In this week’s show, triathlon great, Daniela Rfy announces her retirement, and Ironman embraces anti-drafting technology! Plus Team Visma-Lease A Bike debuted a crazy new aero helmet, and we look at the start lists for the two big events coming up this weekend, officially kicking off a massive season of triathlon racing in 2024!

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    Welcome to the gtn show yes welcome and this week’s show one of the world’s best announces her retirement and Iron Man I embracing anti-d drafting technology at last plus a crazy New Era helmet and we look ahead to the start list of the first two big races of a massive year of

    Racing in 2024 okay starting the show as we always do with reacts and the whole trial world was buzzing this week with some news bit of a shock Announcement by the great Daniela Reef hey guys I have an important announcement to make which didn’t feel easy I’ve reached more than I ever could

    Have dreamed of in the last 20 years as a professional athlete with my 10 world champion titles and the breaking the world record that’s why I’m happy but also sad to announce today that this will be my last season as a professional athlete yep Daniel reef is retiring at

    The end of this year a bit of a surprise she’s not exactly old uh but yeah she’s had a very successful career she said after 20 years in professional sport 10 world titles and breaking the world record I’ve reached more than ever I dreamed of that’s why I’m sad and happy

    To announce that this will be my last season as a professional athlete it simply feels the the time is right however it’s the end she’s announced the retirement but it’s not actually the end it’s the beginning of the end because she’s got a big year of racing she

    Signed up for the t00 series which means six t00 races including the Grand Final uh she’s also doing Iron Man South Africa shortly in April uh which will qualify her for the Iron Man World Champs ince which is also on her list to do this year so uh yeah hopefully she’ll

    Be going out on a bang we’re definitely following her last year uh yeah we wish her all the best for last year and of course congratulations on the amazing career she’s had so far yeah and she’s she’s being open with her second post since that um basically saying that if

    Anyone wants to know anything about her training and normally we don’t see Daniela sharing that much so I think quite a lot of people will be interested um one of the first comments I actually noticed under that so she basically she said as it marks my final season 2024 as

    A professional athlete I’ll be documenting my year to share more about my training and also bits of my everyday life with you what aspects are you interested in seeing um and Ruth asked us but I’d like to know more about your wine seller and your favorite wines

    Which might be not the most common question I imagine and then there’s more around training obviously underneath that so it will be interesting to see if Daniela opens up a little bit because I think she’s always being quite a sort of closed book and people are obviously

    Intrigued to see just um yeah how going give away all those secrets in the final year yeah and P them on to so then yeah exactly but it is a shame I think that um when it comes to the world Champs being her like maybe a final big big

    Race that Lucy’s not racing that’s a that’s one thing that I would when I heard that I was like oh well who knows maybe she’ll win it and then go no I can’t leave it there I’m going to go back to cona one more time yeah who

    Knows who knows anyway um moving on at the moment we’ve got the world indoor Athletics Championships happening in Glasgow in Scotland in the UK and there’s been some incredible performances and lots of world records and things there was one that particularly caught my eye partly because I’m inspired by any woman who’s

    Had a baby and is coming back um what any inspiration I can get but um Ellie St Pierre um won the 300 meter world championship title less than a year after having her baby so her baby’s birthday I think it’s two days after she’s just become world champion um

    Which is just a very cool story and she was silver medalist from the previous um so two years before that so um yeah pretty impressive to be a silver medalist become a mother and then win win the World Championships pressure is on then as soon as soon as that inspir

    Pops up we’re going to start the clock yeah you have less than a year no no pressure you’re just joking we’ll saw this prototypes of the in of Instagram or protos of Instagram a new Nik shoe possibly debuting at the night at the Tokyo Marathon we’re not actually

    Sure whether it was on the feet of Elliot kogi at that Tokyo Marathon although Elliot kogi didn’t have a great day so he’s not blaming the shoes maybe anyway they are they do look pretty interesting the dev 15 approved for use but only by a few uh special certain athletes uh it’s quite

    Interesting because Nik just keeps progressing their crazy carbon shoes and this one is yeah apparently uh the next iteration we don’t know what it’s called or anything yet uh as we said El kogi potentially wearing them it’s hard to really tell those Luma green shoes whether they were actually those

    Prototypes uh but he said I can only say that Sports about good days and bad days unfortunately today was a bad day for me I want to congratulate all the participants who reach the Finish Line pursuing their goals and dreams uh his bad day was a 206 Marathon

    He finished in the top 10 still the race was won by Benson kuto of Kenya and the woman’s race was won by satum of Ethiopia yeah Elliot K though having a bad day there um at the turky Marathon yeah I’m sure we will see him back to

