We challenged two teams of #FootballFans to a race across the UK for a VIP ticket to a Scottish Premiership football match between #HibernianFC and #AberdeenFC. It was carnage!

    Featuring #NeilWarnock, #BucketHatSam, #PeteBOC

    Pete BOC:




    #football #awaydays

    Want to be rewarded for how you support your club? Download FanHub: https://fan-hub.com

    Two teams taking on a mammoth Journey for one pair of VIP match tickets from the fub office in the city center of Bristol our teams must complete challenges and Race Across the UK to earn a VIP ticket to a match in abine sounds simple to make it a

    Challenge teams must not use the same mode of Transport back to back and if they do they’ll receive a Time penalty and the teams our first J is team Sam consisting of myself and Tik tok’s big biggest non- League fan bucket hat Sam we’ll be going up against Pete bck and

    Fan hub’s social media Guru olle right jents two envelopes here going to flip a coin and you get first pick of these envelopes none of you know what’s in these envelopes but these envelopes will decide your day today Pete as you’re our fanhub employee you can pick heads or tails Tails never fails

    Mate it’s a good start it’s a good start so sad get to the ground like that’s which one’s you fancy actually I didn’t want to do this um it’s my fault now team one I’ll go te team one team two well we’re on the road now boys let’s

    See how it goes it was now time for the teams to split off and find out their fate in their envelopes so we are team two Holly um let’s see you got a train to catch jump on the 10:35 to Derby when you’re not too far out open your next envelope Bristol

    Sample Meats to Derby decent we better get on with it better get on with it me it’s a beautiful day actually it’s a Propet so actually brething brought my sunglasses we’ve got lucky that’s for sure and it’s only a couple of hours from here to Derby so pretty simple

    We’ve got a nice little stop off put there do some challenges and then move on so let’s get into it let’s get into it I don’t want to do this oh no up the gas but don’t use any right now buy bike or scooter get yourself to the memorial stadium home of

    Bristol Rovers when you get to the m open your next envelope that’s not bad that’s not too bad I don’t mind that I don’t mind that I don’t short Journey no this is good right we’ll take that let’s get our way to the on then I’m buzzing

    I’m just getting on a scooter that’s what I’m most excited about big kid Leisa is not too busy right now I don’t want to get like rush hour traffic going through the city on a scooter IDE video won’t start well as well if I stack it within the first twoes slippy surface

    I’m getting a little bit nervous now bucket hat goes fly I was going to say I’m already grabbing on to it it’s a bit wind all right some scooters over there let’s go for them let’s go both teams are on their way but one Journey was a

    Little less comfy than the other these things are bloody rapid what every pothole I’m fly in never again never again I’m not taking the mck never again I’m going to call out three people now we’re here one fanhub cuz bat Sam nearly just never existed anymore two Bristol

    Council sort out your potholes that was like a slem then I was like skiing and then third bus drivers they were out for me in that Journey honestly I’m never going near one I need my phone but I’m never going near one of them again that was actually horrible I don’t know about

    You I’m genuinely I’m actually oh no I can’t do that again I terrified that was ruin I’ve ruined skiing that the skiing SK I can’t even speak ruined scooters for me I Loved These before with the team now at the Memorial Stadium it was time for their first

    Challenge Sam you have 15 minutes to hide Fan Hub stickers around the stadium then the hump Begins the only clue Sam can give is if they are hotter or colder okay let’s go where can I hide this for Sam hm let’s have a look this might be it just just underneath the stand

    Here these will be back in stock soon by the way I had to beg and borrow for these as well it’s not just you guys that are wanting these I want them as well whilst I was hiding the final sticker in the fers Terrace Pete and oie

    Were making good progress on their way to Derby I feel like I’m being classically British I can’t get over the H busy it is say where’s everyone going where are these people going someone had to coordinate it over there’s getting involved now no worries Legend a man of the people man

    Of the people back in Bristol the sticker hunt was underway got to say you’re getting hotter that’s good we talking about the game it’s you don’t like this hoodie do you it’s the Hat it’s the hat isn’t it it’s the Hat you take the hat off and you I can you go

    Down go down one on the scale I reckon well they know what I’m looking at there you’re not going to get up there oh there we go oh he’s found their early doors keeping it lemon as well go on right I need to get some of these

