LIVE #InsideTheNumbers at 12PM EST — Trump’s Super Tuesday smackdown forces Haley to pull out, setting up a rematch with Biden in 2024!

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    [Applause] Welcome to inside the numbers with the people’s punding I’m your host Rich Paris the peoples punding don’t forget if you like the videos don’t forget to like them and share them of course course far and wide but the best place when you subscribe to locals Rumble

    That’s great the best place to follow us is on locals locals locals peoples pundit the super Tuesday uh primary event happened yesterday More than 70% of the delegates for the Republican nomination were up for grabs last night and it ended like this in all likelihood Donald Trump will be the

    Republican nominee when our party convention meets in July I congratulate him and wish him well I wish anyone well who would be America’s president okay there we go uh let’s just pause that right there so again you took an oath uh you took several uh you made

    Several promises that you would not um run for president if the former president ran for president because he saved you and your family from Financial um from Financial ruin and from political um irrelevancy your children were in debt your husband was pissed at you for infidelities you had nothing

    Going on but tea and crumpets with people who could said they could bankroll your campaign and you decided um even though you had a cushy little gig with Boeing that you know you got because of him you decided you were going to run and voters don’t like that

    Stuff I mean when you’re not going to be loyal to your former boss when you’re not going to be loyal to your party why on Earth would they think that you will be loyal to them and she says I wish them well and then goes to quote

    Margaret Thatcher which I want to bring up real quick show you our country country is too precious to let our differences divide us let me just say I don’t wish every president well if you’re a president that I think is destroying the country I don’t wish you

    Well at all I don’t want you to do well for doing that I remember when um you know Rush limau defended the now defunct majority minority leader Mitch McConnell in the US Senate McConnell had said after Barack Obama was elected that he was going to make it his mission to make

    Barack Obama a one-term president and everybody flipped out because of of course he was the first black president how dare you old white man say that uh we want Barack Obama to do well I who the hell said and this is coming from somebody a republican who did not like

    John McCain at the time and I did in fact support uh Barack Obama’s presidency I wanted him to do well until I realized he was a fanatic so I don’t wish everybody well that’s in the presidency do you if you’re wishing someone well who’s destroying the country and you know

    Allowing it to be invaded the world’s on fire uh you know inflation is running rampant why on Earth would you wish that person well because you’re part of the political class and their loyalty and feldip means more than to you than anything I have always been a Conservative Republican and always

    Supported the Republican nominee but on this question as she did on so many others Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said quote never never just follow the crowd always make up your own mind it is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and

    Beyond it who did not support him okay and Beyond it was one of the truest things that Nikki Haley ever said boy I caught that look perfectly let’s just show uh real quick what happened after we ended the stream last night we got to run our little thing don’t We [Laughter] I’m showing you these and it’s good that they ended with Alaska and Utah last night uh not because time zones really but Utah screwed up they had major problems uh but I’m showing you this on purpose because it illustrates the point I’m going to try to make which is going

    To uh hopefully provide some clarity to what Nikki Haley is arguing this is Donald Trump in a closed system Nikki Haley had the endorsement of the I mean she’s Rhino upon there is I don’t even know why she’s a republican Lisa marowski other than maybe energy um but

    Other than that no she would never survive a primary in her State Joe Miller defeated her so she joined with the Democrats and Carl Rove to do a writing campaign and she was able to survive but the next time she was up inv vulnerable she used her AIDs that are in

    DC to buy off people and bully people and change the the system to a uh rank Choice voting system in order to save Lisa marowski they gave the state to Democrats now the atlarge district is R is uh represented by Mary pah and it’s going to be impossible if not if not

    Impossible incredibly difficult for a republican to win that state even though they make up almost two-thirds of the vote in the initial round of rank Choice voting it’s absurd and that’s who endorsed Nikki Haley in this contest but Alaska is not exploitable at least it’s incredibly difficult to

    Exploit by what do I mean by exploit by having a well-funded operation chaos crossover effort where you have all of these people in this unique environment where they don’t their own voters Joe Biden’s own voters don’t particularly like him and aren’t particularly thrilled to vote for him so you entice

    Them to cross over and vote in Republican contests where available possible able and screw with Donald Trump normally that doesn’t happen because people don’t want to waste their votes in this case they don’t see it as a waste of their vote because they don’t like Joe

    Biden at the very least they are not enthusiastic with him at all over him at all and you could see it all across the country in his vote again on super Tuesday yes he dominated he did not sweep because he lost American samoas Trump lost Vermont he lost American

    Samoa so I mean but they were pretty much Clear sweeps for for Trump and Biden but there were vulnerabilities for Biden that are being masked because of her operation chaos and in a state like Alaska where that cannot happen this is what you see she says it’s up to him to win these

    Voters over that’s what Nikki said up to him does that and I hope he whoops and I hope he does that at its best this is our country had its best when we’re all United together Alaska is an area where you could see there’s a few people in the

    Republican party that want a second choice and they did but 97% of them are going to vote for Donald Trump 97% of that 12% are going to vote for Donald Trump we can see it in the primary vote and we can see it in the general election polls all across the Spectrum

    From us to the New York Times Donald Trump’s base is more solidified than than Joe Biden’s now there are states where there are those people and they make up a bigger section of the electorate Utah is a good example Utah’s a still a chunk of people

    Like Mitt Romney and even in a closed contest they wanted somebody else where did Trump lose the most votes he lost Salt Lake 52.4 to 42.6 and he barely lost Davis barely but he did lose it he swept everywhere else is Utah in danger of being a Battleground State because of this

    No I’ll Tell You Folks this is one of the few businesses where no one’s going to be right all the time so you’re even if you are one of the more right people out there and you you’re more right than you ever are wrong you’re still going to be

    Wrong at some point nobody could pitch a perfect game every game but this is also the only industry where the same idiots can be wrong all the time and still keep talking and rattling their big old mouths without shame without any reflection introspection whatsoever what happened this cycle with

    Nikki Haley’s primary vote chaos crossover is novel the concept of it is not but putting it in a play like this is you had a massive organization that had huge huge reach when it came to the Democratic base the donor base particularly the small dollar donor base

    They had networks like act blue helping Nikki Haley they had the organization primary pivot who is run by a bunch of people whose resumés include robbing elections and interfering in elections in third world countries this is what these people do and they were were funded to

    Do it for the first time ever an operation chaos had tens of millions of dollars at its disposal whatever it needed Nikki Haley will end up have spending more than that before he quit after Iowa Ronda Santa spent almost $200 million just in Iowa alone Nikki Haley spent tens of millions

    By New Hampshire she dropped a cool 37 million in her own state of South Carol in the money just kept rolling and of course in super Tuesday there are some very expensive media markets in Texas California and Beyond and she had it the packs that supported her like the SFA fund run by

    Mark Davis a total Rhino who tried to stop Trump before with Marco Rubio in 2016 loud LED Marco Rubio to the ultimate imal embarrassment which is losing your own home state they had money at their disposal from people like Reed Hoffman and other silicon and other leftists like Silicon Valley

    Billionaires and it wouldn’t matter if voters weren’t primed to do it and in this case they were because how unpopular and uninspiring Joe Biden is so what happened this year it’s complicated and yet too many people are trying to simplify it so that they can reaffirm or affirm to themselves their

    Own biases and then worse lie to people about it like Manu Raji over at CNN I wonder Manu are you really just this stupid or are you a liar I want to know which one it is Joe Biden had no serious opposition and yet in States like Minnesota Donald

    Trump outperformed him not in percentages but outperformed across the map vote totals in areas that will matter that state is in play Maine is in play if you were not paying attention yesterday the last poll from pan Atlantic had Trump up by six I’ll tell

    You what I took it with a grain of salt I was highly skeptical pan Atlantic University not only uh overstated Biden share the vote Statewide in Maine in 2020 but actually had Joe Biden winning the second congressional district Trump won it by eight they now have Trump up

    By 20 drri out of Bangor who runs the poll for the Bangor Daily News they are the poll to look at they had the state basically tied with Trump winning the second congressional district by almost 30% more support than he had in 2020 if he Titans the first

    Congressional district he could be the first Republican Presidential nominee to carry the state of Maine since 1988 when Herbert Walker Bush beat Michael daauus with more than 400 electoral votes that’s where this race really stands today folks and I hope throughout the entire season we guided you in the right

    Direction you didn’t believe the nonsense you didn’t believe because there was folks there were some outrageous claims this cycle they call it the Silly Season for a reason but this wasn’t just the Silly Season this was the stupid and Sinister season where grifters were grifting and [ __ ] eaters were eating [ __ ] and they

    Never stopped even when when they were wrong they never took a second to look at it and say I wonder how I got this so wrong so bad they just kept on keeping on there are still people out there even though it is now proven the santis holdovers are statistically

    Insignificant yet all overx they pretend like they’re this huge chunk of people this huge advocacy group nickii says I hope you win over my voters Donald let me I said this last night on the stream I will not use this colorful language but Donald Trump does not need to do

    Anything to Nikki Haley or for Nikki Haley he doesn’t need to do anything beyond what he did last night when he went to the microphone this is the administrative State and the opposition party using someone who really allows herself to be used she’s willing to do it the gold speaks what

    Could I tell you in using someone like this trying to create a rift but it’s not a rift that’s not really there so instead they astroturfed one and they’re going to try to use it as leverage to get their hooks in his administration because I hate to tell you

    Folks but if you’re not paying attention Donald Trump is the favorite going into November he is the favorite let’s listen to the rest of her spe politics is about bringing people into your cause not turning them away and our conservative cause badly needs more people but here’s the

    Kicker that’s what Donald Trump is that’s who he is Donald Trump is putting together the Coalition that they claim they’ve always wanted the Coalition of the autopsy report after Mitt Romney lost she’s going on and on as if these people would ever vote for her in a

    General election they will not vote for her in a general election do we have to do this all over again Nikki Haley and why did you vote for Nikki Haley uh it’s a vote against Trump um I think it would be better to have her against Biden in

    The uh elections then it would be Trump and her do you consider yourself generally independent Republican or Democrat uh Democrat so when you Undeclared you voted for Nikki Haley if it was Nikki Haley against Joe Biden in a general election who are you voting for Joe Biden what is

    The there are still people pretending as if that guy is not the majority of her vote in most places he in fact is the majority of her vote and once again we could see that in Vermont and she barely won with the Democrat pretending to be a republican Rhino

    Governor telling Burlington clearly to find more votes last night of course you’ll never hear that on a call and having all of these Independents that are really Democrats vote for her Democrats vote for her it’s an Open Primary we know they’re Biden voters 90% of them last night told the CNN exit

