thanks Andy that there is it in a hole front and rear Andy hey leou in the house how you doing

    Do mate you haven’t been out in a while how long you live for got a nip out H probably not massively longer maybe another hourish maybe we’s see how we get on it’d be nice to get the wheels on there and get the most of it

    Done I got a big plane but not that big damn yeah well they’re fairly big but there’s bigger out there nowhere near the world’s biggest but they are big do you still have the XR XLT oh what’s the XLT xrt I’ve got XLT oh the XLT yeah

    I’ve got that as well yeah the petrol one yeah I’ve got that Kev when do you go driving the FG cars I’m looking for a beetal body and a beetle tub brand new or at least in good condition like new condition like new condition at least for the

    Body what are you using for oil I’ve got this um 500 CST shoeer oil or cor RC oil yeah racing make some great stuff nice shocks them if you tune them can you show me the brand of air plugs you use for diffs I haven’t got the wrapper anymore but it’s the pink

    Ones well any brand doesn’t really matter I used the pink ones I forgot what brand they are all right so now we should be able to pop them on Co they’re tight that’s what she said Jesus why they so tight it don’t want to break it more drift cars yeah I should

    Hopefully get some yok drift cars coming I said they’re going to send some over at some point that there that one on there God that is tighter than a duck’s ass that’s watertight how’s the truck coming along what the monster truck i’ got to do a bit little

    Bit of work on it I’ve got a new steering system to put on it cut the repair jobs should really get on that soon but got the plane stuff in the way at the minute so I got get that out of the way tomorrow and hopefully make a start on the monster

    Right do you still have the arm factioned Mega I’ll do that’s on H look at that moves lovely lovely J those shocks aren’t coming off no not the right tool for the job really but I don’t really know what the right tool is mean normally normally you can just

    Pop them on your fingers but if I do that I proba end up breaking the up the plastic arm or my finger are you planning to race that truck yes come on on you get come on right we on Boom you know what really budget crappy looking car you put some decent shocks

    On it and it looks half decent all right next a little tidy up so we’re getting a bit messy every now and then you do have to go out and just tidy everything up because it gets to the point we got so much junk everywhere that you start losing track

    Of where everything is and then it takes even longer to build stuff when you might want to spend about 30 seconds just putting a few tools back definitely the ones that you don’t need anymore I know we need that I know we need that I don’t think we need those anymore all

    Right clean workspace clean mind do you still have the 5T yes and the 30° north right next up we’ got to do uh this this here the linkage system so we need B1 where’s the all G there put it back on so B1 I’m glad didn’t have to build D oh

    Actually Tam shocks are easy to build if they were oilfield they would have been bit long winded all B1 where’s B1 B1 there B1 B1 I’m on noran accent how’s my norin is any nor is in the house how’s me norin I’m not doing it well today I’m an

    Orer w and then we need D3 which is here fishing door set life as he likes to last boat video thanks dude yeah we always have a laugh with a boats and STP every time that that that then screw wise we need mv2 two of those that’s two of those And what else do we need I think that’s it is it bearings A2 so I think oh so these bearing kits from SC models even include steering ball bearing that’s nice when you doing the durability test on the hux are we going to start filming on

    That soon but when the video’s out I don’t know because it might break instantly and we got to fix it and I’m not going to release the video until I’m happy with the video so we’re going to start filming soon but when the video is ready who

    Knows right dot like that dot there dot there that go on there when will you fly that beautiful Beast I don’t know I need to get a receiver for it that Andy from Red Fin’s getting me and then hopefully Jason from redin and hopefully Andy is going to help me put it together

    Put the stuff in it and then I got to find somewhere to fly it because the the club that I’m a member of at the moment they got funny with me there so I’m not allowed to YouTube there you know it go take it all seriously over a grass field that barely

    Anyone ever even goes to and every time I went there it’s literally me and my friends and they’re still getting funny and then they wonder why they can’t get members I want to go to a fun Club I can’t be asked with all that stupidity of fully grown adults behaving like

    Children making out that these toys are like big business absolutely hate all that nonsense I don’t want to be any part of it all right so I think we put these aside for a minute cuz they I think they’re coming up again there next up we got to put the foam bumper