    His winning ways again soon um a post I spotted this combination through Beth Potter and santaro Technology she is teaming up with them it’s a little video clip where she talks about some of the benefits that she’s hoping to to gain from this all important Olympic year

    Yeah Big Year and we’ll talk more about the first races of that season coming up soon uh but first I have to check that it was the first of March and not the 1 of April when I saw this post because it’s ridiculous I mean is ridiculous

    Cyclist anyway we haven’t seen any TR athletes wearing this new helmet that team Vima lisak has debuted to the world at the latest time trial uh and goodness me it is next level isn’t it uh I don’t really know what to say about it to be

    Well I mean you can just read the comments beneath some of them AR readable but um yeah that’s ridiculous the sport always finds a way to make itself more and more embarrassing one one uh commenter says uh and another one says when you get a to design a TT

    Helmet it does kind of look like it’s something out of Science Fiction uh we haven’t seen any triathletes wearing it yet but I reckon it’s only a matter of time exactly all right on to try news and we are just dating away from the much

    Anticipated T 100 the PTO tour as it was called um they have announced the full start list although since the official announcement some have already dropped out since then so um I expect it might be varied a little bit Again by the time of the race on the weekend but the

    Women’s field has had the most I guess criticism or surprise just purely because of those top 20 that they had contracted there’s actually I think now only 11 that are racing so it was down to 12 eight weren’t going to race and then we’ve just had a last minute um

    Injury from IM and Simmons so she’s pulled out as well so it does mean the likes of Laura Philip Ashley gentle Taylor NB Chelsea sadaro are a few of those names that aren’t racing however it’s still a very exciting field I don’t think it’s that surprising to be honest

    I mean there’s a good few women who are on their contractor list who are actually focusing on the Olympic Games and therefore course and then of course the only contracted to do six of the eight and if you’re going to skip one the early season one where you’re

    Definitely not informed yet is the one to skip isn’t it you just have to rest of your it doesn’t give you any any cushion later on in the season but still uh you if you’re not in form anyway you’re not going to do well so I guess

    It makes a lot of sense uh interesting though that the men’s is pretty much full uh so those wild cards are Lucy Buckingham Jody Stimson who have been drafted in to replace the contract athletes that couldn’t race Haley chura and Jackie Herring are also in there Sarah Sarah Perez Salah Marta Sanchez

    Both strong swimmers and DD de DXs and an Estonian k kaida kioa sorry kioa uh are are in there too so it’s still a very strong field I mean we’ve got an hog Lucy Charles Barky Kat Matthews Paula Finley Danielle AEF just to name a few so it’s going to be pretty exciting

    We’re in for a treat for sure on the men’s side only three wild cards been slotted in for for absent athletes that’s Yuri kulin Mano cool house and Gregory barnab who are joining the list of well the very strong list because almost everyone who’s contracted is there CLE Olympians I guess clearly the

    Men are ready to go uh ready much more ready to go or just going to throw it out there and see confident in their offseason form I suppose I guess it’s also in the part that so many of them didn’t know that they were going to be contracted until like fairly you know

    Not that long ago so it would be interesting next year might not be quite such a sort of reshuffle as it did all happen quite quite late in the day but yeah it’s going to be an interesting race because it’s actually on a Speedway which is I think 20 laps or something

    Are they doing of this do you mean uninteresting well no we’re interesting in that it’s not a very interesting course so not a lot can happen I mean it’s there’s no corners there’s no 90ยฐ turns there’s no 180ยฐ turns it’s just head down and power for the whole bik

    Leg which will be interesting it’ll suit some people but it might not suit others either way we’ll be tuning in for the first race of this t00 series and see what all the fuss is about all right in some industry news now uh especially for those people in

    The UK wiggle has been bought by frasers group now this is actually we we kind of saw this coming because wiggle was in a bit of trouble it was reported in October last year that they were under a lot of debt like 26 million in debt uh

    But they’ve been bought by frasers Group which actually bought Evan Evan Cycles back in uh 2018 I think it was for about 8 million euros they’ve been bought for less than 10 million which is uh yeah very cheap especially because the times is also reporting that they’ve also acquired all the intellectual property

    Routs for the in-house Brands that’s Vitus bikes uh dhb laughlan products uh which is a lot of Brands and a lot of equity for a very very cheap price although I guess for wiggle employees and wiggle uh customers Etc it’s pretty good news because it hopefully gets them

