From St Oswald’s to St Oswalds in this Bimble. 4 churches, a foundry and a coal mine. Classic Bimbling.

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    #bimble #bimblism #bikeride #bikepacking #cycling #explore #history #newton #vulcan #ashton

    Good morning bimblers and you joined me at St oswal’s church here in winin Warrington we started quite a few Bimal from St oswal’s Church did you know that the captain of the Titanic was married in this church po fact we’ve gone North from here we’ve gone East from here but today we’re going

    Northwest from here to see what we see so let’s stop messing about and let’s Bimble all you talk all your thoughts on your mind are you listening you still won’t figure it out figure it we thr your thoughts on your mind all the time oh it’s defening you still won’t figure it out figure it with a simple frame of mind and a little

    Time you can protest all you like we both know you Good Will on your side well bimblers I’m not stood where I wanted to stand and do this piece to camera but the traffic noise is unworkable and in one place that I was stood a woman came out of her house and

    Started talking to the street saying that it was bullying her so I’ve moved here to a football field just opposite and all I’ve got to deal with now is the sound of trains going past this strange looking set of houses is Vulcan Village nothing to do with Dr Spock and Star

    Trek it was built for the workers of the Vulcan Foundry Vulcan being the Roman god of fire volcanoes and Metal Workers the Vulcan Foundry opened in 1832 and they built the iron girders for Railway Bridges L we forget that the sank Viaduct is somewhere around here that’s George Stevenson’s Viaduct the

    World’s first Railway Viaduct for the world’s first inter city Railway I think we’re going to pass underneath it today related to George Stevenson is his son Robert Stevenson he went into partnership with a Charles Taylor who owned the Vulcan Foundry and when Robert Stevenson came on board they started making steam

    Locomotives the first three were made for the Warrington and Newton Railway line and they were called Warrington Newton and Vulcan they went on to make locomotives called Titan and Orion and a train for the festiniog railway that was called tal Essen named after a brittonic poet it from before

    Roman times a Welsh lad they made trains for the Rio Grand and for the Japanese Railway and for Argentina and China they made deltec 55s and during the second world war they made Matilda tanks not the best at attacking the enemy but apparently indestructible Testament to the workers of the Vulcan

    Foundry in 2002 The Foundry closed and they knocked it all down and built this house in estate behind me but the old workers houses still exist in fact in the 1980s they did them up and brought them up to Modern standards they’re actually a Conservation Area these

    Days but where did the Vulcans go to church there must be a church around here mustn’t they my favorite let’s bimbo you can have just what you like both know could be easy if you just try to better of this time have own way you life things could be easy just

    Try I know you heard every word every line but you missing it why you figure it out I’m suffering from me art today bimblers d s underfoot roomy Adidas trainers but Manuel church here in wargrave is actually why we’re on this bimble today I’ve been trying to find out who

    Designed it for ages I even sent a message to him on Facebook asking who designed it but they didn’t know and on Thursday night while I was laying bed holding hands with me little Molly in a crib next to me found it on Google it came up before 1841 if you live around

    And you wanted to go to church you would have had to have walked to St Oswald’s Church where we started today’s bimble the land for Emanuel Church was donated by a Thomas Lee he was the Lord of The Manor out of the goodness of his heart

    But also there two fingers up to the other Lord of The Manor Lord Darby Mr Lee had an act put together to make this the Parish Church of Newton even though at the time it would have been right out of the way there was just a few Cottages

    Dotted about so who designed it it was a Richard Lane he studied architecture in Paris before moving back to Manchester he’s noted for Designing Salford town hall and the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum they Chang the name of that to cheel Royal Hospital probably for the best and he also designed Didsbury

    School of Education he mostly worked in the Greek style for municipal buildings and the gothic style for churches and he was probably the most successful architect in Manchester at the time but he wasn’t without his critics a lot of people said he was oldfashioned and a little bit dull one fellow named Alfred

    Darbishire had this to say about him his practice was almost exclusively devoted to an attempt to force upon a commercial 19th century town with a sunless and humid climate the refinement and perfect beauty of the art of the Greeks in the Golden Age of the pericol Manchester was still far behind