    Stickers after I need to give one of them am I getting distinctively colder when I go this way you are yeah it’s right okay so we’re going back this I’ve got frostbike right now hon jeez on the back I actually am blind you’re giggling into yourself having so much fun here

    And it’s really R is it there it is there it is there it is looks like a beer mat as well that’s clap let’s have a look then shall we right I’m going to walkr the front do a little scan where would you put if if I

    Was putting a sticker where would I put it that’s not I thought that was thck uh yeah not have you seen a sticker anywhere yeah they’ll take you to the one you’ve already seen I was going to say they one a fan like three

    Times is this is this is this it this is it amazing F of I was going to ask them if then I bottled it I just realized how just how random that would be but have you seen any stickers yeah exactly what done just looked at me and just gone

    What the hell you on just do right we’ done it yeah right next envelope I think whilst we’d finally finished our first challenge Pete and Ollie were making really good progress on their way to Derby right we’re supposed to be in Derby in 38 minutes and on the next leg

    It better not be this bloody busy can’t be surely there’s not hundreds and hundreds of people going wherever we’re going back in Bristol it was time for the next challenge right okay good night IR good Night Irene I’ll See You in My Dreams R fans have sung this since the

    50s now it’s your turn give your best rendition in the Terrace this you’ve done me you me up can we just pretend I’ve done it do we have to oh no so he’s just setting up the camera about to do the chant and I’ve Just Seen bear in

    Mind empty Stadium of course there is three people over here that are about to hear me butcher their favorite chant what this is oh no all right 3 2 1 go good Night Irene good night I’ll see you in my [Applause] dreams he loved it there we go we got

    Some support there let’s go for it fin envelope Pete you’re getting battered by the way r a roll one Tas too recently Rovers unveiled a mural of Legend Marcus Stewart fine and get a selfie with it let’s go is that it already yeah for context we’ve walked about 20 steps

    We’ it’s a minute and a half into filming I can’t even see Marcus where is he there he is there he is there we go I think keeping it lemon as well as one team completed their challenges another was about to start theirs as Pete and Ollie arrived in Derby right we’ve

    Arrived in Derby so it’s time to open up the second envelope and see well kind of guessing that we’re going to Pride Park but let’s see let’s see up the Rams yes H get yourself to Pride park for a series of challenges okay let’s go and do that

    Come on Molly well we wanted to take those scooters we couldn’t find any E Scooters so we having to walk which isn’t too bad it’s only about 15 minutes but it’s so unseasonably hot I’ve already got a t-shirt you got a bloody hoodie underneath that as well man alive

    This is so so uncomfortably warm up the Hub all right here’s the next uh thing we’ve got to actually do we’re here Pride Park welcome to Pride Park this place has the largest attendance in League one that’s a lot of bum on seats well team you have 5

    Minutes says on 100 seats each go um thank you to seat 139 let’s go 5 Minutes I also can’t unlock your phone so I have no idea if we’ve done it in 5 minutes or not we will we will I feel like he’s been about three and a half right here we go come on last one last one I’m going to lose me the last no

    No he’s done it we’re done yes 100 each man us oh my God that was not a good idea thank you that was 5 minutes it surely whilst Pete and ol’s legs were burning Sam and I were about to find out our destination for the evening you’ve

    Been gassed up get yourself to Bristol Parkway you’ve got a train to catch and it’s a long one see you in edur tonight right we need to move it’s a long journey but we need to move while it was straight into a cab for us Pete and Ollie were flying

    Through their challenges at Derby in espol Derby manager Paul War loves a b Bubble at and so his fanhub yes got a group pick pitch side in The Fan Hub bubble well really got it on that’s awesome uh where’s good right here on the beautiful Ram there we go we’ve absolutely smashed

    That one to be first so on to the next one number five the final challenge okay we are brilliant at this mate there’s two statues at Derby get picks with them both I might have a sneaky feeling where one is so we obviously saw this one but I don’t

    Know what it is there’s Bloomer you’re a good guy Bloomer number one found things couldn’t have been going better for Pete and Ollie but for Sam and I disaster had struck um we have just had the biggest nightmare of all nightmares so it turns out our tickets

    Were not in the folder cuz kindly train line didn’t send them now yeah we we hav to get another train it might not seem it but but the Vibes are still morale still high in cam we the morale dropped a little bit we got a bit stressed when

    He hit the train line work that was probably when it did the most when he right hook left hook jab for legal reasons it’s a joke what I love as well they get tell it’s a joke the way you just F then as well if you’d have gone

