I find Oldfield Road in Salford to be one of the most dangerous roads in Salford, i see hazards every single time i ride this short length road, and this was very first outing with my new camera!!! Note how i don’t pass or encroach on the car turning left, once it has turned i speed up to get over the junction, then the stupid learner car pulls over in front of me onto the cycle lane AND double yellow lines, forcing me to either stop, go on the pavement or go out into a busy road and be a hazard myself to other car drivers all because of his stupidity.


    1. Maybe the learner was having a bit of a breakdown? Possibly a bit of car trouble?

      I appreciate your frustration at having to travel 6ft to go around them, in this day and age that is not acceptable and you are right to be absolutely furious! I hope you waved your fist at them on the way past to let them know how annoyed you were.

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