    Pollster they’re satisfied with the country the way it’s going under Joe Biden I could keep going we have tons of why did he say I’d rather have Nikki Haley because he knows he’s not an idiot Nikki Haley cannot get out this Coalition she’s talking about about Fox News has her up nationally

    Over Joe Biden yet all of their Battleground states that they’ve pulled so far have her down why simple the country as a whole doesn’t know Nikki hilly yet now that we’ve gone through super Tuesday though a large chunk has got to know her what does that mean more

    Than consult will tell you what it means her favorability now is at the lowest it’s ever been ever since they’ve began track Nikki Hy’s favorability almost no more than two years ago there was this huge chunk of I don’t know who she is and as that trunk her

    Favorability got more and more negative it’s far more unfavorable than Donald Trump says by the way you’ll never hear that so this is again AstroTurf that Coalition that she’s talking about that he needs to earn from her does not exist not in such astonishing numbers that

    They need to give her anything they need to give her nothing and you would be stupid to even give her a crumb off the table you don’t need to you can win without her believe me her voters are going back to Joe Biden the other

    12% out in Alaska 97% of them will vote for you State like Utah is it in Play Because Donald Trump didn’t win 90% of the vote in Utah that’s how stupid some of these people sound this is now his time for choosing I end my campaign with the same

    Words I began it from The Book of Joshua I direct them to all Americans but especially to so many of the women and girls out there who put their faith in our campaign I’m getting a little tired I’m just going to say this here’s where

    I will get a little nasty I’m getting a little tired of these women uh acting as if they’re role models to the young girls out there like my daughter I don’t want Nikki Haley and Camala Harris along with their bruised knees being the role model for my

    Daughter I don’t give a damn if that offends you or not I don’t care who Clips it and puts it up I don’t want to see her ass on Nickelodeon I don’t want to see her ass on the Disney Channel I don’t want her or Camala Harris being

    Role models for my daughter I want my daughter to succeed because of her brain her intellect and her drive her hard work not because of her willingness to get in the back of an SRX not because of her willingness to take a little side piece like Willie Brown to get to where

    She needs to be in her political career that’s not how I want my daughter to act well Trump isn’t exactly a role model either Trump is honest Trump isn’t out there quoting from Joshua Trump says I am what I am take it or leave it and my son who’s my oldest he knows

    That and he takes what he thinks he should take and he leaves the rest I want to be a man who has a family like that I want to be a man who takes care a business like that I want to be a man of my

    Word he never said he was the image of the Virgin Mary had to seen my guy the other day and or I mean just earlier hilarious dude I’ve told you about him before he’s Indian naturalized citizen but lived in was naturalized in Massachusetts couldn’t wait for last

    Night finally with this effing woman I don’t have to deal with her anymore you would think you’d be proud she’s of Indian descent nope and believe me it’s a lot funnier to hear the guy who’s got an both a combination of an Indian and Boston accent say it like

    That I love this guy he is so funny Trump all the way this is a man who voted for Martha kley over Mitt Romney I’m tired of this Margaret Thatcher is a role model I could think of plenty of other women that are Role Models the I’ll do

    Anything to score political points for for a job at Boeing to be the Attorney General of the state the governor of South Carolina I don’t want my daughter being that woman no thank you in fact if she becomes that woman I will consider myself an utter failure as a

    Father at the very least I want my daughter when she gives her word that people will know that she’s going to keep it when she makes a promise she will not break it be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for God

    Will be with you wherever you go in this campaign I have seen our country’s greatness from the bottom of my heart thank you America God bless You I just don’t know why we accept things like that I’ve become I’ve come in this last season to appreciate the tactic of ridicule I have really come to appreciate it I think it’s undervalued understated all right let’s take a look real quick at the delegate count and

    Some other states because I think it’s really really important to discuss where we are here all right let’s go back of course this is uh Utah the delegate count now is 1,61 to 90 after hundreds of millions of dollars after hundreds of millions of dollars Donald Trump the way he

    Performed in some of these other states because we have other contests coming up on March uh 12th and some stuff in between we have March uh six today which is the Hawaii Democratic primary on Friday we do have American Samoa Republican but it’s they’re not bound Joe Biden lost his caucus the

    American Samoa caucuses to Jason Miller he lost them uh on March 12th we have both the Georgia Democrat and Republican contests which is why we’re going to have to get out into the field real soon we have Hawaii for the Republicans Mississippi and uh for for the Democrats and the

    Republicans Mississippi and of course for the Democrats and the Republicans we have Washington Washington you would think would be a state where maybe Trump would have some struggle uh because of you know the the demographic we all keep hearing about but it is a close primary

    And currently he is crushing it based on the vote totals in other areas of the country that are similar uh especially in Northern California California was an absolute bloodbath all right that’s what hap by the way and California is a great example of how complicated this Coalition is that voted for Nikki Haley

    In these primaries Nikki Haley did not even meet the 20% threshold in California and in some of these Northern counties even in Napa folks to the West even in Napa look at M Mok 88.7 83.5 and I I can not even pronounce that Del Norte

    86.4 So based on how he did with some of these other demographics by the way uh California the Berkeley pole was pretty much spot on and the Berkeley pole has Biden’s lead at only about 15 points in California little fun fact little tidbit California’s one of only handful of

    States about a half a dozen that went from uh 2016 to 2020 in Trump’s Direction it shifted about Five Points while the country overall shifted to the left and away from Trump allegedly supposedly you know what I mean all right so um it’s it’s interesting to note that but based on

    How he performed with these other demographics and some of these closed contests he drummed her among moderates in California the exit polls have been updated go look at them he beat her by greater than 25 points among moderate voters in California so based on that Performance Based on his performance all over super

    Tuesday he doesn’t really need March 19th to clinch the nomination he can do it with the contests that are between now and March 19th where a handful of other states will also vote in Arizona both the Democrat and Republican primaries Florida both the Democrat and the Republican primaries that’s win or

    Take all Trump already had a 50-some point lead and he was going to obviously take that Illinois another very delegate Rich State both for Democrats and Republicans Kansas as well Democrats and Republicans as well as Ohio this will be as I framed it and characterized it in the beginning of the

    Cycle the least competitive supposedly contested nomination in modern memory if there was going to be a problem for Donald Trump you would have ran into it in New Hampshire everybody knows that they needed the help of the governor and the state’s Democrats and Vermont to put him over the edge and she

    Barely barely made it there is a little bit of uh contest who’s right the AP or the Secretary of State um right now uh we have a few more votes than the Secretary of State and I’m not sure that that’s a good thing or a bad thing I’ve asked for

    Clarification we have Nikki ili with 36,2 191 votes the secretary of state has 36,2 27 votes however the real disparity is from the people down ticket I’m not sure what’s going on and whether or not she’s going to fall below 50% or not if she does we don’t have that in our

    Delegate allocation right now we have her allocated Vermont’s delegates if she does she will lose some of those delegates and they will split the state nine for her eight for for Donald Trump as of right now I think until we get clarification I actually think decision

    Desk is probably right AP has people on the ground though which is something that I’m keeping my eye on always have people like what’s going on out in Burlington in South Burlington well Laura and I can pick up the phone the AP is right there Laura did you want to say

    Something I don’t know if she wanted to say something pop in but um I wonder what’s going on something’s going on anyway there you have it so he will probably clinch is very likely at this point that he will clinch before we get to those March 19th contest although

    We still are going to poll Florida I told uh decision Des they’ll have a new Poll for their average soon we’re going to poll Georgia and probably Arizona it looks like I don’t know if we should just get to the general election part of this but the Sun Belt pole uh another

    Notable uh speaking of those demographics we’re talking about let me show you what I’m what I mean all right so Virginia was the first clue with the night that this was not going to go how Nikki Hy thought it was going to be the worst casate scenario for her in the end

    It was worst case but she did get Vermont she may not even have won that it was at least possible so it’s like everywhere else based on the delegate estimates that we had forecasted B everywhere else it was worst case scenario for Nikki Haley except for Vermont if she which

    We’re assuming she will hold that 50.1 uh threshold we’ll see if she doesn’t then it’s just really really really but she had no choice but the drop out at this point because she cannot stop him and it’s not even him who she’s trying to stop it’s the voters

    She was trying to stop the voters Virginia is about as Rhino As It Gets In Lowden County he beat her he beat her in the early vote in Lowden County there’s no registration by party in Virginia although when you go they will ask you what ballot do you want right

    But that is not the case you could vote anywhere all of these people could have crossed over and voted for her she won H uh she won Fairfax but folks she didn’t really win it all that much Fairfax city she only won by a few hundred

    Votes Aubra Marsa held on to by a th000 votes and then her biggest margin came from Richmond City and that’s it she lost everywhere else Rowan Oak City even she lost V Virginia Beach City she lost Northampton she lost AAC she lost the Chesapeake City area she lost uh in REO

    County and Richmond City and uh not Richmond and REO County and Chesterfield he crushed her in Chesterfield if you remember the 2021 gubernatorial election Chesterfield played a big role it was very telling going now to to North Carolina here we go load up load up every single County every single

    County there are a lot of affluent Republicans in Carterette that make a lot of money and are well educated she got creamed there are a lot of them in Craven County downtown Newburn which used to be the capital of North Carolina she got creamed that’s a fun fact during the colonial era it’s

    True there was really no I mean there was but Raleigh wasn’t bustling Charlotte wasn’t bustling not the way it is now Newburn had the access through the Noose River that’s where Governor Tron governed The Colony that was the capital and it’s still there today and

    You can go visit it and it’s a beautiful place during Christmas anyway Trump territory even in Wake County Trump territory mecklinburg he won mecklinburg he won Durham this I mean he won everything as you can see even orange by the way as well as performing extremely strong this

    Is I point this out a lot even though it’s a small County but it’s a big deal in a general election hide County still has a major or did when Trump ran for 2020 I’d have to go back and look it up majority registration Democratic yet Trump wins 60% plus of the

    Vote so we won an ancestral Democratic areas in the east in the west any cleaned house where there are obviously Democratic areas um here and by the way Mark Robinson had also uh won we’ll check out what’s going on with the lieutenant governor race there uh how weatherman was ahead I personally think

    That a Robinson weatherman ticket is the strongest ticket in North Carolina that’s my my personal opinion anyway um I’m not sure weatherman was called it doesn’t look like it was because it’s close and I mean they he didn’t avoid the uh runoff territory so 19.6% Jim

    O’Neal at 15 point eight I wonder if people like well from there was nobody running against Dan Bishop obviously he’ll be the lieutenant um he’ll be the attorney general and by the way Josh Stein the current attorney general he won 69.6% of the vote in his primary he

