Why does cycling with Penny make me feel so lazy?

    Here’s a link to Pennys coaching page,

    Thank you for watching the swim, bike, run, Stu YouTube channel.

    Hello and welcome to S spu YouTube channel uh Welcome to My Garage uh but for once I’m not going to ride in my garage uh I’m going to go out for my first actual outdoor ride in about four weeks I don’t think I’ve ridden outside

    For about a month uh the last time I went out I did actually crash my bike uh a proper comedy fall uh went to go over a bridge wheel got stuck between two bits of wood on the bridge stopped dead straight over the handlebars yeah landed on my elbow landed on my

    Sort of hip yeah it wasn’t the greatest thing but yeah it didn’t do me any damage but yeah f a bit of a dick U so I am going to go out on the cross bike again today uh we’re just going to do a road ride I’m meeting Penny from Yukan

    Coaching uh I am a bit late so apologies Penny if you watch this and you realize why I was late uh so yeah I am trying to get ready I promise I’m trying to get ready I wrapped up really warm cuz it’s absolutely freezing out there so yeah

    Let’s get out there let’s go and uh yeah put some well I haven’t got to put a lot of effort in today the session is spin your legs so yeah nice and easy today just getting back into the Rhythm uh yeah I do want to get the road bike off

    The turbo at some point this week cuz the weather is starting to improve so we can start to ride that but for now we’ve got the cross bike that we’re going to go on and then hopefully we’ll be on the TT bike at some point in the near future

    Fingers crossed so right let’s go I keep saying it let’s go but I really got to go uh and it freezing I’m so cold got the snoo on yeah got big cloes on let’s get on it so actually I’ve only uh I’ve done all right I’m only a minute late penny

    Is here waiting for me spin you around ta wrapped up all lovely warm lot So I thought I was going to come out a nice gentle Cafe ride but it turns out Penny’s on a mission I’ve been stting a wheel she’s been riding like a train yeah she’s already done 2 hours and she’s at well she’s done 3 hours now and yeah she’s just blasted along and

    I’m struggling to keep up even on the wheel I’m struggling up the hills so yeah slow down Penny please please slow down crack open the slacks yeah honestly thought that she had do some good lunch and when I called her and says your lunch is ready cuz when I’m looking down

    Doing 23 M hour going uphill on a cross bike yeah it’s not so M but hey hour done another hour to go I was also told this is a road ride and we’re going Offroad here look so we’re just up for a snack uh I just want to tell you what penny is

    Training for it’s what called The dal’s Divide yeah the D divide and it’s 600k that’s right yeah 600k so yeah not what I want to be doing last weekend Penny was outside walking around fields and canals and sleeping in a bin bag in a field plastic in a

    Plastic bag yeah just to do 600k so let me know if anyone is watching this is doing the D’s divide be interested cuz penny is definitely putting the effort in uh because I’m absolutely bollocks and I’ve done an hour so yeah doing 600k isn’t for me uh

    Sleeping a bin bag isn’t for me don’t know if it’s for me either really yeah I like a nice hotel nice shower so yeah all you people that do all these long distance cycling events I like short events fast and done 10 m time trial is

    Perfect for me because it’s done in sort of 20 odd minutes yeah I can’t do a whole weekend of cycling and we’ve got a lovely spot there some nice sheep over here it’s uh so yeah now you know what Penny’s training for now while she’s beasting me over four well I’m doing two

    Hours of 4 hours and I’m the one that’s and Penny’s just cruising along so let’s crack on let’s finish this off and uh yeah and go for my lunch then boom and I don’t know if you can hopefully you can hear me it’s hella

    Windy I don’t know if you can see my jacket blowing away it is windy as hell out here it’s uh yeah not the most Pleasant it’s cold uh yeah but we’re getting it done yeah it’s nice to be back outside compared to being on the

    Turbo all the time cuz uh yeah it’s I’m getting soft the older I get the softer I get so the more zwifting I do and then I meet Penny again and she’s dead hard and she’ll go out in any weather and she’s hardcore and she’ll sleep in bin

    Bags uh but yeah I’m too soft and like M with but this is quite enjoyable even though there’s a lot of [Applause] wind [Applause] Oh pasan Castle beautiful penise back there so Penny’s just said to me she’s got some spread efforts I won’t be doing them okay but I’m going to watch Penny do them I need to get my uh yeah I’m just going to ride steady up this hill so in about 10 seconds Penny’s

