From the adrenaline rush of dodging motorbikes to the cautious thrill of jungle treks, Vietnam is a sensory overload. The aroma of street food mingles with the morning air, a unique blend you’ve never smelled before. Like the dual purpose of a water bucket, serving as a hand washer and toilet flusher, Vietnam offers unfamiliar experiences that surprise and delight. In
    this land, every sight, sound, smell, and taste is a novel adventure waiting to be savored.

    #vietnam #vietnamese

    I put a lot of work into this video with my team – researching, writing, recording, and editing. Please ask before using it, and I really hope you enjoy it!

    25 Weird Things That Only Exist In Vietnam

    From the adrenaline rush of dodging motorbikes to the cautious thrill of jungle tracks Vietnam is a sensory overload the aroma of street food mingles with the morning air a unique blend you’ve never smelled before like the duel purpose of a water bucket serving as a hand washer and toilet flusher Vietnam offers unfamiliar

    Experiences that surprise and Delight this land every sight sound smell and taste is a novel Adventure waiting to be savored today we’re diving deep into the heart of Vietnam a country known for its Rich culture stunning Landscapes and weirdness that’s right get ready to be amazed as we unveil 25 truly unique and

    Bizarre things that you can only find right here in Vietnam so without further Ado let’s jump into our list of 25 weird things that only exist in Vietnam 25 pajama fashion Vietnam’s traditional pajama fashion locally referred to as Alaba represents a distinctive element of the nation’s clothing Heritage these

    Customary attire sets consist of loose trousers and a button-up shirt embodying the practicality and comfort intrinsic to the Vietnamese lifestyle unlike conventional sleepware albaba carries historical significance rooted in the southern regions of Vietnam what distinguishes these pajamas are the elaborate designs in vibrant Hues embellishing them often featuring floral motifs and geometric patterns

    Each imbued with a unique Regional Essence Additionally the selection of fabric for albaba considers Vietnam’s tropical climate employing breathable materials that ensure wearers remain cool amidst the heat although predominantly favored by older Generations these pajamas continue to hold a cherished position in Vietnamese fashion 24 the Mong Delta situated in

    Southern Vietnam the Mong Delta forms a vast and intricate network of waterways swamps and Islands sculpted by the powerful mikong River encompassing approximately 25,157 km this region stands out as one of the planet’s most fertile and biodiverse areas the Delta’s defining feature lies in its complex Labyrinth of

    Winding water channels which serve dual purposes as vital Transportation arteries and primary sources of su Ence for the local populace often hailed as Vietnam’s Rice Bowl the mikong Delta holds a crucial position in the nation’s agricultural landscape recognized for its verdant rice fields Bountiful fruit orchards and thriving Fish Farms the

    Mikong Delta is celebrated for its agricultural abundance Beyond its agricultural significance this Delta serves as a sanctuary for Unique flora and fauna boasting a rich biodiversity that includes a plethora of fish bird and plant species many of which are rare or endangered exploring the meong Delta offers an opportunity to immerse oneself

    In a way of life deeply connected to the water as well as to experience the vibrant culture of its diverse ethnic communities traditional floating markets stilt houses and bustling River activity are emblematic of this Dynamic and ecologically vital region 23 the sandunes in mu the sandunes in mu

    Vietnam stand as a captivating natural spectacle providing a striking contrast to the adjacent Coastal scenery nestled within the resort town of mu these enchanting Dunes offer an intriguing desert-like atmosphere amid the tropical surroundings the dunes comprise two main areas the red sand dunes and the white sand dunes the Red Sand Dunes aptly

    Named for their reddish brown Sands boast sculpted Hills and Valleys inviting visitors to partake in exhilarating sandboarding or simply admire the panoramic Vistas overlooking the nearby fishing Village and the South China Sea conversely the white sand dunes features Ivory colored Sands and expansive stretches where visitors can rent

    Off-road vehicles for Dune navigation or enjoy the thrill of sand sledding down the slopes at both sunrise and sunset the interplay of sunlight and sand paints a breathtaking Tableau of colors and shadows across the landscape the sand dunes of mu offer a surreal and picturesque Retreat allowing visitors to