    Like that then it would have been a but yes we’ve got a train now it’s in about half an hour so we got a bit of time to kill despite missing the first train it was still a really close race but missing on train meant we had to

    Take a connecting train which ultimately broke the transport rule this means Sam and I had 10 minutes added to our total time meanwhile Pete and oie are about to complete their challenges at Derby does have the statue in the background that’ be great thank you thank you well we kind of already

    Worked out that we’re going to the train station because can’t imagine we’re going to go get a coach from out possible e scooter it’s back to the station for you and a mega journey ahead you’re off to Edinburgh for the night trainers at 2.5 better get a move on class have you been

    Singur once when I was a kid can’t remember that oh lad I’ve not been football there but I’ve been to Edinburgh a couple of times absolutely brilliant it’s an amazing City it’s really cool off the time 2:00 45 minutes 45 minutes we better get move on well yeah now the race had

    Really begun Pete and ol’s train would take directly to Edinburgh well Sam and I had one more change in carile it was going to be really close right it’s the first test of uh it’s fan fuel it’s 310 as well so I think that’s respectful yeah anytime after

    Midday they will be back in the store soon I do promise that’s what we needed for this journey oh I can relax now sorry if you hoping for any um lovely shots of the countryside on our way up to Scotland this is our window seat Oliver Peter cheers Mate really nice me as Sam and I made our change at car the day one Finish Line was in sight and both teams were about to find out where it was welcome to Scotland now it’s time to really race the first team to hips EAS Road wins day

    One I’m tired I can’t make another decision because my head all explode let’s put it on Instagram yeah ask the viewers to decide where we go knowing my look whatever I pick you can’t even be delayed in the taxi but’ll they’ll be away we’ll break down we’ll get hit by a bus

    Something let’s put it out on Instagram and ask people right let’s do it thank for us the viewers had decided on an Uber but Peter noie had a similar idea too so we went ahead and booked our in advance in an attempt to get ahead with

    Both teams now in Edinburgh it was a race between two Ubers to see who would make it to Easter Road first every time your thing goes off every time you get a message I’m like that’s going to be a picture of Sam is like literally every

    Time you’ve done know where are stop it like yeah where are you we’ve been there hours how long’s this journey Drive 6 minutes 6 minutes per perfect we are so close now we so close uh yeah we’ll just probably head for the club shop or the main reception or whatevers I been

    Retion I’ll drop you there there’s a car parking as well thank you we’ve made it we’re so close yeah cheers see you lat wait we’re here come on thank you boss cheers mate have a good night oh great Northeast exit North so that’s going be the Northeast stand they the

    East stand isn’t it we wanted the West stand yes the other side oh my God it’s the other side up the hips I don’t know if there’s like we got a number oh I haven’t oh I right there’s a little road down by that ticket off it’s there oh hello someone’s

    Here someone’s on the other side Hi guys hello how are you okay thank you very much yes much yeah we’ve raced from Bristol and I think we’ve won first one perfect go this one thank you Sam Pete love you to me to meet Ollie yeah good thanks while Pete and Ollie enjoyed a guided tour of Easter

    Road Sam and I were minutes behind I’m getting nervous I feel I feel like we have n surely not not after missing that we supposed to go in I’ve got a number to ring welcome to the O2 managing service we might have to ring Pete how are you Sam hell I’m well how

    Are you we’re really good thank you I’m outside uh Easter Road where are you oh okay well uh you you’ve beat us there then mate no we haven’t yeah n he’s having a son in here is he still on the phone he’s still on the phone trying to

    Find oh dear I don’t I don’t want to go I don’t want to go in hello all that I want to cry I want to actually cry Hi Sam see see winners conratulations congratulations you get here well we won mate we won as expected um Sam and Sam unlucky all right so

    Um congratulations on winning the race you now have received 10 free points congratul oh congrats sorry the race is in your hands for tomorrow’s trip to abdine we have two times tickets for a train or coach seeing as you w you get first pick train or coach I mean

    Surely the train is quicker I know I feel like it might be close you know cuz the train might have a lot of stops and the coach might be pretty direct I I will leave the final decision down to you okay Pete okay I’m going to base this on British transport bathrooms and

    Choose the train as I believe a coach will be rather min to aine today weirdly I’m feeling confident I know we lost yesterday but I don’t think there’ll be much in it I think it’ll be close we’ll find a way we will it’ll be fine we’ve got to make the