    While Robinson won every County U Michael Morgan actually did win a few counties against Josh Stein he won Bladen County uh not by much well excuse me it was by much that one 59.7 to 25.2 25.1 won U Morgan also won Jones not with a majority though but he still won

    It 49 A5 to 32.9 and he won Green County 43.7 to 36.4 Stein is a controversial figure he’s viewed as a fanatic by Republicans in the state so that will be a very important race him versus Mark Robinson very important race I have a hunch because Trump is on the ballad that

    Republicans I mean forested was a very mild nice guy but a very mild dude going against Roy Cooper who at that time had been popular he barely lost I mean it was a few thousand votes he barely lost uh I think we’re at the point now where

    Um I think I know where it is Laura I see what you’re saying hold on I’ll send it to you just let me give me Laura a second here uh she’s looking for something so she can get involved here I think right about this I’m

    Sending you where I think it is check it out I’m not kidding I think it’s there uh anyway I think that at this point mark Robinson is not only the uh favorite but the strongest to win let’s talk more real quick because it’s 12:37 we’re gonna have a little guest on today

    Special guest on today buddy Sean’s gonna come on we’re going to talk about be on his show Battleground later tonight I’m going to te it up there’s a couple things we want to discuss um but speaking of which before I do this uh where are you where are you I want to go

    Over the map what um we could go through every single one but I mean Minnesota was a huge deal last night if you were not paying attention and actually I guess you know what let me let’s do that real quick and then we’ll lead into it Minnesota um was a disaster for Joe

    Biden there was a huge chunk of vote that voted uncommitted and everyone is acting as if this is not a big deal it is a big deal not only that but Trump’s vote totals and shares in Minnesota were astonishing compared to Joe Biden remember the Russ belt poll that we ran

    I was talking to uh check out his book with Gavin Wax By the way the emerging populist majority I was talking to Troy Olson before the show and he said you know your poll in Minnesota was really ahead of its time here because now may

    You know he’s from it that area so he’s like you know maybe I’m a little giddy here but I think that last night proves Trump can win Minnesota and that your poll is right uh I would say so there is of course used to be a caucus in Minnesota but

    Republicans have never ever been able to drum out results like this another state where Trump won every single County and for those who don’t know uh I went through it yesterday that we do buy Township in the New England states so we’ll F we’ll put that together and then

    Add it to the list but Trump won every single County in Alabama Alaska Arkansas California Maine Massachusetts I think he did win every we have to wait for massachus sorry wait Minnesota North Carolina Oklahoma Tennessee Texas and that’s so far that’s it and I have to wait to see what happens with

    Massachusetts but not only did Trump win those states he won every single County in them somebody told me it wasn’t a mess up I don’t know if people had noticed but Renville had actually I think like Chris Christie was leading or Ronda Sanz or something it was some crazy initial

    Vote dump but then when the rest of the votes came in Trump just ran all past it Trump even beat her again this is important because this is the Twin City suburbs is a perfect example of like if there was a non- AstroTurf problem with Trump’s base you would see it in

    Minnesota it would jump right out at you she didn’t spend the money that she had spent to like win Vermont where it’s a cheaper media market and she got smoked Washington 64.1 to 34.1 henin as Democrat as it gets 53 to 44.9 if she can’t win hennipin she can’t win

    Anything Ramsay slightly worse for her 53.6 to 43.9 and then in the Iron Range just rocking away for Trump even in cook which is the last Iron Range hold of Dem the Democrats it’s holding out so is St Louis uh I think that there is a chance

    That he could take these and then in um what do we call it the these are Farm Bel States you know but uh a part of Minnesota’s you know what Phillips called as Farm Bel States we’re actually dealing with this right now in the book club which is Sunday 3M

    Eastern Standard Time if you’re a supporter on locals or if you’re a member on YouTube’s YouTube you can join the book clubs and we’re we’re going over a lot of this Becker is you know uh where Troy was you know really uh talking about it and bringing it up and

    I hope you don’t mind me talking about this but uh this is you know his there’s ancestral Democratic voting in these counties for many many many many years and Becker where his dad’s from Union Democratic grandfather an otter Tale by the way is I mean that otter tale went for Trump heavily for

    People who you know let’s go look at otter tale real quick and it’s not just that he won these counties it’s how many votes he got out of them this is a big deal you have areas in the first and second congressional district where Trump did extremely well

    And Republicans voted in heavy numbers 8,638 nstead compared to only 5,383 Joe Biden got 4,130 votes Donald Trump got 5,377 Biden would really have to run it up in in henen and he will but it’s not just by the margin it’s how much can you

    How many votes can you get out there how many votes can you squeeze out of a state you know out of your area of the state that you can save yourself from really losing the Battleground areas like Homestead I think at this point you know Donald Trump is probably

    Favored to take counties like that even in Minnesota I’m serious the question will be whether or not he can get 45 to 48 in the Twin City suburbs because if he does folks he’s going to win Minnesota right I mean you it is defendable to shade it light blue your

    Map right now but after this clip I’m going to show you what I think my map would look like I actually don’t think that that map is um that this map you’re about to see is is really correct not now maybe after they slap a conviction on Donald Trump but Alvin Bragg’s case

    Is pathetic I don’t think people are going to Care not about Alvin Bragg’s case with Stormy Daniels if it even I mean it is even that’s the one that’s the weakest case it may you know they’re going to move forward in in uh at the end of this

    Month with that case I mean there may be some stuff that tie it up but there may even be some jurors I’m not kidding I mean that’s how weak this case is it’s New York and they’ll probably try to get you know they’ll pack it the best they

    Can but anyway let me play this clip and then we will whoops let me play this clip and then we’ll get back to the map here at this particular point of where you would expect it like Georgia hold on let me go back he is flipping States at this

    Particular point of where you would expect it like Georgia that Joe Biden won Nevada that Joe Biden won Arizona State Joe Biden won tossup same in Wisconsin in the Upper Midwest same with Pennsylvania and Michigan where we obviously held that primary last week at this particular Point leaning Republican

    So folks if you have it in your mind that Donald Trump is just popular enough to win the Republican nomination lose that thought because at this particular point when matched up against Joe Biden Donald Trump is a favorite which is something we couldn’t say at any point

    In 2020 and really wasn’t something that we could say at any point in 2016 when he was matched up against Hillary Clinton oh boy oh boy they don’t like that look at her V is he saying that oh boy look at that let’s look at her it’s like

    Dread dread it starts here and just gets real bad for her and they have Minnesota leaning blue uh leaning to Biden they have Pennsylvania and Wisconsin toss ups and they have Nevada going to Trump and Arizona a toss up and I understand from the polling I get it um but again

    Actually let me see Harry Mo it looks like they have Maine going to Trump don’t they am I seeing that correctly ladies and gentlemen so let’s just take a look at that on the Battleground map right now and see what that would mean all right so Harry Anton has Maine going

    To Trump all right the last poll in Maine did have Donald Trump uh winning that state by six points low vote shares but nevertheless he was winning it by six they have Michigan leaning to Trump because Michigan is uh polling more trumpy than either Pennsylvania or Wisconsin right now however in the um

    Hill decision desk average there has been a slew of new polling in Pennsylvania and now Trump’s lead is starting to widen out a little over three points so Pennsylvania is leaning to Donald Trump even though we know the system we all know what we’re talking about listen I’m just going to do this

    Right now North Carolina is not leaning Trump he is consistently outperforming there if you didn’t see what happened there last night open your damn eyes Republicans got 62 plus percent of the NPA ballots that were pulled for the primary went to Republicans Trump won them and he won them overwhelmingly so

    Ina I mean this the exit polls are one thing but you can see it in the vote result result and the exit polls do say that he won them but you can see it in the exit you can see it in the actual vote numbers um you know Trump’s vote

    Share was just huge in North Carolina um so that state I mean 74% folks he won 74% uh he even outperformed Ted Bud because Bud um lost mecklinburg by like 14 votes but forget about the actual vote share which he exceeded uh Ted Bud was running against Pat mccy um so but W

    Independence and it looks like Trump is going to win them by even more the polling there has been like anywhere from Trump plus three to five to upwards of 11 with one poll even being Trump plus 13 I don’t believe that but I don’t think that it’s out of the realm of

    Possibility at all for Donald Trump to win North Carolina This Time by six points maybe a little bit more I don’t think that’s out of the realm possibility at all Georgia is another state where he’s been performing exceedingly well exceedingly well um Harry just brought that up that these

    Are States you know Democrats are like wow they’re moving us Arizona and Georgia they’re moving us uh the problem for them is simple they weren’t structurally Democratic states until recently and there’s a lot of Swing voters there because they are there is a history of Republican voting so if you

    Did see a lot of Mind Changers from 2020 that’s going to show up in Georgia and it’s going to show up in Arizona specifically because of Trump’s not only his his uh improvement with whites where he’s doing marginally better but really when the 30% of the electorate is African-American and you’re taking 22%

    Of it 20% of it as opposed to taking only 8 to 12 last time upwards of 16 in some estimates I don’t think that’s true at all but in you know I would give him some in I would give him the teens um then that’s going to do real damage to

    The Democratic Coalition in a state like Georgia in Arizona and Nevada where Donald and by the way you you might already notice that Trump is at 287 even if we’re being generous here and by the way Wisconsin is leaning Trump in the average so let’s just give him Wisconsin he’s at

    297 and I’m G to go back and peel away states that I think are tough and I’m going to show you what it would look like here’s the problem polling isn’t catching up state level polling is not catching up yet to what you’re seeing with national Trends so if we were

    Really being honest with national Trends Joe Biden’s entire margin in 20120 came from his roughly 20o lead with Hispanic voters that’s gone now white voters in New Mexico were split other non-whites whether they if they were uh you know very small population Indians Native Americans stuff like that they were

    Actually for Trump while Asians were for Biden so Asian other combined still a little bit for Biden but Biden and Trump were about tied with whites at about 49% it was Biden’s 61 to 60 was it 50 60 to 41 40 no so we had to be in the 50s 58

    To 41 lead among Hispanics that gave him his entire margin in the state of New Mexico Trump you might notice based on that 41% that he actually outperformed his National support among Hispanic in New Mexico all right so let’s say you got 37% nationally with Hispanic voters he got

    41% in New Mexico so he outperformed his National support by about three points we have Biden up among Hispanics by about five okay actually it’s four points we have them up by about five though the New York Times has Trump leading by six let’s say we’re right the times is wrong and Trump

    Does significantly better with Hispanics and hits like 45% of the vote which is where we got them 45 46 with leaners with leaners we have them at 41 or 42 without leaners but with leaners let’s let’s just call it 45 and he did Four Points better last

