This is what bike touring in Europe is all about! After descending from the beautiful hill town of Sancerre, we ride across the dramatic Viaduc de Saint-Satur, a 19th century railroad bridge, and then rejoin the Loire A Velo and the Eurovelo 6, riding through some of the most exquisite French countryside imaginable. We cross the Briare Aqueduct, until only 20 years ago the longest aqueduct in the world. At the end of a long day, we arrive in Sully-sur-Loire, with it’s famous Château de Sully-sur-Loire, for a well-deserved rest. An incredible stretch of bicycle touring!


    Accordion and Glockenspiel Comedy – JK Productions
    Pond Five
    a href=””Stock Music/a provided by JK_Production, from a href=“”Pond5/a

    Today Is a Good Day to Live – John T. Graham
    Epidemic Sound

    Elevated Consciousness – Amaranth Cove
    Epidemic Sound

    Alice Is On Her Way – Airae
    Epidemic Sound

    Sona – Valente
    Epidemic Sound

    Board It Now – Berny Shepard
    Epidemic Sound

    Beautiful gray morning but some breaking up of the clouds I think we’re going to have a magnificent day so here we go leaving sansaire and our beautiful little Airbnb nice gray and morning looking at a pretty nice day of riding probably get a little rain what a lovely

    Town this has been Thanks sunser you’ve done well by us now it’s on to greener pastures everything’s getting greener now because of all the uh all the rain which I’m sure France is very happy for they’ve been drowning so all right happy trails this is my cousin Nadia here in front of

    Us and I have Pippi Longstocking flying down the hill in front of me look at those pigtails Paradise uh Hello friends good morning friends our descent out of sancer is one of those cycling moments you live for on top of the aqueduct that you’ve seen earlier in the film and it’s just an

    Average Road but boy if it could talk so yeah we’re riding over this uh what I understand is a Roman aqueduct you can kind of see it here cuts through The Vineyards looking down over Sansa tour which have been an old Roman settlement at one time laughs foreign

    But some breaking up of the clouds I think we’re going to have a magnificent day so here we go I don’t know if you can see it the tractors out there flashing light in the vineyard harvesting The Grapes The Last of The Grapes of the Season grilling heading down from sunset morning

    Good morning once we reached the Loire of hello you were greeted with the most peaceful Trail along a lovely canal so my favorite kind of riding this cool overcast day is very pleasant a little bit of rain a little little soft sprinkles here and there and you know

    We’re in Europe which is where you think of it as being rainy and cool and it feels great feels fabulous foreign following some kind of canal bike path is very smooth asphalt no real root buckles around here incredible sure looks like a Nuclear cooling tower doesn’t it yeah nuclear reactors nice good clean

    Energy though yeah as long as they don’t blow everybody in Europe is being asked to cut back on electricity and energy usage because of the Ukraine crisis and the fact that the Russians are cutting off gas supplies wonder if that nuclear power is firing up again just don’t know on your left

    Hey Bill hello are those nuclear power plants cooking up no it’s a popular energy source in France so they’re still using it here yeah yeah with the energy crisis coming yeah because of Ukraine they’re having lots of debate in Europe right now about how to keep nuclear energy kind of safe

    And on they wanted to decommission things but sure seems like the next thing to do we’ll be turning off all lights keeping our place very cool in the winter which I like anyway and I’m happy to say we are self-powering today yeah getting on by our own two Lakes that’s

    Right Russia doesn’t own these legs nope it’s okay I like them yeah people are not their government that’s especially in some places yeah you’re right nice little muddy track here along the canal the little water it’s working and then back on pavement lots of different surfaces but for the most part

    Great surfaces all along here the day led us through a dream like and very French landscape foreign today absolutely spectacular so how are you feeling this morning sugar yeah is there lots of cheese and bread got a lot of fuel in the tank don’t we

    We do no excuse that way we cannot blame the lack of fuel on whatever performance or under performance we accomplished today that was a gorgeous day the Trail’s not bad at all blacktop sunny it’s warming up but not too hot and we got an earlier start which is good so

    We’ll have some time to spend in the town later so that’s a good day we really don’t know where we’re gonna stay we don’t know if there’s going to be more difficulty finding a room on a Saturday doesn’t seem like it’s that crowded anywhere so I don’t think it’ll

    Be a problem all the tourists have gone home yeah the food has been incredible Juliana’s made a couple of meals at the uh Airbnb along with Victor and Nadia and of course no help from me but life is beautiful it is indeed during the law Trail River’s beautiful

    The day is gorgeous and we decided to do a 50 mile there today I think it’s going to be pretty easy it’s pretty flat and Trail’s always changing it’s always something new to look at it’s just beautiful tell you people you got to get out here and do this it’s a note

    And a lot of beauty if you don’t outside of sansaire we’re heading for Sully Sur luar for our next stay stopping and having a little bread sausage waiting for the raindrops to go away foreign some bicycle tourists prefer a more primitive experience bike packing through deserts and mountains in the wild places

    If pressed we would have to choose the more gentle Countryside the domesticated the civilized riding in the heart of Europe means you’re never far away from people but it also brings you history cultivated Landscapes and a more refined experience we absolutely love it bonjour okay sharp right here

    Yeah it’s nice so gorgeous here love on those Smiles baby smile about very grateful oh hello ponies hello thank you thank you yeah we really are finally back back in the groove Yep Hot butter hot butter good times beautiful moss and Ivy covered trees look at this pathway

    We’re just cycling route it’s just Exquisite it is cycling Paradise baby the Loire avello takes you to Fabulous engineering Marvels like the Briar Aqueduct which from 1896 to 2003 was the longest navigable aqueduct in the world wow gorgeous check out this bridge awesome oh this is the aqueduct I didn’t even notice