    Immerse themselves in a desert-like Terrain unparalleled within Vietnam’s Coastal Beauty 22 weasel poo coffee Vietnam is widely known for its production of a unique and highly sought-after coffee variety commonly referred to as weasel poo coffee or civet coffee this extraordinary coffee experience involves a fascinating process where civits small

    Mammals indigenous to the region consume coffee cherries and later excrete undigested beans these beans are meticulously collected cleaned and roasted to craft a rare and coveted Brew the enzymatic activity occurring during digestion is believed to transform the beans flavor profile resulting in a smoother less acidic coffee with distinctive earthy undertones this

    Exceptional Brewing method has garnered International Acclaim and is often regarded as a luxury item recognized as one of the rarest beverages globally despite its labor intensive production and the relative scarcity of the beans those who seek it out are treated to a memorable and intricate coffee experience that epitomizes Vietnam’s

    Rich biodiversity and coffee Mak tradition 21 Japanese Covered Bridge the Japanese Covered Bridge an iconic architectural Masterpiece is a tangible representation of the town’s Rich historical and cross-cultural influences located in hoan this beautiful Bridge constructed in the early 18th century is a testament to Japanese architecture it seamlessly Blends elements of Vietnamese

    Chinese and Japanese architectural Styles showcasing the town’s diverse Heritage Beyond its aesthetic appeal this picturesque Bridge has served as a vital link connecting two parts of the town for centuries its distinctive design features a wooden arch adorned with intricate carvings topped with a roof that provides shelter for

    Pedestrians and the bridge itself adding to its functionality and charm the Japanese Covered Bridge an emblematic architecture Al Marvel is a tangible embodiment of the town’s Rich historical and cross-cultural influences situated in hoan this Exquisite Bridge constructed during the early 18th century serves as a remarkable example of Japanese architectural Ingenuity its design

    Seamlessly integrates elements from Vietnamese Chinese and Japanese Architectural Traditions reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of the Town besides its captivating Beauty this iconic Bridge has been a vital conduit linking two parts of the town for Centuries with its distinct wooden arch embellished with intricate carvings and a protective roof the bridge offers

    Shelter to pedestrians and enhances its functional appeal adding to its Allure and significance 20 hoochi min Trail cycling Adventures hoochi Min Trail cycling Adventures offer an extraordinary journey through Vietnam’s history and diverse Landscapes this icon IC Trail historically significant for its role during the Vietnam war now serves as a captivating route for

    Cyclists eager to explore the country’s past and natural beauty typically starting in Hanoi or hoochi Min City HCMC participants embark on a multi-day journey spanning hundreds of miles or kilometers cyclists Traverse Lush jungles remote Villages and rugged mountainous terrain encountering challenges and rewards remnants of the

    War are era such as hidden bunkers and War relics provide profound insights into Vietnam’s tumultuous history showcasing the country’s resilience and transformation since that time hoochi minra cycling Adventures blend physical challenges with cultural immersion offering an unparalleled opportunity to connect with the land and its people 19

    Truong Sun Mountain Range also known as the animite range this formidable and picturesque mountain chain stretches along the eastern border of Laos and Vietnam spanning approximately 683 Mi 1100 km this geologically diverse range plays a crucial role in shaping the Region’s landscape and ecosystems characterized by rugged terrain dense forests and steep slopes

    The Truong Sun mountains serve as a natural barrier between the two countries this range is an extension of the greater Himalayan Mountain system and is renowned for its Rich biodiversity Within These mountains lies a mosaic of ecosystems including lush tropical rainforests Montaine forests and diverse wildlife habitats the range

    Is home to a variety of rare and endangered species such as the saula and indo-chinese tiger making it a biodiversity hotspot of global importance the Truong Sun mountains also hold historical significance as they were part of the hoochi Min Trail during the Viet War serving as a vital Supply

    Route for the North Vietnamese forces today remnants of this wartime history can still be found within the range 18 Kow Islands Kow Islands an archipelago situated in the South China Sea off the Southeastern coast of Vietnam comprise a pristine and captivating destination this remote and relatively undiscovered

