In this video I’ll bring you along for the ride on one of my key sessions.
    First I jump on my gravel bike and do some threshold bike training on the road followed by some strength training in my basement.

    In my opinion threshold training for cyclist can help you build a very strong fitness.

    Normally I would do a ride like this on more gravel racing relevant roads, but since it’s been raining a lot and the gravel roads are very muddy I chose to do it on the road.

    In this video I’ll give you some tips for gravel racing, by showing you my training. Bike training should be individual and the kind of training I do might not be right for you.

    Strength training for cyclists can help you become a better bike racer/ gravel racer. But it can also help you with your overall health. Here is a link to some research on the subject.

    At the moment I’m training for a few UCI gravel world series races. My goal is to qualify for the uci gravel world championships.

    00:00 Intro
    00:48 Threshold bike training
    06:37 Strength training for cyclists

    #gravelracing #gravelrace #gravellife

    Hey guys welcome to the show today I’m going to bring you along for one of my key sessions well actually it’s two sessions in one more or less first we’re going to do some threshold work on the bike and straight after we’re going to do some strength training down here in

    The basement let’s Go All right so first short work used to be something I would do on a semi weekly basis but haven’t been doing too much of it for the last last year so but uh now it’s back on the program today is uh 4times 10 minutes not exactly as at the threshold

    But yeah a little below I think uh you get the best benefit of the workout if you do it a bit easier than on your exact threshold won’t leave you as tired as it otherwise would and uh yeah tomorrow is yet another day but yeah four times 10 minutes first of work

    Coming up let’s Go First one around 33 wats quite a l and not made it easy on to the next one Yeah Second one 320 C Right Thir one done 320 again only one one all right last one let’s make the last one the best one That’s it play 32 all right that’s was it three times 10 minutes of threshold work first one 330 then was 3 20 320 and a bit more than 330 on the last one so yeah I’m pretty pretty happy about that one normally I would have loved to do most

    Of of the riding the Harder Faster riding on travel or yeah mixed surfaces but yesterday and last night it rained quite a lot and honestly I’m not really up for the huge bike cleaning session after this so I did I did most of it on the pavement but yeah that’s that’s all

    Right too after session like this I like to do a few short accelerations few very short efforts from 15 to 30 seconds just to practice uh being able to produce lots of power on tired legs and uh yeah then it’s just after that easy riding home and then straight into my strength training

    Session I just watch watching Watching Watching A short interruption in the video first off I really want to thank all of you guys who have already subscribed to the channel H giving the videos a comment or a like it means the world to me second of all if you are new to the Channel please do consider subscribing it would

    Mean a lot help me a lot at you plan to make this into hopefully quite a big deal and I would love to take you along for the ride back to the video all right so I’m back in the basement ready to start lifting some weights um strength

    Training is actually something I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading about I think the science is clear there’s great benefits both when it comes to your cycling performances but also your overall health and the kind of uh strength training I’m doing is uh quite

    Heavy I do three sets of uh three to five repetitions and I try to uh go as hard as I can which isn’t that much because I’m nowhere close to being a bodybuilder or weight lifter whatever I try to keep my strength training routine short and sharp and efficient I don’t

    Find it that fun uh actually but I know that it will help me because faster on the bike and more healthy my whole program uh takes me about 20 to 30 minutes and I have U let’s call it three uh main exercises and then I have some yeah well some supportive exercises uh

    Which are not that important but those exercises I do when I have the time and energy and so on so the three main exercises I do is squats obviously um then is deadlift so some kind of deadlifts uh sometimes I do it on one leg sometimes I do it like normally and

    The last one is uh Cal races the reason I’ve chosen these exercises is that I know that they will make me better on the bike I know that it’s scientifically backed to do exactly these exercises to get better so there’s no guess work uh or hoping that it might work I know this

    Exercise just will make me better so that’s why I do them that’s it for today’s video hope you liked it it’s a bit of a different kind of format um so please let me know what you think about it until next time see you


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