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    00:00 – Cybertruck Climb

    00:43 – Email

    1:08 – Correction

    1:35 – Worse Than We Thought

    5:10 – FSD Beta to Europe

    7:08 – 10k Miles

    7:34 – New Model Y Variant

    9:57 – FSD 12

    13:07 – Tesla China

    13:24 – Munro Live Model 3+

    13:33 – New Tesla Motor

    14:40 – Fuel Economy

    15:29 – CATL M3P

    16:32 – Waymo Hype

    17:55 – Dropping Like Flies

    18:45 – Rawlinson Comments

    20:05 – VW Factory Death

    20:37 – Elon and Trump

    20:55 – Elon Emails Employees

    21:26 – Tides Turning

    22:56 – Nice!

    24:05 – AI Drama

    25:10 – BMW Incentive

    25:25 – TSLA Stock Today


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    *Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.

    #TeslaNews #TeslaStockToday #EVNews

    Hey [Applause] open up welcome to electrified it’s your host Dylan Lumis as it turns out it looks like judge McCormack does have an email it’s kathleen. McCormack sending a physical letter would still be the preferred option but if you wanted to double up that might be

    A viable solution shout out to Crypt Keeper and D David for finding and confirming that email here’s her information on a membership roster just remember keep it classy out there correction from yesterday I misspoke that $88.95 rate was per hour per lawyer working on that Delaware case also with

    Regard to my subtle jab at elon’s grammar at the end of this post turns out that’s actually proper German and thank you for all of the feedback on the rounding situation after taking it all in I’m going to stick with the decimal I just prefer the bit of extra Precision

    Right now it’s sounding like the Giga Berlin situation is going to be a bit worse than we thought today Tesla said they’re expecting Giga Berlin to have no electricity until March 17th a spokesperson said the plant is expected to be without electricity until the end of next week March 17th is actually a

    Sunday so not this Sunday but the following Sunday ordinarily Wall Street analysts don’t update their Tesla delivery targets until the last two weeks of the quarter but not the case this time around as on this news Beed is lowering their q1 estimate to 421,000 the Wall Street estimate still

    Sits at 489,000 but this is not at all where quarter 1 is trending and again this number usually isn’t updated by most analysts until the end of the quarter the way things are trending for Tesla’s q1 right now they’re flirting with being flat year-over-year q1 last year Tesla did

    4229 th000 deliveries if Giga Berlin really is without electricity until the end of next week we could be looking at a 12 to 15,000 unit loss when this is all said and done if there’s any Silver Lining here it’s that all of the politicians and Industry officials are

    Coming out and backing Tesla offering to do what they can to help this also goes beyond Tesla we have the German industry calling for better protection of critical infrastructure unfortunately the protection of this infrastructure urgently needs to be adapted to the change security situation it’s essential that investors continue

    To see Germany as a safe country the government is simultaneously warning against alarmism saying that this was just one instance the problem with that is it’s not we just talked yesterday this very same group launched a similar Attack 3 years ago one rather interesting thing about this arson

    Attack at Giga Berlin there are some other all Eevee factories in Germany that as far as we know are not being attacked VW has an all e plant in zow Mercedes has some Eevee operations at its German factories you get the picture all I’m saying is I would like to know

    Why this volcano group is so seemingly fixated on Tesla alone Rohan Patel Has Come Out Swinging sharing some facts about gig Berlin their vehicle production uses 33% less than the industry average they Rec cycle up to 100% of their industrial water they have over 8 megaw of installed solar capacity

    And they Source renewable electricity a forest station AKA building new forests for Gig Berlin is faster than construction 300 hectares of highquality forest over 60% hardwood has been planted they’re making ecological improvements to the existing Forest through underplanting hardwood they incentivize sustainable living 45% of their employees Comm by public transport

    We’ve talked about their shuttle train to the factory that’s free of charge Tesla has installed those 500 wall connectors free for public use of the 12,000 employees at Giga Berlin 1,500 of them were unemployed and another 700 were long-term unemployed they partner with 13 different schools and they’re the biggest apprenticeship employer in