    On so that goes there and then we got this little thing here which is D4 is that funny thing is when I’m learning to fly real paines they’re all chilled out and have fun and they’re a great laugh and don’t take it too seriously I mean obviously safety you got to take

    Seriously but you know you get what I mean and then you go to a toy Flying Club and they’re all not all of them you know a lot of great guys there you get a few there that just try and turn it into this big business and it’s not a toy

    Plane it’s a real aircraft but a miniature model it’s I do one man it’s a toy if you play with it and it’s got no practical purpose it’s a toy how big is your monor truck wheels tires the tires are 66 in tall all right that’s on

    Fa enough next up we got to put right we turn that around we got these little spacers here so that’s looks like that and that right we got that that that that and then there’s some little grub screws some long grub screws somewhere so there and there yep and then we got more

    Of these funny shoulder screws two of those and then that there oh actually hold on sorry I’ll put that in first it goes in with 5 mm still sticky out get Alia shove him on 5 mil ish near enough not in it is that the screwdriver used to build

    A manay yes that one there is bit more don’t think it matters that much if you bang on or not cuz this thing is screed on top Anyway by looks of it I think does it does that srew on there yeah that srews on there it can’t matter that much can

    It who’s your favorite YouTuber uh V2 vids he hasn’t really made any videos recently oh bit too much that that in it are you racing this dude Alex C Stig mechanic yes Alex Stig mechanic is needed definitely need a Stig mechanic I might even waste it on Monday if you up for coming

    Down right now that one can go on there that one can go on there sweet and then these screws in there do you watch your own video sometimes well when I edit them obviously and then when I finished editing it I watch the whole video again to make sure

    And I’ve done it right and it all works properly and it’s uploaded right and then I’ll do watch a few older ones to get some just for memories and stuff can you do video on the tracks pre runner maybe right smoothish smoothish smooth enough not in it right and then

    Why does it tell you to charge the battery we’re not ready yet maybe it’s just to get the battery ready so you can play sooner right anyway next page controller right Servo so I’ve got a JX ecob boost I’m going to put a link in the description if I remember I mean

    These were my go-to Servo for a very long while and then recently a few of them have become unreliable but crazy fast Servo good enough even in a highend racer some of the guys down the club even that win a lot and you that races

    Down there I think he’s got one of them in his buggy so one of the best servos for the price SE absolutely love them I’ve learned my lesson though I’m not putting a Servo saver on it because it’s just asking for trouble uh I know last time I used a suro save I

    Kept not centering up let’s see if we can put it together without Soo saver so we’ve got D7 you going to make 8s no not this one this one’s going to be just for racing at the local club right so we’ve got that and then we’ve got this little

    Thing here which is P6 so that’ll be on the servo saber assembly itself I really don’t want to use the servo saber we got one of these let go from there to there really do not want to use Servo saver he tell me servo is they just

    Don’t Cent them up nice and then every time you go down the straight it’s like your tracking out your trim do you have a large opinion they’re usually undergeared I don’t Alex I don’t think I don’t know I might have actually I don’t know if we’re allowed

    To change the opinion if Andy’s in the comments are we allowed to change opinion Andy in in the club rules all right I really don’t want to use this Servo saver really don’t but I just want to line it all up in there and see how it all sits so that

    Goes does that go on there I’m going to jump the gun a little bit here now cuz I want to see if we can make it work without Servo saber oh so Andy says yes you can change opinion so what opinion do you all use Andy Alex Goes motor upside down I’m not

    Changing it now I’m not turning that round we all use stock pinion oh that’s cool then if everyone uses stock pinion be fair game all right that there that there is armor good brand yes one of the best bachel Brands out there in fact right that

    There and then we need the servo posts which are A4 so one’s already falling off other one’s there where’ you buy that model from this one come from Redfin models all so we got those and then we need screw wires we need mc2 mc2 I got a little shoulder thing on

    Them so where are they hiding H H thought where those screws are hiding haven’t got those screws what oh does it not come with those screws anybody know in the comments the screws that you hold the servo the servo post on with the picture there shows the counter sync

    That’s got like a built-in washer oh here it is there’s one and there’s the other one right got it got it panic over what is a Servo saver so a Servo saver’s got a spring inside it so on the Sero you put an arm that moves

    If you put a solid arm on there and you crash what can happen a shock of it can damage the servo or break the car so Servo saver it’s got a spring inside it so it’s got some give so that way when you crash it’s got

