Time to watch and pray as bible prophecy continue to unfolds before our eyes in 2024. Israel, Hamas, Earthquakes, etc…Powerful end time prophecy and prophetic events message.
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    #christianinspiration #dailyjesusdevotional #christianmotivation

    Are we living in the final days before the return of Christ as signs of the times unfold around us one question echoes in the hearts of Believers and Truth Seekers alike will Christ return soon think about a world where the sun sets painting the sky in Hues of orange and

    Pink signaling the end of one day and the beginning of another this daily occurrence is not just a visual Feast but a metaphor for the profound changes and signs that Herald significant events in our spiritual journey these changes are like the signs that foretell the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    Today I will guide you through an exploration of eight signs that indicate the near Nearness of Jesus’s return this journey is essential for those seeking Revelation guidance and a profound understanding of God’s word I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so watch

    Until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer as we stand at this pivotal moment in history let’s reflect on the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:6 where he spoke of wars and rumors of wars saying see that you are not troubled for all these things must come

    To pass but the end is not yet this verse serves as a beacon guiding Us in understanding the times and preparing our hearts for his return now let us explore eight signs that are prophesied to be fulfilled before Christ returns number one the outpouring of the holy spirit

    This outpouring of the holy spirit is a pivotal sign of the end times acts 2:17 speaks of the last days saying and it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out of my spirit on All Flesh this prophecy is not merely a

    Statement of future events but a testament to God’s enduring commitment to humanity imagine a land scorched by the Relentless Sun Yearning For Rain the outpouring of the holy spirit is similar to the first raindrops that touched this parched Earth bringing Rejuvenation and new life in our times we are privileged to witness this

    Spiritual awakening the spirit’s power is increasingly manifesting through spiritual gifts stirring Revival movements and transforming lives this Divine outpouring is not confined to a select few but is generously given to all who seek it the holy spirit is not just a source of spiritual Revival it is a source of empowerment for every

    Believer it equips us to serve with passion to Bear witness with boldness and to deepen our communion with God this empowerment is a further fulfillment of Jesus’s promise in John 14 verse 26 where he assured us of the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father would send in his

    Name This Promise was not just for the Disciples of old but extends to us today empowering us for the work of the Kingdom also the holy spirit’s role is pivotal in convicting the world of sin righteousness and judgment as John 16:8 tells us and when he has come he will

    Convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment so this conviction is essential for guiding people towards repentance and faith in Christ the spirit’s work is not of condemnation but of loving correction guiding us towards the truth of the Gospel also the outpouring of the Holy

    Spirit fills us with hope and anticipation it offers us a preview of The Coming age a glimpse of the kingdom of God already at work among us this outpouring is a reminder that God is actively engaged in our world drawing people to himself as we experience and witness the outpouring of the holy

    Spirit let us be filled filled with hope joy and A Renewed commitment to be instruments of God’s love and grace in a world that yearns for his Touch number two the restoration of Israel and the conversion of the Jewish people Romans 11: 25 to 26 speaks profoundly about the

    Eventual acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah by the Jewish people it states for I do not desire Brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own opinion that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the

    Gentiles has come in and so all Israel will be saved the restoration of Israel and the conversion of the Jewish people is a significant prophetic event like a long- awaited reunion in a great family story it symbolizes the Fulfillment of God’s promises and the completion of his Redemptive plan for both Jews and

    Gentiles understand that this prophetic event involving the restoration of Israel and the conversion of the Jewish people has been partially fulfilled through Israel becoming a nation in 1948 which marks a significant milestone in biblical prophecy the prophecy can be seen in Ezekiel 37 particularly in

    Verses 21 to 22 where it is written thus says the Lord God surely I will take the children of Israel from among the Nations wherever they have gone and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land and I will make them one nation in the land on the

    Mountains of Israel and one King shall be king over them all they shall no longer be two Nations nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again so the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 is a fulfillment of Prophecy signifying a significant event in the biblical prophetic

    Timeline this event is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and his ability to bring about his plans despite seemingly impossible circumstances just as a gardener nurtures a long dormant tree back to life God will revive the hearts of his chosen people now the conversion of the Jewish people

    To Faith In Jesus as the Messiah will not be just a historical or religious event but it will also hold deep spiritual significance for the entire world it will represent the breaking down of barriers and the unification of all believers under one m Messiah this prophetic fulfillment calls

    For an attitude of humility and love from the Gentiles rather than boasting or feeling Superior we are to embrace our Jewish brothers and sisters with open arms recognizing that we are all part of God’s family the restoration of Israel and the conversion of the Jewish people is a Beacon of Hope and a