    Brandenburg and Rohan briefly discussed Tesla’s economic impact on the region that we’ve been over numerous times in the past it really is this type of information that Tesla probably should have been disseminating a bit wider over the past few years clearly not having a PR department does come with some

    Tradeoffs here we have Florian mindo who I cannot vouch for at all he’s the co-founder and CEO of Mr Green EV building a Tesla FSD autonomous Fleet he said breaking news FSD is coming to Europe in 2025 the new regulation is adopted I’ll keep you posted when we have more information

    I went to the website to click around we did mention last week this meeting was coming up it’s being held from March 5th to March 8th he did clarify in the comments yes FSD beta I can’t confirm it right now but this certainly could be legit you may remember last week we said

    At this meeting they’re discussing some pretty important legislation for fsds future in Europe by this post maybe things went very well according to the regulatory body Tesla will have to submit an outline of the the systems design for approval according to Tesla scope a launch could come as soon as

    October in some European countries once it’s released Tesla will have to provide updates to Regulators at least once per year it should be clear this new regulation does not cover fully autonomous driving it still requires the driver to remain engaged and responsible for the car at all times the regulation

    That was reportedly adopted establishes a standardized framework for systems that support a combination of driving control assistance features like breaking accelerating and overtaking not just cruise control hopefully toward the end of this week we get something official and I would have to add here just because Tesla gets the green light

    And they’re approved to launch FSD beta there does not mean they’re going to rush at the opportunity right away I still think they want to get version 12 right in the United States before they start focusing on too many Global markets if this turns out to be true and

    Whenever Tesla decides to launch FSD D there that of course will mean exciting times for the global take rate of Tesla’s FSD especially if it’s version 12 in the United States Tesla customers can now get up to 10,000 free supercharging miles on a new model SX or

    Y vehicle if you take delivery by the end of March and with this one it sounds like there’s no leniency if you take delivery after that date if you trade in your vehicle you can get up to those 10,000 Mi they still EXP Fire 2 years after the delivery date this offer

    Excludes leasing a senior account manager for Tesla in France is posting on LinkedIn about a new model y business variant this will be a two- seat model Y and he said it’ll be available exclusively in various stores in France contact your busino business advisor to find out more this vehicle will have

    More storage space more range and they’re saying it is eligible for commercial vehicle taxation here’s an image of what this will look like less weight more range and France has a significant commercial Fleet that’s mostly diesel so Tesla clearly going after that market for now it’s not clear

    If Tesla has any plans to roll out this variant elsewhere globally over the past 6 to n months France has really been challenging Germany for becoming Tesla’s biggest market in terms of the European Union you love to see Tesla getting creative during this stagnant growth phase if you look at this chart from

    Rand it’s showing us Tesla sales in Europe by month and quarter if you look at the totals though dating back to quarter 4 of 2022 you can see Tesla sales overall in Europe really have been very stagnant they’ve been flat or down now for the last four quarters for q1 of

    This year looking at year-over-year data we are indeed ahead of pace adding January and February but March had a huge year in q1 last year we’ve talked about China’s wholesale sales being behind last year’s Pace Europe may be flat or even behind Pace in the United States model 3 plus production out of

    Fremont has been slower than expected my point I would just brace yourself for a rough quarter 1 just some validation for my comment about model 3 production at Fremont right now this customer shared he got six different estimated delivery dates for his model 3 plus originally he

    Was told the beginning of February now he’s being told the end of March they’re saying this two-seater mod Y is going to go 565 km on the wltp cycle which is 32 km longer than the long range model y or about 20 M keep in mind all of the

    Problems Tesla is facing right now it just gives them more opportunity to continue to innovate to re-engineer New Designs so when this slow growth period ends they’re going to come out of it that much stronger Chuck Cook said several Tesla 8 ass drivers continue to test and validate FSD beta 12 on his

    Unprotected left turn he doesn’t know if the drivers are collecting data or validating software but they continue to drive this turn over and over James Dalma got a ride in V12 from Bradford Ferguson and James said V12 is going to be over 100 times reduction in interventions compared to v11 this is

    Not an incremental upgrade it’s a Leap Forward I would highlight James said going to be not necessarily that it’s already there right now James continued it’s impressively better than v11 and I predict most FSD users are going to find the new system to be dramatically less burdensome annoying and scary to use the

