“The Barossa Valley wine region is one of Australia’s oldest and most premier wine regions. Located in South Australia, the Barossa Valley is about 56 km (35 miles) northeast of the city of Adelaide. Unlike most of Australia whose wine industry was heavily influenced by the British, the wine industry of the Barossa Valley was founded by German settlers fleeing persecution from the Prussian province of Silesia (in what is now Poland). The warm continental climate of the region promoted the production of very ripe grapes that was the linchpin of the early Australian fortified wine industry.” – Wikipedia.org

    “As the modern Australian wine industry shifted towards red table wines (particularly those made by the prestigious Cabernet Sauvignon) in the mid-20th century, the Barossa Valley fell out of favor due to its reputation for being largely a Syrah from producers whose grapes were destined for blending. During this period the name “Barossa Valley” rarely appeared on wine labels. In the 1980s, the emergence of several boutique families specializing in old vine Shiraz wines began to capture international attention for the distinctive style of Barossa Shiraz, a full bodied red wine with rich chocolate and spice notes. This led to a renaissance in the Barossa Valley which catapulted the region to the forefront of the Australian wine industry.” – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barossa_Valley_(wine)

    In this video, JOM and his partner, Lady Gravel Cyclist, conduct a tour of the farmlands northeast of Gawler, South Australia, and later, through the vineyards near towns such as Greenock, Nurioopta, Tanunda, and Lyndoch. This 128km / 78 mile route of JOM’s design was ridden on January 1, 2024. So many gravel roads on this day!

    South Australian Towns visited along the Route:

    ALWAYS BE A STEWARD FOR GRAVEL CYCLING: Respect the roads, respect the locals, respect the land, respect your fellow cyclists.

    0:00 Introduction
    0:56 Blue Tongue Skink Saved!
    1:22 First Gravel Road of 2024!
    2:02 Dry Weather Road Only
    2:17 Roseworthy – South Australia
    4:50 Freeling – South Australia
    9:34 One of my Favorite Spots
    10:24 Kangaroo Sighting 2
    10:43 Kapunda – South Australia
    12:42 Kangaroo Sighting 3 with Drone
    13:34 Olive Trees & Vineyards
    14:49 Greenock – South Australia
    15:37 Greenock Brewers
    16:35 Nurioopta – South Australia
    17:58 Australian Cockatoos
    18:40 Vineyards & Gravel Roads
    19:26 Tanunda – South Australia
    21:41 Back onto Gravel Roads & Farmland
    22:42 Sheep Stampede
    23:04 Chateau Yaldara Winery
    24:00 Lyndoch – South Australia
    26:39 Return to Gawler – South Australia
    27:40 Closing
    28:05 General Madness!

    Links of Interest:
    Barossa Valley Tourism Website – https://barossa.com

    How to Create Amazing & Fun Gravel Routes! – https://youtu.be/uMG4rYD4O2Y

    North Florida Freeride Gravel Series – https://www.facebook.com/norflafreeridegravelseries

    Gravel Cyclist’s Route Library – https://www.gravelcyclist.com/gravel-cycling-routes/

    Gravel Bike Tire / Tyre Pressure Guidelines – https://www.gravelcyclist.com/bicycle-tech/gravel-bike-tyre-tire-pressure-guidelines-by-enve-composites/

    Amazon Affiliation Link:
    No cost to you, but every purchase made helps keep Gravel Cyclist up and running! – https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=gravelcyclist-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=6b862b6af640d29360e2af2a5f17ddc6&camp=1789&creative=9325

    Web: http://GravelCyclist.com
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/GravelCyclist
    Instagram – http://Instagram.com/GravelCyclist
    Twitter – http://twitter.com/GravelCyclist

    Good day trend setters welcome to the first ride for 2024 out of GAA South Australia which is on the edge of the bruss valley it’s a nice little town just north of my home city of adelay LGC is joining me today we’ve got a route of about 120 K taking

    In about six lovely little barasa Valley towns it should be pretty quiet today being news day not a whole lot of traffic of course now I said there’s a few cars in this road here which we’ll be on briefly but on some pretty spectacular roads let’s get cracking beautiful blue tongue lizard

    It’s caught in a blue tongue lizard across the road here he has to go over the curb next which is a challenge and there we go blue tongue lizard off to safety welcome to the first dir Road for today in fact it’s the first dirt road gravel road of 2024 four Trend

    Setters this is definitely what we would call a four-wheel drivet trck in Australia pretty dodgy to ride after rain dry weather Road only which is pretty solid advice there’s a lot of play based soil around here LGC sticky as on a blanket the outskirts of the town of roseworthy

    There’s the former roseworthy railway station they’ve been talking about getting the line going again because that direction is goer all right trans cers I’m always showing off United States Postal Service officers here is Australia Post in roseworthy South Australia I love these old memorial Halls so that hole is a

    Memorium of World War I from 1914 to 1918 and likely the soldiers Etc got some wheat silos here which were once upon a time served by the railway likely by truck transport nowadays and just ahead of me is the South Australian country fire service here in roseworthy crawling away from roseworthy and here’s

