سوف اوافيكم دائما بكل جديد ان شاء الله.
    شاهدو باقي فيديوهات القناة كي تعم الفائدة.
    00:00 اليوم العالمي للمرأة
    00:25 الفضاء
    04:04 النساء
    05:30 مدرسة
    06:46 الكهرباء في المانيا
    09:38 شعبية الاحزاب
    10:36 اللجوء في المانيا 2024

    Peace be upon you. Today, Germany and a group of international countries celebrate International Women’s Day. On this occasion, I extend my warmest congratulations to all the women of the world. Greetings to all dear followers. Happy New Year. Of course, greetings also to all men

    And women. As I posted to you yesterday, an official report has now come from The German government, through the Disaster Protection Agency, warns that this day, meaning this day, especially between 4:47 and 650: This large object that the ISS spacecraft dispensed with, which is the size of

    A car and which was a About a charger that was used by the International Space Agency, which revolves around the Earth. It had previously dispensed with this large body in the year 20121, and it needed to rotate. Everything that wanted to fall to the Earth would return due to the rotation of

    The Earth. Now it will enter the atmosphere. This will enter the atmosphere naturally. It will burn and it will disintegrate, but there will remain some intensity. This intensity is not known in which region of the world it could fall, but the

    German government said it is possible that some intensity might fall in Germany. This map was also published by German newspapers showing the region through which it will pass. The German atmosphere when it orbits the Earth, and as you notice, it will

    Pass through a group of German states, as you notice, especially the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It will pass over Dortmund and also over Monsta. It will pass towards Hessen and towards Nida-Sachsen, next to Kassel. It will also pass next to

    Lapach in Sachsen. It will also pass through Sachsen-Anhalt to head. To the city of Cottbus, and from there it will also complete its cycle. Because it will make multiple cycles, it will also pass over the skies of Farabo in the state of Baden and

    Tennessee. The important thing is not knowing where it will fall. There some scientists say it is possible that some tea may fall into the sea. This is on the ground. This means that the NASA agency is now trying to direct it. For it to fall into

    The sea, meaning in the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean, or it could fall in some areas, or fragments could fall in the United States of America or Canada, but it is not unlikely that

    Some heavy falls in Germany or in Europe. We hope for safety for everyone, most likely, meaning it will be small fragments that will not It will fall in its large size because it will disintegrate, but there is a warning for the residents of the state of Badab, Bayern , Bnb

    ., as the press reported, because it will pass through the cities of Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Koppel, Kassel, Lieb and Dresden. They wrote, but they said there is no need to worry if there is, meaning if the German Space Agency or the German government feels it. That it

    Is possible for hardship to come down in Germany. They will send a warning over the phones. Yesterday, there were raids on apartments in Germany in 11 German states. The reason for these raids was the German police. They said that these people were publishing

    Leaflets against women that contained insults and insults against women and threatened some women or put pressure on others. Women in order to send us some pictures or some videos of them, meaning they are naked, etc. Therefore, the German police have now followed

    43 people. The raids were also carried out in people’s apartments in 11 states, because there is also a crime control department in Germany that specializes in all crimes against women, but it is not known exactly why they were carried out. In the meantime, these raids, and not before, is this matter

    Related to the occasion of International Women’s Day? But German law follows up on anyone who writes threats on social networking sites or bad words, insults, or cursing against women. Today, special forces from the German police intervened in the city of Egasdorf in the state. Brandenburg to stop an armed man

    Inside Zammat Shul. This 22-year-old man entered the school at 7:17 a.m. and went directly to the secretariat. He was carrying a knife and also had a gun. He did not know whether

    It was a real gun or a toy. The important thing is that he entered there and threatened the secretary and told her that she must work. She presses the emergency button that the school will be attacked by him. The police came as quickly as possible and arrested him. Fortunately, the students had not

    Yet arrived at the school because the matter happened today, Saturday, at 17 minutes in the morning, but the teachers at the school arrested him. He is 22 years old and of German nationality. The police are now investigating whether

    Almeda was a former student at the school and wants to take revenge on the school, or whether his weapon is a real weapon. The Federal Audit Office of the German government, Bundes Gschen Hoof, submitted a

    Bad report on the energy transition and confirmed that the expansion of the use of renewable energies is progressing slowly, which leads to an increase in electricity prices and said. Also, what the government is doing for energy independence is insufficient and risks the future of energy in Germany.

    The head of the Federal Audit Office of the German government, Bendis Gschen S. Hoff, who monitors the government’s work, called for accelerating action and intervening in the matter regarding electricity and energy sources because they are in danger and because the significant slowdown in projects related to clean energy risks the price of

    Electricity . There is also concern that if the government does not quickly raise electricity prices again, this matter could once again affect the German economy and lead to the high cost of electricity, which will affect companies and make Germany an unattractive country for investment as well.