    Video interesting somehow AR we we’ll make this a race we’ll we’ll catch up up team Sam and up the Hub don’t forget that good morning good morning good morning good morning well it’s a big trip today fresh yeah enjoy your breakfast peek beautiful yeah lovely breakfast yeah full of sugar now and um

    Ready to get on a trade well may the best team win and that team is is us that breakfast tastes a lot of Victory I’ve got a good feeling for our first victory of the day first of many we need we just need one win that’s all we need what going to happen

    Today see you see you on the other side aine beautiful beautiful city you know what though it’s a good sign cuz P are still sat there eating and we’re making our way mentality mon yeah so surely they must be leaving later yeah I’ve done a 10K room this

    Morning yeah exactly where we’re the ones starting with the energy while Sam and I were on our way to the coach station Pete and Ollie were on their way to catch the train and yeah we just got to water train session is literally 5 minutes away bit of a shame to leave

    Aden BR because it’s such a lovely place here I really do love it here but I’m the race yeah got to get our first mate because going to be close we did all that yesterday and it’s going to be close I still feel like they they could

    Be the Double Bluff why would you have coaching train it’s a double Bluff I’m telling you as Sam and I got to the coach station it was disaster once again you’re waiting on the 92 your bus will be deleted cuz I know bus is doing the Run we we coming from

    The yard you be here before 10:00 okay so remember that positive mentality yeah it’s currently been 10 minutes since we said we’re winning and we’re already delayed right Energy’s High Morales High let’s so high right now little do the train guys know you leave Edinburg before them well that’s what we thought

    We don’t need to touch on that enjoy the Head Start while it lasts this is rubbing it in now I’m going to rip this up when you get to abdine it’s a race to the SX Ferguson statue good luck if we get to abine yeah that’s if we get to

    Abine um cheers this this is like it’s taking the that’s an insult that I know it wasn’t it was written before but this is really r on me now so that’s really r on me in the end there was no Head Start for Sam and I Pete and Ollie were

    Already on their train and on the way out of Edinburgh well we made it mate plenty of people getting the badge in a few people we’ll be traveling as a w f the guy at hibs did say um that they they’ll travel well so yeah expecting a

    Pretty good atmosphere see if any chance of going Al it took until 10:00 to even get on the coach Sam and I still wanted to get into PE in Ollie’s heads that’ll get in the said we can tell that you’re nervous Lads that’ll do yeah I might drop a little lion later

    And just say we’re absolutely flying just they cut out one of the stops or something that’s what I’m going to have to say yeah just received this message from Sam we can tell that you’re nervous Lads yeah OE doesn’t look very nervous at all I’m not I’m sitting pretty

    Comfortable and in truth they were sitting pretty comfortably whil we were just leaving the coach station Pete and Ollie were Miles Ahead we know know it’s comp as we said we bring the we should have been arriving about the same time we both even though we pretty much accepted

    Defeat Pete and Ollie Were None the wiser for them it was just a case of getting from the train station to padri on foot right situation we’ve arrived abedine our train was 12 minutes late so we’ve now got to bomb it down here we have located where the statue is which

    Side the ground it’s on so we know which pit we’re going to get to it’s going to be close it’s going to be really really close 33 minute walk got to try and get that down as quick as we can ready right come on turn four minutes into tip come on where is

    He is He this is the self stand this isn’t even guys Pi big F where’s the S Alex vason statue the front oh thank you round the bottom okay thank you where is it where’s the Statue there it is come we’ve done it Well Done mate well done I bring it

    In before the PCT come on well done well done well for all we know for all we know they’re here yeah they’ve got a pie or something but done here we are at this stupid statue uh brilliant statue just yeah I said when I got here he always hated Alex Ferguson and then

    Because he retired I kind of let go right 100% and I’ve hated him for the last hour yeah oh hang on is that I like him again is that a taxi it’s not there all right and that was that it was a win for Pete and Ollie who are about to

    Enjoy a director’s experience at the club but Sam and I were still on the coach hello you okay well I might I may as well just do it oh no there he is there is fie sorry not really sorry where are you mate we’re still on the coach 40 minutes

    Delay on our coach oh my a [ __ ] we got we got a slight delay but only like 5 minutes or so again we got here about 12 minutes late 40 minutes is massive can I throw something at you that you will enjoy go on man at least you two are the