    Athens cheatum Hill was singularly unlike the Acropolis and it’s very doubtful that Richard Lane was among her greatest artists that would be offensive if it was said by a complete stranger but Alfred darbishire was one of Richard Lane students bit cheeky if you asked me would you believe it but Emanuel Church

    Here in wargrave isn’t even a listed building that would explain some of the brick work but it was the first church built in Newton I think English Heritage need to get their act together I think it’s a right stunner you take no notice Richard let’s Bimble way you like easy you just [Applause] try With a simple frame of mind a little time you can protest all you like we both know with Good Will on your side a little time you can that’s just what he like both know easy you just try be better of this time have your own way life things be

    Easy just try things be easy you just try you could be better of this time have be own way you like be easy just [Applause] try [Applause] I’m sat on something called Skylar Hill which is part of the Lyman wood pit Country Park it used to be a coal mine in fact two of them they were ran by a company called Richard Evans and Co but originally they would have been run by Thomas Lee of Emanuel Church

    Fame he went into partnership with with a William Turner but Richard Evans bought out his shares and when William Turner died it became Richard Evans and Co the views are stunning you can see Fiddler’s Ferry and the Silver Jubilee Bridge you can see St Ellen’s Town Center you can see Emanuel Church and

    You can see St oswal’s Church where we started today’s bimble you can even see Parish Church in Warrington all the minds were Interlink under the ground and they were linked on top of the ground by the Warrington and Newton Railway and to a lesser extent the sanki canal did you notice we bimble

    Down it we went under George Stevenson’s Viaduct it’s being done up at the moment so we didn’t stop we’ve Bim bued there in the past anyway lime pit was dug here in 1876 but they found that water seeped into it which I can believe because I’m

    Sat in a puddle right now they needed a man like James Brinley to use the power of the water to get the water out of the pit but they didn’t get the technology until 1912 but that’s when the first world war started so mining stopped and it wasn’t

    Until 1919 that they started work on it again and it wasn’t until 1922 that they actually got some coal out they were digging the Florida coal team and the wigging 4 feet and potato elf wood pit was next door that was opened in 18 66 but in

    1878 there was a massive accident a gas explosion on Friday the 7th of June 1878 189 men and boys were killed in that explosion they apparently dug into something called the fiery 9 ft that was full of gas and to be honest when you’re up here you can kind of smell gas

    There’s lots of vents dotted about by all accounts a lot of the bodies that they recovered from the pit were badly mutilated Lord Derby actually raised £25,000 for the widows and children and a lot of the men and boys were buried in our next location in Ashton in maker

    Field so we best get our skat Some maybe it didn’t work at the time maybe it never Did a mistake that made the distance or a trying way to Live maybe it’s the time that you grabbed up my arms and electricity flowed from my shoulders to Palms in a white hot glow leaving white cold scars left be and unsh just to prove they were ours maybe it worked maybe it never did maybe it never was quite like how it Is maybe it didn’t work at the time maybe it never did and so we reached Ashton in makerfield in St Thomas’s church it was built as a chapel of ease the St oswal’s Church in winck if you wanted to go Church in those days you really had to want to

    Go the first church was built here in 1515 and then they built another one in 174 team then in 1891 they decided they needed a new one much bigger one this one was designed by FH oldum that’s Francis Haslam oldum he designed the Holy Innocence Church in fallfield

    And English martys in Wally range in 1930 they had a vestri built that’s the bit where the Vicor gets changed you know backstage where the group is ang out and that was built by Henry py the son of my favorite Church Builder Edward gry and paly but there’s another church

    Here in Ashton in maker field which I feel is a much more apt place to end today’s bimble so let’s [Applause] go Well bimblers it’s quite the warm day for October about to take the old jacket off and display the bimble ism t-shirt links in the description I need the orders cuz I’m going to have to replace my trainers now they’re ruined I thought it was a very AP place to end today’s