    Degree to which V12 accurately mimics human driving behaviors is startling and Tesla’s ability to capture the good behaviors without the bad ones is better than I expected for such an early release truly impressive I think most importantly though he said the range of behaviors that are being effectively implemented with endtoend path planning

    And control suggest to me they can get the rest of the way to better than human solely on top of more and better data and training Elon replied saying thanks that’s an accurate assessment training compute is currently our limiting factor but that issue is being resolved fast

    Before we even talk about what that means it’s pretty clear that at this point for most people version 12 is a significant Improvement in terms of feeling like a human driver that should serve as a big Catalyst for more people to use the system because for many v11 was unusable because it’s just

    Uncomfortable having used v11 now for a few weeks in a city outside of California I can confirm more people using FSD should lead you to think about Tesla’s deferred revenue the balance at the end of last year was $3.5 billion Tesla said on the 10k of that balance

    They expect to recognize $926 million of Revenue in the next 12 months his historically Tesla has estimated this figure on the high side and came in lower but if the V12 roll out goes wide and goes well this number could be conservative so if elon’s accurate comment does refer to this last

    Paragraph from James what that means is Tesla doesn’t need any major architectural changes anymore all they would need is better data and more training and if training compute is their limiting factor but that’s being resolved fast we should be in for a very exciting 6 to 12 months of FSD progress

    Tesla doesn’t need to launch Robo taxis to make significantly more money from FSD and look I know these developments have been hyped up for so long that a lot of people out there are jaded I totally understand it but just from a system architecture from a structural standpoint it finally seems like Tesla’s

    In the place where it needs to be but in this realm there are always unknown unknown so we’ll see James also said watching these really reinforces to me how much better V12 is handling these roads and parking lots that I have so much experience with in v11 It’s just in

    A different League people love to be encouraged by these videos of random parking lots in China with a bunch of Teslas and then people say that demand is surging it certainly may be true with all of the new incentives but at the end of the day we just have to rely on the

    Data that comes in with the Tesla weekly numbers this one got lost in the shuffle yesterday Monroe live said they also got a model 3 plus they did say they are not planning to tear this one down the model 3 ludicrous specs continue to leak this time we get some regulatory documents

    From South Korea this vehicle will be getting a new rear motor it’s labeled as Ford D2 and it’s different than the Plaid rear motor which is 5 D2 this one on the model 3 ludicrous comes with more power up to 303 kwatts or 406 horsepower compared to the older model 3

    Performance that rear motor was 250 KW or 335 horsepower it’ll have the same front motor so these two combined will have 461 KW of power compared to the older model 3 Performance at 377 KW that’s roughly a 22% increase in power the old model 3 Performance rear

    Motor reached Peak power around 47 m hour but with this new motor they’re saying it’ll reach Peak power at 68 mph translation more power at higher speeds the weight will be the same as before it’ll have an 82 KW battery pack and they’re saying around 311 M of range on

    The EPA cycle the fuele website was updated with eligible vehicles for either the full or partial tax credit now we have 17 different variants that qualify the Cadillac lric and the Honda prologue are now both officially on the list for the full credit the new Nissan Leaf is now one of

    The cheapest EVS available for sale this one starts at $29,000 and qualifies for half of the credit nothing new for Tesla even though the model 3 Performance is listed and it says 2024 this is still referring to the old variant none of the new refreshed model 3s qualify for any credit and here

    It is there’s currently only one electric vehicle sold in the United States that costs under $30,000 new that title goes to the new 2024 Nissan lease the electric Viking and no shade at all to him but he was reporting that cat’s m3p battery was going to be used in a

    Tesla vehicle soon in his defense there was some reporting about it but this article from the cnv post said catl is still in the process of developing and validating the m3p battery with Tesla the exact timing of the installation is not clear they’re saying the m3p battery

    Will primarily Target the market with a range of more than 700 k km which is like 430 M but tracking it down here’s the reason why I would not hold your breath on this one back in August of 2022 the reporting was that catl would start supplying m3p batteries to Tesla