    Out of trouble um and no longer in as much trouble uh but it is worth pointing out that when they acquired Evan Cycles a few years ago they did end up laying off more than 300 employees in restructuring so not completely out of the woods yet but hopefully we won’t see

    Wiggle disappearing anytime soon on to Tech news now and super sapiens sound like they might be in trouble this is the continuous blood glucose monitors which you might have spotted us using in a couple of videos when we did at our man with no fuel there little discs that

    You probably seen a lot of athletes wearing on their arms now these were I think Peak popularity one to two years ago everyone seemed to be using them and talking about the the numbers that they were getting from them and maybe it’s $ out slightly now it’s ominous um wording

    That they’ve used here because they have basically appar sent an email out to all of their customers confirming that memberships have been terminated and they are no longer going to be shipping any devices yet they say they are under some restructuring yes strategic restructuring they’ve called it however they’ve terminated all memberships you

    Will have access to the data that is currently on the app for 45 to 60 days they will not ship out any more glucose monitors and uh beyond that yeah there will be no support for the app or anything else so it feels a little more like winding down than

    Restructuring uh they were embed in a little bit of controversy a year ago at the estal bankee because uh the third place finished Kirsten vulner actually wore one during the event didn’t actually monitor her blue Co during the event or look at the app or anything like that finished third and then

    Afterwards the UCI stripped that result from her disqualified her for using the monitoring device in an event uh but yeah that all kind of blew over after that and they were still out and about and people using them in training and now it seems like well they’re in a bit

    Of trouble we’re not really sure they say they’re restructuring and they’re going to be more medical device Etc but uh yeah it sounds like if you are using it or have been relying on it you’re going have to find another solution in 45 to 60 days yeah well interesting to

    Hear um in quite exciting news in the world of triathon Iron Man have agreed or come up with an agreement with race Ranger technology the the company that basically are designed to these devices that will prevent or hope to limit drafting we’ve used them in several videos before and we first saw this

    Actually get used on the professional circuit in the PTO tour last year yeah I was actually out there in I be when they used that in the first uh PTO tour race uh and it worked quite well we got all the pros reactions and they have these

    Little lights on the back of them that go blue or orange depending on where you are in the draft Zone doesn’t actually like red flag you or give you a penalty uh but it’s information both for the rider itself on what the draft distance is whether they’re in it or out of it

    Which is always very difficult to judge just about about eyeballing it uh and it also gives that same information to the referees about how close that athlete is uh where so that they don’t have to eyeball it it’s really good technology and really useful for uh non-drafting

    Races uh but the race organizers have until this point anyway been kind of reluctant to actually embrace it and use it as we say the PTO used it last year uh but Iron Man not really said anything about it but they did test it at Iron Man Florida apparently they were happy

    With it and Jimmy rickell has now said that it will be used for the entire Iron Man Pro Series this year that is the $1.7 million Pro Series this year uh that they launched earlier uh it’s well I think it’s a really good good thing Jimmy R said after years of

    Collaboration and testing formalizing a partnership with Ranger and his team is an exciting step during T testing at the 2020 3 Iron Man Florida triathon we saw encouraging data from race Rangers continued improvements giving us confidence to implement the technology at 2024 Iron Man pro series I mean this

    Clearly comes from both directions Iron Man going to put $1.7 million in they need to make sure the races are fair they kind of drafting uh complaints afterwards at the same time race Rangers gone through the whole of 2023 testing at various events around the world and

    They now got to the point where they feel like they’re good enough for the biggest races in the world so yeah now we’re going to see it pretty much everywhere because I’m pretty sure the t00 is also using it so yeah we’re going to see it at all the major races you’re

    Going to see race Ranger there which is a big step in the right direction yeah but I mean interestingly it’s not like you say it doesn’t flag them up it’s more for the referees to go and say oh okay so and so looks this is on the app

    They are close and they’ve got to hopefully get there in time to catch people but I think also it’ll just for the the honest athletes they’ll know where they should be but the ones who are dishonest they will be they’ll get peer pressure from the other from their

    Other ath can see that the color of the lights actually we spoke to James El winwell art ARA and the plan is in the future to actually be able to record data where you can say after the race and you can analyze the data and say this particular athlete spent 10

    Minutes within the Zone all the other athletes spent less than two minutes so this athlete Was Taking Chances you know you can start seeing data more in depth and also the other the other thing would be obviously their penalties themselves if they are allocated a race Ranger

    Wants to build like zones where you can roll into the penalty tend and as soon as you stop the race Ranger itself actually TS your penalty and tells you when to go again so there’s no like oh a referee’s got to hold a stopwatch and start you and stop you and everything