    Bimble because we started at St oswalds in Winnick and we’re ending at St oswalds in Aston in maker field only this St oswalds is a Catholic Church to be fair they were all Catholic churches weren’t they that was up until 1534 with the Reformation act that was when Henry

    VII said I’m going to have as many birds as iik and there’s nothing you can do about about it and even going to chop their heads off that’s why we don’t tend to cover Catholic churches here on bimbis I’ve nothing against them well I’m an atheist so I’ve clearly got

    Something against him the first St oswal’s church here in Ashton in makerfield was built in 1822 then it was replaced in 1925 Wikipedia says that it was a JK brocklesby that designed the church but that’s incorrect it was a Js brocklesby that would be John Sydney brelby if you

    Look at some of his other churches they’re very reminiscent of this one St Oswald’s here in Ashton houses a holy Relic somebody’s hand the hand of St Edmund Aris Smith Catholic churches like to keep relics like hands in fact they kept the hand of St Oswald according to

    The venerable bead Les we forget St Oswald is King Oswald of North Umbria the ancient medieval King om from above the river Mery in fact we spoke about eel fler last week the queen of the mercians and she took the holy relics of King gowol down to gler to create a

    Church they were all big fans of him Brian arith was born in hok but he preferred to go by his confirmation name of Edmund he was ordained as a Catholic priest at a time when you weren’t supposed to be a Catholic priest he didn’t preach in a church he preached in

    House near Preston called Aris Smith house and someone grassed him up a fell named Holden reported him to the authorities he was arrested and sentenced to death he was hung drawn and quartered but apparently one of the Aris Smith family recovered his hand and when he was canonized it became a holy

    Relic I might have to inform Mrs bimble to keep my hand you know after I’m gone just in case hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] Hallelujah Oh


    1. Top Bimble but that ride from Vulcan village up to Wargrave and from wharf road up common road are killers on a bike i have done it lots of times in my younger days so well done for that.

    2. I park up at the Emmanuel church car park and I agree it’s a lovely little church, some very interesting grave stones if you get chance to read them, top bimble 🎉

    3. As an Ashton resident I especially enjoyed this one.

      Reading the details of the Wood Pit mining disaster is so sad, of course for those who died but also the massive impact on the local area. Everyone would have known someone who was killed, and some unlucky families lost fathers and sons. People like to moan about health and safety these days, but it’s a minor inconvenience when the alternative is people literally dying while trying to feed their family.

      And talking of the brutality of earlier times… you cycled past a Holiday Inn which was built on the site of Haydock Lodge, a mental asylum that housed largely the poor and the homeless. The scale of the mistreatment of ‘patients’ was scandalous even for the nineteenth century. It was debated in parliament and led to large scale reforms of asylums in the UK.

    4. Great bimble. Been passed the Vulcan works houses numerous times on the train to and from Manchester and often wondered about their history. Now I know.
      Instead of Mrs Bimble keeping hold of your hand as a relic for future use, she should put your soggy ruined Adidas trainers in a safe place as a future relic for Bimblers to make pilgrimage to, maybe somewhere in Warrington (Central or Bank Quay station?).

    5. Hard to believe what a powerhouse Vulcan was. Another very enjoyable bimble Kieran and, as you say, classic bimbling. You certainly covered a few miles there! Nice one. (Al Kennett)

    6. I grew up in Garswood just outside Ashton, went to school on Warrington Rd at Ashton Grammar. You took an interesting route to get to Ashton. They just announced the closure of Garswood Library that has been open 50 years. The building was originally a school built in 1728. The original school on the site was built in 1588. We don't know what is going to happen to the building as yet. My grandfather worked at Lyme Pit and I had relatives [Kay] killed at the Wood Pit disaster. Richard Evans originally lived in Garswood, the house he lived in still stands but is in a sad state and it is for sale. The Gerrard family were Catholics but somehow managed to stay out of prison for the most part. One of the Gerrards however was involved the in Gunpowder Plot and escaped the Tower of London to Rome where he wrote an account [in Latin]. You can still buy the book on Amazon. The Gerrards disapeared from the area in 1921, having been part of the local area since the Norman invasion [Brynne Hall]

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