    Powerful Testament to the truth of scripture it serves as an encouragement to all believers to remain steadfast in faith trusting in God’s promises and his perfect timing my friends the developments in Israel and Jerusalem should remind us of The Nearness of Christ’s return as we witness these events let us Lift Our

    Eyes in anticipation knowing that our Redemption draws nearer with each passing day number three the rising of false prophets and spiritual deception in Matthew 24: 11 we are warned then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many this is a crucial sign of the times we must heed we must watch out

    Vigilantly for the rise of false prophets just as a ship’s Captain must navigate carefully to avoid treacherous Waters we too must discern the spiritual landscape to identify those who mislead and deceive these false prophets often come disguised as bearers of Truth they are like wolves and sheep’s clothing as

    Jesus warned us in Matthew 7:15 the scripture says beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves therefore their teachings might seem appealing but they lead away from the truth of God’s word the key to identifying false prophets is by knowing

    The true word of God like the bereans in Acts 17: 10 to 11 who examined the Scriptures Daily to see whether these things were so we too must immerse ourselves in the Bible the prevalence of false prophets is a call for us to deepen our relationship with God it’s in The Quiet

    Moments of prayer and reflection that we can truly discern his voice from among the clamor of falsehood my friends let us not be fearful but empowered by knowledge and Faith the awareness of false prophets should not lead us to despair but to a firmer grasp of Truth and righteousness

    Furthermore 2 Thessalonians 2:3 warns us let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first this apostasy or falling away from the faith is a critical sign of the end times apostasy is like a tide slowly receding before a great

    Tsunami it’s a gradual yet sign ific an departure from the foundational truths of Christianity often replaced by more modern or convenient beliefs this spiritual deception often comes in subtle forms it can be the twisting of scripture to suit personal desires traditions of men or the dilution of biblical truths to align with societal

    Norms as Believers we must be anchored in the word of God and be led by the the Holy Spirit Discerning truth from deception apostasy is often accompanied by moral decline as Society moves away from God’s laws we witness an increase in immorality and ethical Decay fulfilling what was prophesied in 1 Timothy

    4:1 about some departing from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons in the face of such deception we must cling to our faith with even greater Zeal our commitment to Christ and his word should be unshakable serving as a light in an Ever darkening world the rise of

    Apostasy though disheartening should not lead us to despair but to action it is a call for Revival for prayer and for a renewed commitment to sharing the truth of the Gospel with bold oldness and love number four the increase of lawlessness as noted in Matthew 24:12 and because lawlessness will

    Abound the love of many will grow cold this sign is a sobering reminder of the state of our world as we approach the end times the increase in lawlessness can be seen in various forms around us it’s like a creeping Vine that slowly engulfs a once vibrant

    Garden turning it into a place of Decay and neglect this lawlessness is not just a rejection of societal laws but more importantly a turning away from God’s Commandments it’s a spiritual lawlessness that manifests in various moral and ethical Decay the idea of Love growing cold is a direct consequ quence of this

    Lawlessness as people turn away from God’s law their capacity for genuine Selfless Love diminishes it’s like a light slowly dimming losing its warmth and brightness however in these challenging times we are called to be beacons of God’s love like the Good Samaritan in Luke 10: 30-37 our response to the rising

    Lawlessness should be one of compassion and unwavering love let us therefore be vigilant in our faith steadfast in our love and unwavering in our commitment to God’s word in a world of growing lawlessness our love and righteousness shine brightest number five the increase of wars and conflicts as Jesus for told in Matthew

    24:6 the occurrence of wars and conflicts is a sign of the times we live in the scripture says and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet these events while distressing are

    Markers on the road mapap to Christ’s return look at the present War war between Hamas and Israel happening before our very eyes on October 7 20123 Hamas waged one of the deadliest attacks on Jews since the Holocaust my friends the prevalence of wars and rumors of wars in our world is not just

    A political or social issue but it is also a spiritual signpost it reminds us that our world world is in a state of turmoil and longing for the peace that only Christ can bring like the shifting Sands in a desert these conflicts reshape the landscape of our world and our understanding of

    Prophecy this proliferation of conflicts serves as a call for believers to be peacemakers as Jesus taught in the Beatitudes we are to be lights in a world darkened by conflict embodying the message of reconciliation and hope found in Christ in these times of unrest it’s vital to Anchor ourselves in prayer and

    Scripture as the psalmist wrote in Psalm 46:9 he makes Wars cease to the end of the Earth he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two he burns The Chariot in the fire this promise reassures US of God’s ultimate control over the Affairs of Nations remember we must be vigilant we

    Must not be consumed by fear or despair due to these events as Believers our hope lies not in the stability of worldly kingdoms but in the unshakable kingdom of God also these wars and conflicts remind us of the urgency to spread the gospel as the world groans under the weight of