    Time in New Mexico then he did nationally so now that puts him at 49% Joe Biden edges him out maybe 5149 or 5049 with third party getting the rest Trump’s doing marginally better with whites maybe they’re not tied at 49% anymore and Trump eeks him out 5149 pulls

    Aside that means New Mexico is a nailbiter it’s happened before we have seen this happen before it Absolut absolutely could happen again problem for Democrats uh with Colorado even though after last night it probably should be lean the I mean the problem for Republicans is that there are too many educated

    Whites he is doing better with younger voters but the educated white voter is a real problem for for Donald Trump and um there’s a lot of them in Colorado there are certainly are in New Mexico as well folks but compared to the Hispanic population there are more in Colorado so

    There could be 40 % of the vote in New Mexico 30 to 40% of the vote easy could be Hispanic in Colorado it’s still only about 177% the white vote is democratic in Colorado so it makes it difficult New Mexico would go before Colorado would based on the polls you can put in

    Nor Nevada because of that Hispanic vote shift and because white voters do vote very trumpy in Nevada although Adam laxol performed pathetically among them he could have done better but Trump is clearly on track to win the silver state and because of the shift among Hispanic voters and the

    Postco demographic changes of the state Republicans taking the gubinatorial office barely losing the senate race lack salt lost but it was the closest Senate race on the map it was Trump is well positioned to carry that state he may even carry Clark County if some of these polls are correct

    The polling that we did had Lombardo up LAX salt was up too but he was losing Washo and everyone was basically decided so that should have been hat tipped to us that laxalt was going to lose it may be very very close but likely to lose because he need you need Washo County

    Lombardo held Washo County as our polling suggested we had him up by two and he won it by I think one point something very close we also had Lombardo doing a few points better than laxol in Clark County both them losing it but Lombardo barely losing it we had Trump winning

    It and so do so do others that is his strength with the Hispanic vote that’s what it’s doing and neighboring Arizona same thing panal County Gila there is huge chunks of Hispanics that are going to vote very very very trumpy this time so even if we have this combination with Harry Anon

    Giving him Maine Nevada Arizona go to Trump Georgia and North Carolina of course go to Trump we know Florida’s going to go to Trump by the way Florida is likely it may even be approaching safe I kid you not we’re going to pull it again if Minnesota did go you’re

    Looking at 324 electoral votes for Donald Trump that is a modern day Landslide modern day Landslide now what would we do let’s give him back main let’s say Main’s really hard oh and by the way actually if we did give it and he Eed out New

    Mexico it would be 329 but let’s say New Mexico goes back Biden carries it by two points very close carried it by 12 last time but you he can’t this he can’t this time he cannot rely on workingclass Hispanics Anymore let’s give him back Minnesota that’s 312 you see where I’m going with this you would have to pull away a state where Biden is currently trailing Trump to get Trump away from his 312 floor I don’t know which state do you want to do do do you want to say the

    Polls are wrong by Five Points in Min in Michigan and give Biden back Michigan fine give it give it back still 297 maybe Trump’s gonna maybe Shapiro the crook that he is you know let letting Joe Biden know that don’t worry Mr President or soon to be Mr pres don’t

    Worry Mr Vice President aligene county is going to find you those votes let’s say he does and he finds them the votes alagan and Philadelphia steal it from Donald Trump let’s be let’s be real maybe Northampton has another glitch and for the first time in 35 years it

    Doesn’t vote almost identically to Erie County the way it did when Caroline carlucho was running for the US I mean for the uh state supreme court seat what an open Act that was a blatant open act she wins Erie County somehow loses Northampton by 16 come on folks and I

    Got a bridge to sell you in Moscow but let’s say that happens then the only way for Biden to win under these circumstances is if he was to pull back Wisconson Wisconsin though has been more trumpy and more Republican than the other three despite the fact that the

    Polling shows Michigan is the most trumpy right now although Pennsylvania is quickly Gathering back its position as the trumpy state more trumpy than Michigan and what if Biden was to hold Arizona they pulled some [ __ ] through a wrench right in kri Lakes machine beat her by 12,000 votes in in

    An election she should have won by Four Points still doesn’t get him there what About Georgia herelle Walker was up barely he wasn’t up this much Trump is up folks herel Walker was up 1 point2 points he was never up six to eight points but give him back Georgia it’s not

    Enough give him back Nevada it’s not enough you see how difficult this map is getting for Joe Biden at this point Donald Trump is the favorite he is and people need to start swallowing that right now even with this conviction from Alvin Bragg I just don’t see it the New York

    Court it said Trump defrauded and he owes 400 plus million dollars they want to take they want to Siege Trump to Tower from him hasn’t done nothing egene Carrol makes the rounds on MSNBC and CNN calling Trump a rapist I won my judgment he’s a rapist

    Nothing the map still looks the way it does the vote more importantly still looks the way it does he’s the favorite he is the favorite ladies and gentlemen believe that now listen if you’re a trump supporter and if you’re Trump campaign you want to run like your 10 points

    Down and you want to run hard and keep running but there’s no doubt you got to accept re reality he is the favorite let’s take a real quick break and then we come back we’re going to have my buddy on all right listen don’t forget

    Tea is good too book club we were just talking about this actually how good jam and beans tea is we all talk about the coffee the medium roast if you’re a midday medium roaster uh they have a full body medium but have several of them that are full body that are just

    Absolutely delicious you know their popcorn is the bomb Laura and I absolutely love their gourmet popcorn um I’m a Savory kind of guy so I really like uh for instance the Buffalo I like the blue cheese buffalo blue cheese is just amazing I like creamy Dill I like

    Sour cream and chives but everything is good like you cannot go wrong with their popcorn and unlike other gourmet popcorn especially the real bougie natural stuff it’s not expensive not compared to some of these other people out there and they are the I’m telling you I personally

    Believe I really do that jam and bean is the best gourmet popcorn out there I love them and their teas I’m really starting to get into I had Laura buy its set and everything I’m not kidding people SP in one day don’t get me Rong you’re never gonna see me with my pinky

    Out but I’m really starting to get into it especially when you’re sick it’s re it’s good I’m down with it I’m really getting down with it all right but anyway when you uh go to jaming and sign up for a new subscription no matter what it is use the promo code TPP

    40 at checkout that’ll knock 40% off right off the rip and every month when it renews that promo code’s still going to get 10% off every month just when it renews you’ll see 10% chopped off just from being the most brilliant audience on the planet on the internet because

    You watch inside the numbers with the people’s P one more time jaming promo code TPP 40 checkout TPP 40 checkout love those guys over at Jam Bean by the way they also happen to be Patriots michigan-based Patriots and I don’t mean that because of their politics I mean that because

    They fought back against the tyranny of covid ism fouchy ISM and um you know a lot of companies took hits from that they tried I mean they came after them and uh they’re here still standing all right with a beautiful new addition although I’m getting old and I bet you

    That child is already almost a year old wonder how old that cute little baby is L anyway time moves by real real quick and I start to lose you know lose TR of it but let’s bring on my buddy all right let’s talk about this I’m going to

    Be on his show a little bit later today don’t forget 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time there’s a lot to talk about and we are gonna dig into it but let me get his reaction right now ladies and gentlemen Sean Parnell what’s up buddy hey what’s up Bridge thanks for having me I never

    Took you for a tea guy but you know what it makes sense it makes sense I’m just I’m starting to get there now you know like I never was a tea guy you know I’m not my my dad was always he was like always one of those guys like late at

    Night you’ll find him on the front porch smoking a cigarette with like this five hour this five hour old bag of like Li in tea you know dunking it that was him for sure he’s a morning coffee drinker a daytime coffee drinker but at at night

    And me my mom used to go out in the porch and like you know with this their little lipin teas um but I never dug it you know once in a while I would have it but ever since uh the kids brought on some crud like probably going on six

    Months ago Laura gave me their healing like whatever it is a healing blend and number one it was delicious and number two it helped and I was like holy crap Laura this is good and she was like I told you I tried telling you so I said

    Get a t get yourself a little steeper get the T set let’s do this you know and their oong te is just exceptional and uh I got a little funny story this guy Andrew I worked for uh part-time when I was a kid um he had a coffee roasting an

    Import export company and he also did really rare te’s like oong that are tough to find anyway one day he’s like hey you drive take this tea to the city you know and I’m like all right I’ll go into the City and I didn’t mind going over the bridge and he’s like listen

    Though when you get there you talk to the owner of the place you do not uh speak to anybody else you just give it to the owner and he will give it to the client and I’m like you doing something wrong Here Andrew you know I’m like is there a kilo

    In this bag of something other than Silver oong T buddy that’s what I was really thinking and he was a liberal so God knows um as it turns out and I used to drive him nuts by the way 18 years old playing Rush limbo in his office he

    Used to freaking lose because he was a liberal um but anyway I get there and you know who the te was for Hillary rodom Clinton then then US senator hill hill fairly new at the time so you were delivering just to be clear you were delivering teabag Hillary rodom Clinton

    That’s ex yes see what I did there I teab bagged Hillary rodom Clinton that’s so epic I never even thought of it like that but uh yeah I’ll never forget that you know and uh she is I never liked her but I’ll tell you what

    Sean that was like it like she had a goete for her tea what kind of woman has a go but like you can’t you can’t be the dirt near the dirty tea delivery boy you need to go between to get your tea you know from the dirty delivery boy like I just that

    A whole experience sat so badly in my mouth and I like I remember walking out like I wish laio beat you [ __ ] I’ll tell you every secret service agent every secret service agent I have ever met that has worked on her detail says it’s just the worst experience in

    The world that she is one of the most loath some terrible human beings to be around now they don’t use those words but just not a grateful not a kind person at all and of course they have the opposite opinions about Trump people love being around that guy and love

    Working for that guy yeah that’s absolutely true everyone uh who knows Trump you know there’s like old bodyguards I even remember from Trump Tower well before he ever even ran for president they loved him they were so loyal to him they loved him uh you

    Couldn’t get a word out of them you just couldn’t get a word you know like they would never I mean like a bad word you know what I’m saying like they they are uh they he took care of he took care of people I don’t know if you saw it the

    Other day um somebody called him on camera doing it he just threw a Benji to this like woman who was um at I think it was Marl Lago but he went some no wasn’t somebody probably have seen it uh but he was golfing and you know there workers

    That are there uh this girl you could see too she was super happy to see him and meet him like oh my God I’m I’m waiting on Donald Trump and he just pulled the Benji out and gave it to her like boom Hillary rodom Clinton didn’t

    Even tip me for delivering her tea from Central Jersey to the city she didn’t even T me listen I I’m telling you I’ve I’ve talked to president Trump on numerous occasions I mean seriously there there were times where I was running for office and I would get a