    In the fourth quarter of 2022 that came and went along with all of 2023 and there were no reports of cat’s m3p batteries in the Tesla in 2023 either so will Tesla use an m3p battery eventually most likely but is it going to be soon maybe not more people have been talking

    About weo lately they’ve stayed out of negative headlines and they continue to quietly expand the last time we got an update though on the cost of their vehicles was about 2 years ago at the time their CEO said if we equip our Chrysler Pacifica van or a Jaguar ipace

    With our sensors and computers it cost no more than a moderately equipped Mercedes S-Class which can retail around $180,000 in the United States not at all to smack weo down but the two biggest questions about weo still remain one is profitability and two is their ability to scale on the first point alphabet

    Does not break out anything specifically for weo it’s just grouped into this other bets division which in 2023 lost over $4 billion then on point two as of August last year whim told us they have a fleet of about 250 driverless vehicles in s Francisco and listen I totally

    Agree I don’t think wh and Tesla need to be competitors necessarily but I’ve seen a lot more people talking about how wh might start driving profitability for alphabet I just don’t think we’re anywhere near that point yet don’t get me wrong weo is doing great work but

    Even if they were to quickly roll out to five new cities they’re still not operating at large scale and they’re most likely not that close to breaking even this article from the information is such a great reminder that Tesla making its own 4680 batteries inhouse at a scale that’s bigger than prototype

    Level how big of an accomplishment that really is over just the past year or so in the United States alone the CEOs of six nextg battery companies have been pushed out or resigned a Common Thread in the upheaval at these companies is the industry shift from research and

    Development to the risky task of manufacturing at Large Scale all of lilac solution cuberg Quantum Escape our next energy frier and enovix have all lost their CEO in the past year elon’s always saying the same thing about production I can’t think of the quote though production’s easy production’s easy Peter rollinson

    Just said Lucid must not rely on the bottomless wealth of its Saudi Arabian backer as it looks to raise funds over the next year Peter said Lucid was looking at every aspect of cost and that should be the most OB obvious thing ever at this stage while the business had

    Enough money to last into 2025 he said it would need to raise funds again now the financial times said Lucid had $4.8 billion of cash at the end of 2023 but that’s factually not correct heading to lucid’s balance sheet at the end of last year their cash and cash equivalence was

    $1.4 billion not 4.8 the number they listed was actually their total current assets that’s not the same thing as cash we all make mistakes but coming from the financial times that’s somewhat sloppy back to what Peter said it’s inevitable we need to raise in the future it’s just

    A question of when we need to pick Our Moment if I adopt the mindset that there is a bottomless wealth from the pif that’s very dangerous that’s something I will never do I respect them far too much for that lucid is exploring cost cutting measures that include bringing

    Logistics under the same roof to reduce operating spend looking at the bill of materials looking at overheads looking at reducing anything that is variable they might need to be looking to a higher power at this point Alex was reporting on a very sad story a VW employee was killed in a serious

    Accident at a plant in emden and honestly shout out to all of the production workers out there at all of these companies that put in hard dangerous hours so that we can enjoy the fruits of their labor for all these products that we rely on use and hopefully really enjoy one of the

    Reasons I’m sharing these reports is because if God forbid something like this ever does happen at Tesla I just want us all to know that it unfortunately happens at other plants as well don’t freak out but Elon did just meet with Donald Trump the New York Times was

    Reporting that Donald Trump was looking for some cash Elon did quickly clarify just to be super clear I am not donating money to either candidate for US president this one might be a bit controversial too Bloomberg is is saying that Elon emailed Tesla employees today asking them to vote for a new district

    Attorney in Austin who will actually prosecute crimes in the email Elon said it was high time for change throughout the world Elon was urging employees mostly around Tesla’s Headquarters in Austin to support Jeremy Sistine in response the current da said I’ll let my opponent take the endorsement from the

    Man who made Twitter an even more hateful toxic stew the tides May finally be slowly turning when it comes to public DC fast charging last year the average utilization of a US fast charging station not operated by Tesla doubled from 9% in January to 18% in December that matters because stable

    Auto is estimating a charging station must be pumping electrons around 15% of the time to turn a profit thus surging utilization numbers represent more stations climbing into the black for the first time the former former CEO of Evo said it’s a threshold that truly makes my spirit sore Evo operates about 1,000

