This turned out to be a tougher days ride than I expected, possibly because of the previous days 100kms as well. From Ksamil to Gjirokaster, the road is quite hilly, with some steep gradients about half the way in. I had booked a room in the old town of Gjirokaster for 15 euros – Quite a challenge pushing the bike up steep cobbled streets at the end of the day though!

    Thank you good morning so the start of Vlog day number 11 and I am just leaving kisamo in Albania so this will be my first full day in Albania and the campground I stayed up was lovely the people there were absolutely amazingly friendly when they arrived they came up to me with a

    Coffee and some sweets and some cake uh I like Albania already so this is an 80 kilometer cycle to Giro caster again I’m expecting some hills along the way but hopefully I should get there for five I’ve pre-booked a hotel to stay in it was like 15 euros a night so I will

    Take some photos and video from the road and show you them as we go along thank you very much Thank you foreign Foreign About halfway through the day cycling now and as you can see behind me the countryside is absolutely stunning it’s green mountainous of course the mountains do mean I’ve cycled uphill quite a bit today but who could want for better surroundings really just look at that look at that

    So I have four I think 30 kilometers left to go to duracaster presumably there’s got to be a downhill at some point and uh away we go I’ll see you in a bit So I made it to duracaster it was a long tough day but it’s all over now and I’ve decided to stay here an extra day because it took a lot of effort to get here so I might as well see the castle and see the town

    So that’s all for now I’m going to wrap this blog post up again I’ve been super impressed by Albania it’s uh the people are so friendly it’s so beautiful out there the countryside is amazing it’s green it’s it’s really astounding so I’m going to show you a bit of jira Casta

    Tomorrow so that’s this Vlog out cheers

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