    Phone call from you know unknown number and somebody would pick up on the other end it’s like hi this is Emily with President Trump’s office please stand by President Trump and I’m like what you know just out of the blue and it would be like Sean it’s your favorite

    President not I’m not I am not even joking that’s ex that’s exactly how he was and he is he really is just an extremely nice person he’s a great guy and his kids by the way are also awesome Eric Dawn I mean I I don’t know Ivanka

    Well but Eric and Dawn are two just extraordinary young I mean young men they’re my age but they’re just great people and it’s a testament to the kind of person that Donald Trump is he’s a good man and if the media even gave him

    You know even half of a fair deal I mean just just fair coverage yeah you know compared to just the Brazen lies that we get day in and day out from them and Rich it’s it is I have never seen it this bad before in my life I mean these

    People are just Shameless hacks but if they gave him fair coverage he would be beating Joe Biden in a in a landslide I mean the only place Biden would win is DC I mean I honestly think if if the media gave Trump Fair coverage he would win in California and New York yeah

    Because they’ve poisoned these people for like many many years to come Sean you know like they have uh and it’s it’s I you know I don’t want to sound corny here but it’s wrong what they’ve done they really are the the enemy I you know it’s like well what are they if they’re

    Not an enemy what are they you tell me if they’re if they’re not your friend and they’re certainly not your friend I mean they they demented somebody so badly he felt the need to take uh you know a rifle and shoot Steve scalise like these are dangerous people and um

    And by the way they loved Donald Trump before he ran for president they absolutely loved him he was their Golden Boy he uh gave money to Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson constantly they praised him constant everybody loved him you gotta give it to Don King you know Don

    King is like I ain’t turning on the guy you know I’m not going to pretend like all of a sudden we don’t love Donald Trump everybody always loved Donald Trump he’s like he you tell you why they don’t like him because he’s a rich white man the system’s for him and he screwed

    The system for the everyday person and that is why they don’t like Donald Trump I never forget when I heard Don King say that and I was like you know what that’s it that’s it I mean that is it they feel betrayed this cozy system is for them and he is a benefit

    Benefact benef you know benefits from that system and he for he like what’s the past tense of forsaken forsook isn’t it something like that you are asking the wrong person who did not I probably did not do nearly well enough in English although I do have five books out

    Somehow so it just shows you that maybe just schooling doesn’t necessarily correlate to success later in life but you’re again for forsaken forsaken forsaken something like that yeah uh and that’s you know and and you know that that it turns out they cannot forgive that you know at any point uh before I

    Bring up your Tweet are you gonna talk about that tweet tonight because if not I won’t spend much time on it no go ahead what tweet okay uh the tweet that that you brought up that you sent to me I’m just like stunned by this I I can’t

    Get over how different the military is from when you and I were in now I just I can’t get over how things are allowed or or permitted that would never have been permitted and then I thought to myself after reading it that it’s not like that still for everyone because my neighbors

    I have a bunch of neighbors U many of them are are Marines active duty Marines and many of them came to me especially after 2020 and were’re like look you’re in the media this is what’s happening to us and they were sending out messages about how it’s not appropriate for you

    To support Donald Trump on Facebook even right I mean the stuff that uh we got um and we saw with our own two eyes was unbelievable I mean it was taking away their First Amendment right which as a soldier or a seaman an Airman a marine

    You’re kind of used to not having the same anyway privileges that civilians have and you deal with that you know that’s part of being a soldier an Airman or whatever anyway um this you sent me I want to read it uh and then just don’t let me forget about the polls not being

    Broken maybe I should actually do that first but roughly Trump beat her last night you know three to one 7525 and that is very close to what we had in our in the super Tuesday states she was nationally at 15 but in the super Tuesday States we had her at 22

    All right and we had him at 70 uh 76 or something like that Nate Cohen had just tweeted that they had her they had uh roughly the same you know 75 25 something like that and they pulled after us so um it was very very close

    You know the polls are right Sean the polls are right and I just wanted to real quick before we talk about this schmuck I wanted to get into I just wanted to ask you your reaction to that like the polls despite what you have heard from people all cycle along and

    Now you have the left and you have never trumpers coping with the polls you know the way that they mock trumpers for doing right like so being skeptical over the and there were reasons in 2016 and 20120 to and 2018 to criticize the polls there were there were like valid reasons

    For that um there isn’t now so they’re just acting like UNS skewers of the polls and the polls were right brother they were right yeah I I I couldn’t agree more and you know I only trust you in your polls I told you I told you this

    Morning that you know I follow you know live results on on people’s pundit daily on on your website I mean there’s nobody better to follow than you on this stuff oh you know what Rich I’m tired of of being beholden to cable news I in fact I

    I before I came on with you I tried to watch because sometimes I just try to get a sense of what they’re talking about to see if they’re over the Target in any way but I tried to watch some punditry as it pertained to last night

    And Rich it was like they are they are dinosaurs in terms of how they understand the the the elections anymore they they to this day many of the pundits and by the way especially on Fox or especially on MSNBC CNN but also some on Fox that just just don’t understand

    What Trump trump represents I mean there there there’s a lot of talk today about how Trump has reinvented the party and there’s no questioning that now after his super Tuesday performance well it to to guys like me and you I I’ve known this for years that Trump has fundamentally transformed this party

    Into something that is much much better than what it once was I mean I mean seriously back in the day I mean look I I I have people make the mistake of thinking that I jumped into politics you know when President Trump pulled me in and running for congress for the first

    Time in 2020 I since I’ve been back Rich I’ve been volunteering on local state and in even some cases federal campaigns and I have seen with my own two eyes the evolution of this party from honest to God privileged Country Club old conservatives to workingclass middle class Americans yeah and I’m telling you

    We are in a far better place stronger than we’ve ever been before performing better with black Americans and Latinos than we ever have before because president Trump yet if you watch traditional media it it’s like they H they are it’s like they are just waking up to this

    Reality if they’re even waking up at all so what’s interesting about the polling is that yes the polling has been especially you of course but the polling has been pretty accurate this go rich and and I have to I wonder did they start changing and I’m I mean this is obviously you’re better

    Suited to answer this question than me but the the pollsters start following people like you and maybe traler in their methodology because somewhere along they clearly have gotten better because in 16 and in 20 they were a disaster and and so my point is to all the people who who question the polls

    This is not some scop they are not trying to elevate Donald Trump with the polls and the hopes that they get him for a general election they are scared out of their mind and I’m talking the Deep State The Blob Biden and all of his disgusting left-wing lackes in the white

    House they are petrified because look man no better example of this was given than your than your electoral map that you just showed before I came on Biden’s path is now there are eight months and anything could change but his path is is extremely narrow I mean it’s really

    Remarkable when you lay it out like that rich that Biden he’s got I mean look they’re gonna try to cheat that’s what they always have done since 1864 Yep they’re cheaters but there’s something to this too big to rig man there’s something to it and I think I honestly think that

    This law fair stuff was a bridge too far for a lot of people it I think it may go down is one of the greatest miscalculations in the history of modern politics because the I there’s a way in which average Americans who aren’t Tethered to politics and paying

    Attention to this stuff like me and you rich they see what the state is doing to Trump and they see themselves in that nobody likes paying taxes nobody likes to have the state all over them you know they we see that as as the man is big brother it’s a wholly negative thing

    Even a lot of traditional liberals certainly Independents feel this way and I I think it’s just woken people up to this reality much to the detriment of the Democrat Mission Sean yesterday uh and I’m like preaching to people go vote early but I was like really busy otherwise I would have voted early

    Myself but you know Laura Laura and I got up we went and uh we went pretty early though we missed like prew workk morning morning Rush which was huge where we were in North Carolina and you could see the turnout was massive so I knew it was going to be big because you

    Know we voted here a couple of Cycles now and I know what it looks like when it’s like you know trickling in here and there and um this turnout was massive I mean just especially in an area where I am it’s like 20,000 voters come out in a Republican primary is just incredibly

    Incredibly large number of people and yesterday because the way it is here they did check voter ID I don’t know if they did that everywhere well but the new law which was because uh Republicans took the Supreme Court back the state supreme court in 22 uh rep we we we had

    Been voting on it for years it been passing legislature push it passed uh and then they would get the Democrats would get the nutcase justices on the state supreme court to rule that it’s racist and um and un and uh you know they would overturn it this was first

    Time it was enacted and had to be put into into practice and it was incredible to me that what the site that I saw Sean which was a lot of independent African-Americans because there’s a large number of them where we are you have to go to different tables if you

    Pull a republican ballot you have to go to a certain table if you pull a democratic ballot you go to a different table there were like what did Laura call them yes she say like the sad few at the Democratic Table and there were minorities voting for Donald Trump in

    Droves in our County like that happened we watched it happen and I was think and by the way showing their ID you know I mean it was like the whole thing was I know it sounds stupid but to me it was really profound because I’ve been

    Watching this for so many years you know it’s like blacks don’t have IDs like that’s so stupid it’s a damn near racist how liberals view it um not damn near I do think it is like the the um big of low expectations you know quote unquote um and here they were man pulling

    Ballads and I was watching you can see I was watching they were stilling those bubbles in for Trump like crazy BR listen there’s no question about it rich and and a ultimately your polling has has you’ve seen this in an empirical sense with regards to data how it looks

    Like Trump is going to do better with black Americans than any other Republican going all the way back to Gerald Ford when I think he got something like 23% like some something Ford did better than any Republican I think since him but but that notwithstanding I also think that the

    Democrats know that es especially as it pertains to Trump and uh you know Latinos who are actually here American citizens he’s performing better with them y than than oh my gosh like if you would have told me that George I mean they people talked about George W bush

    Getting 40% with Hispanic Americans is like some groundbreaking thing well now look Trump is poised to get more than that it seems Y and I I think that this is why and I’m sure you saw the news story break of you know the Biden Administration flying secretly hundreds

    Of thousands of illegal aliens from their country of origin to cities all across the country in secret y now the border is a crisis so he has a reason to fly people around in in in secret because he doesn’t want to add fuel to an already outof control fire but I I I

    Believe that the plan is is very simple and that’s to get these illegal aliens voting in elections by eroding election Integrity dismantling voter ID getting Democrat judges to say it’s all racist I think that this is the C like when you look at the electoral map and you see

    How narrow Biden’s path is it seems to me if I’m I’m looking at the Democrats and and how they’re going to cheat look the reality is Republicans have woken up to the Democrat cheating in a lot of States I mean I think Pennsylvania is a little behind the curve but Republicans

    Here know uh by and large what the Democrats do and how they do it yeah they yeah they’ve got to pursue other options rich and and and yeah I think importing voters eroding voter ID so that that that they it can’t be proven that illegals voted is what they’re going to