    Stations in the US and in September almost onethird of them were humming around 20% of the time the stable Auto CEO said there’s a wides spread belief in the industry that fast charging is not a profitable business but what we’re seeing is for many stations that no longer holds true they’re saying there

    Are diminishing returns though a charging station may not turn a profit until it’s at 15% use but once utilization approaches 30% the station is busy enough that drivers start to avoid it if things keep trending this way throughout 2024 with EA stations getting fixed paired with them rolling out new flagship stations other

    Companies like gravity adding more to the mix NAX obviously opening up to other automakers and Tesla continuing its roll out we could be in a much better public charging Place toward the back half of 2025 there’s a new tool in temp fires Arsenal that they hope will make the challenge of fighting electric

    Vehicle fires a thing of the past it’s very easy to use um it’s way less Kickback than any of our fire hoses it’s called the cold cut Cobra and like the reptile it references it helps firefighters strike at the heart of a fire the biggest problem that we have

    When we fight these EV fires is getting penetration into the battery pack that’s underneath generally always underneath the floorboards of these vehicles this souped up power washer has two modes the first mode uses water to cut a tiny hole in objects the next then douses whatever

    Is on the other side of the hole with water like a burning car battery it’s great to have all right let’s see how it does with this giant steel container door and just like that in a few seconds it cut through this steel door right here which is about an inch thick now

    The purpose for this device is so it can cut through a car’s frame and before these fires take hours and hours to put out with thousands of gallons of water with this tool we should be able to put those fires out within 5 to 10 minutes

    Open AI did respond to Elon I’m not really going to get into it I am curious though going forward how many of you are interested in the AI realm let me know below just say yes if you are and no if you’re not I would encourage you to read

    The blog post from open AI I’ll have it linked below if you’re interested I just want to highlight this one part this email was sent from a redacted name to Elon if historical Trends are any indication progress in AI is primarily driven by systems compute data and infrastructure the core algorithms we

    Use today have remained largely unchanged from the 9s not only that but any algorithmic advances published in a paper somewhere can be almost immediately reimplemented and Incorporated I think this is a core learning we all need to internalize when we think about what companies have competitive advantages in this AI fure

    Future just remember CDI compute data infrastructure replying to an open AI post on X Elon said change your name to closed Ai and I will drop the lawsuit BMW is taking a page out of lucid’s Marketing Playbook which might not mean great things the 2024 BMW Bev Conquest

    Program offers a $1,000 incentive to owners of E from Audi Mercedes pstar Porsche Tesla rivan and Lucid to switch to a BMW I4 I5 or iix this promo also includes owner of the Mustang Mai and the id4 Tesla stock closed the day at $17645 2% while the NASDAQ was up. 58%

    And how about this this might be the coolest thing we see all year Tesla’s volume today came in exactly in line with the average 30-day volume hope you have a wonderful day you can find me on X linked below please please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to

    All of my patreon supporters


    1. There seems to be a lot of raving about how wonderful v12 is, but Teslafi only seems to show 64 vehicles have it. Didn't they start rolling 12 out in December? 4 months or so ago?

    2. No PR department or independent board will stop irrational people from behaving irrationally, or corrupt legal system from being corrupt. I appreciate your naivety but it is still naive.

    3. NO AI News… enough on other channels… This would be just a Dillon fan boy spin on Tesla AI… stick with your current good quality content

    4. Your channel is sounding more and more negative as you zero-in, in great detail, on negative news, FUD and possible/rumored “trouble”“news”. The balance of good to bad or FUD news seems out of wack? 🤔

    5. Dylan, please don’t roll into your interstitial. Add like the one for delete me as if you’re reporting on a story as a lead in. It’s really sleazy do not frame a segment as a sponsor segment.

    6. YES! to the AI question. And you always do an excellent and objective job of bringing us valuable information. Thank you!

    7. You are into doxxing judges now just to be cool on YouTube? There is a thin line between advocacy and harrassment. I hope you know where your line is. It'd be better to show up in court as charater witnesses or whatever other capacity, than engage in extra-judicial targetting of a judge. I am an investor too; but some things are just universally distasteful.

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