    Hi honey the Loire River and the Boya aqueduct over the door it’s gorgeous good foreign oh it’s beautiful and you live in yes and how many days it’ll take however long it takes to get to the source because he doesn’t know no just like us and it depends on his own you know

    Fortitude yes like us too yeah of course but it was a play on word about snails right yes Ride Slow yes very good you tell them that uh traveling like a snail is the only way to travel yeah inspiration yes inspiration escargot inspiration your spirit animal is an escargot merci beaucoupon please

    Thank you use it for lingerie this way take it right the route continue to lead us through enchanting Villages and elegant Landscapes best stunning monuments and neighbors bridges are spectacular thank you thank you hey feeling babe I’m great it’s been a long day a beautiful day yeah it’s been pretty gorgeous so far

    Pretty good weather yeah keep in mind a little rain no no the rain’s kind of nice yeah yeah right yeah it’s been a day with a lot of changes too yes different kind of trails different Countryside different vegetation yeah just a real real pleasure sunflowers all seem a little bit beat up

    By the drought out here still some Fields full of them but boy they just look dry dry dry we’ve done 72 kilometers oh okay yeah tomorrow early on yeah she thinks in terms of kilometers kilometers really they don’t even pronounce kilometers right here but we’re down to our last I don’t know

    Five or seven miles car back and the trail is cutting inland into a nice stiff breeze and a very steady climb but we know there’s a downhill I kind of got this feeling our last couple few miles will just be a nice sail down into Sally surloor supposed to have a fabulous Chateau

    Right across from our hotel I think it’ll all be worth it it’ll be about a 50 mile day a little more than 50. that’s a lot it’s a lot for our third day of writing but uh what a great day this has been great great great day thank you gods of

    Cycling for providing another beautiful adventure for us here’s that nice smooth downhill last few miles into Surrey sir Lewis I’m gonna give this whole French accent thing down if it kills me we’re all stretching out like a big rubber band Victor’s way back there and that is way up there

    Juliana and I are holding the middle everyone’s just kind of doing their own pace riding their own ride just like it should be The Descent into Surrey sir lawar was only marred by one of my tires getting a puncture on one of the downhills which Juliana helped me patch Something’s Gotta Give you

    A good day today our arrival at our evening’s destination was announced in Grand Style by The Chateau de Solo soloir we found a restaurant across from the Chateau and gorged ourselves never seen wine delivered in an ice bag before but it’s delivered in an ice water bag

    And it keeps it very cold and we’re having a fabulous dinner but mine hasn’t come yet because the waiter got the order wrong I’m so hungry but there’s always bread poor Juliana and we weren’t even polite enough to wait bonjour


    1. Hello, I was so happy to open up you tube and see that you were on another bike adventure. Once again you videos are perfect, with the narration, music, and overhead drone shots. You do a fantastic job making viewers feel like they are on the trip with you. I look forward to see more of your trip, and I am inspired for my trips this summer.
      Carmen from Fargo

    2. I cycled around there 30 years ago in the early 90s and this brought back some great memories. it's a beautiful part of France and I honestly think has some of the best wines in the world.

    3. How wonderful! Another Friday night with Roland and Julianna! 💜 Gorgeous video. Beautiful countryside. You have us dreaming of bicycling as the snow falls here in NH.

      😂 Although a bit personal I’m wondering if you both ditched the padded cycling shorts?

    4. We camped at Briare in summer of 2022 so episodes 1 and 2 brought back great memories of our two days of cycling along the Loire route in each direction from the town.

    5. I suspect that this is going to sound a bit nutty to you. I really enjoy following your travels. You both have such amazing attitudes towards the people you meet and the places you get to visit, and you seem to have a philosophy of positiveness that is admirable…that's why is it is so strange that your love of the world does not involve animals. You both get quite excited when eating meat. It's a bizarre disconnect between learning about and appreciating the world, and having compassion for not only animals that are farmed for food, but understanding the terrible price we are all paying in the form of climate change and the massive part animal farming plays in the warming of the earths' atmosphere. You try to come across as compassionate people, and then you revel in eating hamburgers and sausage and the like. Please do some research and give a thought to extending your compassion and understanding of the world and its people to all the creatures on the planet. Thanks.

    6. After 21 years of living in France I still can't get enough of it. The county side is a beautiful place and riding a bike a pleasure.
      The only ride I've done that didn't live up to my expectations was the Nantes -Brest canal. Easy cycling but mostly it doesn't go through the small villages and became a little boring.
      Cycle touring in the Summer is very popular here. Routes like the Velodyssey and the la Loire a Velo can be quite busy at times but never crowded. Every trip I take I meet 'interesting' people who are often going long distances at their own pace.
      The Summer heat has been brutal and the corn (mostly for animal food) really took a hammering from the drought. After the farmers used up the water in their lakes they just had to watch their crops shrivel up, really sad.
      Thanks for sharing your journey and look forward to watching part 3

    7. I wanted to say exactly what Carmen just said. I really appreciate the efforts you put into the quality of these videos. Great photo, great music selection and I like the added drone shots as well. Fun watching you have fun, Cheers.

    8. Being from up the hill in Dillon, Colorado, I enjoyed your trip across the USA and have now started onto your trip through France. Unfortunatley, at about 5:20 you stated that your bicycle was "self-powered". This is not the case! You had to eat food, that was grown and delivered most likely by diesel powered tractors and trucks. What was your true energy conversion/metabolism and and distance? In Summit County they have wasted millions of dollars on electric buses, which get 37% of their energy from coal-fired plants outside of Steamboat (Craig and Hayden). Then, because of our low temperatures, thay have to build a bus barn to keep those batteries warm, provided by the same Xcel gas and coal electricity. Just a note, but have thoroughly enjoyed your vids.

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