    A bit of give in there and it saves everything however these Tam ones that’s the spring there they never Center up he always goes one way or the other so you’re constantly messing about with your trim trying to make it go straight and last time when we race

    These similar things time your YouTuber race I came last partially because of the steering or the faulty Servo and the servo saver that will stick in all right so if that goes there that goes there uh stock Servo saver kind of goes in on itself h mark to move to Servo back

    Alex Goes mle Servo horn yeah I think I will put a mdle one on there I just want to see if I can space it I have to move the servo back to make it work so yeah there plenty of space there so we could we only got to come back a little

    Bit though so maybe we got to drill new holes in the chassis right so right what comes with it Soo sa wise only plastic ones that’s a plastic Soo horn maybe we that screw in there ah no it will screw in that way though might work might work

    Might work we got to screw it in there but it’s it’ be nice if it was a bit thicker plastic all right so we want I want to make it the same spacing as a stock so that puts it into talking to myself don’t worry Kev budget $500 what should I get

    I would get the associated mt10 all right we’ll go with that we go with that hole there hopefully hopefully we can screw that into that hole Yeah it’s going to need opening out a little bit might not work might have to put something else behind it just to bite into

    Itself ah come on in you go all right we’re going in it’s tightened up quite tight so I think it might be all right so Servo we need to get straight so i’ got Servo tester plug him in there then you plug the servo in the other end

    And like you can get these on bang good actually and any model shop really should have these and you can make sure the servo works if you hit that and put it in Center that puts the Sero in neutral right so now go ahead and put that Servo arm on

    There in the central or Central as possible and then we got to get a screw to hold the servo on all right so that in there not watching R rugby final no didn’t even know it was on I don’t watch TV Dude I don’t watch TV not into all

    That not into mainstream Sports and mainstream TV and mainstream media anything mainstream I’m just not no interest really all right so we can unplug him now is that the tto2 no this one’s tto1 all right so now that in that in so for that we need the counter

    Syns I’m losing interest now as you can see I can’t be bothered picking the right screws anymore I’m just picking out what looks like it’s going to go that in there that in there right that’s that in is it bad idea to buy used RC not always if you know what you’re looking

    For sometimes you can get a really good deal however if you don’t know what you’re looking for you could end up buying complete junk so depends I always prefer to buy new if I can unless you’re get a blinding deal like that jet that I bought for

    Example I probably saved half the money on buying it used and it’s not even been flown yet so when you can get a good deal definitely go for the good deal that moves perfect right uh so now we need receiver in there and speed controller so receiver wise I’m using a

    Noble flar noble if I can find it somewhere where’s it g what where that g oh God I had to receiver sat there a minute ago what the re I literally put the receiver and all the electrics here don’t know where it’s gone what oh man oh it’s here

    Idiot all right so we can have receiver one side see the other I don’t know which way is best where’s the AAL come out aiel comes out on the top deck Kev can you do more calling content please oh sometimes I don’t know when I will do

    More going to go to the other man they do quite a lot of crawling there so I’ll probably do quite a bit of crawling there I would imagine all right so if that’s where the aerial goes I think we should have the receiver there that way around right that’s that sorted and then

    This we got the motor wires thats side so might even direct hold of that not now though yeah re I direct hold of that that will go there that can go there right cool right ah let’s go and get the brake cleaner how long we’ve been going for on this stream

    128 minutes so we’ve been bit of waffling as well so probably 2 hours into the build so you guys have said 2 hours to build it not too far off it’s done for the most part really few little bits to finish it off but the main build yeah all right

    Still got silicon grease on your fingers breake clean is not good to get on your fingers but neither silicon grease when you trying to stick stuff to stuff so reer did you have problems with the armor senton uh I can’t remember I think we sent it to the moon completely once and it

    Started getting tight but not really really good car that is can’t go wrong with the Cent turn right put chill that on there again for a minute is it funny fully grown man playing with his toys I am such a sometimes people call me a Manchild as an insult but I call

    Myself a Manchild I know I’m a man Man Child right so where that goes it’s got a little raised this is stupid why have Tamia raised a bit of plastic just there just so you can’t stick stuff down properly so I’m was going to just the corner of this tape off so