    Part of the Railway line that’s headed further north it’s a real shame they discontinued these country rail services I don’t know what the hell the bloody government was thinking meanwhile in Victoria New South Wales they’re a bit more Progressive with rail transport R roll woke up some sheep

    Definitely in farm country north of Gala north of Adelaide I’m sure some of my Americana audience might draw some parallels or comparisons to certain parts of the United States thankfully we got some pretty mild temperatures today the high is about 30 C so low to mid 80s

    F there goes a Big R hopping off in the distance he was having to sleep under this bush wake him up here’s the rway line once again the next town that it once headed to is freeling we are headed there momentarily we’re riding directly parallel to the

    Old radway line just beyond this fence line welcome to freeling established in 1860 home of Agriculture and we are in the light Regional Council District only in my Aussie Homeland will you find signs such as this rolling into the CBD so to speak of freeling not a lot happening here today obviously

    It’s a pretty quiet Hound much of the time but we’ll scope out a couple of spots on now about hello food lands open today I wasn’t expecting much to be open today to be honest with you due to this being a public holiday food lands are local grocery store chain there is the

    Light Regional Council local library down the road a bit police station here is the post office for freeling post code 5372 post code versus zip code like we have in the United States local Landmark on the right the freeling hotel then across the road virtually you have the gungan

    Hotel they probably have an excellent counter lunch going on today and of course a bunch of lovely beers directly in camera shot is the war memorial to those who served from this town of freeling so I was rged originally to commemorate World War I but all the wars and all

    The soldiers from this town are mentioned who likely passed away unfortunately this is known as Anzac Park but we are right in front of the former railway station for freeling believe it or not the tracks are still actually the property of genese and Wyoming which is an American

    Company who purchased all the rilway rights some time ago I believe in the ’90s OR 2000s so in other words the government sold everything off privati the whole lot bloody Pelican heads anyway that point inside this is an old good shed there’s an old crane so once upon of time but they had

    Passenger Services through here and of course Freight the Fright would have been wheat and that sort of thing farewell to freeling onward to the next town an old drainage tunnel of thoughts or creek runs that way the old rway line ran across the top we’re running parallel to the old track we might

    Actually get a butcher AKA I look from the top of the tracks track side view it goes on F into the distance I need to put a serious amount of work into this Railway line to ever get it running again there’s LGC Ste the Riel gravel s

    We reviewed that a while ago along with the Rival EAP access grip set and she’s got a pair of the logos components the post wheels under long-term review there’s the LGC and here’s my bike the time adx 45 review coming later and of course fitted with those fantastic bird Sparrow

    Gravel Wheels there’s a big ass rabbit hauling ass ahead of us this is one of my favorite spots in this neck of the woods Ahead in the distance is the town of Kanda we’ll likely stop there for a quick refreshment hydration break good afternoon rolling into Capa time for some drinks here at Foodland let’s go inside for again lgc’s mining the bikes you can’t get booze today if so

    Desired I a murder a Cooper P out right about now the police station here in Kanda this is the main drag through kapanda and as you can see it’s pretty quiet today being New Year’s Day not much has happening there’s the post office for Kanda post code 5373 North kapanda Hotel

    Soldiers Memorial Hall and this beautiful church building which is now a local Museum farewell Capa you don’t see kangaroo signs anywhere but Australia next left onto dirt and gravel not this sign please reduce speed to reduce dust and 40ks only that’s an hour that’s 25 mph in case you’re wondering direct

    Conversion a bunch of sheep having asleep o this section of Road we’re traversing at the moment and likely some others are on the welln Kidman triail Behold we have olive trees in camera view and just beyond that a Vineyard which the barasa valley is quite well known for and behold a Vineyard rolls into view there are many many many wineries here in South Australia how the landscape has changed Vineyards as as far as the eye can

    See FYI if you see a sign that says Ford as in Ford Mur company it means a potential water crossing like would happen here if there’d been a ton of rain welcome train Setters I believe we’re on the outskirts of Cananda if my memory serves me correctly some beautiful houses here

    With a fantastic view waking up every day and seeing this lovely a train sets are got that wrong we’re actually in greno oops tananda is after gr I should have known that what a bloody Wally there’s the grok post office grok was founded in 1945 so somewhat recently anyway the

    Next town after this I believe is tananda oh no Gro Brewers it’s a bad sign that means they’ve got beer here LGC time for a brusi here at the uh Gren up Brewers brusi time here we go Trend Setters brusi time here at the grok Brewery Proprietors went outside P me a

    Coldi bloody beautiful mate well that was amazing it’s time to get the ride going again so be the sure to stop at the gro Brewers if you’re here in grok that was bloody awesome nothing like a medride beer there you go train Setters that is

    A Road train carrying a crap ton of who knows what but three trailers you don’t see that too often in the United States right turn to new or Nuri as we say in the local lingo Santos to Dand coming here welcome Trend sets officially here in the beautiful

    Barasa Valley of South Australia on the outskirts here in yri TR sets rolling in towards the main drag time for a big ass Coke just what the doctor ordered a big ass Coke it’s right LGC it’s pretty quiet here today new rupor this being a public holiday not a lot of businesses are