    Strife and pain the message of Salvation and the hope of Christ return becomes even more crucial number six natural disasters and signs from heaven in Luke 21:1 Jesus speaks of great earthquakes famines and pestilences in various places along with fearful sights and great signs from Heaven these natural disasters are significant

    Indicators of the times preceding his return the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters are like alarm Bells awakening us to the reality of the times we are living in they are reminders that the creation itself groans and suffers awaiting Redemption as mentioned in Romans 8: 22 to

    23 according to a new analysis of data in 2023 at least 12,000 people 30% more than in 2022 lost their lives due to floods wildfires Cyclones storms and landslides globally European Union scientists also said that 2023 would be the warmest year on record AS Global mean temperature for the first

    11 months of the year hit the highest level on record above the average so indeed 2023 was host to a variety of disasters some of them the worst their respective countries have seen in years if not decades though the year saw many of such catastrophes earthquakes dominated the

    Top 10 in some cases taking thousands of lives at once and who knows what the coming year or years will bring these events call for a response of compassion and solidarity in the face of disasters we are reminded of the importance of loving our neighbors and

    Extending help to those in need it’s an opportunity to manifest the love of Christ in practical ways natural disasters also serve as a call to repentance and spiritual awakening they remind us of our human Frailty and the need to seek God as Jesus said in Luke 13:5 unless you repent you will all

    Likewise perish emphasizing the urgency of turning to God in these times of uncertainty our faith is our anchor as Believers we are assured of God’s presence and comfort even in the midst of turmoil this Faith enables us to be beacons of Hope in a world shaken by calamities number seven the global

    Spread of the Gospel in Matthew 24 verse 14 Jesus declares and this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come this Global evangelism is a definitive sign of the times the widespread Declaration of the

    Gospel is like a beacon shining across the globe reaching every corner and culture in an age where technology has connected us more than ever this proph prophecy is being fulfilled in unprecedented ways from remote villages to bustling cities the message of Christ is being shared This Global evangelization effort calls

    For active participation from every believer we are all commissioned as in Mark 16:1 15 to go into all the world and preach the gospel to Every Creature this is not just the task of missionaries and pastors but of every follower of Christ the spread of the Gospel is often met with resistance and

    Persecution yet just as the early church grew amidst persecution these challenges often serve to strengthen and spread the faith even more as we partake in This Global Mission it’s essential to remember the power of prayer and the guidance of the holy spirit it’s not by our might or

    Power but by the spirit of the Lord as stated in Zechariah 4:6 also the Fulfillment of this prophecy brings us closer to the return of Christ each person reached and each life transformed is a step closer to the completion of this Great Commission and the ushering in of Christ’s return and

    Number eight the battle of Armageddon Revelation 16:16 introduces us to the concept of Armageddon a term that has become synonymous with the ultimate battle between good and evil the verse says and they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew Armageddon this prophetic event is depicted a pivotal confrontation in human history the battle of Armageddon

    Represents the culmination of the agong conflict between the forces of God and the forces of evil it’s like the final act in a grand play where the tension and conflict that have been building throughout history reach their Peak this battle is not just a physical confrontation but also signifies a

    Spiritual Showdown it’s a moment where the spiritual realities behind the physical world are fully unveiled and the struggle between light and darkness is brought to a decisive conclusion as prophesied in Revelation 19 verses 11-6 Jesus returns as the triumphant King and righteous Warrior leading the armies of Heaven in a Victorious battle

    Against the forces of the Antichrist and Satan this event also holds significant importance for Israel the nation where much of biblical prophecy and including the final battle converges according to scripture Israel is Central to God’s Endtime plans and the Gathering at Armageddon in the region of megiddo in Israel underscores

    This pivotal role this event serves as a sobering reminder of God’s sovereignty and Justice it underscores the reality that evil in all its forms will ultimately be defeated and that God’s righteous judgment will prevail for believers the battle of Armageddon is a call to steadfast Faith and

    Hope it’s an assurance that no matter how chaotic or challenging the world may seem God is in control and his ultimate plan for Redemption and restoration will be fulfilled let us observe the world around us particularly considering the current conflict in Israel it appears that if events are

    Aligning in a significant way my friends Armageddon inspires a sense of urgency for evangelism and prayer understanding the reality of this final battle should motivate us to share the gospel with urgency and to live lives that reflect the hope and truth of our faith the events surrounding Israel and

    Armageddon remind us of the accuracy of biblical prophecy and the certainty of Christ return urging us to be vigilant and prepared our exploration of these eight prophetic signs of Christ’s return serves as a powerful reminder of the times we live in and our role as Believers from the rise of conflicts and