    Group of islands offers a Serene Retreat characterized by unspoiled natural beauty consisting of 16 islands and Island the Kow islands are renowned for their lush tropical Landscapes pristine beaches and crystalclear Waters the archipelago is encompassed by Kow National Park a protected area teaming with biodiversity visitors can explore dense forests encounter diverse marine

    Life and embark on numerous hiking trails within the park these islands also hold historical significance as they were once the sight of a notorious French Colonial Prison Complex known as The Devil’s Island remnants of this dark history can be visited at the Kow Museum and various prison sites on the islands

    Kow’s beaches such as dam trow and Bayan are secluded and ideal for relaxation water sports and snorkeling the waters surrounding the islands are home to vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine species making it a paradise for divers and Marine enthusiasts 17 the my son Hindu Sanctuary despite the Serene setting of

    The my son Hindu Hindu sanctuary in Vietnam’s Quang namam Province amidst Lush Greenery the cham people who built these temples had a more complex history contrary to the peaceful aura the structures emit the chams were primarily Pirates who raided passing ships and engaged in ongoing conflicts with both Vietnamese and chare neighbors however

    Beyond this facade the UNESCO world heritage site stands as a testament to the Champa Kingdom’s spiritual and religious core flourishing from the fourth to to the 13th century encompassing over 70 temples and structures the complex is a window into the remarkable architectural and artistic achievements of the Champa civilization rising from the Vietnamese

    Landscape the red brick temples of my son stand as Testaments to the cham people’s Devotion to Shiva the Hindu god a captivating Fusion of Indian architectural Styles and local influences each structure is adorned with intricate carvings boss reliefs and and motifs Whispering tales of the Champa people’s spiritual expression and

    Artistic Mastery though time and history have etched their marks upon my son its beauty and enigmatic Aura remain vibrant nestled amidst dense forests and tranquil streams this UNESCO world heritage site invites exploration and reflection offering a glimpse into the heart of an ancient civilization 16 eating silkor worms in

    Vietnam silkor worms weave their way not not just into luxurious Fabrics but also into captivating cultural traditions and culinary Adventures as the backbone of the nation silk production industry these fascinating creatures offer Unique Treasures at every stage of their life cycle silk worms are renowned for their starring role in fashion during the

    Pupil stage they spin cocoons of Exquisite silk threads these precious fibers are harvested and transformed into breathtaking garments and textiles celebrated from for their smooth texture and shimmering Sheen Vietnamese silk boasts a legacy of intricate craftsmanship adorning individuals and spaces alike but silk worms aren’t just about Aesthetics in Vietnam they take

    Center stage on the dinner table as a cherished delicacy silk worms can be prepared in diverse ways from deep frying to sauteing with flavorful seasonings each bite promises a culinary Adventure bursting with unique textures and tastes Beyond being a delicious experience consuming silkworms contributes valuable protein and

    Nutrients to the Vietnamese diet 15 the dongan plateau nestled in Vietnam’s Northern ha Jiang Province the dongan plateau unfolds across 1,463 mil 2356 Square km recognized as a UNESCO Global geop Park this Majestic landscape is distinguished by its captivating geological form formations towering Limestone structures and mesmerizing

    Cast Landscapes paint a vivid picture of Earth’s history offering a unique geological window for exploration Beyond its remarkable geological significance the dongan plateau thrives as a vibrant cultural tapestry diverse ethnic minority communities including the Hong Dao and te call this Plateau home their Rich traditions and Customs are woven into

    Local markets vibrant festivals and everyday life visitors venturing into the dong van Plateau can embark on rugged TRS through Scenic valleys immersing themselves in the charm of traditional Villages the m lang pass with its breathtaking Cliffs and panoramic Vistas stands as a notable attraction promising unparalleled Scenic Beauty additionally the vibrant dong

    Vanan Sunday market pulsates with the energy of ethnic culture and handcrafted Treasures offering a captivating glimp Into the Heart of the plateau’s diverse communities 14 Fox the national dish Fox a Cornerstone of Vietnamese cuisine holds a special place in the hearts of its people and has garnered International recognition for its