    That raised bit doesn’t have to sit on it right funnier than 900 people watching you play with your toys all right that in there boom ah damn should have put it back a bit more too late too late don’t matter it’s in right that’s that in I don’t

    Know if I should wire it all up on camera I’ll probably do that at the end wire it all up CU I could do that off camera and B you lot I might do another live stream tomorrow we’ll see see how we get on right next

    Up look at all these screws I’m not even going to bother pulling them out now I’m just going to pull them out as we go along so we got D3 that we need that’s for the aerial but you know what I might not even bother putting the aial there

    We’re not going to drive that far I could just tie the aerial up in a thing can I won’t bother with that we won’t need the aerial if you’re go longer distance you can right that one there then we’ve got ma2 this and that and that’s going in there and there all

    Right let’s get this thing done right that one there we got m one which is that longer why is that got longer there it’s going into like the same that’s what it says that’s what it [Applause] Says so whenever I do stuff up with the AER dger I always do the last little bit by hand cuz otherwise you run the risk of stripping stuff right and then we need m3x 15 so that is is it there yep two of those care do you enjoy micro rock

    Crawlers yeah I love me little mini craw I don’t get much chance to really use them though PR price of build complete RTR I don’t know you guys work it out how much complete build probably couple hundred dollar probably all in roughly if you put longer in place it

    Locks the gearbox ah right I’m with you all right and next we got MC1 a shorter ones oh they’re really short the MC ones I think the mc2 are the normal sort of ones that one and that one yeah we don’t be locking any gear boxes up that’s

    Bad nothing better than watching Kevin on my birthday way happy birthday see why Kevin is it your birthday no it’s not my birthday every try track is the tra yet I haven’t actually no right so that’s that all done that’s that all done bound to have missed something there’s a motor

    Cover that goes on there I’m not going to bother with that I think it’s better to let the motor breathe all right next up we got to glue the tires right we’ll do that in a minute so now we need hex’s right uh Mr Andy what hexes do we use it’s got an

    Option here of loads of different hexes if and’s in the house which ones we’ve got really wide and really narrow so what goes on there anybody know I’m guessing probably narrow let’s do narrow I don’t know if Andy’s still in the house but we’re going

    Narrow I think if you got the wi you probably have to put on The Wire axles itself right so we got that and then bear rings so we got to put a bearing in each one of these look bang them in now I always get like this one doing a

    Build I start off doing it by the book and at the end I’m just losing interest and just just donking bits where it looks like they’re supposed to go all right so we got those there then we need a PIN for these got be careful with these when the

    Wheels are off because the hexes fall off a lot of R se’s the hexes are held on but not on a Tamia not on this one anyway that’s on it’s going to be on wheels on a in a minute and I think we’ll leave the soldering and the body yeah I’ll tell

    You what we’ll do we’ll do the body in a separate live stream maybe tomorrow if we get a Time chance to do it and while the paint’s drying on the body we can be doing the soldering you do to show Orange oh no I’m thinking red game over red what are you guys

    Thinking doesn’t have to be red though I might do it yellow I don’t know what color do you guys reckon M then as a t Man classic people say red go name some colors in the comments what color do reckon we should do it right so that’s that on so now we

    Need to put the tires on so let’s get all this junk out of the way people saying red blue yellow do GT40 colors all I’ll tell you what if Andy can paint it Andy likes painting things we’ll give it a snazzy color scheme all right we have to use the stock tires

    And they do not look like they’re going to handle good at all sand brown with flames light blue and orange purple yeah all the colors there I’m thinking red or yellow green and black yeah no those tires are rubbish the thing is though if everybody has the same tires it’s fair are these

    The same offset really you got font and rear got a different design I think they’re the same offet how many hours did it take you to build an RC car in total I don’t know I mean I’d say on average a whole lot probably about 8 hours maybe but this was nowhere

    Near that long I mean I’ve been taking me time haven’t [Applause] I so I reckon if I really rushed it I could probably do it in 2 hours the whole thing but minus the body so Andy said you should really degrease the rubber but I can’t be bothered I don’t

    Think there’s enough power for it to matter so Andy said they put two Foams inside there to make it a bit stiffer yeah I it took I’ve done the main build look the main build’s done really isn’t it just got to solder it up a little bit