    Do yeah I I just you know want to I do want to get to that thing I just you’re in such an important state um it’s key it really is because Minnesota also I remember in 2020 being contacted several times from this family they had their applications for uh green cards in at

    The state department somehow they went to go get an ID I think it was a driver’s license and they got automatically registered on the voter rolls so the ballots came to their house and they were like calling me like listen I’m afraid that the mere fact that these ballots were sent here is

    Going to give is going to give us a problem when it comes to us getting our cards our green cards like if they find out I’m afraid that’s going to happen I mean this woman the mother and the family probably called me a half a dozen times in like two or

    Three days she was so terrified she was like do you know anybody at the state department I just want to let them know that we didn’t do this and you know if you’re not there to show ID if you’re not there to validate whether or not

    Those voters can vote I show people this all the time every new PE person who signs up on locals when they see their first voter analysis they’re always stunned like hey they can’t be that old people are dead by the time they’re that old and hey These people aren’t citizens

    Well guess what they’re there and that’s why there is something to this um too big to rig swamp them thing that Trump is saying I mean I heard that it’s music to my ears because I’ve been advocating this for a long time like at this point

    You can’t stop them so you have to swamp them you have to there’s just no other way to do it John there’s no other way um the the good news is there’s no infinite an amount of ballads that they could just keep adding it has to be

    Ballads that are on the rolls so if you turn out in huge numbers you can stop them and you can’t again you can’t stop them I mean you could beat them you just beat them too big to rig should be everybody saying it over and over

    Again and again I wish I would have voted early myself but I’m glad that I didn’t because I’m glad I got to see what I saw yesterday uh let me bring this up so you can explain this to people this is CRA this this is crazy to

    Me now go when I read the article which I’m going to show people but after I read your Tweet after I saw your tweet I just can’t believe that I guess if you’re a leftist and you’re part of the protected class and you’re pushing one of their you know

    Uh one of their fanatical agenda items then you get away with this but I never would have been able to get away with something like this you know this is just crazy so let me make it big so people can say here’s your Tweet first and foremost this article which is

    Linked to military times this is an opinion article in the military times folks written by Colonel Brie Fram who’s Colonel Brie Fram a biological man pretending to be a woman wearing a uniform this sort of political advoc advocacy is strictly prohibited while serving he should be chaptered out of

    The military not only that he’s advocating for us taxpayers to put the bill for transitioning children this is extremely absurd and this is a quote before I get started remember this folks like you anybody out there used to watch Mash like me used to love Mash Clinger

    Was trying to get sectioned out by pretending to be Brie Fran you know like think about it and it was like you’re crazy you’re a Section 8 basket case you’re out of here they knew Clinger was faking it so he never got it it was never effective so Clinger had to serve

    It out and by the way his character outlasted some of the main characters uh Reed recently and then quote quote recently the house passed an amendment to the National Defense authorization Act to prohibit the Department of Defense or Tri care from providing gender affirming Medical Care to service

    Members the bill also prohibits the Exceptional Family Member Program from considering gender affirming care as a consideration for where families with special medical needs can be stationed this affects not just transgender troops but every military member that might one day learn they have a transgender child or spouse unquote and then you wrote

    Will Colonel Fram be held account likely not because the Biden Administration is all in on transitioning children don’t need to look far to understand why our military is in the middle of a dire recruiting crisis which is what I wanted I mean immediately I thought of that Sean no

    Wonder we’re in a con a recruiting crisis who the hell wants to serve in this military Bri it says at the end of the article I want you know to see how PE I want people to hear how they phrase it Brie Fram is an astronautical engineer active duty lieutenant colonel

    In the space force a co-lead of the Department of the Air Force lgbtq plus initiative team and a former president of Sparta a transgender military AV advocacy organization and then after that it says and italicize words the views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the views of the

    Space force or the Department of Defense I mean well the problem with this Sean is that the pro the problem is this stuff is not allowed but they created an entire position for this guy who’s pretending to be a girl to do what is explicitly forbidden advocate for

    Political issues you can’t do that but they created created a task force and put this nutcase in charge of it this is unbelievable I mean this is why who the hell cares about these people I’m sorry they’re the job of the military is not to take the hands of transgender

    Delusion people and make them feel better about who they are it’s to be combat ready effective to be that’s right I mean this is this is disgusting I mean it’s like at some level it’s like almost put it simply I mean the Biden Administration is putting people who are

    Clearly mentally ill in charge of the lives of our troops I’m sorry yes that that’s and by the way when you that if if your sexuality is your defining character istic as who you are I I I you’re the military is probably not a good fit for you because

    There’s yeah it’s not about that it’s about discarding your individual identity and being a part of something that’s larger than yourself of course does the military benefit from a diverse set of opinions yes but it’s not diversity for diversity sake we work past that you are many differences As

    Americans and we unify Beyond and that’s what makes our our military great that’s always why we’ve been great but this turns that on its head and not only that it’s it’s strictly against regulations awesome picture I’m doing it brother yeah strictly it’s strictly against regulations to do anything like

    This in uniform so that disclaimer at the end of the article it doesn’t reflect the opinions of the Department of Defense or space force would be appropriate if I had written the article somebody that was out of the uniform yeah right but this dude is still in

    Uniform form and not only that he’s advocating and trying to push what is a very radical agenda that the vast majority of Americans do not agree with and he he’s he’s pushing for those you know gender affirming care which is a disaster for our children he’s pushing

    That to be paid for with US taxpayer dollars so that the exceptional child program a can’t can’t quite remember the exact wording in the article but I can tell you just from my time in the military that those those programs are meant specifically for kids with serious disabilities right physical

    Disabilities or precious Down syndrome kids they want to make that they want to make sure that they have that highly Specialized Care uh where they where they’re stationed you know and so that’s taken into consideration is there a hospital nearby that can serve a kid with this serious you know physical

    Disorder so to speak but gender dysphoria and you know look how many kids I mean you have kids that go through phases why gender I don’t have to tell your audience this so I don’t want to beat a dead horse here but kids go through phases there are tomboys you

    Know girls that like playing boy Sports and then they grow out of it it’s like tomboy it’s so dangerous it’s so dangerous and it’s divisive and it’s contrary to regulations and it’s actually terrible for our kids we’re putting mentally ill people you know in charge of troops and not only that from

    A recruiting standpoint it should surprise no one that space [ __ ] is alienating people I’m sorry but that’s exactly what it is that’s exactly what’s happening dude this is just nuts we’re even talking about this you brought up something that is um that absolutely is uh true and and

    Should honestly piss a lot of people off that program that he brought up you know because uh TR care is uh for people who don’t know TR care is like is the health care for military members and then often too when they get out if some people

    Still uh get Tri care and Veteran as opposed to like what I have which is community care by the way if Donald Trump didn’t pass community care I wouldn’t even have medical care Ser right I’m not kidding I wouldn’t because they just don’t give a damn anytime there’s a Democratic president they

    Don’t care it’s tone from the top sorry I I come here to I’m I’m I’m new here I need to register with this system I need to come out of the north Florida uh South Georgia system I need to get in your oh I’m sorry there’s no we’re at

    Full capacity what that’s what I heard and by the way in three states that I’ve lived in recent uh well recent I mean last 20 since I’ve been out of the military I’ve lived in three I’ve had three different state residences two of the three told me to go pound salt that

    They just didn’t have care for me and if it wasn’t for Donald Trump here right now in the state of North Carolina I would not have Community I would not have you know I I helped write that bill way back into 2014 when I was a veterans policy organization and it was stifled

    In the Senate by Bernie Sanders we couldn’t get it by him and it it languished in committee for a really really long time it was it was initially named the house VA accountability and choice act which would give veterans the ability to choose where they got their

    Health care much like the situation that you described it’s hard for people who move around it’s especially hard for say an ampute who lives five hours away from a VA that he can’t get Healthcare in his own Community it’s ridiculous that we promis to take care of our veterans and

    Then sometimes they they they experience horrific injuries in the field and they come home and they can’t get the care that they need so president Trump fast-tracked that but when he signed it it was called the mission act when he signed it but it gave Community Care to

    Patriots like yourself and and families who need it and but the Democrats by the way to your point anytime they get an office and Joe Biden did this as well they start gutting the the Community Care aspect of that bill and yeah now it’s a total pain in the and every every

    3 to six months I have to get a primary care to do the referral process all over again folks if you’re on medications it’s not practical like I’ve had to pick veterans off the street in East Orange because they couldn’t get their damn cakil like and there’s a hospital there

    From in Jersey there’s a hospital right and it’s in a Ghetto by the way I mean it’s dangerous they you’ll get the hell kick you you’ll get the hell kicked out of you for your prescription on the way out of that place I’m not Ser I’m not

    Kidding um and this is also so where I’m going with this is that it’s already a problem making sure that veterans and active duty military family members who have special needs you know children and other stuff other specific situations that are that are really um they’re specific to Veterans and service members

    And it’s very difficult it makes their life already kind of hard but the Exceptional Family Member Program really cannot take any more stress on it like people those are for family members who really do have like kids who serious problems and it already was a strained

    Program that was a pain in the ass to begin with to add and not only add transgender delusion people to this list Sean you know of like more people you need to give these resources to but to put them at the front of the list is just because that’s what they’re doing

    Come on I mean Rich listen this is this is politics before medicine this gender affirming care is highly question question there’s very little you empirically validated science to back it up that it’s actually healthy longterm for kids in fact there’s a lot of data like fores both both yeah for

    Decades both you know empirical data and also just common sense that that doing life altering things to a child that can forever alter the trajectory of their bodies or forever alter the hormone levels in their body before they go through puberty and Adolescence could be hugely damaging for the rest of their

    Life it’s absolutely ridiculous and anybody that has children should stand firmly against this it’s just in in five in five years rich in six years yeah I think that we we’re going to look back on this gender affirming care and be horrified by what we’ve allowed to be

    Done to this you know not a small percentage of our nation’s children and I I did a whole segment on the show last night about a study that was done in great written about scientists you know doctors are scientists and something like onethird of them could not admit

    That sex is binary that there is a genetic difference between men and women my God now break now listen man break that down so you you have a one in three chance you have you savage Laura your amazing Savage kids you know and Savage Winston you know pupp veterinarians or

    Science scientists too a one and three chance that the people that the people in things in your life that you love the most are going to get some whack job crazy liberal that can’t one in three chance they can’t distinguish between a man and a woman this D this [ __ ] is

    Dangerous excuse my language if there kids are on I’m sorry about that but this stuff is dangerous and it’s gonna have disastrous consequences if we continue to continue to allow it be the reality is we should be mocking it relentlessly you know I don’t need to be a scientist to know that gender