    Real match going football fans yes exactly exactly proper fans prop fans enjoy your PR and sandwiches I can’t deny it can I right anyway Pete enjoy have a good one all right up the H see you later as Pete and O were enjoying their fancy food and bumping into Neil

    Waro we had finally arrived in abedine we jumped on some bikes and headed to the ground for the proper Scottish Football experience well that was long and cold that’s all I’m saying yeah we we haven’t even able to see Pete and Ollie because they’ve already in the

    Director’s box it opened at 2: we were expecting to be here at12 we’re too late to even be able to do our forit what we were supposed to be doing was putting F pictures up in the the toilet to be honest I’m quite glad we we missed that

    Yeah a long old Journey but we’ve made it we’ve got a football match to enjoy we’re amongst it we’re the proper fans we fans let’s get some points let’s get some food let’s actually enjoy ourselves let’s let’s give it a big one up the Hub W you feel like we’re amongst the uh the younger supporters say that or no Scotland we’re not quite with the ult but they’re doing the best blessing do I good it’s not good is it round the keeper you oh game what’s going on here n on

    You in the director’s box Pete and oie weren’t quite having the same experience as us but in the director’s box you’re not actually a l to fil so um unfortunately not a lot of ankles from us here it is a padded seat though isn’t it it is p seat and we’ve watched about

    40 minutes of the game which has been actually pretty good met some very very nice peoplewhere they didn’t meet the mayor of abine did they no no they did not they didn’t get free [Applause] beer that and a great two minutes and then not much else the only other thing and the

    Main thing that happened you would have seen the fan of that on those advertising boards cuz we are the fan loyalty rewarded partner of abine football club yes that’s right fan of is delighted to announce we partnered with both hibs and abedine to give app users exclusive rewards and opportunities from

    Their football club club shop vouchers tickets meet the squad you could even play on the pitch all available within the F of app right let’s get back to the second half let’s go get you oh [Applause] sorry we playing on or Yeah I’ve got a point to get after this come On give it there no I know why as h V is through more offside events what Che mate second half sted of the H by the way um he been really good to all Junior hoet just come on Neil warock and Junior hoet what a time we live in 2024

    Brilliant just if you found the camera it’s a bloke on top of the stand here out yeah he do up there what’s he throwing he’s throwing food to the bird what is he doing up there what is so we miss a go watching a man throw to

    Bir might be a couple’s a winner here and that was the game p and OE gave her a view which we can’t play because there’s copyright music in the background but after that the teams finally met outside the front of the ground for one last time well jents um

    This wasn’t how was expected to see what time did you actually get here it was about 1 was it yeah like maybe just after yeah so cuz we got here at 2:00 gone 2:00 okay at least over an hour yeah you had a 40 minute Del lay though right

    Yeah the as well yeah yeah the ebites were like my hands I can only just feel them from that it was horrible honestly wasn’t it around I was thinking I can’t feel anymore been on an ebike yeah we we we’ve just had a made a day of it

    Haven’t we the walk was beautiful it was lovely very up hill at the start cuz we thought you might have been close he was getting me to run I nearly collap cuz we cuz we put the messages in the chat right making you think we want

    You to run I looked at where the statue was I went right don’t go to where the Google Maps tells you to go on that side go to where it is and I [ __ ] got it wrong so we were all the way over there on the complete opposite side and I’m

    Like Ollie where is it where is it and that’s where the Panic came in I’ll be honest right that’s where Panic came in and I started to jog and we had to ask stewards ask even like some little kids were asking like where is it and I genuinely ran he’s his Fitness needs

    Some work but like yeah ran s s saw it and then but even mine’s not great saw it and even that it’s still something like probably 5 minutes before I properly believed that you hadn’t got here class knowing that we were probably in dundy at the

    Time an hour and half what a journey jents what a journey yeah no honestly fair play cheers good to meet you and thank you being part of the uh it’s about taking part that’s what matters really we didn’t want to win anyway and we were with the proper fans we had the

    Atmosphere you had your prawn sandwiches we had the patre pie didn’t but we had a good time it was a good game the game was brilliant we got to see Junior hilet and Neil Warner at a match in 2024 and that’s an an important moment in our football’s a winner remember that I

    Saw I think that’s a wonderful way to sign off boys is it yeah what a lovely Journey brilant we made friends along the way yeah shout out to everyone who organized it thank you very very much up the H the you


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