    Here I could just plug it in and go but I want to solder it to make it a little bit less clumb some so yeah probably couple hours is Alex Goes put a rear buggy in in the front tires I probably could do but I think

    I’m going to I’m going to go with these that’s what everybody else is doing and they might say that I’m cheating so I think I’ll just do it do it how all the other Lads at the club are doing it just to keep it fair me your way is probably better but

    If I do especially if I do it on the live stream they’re going to see aren’t they they’re going to say no you cheated because you put in a racing foam or something but that’s all right that’s all [Applause] right how do you know how tight to do

    The screws oh dude when I built my first man I I’ll stri most of them so you shouldn’t do them too tight at all really but you get a feel for it just do it up with you know do it up by hand once you once you kind of feel that it

    Gets tight on the end that’s about it no need to force it someone go I don’t think you would fit a buggy insert in that little tire maybe oh God knows I mean sponge is flexy is it so Le says Tomley and gav will cheat yeah you know they will they’re going to

    Find some unfair disadvantage somewhere they’re going to put silicon a plugged in the deaths they’re probably going to modify it so stairs more God knows what else they’re going to do but they’re definitely going to do some cheat what’s the first rc K ever had says Magic Michael that would be the

    Thunder Tiger ek4 and I’ve got three of them I do like them they’re just crap someone goes murdered out black heavy weere or game overed with white stripes all right that’s that one in my lossy Baja raids tends to talk to it sometimes yeah does as well all right that’s that bit long

    Winded here [Applause] now GT40 colors with orange stripe yeah that would look good man GT40 colors I like the idea with that that’s that’s not a bad shout I’ll have a look upstairs to see what colors I got I mean on the box is white doesn’t look good it’s got loads of

    Stickers so I don’t know what is your worst RC building experience oh I don’t know actually uh don’t know how long is your sausage uh don’t know that long the speed sausage is just over a meter long I think [Applause] try a color you haven’t used before white with game over stickers yeah

    Maybe do you watch vice grip garage no but I did watch the one where he dve V2 Rd monster truck is that a snowboard yes Offroad sausage as a snowboard as a chassis right I’m just trying to this one’s got a crease in it look just trying to get that crease

    Out the other ones went in quite nice but that one for some reason getting a bit bit creased up don’t really care that much but right there nice lovely got RIT of it now lovely jibbly this body will take a weekend alone no way am I spending a weekend on it dude no

    Way don’t have that much time so many other projects and things to get on with do not have a time to spend the whole weekend on my body i’ rather to pay someone else to do if it really took that long [Applause] are you going to do any upgrades during the

    Build well on this it’s already done dude the only upgrade was ball bearings year racing shocks and foam in the tires I think that’s the only upgrades we’re allowed I believe way G butcher your name says first time watching the stream hey welcome dude Alfie says like the video yeah come

    On everyone give us a thumbs up give us a thumbs upy we’ve got 972 people in the Stream and we’ve got 882 thumbs UPS come on let’s see let’s see if we can get 1,000 thumbs up just just because the more thumbs up you got the more YouTube push a video

    I’ll never ask for likes I ever only when people remind me I’ll tell people to subscribe I do say that sometimes come on subscribe I’ll never really say to people who like the video does liking really make much difference I don’t even know how many likes my video get people used to give

    Me dislikes as a punishment but I don’t even care about dislikes or likes I don’t I don’t I don’t really care but do do likes and dislikes I’ve been told that likes and dislikes do help push the video in the algorithm a little bit more but I don’t know do they really

    Help what’s everyone just saying it hey 1,4 thumbs UPS there we go do you still have MGT Nitro which one’s the MGT Nitro I can’t remember what one that is right that’s the tires on going put a little bit of super glue on there I’m not going to go too mad though

    But I am going to put these on because my friend Craig got it in his eyes and sealed it shut and then you have to go to hospital to have it forced open wa Mark says first time live too welcome dude welcome to the Stream what’s going on here nothing’s coming

    Out oh nothing’s coming out which is the best in RTR Nitro you’ve tested I think my favorite’s got to be the Savage it’s not a very refined products it’s got lots of problems but once you’ve sorted out a few little niggles I really like it oh was this coming out in the wrong