    Delicious Simplicity this iconic noodle soup embodies the essence of Vietnamese culinary tradition celebrated for its flavorful broth and cultural significance fo’s Foundation lies in three key components a rich broth thin rice noodles and diverse toppings the broth the heart of the dish is simmered for hours with beef bones herbs and

    Spices creating a fragrant and savory base chicken or vegetable broth variations offer alternative flavor profiles Bono the flat rice noodles are cooked separately before joining the bowl thinly sliced beef or chicken along with bean sprouts and fresh herbs like basil and cilantro add texture and Aroma lime wedges and Chili Peppers offer a

    Touch of zest while ho poine sauce and sriacha allow for individual flavor customization faux boasts Regional variations the most popular being faux beef and Fa GA chicken traditionally enjoyed for breakfast or lunch fax’s versatility allows it to be savored throughout the day from bustling Street vendors to refined restaurants 13 Sunday

    Ethnic minorities Market at Basi ha located in the northern province of laai Vietnam the vibrant and culturally Rich G gaing known as bakha Market draws ethnic minority groups from the surrounding mountainous regions this weekly Market serves as a bustling Hub of trade social interaction and cultural exchange offering visitors an immersive

    Experience of the diversity of Vietnam’s indigenous cultures every Sunday ethnic communities such as the flower Hong fola Thai and Dao converge at bakha to engage in buying selling and exchanging goods the market is a kaleidoscope of colors with Traders and visitors adorned in traditional clothing while a wide array

    Of handycrafts textiles fresh produce and livestock are proudly displayed visitors to Baka Market can witness the dynamic energy of bartering and trading making it an ideal destination to shop for authentic handwoven textiles tribal jewelry and traditional clothing furthermore the market provides a unique opportunity to sample indigenous Cuisine and observe traditional practices such

    As the preparation of herbal medicine 12 communal smoking in Vietnam communal smoking is a long-standing cultural tradition traditional communal smoking often involves the use of water pipes locally known as duke or laco which are commonly enjoyed during social Gatherings especially among older Generations these communal smoking

    Sessions serve as a means of bonding and communication with participant sitting together and sharing the same pipe and tobacco the act of passing the pipe and engaging in conversation Fosters a sense of comaraderie and Community providing an opportunity for people to come together exchange stories and strengthen social connections it’s important to

    Acknowledge that while communal smoking has deep cultural Roots awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco has led to a decline in this practice in recent years Public Health campaigns and regulations have aimed to reduce smoking prevalence and promote healthier Lifestyles despite these efforts communal smoking remains a significant

    Part of Vietnam’s cultural fabric 11 canyoning in dalat canyoning is an exhilarating Adventure activity that allows participants to explore the stunning natural landscapes of the central Highlands region in Vietnam this Outdoor Pursuit involves descending through rugged Canyons navigating cascading waterfalls and immersing oneself in the Region’s Lush forests and pristine streams participants typically

    Begin their Adventure by repelling down Cliffs ABS sailing through waterfalls and navigating Steep Canyon walls using specialized equipment the canyoning experience in delat offers a mix of challenges and thrills including Cliff jumps into Clear Pools natural water slides and swims through freshwater streams apart from the adrenaline pumping activities canyoning also

    Provides opportunities to appreciate the Region’s breathtaking Beauty 10 marble mountains in Danang the marble mountains in Danang Vietnam constitute a cluster of five Majestic Limestone Hills each named after one of the five elements Tui water mock wood HOA fire Kim metal and th Earth these unique natural formations

    Are not only a geological Wonder but also hold cultural and spiritual significance renowned for their spectacular caves tunnels and grotto some of which house ancient Buddhist shrines and statues the marble m mountains are particularly famous for the Ling Pagoda a top tuon water Mountain featuring a colossal lady Buddha statue overseeing the sea

    Ascending the beep mountains via staircases and paths carved into the Rock visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Coastline and Lush Landscapes besides their religious importance the marble mountains are a hub for stone carving and sculpture in Vietnam local Artisans create Exquisite marble and stone products available for