    Natural disasters to the spread of the gospel and the emergence of spiritual challenges these signs call us to a deeper Faith vigilance and active participation in God’s work the restoration of Israel and the ultimate battle of Armageddon further underscore God’s Sovereign plan and the hope we hold in Jesus’s triumphant return

    Furthermore this message on the prophetic signs of Christ’s return is a compelling call to action it invites us not only to live with purpose hope and anticipation but also to secure our Salvation while we can as we witness the unfolding of these prophetic events from Global upheavals to

    Spiritual Awakenings let us Embrace this time as an opportunity to draw nearer to God deepen our faith reaffirm our commitment to Christ and spread his love and truth my friends let us turn from our evil ways and accept accept Jesus as our Lord and savior that we will be

    Ready for Jesus’s glorious second coming now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God Heavenly

    Father Al Mighty God creator of Heaven and Earth you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end The God Who orchestrates the unfolding of time and prophecy your greatness is unmatched and your wisdom is beyond comprehension I exalt your holy name and acknowledge your sovereignty over all

    Creation Lord I Thank thank you for your enduring love and unending mercies thank you for the gift of Salvation the presence of your Holy Spirit and the hope we have in Christ’s return I am grateful for your guiding hand in my life and the lives of my loved

    Ones Lord I ask for your forgiveness for my sins and shortcomings I also forgive those who trespass against me with a Heart full of forgiveness I release every ounce of bitterness every Grudge and every painful memory in the mighty name of Jesus I declare victory over the

    Challenges I face I rebuke every plan of the enemy aimed at my life my family and my purpose in Christ I bind every Spirit of confusion fear worry and despair and I claim peace Clarity and courage in their place Lord bless me indeed grant me healing in my body Mind and Spirit I

    Pray for these same blessings upon my loved ones that they too may experience your favor and protection build an hedge of safety around us protect us in our comings and goings Deliver Us from all evil and lead us away from Temptation merciful father as I say this prayer together with everyone

    Listening I am grateful for every heart that is humbled before you right now we come in agreement seeking your face and your will for our lives in unity we claim victory over the trials of this this world we declare healing for the sick comfort for the Brokenhearted and provision for those in

    Need protect us Lord as we navigate the signs of the times keeping our eyes fixed on you Lord we pray for your peace to reign in Israel and the surrounding regions and may your peace surround us all wherever we are let your hope holy spirit guide us in all truth and

    Righteousness guard us against spiritual deception and shield us from the impact of natural disasters as we trust in your Sovereign protection fill us with your wisdom and discernment as we witness the unfolding of biblical prophecies help us to be vigilant and prepared for your return living each day

    In anticipation of your glorious coming strength strengthen us to be beacons of Hope and agents of your grace in a world that desperately needs your love let your kingdom come on Earth and in our lives as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory

    Forever more thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this message type the word amen in the comments section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the

    Name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this prayer and by clicking the like button also also remember to subscribe to our daily Jesus

    Devotional channel for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all those who support us you’re blessed to be a blessing now for those who are listening and you want to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior I urge you to receive God’s

    Grace with an open and repentant heart start where you are your past doesn’t matter Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost God loves you it is not God’s will that anyone should perish but for all to come to repentance say this simple salvation

    Prayer for yourself dear Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn for my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life I want to

    Trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior Lord Jesus hear my prayer I pray thank you Lord for saving me amen now that you have prayed this prayer you can ask a pastor to baptize you at a local church and make that decision public baptism is a symbol of that decision to

    Follow Jesus I then encourage you to have fellowship with other believers to learn more about your new life and to get to know more about God please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory

    Also we invite other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world to join us and start praying for you right now and we want you to know that even if you don’t see a reply to your prayer request it doesn’t mean that you were not prayed for rest

    Assured that we are actively lifting up each request to God that is in accordance with his will we believe in the power of prayer to bring Comfort healing and guidance in accordance with God’s perfect plan to God be all the glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be

    With you All


    1. Dear lord I know I will surpass all the trials that u bestowed on my ur my strength my Rick and fortress all my prayers will be answered in your right timing yimtiming timing tine

    2. 🙏🙏"Lord; I need your Loving arms of protection to be around all our children in their school 🏫🎒, on their jobs, on your dangerous highways, and in their going out and coming in."In your precious Name I ask and pray this day!" Amen!" All glory be to God!" Thank you Jesus! 🙏🙏🙏😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    3. I have not been to church in years. Please protect me and my family. I have sinned ,please for forgive me.. I had cancer and told I had five years left! It has been twelve and I owe it all to the power of our lord. Amen

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