day 2 riding bikes in Calpe, we explore some of the best cycling roads in the area. also DRONE CLUB

    Viewer Oscar made us a theme for drone club:

    The following companies (that you’ll see in my content) support me either financially or with free stuff, so huge thanks to these guys for helping the channel thrive:
    Jam Cycling,
    Attacus Cycling,
    Wilier Triestina,
    MET Helmets,
    SpinOnThese Wheels,


    MUSIC –
    Most of my music is sourced on musicbed, referral link provided above, I earn a small cut if you purchase membership.


    1. 'back where you started,before you came out'? Is that like err a circuit???🤭
      If my brakes scream louder than I do coming down hill…..should I be going faster,?

    2. Training Question – I don't have a power metre, so I watch my heart rate. When I'm doing intervals, how much should my heart rate drop during the recovery part between each hard effort?

    3. Training Q: When training for a a big event, how much of it am I trying to hit in my training beforehand? 50% of the event? 80% of the event?

    4. I'm in North Beijing ATM (hauriou) these must be some of the worlds best roads to ride on, freshly laid Tarmac zero vehicles. As flat or as hilly as you want, e.g. There's a 100k ride with 6000m elevation or a 100k with 350m elevation all on the fresh smooth roads

    5. Question for Ken, I’m addicted to Zwift racing at the moment and can’t get enough. Will it help or hinder my training in the long term? My FTP has increased from 273 to 299 since early January and I’m at 4.2wkg, up from 3.5wkg at the start. Should I ration the races and mix in some training? I do a 50 mile zone 1 or 2 club ride outdoors every Sunday as well.

    6. ken, I'm a bike messenger (3 days a week). I ride around 50-70km per day but its all chopped up into very small parts. In the weekend I like to do some cyclocross with friends, in the short and technical parts I notice I am a lot stronger/faster and very explosive, but as soon as we are on a long straight which requires more power I get behind. Is there a way to train for longer power outputs whilst I work as a bike messenger? I have been trying to ride as consistent as possible and get my average speed up, 1 day in the week I do 20-40 seconds efforts. (I don't have a power meter of heart rate monitor, would you recommend one of these?).

    7. Question for coach Ken. At the moment I'm really time crunched, so I'm doing 3-4 hours a week of high intensity stuff (VO2, over/unders and longer threshold intervals). I'm hoping this will give me the best response for the time available. As the weather gets better and my schedule improves, should I be dropping the intensity to add more volume, and how do you keep that balance?

    8. @CoachKen… You talk of 60 mins being the only true way to know your FTP (apart from Lab work) and 20 mins could achieve exaggerated zones resulting in training too hard and above where you should be for a given zone. My question is, how do you set your upper zones if you have a huge anaerobic tank, but only a moderate aerobic tank as all zones are set off this FTP value?

    9. Good to see responsible descending in your videos, nothing bugs me more than seeing idiots taking blind hairpins on the wrong side of the road on open roads just trying to show off!

    10. Loving your videos and content, keep up the great work!! It's really got me thinking about my cycling and how to achieve my goals.
      Is @CoachKen still taking Q's?? I have another!!…..

      We use the PMC chart to monitor fitness and ready ourselves to achieve our goals by building Fitness whilst balancing Fatigue and Form. Is there a max CTL figure? I know there is no physical limit, but given CTL is an weighted average of your TSS over a 42 day period with the same weekly training load, a plateau will be reached. As you get fitter the harder you can work, more TSS points gained, but TSS is calculated using your FTP, which would be expected to increase as you get stronger. So, can you continue to build CTL if training volume remains constant and FTP is always current?

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