    Purpose purchase making it an ideal destination to explore Vietnamese craftsmanship nine eating porcupines in Vietnam the consumption of porcupine meat is a culinary tradition that has been cherished for Generations porcupines are hunted for their meat which is considered a delicacy in some regions of the country porcupine meat is

    Prepared in various ways with popular dishes including grilled porcupine skewers and porcupine stew renowned for its tender texture and distinctive flavor often often described as rich and gy the meat is seasoned with an array of herbs and spices to enhance its taste while the practice of eating porcupines

    Is deeply ingrained in certain areas it’s important to acknowledge that this culinary tradition is not without controversy the over hunting of porcupines and other Wildlife for consumption has raised concerns about conservation and biodiversity efforts are being made to promote sustainable hunting practices to ensure the preservation of these species for future Generations

    Eight bakma National Park bakma National Park situated in central Vietnam is a biodiverse and ecologically significant protected area covering approximately 136 sare mil 220 sare kilm nestled in the animite range this National Park encompasses a diverse range of ecosystems from lush tropical rainforests to cool subalpine forests and is renowned for its Rich

    Biodiversity home to numerous rare and endangered species including the Scola and Elusive and critically endangered antelop likee mammal visitors to bakma National Park can explore its network of hiking trails leading to waterfalls Natural Pools and Scenic viewpoints the Park’s main attraction is the hi vongai a Mountaintop observation tower offering

    Panoramic views of the surrounding Landscapes including coastal areas and the City of Hugh with its dense forests and cool climate the Park is a Haven for bird watching and Wildlife enthusiasts visitors can spot an array of bird species including the crested Argus pheasant and various mammals such as

    Maxs and civits seven women’s and stewardess’s dress code in Vietnam the dress code for women typically leans toward modesty and cultural respect whether you’re exploring urban areas or visiting temples and religious sites it’s essential to dress conservatively covering your shoulders cleavage and knees and avoiding sleeveless tops short

    Skirts or low cut dresses in such places flight attendants in this country also find themselves in Peculiar situations as their physical appearance might be strictly defined within their contract they may specify the length and style of hair the shade of nail polish and even the type of earrings or accessories

    Allowed while height requirements are common some Airlines may have specific weight requirements or guidelines to make matters even more odd certain airlines may have policies or preferences related to the amount of skin that flight attendants are allowed to show while on duty six Cuchi tunnels the coochi tunnels are an extensive underground

    Network located in the Kochi District just outside hoi Min City in Vietnam these tunnels played a vital role in the war effort serving as a hidden base for Viet Kong soldiers and providing a means to navigate and communicate in secret stretching over 155 M 250 km and comprising multiple levels including

    Living quarters kitchens medical facilities and storage areas some tunnels even extended beneath the Saigon River visitors to the coochi tunnels can explore a section of the preserved tunnels made accessible to the public alongside the tunnels the site features exhibits displays and demonstrations shedding light on the history tactics and Ingenuity of the Vietnamese

    Resistance Fighters visitors can witness examples of booby traps camouflage techniques and weapons used during the conflict five hill tribes in Kum in Kum Province located in Vietnam Central Highlands various unique Hill tribes have resided for Generations each with its own languages customs and traditions that enrich the Region’s culture one of

    The largest tribes in Kum is the Bahar people known for the their communal L houses traditional gong music and vibrant textiles they are skilled in crafts like bamboo weaving and pottery the sedang people also hold significance here with a strong connection to the forests and a practice of shifting

    Cultivation they are recognized for their impressive wooden grave sculptures honoring the deceased many Travelers choose hom stays to deeply engage with these communities and gain a better understanding of their Lifestyles and traditions four four Cricut Farms Cricut farming in Vietnam has emerged as a thriving industry gaining momentum due

    To its economic and ecological advantages this agricultural practice focuses on cultivating crickets for both human consumption and as a sustainable source of animal feed a primary objective of Cricut farming is the production of Cricut flour achieved by grinding dried crickets into a fine powder Cricut flour is highly nutritious