    Place that spout s the spout oh it needs it needs to spout it’s going to make a mess otherwi in it yeah that’s a job I don’t like doing super gluing never have liked it I don’t think it needs much glue on there really so I’m not going to I’m not

    Going to go too overboard get get a little bit on there can’t be bothered to do it properly not got enough power for to matter is it long as it don’t fall off you look probably watching and laughing at my abysmal Tire gluing techniques is the truck brushers no we

    Brushed on this one dude we’re doing it so everyone’s everyone’s got the same same stuff pretty much just to keep the racing fair so you know really cheap racing fun a lot of people that do this truck racing say it’s the most fun that they’ve had with racing in a long while

    And that is what RC is all about having fun so if you can have lots of fun on on the cheap why not if you can have a lot of fun and spend this money that’s definitely a bonus often the more money you spend on this hobby the less fun it

    Is I definitely noticed that when I used to fly a lot of RC helies you get an expensive heli that cost like three grand to build and if you just got a normal job going on that could be like a whole month of your of your salary or like you

    Know maybe two months even for some people and then you know if you crash that that’s so much work hours got into into saving up for it it’s it’s it’s bad isn’t it and then you can’t really enjoy it you’re just worried about breaking it

    And if you fly a cheap one you can just concentrate on enjoying it when you break it it doesn’t matter it’s it’s cheap to fix that’s a great thing with this Hobby and sometimes you see people have got the really expensive planes and really expensive helies they

    Take the hobby so seriously that they’re not having any fun and then you get the people that have just spent like got the cheapest gear and they’re having a right life really enjoying themselves so I would say with RC get what you can comfortably afford and comfortably afford to repair as

    Well you I see so many people at airplane clubs that buy these expensive models and then when they crash them they’re all upset and and they’re all depressed for ages and everything so N I wouldn’t I wouldn’t spend more than you’re comfortably able to afford

    To fix you know I used to I used to really want a mansion but the trouble is if you get a mortgage on a mansion it’s going to it’s going to cost so much to on the upkeep and everything that your life’s just going to be a stress

    You know if you got to pay 40 Grand a month for the next 25 years what happens if business slows down and you can’t afford it anymore then you’re stressed so I think you’re better off to have a little bit less in life but to be comfortable and not not be worried about

    How you’re going to pay for stuff so I’d love a massive house one day with land and stuff but not if it means having a massive mortgage stress of that will not make you happy best cheap crawler someone says probably the probably the rgts go and bang good look at the rgts

    I’d say for a cheap crawler probably some of the best best so this is where the glue went into Craig’s eye he was holding the rubber back like this put the glue in there and then it flicked you let go flicked shot up in the eye sealed the eye

    Shut so you Racers out there are probably cringing right now how I’m doing this but I’m not in it and I don’t care yes well said Kev less is more you know there’s everyone’s got these dreams of stuff that you want you know everyone wants the fast cars and the big houses

    And the lavish holidays it’s all stuff that everybody would love to have you know or you know not everyone but a lot of people but if you’re doing it all on lots of debt it’s going to lead to a stressful life I’d rather have a little bit less and not have any debts

    Personally right let’s trying off some of this runny glue I used to use tissues like toilet paper and stuff for getting off the excess super glue but then you get it all stick to it whil if you use a rag not as bad right now I’m still going

    To leave the glasses on because I’m going to bolt these on now and sometimes you just forget yourself when you spin it and then the super glue can flick up and get you so new rule for me if I’m working on something and there’s fresh super glue around goggles

    On really not worth it if you get it in your eyes see there I dropped it there that could have flicked up and gone in the eyes so my goggles I staying on right so now you could do a little stand or put it on actually cuz I don’t want the

    Tires to sit on the actual car until the Super Glue is properly dyed so these with the things sticking out these are the front ones that on there boom you got to be careful in tamas that you don’t do the wheel nuts up too tightly that’s a big mistake you can

    Make I used to make that mistake and what happens is you break the hex and then the tires get tight and they don’t turn properly they got an eyelock in there so you don’t need to over Tien them glue glue glue glue glue someone says do you have your cats care yeah I

    Got a couple of cats what do you reckon of this kit it’s a good budget build it’s good for a beginner it’s good for someone not wanting to spend too much money it’s good if you want close racing until I’ve raced it though I’m not going to really know how much I