    Because that’s obviously the enforcement of the actual penalties is another problem that needs to be solved by technology and hopefully race Ranger can do that too either way it’s exciting to see technology improving the fairness of Racing on to race results and it does feel feel like the season is getting underway now cuz we had Iron Man New Zealand on the weekend and some really top performances most notably in the women’s field it was former world champion Chelsea sadaro back in incredible form she won the race but

    With a really consistent performance um and ran a 249 Marathon which apparently only four men um of the pro field ran quicker than her so yeah that’s not bad El vissa was second Joselyn McAuley in third so yeah very exciting rating on the women’s field yeah on the men’s side

    Uh Steven McKenna took the win there and he was very stoked about about he put on his social media Nick heldon in second and Ben Hamilton in third obviously we spoke about uh Chelsea zor not being at the t00 that’s obviously her reason uh pretty good reason I would say and that

    Obviously stamps her ticket for the Iron Man World Champs in N later on this year we also there was one other race this weekend quite surprisingly actually challenge isra man which wouldn’t really expect to uh to go ahead considering everything that’s happened there but it did go ahead interesting though we

    Looked at the PTO strength of field score and definitely the lowest one we’ve ever seen for comparison I’m in New Zealand on the women’s side the strength of field score was 81.8 uh it’s kind of like a scale out of 100 based on what ranked athletes are starting uh the challenges remain

    4.6 yeah yeah not many people there anyway it was one by Rebeca robish from Germany on the women’s side and Marcel bolbat also from Germany on the men’s sad congratulations to them yeah and obviously we have some exciting racing coming out we talked plenty about the

    T00 already but it is the first wtcs season of this Olympic year it’s going to be in Abu Dhabi and it’s basically all of the main contenders well most of the main contenders are going to be racing on the men’s field we’ve got the likes of Alex E Hayden World well the

    Three medalists from the last Olympics are going to be lining up and I think everyone is going to be in Prime condition see what kind of shape Christian blel is in at this stage I mean it’s 6 months almost to the day uh before the Olympic Games goes off so we

    All very interested to see what kind of form obviously you don’t want them to be in prom form right now but you also don’t want them to be struggling with injuries and not fit at all so will be interested we watching very closely on the woman’s side uh also looking at the

    Form of Beth Potter Cassandra band with first and second last season Georgia Taylor Brown coming back from injury Taylor nib obviously uh we be watching and interestingly Gwen Jorgenson has made the start list for this one we’ve been following Gwen Jorgenson’s Journey for a while now as she tried to get back

    Into Tron get back onto these start list get her points up so she could get into the start of the wtcs races so she get enough points to get up the ranking so that she could potentially be chosen for that American team going to Paris well

    She’s still on the r trajectory and this one will really be a telling race so we see how she goes there I think um looking at the women’s race that’s a different type of Race To The Men’s isn’t it because you’ve got so me Brits and Americans who are still trying to

    Get in the team whereas those three men that we’ve just mentioned for example are pretty much got their slots in their Nation so there everything to fight for on both the British and American squads and a few other squads uh because they haven’t finalized their teams yet uh

    Which is yeah it’s well someone’s going to lose out which is disappointing but yeah hopefully the the best ones can come to the four now as these races start and put their their names forward to be selected for Paris in 2024 all right now it’s time to look at your

    Pin board some of the stuff you guys have sent us remember for March we’re looking for all your Scenic training locations you know those amazing pictures that you take when you’re out and about training or your pain cave if that’s the only place you can train hopefully you’re getting out and about

    And the weather’s turning and you getting some Scenic places uh this week we’ve got one from Molly from Nairobi Kenya she’s actually from New York but she went to Nairobi Kenya normally swim train in the ocean or the windowless basement pools of New York City but on

    Vac in Kenya I had some epic swims I bought a swim parachute and turned a hotel pool into a small pond and to my great surprise I camp in Mas Mara also had a pool baboons came at sunrise and sunset to drink from the pool and one day swimming near Sunset we exchanged

    Some glances what was I doing in their pool needless to say I was unfamiliar as UNAM as someone unfamiliar with baboons I swar breast stroke with my head up for a while to stay away even if you were familiar with baboons you would still do that I wouldn’t be too worried about

    Baboons but yeah they’re okay going to your friends I mean yeah maybe maybe if you spend more time with them you get to know their language James next one from David um at the winter challenge triathon in South Carolina he says enjoying an early spring paddle before

    The big event an off-road triathon that has a sevenmile run six M paddle and a 10mile bike no swimming but look pretty Scenic oh that looks beautiful and then Monica sent us a little video of her running around Prague hello from Prague where I study I’m currently training for