    Going to Sprint off I’m just going to tap it out cuz I’m lazy see I can get to 500 WTS 500 watts nice it’s getting big old Penny Garner over here up up up up up up up up up up up so I’m guessing arms up means she hit

    500 watts yeah I ain’t got that in me yeah I’m struggling well I got a power meter on today so yeah it’s nice just tapping it out keeping it even and then we just keep it like this and we’ll go past penny so if she can put her next effort

    In so I think the next effort is going to be uphill this why Penny’s a good bike ride I’m not putting the effort but actually I’m on plan he’s taring me out just watching Penny do these efforts I got two more she got two more so I’m just thinking

    About my lunch I’m absolutely starving hopefully Jenna’s done me some lunch and yeah Penny’s got two more of these uh horrible Sprints which I’m glad I’m not doing wow oh she’s un cliped too much power going through the pedal she unclipped she’s going to have to do

    Another two more now to make up for that one that one do count and we’re just going past our local barbecue place Hickory smok House and yeah I wish I was in there eating having coffee chip and some barbecue yeah oh sounds delicious but no I’m just here hanging on to Penny’s wheel

    She’s going to go again she’s got another effort to do absolutely bossing it yeah she’s flying on the bike absolutely flying yeah she’s just got to do that over 600 km at D divide which is uh yeah just half hardcore absolutely hardcore we’ve done well I’ve not even done 30 m yet

    And so thank you penny for the ride she plotted the route I followed the wheel yeah we’re going to go separate ways now I’m going to go the short way home the easy way home we don’t live too far from each other but we’re nearly home just pushing on through his headwind now

    To get home we’re nearly there I’ll tort you when I get home cuz yeah you probably can’t hear me now I don’t know let’s get there so there we have it 2 hours done and dusted uh yeah hard work on a cross bike uh lots of wind as

    Always a lot of headwind uh but I remembered how to ride a bike so that was a a positive uh legs feel all right uh obviously not as good as Penny’s legs uh yeah she absolutely smashed it uh but yeah we’re getting uh he back on the

    Like I said it’s back on the bike and we’ve just got to start building this now uh yeah we’ll start getting the road bike out so we can start to increase the speed cuz the speed may be low on the cross bike but the effort level is

    Exactly the same so I’m still putting the same level of effort in uh so yeah I’m still gaining the same sort of Fitness as I am on the road bike on the cross bike so yeah I’m not too worried about that I never worry about speed speed uh is just something that people’s

    Ego uh are obsessed with whereas I’m not too bothered about it it’s the speed will be what it’ be uh I did exactly the the right session I was supposed to do I supposed to spin the legs out that’s exactly what I did uh I supposed to do 2

    Hours that’s exactly what I did so the speed is absolutely irrelevant so yeah another good session another good day uh yeah we’ve got a a run tomorrow to do so I’ve got an hours run sort of recovery run from last weekend oh I don’t know why that’s up there like that uh a

    Recovery run from last weekend’s half marathon uh so yeah it’s been a pretty good week for me this week uh so yeah I’ll leave that video here uh We’ve started again on the bike like I said we’re going to get on the CT bike hopefully soon get on the road bike soon

    Going to do a lot more cycling content uh coming up because the weather’s getting a lot better uh we obviously we’ve got daylight now which always helps with the cycling content uh yeah and Chain Gang is going to start uh start up soon cuz uh yeah the the

    Evenings getting lighter aren’t they so yeah lots more cycling content coming just been discussing with Penny about doing uh quite a bit of swim content uh so Penny runs ukan coaching uh I’ll put a link so you can have a down below so you can have a look and see her coaching

    Company and she also owns an endless pool so we’re going to do uh some uh videos around swimming so if there’s anything you want to see or you want to know from a swim coach then let me know we shall make a video on it uh so yeah

    Thank you very much for watching please don’t forget to like And subscribe I want to thank everyone that comments on my videos Everyone that likes my videos uh yeah I’m just blown away that actually anybody wants to watch any my Rish so see you the next video bye


    1. Good to get out of watopia and feel what it’s like for the world to move 😅. Same here as I need to dust off the TT bike asap. Stay safe

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