    Packed with protein and serves as a sustainable alternative to traditional protein sources such as meat and soy it finds application in various food products including protein bars snacks and baked goods moreover Cricut farming contributes to the circular economy by utilizing organic waste materials like vegetable scraps as Cricut feed this

    Dual Purpose approach not only reduces waste but also underscores the environmentally friendly nature of the industry Beyond Cricut flow production some Farmers specialize in in breeding crickets for pet food particularly catering to reptiles and birds thereby tapping into a niche market segment three NH Trang the coastal city

    In the South Central Coast of Vietnam is well known for its beautiful beaches Lively nightlife and Rich cultural offerings thanks to its Scenic Seaside location it has earned the nickname Riviera of the South China Sea one of the city’s main attractions is its pristine Coastline which provides plenty

    Of opportunities for water sports and leisure activities Additionally the city is home to several picturesque Islands such as hon Moon and hre which are perfect for snorkeling and Diving Adventures apart from its natural beauty the city of NH Trang boasts a thriving culinary scene particularly renowned for its fresh seafood dishes for those

    Interested in culture and history there are attractions like the ponagar cham Towers which showcase Cham architecture and religious Traditions the long Sun Pagoda is another noteworthy site featuring a striking white Buddha statue and peaceful Gardens offering visitors a glimpse into the city’s spiritual and historical Heritage two Fuqua the

    Largest island in Vietnam situated in the Gulf of Thailand off the country’s Southwestern Coast is known as Fuqua renowned for its pristine beaches Lush Landscapes and vibrant marine life fuka has gained popularity as a Tropical Paradise and a top destination for tourists the island boasts white sand beaches including Long Beach and sa

    Beach where visitors can relax swim and enjoy water sports fuqua’s clear waters make it an excellent spot for snorkeling and diving with vibrant coral reefs teaming with Marine creatures fuka is also home to pukac National Park where visitors can explore Lush jungles hiking trails and waterfalls the island is famous for its

    Production of highquality fish sauce and black pepper and visitors can learn about these traditional industries by visiting local farms and factories in recent years pukac has seen rapid development with Luxury Resorts restaurants and entertainment options catering to tourists the presence of fuak international airport has made the island more accessible attracting

    Visitors from around the world one Giants Causeway at gandia also known as the Giants Causeway of Vietnam Ganda is a remarkable geological formation located in puen Province along the Central Coast of Vietnam this natural wonder similar to its more famous counterpart in Northern Ireland consists of thousands of interlocking

    Hexagonal basal columns that resemble a massive Mosaic created by Nature the unique formation at Ganda was created by volcanic activity millions of years ago resulting in a spectacular array of polygonal BAS columns these columns vary in size and shape but generally exhibit a striking uniformity creating a visually stunning

    Landscape along the coastline visitors to Ganda can explore the natural wonder by walking along a series of Pathways and stairs that lead to the shore the geological site is surrounded by the beauty of the South China Sea making it an even more captivating destination Ganda holds cultural significance for

    The local population and Legend has it that it was formed by the the struggle of a mother Dragon this site has also been recognized as a natural Scenic Monument by the Vietnamese government so there you have it 25 mind-blowing things that prove Vietnam is truly a land of

    The unexpected did any of these things surprise you would you ever try them yourself and if you think we’ve left anything out don’t hesitate to leave us a comment telling us what else you think should have made the list don’t forget to hit that like button if you enjoyed

    This video And subscribe to to our channel for more content exploring the weird and wonderful world around us until next time stay curious and keep exploring


    1. Pythagoras – Greek philosopher and mathematician)

      Meat is the product of violence and murder, not food.🤬🤬
      It's Not Food It's Violence 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

      Animals have bad luck for living with psychopath humans on the same planet 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
      Eggs are not food, they are the menstrual cycle of chickens.

    2. Breeders and the rich destroying the earth.
      Only stupid and uneducated people create to cause more suffering and pain and disguise it as a gift of life when it is not… only very intelligent people never produce.

    3. I actually stopped watching after 2 minutes,…you talk about "ao ba ba" and refer to them as pyjamas and show pictures of "ao dai" which is the national dress…!!!!!??????

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