    Open right are rolling out of Nuri onto the next town where it should be tananda I have more than likely royally fudged up the bloody order of towns today I made this route a few years ago of course I’ve forgotten the order of towns boy they all fly off somewhere nice

    Exodus a hive of ant activity bit of a dodgy brother section of course here but you know walking FES weather is absolutely perfect right now a lot of cloud cover temperature has dropped significantly it’s probably oh like 21° C very low 70s fah directly in camera shock Vineyards for

    Peter Leman Winery one of the really fabulous wineries in this area well Trend CS we finally rolled into tand well at least the outskirts welcome to tand LGC righty y here’s the official Archway which I believe is the Welcome Wagon to Tunda thanks to pinfalls established in 1844 fantastic wines I have to

    Say so we’ll do a quick spin through town which you know A lot’s closed up today and then we’ll get back on our course and this is a favorite town that the tour Dand likes to visit there’s the post office for tananda see we’re giv the Australian post

    Offices some love in this video right now unfortunately no water towers for the American audience to PVE on but that’s okay the tanunda hotel I’ve been there a long time ago bloody aome Place have a Bruce gel 3 all right we’re going to get back on course that’s the most the main drag

    Here in undercovered onward quick PVE on the barasa Ford dealership here they got a raptor in the showroom I’m a bit of a car guy in case people were wondering about this video here okay TR setters as we’re rolling out of tanunda farewell tanunda till next time we haven’t quite left tanunda

    Rolling through some of the older parts of town and beautiful historic homes in these back streets crossing the North perah River which is not Flooding at the time more like the north par Creek today can any other the locals explain to me why this Barre fence which I’ve

    Ridden past many times has a ton of shoes tied up in it on the edge of town here in tanunda plenty of cockos and Gage out today pretty lovely View there’s a good chance we’re going to wake these sheep up uh-oh we’ve been spotted oh they’re doing a runner that’s

    Predicted we mean you no harm I promise welcome to chatel Yara one of the best known wineries in the region here we go Chateau Yara founded in 1847 beyond the archway The Vineyards forau Yara our wager we hope the best for last in this ride today started off a bit Bland with the

    Farmland but obviously The Vineyards later spectacular another town that’s being visited by the tour Dand during stage one there you go welcome TR Setters to Lindo here in the Barosa Valley South Australia the sunro bakery and cafe very very good Bakery here in Lindo it’s late in the day here it’s

    Almost 6:00 we’ve been Lolly gagging as they say in the America lingo there’s Australia Post here in Lindo and here is the Lindo hotel and here the Lindo Institute right see that Cooper’s pale L sign there in front of the Lindo hotel that is the nectar of the Gods I’m

    Afraid Trend sets that is the number one beer in my opinion on the planet you are of course entitled to your own opinion but mine is correct here’s the Old Railway line unfortunately she’s is dead I mentioned earlier bloody government canned all the country service rway lines in the 80s farewell to

    Lindor we’ll see you next time that viewers off the chart LGC don’t forget gravel roads the surface conditions change often drive carefully or ride carefully an hour case uh-oh we got one serious climb left of course it comes in the final 10K is the cheeky bugger but there corrugation here uh uh

    Or wash for if you prefer in the United States we have another gravel cyclist going the other direction here all right Mike town of Goa has appeared in the distance we’re getting close to the end now trend setters of today’s New Year’s Day ride here in South Australia my home

    State all right TR as we are rolling into the outskirts of goer there’s your old rway line forgive me for mentioning that 10,000 times bit of a train nut there wraps up the gry roads for today train sets now rolling in into GAA the old Goa she’s pretty quiet today being New Year’s

    Day looks like faster pass is open for business welcome to the very quiet CBD here in GAA lovely little town is Goa all righty Trend set that wraps up the first day of the year ride New Year’s Day ride here in South Australia with LGC 2024 as always thank you for watching if

    You haven’t already please consider subscribing to the gravel cycles YouTube channel for interesting Ro experience videos such as this one no bull gravel bike reviews other product reviews and of course General Madness I mean look at that Bloody van there that’s my Incognito van for getting around the countryside

    LGC all right uh yes we’ll see you LGC and those birds probably in the next video


    1. A pleasant surprise through some great landscapes, of course it’s real gravel!
      Everytime I see them wheels turning, I’m thinking, please may the long term review end. LOL. Cool route with no one about, but a blue tongue lizard and some crazy ants…

    2. I guess since you're in Australia you'll be missing the Philly Bike Expo in a couple of weeks? Was looking forward to some good content of the show. Your coverage will be missed.

    3. Hey, hey wait a minute there. Best beer in the world? Better get your butt up to the Pacific Northwest. Home of the micro-brewery. Got some competitors over here. And a few gravel roads too.

      Love your videos. Keep up the great content.

    4. I love your home country of Australia, it is on my bucket list to visit before I die. The mulch sign is an example of the Aussie attitude and personality that is endearing to me. The cycling content of your channel drew me in but your Aussie accent and your travel locations keeps me coming back!

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