Garry arrives in Saint-Malo and sails through passport control with his new EU passport, and is soon on the road heading south. Episode 2 of Garry’s May 2023 cycle touring Brittany, France video.

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    #cycling #bicycletouring #longdistancecycling

    Well um I forgot to talk last night well or rather I didn’t um I got a bit um stressed coming through um uh border patrol every time they say do you have any knives I say this I have a cooking knife can we have a look oh you can’t take that sir

    So then I argue the case well all the camper vans have a very nice what’s the difference between them and me everything gets locked down on the car deck so anyway after a bit of argument and her going off to see her supervisor they said oh you can carry it this time

    Sir don’t bring it again whatever but yeah anyway so apart from that it was all good um last night yeah just um had a quick point and a meal then yeah basically it was more or less time for bed um just been well I’m just gonna go and have a breakfast

    Get that out the way and then we shall come back finish packing and well hopefully well the next time I see you we should be heading out of the port or even out of the port um I’m not too well from what I’ve seen no I can’t see at the moment um

    The weather wasn’t looking uh brilliant for today but we shall see once we get going right well I shall speak to you all soon bye well I let us in that was easy past all the other um cyclists that were waiting to get this stamps so

    That’s all good and it’s not raining at the moment um it is very murky and I think I can feel I’m a few spots of rain but hopefully it will stay dry it’s very warm or maybe it’s me this is all very um picturesque um I recognized a lot of the

    Um route that I’ve come so far today on well we’ve we’ve only been on the road well not even an hour I don’t think um yeah but yeah also a lot of it is familiar and to be honest I think most of it but most of it I mean in theory it

    Should all be um uh very familiar until we get um down to um red on um because I think we’re gonna follow uh the same route um as we did when we cycled the Lamar Valley so yeah then we can get to uh red on racial turn right

    So to speak and head along the coast but yeah this is all very best I’m not quite so sore Arcane this way and before I might have missed all this out I don’t know but either way sorry Pleasant and well it’s very I don’t know whether

    It’s me running a temperature or a lot but it feels very warm to me I’ve been sweating profusely but if you hear a lot so hopefully we’re not coming down with something be bloody typical if I did while I’m away but I hope we’ve only got a week so I’m sure we’ll survive

    Well if it was a clearing day it would be quite a nice view across here um I definitely remember this um from last time I need to find the belongs Ray yeah it’s a mum uh croissants or pan and chocolate well that’s disappointing um somewhere it’s been spitting on and

    Off for the last half hour or so but um it sort of feels now as if it might be setting in for the day stopped to put any waterproofs on yet um I’ll wait perhaps until we get the top of this hill and then the side um maybe we can reach uh

    Jinon I think it is and then uh have a look at the forecast perhaps um I’m not too sure how much further it is um we’ve been on the road for nearly two hours now so I think we must be getting quite near um to it I think um

    There or maybe just before and we pick up the um canals I think it’s canals well I think more or less all the way to read on if um memory serves me correctly well the rain did hit um I stopped off at uh the lingerie to get some uh bits and well

    And I came out and it was pouring with rain so we’ve actually got a uh waterproof so I’ll punch you on Poncho sorry on uh I just thought I’d put the camera on as we come through um here uh Port uh dinner it’s very pretty and uh picturesque I’m

    I’ve stopped well I didn’t stop that I stopped for lunch a few years ago along here when I went down to the the wild Valley you know so very brilliant picturesque um well I’m gonna say we picked up the um Canal now so I think it might be Canal now

    Um the best part of the way if not all the way it’s not cold with this uh rain um it’s very mild which is more annoying in some respects because you just sweat a lot more but yeah I think we go under that I think that’s the vibe yeah there’s colors on it

    All right I think I might stop and take some photos and well I should speak to you all later goodbye all right it’s okay I was wondering whether I crossed that’s it and then down there and then serves me right birds take the picture goodbye I don’t want to attempt to fight

    But it seems to be getting a bit brighter um I think we’ll leave our punch him on for a bit because if we take that off that will be the kiss of death very busy along here well not that busy but there’s more people how longer than I’ve seen in the past

    I suppose it’s Sunday oh yeah oh I think I will have to take it off definitely getting hot maybe we’ll stop and as soon as it stop raining um um hit our uh croissants if we can find a bench let’s try oh oh really pretty careful

    Oh pretty cat in front oh it is a bench right this will do right that’s very picturesque um they’re all the birds they’re obviously happy I’m I’m not um I am trip computer seems to have um started playing up again I thought I fixed it but obviously not it seems to be working

    Intermittently but so I’ll have to well can’t do anything now and it’s working at this particular moment so if mileage might be a little bit out on this trip uh it’s only a week so we’ll sort it out um well maybe we’ll sort it out properly this time rather than trying to budget

    So where we are or how far we’ve come away back uh there the route was um uh closed um but luckily I’m bummed into another cyclist who I think he was French he was talking to another French couple and they said that you could get through as long as we close the

    Barrier behind us so yeah so we got through um I mean it was only a short bit that was closed off and rather just where they was redoing the surface um so yeah so we got to the other side then out the barrier then we bumped into another

    Couple of cyclists who then proceeded to give me her lesson in French but hey ho never mind um and while we were stood there um a peacock just walked past and well it was only me who was surprised to see it none of them bad and eyelid over it but hey hey apparently

    Now see if we can get this right oh it’s another herring oh and there’s a buzzard or eagle um peacock in French I think is Paul Paul something like that and it was all part of my french lesson we’ve left the um Canal now um which

    And even though there’s been a few more Hills um it’s actually made quite a nice Sun change um as nice as it is riding along there Canal it does get um somewhat boring after a while so yeah so we’re just um on the roads um I think we’re about 12 miles 20

    Kilometers from friends um I think there’s a well there should be a campsite there so I think we’re going to aim for that and stop there for tonight yeah I’m Gonna Know How Far We’ve gone but it’ll do one spot it’s three o’clock now it’s gonna take at least another

    Hour and a half to get there so yeah that should be just about right but these are somebody who’s got stuck up a tree all in they’re just training sorry all the excitement I nearly missed the campsite looks a bit expensive um even though well um we made it to uh friends um

    Well it said uh 59 miles so I’m not too sure whether that’s um right but I think it’s about there sort of thing um uh Sunday in France nothing’s open so um well we haven’t got anything um for supper so well we got a piece of bread and I think I

    Might have um some cup of soups still I think maybe um well we’ve got some pasta no that’s okay yeah yeah and we got some cup of soups so I don’t think we’ll um guy or starve rather so right well I shall get on myself and

    Well I shall speak to you in the morning goodbye foreign

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