    A marathon today’s menu was a nice 30 km a long run and she’s standing on the bridge in the in the city and yeah a nice city runs always good lovely um Ian with another video here says Trail runs on rare Sunny lunchtimes definitely help with the winter training plan it’s hard

    To get a sunny run I mean that’s just up the road from us and it’s hard to get a sunny run in Winter he did well there blue skar really nice Jared from Utah this lake is only an 8 minute drive from where we live my wife and I love

    Training here it’s at 5,100 FT elevation and there’s a wide gravel loop around the lake that’s just four just over 4 miles long Ste trails bronoff to make our run back workouts as hard as we want we just to make sure to dodge the frequent snow and occasional mud puddle

    It does look pretty Scenic Place To Train nice oh these just giving me Envy yeah H Chris on oh the big island of Hawaii on manaloa says needing some elevation to complete our bike workout my wife Tina and I decided to check out the November 2022 eruption site where

    Manaloa access road was cut off by the lava flow Road closed there yeah that’s your turnaround point is think that’s your turn around Point yeah and then from Turkey we had this one which is from Ali in the tourist mountain in Turkey no shortage of places to swim

    Year round lakes Mediterranean Sea and both Road and Trail for biking and running these are all snaps Hill running close to our home yeah really nice looks really nice little Montage thank you for that Ali and Sarah our final admission for this week in the Rocky Mountains in

    Alberta Canada and winter training where fat biking through snow covered trails and Tra running out picturesque hikes like Kent Ridge are just another day in paradise well you said it stunning place for a dog walk we keep those pictures coming for the rest of March we are looking for your Scenic training

    Location so wherever you training for your Triathlon we’re going to see some pretty pictures of where that is say what okay time to look at some comments you guys have left under our videos if you haven’t seen already Heather did a very interesting video on training when you’re pregnant and we got

    Some comments under uh AR cush said getting pregnant so you can film training content for GTO now that’s commitment congratulations and Keith huckfield said very similar this is real dedication to video concept just kidding congrats I know I mean we work hard here at gtn to make great content don’t we

    That would be go in the extra mile but yeah a lot of congratulations Ms to obviously for hether yeah no there been some quite a few people who I think find it quite interesting so do spread the word on that it’s quite uniche quite uniche content for us on GTM but

    Hopefully it can reach as many women as possible yeah next we’ll get her running with the stroller and see how fast she can run I might borrow the stroller for that one yeah no problem I’m done with it coming up on the show on the channel

    This week uh we have finally our FTP test the tests where we all did separate FTP test and then we came back to see if we could actually hold that FTP for an hour uh it’s going to make for some interesting viewing and even if uh you’re not interested in the actual

    Content you can see us suffering because we definitely suffered we also headed up to to Norwich to do a pro triathlete on a cheap V versus a cheap Tri no versus an amateur triathlete on a Pro bike and that’s also going to make for some interesting view because we drafted in

    None other than Joe’s skipper for that one oh yeah um and whilst we were in Norfolk we also were put to work in a triy bike shop and that video is now up on screen if you want to click on that and also go and check out that pregnancy

    Video If you haven’t yet seen it thanks for watching hit that like button if you enjoyed it and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s show thanks for watching goodbye


    1. How will Daniela Ryf do in her final season? And what do you make of THOSE helmets from Jumbo-Lease A Bike? Share your thoughts with us! ๐Ÿ‘‡

    2. Why is long-distance triathlon so attached to the idea of non-drafting on a bike? Cyclists don't care about it. Ditching this concept would bring different type of race planning and eliminate unnecessary drama (accusing people of cheating).

    3. If your interested in female athletes competing after giving birth check out Tia Toomey she competed at the Rouge championships 5 months after giving birth !!.
      Also Annie Thorsdoitter is currently pregnant and is still training including going upside down !!

    4. GTN should be triathlon only, why the diversity in the direction of athletics – not enough triathlon content in your network. I guess. Take it positively not as a criticism. Great presenters.

    5. If Race Ranger was rolled out to the whole race field it would probably melt down if it got used at IM Barcelona. Watching packs of 20-30 people zoom past with very little enforcement is really demoralising.

    6. It is funny how Frodeno who won Kona 3 times was the goat, Ryf who won 6 times, twice the goat… 5 times 70.3 world championship and one sprint world championship….. she however would not be the goat… guys are just full of ……

    7. @gtn rumours are that @markthrellfall will be racing the GB Age Group Qualifier for Sprint Duathlon at Castle Coombe this weekend? Any content coming up for this or purely personal?

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