    Affirming crazy yeah it’s insane and also by the way another thing that just really drives me nuts this this trans stuff in schools like I gotta go tour tour in my kids school I see trans flags on the outside of teachers classrooms and I’m thinking to myself this you’re a grown

    Ass person why do you think it’s okay to talk about sex and sexuality privately with my underage child it’s completely ridiculous and unacceptable and but here we are totally inappropriate and you you know I think you’re right I think 5 10 years from now this will be child abuse and because I

    Do believe it’s child abuse and I think we’re going to look back on it and and we’re going to see it as that and anyone who you know followed and towed the line um you know I I hope we look back on you with shame and disgrace and I hope

    You’re ashamed of yourself the only thing that changed with the data Sean and John’s Hopkins right there’s uh in Switzerland is a uh you know there there was decades ofu studies that long-term uh you know studies on this and nothing the data didn’t change the administrations of the hospital changed

    Exact John Hopkins data didn’t change the people who are in charge of John Hopkins changed that’s it and it’s not that they ran into any new enlightening evidence that changed their minds this is an ideology they are not informed by the science they’re not informed by the empirical evidence they’re informed by

    Their world view their political and ideological world view and that is not man that is scary I mean you’re exactly right I mean listen you could go to any one of these hospitals with Scientists doctors and you could ask any staff there cafeteria people a sex binary they could answer

    Correctly janitor anybody in a management position and and the reason is is because there is a direct correlation between you know high levels of education and being an Intergalactic level [ __ ] because highle education is synonymous with just propaganda and these scientists allow themselves to be beholden to this propaganda and then

    These what used to be Med students end up being in charge of huge hospitals and they fored that propaganda on everybody much to the detriment of their patients and then the American Medical Association ends up being rung by these wack job crazy doctors that put out their regulations that gender affirming

    Care is safe and it’s okay and then you have a bunch of doctors who aren’t Tethered to politics like we talk about often people that aren’t necessarily Tethered to this every day they just regurgitate those talking points it’s dangerous and it needs to stop you know

    I don’t have to be a scientist I like you know I guess I do fancy myself as a social scientist but I look at the data Sean and it is very clear that this is a social contagion this is a fat I have kids I see it with my own eyes any way

    It’s like cool to be gay it’s cool to be exactly right exactly if you Bethany Mandel in the New York Post last year uh not you she’s she covered this study but it’s a huge study it’s not alone uh it shows here just a headline is uh on rise

    In transgenderism shows it’s a fat especially among young girls and if you go down again as a pollster I can see this my own eyes brother uh the study author well let me just read this according to a new study about youth gender dysphoria there are more teens

    Than ever claiming that their biological sex does not meet their gender identity and they are coming to this conclusion earlier and earlier well there’s nothing in science folks that would suggest that that is uh like something new is happening here for that’s that means it’s social that does not mean it’s

    Biological or mental it’s social the study uh which is done by Dr Ching Fang son the resident at a resident at Virginia Tech uh Caroline school of medicine and Roman Oak and her results were published Monday at that time in the journal General psychi General Psychiatry and they’re shocking you

    Ready studying the health records of 42 million people between the ages of four to 65 a total of 66,0 78 had received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria 80% of those were from the United States why why people assigned female at Birth seek professional help at about age 11 on

    Average which is crazy that’s the average while those assigned maale at Birth do it later at 13 in 2017 the average age for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria was 31 and a half years old 31.4914 researchers reported a quote significantly increased number of people diagnosed between 2017 and 2021 Sun said

    Our study demonstrated a climbing prevalence of gender dysphoria especially in those assigned female at Birth assigned female at Birth we used to call them girls all right so this is that is folks it’s not because Society is more accepting it’s happening in the US because it’s being pushed in the US

    Because it’s a social contagion you not going to find it folks in this kind at this kind of level in any other civilization in history again even those where it was accepting Alexander the Great just came out on Netflix a documentary about Alexander and it’s caus this big argument was he a

    Homosexual with a feian right there was no word for homosexual back then we’re not novel we’re acting like we’re novel and new and so Progressive this stuff has been around for a long time but it was always considered aant Behavior even in societies where it was okay we didn’t

    See it at these levels why because it wasn’t a social contagion it wasn’t being pushed there was nobody who had an interest in advancing it like we have literally parochial interest groups bonded together pushing this stuff now and our kids are sick Sean in the 90s it

    Was the young man single or double school shooter you know having a problem basically Society castrated these boys and they had no value they had they they had you know they had desires to be part of something greater than they were it’s sick whatever ever the reason is though

    We we know it we studied it now who are the shooters Sean in the last 12 months does anyone have any idea how many transgender Shooters have plagued this country it’s the new social contagion they’re the new shooter for a reason we are sick as a society we’re sick and we

    Better address it because it is not accepting it is not Humane you know what I’m saying it’s not Progressive at all brother it’s very regressive I mean so is everything that that progressives stand for they are I mean they’re the party of racism the Democrats are the party of the KKK the

    Democrats are the party of segregating school graduations and segregating bathrooms and they’re the party of safe spaces they’re the party of you know transitioning small children I mean they are aggressive in every single way and you know what else parents need to speak out about are these are these crazy

    Therapists because it’s not just doctors it’s therapists so these kids end up getting in therapy well first of all they have teachers that are pushing that you can be 15 different genders which is the the most anti-science thing in the entire world so you have kids who are

    Already confused already trying to find themselves in a world that is immensely complicated and you have teachers that are just adding to that confusion oh by the way they’re not actually talking to parents at all while they seed the seed sew the seeds of Discord and so you end

    Up with a bunch of young kids that are unbelievably confused that end up being shun into therapy and you have these crazy therapists who are just as liberal as any of these blue-haired freaks out there voting for Joe Biden and are free Palestine Hamas sympathizers that are

    Out there telling kids like yeah you you can be you can do this and maybe you should take these hormones this it’s not their job to affirm delusion that’s the thing this gender affirming care like sometimes CH actually not sometimes I’ll just children need Str rure of course do

    Not they of course sometimes when they do something great they need affirmation you’re doing awesome I love you I’m so proud of you but at the same time when they’re confused and they’re lost the they don’t need affirmation in in the fog they need structure and know that

    Their parents are GNA be there and guide them it’s ridiculous yes it’s ridiculous that these therapists think it’s acceptable to say oh gender affirming care is clinically validated it’s not and it’s dangerous in fact a lot of countries are now starting to reverse it which is another part of this because there was

    Part of this study which was really enlightening is that they basically isolated two populations and when there was the you know the societies where the social contagion exists it was like over 600 per 100,000 that identified as transgender where societies where there wasn’t a social contagion but it was

    Acceptable it was less than 100 what does that tell the scient the the the scientists uh conducting the study that this is society pushing this these are kids who need help and direction and clarification somewhere in their lives and growth they’re not being given it so

    They’re using this as a fad no different than the goth fat of the 90s folks no different it’s the same damn thing and here’s interesting in England in Tavistock the L the largest pediatric gender Clinic was closed last year Sean the society for evidence-based gender medicine said an independent review

    Condemned the clinic as quote not a safe or viable long longterm option because its interventions are based on poor evidence and its model of care leaves young people at quote considerable risk of poor mental health and by the way UK is not alone Sweden Finland they were

    All ahead of this on like you know changing like they were years ahead of John’s Hopkins on this changing it they’re now reverting back as we’re falling into the abyss they’re reverting back because it’s not there the data is not there the science is not there it’s garbage it’s

    It’s pseudo science Sean it’s pseudo science this is snake oil [ __ ] Bro snake oil [ __ ] and it’s going to do longterm damage and it’s infecting our military we are never going to be able to be combat ready with these circumstances I’m sorry we already couldn’t beat and I

    Don’t mean to insult people like us but we already couldn’t beat a bunch of freaking goat herters and sandals like are we supposed to be able to take on a great power like China do you think you’re going to see them doing backflips over the APC have you seen their special

    Ops lately bro these are insane units these are disciplined incredibly structured and and and highly trained units you’re not gonna see any of them wearing a fraking pink dress brother it’s not happening well listen when was the last time the United States won a major war I mean you could probably the

    World War II yes I mean Korea was a stalemate I mean South South Korea may be an example of of success but the reality is I was at pan muan I I was on with the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea if if there if North Korea wanted to roll over South

    Korea they could probably do it in a week and I’m not I’m just saying yeah we have our infantry men out there but it wouldn’t take much for them to Ste all South Korea yeah and come on and but my my I guess my point is we won in World

    War II we really haven’t won anywhere else since and we had a disastrous surrender in Afghanistan and failure in Iraq and we’re still on the heels of that so how does making our military and building a military around inclusive woke and Sanity make us any safer when

    The last 50 years have been nothing but steeped in Failure you see what I’m saying none of that makes us more deadly so I it’s just we seem to be on the right track in World War II when our when our military you know quite literally saved the world yeah and we’ve

    Fallen since then focused on all the wrong stuff I was reading a letter from a German soldier World War I uh when we finally entered the conflict uh you know they had been at a stalemate you know no man’s land it was just no you know no territory moving either way they fight

    Like devils and that’s what the Germans said you know that this German Soldier was scared you know and he’s like the Americans are different this is a different breed of soldier they fight like Devils he wrote I mean that that I again I I have great

    Love for people who serve and and and I’m of course you know proud myself but you know for people who don’t know um I flipped out the other day my son was like Dad I think I want to join the m i called Sean I flipped I was flipping out

    Man all right I was I’m like because he wants to get away from it and he doesn’t understand that it’s actually worse you know I’m like son I will send you to Embry Riddle you want to do some kind of Aeronautics or Aviation thing fine I

    Will I will find the money and go to Embry Riddle I’ll pay for it I’ll find the money do you know do not do not do make a hasty decision without talking to me um thank God we have some years to go over it but he’s thinking it’s something

    That it’s not you know I mean and or at least at this point and they have a recruiting they have these recruiting issues for a reason they do and uh I don’t see it getting any better uh anytime soon unless you know there’s a renewed sense

    Of Pride and strength I mean Sean I never thought like I didn’t want I didn’t care about the overtly uh you know the the overtly masculine and testosterone filled nature of the military like I that’s that’s why I wanted to be surrounded by those guys like I I just don’t understand like why

    You would want to to tarnish that or weaken that I mean and and and also rich I mean this this is like a highly political thing and it’s a very very small percentage the trans population is a very small percentage infant percentage of our population that’s over represented in almost everything and the

    Vast majority of people don’t agree with that lifestyle doesn’t mean that hey if you’re a grown person and that’s the lifestyle that you want to live I don’t care more power to you I don’t agree with it but hey this is America you live your life the way that you want but