    Enjoy it I mean we’ll see we see how we get on I like the buggy racing really uger duger then no don’t uger Dugger these these wheel hexes are plastic they’re not strong I used to do that with a manway you to overtighten the wheels you split

    The hex and then the wheels keep falling off well no they don’t fall off they get the hex split and then it goes on further rubs on the bearing and it goes tight then you can never get it tight what do you think of wpl products yeah right right for

    Cheapo what are your cat’s names puggy puggy and the other one well her actual name is Daisy but I call her pocket cuz I used to put in my pocket when she was a kitten I used to go out off fing in the land driver she used to

    Sit there on the seat next to me all my friends used to hold her I taking pocket into tesos in my pocket and I put put on the C belt and as all the food was going down the lady picked up the cat thinking it was a toy

    Cat to you know just scan the bar code she oh my God it’s a real one right that’s that door so next up is now putting the body on and the body posts so I think body posts I’m going to leave them off for

    Now I’m not sure what post I got to use yet so I think we’re going to put the paint the body put the body together well I don’t know I have to give a bit of thought on the body but see that’s all on see so now see look

    I’m playing with it I’m spinning that around and that can make the super glue fly off and go in your eye so yeah leave these on right well I think that is going to be it for this live o people we got we got more done than I

    Thought we was going to get done got it all in there just got to do a little bit of soldering in there make sure that it all works and everything get the body done that’s going to be another day possibly tomorrow I don’t know I’ve got some other stuff I got to

    Get on with as well tomorrow so I might not get a chance but possibly tomorrow but right thanks everybody for watching yep see you tomorrow Andy cheers for your help on the build oh we got thousand people in the comments now right come on everyone everyone is viewing if you enjoy my

    Videos give us a thumbs up if you don’t enjoy the videos give us a thumbs down so that’s a challenge to everyone if you go on if you go on the stream you’ll see a little thumbs up and you’ll see a little thumbs down and if everybody can click one of them one

    Or the other if you go on there look I know a lot of people don’t know what it is what I’m talking about but if you go on the stream there look you get a thumbs up and you get a thumbs down so if you like my video hit the thumbs up

    If you didn’t like it hit the thumbs down let’s see if we can get everybody doing at least one of them I don’t care which one you do just be honest if you thought it was a crappy stream then give me a thumbs down I deserve it don’t I

    So thumbs up or thumbs down or if you don’t care don’t do anything whatever I don’t really [Laughter] care all right so all your comments are gone now so I can’t even comment anymore here oh yeah they are right yeah Thumbs Up Everybody thumbs up in when will you buy a goblin

    Raw got one got a goblin raw quickly show you so yeah so this stuff we got coming up on the channel actually so I got this thing here so I want to fly a few of these Foy Jets first before I fly the real one just to

    Get the hang of it so we got that we got a lossy drag car so I can race it up against the Trax Dr car i’ got to do a bit of repair work to the long sausage speed sausage B good special down there that’s a truck here that we was just

    Building so that’s what it’s going to look like even though I’m probably not going to use their stickers I probably use my own stickers then moving over here we have the gorgens which you can win there’s a link down below if you want to win these gor gun we got don’t

    Know what to do with that yet this is brand spanking New Vintage Tamia Lamborghini worth quite a lot of money actually so I’m not really fully sure what to do with it unopened as well never been open look still got the seal on there we got this to finish building

    We’re going to race we’re going to race these very soon in the next few weeks we’re going to race these we got the Tam the build here’s the goblin Raw it’s a 580 Nitro but we’re putting in a massive engine supposed to go into the 700 size so

    That’s all stuff in there to build that there you got that dragster that’s going to come out I’ve already shown you the stuff next door but for those of you that are just joining the stream I’ll quickly show you oh this here Outcast a this is the

    Brand new one I’ve just been editing that video today and I’ve got a load of upgrades here look I’ve got this here customiz the upgrades sh brace in there I’ve got a load of m2c upgrade chassis and stuff that’s going on this thing here is a jet turbine that I’ve just got

    Things massive I mean this is this is the nose look and that’s like that’s probably the length I don’t know look just just see that’s my hand on the nose there that’s my hand on the nose and that’s how big the nose is and that

