Relive the final kilometer of the Stage 7 and VLASOV Aleksandr’s victory!

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    Vlasov is through the kite and into the final th met and again I’ll remind you the final few hundred meters slightly easier it’s now Jorgenson who sees the potential to swap that white jersey for yellow and he is ready to twist the knife he said it he said they’re good

    Friends but that won’t stop him from trying to take this Jersey from his friend today and it’s Brandon magnel that’s fighting a rear guard action now 11 seconds back remember 23 seconds the difference on General classification Jorgenson with a great shout now of moving up into the yellow Jersey

    Especially with bonus seconds on the line but he’s looking for assistance and who’s going to give it to him well it’s not going to be Bros rage he’s got a teammate ahead it’s got to be Remco aul Pago is either unwilling or unable skelo is the type that will play it to a

    Sprint and this could be good news for magnel who’s closing down a little bit and I think he’s L less than 23 seconds behind that group at the moment down to a handful of seconds behind could well get back on here vof going for Glory inside the final 500 met or so for

    Vlasov as he sneaks a little look over his shoulder and uh knows now that a World Tour stage success is on offer here former second place overall man of course from 2021 Alexander vlasov and he’s hanging on grimly here Brandon mnel Fran he’s lost the Jersy

    Once this week he doesn’t want to lose it again 300 to go for vlasov stage honor surely his to be claimed at this point the gradient showing at 7% but I think it’ll just uh sneak back a bit as we get closer to the line and getting to the moment when the

    Trees start to disappear into the final 150 M for Alexander vlasov he’s done the hard work he looks over his shoulder gets the signal he needs that he’s there’s got nobody behind him he can celebrate this one he’ll R to the line for GC time but he’s got the glory


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