    Those values aren’t mine and don’t you ever mistake them for being mine and my children they’re not going to adhere to those values either and and by the way these views are indicative of of that of you know 80 plus 100 plus million Americans in this country the vast

    Majority of the people that make up our armed forces from families like mine they come from families like mine and by the way yours as well and you would have you or me son or daughter join the military and calling that that the space trainy a man or or ma’am ma’am you’re

    Not a ma’am you’re sir like you know what I mean like there’s even that it causes issues and that why millions of people who would otherwise make a decision to serve are saying I’m sorry this is not for me God just not alone but you just being it a picture I would

    I I can’t even imagine walking through San Hill and having to look through at somebody who’s thinks they’re a fraking woman and and call her man like call him man like I’d be like what’s wrong with you like sorry I’m sorry I’m not gonna participate I’m not gonna participate in

    Your delusion I’m just not that’s it that’s it you are not going to do that to me that’s it uh and then also you did I’m because it’s already 150 plus I kept you late we got to wrap this up but um you said something before and I think

    About my wife’s friend she barely got through school because they targeted her as like a traditional Christian with values like that and she um was you know studying to be a therapist and oh it doesn’t matter you’re at the University of Michigan whatever University it don’t matter University um what was the other

    One she had gone to I it’s irrelevant but she was even in the news because targeted her and tried to force her out all over gender like the the the difference in opinion on how to treat uh gender dysphoria I mean that’s what it came down to and they just you know L

    They figured out that she was um you know a Christian who believed in traditional views of this issue and by the way not just the issue but the diagnosis itself not being a real not being a valid diagnosis and not being supported by the evidence and the every

    Day I mean Sean it’s a miracle that she got through and now she’s got a job and she’s out and she’s doing well and in a place where she should be but most people would not have made it made it through you know I mean they would have

    Drummed them out they would have drummed them out and thank God she did but it’s like this is what’s populating our professional class this is what’s populating who are supposed to be scientists they’re not scientists they’re Fanatics I mean they’re ideologues and it’s sad man it’s really

    Scary stuff but that’s 153 I’m going to wrap this up it’s been a long been a long day already and uh I’m going to take I’m going to take some breath do get some polling ready before I come on your show yeah we’re gonna do Georgia

    And Florida first did you see that do you see the hey did you see the pups McGee shirt oh my god there it is this is the pups McGee right there it’s hard to see but Lighting in the lighting in my ghetto Studio best but it says Republican you see that Laura

    Rep and it says politics is hell right on the helmet you know so pups McGee is a central figure in my family’s life and now Winston is for you so that’s awesome poor Winston too he’s taking a little nap he got a little mad at me yeah he

    Had to get his other D shot we had to take him for his like post uh pickup from the breeder um you know vet visit and uh he did good they said he’s a spoiled little brat but very healthy and I can deal with spoiled um you know and

    Uh yeah I mean he’s he’s doing really well he’s I’m so I am so glad we got this you know it’s like it took a while because our dog had passed and you know you don’t want to like replace it’s you don’t want to replace you know it’s

    Tough completely I completely hear you the right time so difficult yeah it’s so difficult it it really is it’s tough and I also had this feeling of guilt because he never saw the new house you know we were building it co came and he died an old man you know right before actually

    As we were moving and so he never got to see the new house or had room to stretch his legs and all the my uh you know the between the vet and the the person we got the dog from actually they all say the same and I know they’re right but

    They’re like listen my dad by the way who’s you know lived uh lived that life for years he’s like look he didn’t know he didn’t know any better like you you know you you like carrying around this feeling like you failed him you know but he didn’t know any better you know that

    Was his home that was his his castle and he was a happy dog you know but I just it’s weird as a human being you kind of like think about this stuff that’s totally I guess irrelevant but you know I guess I had that feeling of guilt that

    I didn’t want to bring another animal in the house when he didn’t get to come you know so that’s stupid stuff we all deal with I guess but yeah tell people Sean what we’re gonna do tonight what time we’re gonna do it and by the way don’t

    Forget folks to follow Shan on Rumble Battleground live do it do it now thank thank you I um yeah so we’re gonna going to be I a full spectrum breakdown uh of the trump super Tuesday Smackdown and yeah obviously having you on to get your feedback about all that stuff I’d love

    To do the Electoral College thing and figure out a way for you to control that for for the audience but nobody better at this stuff than you which is why we love having you and we w we love I mean so much about battle gone live is being

    Forward-looking and getting a sense of what’s coming so I want to get your sense about you know the the the Biden Trump rematch and what 2024 is going to shape up to be and give the give the audience listeners viewers um some sense of what’s coming so yeah it would be

    Great to have you all there uh on Rumble we’re live at five o’clock at night to six o’clock at night every night Monday through Friday so we’d love to have you in the trenches with us and every Wednesday got a battle Rhythm now where Savage rich is coming on and and giving

    Us his Savage breakdown of the news of the day it’s so it’s it’s Wednesday so uh Savage Rich will be on tonight we’re Psych to have you so it’s great it’s going to be great really looking forward to it and I think I can do that I’ll try

    It you know I I have an idea we’ll talk about that after but I think we can do that I’m pretty sure that that’s a possibility uh but yeah well definitely tune in at five o’clock keep your eye on Sean’s feed my feed and follow on Battleground live on Rumble and we’ll

    See you guys at five o’clock Sean Parnell everybody all the best thanks for man best to you and yours I’ll see you in a few you as well see you later Sean Parnell everybody all right uh it’s 157 we’re going to rock out we’re going to go here and I’ll see you at

    Battleground on Battleground at five I got some other stuff in between as well is lur in there I think I right before Battleground I got um be on America first with Dr Gorka talking about this um and I there some other stuff I will you know keep your eye on the feed I’m

    Gonna go right now though and start to I’m going to wrap up the questionnaires for the the states we’re doing for the Sun Belt poll which definitely def ly is Florida and Georgia and I may do Arizona it depends I have to go look at the um

    The I I don’t know that we’re ready yet but I’m going to put up another thing for the public polling project it’s going to be the national poll fund it’ll be the sun Bel or the Rust Belt pole and the Sun Belt pole and I know listen

    Maybe as we get closer they’ll fund a lot faster but um maybe not you know we’ll just see how it goes but it would be nice to see what the interest is at least is there more going to the rustbell pole more going to the sunbell pole I’ve been just using the national

    Polling fund uh to cover the rustbell pole anyway which is not enough I’m just being honest but we have to do it we need them we’re going to need another round in the Russ belt soon super Tuesday is over um you know President Biden and president Trump uh won their

    Respective contests they’re both about to clinch the nominations Trump will Pro could probably will clinch it before Biden in fact but we’ll see um they may even clinch it on the same night but this is over the rematch is set and it’s time to get some new polls

    In the Rust Belt it’s looking at this point like a clean sweep for Donald Trump in the Rust Belt maybe with Minnesota as well and if that holds eight months a long time we all know the drill but he’s been leading all year all year

    More so you know it was a brief period of Hiccup where Biden pulled back slightly ahead after the midterms that’s gone that took what January February two months to dissipate that’s back to being a trump lead consistently even in the popular vote no time Harry Anon said it I’m

    Going to repeat it at no time in 2016 or 2020 was there a consensus among those of us who are actually honest and smart enough to know there was no no consensus that Trump was the favorite there were arguments in 16 I actually thought he was the favorite the

    Whole time Hillary LED in some of our polling a lot of our polling but Trump LED na in our national panel tracker more than she led him and in the Battleground States her lead was always very tenuous at best you know very weak very soft and you could see those people

    Who were coming into the electorate new voters and voters who were like quitted on the process coming back those were Trump votes overwhelmingly and then the undecided looked really good for Trump like demographically um whereas that is you know the the media and the university polling world had

    Hillary leading and everybody kind of like locked on that it was even worse in 2020 even worse it’s never the case we’ve not seen what we’re seeing now at this point uh Trump is in a stronger position than former President Bush when he was running for reelection that’s just

    Insane so time to get back out into the polls we’re going to be I love Florida so we’re keeping Florida is not going to be a state Joe Biden’s goingon to be able to compete in it’s not so it’s important that Donald Trump in his campaign realized that like Iowa and

    Ohio you know same thing there’s no reason to spend money in a state you’re going to win um but I love Florida I love it I know where every vote is and I love to poll it uh so we’re going to keep doing that all right so with that in

    Mind we out all right don’t forget keep your eye on the Twitter feed and we will see um look at that by the way that’s a hell of a statistic not only did Trump win every County in Oklahoma Nicki only carried seven precincts uh really really incredible

    And our leaders haven’t been willing to do what it takes to win war since the Chinese cross the yalu river I was going to say that Phillip when he was talking about it because it was like a stalemate sure was technically um but I was going

    To say that and think about but Ashen I would say this uh there’s always a danger like Sean said Democrats are going to be Democrats they’re going to do what they do but there is something to too big to RI there is and they better go out and do it I’m seeing

    Already signs of um Trump’s efforts paying off in some of these primaries general elections different animal you got to keep pushing it if I was him I would continuously run like I’m 10 points behind all right so with that we’re going to wrap up the show and we

    Will see you guys in a couple hours don’t forget Battleground 5 pm. thanks for watching inside the Numbers Yeah


    1. Love the graphics and damn you are a tank, giving us details and info on twitter in the morning hours and come right back with a 2 hour stream.

    2. Kindness will go a long way with independents and women voters. Vivek is loved by MAGA for his kind words towards Trump. If he was negative we would have hated him.

    3. so I was at the Utah caucus and I was elected as Precinct chair, County delegate and State Delegate, even though I was one of the only three people in my precinct to vote for President Trump. I can tell you why this happened, part of it is Democrats like my mother who grew up in the bay area register as Republicans and from their perspective choose the "least bad option". Also the Bush voter that Barnes talks about are still alive more or less especially among the upper echelons of the Republican party of Utah. It's partially due to because we Mormons have longer life spans than our Gentile counterparts, there's also the church lady phenomenon that still exists within my church, that likes the appearance of being good rather than being good.

    4. When I want the straight poop on anything poll related…I come to Peoples Pundit/Rich Barris. How can we get Americans to show up for a State Primary?

    5. Blame Obama regards to the gender bender bullshit. It was him and his admin that pushed this agenda in the public schools and beyond, stealthily, behind parents backs.

    6. I am an indian origin who was naturalized 25 years ago in the US. Nikki Haley is a corrupt, narcisssist, lying bitch!!! She is a snake and admitted that she is not loyal to anyone! That explains why she cheated on her veteran husband multiple times. She is a Neocon and only interested in making her pocket fat at the expense of the patriotic american people. Both Kamala and Nikki are both rotten to the core!!! They need to be deported back to India.

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