    It will affect people. Germany has the most expensive electricity bill in the European Union. The Ministry of Economy defended itself against the report and said, for example, that the German government did a lot to reduce the electricity bill, and they said that the electricity tax was reduced, and the costs became more expensive

    , and the costs of encouraging renewable energies now come from the federal budget. It is not passed directly to electricity customers. Minister of Economy Habek from the Khadr Party said today to the German press that he is saying that the government has not finished

    The projects and is still working, but to say that the government is not doing enough to reduce electricity prices. It is not doing enough to implement energy security. It is not doing what It is enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is baseless in reality. If the Minister

    Of Economy says that the reports that have been published have no basis in reality, because the government is not slowing down in working for renewable energy and electricity. Rather, the government is working on projects for this

    Matter. If the Minister of Economy He defends himself through this report. He conducted a new opinion poll to find out the popularity of the parties in Germany. A group of citizens were asked: If you had the opportunity

    To vote for which party, which party would you present, meaning give it your vote, the Socialist Asbed Party, to which German Chancellor Olaf Schulz belongs, the TCD Party, or the Christian Democratic Union? And his brother, the TSE, or the Social Democratic Union, which is in the opposition, 29%, the

    Green Party, 14%, the liberal F. Déby Party, 5%, the Alternative Party, 19%, the Left Party only, 3%, the Left Party B, 3%, will not be able to enter Parliament, it needs a threshold, 5%, the new party, Wagen Knecht, 6 The rest of the parties 8 Bal

    New statistics were issued about asylum in Germany regarding the month of February, the second month of the year 2024, and they said that the number of asylum seekers decreased again compared to the first month by a percentage of minus 19%. Asylum applications were submitted in the month of February of this year,

    19,494 applications for asylum, of course, the statistics that I tell you, there is no Ukrainian nationality there, because Ukrainians are exempt from submitting an asylum application. This is important for asylum applications in the year 2024. The first place is for holders

    Of Syrian nationality. The Afghan position is that the number of their asylum applications decreased this year, so Afghanistan has now fallen to third place, and Turkey is in second place in terms of numbers. The nationalities who apply for asylum, meaning in first place are brothers from Syria,

    Second place is Turkey, and third place is Afghanistan, which means this year so far 54,1705 asylum applications have been submitted now. How will it be approved? Is it not approved for the Syrians? The German press said that the majority are approved. I mean, it was approved. Giving them protection at

    86.5%. It is possible for the rest who were not approved to have a fingerprint. It is possible for those who have a fingerprint whose asylum application was rejected or who were not sure that they are Syrians, etc., were rejected, but for the Syrians who applied this year for asylum in Germany,

    86.5% were approved for the Afghans. 67.1% of people are approved. Single people are not approved for the most part, or those who have a fingerprint in another country are not approved. As for holders of Turkish citizenship, a very small percentage of those who are approved are only

    7.8%, meaning the overwhelming majority of holders of Turkish citizenship who come to Germany and settle in Germany . My friends will not be accepted for asylum, because Germany considers Turkey to mean that there is no war and that it is a safe country. It considers them to be coming to Germany

    For economic reasons. Therefore, only holders of Turkish citizenship, despite their very high number, have a very low acceptance rate for Turkish citizenship. This was a tour of the most important news that The German press is talking about it so that you always receive

    New updates. Subscribe to the channel and activate the bell. Thank you. Peace be upon you. See you.


    1. سوف اوافيكم دائما بكل جديد ان شاء الله.
      شاهدو باقي فيديوهات القناة كي تعم الفائدة.
      00:00 اليوم العالمي للمرأة
      00:25 الفضاء
      04:04 النساء
      05:30 مدرسة
      06:46 الكهرباء في المانيا
      09:38 شعبية الاحزاب
      10:36 اللجوء في المانيا 2024

    2. ‏السلام عليكم جميعا هناك بعض الدول لحد الآن تولد الكهرباء من المفاعلات النووية مثل بلجيكا التي بجانبها ولاية شمال غرب الراين ويمكن لهذه الولاية استيراد الكهرباء بشكل رخيص وتوفر على المواطنين فيها الكثير من الأموال وكذلك بقية الولايات التي بجانب الدول النووية وشكرا أخي مارو

    3. السلام عليكم اخي لماذا لم تتكلم على السودان بالرغم انه السودان حاليا في مشاكل لماذا لم تتكلم على وضعهم اتمنى ان تنتبه لهذه الحاجه حيكون حاجه تسعدنا

    4. تحية طيبة إلى نساء العالم 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤مرحبا 😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤

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