    Goes on the front of there and look look at that it’s massive and then the wings are over there so it’s called a J10 I got that there hanger IR Beast we got to fly that that’s got a that’s got a petrol engine in it 11 CC this thing here has got a

    Real jet engine it runs on actual jet fuel look in there look that is an actual jet engine shame you can’t see the rest of it it’s got a vector frust on the back of it this is called so you’ve got all the flappy things on the on the wings

    But it’s got a vector nozzle as well what that means is you can pop hang it you can get it’s I don’t think it’s called it’s called something else I’m not really sure what it means but you can get it up at an angle like that you

    Can hover it and that’s because of that thing there here’s the wings that are for the Beast over there what else we got we got this build coming up and we’re going to make these as fast as possible uh got this boat that we flew the other day we got this plane that

    We’re going to fly soon we got the upgraded monster truck steering system so this here is the the same system that Monster Jam uses so we got get that fitted soon and cut the quers there that’s about it what’s going on in here still got to do a bit of work on

    The old monster the tires we got two punctures so this one here’s really gone flat now look I think I’m going to struggle trying to pump this up again because come off the bead so we got to try and get that back on there and then pump it up and then

    Find the hole and plug the hole I’ve got a tire repair kit here it’s only small little hole we got to pump them up again find where the hole is and shove one of these these things in there and if that fixes it happy days if it doesn’t fix it

    We’re going have to get a tire specialist in to fix it I got I got to replace this bent falling bar I turned it around cuz I was going to put a jack under there and jack it up and see if I can straighten it but my Jack’s too tall

    To go under it and I don’t think it would straighten anyway think we got really put in some sort of a press and then we got the steering system which consists of the orbital valve which is the valve that attaches to the steering column so you got the steering wheel up in there

    The orbital valve then the lines coming off you get a couple of lines go back to the pump and then you got a couple of lines that go down to the steering Rams so with a new system I’ve got to get all the hosing remade to thicker lines cuz

    They flow more more pressure more consistency all that stuff and then we’ve got the new steering pump that goes on the back of the engine there look at all that V8 goodness there look so that goes on there then we got bigger lines that we got to get made I’ve got a

    Bigger tank that comes all the way up and it’s got something in there that because on this when you’re jumping it can FFF up and you get a lot of air mixing in with the fluid and then the steering go soft and hard and stuff so with the new system that doesn’t happen

    The new system can even work when it’s upside down so we got get all that lot on there what got to do on this I think that’s it really I’ve got to make I want to make a I’ve got a tube bender now so I want to

    Make a little cage that goes around the fuel tank if you roll it over this is just soft metal here you know just for the body mounts you want something really to protect the tank so when you roll it over you don’t smash the tank in

    Got to make that got to make some straps that my friend Steve’s going to make me all the safety tethers that go on to hold all these bits on to keep you guys all safe when you’re watching so that’s that still want to give that a tobo at some

    Point but that’s definitely not priority at the minute right so that’s that that is it so you guys that enjoyed give us a thumbs up you guys that didn’t give us a thumbs down and I’ll See You Again may maybe tomorrow maybe and there is a a

    Video on the main Channel that I put out today with DRC boats so go and watch that one as well if you haven’t seen it already stmy in there a lot of you guys wanted to see stmo stmo out so he’s in there uh so yeah nice one dudes thanks for

    Keeping me company while I’m building this thing we’re going to take it racing soon that’s probably going to be probably on this channel this this channel here is iie focused the other channel I see as well but monster trucks and other stuff as well so if you want

    Only RC this channel uh if you want RC and other stuff both channels right see you later guys bye-bye


    1. I’m a bit late to the party
      But don’t try and straighten that suspension arm on the monster truck it will never be as strong just get a new one made it’s only a bar with a couple of rose joints so easy enough

    2. wow kev i can't believe they got funny with you flying plane's and recording it for Youtube wow. i had the same thing with the Warhammer club i played 40k at silly grown men . it's just a dice rolling game with toy soldiers at the end of the day

    3. some of us are not watching anything your doing, were doing the same thing but your fun to listen too, why are British people more interesting than all the other races on the planet? 😆

    4. he dosent like rap music ha! He means he dosent like the culture…rap or rhyming is in all songs its just not yelled at you with what looks like the intent to beat you up as it is in rap, its more positive and peaceful. Take a second and name a song that does not rhyme….just try.

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